RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS. ANNIVERSARIES GOLDEN EAGLES IN ANNUAL MEETING Lancaster County Castles Hold Yearly Convention at Ephrata Today HIGH OFFICIALS PRESENT Big Parade of Commanderies and Delegates Feature of Day's Celebration Ephrata, Pa., Sept. 18.—To-day the twelfth annual convention of the Lan caster County Castles, Knights of the Golden Eagle, is being held here. A number of supreme and State offi cials are in attendance, and delivered addresses. A parade which started at i 8.30 o'clock was a feature of the aft-! ernoon, in which commanderies of | the order from Lancaster, Heading; and Denver, the Castle Edwards of j Ephrata castle, the delegates in at- ; tendance at the convention, delega- . tions from castles throughout the county, bands of music from Rawlins- | ville, Denver, Mt. Airy, Ephrata and : Washington borough, participated. Features of the evening will be; Music by the Ephrata. band; prayer by the Rev. A. S. Meek, address of welcome, by John F. Schreck; response, A. T. Winters. These young people of Ephrata and vicinity are enrolled as students at colleges: Miss Nancy i Bucher, at Swarthmore; Miss Flor- I ence Bishop, at Millersville State; Ira; Winger and Earle Eitneir at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, and Earle Hunter, who graduated last Spring at this college is doing extra work there as a student; Clarence Glass, D. E. Wellinger, Emerson Miller and Lilah Shump at Bucknell University, Lewisburg; Alvln Hocher, J Martin Fry, Samuel Zag and Carrie Hassler. State College; William Car ter, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; Leroy Walters. Marie Richwine,. Harry S, Tetter and W. E. Daniels, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, the latter ex pecting to prepare himself for the ministry; Charles Reichard, Millers burg College, Allentown, with the "University in view; Edwin D. Eshel man, University of Wisconsin, Madi son, Wis.; Mary Herr, Tacona Park Seminary, Washington. D. C.; Miss Mary Smith and Irene Hartman, Irving College, Mechanicsburg, Cum berland county; Miss Helen Konlg niacher, Birmingham Seminary, near Tyrone: Harvey Bechtel. Combs Con servatory of Music. Philadelphia. Prof. C. M. Cox, who has been spend ing his summer vacation in Ephrata, has returned to Philadelphia where he is an instructor in Combs Conser vatory of Music. Norman Miller is enrolled as a student at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. bdccatiohal MISS BARRINGTON'S SCHOOL" AND KINDERGARTEN SECOND and STATE STREETS Will Reopen September 22, 1915. Training For Kindergarten Teachers Opens October 1. School of Commerce Troop nnllrilnic. Phone, Bell 1846 J. IS So. Market Square, Harrlabnrg, Pa. Fiill term begins t D«y School, Septem ber li Night School, September (, Office open from 8 a. ni. to 5 p. m. Phone, write or call for catalog ai further information. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night School Sept. 7, 1915 Business, Shorthand and Civil Serr 0, SAFETY] FIRST The object of "Safety First" is prevention. Tou can prevent your advertising from meet ing the fate of the waste basket if you will make it attractive with proper illustration. Bring your next copy to us for illustrative treatment. One treat ment will convince you that our methods are a success. The Telegraph j Art &Engravitig Departments 216 Locust Street i J ' The New Labor Law The new Workmen'?. Compensation Act goes into effect January Ist, next. If you are an employer of labor you should be fami!ia<- with every phase of this most im portant piece of legislation. Wc are prepared to supply this act in pamphlet form with side headings for easy reference. Single copies 25c with very special prices on larger quantities. The Telegraph Printing Co. PRINTING—BINDING—DESIGNING PHOTO-ENGRAVING HARRISBURG, PENNA. s——— : .J SATURDAY EVENING, EVANGELISTS IK* m n Hl - \n Bk _^ggM Mount Joy, Pa., Sept. 18.—Evangelist Wnrd Mosher and his wife, of Ithaca, X. Y.. opened a four weeks' union evangelistic campaign in Mount Joy this week in which all the town churches are co-operating. Mrs. Mil ler has charge of the music, having a choir of one hundred of the. best sing ers of the town. There is also an orchestra of twenty instruments. A tabernacle SO by 100 feet was erected in two days and services are now being held in it every evening. On Sunday afternoon the evangelist delivered his sermon In his shirt sleeves. The Mount Joy band rendered music. Scoutmaster Harry J. Wil liams and his troop of Boy Scouts were present and occupied a place on the platform. Surprise in Honor of Boy's Seventh Birthday By Special Correspondence Tower City, Pa.. Sept. 18. Miss Wetzler, of Ephrata, is visiting Miss Effle Bordener.—Robert Shrope spent several days at South Bethlehem.— William Salem, of Pittsburgh, is en- Joying a vacation with his parents. — Miss Alma Machamer returned to her home at Reading after a visit to her parents. Mrs. Maragret Maurer, of Tremont, is visiting Mrs. Thomas Zon crgan.—Bruce Fisher, of Shamokin, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones, who spent several weeks with relatives here, went to St. Clair before return to their home in Texas. Miss Clara Travitz re turned from a pleasant visit, at Har risburg.—Miss Lily Murray enjoyed a day in Lykens.—On Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. William Kutz surprised their son with a party in honor of his sev enth birthday. He was the recipient of many pretty and useful gifts. Those present were Misses Mary, Anna and Sadie Barry, Lola Kantner, Ruth Rob son, Ethel Schriener, Clara Travitz, Ruth and Mildred Carl, Olive Schrie ner, Elda and Grace Hoffman and Carrie an \ Erdman, Kenneth Kantner. Ra»*. Harry and Fred Schrei ner. William und Mark Houtz, Fred Klinger. William Miller, Harold Mas terson, Theodore Rehler, Harold Ulsh, Charlie White and Martin Kutz.—Mr. and Mrs. Kutz and Misses Jlavnie Robson. Emma Ivewis, Elsie Bailey, Beatrice Kelsling and Grace Kuntzle man were the crown folks who enter tained the children and served them with refreshments. PREACHED AT CHURCH RF.OPKV IXG By Special Correspondence Wormlcysburg, Pa., Sept. 18. —Mrs. Charles Mutch is spending several days with her mother at West Fair view. Mr. and Mrs. Rouck gave a party Thursday afternoon in honor of their little granddaughter's birthday. - Mrs. J. Fred Hummel attended the W. C. T. L T . convention at Newvllle on Tuesday. Theodore Dvsher left on Tuesday for Steelton to be the guest of the Rev. Weir. Mrs. A. B. Potts attended the Dauphin county W. C. T. U. convention at Harrisburg on Thursday. Mrs. Myres has re turned home after spending a week at Atlantic City. Miss E. A. Eckert is spending a two weeks' vacation at Boiling Springs. Miss Mertie Ames is visiting her father, Elias Arney, after spending the summer at Asbury Park. - The Rev. Charles Sparrow of Xewburg, is the gitest of his broth er Rolla Sparrow. Mrs. Schoffstal spent Tuesday In Philadelphia. Frank Arney of New Buffalo spent Thursday with his brother. Elias Arney. The Rev. Mr. Renshaw preached at Mt. Victor on Sunday at j the re-opening of a church. YOUR PRINTING NEEDS will be best supplied where the facili ties for such work are the best. When you consider that the printed material you use represents a cash In vestment which you calculate should bring to you many times its cost — THE PRICE OF QUALITY SHOULD BE THE CONSIDERATION If clients are to see the printed mate rial you use; your thought should be the quality, rather than the price. Which doesn't mean that the price need, or should be, exorbitant. The Telegraph Printing Co. p-oduces the highest grades of work in ts re spective lines. All of it Is based upon quality at prices which are most fair for the work. We are printing specialists, as well aa being leaders In the associate lines; binding, designing and photo-engrav- Ing. To employ our services means no greater effort than to phone ua. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Either phon«» S ERVICES AT MOUNT JOY iskl B\ ill 9b\ jh H IWI n Poisoned by Cutting His Bunions With Safety Razor By Special Correspondence Greenoas-tle. Pa., Sept. 18.—Friends of Dr. L. M. Kauffman tendered him a surprise party Thursday evening at his home near here. About one hun dred guests were present. —At the re cent Franklin Sunday school conven tion, Mrs. Margaret who is 90 years old, rode in the parade, while the youngest person in the procession was two years old. Mrs. Daniel Nel son and son, of Jacksonville, Fla., are visiting Mrs. Nelson's parents. Mrs. Charles Herbst spent the week in York. Samuel llostetter, the Cen ter Square merchant has been suffer ing much pain from an infected foot, caused by using a safety razor on his bunions. George Carl, Wilbur Craig, John J. Carl and John Henne berger have entered State College.— Mrs. John Crunkleton is seriously ill. The Interstate Church Federation held a public meeting on the square of Greencastle Tuesday evening which was addressed by the Rev. Dr. Walter Lutz, and A. J. White Hutton, both of Chambersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Schutz announce the birth of a son, September 10. Miss Blanche Hoopes has returned to Washington, D. C„ after a visit with Miss Emily Collier. Miss Mary Barnhart enter tained at a card party Monday eve ning in honor of her house guest, Miss Romalne Hertsler of Mechanics burg. Miss Grace Brumbaugh of Cniontown, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. X. Brumbaugh. Miss Frances Cramer will be sent as a dele gate from the Presbyterian Sundav school to the annual State Sunday School Convention at Erie the first week In October. Mrs. Annie Par cells, of Pittsburgh, has returned home after a two months - visit with her nieces, the Misses Glass. Mrs. Jennie Lowrnan is visiting relatives in Cumberland, Md. Mrs. Clara l ondlct, of New York, is the guest, of Miss Jennie Agnew. Harry Barnes of Ifarrisburg, was a recent visitor here. Blain Woman Gets White Heather From Scotland By Special Correspondence Blain. Pa., Sept. 18.— Joseph Stokes, ol Altoona, who has not paid a visit to Perry county for 3 4 years, was hero several days as a guest of his cousin, v\. I. Stokes. He was accompanied by Mrs. Stokes and daughter, Miss Alma. —Misses Mae and Wentzel, stu dents of the Boston, Mass., Conserva tory of Music, returned to pursue their courses.—The Rev. Hugh R. Magll, preached a temperance sermon on Sunday in the Presbyterian church Arthur Lupfer, of Rldgway, and Rob ert Lupfer, of Bellwood. visited their uncle, T. Lupfer.—Dr. W. H. Flickin ger, visited friends at Harrisburg. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henry, Jr.. a _son —The High school opened with 3 5 pupils.—Creigh Patterson anil family are at Atlantic City.—Mervin Lightner has charge of the hank dur ing the absence of Mr. Patterson. Mrs. E. Kline received several hranches of white heather from her brother. Lemuel Burd, of Glasgow Scotland.—Prof. T. E. Kline has re turned to the Atlantic City High school; Prof. G. A. Kline to Philadel phia, and Pro. B. H. Rhlnesmith to Ridgeway. SI.OO Excursion TO READING Via Philadelphia & Read ing Railway SUNDAY SEPT. £0 SPECIAL TRAIN SPEC'L FROM LvA.M. Harrisburg 7.30 Hununelstown 7.45 Brownstone 7.47 Swatara 7.50 Hershey 7.53 Palmyra 7..">9 Annville 8.07 Lebanon 8.17 Reading (arrive) 9.05 Returning, Special Train will leave Reading 8.00 P. M. for above stations Tickets good only on date of excur sion on above Sneolal Train In each direction. Children between 5 and 12 years of age, half fare, MOTHERS ' A simple, quick, harmless guar anteed cure for bed wetting for one dollar or money refunded; strictly confidential. EUREKA NOVELTY CO. York, Pa. HARRISBURG TrfBEV TELEGRAPH Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania MlfTllntnwn. Mrs. Albert Hecken berger returned Saturday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Rodg ers, at Crabtree. Miss Ruth Glenn, of Johnstown, Is a guest at the home of Jerome Seiber. Y. Miller, of Chest nut Hill, Pa., is the guest of Edred Pennell. Mrs. Klinepeter and daugh ter, Olive, spent the week at the home of Oliver Dlffenderfer. Miss Mary Kulp, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Kulp. Miss Louise Jackman and niece. Bennett Junkin, left Monday for Albright College, Myerstown. where the former Is instructor of music, and the latter a student. Mrs. Frank Meloy and daughter, Marion, of Al toonu', spent several days with Mrs. A. R. Meloy at Mifflin. Mrs. Beaver, of Bellefonte, spent several days as the guest of Mrs. Baldwin. Harry Seiber, of Lewiatown, spent Sunday with his father, Jerome T. Seiber. Marion Bashore is visiting relatives at Dun cannon and Harrisburg. Mrs. Isa belle Beuhn entertained friends at din ner In honor of Miss Lena Beuhn, of Philadelphia, who with her mother, Mrs. Christianna Beuhn, have been guests at the McClintlc home this week. Misses Laura and Emma Ster rett, of Philadelphia, are guests at the home of James T. Sterrett. Miss Mary Leach, of Spruce Hill, spent sev eral days with her aunt, Miss Margaret Laird. Tliompsontowu. Mrs. E. A. Tennis, of Philadelphia, was a guest of Mrs. A. G. lialdeman this week.—Morris Smee, of Akron, Ohio, and George Smee, of Harrisburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long. Mrs. Annie High, of Lewistown, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brubaker. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haldeman and children, ot Middleburg, and Solomon Sellers, of Wellfleet, Neb., were guests of Mrs. J. G. Haldeman this week. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Culvert, of Mount Union, spent Sunday wfth the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Garver at the Methodist Epis copal parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Knight and children, of Enola, are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Levi K. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harris and Miss Har ris, of near McAlisterville; Miss Maud Leonard, of Washington, D. C., and Miss May Leonard, of Lewistown, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harris.— Mrs. Edgar Burclifield, of Mifflintown, spent Wednesday with Miss Pearl Haldeman. Moyer Meiser returned to Mercersburg Academy on Wednesday. I nlon UepoHlt, —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaylor spent Sunday at Harrisburg.— Mr. and .Mrs. Marry Hartman, of Steel ton, visited the former's mother. Mrs. Maggie Hartman, on Sunday. Sterl ing Peiffer ypent Sunday at Willow Grove. Miss Bessie Shope spent Sat urday at Harrisburg. Mrs. Henry Miller, accompanied by her two sons, Harry and Paul, of this place; Mrs. Amelia Sterling and Miss Emma An verter, of North Baltimore, Ohio, spent Sunday at Plnegrove. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Snavely and children, of Grant ville, visited the former's sister, Mrs. John M. Baker, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Keiffer and son, Harry, wife and daughter, spent Sunday at Halifax. Mrs. Amelia Sterling and Miss Emma Anverter, of North Balti more, Ohio, are spending some time with their aunt, Mrs. Andrew Miller. — Mrs. Andrew Miller and daughter, Annie, spent Thursday at Harrisburg. Mllleratonn. Nelson Rounsley left on wednesday for Lewisburg where he entered Bucknell University. Mrs. Hessie Hopkins, of Cambridge, Md., Mrs. Edward Rumple and Mrs. Dooley, of Cardiff, Md., who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kounsley, returned home Tuesday. Airs. 1 Una Berst, of Erie, is the guest of her uncle, D. M. Rickabaugh and fam 11 y. Mrs. 11. S. Branyan and grand daughter, Miriam Ulsh, spent the week end at Sunbury. William Franklin spent several days at Harrisburg this week, Mrs. Lloyd Gates and son, Kobert, of Tyrone, who have been vis iting her mother, Mrs. Robert Patton, have returned home. Kenneth Fish and Frank Shuman left Tuesday for ton way Hall, Carlisle. Miss' Anna Wilson, of Tyrone, is visiting Miss Van Hough. Mrs. William Rounsley spent at Harrisburg w j t jj | ler son _ William Rounsley. Kathaleen Thompson left Wednesday for school at Chatham, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Misses Helen and Mar guerite Rlppman accompanied her to Harrisburg by automobile. Edgar Thompson, of Thompsontoivn, called on friends here on Tuesday. An anti ?? league meeting was held in the Methodist Church Tuesday evening. George Eckels who spent a month with WurS'u ' M . r l John Eckels at the \\ ard House, left on Saturday for his ».V°T 1 , ey ', Ui - Mrs - Robert 1 attoii, Mrs. Lloyd Gates, son Robert, Mrs. Roy 1 atton and daughter, Ethel spent Sunday with Mrs. Ezra Patton at Liverpool. Max Lahr, of Nt-wport spent Monday w(th his uncle D A' «~~ . Lulu Troulman left Tuesdav for Herndon, where she will attend Halifax. W. r, Kelter and family, J. Harry Wagner and Joseph Cambell, who spent the week here, returned to their homes In Cherrydale, Va„ ajid A\ ai-hington, I). C. John Sheesley on \\ ednesday took his grandson, Leroy Motter, to the Mt. Airy Deaf and Dumb Institute at Philadelphia. Mrs. Eugene Swelgard Is spending the week a Tower City. H. S. Potter and fam ily and Mrs. Frederick Smith spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wagner, at Matamoras. J. o. Bech tel and son, William, made a trip to Klizabethvllle on Saturday. Jerome Sheaffer, who was taken suddenly 111 last week at the home of Jerry Jury was able to return to his home at Pen brook. Myrtle Specht, who spent the summer with her granfather. Daniel Lebo, returned to her home at MUlers burg on Sunday. Arthur Knterllne left Monday tor the Mlllersvllle State Normal School. Mrs. Glace Hoover Is >ll. Margaret Radio 1« spending a week at Harrisburtf. Mr. and Mrs iui f hi Plke 'u ft Wednesday for Detroit Michigan, where they will spend some iJfSt' 77 oil? Is vis iting at Philadelphia, Camden and At- I' Mrs. E. f\ Miller and daughter, Irene, of Shamokln. and Mrs P. E. McConnell, of Mlllersburir were guests of their aunt, Mrs. G. W.' West fall on Wednesday. a jolly crowd numbering twenty-eight, spent the week-end at the Falrchild's bungalow neai town. Outside of Mlllersburgers, those in the party were Mr. and Mrs. Knlorlfne of° w Hhl } a i^ ,slphla; Mrs ' John Enterllne, of Harrlsburg; Mrs. Poffen berger and two daughters, of Camden. , v'v and and Ml ' B - Stephen Shuler, of Liverpool. Mr. and Mis. Chauncty Ryan spent Sunday at Mlllerstown. Miss Hannah Manning, 0 f Dauphin. S«S 6V Oh the horne Ot her 8 Manning. Clinton Snoop, of .Lykena, It* spending Beveral days at the home of his sister, Mrs. V B u r " T,. Mr and Mrs - Edward Smith, of Harrlsburg, spent Tuesday here. Edward Munson came from Hagerstown. Md., on Saturday, to spend Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bender. Mr. and Mrs. George Fet terhoff are spending the week at At lantic City and Ocean Grove, N. J. Herahey. Mr. and Mrs. Stacev Peters visited friends at Dallastown.— Mrs. R. F. Heffelflnger, of Reading, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Von r, M ,, r ; and D ' c - G " e » and eon. Leighton, visited friends at Pequea, Lancaster county. Miss Lot tie Conrad visited her cousin Mrs Leonard, at Wllliamsport. Miss Marv h!iJ» er vJ ,|, " ed fi f c enii o at Fr «lerleks'- burg, Md. S. P. Bacastow moved from Derry Church into hU new brlclc residence in Cocoa avenue. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Behm and son, Park of Philadelphia, visited relatives here. Miss Katherine Moyer, of Pottstown was the guest of her brother, J. H Moyer. Delos L. James, of Illinois! formerly of this place, visited friends here. Jack W llliams, of Richmond. Va„ spent several days here a* the guest of Mrs. Williams, at the Hershey Inn. William Traffor. of Hoxle, Kansas, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. i Maulfalr. - Miss Dorofhy Feeser visited friends at Gettysburg Mrs Violet Freed returned to Lebanon Val ley College after spending her vacation PROMINENT FIGURES IN ENOLA BASEBALL AFFAIRS i ' MB H C. B. GRAY President Motive Power League Enola, Pa., Sept. 18.—This afternoon the second game of the series of five between the Round House and Enola Car Repair Shops is being played for the championship of the League and the large loving cup presented by C. B. Gray, general foreman of the Enola yards and President of the Mo tive Power Baseball League. The series is being played between the cham pions of the Round House and the Car Repair Shop. Corncoast For Young Folks at Home of Ellis Pfleegor By Special Correspondence Montandon, Pa., Sept. 18.—A corn roast was held at the home of Ellis Pfleegor and a pleasant evening was spent by the young people. Those present were Dora O'Brien. Josephine Stapleton, Emma Baker, Thelma Er win, Odrey and Vina Swartzlander, Jessie Reimer, Ethel Martin, Reber Groover, Joe Cornelius, Gregg John son, Paul Kline, Lewisburg; Marian Stocker, Chlllisquaque; Bertha and Mary Voneida, Charles Derr, Clifford Keyset - , Starrett Wenzel, Donald Hatick, Melvin Harshberger, Lee, Myrtle, Ruth and Hazel Pfleegor, of Montandon. Mrs. A. G. Keyser en tertained friends at her home on Saturday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Sue Lauver ,of Philadel phia. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butler, Chlllisquaque; Leonard Beyers, Miffltn; Reber Groov er, Lewisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Falrchild, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Best, Mrs. C. M. Hauck, of Montandon, and Miss Sue Lanner of Philadelphia. Angus Fairchild and family spent Sunday at Eaglesmere. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Detweiler of Philadelp hia, were entertained on Sundav at Hotel Wenzel. Mr. and Mrs. John Ketner of Sunbury were visitors at the home of Adam Stahl. Mrs. Frank Fries and daughter, Pearl, have re turned from a visit at Jersev Citv. Mrs. Forrest Hamer and Mrs. Thomas Staggert drove to Pottsgrove on Tues day and spent the day with James Vankirk. Mrs. A. G. Keyser and children and Miss Sue spent Monday at the home of Charles Snyder near Mifflinburg. Mrs. George Reitz and sons. Max and Dick, spent Monday at Milton with her sis ter, Mrs. W. W. Fetzer. DISTRIBUTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES By Special Correspondence Rife, Pa., Sept. 18.—County Super intendent F. E. Shambaugh and as sistant, William R. Zimmerman, of Lykens, called on S. A. Holtzman on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ra del announce the birth of a son. Harry Hoy, of Philadelphia, was the guest of his father, Vol Holtz.—E. E Spotts was hurt by a thresher last week and Is nursing a sore foot.-~ G. M. Weaver, of Millersburg, distrib uted supplies for the various schools on Tuesday. Cloud Hunter and family of Tower City, called on Nich olas Lenkers on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Lykens, called on friends here. —Mary Longobach, of Hickory Corners, called at A. F. Strohecker's on Tuesday—Jacob Len ker, who spent the summer at Boone, lowa, is home.—Mrs. Maggie Nelson and family called at S. A. Holtzman's on Wednesday evening. at this place. Mjss Edith Freed Is visiting relatives at Womelsdorf. Dauphin. Miss Gertrude Gross, of Brooklyn, N, Y„ arrived on Wednesday for a visit with Allss Ruth Shaffer. Harry Urlng, of Wllliamsport. has re turned home after spending several weeks here. Airs. Elliot Thompson and children, Reese and Margaret, of Washington, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. William P. Clark. Mrs. Frank Evans and daughter, Helen, of Altoona. returned home on Monday af ter a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frantz at their cottage, Bide-a-Wee.— Mrs. J: W. Hawthorne and daughter Sarah Margaret, are the guests of Tom Hawthorne, at New York City.—How ard Bay ley, of the Touraine, New York City, spent the week-end here. George Denison, Jr., Chambers Denison, and Ray Philips left on Mondav for .West Chester State Normal school.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde, who were the guests of Mrs. George Gllday have re turned to their home- at Philadelphia.— Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McNeely, of Marysvllle, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. McNeely.—Miss Lucy Novlpger of Harrlsburg spent the week-end with Mrs. W. P. Clark.—Miss Arne Shaffer returned to the Pennsyl vania Hospital, Philadelphia, where she is employed as nurse, after spending a three weeks' vacation with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer.— Mr. and Mrs. Kelso McClure and sons of Christlanla. Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eckert and daughter. Edith of Harris burg were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Nlmrod Smith on Sunday. J. N. Reno of Youngstown, Ohio, was registered at the Dauphin House this week.—Peter Young and C. Graw of Camden, N J motored here on Monday for a week's visit. Dr. A. T. Poffenberger, Dr Jo seph Poffenberger, Miss Elizabeth Pof fenberger of Sunbury; Mr. and Mrs A T. Poffenberger and daughter Helen! of New York City, motored here on Sunday and were the guests of Miss Mary Umberger. Harvey C. Forney spent several days at Pottsville, Ta maqua, Reading and Lebanon.. Dr. and Mrs.. William P. Clark were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snavelv at Her shey, on Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth McDowell of Pittsburgh, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Gerberlch.— Miss Etta Kobenslaugh. Miss Mary Cleckner, William Anderson, S. S. Ruth erford, Miss Alberta Smith, Miss Mar garet Smith and Frederick Orth. all of Harrlsburg. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Warner, this week. -»lr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Good at Camp Hill. Mrs. John B. Morgan, of Leba non, Ross Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Anderson, all or Harrlsburg, spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bler bower. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Rlp pley, of Harrlsburg, spent to-day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Warner. Mrs. Umberger and Miss Margaret Foultz. Both of Harrlsburg, were the guests of Mrs. Charles Sellers this week. Mrs. William J. Rodenliaver, of Harrlsburg, sDent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer. Mrs. Bertha Tred well and Mrs, Kerstetter, of Harrlsburg, spent Monday with Mrs. William Reed. —Mrs. Alice Barnhlll of Tremont, Pa., was the guest of Mrs. Sarah Sponsler. —Mrs. Alice Myers and Miss Kathryn Myers, of Brooklyn, N. Y., returned home on Thursday, after an extended visit with Mrs. Mary Porter. —Miss Cora Coffrode and Miss Bertha Coffrode spent Wednesday at Rock villa. SEPTEMBER 18, 1915. H. G. HASSLER, Manager Enola Shop's Team Duncannon Young Folks Are Returning to Colleges By Special Correspondence Duncannon, Pa., Sept. 18.—Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Reutter are spending some time at Clarion, Pa., guests of their daughter, Mrs. James Fitzger ald.—Mrs. George Pennypacker, of Altoona, is spending some time as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Fen stermacher.—J. Derrick, of Camp Hill, visited relatives here this week. —Mrs. James McGee, of New Bloom field, was the guest of Mrs. James E. Wilson on Wednesday.—Miss Rebecca Owen spent part of the week at Har risburg.—Floyd Lepperd and James Myers, of the graduating olass 1915 of the borough high school left on Tuesday for Carlisle, where they will enter Dickinson College as students. —Miss Jean Duncan is the guest of Miss Edith Pierce at Philadelphia.— William Willis, a prominent Penn township farmer, is recovering from a serious illness.—William S. Seibert, of New Bloomfield, was here on Wed nesday.—Among those to return to schools and colleges from here during the week were: William and Ross Jennings, Lehigh University; John DeHaven and Roy Heckendorn, Buck nell University; Christy and Sam Jennings and John Z. Wills, Mercers burg Academy; John Krltzenger, Lebanon Valley College; Rex Zeigler, Pierce Business College; Samuel Bucker, Philadelphia College of Phar macy; Misls Ida Zerflng, Syracuse University, and Miss Rae Snyder, Shippensburg Normal school.—Mrs. Patrick Hobbs and little daughter Patricia and Miss Lena Hall spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Holland. —Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Michener and little son Edward have taken up their residence at Middletown, where he holds a cleri cal position with the car works. —Mrs. Catharine Westhaver, Mrs. S. A. Mc- Camment and son Donald have re turned to their home in Harrisburg after spending some time as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lane S. Hart. Jr., at Maplehurst.—Misses Nora and Clara Klinepeter and Helen Shade have re turped from a visit to Ocean City, N. J.—Mrs. B. E. Bryant and two chil dren are visiting relatives in New York State. Reception in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hallman By Special Correspondence Pike town. Pa., Sept. 18. Harry Reigle of Harrisburg, was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Megonnel. Daniel Reese of Ann ville spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. David Mumma. Thomas Ram sey and daughter, Priscilla and Miss Luella Gastrock spent Wednesday with Mrs. Mayme Cassell in Lingles town. - Mrs. Isaac Strohm and son, Harry, on Wednesday visited Mrs. Annie Dietz in Fishing Creek Valley. Mrs. W. F. Radle of Fishing Creek Valley, visited friends here on Tues day. —Miss Jane Jones, of Harrishurg spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoenshelt. Mr. and Mrs. George Piety, save a reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Hallman who were recently married. The follow ing- guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sweigart, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sweigart, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Straw, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shartzer, Mr. and Mrs. William Shartzer, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Straw, Mr. and Mrs. George Hallman, Mr. and Mrs. George Pletz, Mrs. George Hoyert. Mrs. William Hallman, Misses Irene Sweigart, Marie Shartzer, Bertha Hallman, Mary Hallman, Nora Fisher, Omnia Pisher, Messrs. Leon Hoyert! Harry Straw, Edward Hoover, Harry Shartzer, John Hoover, George Mc- Clain, Reuben McOlain, Charles Mc- Olain, Irvin McClain. Curtis Mc- Claln, Lancaster Hoover, Reuben Hoover, Isaac Wade, Oliver Wade Harry Bailer. Robert Hinds, Samuel" Hinds, George Hinds, Charles Baker, James Baker, Elmer Noll, John Pisher, Charles Hoover, John Bucher Kenneth Pletz and Earnest PletK, —1 The Mount Laurel Sunday school is holding its annual picnic to-day In the grove near the church. The New Cumberland band is furnishing music. LYCEUM AT LKWISBERRY By Special Correspondence Lewisberry, Pa., Sept. 18.—Chau tauqua Association of Swarthmore will hold Its third annual lyceum festival in the Methodist Episcopal Church on Thursday. Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings, September 23-25.—The Rev. Edward Jackson will deliver n sermon In the Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday morning to Valley Grange, No. 13fi0. which will attend in a body. This service had been announced for last Sunday even ing, but was postponed.— Mrs. Earl Lichtenberg»r, of Steelton, is spending ten days with her mother. Mrs. Sophia Erney. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Coover and sons. Vance, Glenn and Mark, of Lemoyne, spent Sunday as guests of Mrs. Coover's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cline.—A meeting of the Ladles 'Aid Society of the Meth odist Episcopal Churoh will be held at the home of Mrs. H. M. Sutton this evening.—Miss Elizabeth J. Kunkel of New Cumberland, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Wise. —Dean R. Hudson haß returned to Williamsport. where he Is a student at Dickinson Seminary.— J. H. Troup and E. E. Strorninger. of Harrisburg. were In town on Tuesday.—Mrs. Roy Miller and son Harvey and Mrs. Howard F. T'rich spent Sunday with Mrs. Urich at Goldsboro, DEGREE TEAM WINS PRIZE 111 EKKEIfSi sls Given Hummelstown Wood men For Best Drill at Labor Day Parade in Upper End READING CLUB TO BE FORMED Harry Bomberger Still in Serious Condition With Tetanus at Harrisburg Hospital Hummelstown, Pa., Sept. 18,— Miss Marlon Espenshade, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Espenshade. The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert S. Garnes en tertained Mrs. Games' parents, Mr. and Mrs. McGraw of Freeport, Pa., the past week. Mrs. John Whittock and Miss Maude Baker spent a day in Harrisburg. Miss Annie Burkholder left on Tuesday for Indiana, Pa., where she will resume her studies in the Xormal school. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ft, Jacobs of Mechanicsburg wen recent guests of Mrs. Mary Bolton. Master Paul Stroh, of Mt. Gretna, has returned to the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Grove, where he will spend the winter. The de gree team of Camp No. 10,714, Mod ern Woodmen of America won a sls prize awarded for the best drilled team at the parade held at Lykens on Labor Day. Miss Pearl Beh ney left on Monday for Buffalo, where she will enter the general hos pital as a student nurse. Messrs. Paul Hummel and Leroy Umberger enrolled at Lebanon Valley College as students. Mrs. Kmma Brinser en tertained her nephew, Harry Hershey, of Penbrook this week. Arthur Holler who graduated at the Harris burg Academy last term will enter Lafayette College. Mr. and Mrs. Delos James have returned to their home in Woodstock, 111., after several weeks spent with J. H. Walter.—The Rev. John Dieffenderfer and family have returned to their home at Eas ton after a visit with Mrs. Dieffender fer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Schaffner. Miss Katharine Nisslev has returned to Smith College where she will enter her third year's work. Mrs. Margaret Becker left for her home at Philadelphia on Wednesday after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Wil liam H. Longenecker. T. O. Mit man and W. A. Geesey attended the Conference of Dauphin County Prin cipals' Association in Technical High School, Harrisburg. A meeting of all persons interested In the plan for forming the Delphian Reading Club was held at the home of Miss Maude Baker on Tuesday evening. Harry Bomberger, Jr., who was taken to the Hari isburg Hospital more than a weelc ago suffering from tetanus, continues in a serious condition. He is thought to hp slightly improved, however, and hopes are entertained for his recovery. NEW STATION AGENT By Special Correspondent! Kloomfleldj p a ., Sept. 18.— * {'??.' • Elizabeth. Peale, who. lias been \ lsitlng her aunt. Mrs. H. E. Sheibley, returned to her home In Lancaster vy ednesday evening. Miss Margaret Hetty Burnett left on Tuesday morn ing for Boston, where she will enter the Boston Conservatory of Music as a studeht.—Miss Margaret Gilliland, after spending her vacation with her father, J. M. Gilliland, left on Thurs day to resume teaching in New York: V'V,'; Warren Seibert and Harold Milllngton went to State College. John Johnston and Oscar Wallace will I enter State College as Freshmen.—Ed ward Moore returned to State College to resume studies.—Frank Adams, of Easton, spent the week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Adams.— Mrs. James Totten, of Robbihsville. N. J., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Potter Hayes.—Miss Alice Ad ams is spending several weeks with her sister G.ace, at Camden and at Atlantic City.—Cloyd G. Weaver, wh > has charge of the Loysvllle Station on the Newport and Shermans Valley railroad, will return to his duties at the New Bloomfield station October 1 and Allen J. Blxler will be the sta tion agent *t Loysvllle.—W. N. Fliek inger, of Chicago, 111., spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs L H. C. Flickinger. Dr. Wm. Tyler Douglas HAS MOVED HIS OFFICES TO 1634 Derry Street, Corner of 17th THE Office Training School Kaufman Rl<lk„ 4 S. Market Sq. NOW IN SESSION Day School and Night School Call or send for 32-page booklet-- Bell phone BD4-R. v i "Sterling Washer" AT LAST A WASHER WITH THE MOST CORRECT PRINCIPLE YET PRODUCED. AN EXCLUSIVE MA CHINE, FLAT DISC TYPE, OSCIL LATING TUB, no pegs to tear the clothes, will wash anything to be washed. FOUR POSITION REVERSIBLE WRINGER. Steel frame, full length folding extension rack. Largest cedar tub made, detachable. ELECTRIC or ENGINE POWER AS DESIRED. Come look It over. Hbg. Electric Supply Co, 24-26 South Second St. Harrisburg, Pa. 5
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