RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES NEW CENSUS TAKEN AT MILLERSBURG Enumeration by High School Class Shows Gain of 328 in Five Years RALLY DAY SERVICES Millersburg Churches Will Have Appropriate Programs Tomorrow By Special Correspondence MUlerabnrg, Pa., Oct. 9.—Thomas J.. Fairchilds has sold his restaurant In Market street to Martin Wise, of Fredericksburg. Frank Bueck, of l.ykens, has purchased the coal digger outfit of Philip Nace, two miles east of'Millersburg along the Wiconisco. — The census of the borough of Millers burg taken by the civic class of the Millersburg High School last Friday gives Millersburg a population of 2,722. The census taken five years figo showed a population of 2,394, making a gain of 325. This census is said to be accurate and does not in clude the suburbs of Wiconisco Ter race and benkersville, which together have an estimated population of 400, Rnd which rightly belongs to Millers burg. Millersburg churches have completed preparations for the an nual Rally Day services to-morrow 3n the Methodist there will be special music, vocal and instrumental. Spen cer Martz, of Willlamsport, will play the violin and the Haydn sextet will King. At the United Brethren, S. G. Kauffman, of Harrisburg, will ad dress the Sunday School; also, the Rev. D. E. bong, of Mount Joy. a former pastor. A feature of the evening service will be the burning of the mortgage, the last of the church debt. At the United Evan gelical. special music and an address by Al. Saunders, of Scranton, a "Billy" Sunday convert. At the Reformed und Lutheran, there will also be spe cial features. Announcement is made of the marriage of Arthur Her lold to Miss Mary Watrus at Belling ham. Wash., September 28. Mr. Her rold is a son of Mrs. Rebecca Herrold and left Millersburg five years ago.— Sir. and Mrs. J. A. Frank and daughtr Mere Steelton visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. Norman R. Matter and child, of Lowell. Mass., are guests of Mrs. Mat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. 3 lolmes. Ul RAI. ROUTE EXTENDED Malta, Pa.. Oct. 9.—Roscoe Klinger nnd family and Miss Mellie Shaffer of Klizabethville visited J. Schroyer and family on Sunday. Howard E. White and family of Dauphin called on John W. Martz on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Witmer of Hickory Corn ers, visited the former's parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hnyder and son, Howard, paid a visit to N'evln J. Witmer, near Dalmatia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. benker nnd daughters. Lizzie and Carrie and fon, John 11. of County bine were the guests of James M. Snyder on Sun day. Jacob A. Wolf of Pottstown spent several days among relatives in this section. Harry E. Wunder koffler, of Philadelphia, called on his grandmother, Mrs. Jacob Grimm this week. Mrs. Eliza Wagner, who spent the summer with her sister. Mrs. Henry Schroyer left for her home at Milton on Wednesday. The rural mail route has been widely extended nnd residents here are having their mail brought to their doors or to some other convenient point, -t- Mrs. C. A. "Weaver and daughter. Ruth and Fay b Grimm, of Curtin called on their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grimm here on Sunday. JEVEN IF YOU HAD A NECK As Long It This Fallow, And Had SORE THROAT 0N SI LINE WOULD QUICKLY RELIEVE IT. A quick, §«fe, soothing, healing, antiseptic relief for Sore Throat, briefly describes TOMSILINE. A small bottle of Tonsiline lasts 'onger than most any ca*e of Soro Throat. TOMSILIMC relieves Sore Mouth and Hoarseness and prevents Quinsy. 25c. and 50c. Hospital Size Si.oo. All Druggists. THE TONSILINE COMPANY, . . * Canton, Ohio. <£***'' I |i|—IMHIMH I fIWB—^ lg ill our^'n= | We Want To for the most excellent reasons, I because we're In the business M anil need the money and be- cause our rates are so low and our work so superior you can't afford to do It yourself: we use no chemicals. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. OFFICE—BOB EAST ST. Bell Phone 631-J " > THE Office Training School Kaufman Bid*.. 4 A. Market Sq. NOW IN SESSION Day School and Nigh* School Call or send for 32-page booklet—- Bell pHone 694-R ■ ■ -J Try Telegraph Want Ads SATURDAY EVENING, TWO ENGAGEMENTS ARE ANNOUNCED Greencastle Young Women Will Be Married in Fall and Winter TOLD AT TEA AND PARTY School Board Will Ask Loan of $15,000 For New Building ' By Special Corrf.teoiJrr.ce Greencastle, Pa., Oct. 9. —At a tea given by Misses Olive and Mary Shook on Monday afternoon at their home in East Baltimore, the engage ' ment of Miss Mary to Owen Osborne, iof Philadelphia, was annovinced. The bride-elect is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Z. Shook. She is a graduate of Wilson College and took her M. A. degree at beiand Stanford Univer sity, California. Mr. Osborne is an extensive real estate owner of Phlla delpha. He is a member of the Union beague and other prominent Quaker City clubs. The wedding will take place this Fall. At a party held at the home of Miss Esther Flinchbaugh, the engagement of Miss Flinchbaugh to Clinton C. Sheely was announced, the wedding to be a mid-winter event. The prospective bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Flinchbagh, who removed from York to Greencastle a year ago. Mr. Sheely is a prominent young businessman of Greencastle. Ho is the president of the American Rem edy Company. The Rev. J. W. Brewbaker has been assigned as pas tor of the Otterbein United Brethren church to succeed the Rev. Daniel Powell, who has been made presiding elder of the Pennsylvania conference. The Greencastle school board will ask the voters at the November elec tion to authorize the issue of $15,000 of four and one-half per cent, school bends to provide the money for tear ing down the remainder of the old school building in South Washington street and the erection of a new one to take its place. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davison have returned from an ex tended trip, including a visit to the Panama Exposition and through the Yellowstone. Samuel Eby and daughters Misses Grace and Carrie, and S. H. Eby, Jr.. are home from Washington, D. C. Dr. Clara Eyerly of Minnesota, is the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. E. W. Palmer. The Rev. Dr. Alexander Urquhart pastor of the Presbyterian church has been con fined to his home the past week by Illness. Miss Emma Eshelman has returned from a Western trip. Mr. I and Mrs. E. O. Mcbanahan and daughter Miss Elizabeth, are spending ten days in New York. Mrs. C. Earl i Hollinger and Mrs. Annie E. Grove are visiting at York. Mrs. Elizabeth Harp left this week for Pittsburgh. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Palmer left i Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Pal mer's sister at Moorland. Ind. The first meeting of thf music club for the winter was held Tuesday evening at the country home of Mrs. L. M. Kauffman. A paper was read by Miss Anna Gilland on "Northern Music." Miss Isabel Reymer has been con fined to her home in East Baltimore street by illness. Wedding Dinner in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. Brosius Dalmatin. PP.. Oct. 9. A wedding dinner was served at the home of J. I F. Brosius In honor of their son, A. i Rugene. who was recently married to Miss Ada Bair, of Liverpool. The table decorations were roses and dahlias and the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bair and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Zaring of Liverpool; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keabach, of Sunbury: Mrs. Sarah Emeriek. Mrs. Enna Fetter. Mr. and i Mrs. D. R. Wald. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Shumaker, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Emer iek, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bubb and Misses Delia and Sarah Keabach. Katie Fetter. Ethel Emeriek and Pennel Shumaker. Harry Zeigler of Harris burg visited relatives here this week. —C. J. Bohner made a trip to Phila delphia on Tuesday to accompany his brother home from the hospital. Miss Edna Radle spent day at the Milton fair. E. J. Klingman made a trip to Baltimore. Samuel Woller, of Ber wick, is visiting here.—Mrs. C. S. Dep pen and daughters Thelma and Steene, spent the week at York. —George Ot to, of Sunbury, called on friends here. Mechanicsburg Firemen to Hold Bazar Next Month By Special Correspondence Mechanlesbiimr, Pa.. Oct. 9. The Citizen Fire Company has arranged to hold a bazar, beginning on November 19 and continuing until Thanksgiving. —Mrs. A. B. Rupp, East Simpson street, was hostess for the Toadies' Aid So ciety of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, on Thursday evening. Mrs. J. J. Uesh I returned on Thursday troin York, j where she was attending the Women's ' Christian Temperance Union conven tion. The Rev. E. C. B. Castle at tended the sessions of the United Brethren Conference at Baltimore, Md. —Mrs. H. c. MoCommon, of Altoona, visited her aunt. Mrs. C. S, Williamson, this week. Rally Day services will be held In St. Paul's Reformed Sunday school to-morrow. Mr. Gray, county Sunday School Association secretary, will make an address. The Bible atid Tract Society held a meeting on Thurs day evening at the home of Mrs. Esther Miller. The Rev. Charles F. Raai-h attended thi- Fast Pennsylvania Elder ship of the Church of God this week, at Goldsboro. Mrs. J. T. Kast has returned from a visit to Gettysburg.— Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. Riddle, who en joyed a trip to the Pacic coast, have returned to their home, in this place.— Mr. and Mrs. P. Carroll Mller. of Glen side, were week-end visitors of the Tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Strominger. On Tuesday evening the Church of God Mite Society held a meeting at the home of Mrs. M. E. Anderson. Following prayer by the pastor, the Rev. C. P. Raach. these tier sons assisted In the program: Miss Martha Anderson. Miss Anna Schroeder. Miss Mary McLaughlin. Miss Florence Bentz. Miss Jessie Hollinger, Robert Myers. Maurice Brubaker and Miss Mabel Wilt. The Rev. J. O. Biggs, of Alberton. Md.. was the week-end guest of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dice at the Grace Evangelical parson age. David Biddle, of Philadelphia, snent some time in town. John S. Weaver is improving from his recent illness / \ HEAJ)Q.I'AKTKHS FOR SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES * BASS AN D CARP CAUGHT IN JUNIATA RIVER EARb LENKER ELMER HAMPTON Bass, 5 pounds, 9 ounces. Carp, 21 pounds. Millersburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—Here is evidence of the truth of these fish stories. One is Earl Lenker, with a five pound nine-ounce bass caught with rod and line above the upper falls, near Paxton, on Saturday, said to be the largest bass ever caught in this section: girth, sixteen inches: length, twenty-one inches. The other is Elmer Hampton and son and Dewey Rickenbaugh, who captured this monster carp last Friday night. It weighed twenty-one pounds. Nephew of Mount Joy Man Killed in Dardanelles By Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa. Oct. B.—Mrs. Bent ley McNamee, of Coatesville. spent several days in town with her sister, Mrs. John Dietz.—William Tyndall has received word that his nephew, Wil liam Tyndall, a private in the First Battalion, lnniskillen Fusilliers, was killed at the Dardanelles while assist ing a wounded comrade on the bat tlefield. lie liad been sent to the front with the British expeditionary force. His home was at Belfast, Ireland.— Mr and Mrs. Ralph Myers, of Phila delphia .spent several days in town with Ft. J. Myers.—Mrs. S. A. Witmer is spending several weeks at Deodate with her daughter, Mrs. I. E. Foltz.— Mrs. Belle Harry, of Holton, Kan., is the guest of Miss Rebecca Shay.—Mrs. Sarah Roland, of Philadelphia, was the guest of her nephew, J. R. Misse mer. on Monday. She is the widow of John XV. Roland, a former well-known resident of Mount Joy.—Anna Mary Ressler, of Mount Joy. and Samuel Ross Maurer, of Strasburg, were mar ried on Saturday evening by the Rev. Lewis Chester Morrison, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church at Mount Joy.—Jacob Rohrer and Miss Eliz abeth R. Missemer. of Sporting Hill, were the guests of the family of J. R. Missemer on Saturday. Simon J. Eby, of Hershey, is spending some time with friends here.—Mrs. Andrew Kautz left for her home at Elgin, Texas, after spending several months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Welsh. —Mr. and Mrs. TI. M. Ressler announce the engagement of their daughter. Anna Mary, to S T>r,<- S Maurer, of Strasburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blattenherger, of Mountville. were the guests of John Pannepacker on Sunday. Reformed Church of Newport Will Elect Pastor Tomorrow By Special Correspondence Newport, Pa.. Oct. 9.—Miss V. May I Smith, who left here about the mid- \ die of June to visit the Panama- ! American Exposition, has returned I home.—Mr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Hoke 1 have been spending the week in Bal- I timore.—George Marks Dorwart has ! resumed his studies at St. Stephen's: College, Annandale, N. T. —Mrs. Rossi Young, of Harrisburg, is visiting at' the Lutheran parsonage.—The Rev. J. j C. Witmer, pastor, and J. H. Beers, ! lay delegate, of the Church of God. | are at Goldsboro. York county, attend- : ing the East Pennsylvania eldership I of the Churches of God.—Miss Mabel j Flickinger. a student at the Penn sylvania Normal School at Millers ville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Flick inger.—Mrs. Joseph B. Baker, Jr., went to New York on Monday to meet her husband, who was returning from the "rookie" camp at Plattsburg, where he did service for a month. — Mrs. William F. Hanby and daugh ter, Bettie, spent several days with Mrs. J. W. Keenan at Millersburg.- i Mrs. Guy Mattack is entertaining Miss' Mary Bechtel, of Washington, D. C.— • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Light have | returned home, having spent the < month of September at San Francisco j and San Diego. Cal.—The Rev. Wil- j liam C. Ney, pastor of St. Paul's Lu-i theran Church, and layman Joseph S. j Super attended the meeting of the i Central Pennsylvania synod of the I Lutheran Church at West Milton. — i The Rev. C. D. Collins, of Saxton, I visited his former parishioners here.! —The Rev. S. 1... Flickinger, of Marys- | ville. will officiate at the Reformed i Church of the Incarnation to-mor-; row. At the morning service there j will be an election for pastor, the candidate being the Rev. A. H. W. Kerschner, of Punxsutawney.— Mrs. Joseph B. Baker, Jr., is entertaining Miss Orr, of Indianapolis, Ind.—Dr. and Mrs. Lenus A. Carl have return ed from a vacation at the home of the former at Alinda. DEBATES AT WORMLEYSBURG By Special Correspondence Wormleysbnrft, Pa., Oct. 9. The Misses Ruth and Beatrice Hummel en tertained Neda Fertig, of Dauphin, and Alice Eby and Helen Mauk, of Harrisburg, at dinner on Wednesday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Et scheid, of Lemoyne, took Mr. and Mrs. Sperrow to the York fair by auto mobile on Thursday.—The first literary society meeting of the high school for this term was held in the high scho&l loom last evening. The subject for debate was "Resolved, That the pen is mightier than the sword.'' It was dis cussed by Raymond Black and Robert Reed, Hale Jenkins and Earle Mussel mun.—A debate will be held In the United Brethren Christian Endeavor meeting to-morrow evening, the sub ject being "Resolved. That a loyal fol lower is more important than a con spicuous leader." The debaters are Beatrice Hummel and Edward Wan baugh on the affirmative side. Charles , Lily and Stanley Neldhamer, negative. p. ] 'i HARRISBURG TELEGRAPK Mount Joy Family Home After 7 Years in Germany By Special Correspondence Kplira<«, Pa.. Oct. D.—On Saturday evening last, the Rev. B. G. Welder united In marriage at his residence Harry S. Diehm, of Hinkletown, and Miss Elizabeth Zimmerman, of Ephrata. A reception was tendered the young couple on Sunday at the home of Mrs. aiartha Zimmerman, mother of the bride, in East Main street. George r>. Wittlg and Miss Minnioh Womer, both of Reynolds, Schulykill county, Pa., were married on Saturday by the Rev. J. ai. Walters, uncle to the groom, the wedding taking place at the par sonage of the United Brethren parson age here. The Rev. J. M. Walters, who has been reappointed pastor of the United Brethren Church. Ephrata, by the East Pennsylvania Conference at its recent session in Harrlsburg. re turned home on Monday. He enters upon the sixth year of his partorate. here with renewed vigor. Natharllel Steffy, a veteran of the Civil War. died on aionday at the home of his son. G. Frank Steffy, In Duke street, aged seventy-five years. He is survived bv his wife, two sons. G. Frank and Wai ter, and a daughter, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Einch and son. Kelso, who have spent the past seven years in Germany, where Mr. Einch is general manager of the International Harves ter Company, arrived in Ephrata sev eral days ago and are the guests of VV. D. Leed and family, airs. Einch and airs. Ueed being sisters. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Cox have returned home from a seven weeks' stay at Muskoks, a popular summer resort in the lake region of Ontario, Canada. 150 miles north of Toronto. TYPHOID POSTPONES SERVICES By Special Correspondence Lewisberry, Pa., Oct. 9.—There are nine cases of typhoid fever at the present time in Bald Hills. The at tending physician is Dr. H. C. Hetrlck, of Lewisberry. The Bally Day serv ices announced to he held in the St. James' United Evangelical Church on Sunday have been postponed on ac count of the epidemic. Next Satur day the second institute of the teach ers of Fairview township will be held at the Nauvoo schoolhouse. The teachers of Newberry township are holding their first institute to-day at Pleasant Grove schoolhouse. Roman M. Spangler, teacher at New Market, is spending the week at Red Lien as the guest of his parents, air. and Mrs. M. J. Spangler.—Mrs. Flor ence J. Beistline is spending the week at the home of air. and airs. Chester C. Byler at Harrisburg.—air. Shirey, of Jersey Shore, was a recent guest of his daughter. Mrs. Harry Spangler.— aiiss Julia Sutton spent several days at Harrlsburg.—Mrs. Ralph K. Flicker p.nd son James ieturned Thursday to their home in Harrisburg after spend ing a week with aiiss Clarissa Bratten. —airs. John H. Shettel and aiiss Bes s'e Kunkel spent Thursday in Harris burg as guests of the Misses Bratten.— The Rev. Mr. Jackson will deliver two sermons in the local aiethodist Epis copal Church on Sunday.—Mr. and -Mrs. G. J. Straver spent Wednesdav at Harrlsburg. The Rev. Edward Jackson was a Harrisburg visitor on Tuesday. IMMENSE SWEET POTATO CROP Montandon, Pa., Oct. 9.—This sea son's sweet potato crop in this sec tion is immense and the truckers are now busily engaged digging and mar keting it. Last Sunday morning, the Rev. Harrison, of Baltimore, de livered a sermon in the Methodist church and Edward Cooper, of Buck nell University, preached in the Bap tist church. Mr. and Mrs. Mavnard Huhn, of Renovo. were visitors at the home of Elmer Shaffer on Sunday.— The Rev. and Mrs. John MacAlarney left on Wednesday by auto for Akron, < >hio, where they will make their fu ture home.—Mrs. W. C. Burrev has returned home after a visit of several days with her parents at Millmont.— Miss Mary Miller, of WilUamsport, was a visitor at A. 05. Keyser's this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cox and Mrs. Earl Dawson, of Milton, and Max Cox, of Asbury Park, spent Thursday at the home of Frank Cox. —Edgar Pfleegor, of Munoy, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pfleegor. BUIT,I>TXG NEW GARAGE By Special Correspondence Hershcy, Pa., Oct. 9. J. C. Hess is huilding a new garage on the north side of Spring creek, opposite the United Brethren Church. The Rev. O. O. Romig of Tower City spent a day with his family here. - - The Rev. George S. Rentz and I. L. Reist at tended the sessions of the Carlisle Presbytery at Newville. Dr and H. G. Mumma, and son Richard vis ited relative* at Lancaster. Eman uel Gallagher, a member of the G. A. R. t attended the reunion at Washing ton. D. C. Miss Nan Comfort, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Herr. Mrs. H. Kott le" visited friends at Greason. Cumber land county. Mrs. John Gates and Miss Jennie Baker arc recovering from recent illness. Dr. E. B. Schaeflfer spent several days at Allen town. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith an nounce the birth of a daughter. Doro thy Lyndell Smith, A. M. Wilson, of his son, P. S. Wilson. j Dillsburg U. B. Pastor Preaches Farewell Sermon By Special Correspondence i Diilsburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—George A. . Dick has begun to erect a new home j In Gettysburg street which he will oe | cupy next Spring. Charles Noel and family removed to New Oxford on ; Thursday. airs. V. C. Kline re- I turned to her home in Mont Alto on i Sunday, after spending some time ! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. | Ensminger. B. H. Shriner attended ; the United Brethren conference In | Baltimore this week as delegate from | Calvary United Brethren Church. Charles Bailey, of Jessup, Md„ was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Bailey ! this week. Miss Lydia Bailey is ill : at her home in North Baltimore street. ' —Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Seiple visited 1 friends at Delaware Water Gap this j week. The condition of D. A. Alt- I land, who has been seriouly ill, has j not improved. The Rev. O. E. Krenz, who has been pastor of the ! Calvary United Brethren Church for j several years, preached his farewell . sermon on Sunday night. Cora | munion services will be held in the i Franklin church by the Lutheran con | gregation on Sunday; the Rev. G. H. | Eveler will have charge. Illinois Editor Visits Old Perry County Home Blain. Pa., Oct. 9.—William F. Cal houn, editor and owner of the Daily Herald at Decatur, 111., accompanied by his wife, visited friends here. Mr. Calhoun was born near Cisna Run, five miles east of Blain. He was post master of Decatur, but resigned sev eral years ago. He was elected to the | Legislature and was speaker of the : House. Born, to air. and Mrs. R. M. | Johnston, a son. airs. William ; Owlngs and granddaughter, aiiss Nel lie Smith visited the former's son, F. S. Cisna, at Washington, D. C. Mrs. W. P. Stokes and two children visited her parents, the Rev. and airs. I. Weibley, at Varna, N. Y.—Samuel Henry, of Jackson township, is ill with typhoid fever. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reisinger, at Pine Grove, a son. Mrs. Reisinger was formerly aiiss Cleo Orth; to air. and Airs. John Clouse, a daughter. CHOIR LEADER PREACHES By Special Correspondence Wormleysburg, Pa., Oct. 9. Mrs. Kate aiartin and aiiss Catherine Bix ler have returned home after a visit with friends at Pittsburgh. Mrs. aiusser entertained her daughter, airs. Daugherty and a grandchild from Car lisle over Sunday. Mr. and airs. Cor dor and airs. Vernon Kister were on an auto trip to Pittsburgh. Mr. Stalil, leader of the Hillis campaign choir, sang for the Men's Bible class at the rally day services of the United Brethren Sunday school on Sunday and preached a sermon in the church in the morning. He was entertained at dinner at Wesley Giger's. The Rev; G. B. Renshaw and J. D. Hippie are attending the Pennsylvania con ference at Baltimore. - Mrs. R. R. Rodes and son Llewellyn, of York, are visiting at Russel Hummels. —Mr. anil airs. Ellas Arney attended the funeral of her brother in Bucks Val -I>, on aionday. The Rev. Vance is attending confereice at Goldsboro this week. Woman's day will be observed in the United Brethren Church on Tuesday evening, October 12. The speaker will be Mrs. J. Hall Smith, a returned missionary from the Kono Land in Africa. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition ! San Francisco, 1915 San Diego, 1915 tFor Flavor and Quality BAKER'S COCOA is just right 11 has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans; j it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without | the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. 11 is pure | and wholesome, conforming to all the National and State Pure j Food Laws. | MO. U. c. PAT. OFF, CAUTION: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package, Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. | Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. J OCTORER 0, 1015. PARTY IN HONOR OF MISS SEISS Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ren nor En tertain Friends at Waynes boro Home | YOUNG FOLKS PRESENT • I I Junior Class of High School Meets at Home of Miss Noll By Sfecial Correspondence Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 9.—An en joyable party was given by Mr. and I Mrs. W. J. Renner on Tuesday eve ning in honor of their niece. Miss Anna B. Seiss. Among those present were Misses Beulah Seiss, Flora Hol land, Bergy Runner, Anna Mae Seiss, Emma Long, Ella Lamer, Marcella Phillips, Messrs. John Selby, Samuel Long, Lamar Barrick, Howard Long, Wllmer Long, Mr. and Mrs. William Renner, the Rev. D. D. Moore and Mrs. Mawe, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Long, Mrs. E. J. Hankey, Mrs. Laura Barrick, Mrs. M. L. Hassler, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Renner. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schlosser of Harrisburg. are guests of the latter's brother, Charles H. Ripper. Mrs. Samuel Berlin moved to-day to Harrisburg where she will join her hushand, who has leased a house at 202 Kelker street. J. Burns Amberson Jr., has returned to | Johns Hopkins University at Balti more, to resume his studies In the medical department. The Rev. Dr. F. H. Bnlmer and Mrs. Balmer have returned home from a two weeks' visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. Parker Harrison at Erie. Mrs. William R. Herbert of Philadelphia, is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. B. Morganthall. Misses La Rue and Madeline Warehine of Hood College, Frederick, Md., spent the week-end with their parents. Postmaster and Mrs. J. W. Warehine. Mrs. William Willis is visiting at Cleveland, O. Miss Margaret Grove has entered Pea body Institute at Baltimore for the winter. Mrs. T. B. Smith entertained last evening at her home in honor of her guest. W. Frederick Cardin, of Parsons, Kansas. A meeting of the Junior clas of the Waynesboro High I school was held at the home of Miss Mildred Noll. Paul Shank, a stu dent at Conway Hall, Carlisle, visited his mother Mrs. Jennie Shank this week. Many Fakirs Ready For Gratz Fair Next Week By Special Correspondence Elizabethville. Pa., Oct. 9. Miss Belle Kearney, or Mississippi, delivered a lecture on woman suffrage on Thurs day evening in the auditorium.—W. P. Ingle has moved his family from Mill mont into his home in Main street.— H. H. Weaver Is erecting a new house in East Lyter street. Herbert H. Weaver and bis bride are back from (heir honeymoon trip.—Mrs. Warren J. Daniel and son are home from a visit to Philadelphia.—George E. Rom berger, ganger at Highspire, spent Sunday here.—lsaiah E. Matter,gauger, has been transferred to Greencastle. — The Rev. H. E. Miller, of Lebanon, spent several days with A. M. Rom. bcrger.—J. A. Hoffman has gone to New Enterprise as ganger for this month. Many fakirs have already gone to Oratz for the fair, which opens on Tuesday. This place will have its usual representation there.—Dr. C. H. Gordinier. of Millersville, spent several days here.—Ear! K. Romberger spent several days at Lebanon.—The Rev. J. A. Keiper, of Allentown, visited his sister, Mrs. A. M. Romberger. : Miss Sara Parker Gives Dinner For Ohio Visitors By Special Correspondence Mifflintown. Pa., Oct. 9.—Miss Mar ian Bashore who has been visiting t relatives at Duncannon has returned i home. Mrs. R. L. Auker and daugh ter, Katharine, and son, Arlon, spent Wednesday at Harrisburg. Howe I Crawford, a student at the Untver l sity of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, j spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. M. P. Crawford. —Mrs. Lyter, | of Hummelstown, and Mrs. Swartz. of I Dauphin, visited Mrs. Lyter's sister, I Mrs. George L. Hower.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly Stump have returned from a trip to Washington, D. C., and Harrts- I burg. Miss Lavina Lemon, of Mif- I flintown, is at the convention of the W. C. T. U. at Hazleton. Mrs. Guy I Auker and daughter, Jane, spent | Thursday at. Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Yetter, of Princetonvllle, ' visited his home in Fermanagh town ship last week. It is eleven years since Mr. Tetter left here. Miss Sara Parker entertained the follow ing at dinner on Wednesday evening: Mr. and Mrs. James Mathers, of Cin cinnati, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Enger and daughter, Mrs. Tompkins, of Mt. Ver non, Ohio, and the Misses Kathryn Mathers and Mary North, of this place. Miss Rebecca Davis has re trned from a visit at Lancaster.—The Rev. J. C. Ely and John R. Jenkin are attending Presbytery at Hunting don. 1,200 BULBS IN COURT OF HONOR Selinsgrove Handsomely Deco rated For Celebration of Penn's Creek Massacre FINE SOUVENIR ROOK Girls in Spirited Contest For Queen of Celebration Next Week By Special Correspondence Selinsgrove. Pa., Oct. 9.—Prepara tions are about complete for the Penn's Creek Massacre celebration here on October 15, 16 and 17. Pro fessional decorators are at work and many of the stores and residences are gaily trimmed. Work was also started on the court of honor this week. Over twelve hundred electric bulbs will illuminate the court which will be the center of a gay throng on the loth when the aueen will be crowned. The queen contest is arousing great inter est. The sixth count was announced as follows: Mary Burns, 3567; Mellle Martin, 1720; Lena Zelner, 1481: Carrie Wetzel, 1305; Aura Knight. 853; Mary Woodruff, 850. The souvenir book commemorating the Massacre Celebration is being printed by the Harrisburg Telegraph and will con tain cuts of many residences and points of interest in and about Selins grove. W. A. Arhogast and J. A. Hummell were at Middletown this week. Miss Pauline Fisher called on her cousin, Mrs. Charles Ramer on Sunday. State Inspector Makes Visit to Halifax Schools By Special Correspondence Halifax, Pa.. Oct. 9.—State School Inspector C. D. Koch, of Harrisburg, visited the borough schools Wednes day. Miss Carrie Fetterhoff spent Wednesday at Harrisburg and Steel ton.—Mrs. Charles Bowman and two children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shultz, at Lykens.— Franklin Fuller and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Ryan and Mrs. Mollie Zimmerman, all of Harrtsburg, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. I. G. Ryan.—Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Glace, of Harrisburg. spent Tuesday at the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Glace, who is critically ill.— Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eisenhower and daughter, of Altoona, spent Sun day here.—Mis3 Sarah Swartz, of Har risburg, spent several days here.— Samuel Gilbert, of Wllliamsport, spent, Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gilbert.—Carl Ric.kard, of Philadelphia, spent several days with his uncle. John Liddick. —John Miller was at Harrisburg on Saturday.—Dan iel Hawk, of Millersburg, spent Sat urday with his aged mother, Mrs. Susan Baker. —Edward Reinberger. of Millersburg. spent Saturday with his grandfather. William Reinberger,— H. S. Potter and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wagner, at Matamoras.—H. L. Fetter hoff is spending the week at Philadel phia. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Eisenhower and baby, of Altoona, snent the week at the home of the former's brother. J. H. Eisenhower.— Mr. and Mrs. David Sweigard and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Clemson were re cent guests at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. James Eby at New Cumberland. —Professor and Mrs. S. C. Beitzel spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. Walter Rice, at Me cbaniosburg.— Mrs. Harry Urich an.l daughter Bessie returned home on Sunday after a two weeks' visit at Philadelphia and Easton.—Otto Rich ter, of Palm Reach, Fla., is spending some time at the home of his mother, Mrs. Carl Richter.—Miss Mabel Ris pham, of Millville, N. J., is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Marshall. LOVE FEAST OF BRETHREN By Special Correspondence tTnion Deposit. Pa.. Oct. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fox, of near Fontana. visited the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Fox on Sunday.—Mrs. H. i Kaylor spent. Tuesday at Harrisburg | with Mr. and Mrs. J. Simonetti.— Ellas Kaufman, accompanied by two of his daughters, Mrs. Mary Hamaker and Miss Edna, visited his son, Har vey. at Royalton on Sunday.—Love feast will be held at Hanoverdale Oc tober 14 and 15 by the Church of the Brethren. —Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker and son, John, Jr., spent Sun day at Fort Hunter, visiting the. for mer's siste-, Mrs. Christian Miller.— Preaching services will be held in the United Brethren Church on Sunday morning by the pastor, the Rev. G. W. Hallman.—Miss Maggie Ebersole, of Palmyra, after spending several weeks with her niece. Mrs. Christian | Groff, returned home on Sunday.— , Mrs. C. A. I>andls spent Wednesday at Elizabethtown, visiting her daugh j ter, Mrs. Emma Hershey.—Mr. and | Mrs. Harry Kaylor spent Sunday at j Newport with Mrs. W. C. Hople.— j Mrs. Joseph Etter spent Monday at i Lebanon.—H. Fetterolf and family, of | Halifax, were entertained by Mr. and : Mrs. Isaac Keiffer on Sunday.—Ed- I ward Boyer and brother Theodore spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers