J2oarmai& 1_ JS/mmia f /n% 9 a t ~ ; m . ~ | | Outfitting the ENTIRE FAMILY Is a Part of Tomorrow's Program New Members May Be - Jlpr ] rolledlntheGirls Embroidery p| What's New in 1 Class To-morrow )Jg W\ Millinery? ' Industrious little girls who care to learn pretty iancy work may be- '•IS \ V \ \ \ come a member of this class which will be held every Saturday morn- DfcsJ\ ■CCr* fA l\) \ I T > ~ , , ins from 9.30 to 11. " IMim rr?J £VJ \ \ I „ smal , lest an .d largest shops will Any girl between 6 and 14 years is permitted to enroll, and we ex- i T 11- ! late^t° U IC ' r c^o ' ce are the tend an invitation for as many as possible to come to-morrow. j u .„ , .. * vH It will be a short time well spent and lessons are free. / / / ffiflL ' have not reached them > windows there is little doubt that new Women's Suits at the Lower Jl®|jlf m4j' I E?V S£Jf °J,hS!; » Prices Are Quite as Stylish V ft by our we showm* of J , , , , . '*Msf Hatters' White Plush Hats -tin- as the more expensive models. We make a feature of rivaled as the verv latest note in mil this: and right now are showing a large number of these clever TTjl liner y vogue—shown here only in creations at $ 15. 00 to .1*25.00. J I%*. Harrisburg during the past " two Come in dependable grades of poplin, whipcords and broad- M weeks. cloth. V Keep posted at all times; make a visit Newest shades, including African brown, navy, black and | , -__ „ # , <, n I to store a part of your daily various greens. r r»T \a/ rilfp I , routine. Popular chin chin models; others in military style with the XILIIIII3, \oull profit! Bowman Millinery is usual braids and buttons, others are plain tailored, and a number A • 1 I ' n keeping with the BoWman policy of are fur trimmed. VjOatS Arrived Moderate Prices. BOWMANS— Third Floor. j Unrivaled as the smartest and most stylish of all autumn coats. " ~ TIV/f IV/f 17MC17 f s really a v y on derful assortment showing almost as many D CC IMMIIrJNDtr! styles as coats —different in some detail or other. Ostrich Kuiis Some hang full from the shoulders, while others are belted in. 11l BloilSCS ! BoWman^ Have Com " Showing of One is edged with silk braid; one has voke and slightly gathered lUaU ° A PI <■„ Fur Trimmings forming loose folds; one has velvet cuffs; another fur cuffs. Sev- T First In HarricVmrrt A rlinty eral of the collars are backed with velvet—and numerous other T lISL 111 JLlcirriS DUXg r ' , r i charms will be found. j Fine and dressy; frilly and . A varietv of wanted furs and TUnnv minrlc tii-,* u comfy. Shown in popular you'll delight inthe unusual Plain white, also with delicate colored stripes or bars running | , ,' , , tin variety, our showing black and white effects, as well yardage Moderately priced through. I stands head and shoulders above next best. aS Ch!rGeo^cu c t xSwclr ' B , lack : ~row" and .white Coney 1 Prices: $15.00 to $25.00. ' | Even awake to the new charms that find origin almost daily, collars.^ sets and vestees, ."»0e yard 11K .°. P ? C s9f a toVl/To Prominent among coats are snappy models in there is always something new to see. l °Organdie collars, sets and ' lHack and silver o^ossun^^ _ mixtures, and prices are moderate. Noted here are some clever styles in lower priced blouses: vestees. to #3.30. Genuine beaver. 1 and" 2° inched , Models mentioned here are only represented as to price; many ' #1.95- P ale blue crepe de chine , Net a„d crepe pleating, ..»e widc vard 7 - tQ others are shown. | with bands of wide inser . .»(»c yard. Black opossum collars, each, Brown and black check zibeline; subdued tone; belted, $11.50 tion. y man >Mi #;?.3.1 Dark mixture yoke effect; collar faced with fur $12.50 #l.9s—white Jap silk with two | MAX ' Mai " Floor - Semi-dark mixture belted; collar and cuffs faced with brown ! large box pleats down front. ' velvet ....- $12.50 5J»3.9."> —box pleated model with / Wnmen'Q Shne Stnr/» Mixture'; belted; fur collar V.V.V. $13.50 ' hemstitching between each Su/A\ ine women S OIIOC OlOrC Quoton stripe giving a gray cast; slot pockets $15.00 c^pide'chine" Is (I Center of Style Ready With a Showing of Smart Plush Coats de^ chine with corded ers: novelty turn-back I The newest of the new invite your approval a note- I a fp A« "ievementS cuffs. VwVI 'Wlx worthy assemblage of high top boots in the latest variations— ' J Attention Is #3.9.> pussy willow taffeta in pink V^\\ now located in rear of main floor. Jn WoniC/i's GIOVCS i-i i and white; heavy seams \ Mat Kid. Patent Colt and Newest Styles—Dependable FoCUSed On Re- midJi amness of th,s \ Ebony Kid Button Boots— JNk J—| Autocrat Gloves in black Tapering the ! #3.90--silk marquisette in combi "Gypsy Queen ' and other * . . . . , T J nation with lace; dainty and crepe de chine straight line stvles'in extra high cuts, at fflfl M and white with heavy con- Home flimsy chiffon and embroid- collar; beautiful embroider ss.o(> and SB.OO ! W ' /flhm ChTmuaene 01 h You'll naturally wish to «"« "« »hh he, co.hr, B^S| n -! T °i ,r ?, n „lv White Piped Boots, in bright f Gloves, with P-K fingers. eliminate as much unnec- —— and dull kidskin; very snappy ff heavy black embroiderv; pair essaiy cost as possible and New Handbags dress boots; pair | /}Mfts2.oo there s where the Bowman • Silk Offerintfc r»f Glazed Kid-, Gun Metal and ®[] —. Fownes' Kid Gloves, in ! "n • ". ces e" Boots' Bu h° I a "| d Laced black, white, navy and African located in new quarters; apes and xtra- A Very Special Boots, with welted Patent Colt and Gun Metal r/ / 1 W \ Gloves, in various shades and ,° a 1^ r 1 ' , an( ) N1 1 The beauty of these bacrs is not Buttun Boots, either kid or 'l' t sizes;'pair #1.25 . stocks that aflford a pleas- alon, in s hap,, but in th, spl,„<M 36-,nch all-silk Crepe dc , • . , I — : —' 1 , T 4.1 1.,. ii irig choice. cur . chine; evenly woven, lustrous cloth tops, plain toed; pair II Kaysers Leatherette and, As a Saturday offering, «n.sh of ,v,ry detail. b,autiful shides; navy, fl.sh, _. „ * * "1/fP j<■ hamoisette (,lo«s; pan ! a complete room lot; 10 Made of real leather; metal and pink, wMte wistaria and black. BOW MAN'S—Main Floor '5 ' I tO »p I ~ r • . C _ll -i: . , . . bpecial, Vard. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor 1 rolls 01 side, 5 rolls ceiling covered frames; strap handles; pop- ■ . 15 , '. ™ „ . a., 1 and 20 yards border ; regu- tin lining; fitted with pnrs, and mir- 35-,„ch Black Taffeta, #I.OO Select Underwear t/ . . . . „ . lar price $1.50; Will be sold ror. Very unusual value. line."' I .' Satin MesM- Ru o.iaiity On Your Mettle. Men! ior j™ . rt »i,oo, »ij» a«j 36-mch p,™ dVsoi,. jr j SI.OO Hea\y cotton fleece lined -pj ie t j me j s soon n jg] l t j iat vou mus t decide on an Autumn Tim'lv NeW .In BOWMANS— Main Floor union suits, shl.OO; separate c i garment. r,oe. Stut and Overcoat. PfiilHr mVc Annar#»l Medium and heavy weight Are You Going to Use Good, Sound Judgment in Making a Choice? i S /\pparCl -v ■■ . cotton ribbed union suits, in T , ... . , , , ~ Hats, in turn-down and boudoir I L 11 -af-n -ecru, peeler and silver colors , It your mind .is made up to a $25 suit, then look over our line styles, in velvet, corduroy and plush ; X IIC J151.00 and $1..>0; separate anf l buy one. You'll get a good twenty-five dollars' worth of trimmed with buds, ribbon and fur garment, 50c. value; but Stop a moment combined. Prices range from 98Q Q | T* i Natural wool shirts and to $.>.98. P I JOSPS I O-tTi OrmW drawers; silk finish; pearl but- J „ (£ 1 Short White Coats of lambswool, V V/IV/JVVJ M. U illUl 1U W tons, SI.OO to $2.00. lo \pl&,3\J X OUI lIICC, corduroy, chinchilla and hand-em- /f- —\ Complete lines of Munsing broidered cashmere; serge and [[ These For Tomorrow's Selling union suits; cotton, at SI.OO Have you any concepton of a suit at $12.50? Would you ex- crepella cloth; si7.es,6 months to 3 •In SIB.O0 —Mahogany Dresser Woden. at pect one made of a good woolen fabric, hand tailored as manufac- years; priced at $1..>0 to SB.OO. , \\ SIO.OO M,din°m Wright cotton union U ' rerS ,erm tHe ' la " d SeW " ' )ar,S ' and fit aSSUrC<I ? pluah. aibriine. and mixtures' plush 111 $16.50-Quartered Oak Chif suits, peeler color; long That is iust what we'd have you expect to find in our $12.50 and fur trimmed; flare skirts and > / * *°"J er - .>.#.7 sleeves; ankle length; regular- Suits and Overcoats belted models; sizes 6 to 14 years, /' $14.00 —Quartered Oak \ lv SI.OO. at ' ~ $2.50 to $25.00; 2 to 6 years, I Dresser $9.50 BOWMANS— Main Floor May we show them to you? To-morrow? $2.50 to $15.00. I \ $42.50 Circassian Walnut BOWMAN S— Third Floor J Dresser $29 75 tYour Hat Is Here, Are You Acquainted A Clothing Store Tor « 20 - 00 - Ma hogany' Mr. Man! Wtth Our Dollar Shirts? Boys-Well Stocked $28.00 —Tuna Mahogany The Bowman Hat Corner has Known for the sturdy fabrics Sturdv Woolen Suits « $19.50 sprung into popularity 'over night" . . y woo n ouit 0 s32.oo—Mahogany Poster as the saying goes—on the Main use£ l m t ' lc niaking; and patterns of Novelty Suits Bed'<? full sirp 7\ - jus, a„ w s„ond S °« th, unusual smarmes, Sol, cu ffs , . N sl 2 Oollmp,ria, Felt Here you'll find the snappy mod- fl-00. ,„g new model coats and extensive l[| "i 1 tress . $8.90 els you've admired on dressy young Four-in-hand ties • new Autumn patterns in wool cassimeres chev- x $ 9.50—R01l Edge Felt Mat fellows in a showing large" enough . . .' lots, velours, homespuns and blue yj tress $6.75 to make no particular style common. patterns and colorings. Note the serges; sizes range from 6to 18. Special Cotton Combination Ihe Bowman Derby is a feature, slip-easy feature. 1 rices are also. . and up to SIO.OO. sl4.9B—Quartered Oak Pnn- at l r . < Bss • ■ • • • • •• • • Prices are SI.OO to s!{.oo. "Gothic' (Arrow) Collars. Reefers in blue serge, shepherd cess Dresser; like cut, $8.75 00-to-bleep bilk Ploss Mat- XNX w BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN's —Main Floor gLQok J?^ Ixl { u\ Our entire line of Brass Beds, tress, 100% pure J av a floss^ L —— nawuiww— wicuxm rCQUCCCI. BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor, FKTDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 15, 1915. "" 3
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