4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS HIGH PER CENT. OF ATTENDANCE Pupils of Gettysburg Public Schools Make Good Record in All (irades GREATER THAN LAST YEAR Girls of High School Organize Athletic Association With Twenty-One Members By Special Correspondence Gettysburg:, Pa., Oct. 9.—The Rev. F. E. Taylor, pastor of the Presby terian Church, was chosen moderator for the Spring meeting of Carlisle Presbytery at the sessions of that body ! nt Newville. Delegates from Adams county who were In attendance at the j sessions were the Rev. D. W. Woods! c.nd S. Gray, Blgham.—An athletic nnsociatlon. composed of girls from the Gettysburg high school, was formed on Tuesday with an enroll ment of twenty-one members. It is believed that about fifty more girls will join later.—The report of the Gettysburg public schools for the month ending September 24 shows an enrollment of 773. with a percentage of attendance of 97. There were only I 2 3 cases of tardiness. This year's enrollment shows an increase of 28 over last year, when it was 74 5 at. the end of the first month, and an in crease of 14t> over 19X1, when it was "27. the high school alone showing nn increase of 77 In four years. Bsell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it. 25c at all druggists. ,s ?o 0 c ,e " For Headaches Lebanon, Pa., l-O-'JS. Ton are nt liberty to use my name anil testimony for advertis ing: CaTA'So tablet*, and you may refer any peraou to me and I **lll fladly tell theni the good they have done for me. Wishing; yon nueeean, I am yonra truly, MRS. LIZZIE FRITZ, 721 Spring Ave. 1 [y| 11111 Never Mind Strong You Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that yon can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna- Itional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job? For 28 years tha I. C. S. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400 atudents write of promotlonß or salary increases through I. C. 8. training. What the I. C. S. are doing for these men they can do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours jrou work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and arc ambitions to learn the I. C. 8. can train you In your own during your spare time, for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mall the attached coupon—It won't obligate you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their simple and easy methods. It will coat you nothing to investigate—lt may coat a life time of remorse if you don't. Mark and Mail the Coupon NOW. t INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qual- [' j[ ify for the position before which I mark X. !' 5 Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card Writing '' C Elec. Lighting Supt. Refrigeration Engineer Advertising ( < Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer Salesmanship r ( Tel. A Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher >' fi Architect loe». Fireman * Bag. English Branches «" J Architectural Draftsman Hvtl Service Agriculture ■ > Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Farming «' > Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Fit. •' > Concrete .Construction Steno. A Typewriting Chemistry • J Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running jj S Name ■' / St. and No. j J City . State } 5 Present Occupation } SATURDAY EVENING, Prize Winner in Contest in Beaver Public Schools *****> . ' ; •• .<•... MISS ANNA WEBNKH ' Special to The Telegraph Hummelstown. Pn.. Oct. 0. Anna Webner. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Webner, of Beaver, won tlrst prize for an essay on "Good Teeth. Good Health," in the eighth grade public school of Beaver, taught by Ray K. Gruber. The prize winner Is eleven years old and was one of twenty con testants. and her handling of the sub ject of good teeth was considered ex cellent by the judges. Too Much Rain Causes Delay in Planting Wheat Sfit «.ermiintown. Pa.. Oct. 9. —The Rev. A. S Fasick. district superintend ent, ast.sted by the Rev. T. S. Gibson, held communion services in the Metho dist Episcopal Church, at Falrview, on Tuesday evenipg. and in the Methodist Episcopal Church here on Wednesday evening. • The Rev. T. S. Gibson held Harvest Home services at Fair view on Sunday nfternoon. The Rev. Gibson will begin revival services at Fair view on Monday evening, October 11.— Walter W. Rice, of New Blootnfleld. candidate for district attorney, was looking after his interests in Toboyne township. Mrs. Cloyd Adams is vis isting friends at Wrlghtsville, her former home. Mrs. John Wilson, of Penbrook, was called here on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Hockenberry. Mrs. Cath erine Rhea, who had been visiting friends at Carlisle has returned home. Mrs. Cronipton. of Seattle, Wash., is the Kiiost of her brother-in-law, John ,\. Khea. Mrs. 12. M. College, who had been visiting friends here has returned to her home in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Mumper, of Carlisle, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mumper. Mrs. Dick, of Shelby, Ohio, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Wil liam Minick. .Tames Wilson, of North Carolina, a former resident of Toboyne township, is visiting his brothers, William C. and Samuel A. Wilson. Conductor Walter K. Morri son, of New Rloomfield, visited friends here this week. Farmers are having trouble in sowing their wheat on ac count of too much rain. James Bal tozer, who farms Mrs. Mai'ietta Camp hell's farm, has rented the Scott Moose farm in Madison township to which he will move in the Spring. Charles P. Bowman has rented Mrs. Campbell's farm. GREATEST CIGARETTE { Makers of the Hijfhnt Grade Turkish and Efrpticn Cigmtes intkVMi | pi. i i . I. 0.0. F. LODGE INITIATES CLASS Interesting Ceremony in Quit tapahilla Hall at Annville on Tuesday Evening N E W SUPERINTENDENT Profossor Lehman, of Lebanon Valley, Will Take Change of Sunday School Annville. Pa.. Oct. 9.—Qulttapahllla Lodge No. 335, I. O. O. F. initiated a large class of members In their hall on Tuesday evening. Dr. W. S. Sea bold and Postmaster W. L. Saylor have returned from Washington where they attended the Veterans' Reunion. The Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Wlllauer left fop Wllllaniaport. on Monday to visit their daughter. Mrs. W. W. Dunkelsberger. Dr. and Mrs. ; 11. Zimmerman were visitors at Har risburg this week.—Mrs. E. S. Lorentz wife of a former president of Leb : anon Valley College was a visitor at the home of Prof. J. K. Lehman and I family. Mrs. Myrtle Newcomer of i Steelton. is spending several days | with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Hart man. Miss Kmma Honiberger and ; Miss Ella Brightblll have returned ! from Lancaster. Prof. J. E. Leh [ man, head of the department of I mathematics at T.ebanon Valley Ool j lege has been elected superintendent of the United Brethren Sunday school. Many Visitors Entertained in Linglestown Homes By Special Correspondence l.tnglrMtiuvn, Pa.. Oct. 9. —Mrs. Wil liam Beach, of Royalton, spent sev eral days with friends here. Mrs. Ross Hepford, of Duncannon, and Miss Clara Nissley, of Harrisburg. spent several ifays with Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Hassler. The Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Keifer, of l.ykens, were recent guests of Ills mother, Mrs. Emma Keifer. Miss Anna Pletj;, of Middletown. spent several days with Miss Sallie Zimmer men. Mrs. Rebecca Baker is spend ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. .John Geyer, at Middletown. Miss Myrna Speas, of Penbrook, and Miss Miriam Taylor, of Harrisburg, were recent guests of Miss Marion Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Walmer, of Steel town, were week-end gu»sts of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Deese.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ricker and daughter, Miriam, of Hummelstown, were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. .loiin Clay, on Sunday.—The Rev. BrownttlUler, of Reading, spent Wed nesday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Oakum, of Palmyra, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bergner. Miss Kearney, a lec turer on Woman Suffrage, was enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Zimmer man. Mrs. Early and son, Herman, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Buck.— Mrs. William Raber, of Debanon, spent several days as the guest of Miss Minnie Baker. Mrs. George SmiNi, of Pleasant View, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eira Care. Mr. Sheetz and family, of Lan caster. spent Sunday with Miss Vera Care. A rally day service will be held at Wenrich's Church, Sunday, Oc tober 17. Daniel Grubb and family, of Pleasant View, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grubb. ABLE SPEAKER AT RALLY By Special Correspondence Berrysliarg, Pa.. Oct. 9. Rally Day will be observed in the United Evan gelical Church on Sunday, with ser vices in the morning and evening. The speaker will be the Rov. A. S. Mangle, of Port Clinton. His daughter. Miss Ruth will render several vocal solos. —Charles Straub. of Enola, is spending some time at his home, here. Mrs. M. S. Daniels is making an extended trip to Philadelphia and Hershey. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartman visited their daughter at Milton. Wilson Romberger, of Harrisburg, was the guest of friends hero this week. M. S. Daniel? was at Harrisburg. Mon day nt Lykens on Tuesday and Wil liamstown on Wednesday. Master William Bowman returned to his pa rents' home, at Harrisburg. after spend ing several weeks with his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deibler are visiting in Philadelphia. Mrs. Lubold, of Kliisabethville, is spending some time with her daughter. Mrs. Grant Hartman. Harry Romberger. butcher, living about a mile east of town. Is very 111 with typhoid fever. WEAK WOMEN! A. Pennsylvania Woman Testifies Corry, Pa. —"When I got into thai condition where a woman feels dragged .. out all the time, I began taking i ' Fn^v orite Pre jf] v Jfd the time. 1 read i'mill of " 'favorite < Prescription' had done for others 1 VLSrtd two '' f! //I/fIN/I '/////bottles. I found | J J///'/ J h'/'P K ave me the de // ./ /• /' t sired strength, im proved my appe- I tile and made me better In every way." I — Mb3. Homer Rogfes, 02 Brook St. At the first symptoms of any de rangement of the feminine organism ! at any period of life, the one safe, I really helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's J Favorite Prescription. Thousands of women right here in Pennsylvania have taken it with un i failing success for diseases of a wom anly nature. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women at times of trial and at times of pain when the organs are not performing their func tions. It banishes pain, headache, backache, low spirits, hot flashes, dragging-down sensations, worry and sleeplessness surely and without loss of time. Get it now/— in liquid or tablet form. If you are ill —or a eufferer from some chronic complaint—write Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y.. and get free and confidential medical advice, also free medical book on Diseases of Women. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu : late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Susrar-coated and easy to take as candy. Put up in sealed vials a perfect vr" -oc'-.et remedy. DR. CHASE'S Blood and Nerve Tablets Fill the shriveled arteries with pure, rich blood, increase the weight in solid flesh and muscle that give you strength, the brain and nerves with fresh vital fluid that force new life and vigor into every part of the body. WEIGH YOUBSELF BEFORE TAKING Price SO cents; Special Strength 75 cents. | Dr. Chase Co.. 224 N. 10th St.. Philadelphia. Fa. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH REUNION OF MATHER FAMILY AT L EWISTOWN l.ewistown, Pa.. Oct. 9.—The Levi Matter family, one of the best known In this section, held a reunion at the hon o, the parents here this week. Many friends and relatives gathered to help make merry. Levi Matter and wife ar children are shown In the group. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania ThvmiiMinton n. Mrs. J. Frank Patterson, of Miffllntown, spent Tues day as tiie guest of Mrs. Israel Tennis and Mrs. D. H. Spotts. Mrs. D. 11. Vanormer and little son. of Buffalo, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brubaker this week. Mrs. Joseph Gayman has returned home after spending the sum mer with her daughter, at Sterling Run. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mickey, of Alexandria, and Mrs. William Spen cer, of Tnscarora, were guests of Miss Erie Henkles. The Rev. D. B. Trelb ley attended the sixty-second conven tion of the Synod of Central Pennsyl vania at West Milton, this week.—Mrs. John Leldlg, of Harrisburg: Miss Maud Hooper, of East Salem, and Mrs. Isaac Man oeck. of BeaVer Springs, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. R. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shreffler returned to their home, in Pittsburgh, on Wednes day, after spending a vacation with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Melser and Miss Maty Melser spent Sunday In Middleburg. They were ac companied home by Miss Sarah Moyer. —Mrs. Ada Ewlng. of Juniata, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Leonard, of Illi nois, are visiting their brother, D. Samuel Leonard. Miss Mabel Metz. of Allentown, Is visiting her brother. Dr. and Mrs. S. F. Metz. Newton Hamilton. Mrs. D. W. Gal bralth Is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Bard, at Hag erstown, Md. Mrs. J. R. Bailing, of Saxton, spent several days with friends here. Sir. and Mrs. H. W. Bollinger and daughter spent several days at the home of Mr. Bollinger's sister, at Mil lestown. Mrs. 11. B. Shaver attended the State convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, at York. —Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mann, of Lewis town. were recent visitors at the home of H. C. Klnsloe. Mrs. Harry Mat tern spent several days visiting rela tives in Snyder county. Mrs. Charles Kiser spent a week with relatives at Altoona. Dr. and Mrs. I. O. Mohr and son. of Ijoganton, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Nor ton. Milleraton n. Mrs. Calvin Cox. of Newport, spuent a day with her mother, Mrs. Mary Pillow. Miss Mary Pooley, of Osceola, is visiting her aunt. Mrs. William Rounsley. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. .Roberts, of Rerwyn, Pa., spent the week-end with D. M. Riekabaugh and family. Mrs. Hulda Knight, of Dun cannon, spent Sunday with her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Banks Page. Frank Flckes and family and Mrs. Sarah Slatterback, of Newport, visited G. D. Taylor, on Sunday. Mrs. D. A. Sny der and Mrs. H. B. Branyan were at Newport. Suhday afternoon. Mrs. El mer Reisinger, who had been visiting relatives at Berwick, returned home on Monday. Miss Susan Kline, of Shire manstown. was the guest of D. M. Rtckabaugh and family, on Sunday. Mrs. W, D. Bollinger visited friends In Philadelphia. James Kipp and fam ily. Calvin Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pat ton were guests of J. C. Kipp. over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Allen, of Wormleysburg. were week end guests of Miss Ella Tyson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopple and grand daughter, Miss Florence Reeves, of Philadelphia, are visiting D. jr. Rieka baugh and family. .Tames Rounsley was a Harrisbui — visitor Monday. Mrs. D. A. Snyder left Wednesday for Harrisburg to visit her son, A. W. Sny der. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bollinger and daughter. Helen, of Newton Ham ilton spuent the week-end with Misses Mazie and Anna Bollinger. Mrs. Peter Shenk and daughter. Mildred, are at Palmyra. Aubrey Patterson, of New York City, is visiting his aunt. Miss Mbhie Patterson. - Mrs. Dasher and Mrs. Ferguson of Mifflin, were the guests of George Fry. County Super intendent Daniel Kline, of New Bloom field, visited the schools here on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Anspach and son. of York Haven, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Kauffman. Mrs. John Hunter, of Atoona, was the guest of Mr and Mrs. John Ward. Sunday. Mitchell Douglas, of Frederick. Md.. spent the week-end witli his brother, Samuel Douglas. Plketown. Thomas Kellev. after spending a week here, returned to bis home. In York, on Monday. The Rev. Jonas Martin and G. W. Fox are at tending the FCast Pennsylvania Elder shui of the Churches of God at Golds boro. Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Strohm. of Dauphin, on Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Strohm. Thomas Ramsey and daughter. Pr'.scilla. and Miss Lu cia Gastrock spent Wednesday with Mrs. Mayme Cassel. at Unglestown. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rhoads, of Manada Gap, visited Mrs. Ida Cassel on Sunday. —Miss Nellie Jones, of Harrisburg, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoenshelt. Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Strohm on Saturday visited at Pen brook. Mrs. H. M. Wilt spent sev eral days at Millersburg and Eykens.— Miss iolet Pottelger, of tte;ir T-ingies town, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. J". Cassel. Mr. and Mrs. Brook 1 Lmberger spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grubb. at Unglestown. —• Joseph Urich. of Humnielstown, was a visitor here on Wednesday. J. H. Mum ma transacted business in Harris burg on Wednesday. Dauphin. Miss Helen Louise Wal lis, who lias spent the last three months on a trip through the West to the Pacilic coast, returned to her homo here on Tuesday. Howard Bayley, of The Touraine. New York City, spent the week-end in town. Miss Emma Bail etts has returned from a trip to Eeba non. Harvey C. Forney and son, Ed gar W. Forney, spent Saturday at Philadelphia. Mrs. J. D. M. Reed and Miss Cora Coffrode were guests of Mrs. Emory Welrman, at Harrisburg, this week. William Bell Clark, of The Evening Telegraph, Philadelphia. is spending the v.-eek-end with his pa parents, Dr. and Mrs. William P. Clark. —Miss Ruth Shaffer is spending sev eral weeks with Miss Gertrude Goss, at Brookfvn. N. Y. Miss Marv McKee, of Harrisburg, spent several days with her sister. Mrs. Frank J. Wallls. Miss Mary Umberger Is the guest of Miss Emtna Reel, at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs Charles Knull, of Harris burg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Gerbericii, on Wednesday.— Mrs. William J. Rodenhaver, of Har risburg, spent several days with Mrs. Charles Shatter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallis and sons. Emmet and Richard, and Mrs. Forrest Schwartz and chil dren. Mary, and Robert, all of Harris burg, arc the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallls. Mrs. Wil liam Worcester, of Harrisburg spent Wednesday at her cottage, Eimberlost, on the mountainside. Miss Grace McClintoek, of Harrisburg, is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Singer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bler bower and ciilldren. Mary Jan* and Frances, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, at Harris burg. Mrs. Albert Cooper returned home, on Tuesday, from a visit with her son, Edwin M. Cooper, at Steelton. —Miss Dorothy Singer spent several days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Singer, at Harrisburg. J. M. I-ong. of Exeter, Neb., spent sev eral days with his brother. I. li. T«ong.— Mrs. Minnie Ford, of New Jersey. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frakk Bailetts.— Miss Naomi ■ Ebersole, of Roaring Branch, returned home on Wednesday, after a visit with Mr. and Afrs. Frank E. Williams. Harvey C. Forney spent several days at Eric and Pittsburgh.— Miss rfnne Miller spent Thursday at lUuxiabuTK. "PASSING SHOW" FOR CIVIC CLUB Mrs. George Hursh Will Enter tain Members at Oakhurst on Monday Evening WEDDING AT LEI I MASTER Invitations Issued For Marriage of John Over and Miss Ethel Lehinaster By Special Correspondence N'pwvllio, Pa., Oct. o.—.Mr. and Mrs. Stacey G. Ulauser, of Chester, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Woodburn. —Miss Catherine Woodburn left on Monday for Philadelphia, where she will teach in the Children's Home of the Episcopal Church.— Mrs. Joanna Baker has gone to Harris fcurg to remain for some time with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Snyder.— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaner and Hoyt Rower, of Harrisburg, spent, the week-end with their sisters. Misses Jean and Margaret Bower.—Mrs. W. C. Woodburn and daughter, Miss Sara Woodburn, left yesterday for Akron, Ohio, to visit Mrs. Eugene Beattie for several week-!. Mrs. Beattie was for merly Miss Dorothy Woodburn. — Misses Martha Piper and Elizabeth Myers have returned from York, where they attended the State W. C. T. U. convention. —Charles Over, of Winchester, Va., spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Over. —Miss Floy Baker lias gone on a I rip to Chicago.—Mrs. C. V. HetTeltlnger and daughters. Mary and Catherine, have returned from a trip to Philadel phia and Atlantic City.—Mrs. Joseph Thompson has returned from Harris burg. where she spent some time with her niece. Miss Louise Mclvor.—Mrs. J. W. Spangler, of Altoona, spent sev eral days with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Talhelm. —Mrs. E. J. Zook and daugh ter. Mrs. William Orr, and her son William, of Harrisburg, spent Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Brandt. —At a meeting of the High School Alumni Association last Thursday evening it was decided to purchase a piano for the new school auditorium and (he committee appointed to cor respond with all members is as fol lows: Professor Willis K. Glauser, Miss Helen Scouller and R. H. Sollen berger.—A meeting of the Civic Club will be held at the home of Mrs. George Hursh, Oakhurst. east of town, on Monday evening. The entertain ment for the e\enir.g will be "The Passing Show of 1915."—Invitations have been received here for the mar riage of John Over and Miss Ethel I.ehmaster, of I.ehmaster, Pa. The wedding will occur Tuesday next at the home of the bride. The groom elect is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ren rett Over, of this place, and is station agent of the Cumberland Valley Rail road at Lelimaster.—J. B. Ungor. who has conducted the Central Hotel for several years, has sold out to Dan. N. Huntsberger. Three Pennell Brothers, Veterans, Marched in Review Duneannnn, Oct. 9.-—Horace K. Slteib lev. of New Bloomfletd. editor of the Advocate and Press, was among the visitors in town, on Thursday. - Mr. and Mrs. James Hermer, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Reoder. over Sunday. Harvest Ilonie services will be held in the Lutheran Church to-morrow evening. The pas tor, the Rev. S. Tj. Rice, will preach.— The Indies' Aid Society of the Metho dist Episcopal Church will hold a pie, cake and soup sale on Saturday. Oc tober 16. In Mrs. Josephine Miller's storeroom. In Market street. Wil liam H. and George Pennell, of Duncan non. and Robert Pennell, of Lykens, brothers, all served in Pennsylvania regiments during the Civil Wnr, and having endured the hardship of manv battles, were jn attendance at the Na tional Encampment of the G. A. R. at Washington. D. C.. last week. and matched In the grand review of veter ans. John A. Mutssabaugh. who Is almost totally blind from cataracts, was taken to Philadelphia on Wednes day where ho will be treated bv an eye specialist. —• Edward Glbney, of Union Deposit, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles Hiltner, over Sun day. ADDRESS BV H. 11. McCORMICK Sheplierdatown. Pa., Oct. 9. Mrs. Henry Brelim, of York Springs, is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. M. K. Spahr. The Rev. A. B. Mower and R. A. Kuhns are attend ing the United Brethren Conference at Baltimore, Md. Mrs. A. B. Mouer and daughter, I.lsette. are visiting rela tives at York. Misses Anna Ude graff and Eva Mower, of York, are spending some time at the United Brethren parsonage. A chickenpox epidemic has struck the town and quite a number are under quarantine. —H. B. McCormick, of Harrisburg, will deliver an address in the United Brethren Church to-morrow morning at 9.30. Bindnaugle'a Church. The Rev. S. B. Wengert, of Lebanon, and the Rev! Mr. Holler, of Hershey, called on .» B Karl lug on Monday. Communion ser vices will ho held liere to-morrow morning. The William Albert farms were sold at public sale to Stanley Wilson Albert and John Getz Albert Raymond Rank, of Bethlehem, is visit ing his mother. Mrs. Edward Don mpyer and son, of Eembergcr's, visited friends at Palmyra. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sens* of smell and completely derange tbe who]* system when entering: It through the mucous surface*. Such articles should liefer l>t* used except on prescrtp lions from reputable physicians, as the dnmag>< they will do is ten fold to the tfood you con pca slbly derltre from thetu. Hell's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co,. Toledo. 0., contains no mercury, nnd i« taken Internally, Si-tins directly upon th» blood and mucous sur fices of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure joa get tbe genuine. It Is taken internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials tree. Bold by Druggists. Price, 78e. per bottle. Take lull's Family rills to r coDstlpatlOD. OCTOBER 9, 1915. Dr. E. V. Roland Will Address Lutheran Men's Bible Class HttramrUtown, Pa., Oet. 9.—Tlie Rev. Herbert Gai nes and P. S. Newcomer I left on Monday for Philadelphia where j they are In attendance at the sessions of the Lutheran Hynod of the Kast j Pennsylvania District.—Thomas .lacks, •lr„ and Frank Brantner spent several days at Philadelphia, where they ro- j celved medical treatment at a hospital. —Postmaster Lanills Strhkler and fain- | ily spent Sunday at Sun bury with Mrs. Strlekler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uriusj Bloom. Marry Gresh spent Monday I at Philadelphia. William 11. Gaus has been confined to his room by ill ness. Mr. anc Mrs. Harry Haug spent Sunday at Harrlsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Norman llelf entertained the Rev. and Mrs. Rufus Miller, of Philadelphia, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Garrett' were called to Mt. Carmel by the | serious illness of Mrs. Harpel, a sister i of Mr. Garrett. Mrs. O. Goodman is' slowly recovering from Illness. Miss! ; Mary Grove has accepted a position In ' the New Vork Deaf and Dumb Insti- j tution and will leave to-dav for the | city. J. M. Seaman Is able to he about after a week's Illness. Dr. K. j V. Roland has been secured as speaker for the quarterly meeting of the Men's Organized Bible Class of the Lutheran Church next Monday evening at the I Parish House. Twelve new members | were added to the Zion congregation on Sunday, all by letter of admission. Mr. and Mrs. John Gay, of Philadelphia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Gay'H sisters, tne Misses Klizabeth and Mary , Fox. The High School Girls' Chorus ! purchased seventy new High School books. Mrs. William Rhlneliart and children were recent guests of Mr. and I Mrs. Thomas Kha'n at Rutherford Heights.—The Junior class of the High . School purchased class rings the past [ week. There are nineteen members In I the class. Mrs. Newton Gordon and .daughter, Lenore, have returned from Trenton, N. .1., where they visited rela | tlves. Four Tower City Homes Visited by Stork This Week Tower City. Pa., Oct. 9, —Robert Ludwlg, of Reading, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ludwig. Mrs. Charles Henry is en tertaining her aunt, Mrs. Harry Uarn liart, of VVilliamsport. The Rev. O. A. Romig was returned here by conference to serve another year as pastor of the United Brethren Church. —-Master Edgar Troutnian of Phoe nix Park spent several days with Ills friend, Clyde Erdmaii. Mrs. Wil liam Bailey is entertaining her broth er, Mr. Gonloff, from the West, whom she had not seen for many years. Mrs. William Jones who was visiting relatives at Llewellyn was called home by the death of her brother, Frank Spittle, at Reinerton. Harry Klinger returned to his home at Philadelphia after spending the week-end here. Miss Mary Klinger and grandmother have returned home from a pleasant trip to Philadelphia. The stork vis ited the following homes and left babies: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Horn a girl was horn; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Deiter, twin girls; a hoy to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Masterson, and a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Merold. —Three aged women died during the past week—Mrs. Frank, Mrs. Duffy and Mrs. Deiter.—Miss Campbell of Shamokin and Miss Smith of Donald son are visiting Mrs. Eugene Horn. Mrs. Frank Kaufman accompanied Dr. and Mrs. Fegley of Treraont on an automobile trip to South Bethle hem, where she will visit her son. Mrs. James and children of Williams town visited the Bordener family on I Sunday. T'UIIHiK NKAR RIHC FINISHED Rife, Pa., Oct. 9.—The bridge on the state road above Uife is finished and the men are going to New Bloom - field on Monday.—Mary Warner, of Reading, is spending Sunday with lier sister. Saliie Stroheoker. Walter Spotts will go to Millersburg, where he is employed on the wreck train.— Wilson L/obo is going to Harrisburg on Monday on jury duty.—Mr, and Mrs. Nicholas Tinker spent Sunday with Frank I.ongabach at Berrysburg.— Mrs. D. P. Smeltzer and children, of Sunbury, are spending some time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank For ney. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forney, of Elizabethville, arc also visiting there.—J. If. Strohecker called on friends at Millersburg on Sunday. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To ail knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica., lumbagos, backache, paius iu the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cured all of these tortures. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home as thousauds will testify—no changV of climate being necessary. This simpls discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blooa and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above interests you, for proof address Mrs. JC. Summers. Bos K, Notre Dame, Ind. ' > Reduced Rates TO The New READING FAIR October 12-15 VIA Reading Railway Frequent special trains be tween Franklin Street Station and Fair Grounds, stopping at Outer Station in each direction. Round trip fare 10 cents. i ————— i FREE DELIVERY AT MOUNT UNION Federal Authorities Will Es tablish System in Town July 1 OFFICE OPEN ON SUNDAY Postal Telegraph Company May Establish Office to Accommodate Business By Special Corresfondencr Mount Union. Pa., Ocl. 9. Or. McCarthy sold his property In Shirley street, consisting of two dwellings and a sixty-foot lot, to Mr. Turnbell for $19,000. The lot has already been re sold and it is reported that a foreign concern 'will erect a four-story depart- I irient store in the near future.—Charles Itiee has been appointed superintend ent of the Mount Union Extract Work*.—The Central Garage will put an additional 30-passenger jitney into service between Mount Union and .the Aetna powder pi. int.— Beginning Sun day, Mount Union will have Sunday mail service. The office will be open from 7 to 8 a. m. and from 6 to K I p m. The federal department, lia - also announced that the town will I have free delivery by July 1. —Repre- sentatives of the Postal Telegraph I Company made a canvass of all the leading Industries of the town thi.i | week to get an eslimate of the amount, jof business done. They announce that. ! they will open an office in the near future. Mrs. J. W. Witherall and daughter Vella left on Wednesday evening for a trip to Boston. New j York and Oil City, where they will visit relatives. AWEALTH OF LUXURIANT HAIR DDE TO CARE AND CUTIQIRA Shampoos with Cuticura Soap pre ceded by light touches of Cuticura Ointment do much to cleanse the scalp of dandruff, allay itching and irritation, arrest falling hair and promote a hair-growing condition. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold ererrwhert. Liberal sample of each matted free with 33-p. book. Address post-card "Cuticura," Dept. 10G, Boston. 11 -y THE Office Training School Kaufman Bldg., 4 Market Sq. NOW IN SESSION nay School anil Xigbt School Call or send for 32-pagn booklet— Bell phone 694-R. STOP GOUGHING !!! pEPTONOIf § MADE IN A HEALTH RESORT, AT DRUG STORES; SIooPerBOTRE THE PEPTONOL CO. ATLANTIC CITY t. A. Git OSS, 119 Market St., Harrishurg, Pa. DUTCH BULBS The Largest Shipment Ever Brought to This City A lady very prominent In Har risburg social circles, whose taste In matters floral is conced ed to be that of an expert, in speaking of our bulbs last sea son said: "I always bought , ny bulbs in Philadelphia, until last year, when I was influenced by their appearance to buy my supply from you. lam happy to say that the result was highly satisfac tory and I had the finest flow »rs this year from your bulbs that 1 have ever seen. X shall take pleasure In turning all of my patronage In this line in the future to you and shall recom mend your bulbs to all of my friends." We say to you unhesitatingly, that the bulbs this year, consist ing of Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus and all other varieties, excel even those which last year so pleased the customer to whom we refer. Come in and look at them. We will tell you how to plant or we will at small expense, plant them for you. We will be open Satur day evenings. HOLMES SEED CO. 104-108 SOUTH SKCOM) ST. Both Phones. V—s (CHAS.H.MAUK THE UNDERTAKES Sixth sad Kalkar St*a«ts Urt c« sttsbllrtwit, B— t ImOMm. Km* M too •• ytmi ;pho«i. WOlltarwimaCnwcslL gc'auJtsgrscas. £tj»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers