12 ADVERTISING g||j j| j ADVERTISING 1 1 jOU TIC Al. <A DVKR Tf S1 G g,jj j, j | > | > |'|' l | i |'| Y 1111 II I M |YM B*t 11111 1I I H V'TYM*! IYT E»-Tl_aiXQ ||| ( || I l"*^* 1 i: "LestWe WILLIAM S. TUNIS | Republican Candidate For I "Recorder of Deeds" 1 0 EXTENSION BILL Bureau of Standards, making an honest weight and measure; increased the appropriation for Harrisburg's firemen from $2,200.00 to t;; $5,600.00 saving that much money for our taxpayers; secured larger appropriations for our charitable institutions than was ever gotten J;; BEFORE OR SINCE; secured a special appropriation for Harrisburg's Deaf, Dumb and Blind Child after the Attorney General said i; :: Note—did for our tity," 0 and * could not be done; hel P e . d to £ ive to Harrisburg at a great loss to myself, good clean baseball for eleven years. I; ;; influence. J' ifnii iii iti it, i?. .T I ' ll ■'. i'i 1111 «»««»■■■■'»»n« ■«■■»■ ■»■""" . i r | tutit+tttttttn l I M I I I I I ] HI I I i n I I I I f f - r ; - Circulars Tell of Plans For Welfare Conference Circulars telling of the results of ,'ormer displays and the strides hoped i b x fTtfJ j W ««k.vt yN*y I CSJ J* e \ \ / AV " z?7^ f\\\ 7 Vl' fA. dollar t.r\A J' — \ «/ x- —v %1 Jn tw " J "fT r \ Tr ( l XiK.rt v «r>t \ 1 >\\f < , \HCuf J v y, • . Kole. X V i+i wortk it !y / J f T7/ rA v f * / / ' r i Q- - - lntom«t«onal Cartoon C«.. N. *» O .MONDAY EVENING, H*RRISBUR TEIJBORAPH SEPTEMBER 20, 1915. | Welfare and Engineering: Conference I to be held in the carbarns of the Har- I risburg Railways company, November 16-19, were mailed to hundreds of manufacturers and others by J. V. W. Reynders, chairman of the exhibit committee, to-day. The letter accompanied the circular follows: "Dear Sirs: I beg to call your at tention to the enclosed circular re garding the Exhibit to be held No vember 15th to 19th inclusive, in Har rlsburg, in connection with the Third Annual Pennsylvania Industrial and Public Welfare and Engineering Con ference. I trust that after careful consideration of the same you will see your way clear to be represented with an exhibit." "The first two exhibits have been representative of the very best pro ducts of the Safe, Economical and Ef ficient industrial development and al so indicative of what the industrial and public service companies are do ing to promote the health and welfare of the people." "The combined efforts of the various departments of the State government will produce a program for the Con vention that will attract to Ilarrisburg an even greater body of industrial and engineering men than in the past, and I believe that your company should s be interested in beins represented al this «*hibit." Try Telegraph Want Ads
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers