4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS HOUSE PARTY GIVEN AT WAREHIME HOME Young Folks Gather at Pen Mar Summer Cottage on Invita tion of Waynesboro Girls MAN WINS EMBROIDERY PRIZE Miss Anna Hunter Gives Party on Lawn at Her Home For Many Friends Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 18. — Misses Laßue and Madaline Ware hime are giving a house party this week to a number of friends at their summer home near Pen Mar. Those participating are Misses Ruth Arn brise, Edith Kaultman, Aileene Grove. Margaret Grove. Amy Washabaugh, j La Rue and Madaline Warehlme; Messrs Omer Kauffman, Paul Clugs- j ton. Clarence Clever, George Jacobs, 1 al of Waynesboro; Frances Deneade. j Baltimore: Laurence Dunn, Xew! York, and Henry Creager, Harrisburg. j The chaperones are Postmaster and i Mrs. J. W. Warehime and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kauffman.—Miss Eliza beth Swartz gave a farewell party to a. number of friends who will go away to school next week on the lawn at her home. There were thirty guests. Included in the games played was ant embroidery contest. The prize a box j of candy was awarded to William | Mlnnick f r embroidering the best; looking figure on a piece of linen.—Dr. | and Mrs. Joseph Enniss delightfully entertained about forty of their friends at cards Thursday evening.—Miss Anna Hunter entertained a number of 1 friends on Friday evening. Games were played on the lawn where re-; freshments were served. —Harvey F. | Thompson and Miss May Beatrice | Haley, both of Waynesboro. were] united in marriage Tuesday at St. An- j drew's Catholic Rectory by the pas-j tor, the Rev. Father F. C. Wagner.— Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Bloom. Miss I Marian Winer and Samuel Erlanger left this morning for Harrisburg, j where they will visit Dr. and Mrs. Hy man Weiner for several days.—Aldus Frantz entertained the members of the Dr. l/wanzig gand last evening at his home east of town. Asthma Sufferer Write to-day I will tell you free of | charge how I was cured of asthma after 28 years of terrible suffering, by a simple inexpensive home treatment | which never fails. I am so grateful [ for my present good health I want j every one to know of this wonderful i treatment. Mrs. Fred E. Moraine, Box j 556 Des Moines, lowa. Never Mind Hew Strong Yeu Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win, "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job ? For 23 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every montfe over 400 students write of promotions or salary Increases through I C. 6. training. What the I. C. S. are doing for these men they can do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and ar» ambitious to learn the I. C. S. can train you In your own during your spare time, for a more Important I and better-paying position. Mp.rk and mall the attached coupon—lt won't obligate you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show vou how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their simple and easy methods. It will cost you nothing to lnvesUgmte—it may cost a life time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mail the Counon NOW. P | INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS ] Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. ■; 5 Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qua!- C lfy for the position before which I mark X. J' i Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card «HH.. i Elec. Lighting Jupt. Refrigeration Engineer AdverUaina i 5 Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer Salesmanchin V Tel. A Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher ■ S Architect Loco. Fireman A Eng. Eullth Brairkx 5 Architectural Draftsman flvtl Service Agriculture / Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Farmlu ? Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Fit } Concret*. .Construction Steno. * Typewriting ChcmLtry / Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running S Name — .............. !' Bt and No. !' City State J Ji Present Occupation J - - '« SATURDAY EVENING, Veteran of Mexican War Celebrates 90th Birthday EDWARD REMMEL By Special Correspondence Mnuoh Chunk, Pa., Sept. 18. Friends and relatives from every nook and corner of the Lehigh Valley came to Matich Chunk recently to take part in the 90th birthday celebration of Edward Rommel, the only surviving member of the Mexican war veterans of this section. Mr. Remmel in com pany with his brother. Jacob, went to tight in the war with Mexico and were with General Scott's army when it entered the City of Mexico. Oldest Member of Church Makes 78th Birthday Offering By Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa.. Sept. 18.—George i D. Long, a former Pennsylvania Rail j road conductor of Frederic, Md., was | in town on Monday, the guest of J. R. | Missemer. Subilla Zeller is the exec utor of Charles H. Zeller, late of Mt. ; Joy, and Lydia Z. Carpenter Is the ! administrator of Harvey Carpenter. 1 late of Mt. Joy. H. G. Hastings, of I Atlanta, Georgia, has been the guest | of Amos H. Hoffman. Frank E. j Hershey and Miss Elpnora Wertz, both of Mount Joy, were united in marriage by the Rev. J. W. Deshong. Mrs. Mary Greenawalt, the only living charter member of St. Mark's United Brethren church made her seventy - eighth birthday offering in the Sunday school on Sunday morn | ing. Walter C. Beam, of Stratts burg. was In town on Monday, the guest of Paul Smith. Harvest Home services will he rendered in the Luth eran church on Sunday. FACTORY RESUMES WORK By Special Correspondence Enders, Pa., Sept. 18.—Schools of Jackson township opened on Monday morning for a seven-months' term.— Russell L. Neff left for the West Ches ter State Normal school on Monday.— Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kitzmiller, Jennie Warfel. and Mrs. John E. Enders mo tored to Harrisburg on Tuesday.—T. J. Hoffman, of the Internal Revenue Office at Lancaster, is spending his va j cation at his former home here.—The ! shirt factory resumed operations after j being idle for a short time.—T. J. Hoff- I man's house, which was entirely re modeled is about completed. ; j State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas Countr. s«. ! Fr*nk J. Cheney makes oath thot he la Malar I partner of the firm of 1". J. Cheney k Co., <io -1 lng business in the City of Toledo. Coup.t v aI ( j I State aforesaid, and that *aid firm will nnr the sum of ONE HCNDREP HOLLARS for | each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be I cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. I Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., ISSG, Seal. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public, i Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and i acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur ! faces of the system. Send for testimonials, j free. F. J. CBENET & CO., Toledo. 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. | Take Hall'a Family Pills for constipation. CANDIDATES WORK AMONG PERRY VOTERS Politicians Seeking Office Visit Their Constituents in Different Sections of County FINDS 5-LEAVED CLOVERS Horse Valley Teacher Walks Five Miles to Schoolhouse Every Day During Term Xew Germantown, Pa., Sept. 18. I During the past week the following ; candidates looked up their interests in Toboyne township: Paul R. Flurle of Newport, Republican candidate for the nomination for sheriff; William !C. Coombe, of Tuscarora township. Republican candidate for register and recorder, ar»l J. S. Zimmerman, of Spring township, Harry Shellehamer, of New Bloomfield and McClelian Woods of Wheatfleld township. Re publican candidates for county com missioner and Alton D. Neidigh. of I Jackson township, Democratic candi i date for the same office. Miss Ida Hockenberry, of Mt. Pleasant recently found ten four-leaved and four five leaved clovers, all growing on one stalk. She claims to be the cham pion in such discoveries. Mrs. B. I S. Gring and daughter, Pauline spent two weeks with the former's sister at ; Jersey City. Mrs. Vernon Smith and daughter, Marie, were the guests of friends at York and Lancaster. Daniel E. Mumper killed a house snake three feet long in George D. Stager's cellar. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Collins were in Cumberland county this week. The Mumper brothers are sawing out a tract of timber on ! the Hite farm for John Houck. Mr. 1 and Mrs. Luther Rhea visited friends ; at Newville. Prof, and Mrs. Xevln i Gutschall of Lewlstown were the guests of the former's mother," Mrs. Susan Gutshall and his sister, Mrs. George D. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rhinosmith of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Rhlnesmith, of Rldg way, Mrs. D. P. Stokes of Blalri and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stroup, of j Jackson township, were the guests of ! Mr. and Mrs. George D. Martin. Floyd Morow, who teaches the West Horse Valley school walks across the Conococheague mountain each morn ing and evening, a distance of five miles. W. R. Mumper, B. F. Smith and son, John, killed three ground hogs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reeder of Jackson township were guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. A. D. Bowman. George P. College, of Sugar Valley, Mifflin county, and son-in-law, Ed gar Berrier of Shade Valley, Hunting don county, visited friends here. Coal Diggers Washed Away by Flood Are Recovered i Millersburgr. Pa., Sept. 18. Coal diggers of Miller and Burck and the Electric Light Company, which were I washed away in the recent flood In i Wiconisco creek, have been recovered. The machines will be repaired at once. Hary Keim fs visiting his mother, Mrs. Salome Keim and sisters, Mrs. Harry Snyder and Mrs. Ed. Chubb, after being away since the Spanish-American War. he having been a soldier in the United States Regular Army at that time. Mrs. C. F. Moyer and daughter, Miss Violet moved to Selinsgrove this week. Edgar Kramer and mother of Harris burg motored to their old Millersburg home on Tuesday for a short visit. Bridge Between Lykens and Wiconisco Almost Completed Lykens, Pa., Sept. 18.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bitterman, of Harrisburg, spent 1 some time here this week at the home of the former's father, Cyrus Bitterman. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hoepher, and child, of Harrisburg spent their vacation at the home of Mrs. Hoepher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blyler, of South Second street, a boy. The County Bridge over the Wiconisco Creek joining Lykens and i Wiconisco townships is rapidly as ; suming shape. The Job promises to be a good one. Lykens and Wicon isco township schools opened for the term on the 13th. The Lykens borough school will not open until the 27th. The baseball tans of the Upper End are all eager for the champion ship series of the Williams Valley and Dauphin-Perry county leagues. When Seeking Fortune or Health. From (he day that a young man starts out to seek his first position to the end of his business life, his health has a world to do with his success. Good blood means good health; good health means strong men and women, full of vigor and ambition, with minds alert and muscles ever willing. Bradford, Pa.—"Dr. Pierce's Golden t Medical Discovery has been a family family for twenty /feel run down or wife uses it also and we both de rend on it and like it so well that we are glad to recommend It to others." —MB. JOE SEMAN, 56 Bank St. Twenty-four hours after you start to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, poisonous matter and blood im purities begin to leave your body through the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin. It's a tonic and alterative that brings new activity to the liver, stom ach and bowels in a short time, thus causing sallowness, indigestion and constipation to disappear. It's a pure glycerine extract of native medicinal roots, made without alcohol. It enters the tiny blood-vessels of the skin, bringing with It fresh vitalized hlood, and abiding faith in its wonder ful cleansing power has come to thou sands, when pimples, boils, carbuncles, rash, eczema, acne and other skin troubles dried up and disappeared Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery today in either liquid,or tablet form, or write Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y., for free book and free medical advice. BAPWBBURG TELEGRAPH Trindle Springs Lutheran Sunday School Class II ,' K'i ' . l; ' r" •' ' nl,ov <» picture represents the Sunday School class mhe Trindle Spring l.u jrrown t?"".*' n'SXV VurtnTfhV*asf Jlfn'l* 'foS? mem"™' ° f tWenty " flve mpmbe " ln ,h * ~hich 20 Cents Per Box For Strawberries at Dillsburg By Special Correspondence Dillsburg. Pa., Sept. 18.—Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Bentz, of Ashland, Xeb., are visiting the former's sisters, Mrs. Mary Baker and Mrs. Katherlne Anthony. This is Mr. Bentz's first visit east In thirty-two years.—Harry Balsh has purchased from J. G. Lerew his poolroom and cafe in South Baltimore street. —Miss Susan Beatty, who has been 111 for the past three months, Is now able to leave the house.—Dr. W. L. Crawford has removed from the Clark home in South Baltimore stree> to the apartments in the Dick build ing vacated by Parker Prosser.—Miss Virgie Wright, of York, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Heikes.—Mrs. O. E. Krenz left on Wednesday for Indiana county, where she will join her husband, the Rev. O. .E Krenz, who is spending some time in the country in an efTort to regain his health. Strawberries were sold on the street here this week at 20 cents per box.—Two new members were initiated Into Washington Camp Xo. 777. P. O. S. of A., on Monday night.— Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Shrlner spent this week with the former's parents at Hanover.—Miss Katherlne Altland re turned to the University Hospital at Philadelphia on Tuesday, where she is training for a nurse, after a sev eral weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Altland. P. 0. S. of A. Glee Club Delights Hershey Audience By Special Correspondence Annvilh-, Pa., Sept. 18.—On account ot the now grade for the streets of town, the pavement at the post office has been torn up and a new cement walk constructed. —aiiss Helen Bright bill left on Friday for Poughkeepsie, X. Y„ where she will resume her studies at Vassar College.—aiiss Jo sephine Urlch will leave on Sunday for Wellesley College.—The P. O. S. of A. glee club delighted a large audience at a picnic held on Saturday at Her shey Park.—Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Shiffer have returned from Walters Park, near Reading, where they spent a few days.—Professor E. E. Stauher, dis trict deputy grand master of Lebanon county, I. O. O. F.. paid an official visit to the "tecal order on Tuesday evening.—aiiss Emma Batdorf left for Lexington, aio., where she is instructor in elocution and physical culture a - . Ladies' College.—Frederick S. Frantz spent several days as the guest of air. and airs. Alfred K. aiills.—aiiss Laura Mayberry, of Schuylkill Haven, spent several days at the home of air. and airs. Alfred K. aiills.—air. and airs. Joseph H. Kreider and daughter hjive returned from Pittsburgh.—Raymond Epler. of Colebrook, was a visitor in Annville on Thursday.—aiiss Jane T. aiilier, of Vineland, X. J., was the puest of air. and airs. Simon Wolf on Sunday. 3,000 Persons Attend Big Picnic at Lenker's Station By Special Correspondence KHzabcthvillc, Pa., Sept. 18.—Mrs. William Bingamnn, of Harrisburg, was the guest of Mrs. Mark Uhler for sev eral days.—One of the largest picnics ever held in this valley was that at Lenkers Station on Saturday, when about 3,000 people congregated at the grove.—The local band gave two de lightful concerts and the Rev. E. J. Heilnian and the Rev. S. L, Rhoads delivered addresses.—G. Fred Botts re turned from Chautauqua, X. Y„ where he spent the summer and where he took a course in music.—Mr. and Mrs. George Gaupp spent several days with her parents at Pine Grove.—Mrs. C. H. Gordinler and son Charles, of Millers ville, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stine.—Harry Bauder and family, of Middletown, were re cent guests of W. A. Bauder. —Miss Verna Mattis is home after spending two weeks at the Capital City.— Thieves entered the home of Jesse Sheetz recently and took a $lO bill, the theft being committed during the day while Mrs. Sheetz was in the yard.— Mr. and Mrs. William Uhler have re turned to their home at Elkhart, Ind. —A number of young people, chap eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. Rom berger, enjoyed a cornroast at the farm home of Homer Lenker, west of town. —,T. A. Romberger. C. T. Rom berger, H. C. Lewis and W. L. Steven son spent Wednesday at Elizabeth town. —Mrs. William Botts has been confined to her home with illness. Farewell Party For Jonestown Students By Special Correspondence Jonestown, Pa., Sept* 18.—A ban quet, held at the White Horse Hotel by the Tall Cedars, of Lebanon, was enjoyed by all.—Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence E. Hoverter. late of Salt Lake City, Utah, now of Governor's Island, New York Harbor, spent a day with his mother, Mrs. John A. Menger. Mr. Hoverter Is an officer in the Hospital Corps, of the United States Army.— iFrank M. Boeshore and family, of 'Philadelphia, who are spending thetr vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel G. Boeshore, of Lick dale, spent part of Sunday and Mon day with his sister, Mrs. Henry B. Lesher. Mr. Boeshore is an archi tect 'n the employ of Harris & Rich ards, Philadelphia.—A farewell party was 1. aid at the Reformed parsonage in honor of Paul Scheerer, who left Monday for Franklin and Marshall. Annon Bolz, who goes to Lebanon Valley College; Carl Kline, a student at Mercersburg Academy.—On Mon day Clarence D. Becker collected the tax for the Sinking Spring Mutual Fire Insurance Company and Thomas Lesher for the Washington Mutual Fire Insurance Company.—Miss Mla nte Nagle, of Waverly,. N. Y., Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Michael B. Mohn. —Norman Schodder. of Camden, N. ,T., is visiting Mies Jennie Glazier—Al fred E. Rank, of Hershey, spent a day k wtth his family here. 'Embroidery Club Entertained I at Home of Miss Eliza Buck t By Special Correspondence Linglestown, Pa., Sept. 18.—Services I will he held in the United Brethren I church to-morrow morning by the j pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch. In the Church of God in the evening by the ! pastor, the Rev. George Sigler. and ln > Wenrlch's church In the afternoon by the Lutheran pastor, the Rev. O. R. Bltner.—Miss Anna Xeidig, of Me chanicsburg, was the week-end guest of Miss Marian Smith. —Samuel Bal thaser. of Xewark, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser. —Miss Martha Graybill left on Satur day to spent several weeks in Juniata county.—Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fox spent Sunday with Mr. and Sirs. Allen Walmcr at Pine Grove.—Miss Myrna Speas, of Penbrook, was the guest of Miss Marion Smith, on Saturday. Mrs. Rebecca Baker is spending some time with friends at Shamokin.—Miss Mabel Feeser, of Hershey, was the week-end guest of her mother, airs. Carrie Feeser. Andrew Hetzel, of Steeiton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reith. Edward Buck and Frank Hoke left on Tuesday for Gettysburg College.—A meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Brethren church was held Monday evening at the hotne of Miss Sallie Zimmerman.—Mrs. S. Duey Un ger and son. of Pittsburgh, are spend ing some time as the guests of her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Swei- I gart.—Mrs. Xellie Mixell and four children, of Baltimore, are spending [some time as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mixell.—The Embroidery Club was entertained at the home of Miss i Eliza Buck on Monday evening.—John j Heckert, of Derrv Church, was the /guept of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Fisliburn ion Sunday. Horace McConnel, of I Philadelphia, was a visitor here on Sunday.—Riley Cassel. of Lancaster, was the week-end guest of his mother, Mrs. Mavme Cassel. Mr. and Mrs. jjohn Seltzer, of Reading, are spend ing the week With Mr. and Mrs. Eiias i Seltzer.-—Mr. and Mrs. Elias Seltzer lon Monday moved to their new home iat Paxtonia, where Mr. Seltzer has j gone Into the grocery business. Little Johnny Blows Gabriel's Horn at Bindnaugle Meeting By Special Correspondence ItinrtnauglrN Church, Pa., Sept. 18.— Two boys having read a st ory of many years ago tried to Imitate it a few Sun | days ago at barn services. They went ito the place in the early forenoon and lay upon the overhead on the straw. The regular servant of God could not j be present so one of the pious brethren tried to admonish the gatherers as best he could according to their habit in the German language, saying, "Broth ers and sisters, are you ready for the coming of the Lord? Can He claim you as one of His, or are you traitors to His cause? If the Good Lord should sound his horn, are you ready?" Lit tle Johnny blew a llerce blast. All ran for their lives, losing some of their apparel, but two of the brethren re | turned and climbed to the overhead to search for the mischievous lads, but they could not be found, having hid in the straw out of danger. No services on that farm In the future unless a thorough search Is made in every nook and corner. Klmer Earley, of Pal myra. called upon M. B. Farling on Sunday. Mrs. Wolfart of Lancaster, visited friends here. Levi Hetrick of West Hanover, was In town this week. —Prof. R. E. Bunkle of Deer, was a visitor in town on Saturday. Levi Snyder, of Sand Beach was here this week. UXIOX SERVICES By Special Correspondence Berrysburg. Sept. 18.—Mrs. George Peffle and son, George, Jr., of Phila delphia. are visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Derbler.—Miss Rebecca Neiman, of Harrisburg. Is spending some time at home.—Union services of the Lutheran and Reform ed churches will be held to-morrow evening by the Rev. Derr and the Rev. Wehr. —Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Daniel visited friends at Malta on Sunday.— The band is furnishing music for the Grangers picnic at Stone Valley to day—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deibler and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kebaugh autocd to Sunbury and spent several days there.—Miss Bishop, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schoffstall, returned to her home in Harrisburg. I WORK | I Ten or fifteen laborers < • ; wanted. Apply at once. ; i: The Berryhill :: Nursery ■ I JONESTOWN ROAD NEAR < • . . COLONIAL CLUB . . DEPTONOI | MADE IN A HEALTH RESOPT. AT DPUG STORES^SI.ooPerBOTTLE THE PEPTONOI CO. .ATLANTIC CITY N-U K. UltOhS, llfl Market St., Harrisburg, I*a. Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active. bowels regular. without patn or «ripin». relieve aick headache end that bloated feelir j after eatinc. purity the blood and elear the complexion Large box, enough to last a month, 25c , Dr. ChM« Co., Hi N. 10th St., Philadelphia, P». SEPTEMBER 18. 1915. No-License League Will Hold Meeting at Newville By Special Correspondence Newville, Pa., Sept. 18.—Mrs. Mary Sharpe left to-day for Glmmison, Colo.. M-here she will spend the win ter with her son, Lewis Sharpe.—Miss Belle Swope and Miss Jane Hayes are spending several weeks at Mt. Pocono, P®-—Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frank are on a trip to Philadelphia and Bridge port. Conn. —Mrs. Capella and daugh ter, of Steeiton, are visiting Miss Flor ence Miller.—Mrs. Xaw. Stuart, of Harrisburg, spent the week-end with Mrs. M. E. Landis. —Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and children, of Mechan icsburg, spent several days with the latter's mother. Mrs. Lydia Williams. —airs. Mary Geivin, of Maitland, Mo., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. E. Piper. —Miss Sara Myers, who spent several months with Mrs. Geivin, in ailssouri, accompanied her home.—Miss Helen Stenner, of Washington, D. C., spent several days with airs, aiatne Hartzell. —Mr. and Mrs. G. Wopds Dunlap and daughter, of AJtoona, spent several days here.—aiiss Bessie Klink has re turned from a trip to Johnstown, Pa. —aiss Esther Thorpe, who spent some time with air. and airs. Robert Gra ham, has returned to her home at Philadelphia. Dr. and Mrs. Rems burg have returned from an auto trip to Altoona.—airs. Jos. aiilier and in fant son, of Plainfleld, came here on Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Gor ley. The child took sick on Sunday and died on Monday. Burial was made .at Plainfield.—The Young La dies' Bible class of St. Paul Lutheran church is holding a bake at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Getter this afternoon. —The Xo-license League will hold a I public meeting in Zion Lutheran | church on Monday evening, at 7.30 o clock. Sunbury Missionary Sails For Post at Vera Cruz By Special Correspondence Su-bury, Pa„ Sept. 18.—Miss Jessie Seasnoltz, of Sunbury. a Methodist Mis slonary, sailed to-day on the steamer Mexico, for "Vera Cruz, Mex., where she will take up missionary work she was forced to abandon during the earlv part of this year Mrs. H. E. Westhafter, Pittsburgh, is visiting- her mother, Mrs. Margaret Keller. Miss Edna Sayen ga, of Pittsburgh, Is visiting Miss Edith Hasslnger. _ Mrs. Frank Stees, of Har risburg. who visited Mrs. R. C. Thurs ton, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frye have returned from a visit to Wilkes-Bai re. Mrs. J. M. Blanch ard. of Mlllvllle, N. J., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Catherine Guyer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Shaffer have re turned from a visit to Bedford Springs. —Mrs. Frank Lupro, of Renovo, is visit ign Mrs. Edward Bright. Mrs. Sarah Hass is visiting at Milton. Mrs. H. E. Sheesley. of Lykens, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Noll. 'hea^CH? that throbbing, persistent kind —brought on by nervous strain, brain fag, overwork, worry or anxiety, is caused by lack of phos phates, necessary to the health of nerves and brain. Renew the sup ply of these vital elements, and relieve the head torment by using HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Non-Alcoholic) KjmmUPOWM H WORLD FAMOUS EMBROID -1 |sEl ERY PATTERN OUTFIT To Indicate you are a regular reader you must present ONE Coupon like thi* one, with 68 cents. THE WORLD FAMOUS EMBROIDERY OUTFIT » PW. anteed to be the best collection and biggest bargain in pattern* eve* offered. It consists of more than 450 of the very latest designs, for any <*ne of which you would gladly pay 10 cents, best hardwood em broidery hoops, set of highest grade needlea (assorted sizes), gold-tipped bodkin, highly polished bone stiletto and fascinating booklet of instruc tion* giving all the fancy stitches so clearly 31ustrated and explained that any school girl can readily become expert SEVERAL TRANSFERS FROM EACH DESIGN —. ONLY SAFE METHOD AD old-fashioned methods using watcc, benzine or injurious fluids are crude and out-of-date. This is the only safe method. Others often injure expensive materials. N. B. Out of Town Readers will add 7 cents extra for postage and expense of mailing QUAKER MEETING 111 YORK COIII) Old-Fashioned Gathering at Meet ing House Near Wellsville, York County MISS WILT ENTERTAINS CUSS Mrs. Fahs Hostess For Mite Society of Trinity Lutheran Church at Mechanicsburg Meehanicsburg, Pa., Sept. 18. —On Sunday, September 26, the annual Fall Quaker meeting will be held a-t the old meetinghouse, near Wells ville, York county. These gatherings are attended by a large number of people. Among those who attend ed the convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in New ville on Tuesday, from this place were Mrs. Alice S. Hauck, Mrs. J. J. Rish, Mrs. J. H. Bowman and Mrs. C. L. Martin. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. D. Elsenhower, of Philadelphia, have returned to their home after spending several days among friends. The Rev. George Fulton was in Carlisle on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eberly, of Pittsburgh, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Eberly. Mrs. Fahs was hostess on Tuesday evening for the Mite Society of Trinity Luth eran church. Mrs. R. M. Martin pre sided and following prayer by the Rev. H. Hall Sharp this program was given: Piano duet, Mrs. Wertz and Elizabeth Martin: recitation. Gladys Uhrich; reading. Mrs. H. Hall Sharp: piano solo, Mildred Wilson and piano solo, Hummel Shelly. Miss Viola Wilt entertained the Sunday school class of which she is a member in the Church of God on Tuesday evening at her home. A chicken corn soup supper and food sale Is being held to day by the Mercy and Help Depart ment of the Epworth League of the Methodist church.—Miss Julia Heffle finger and Miss Olive Taylor left yes terday for a visit at 'Blain. Evan gelist E. C. Miller and Prof. Hohgatt were guests on Monday of the Rev. Charles F. Raach at the Church of God parsonage. The Harrisburg Academy RE-OPENS Junior School September 20th. Senior School September 21st. The school is open for inspec tion every day from 9 to 4: the office will supply all informa tion. The Headmaster will meet pros pective pupils at the office from 9 to 4 on Mondays and Thurs days, and other days by appoint ment. Register Your Son Now. Do Not Wait a Year and Regret It Phone 1371-J. P.O. Box 617 g V—b—■)! m Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In EfTect June 17. 1915. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 6:03, *7:62 a. m.. *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg. Car. lisle. Mechanicsburg and intermediate stations at *6:03. *7.62, *11:53 a. •3:40, 5:37, *7:45, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m., 3.16; 3.26, 6:311. 9:35 a. m. For Diilsburg at 5:08, *7:63 and •11:53 a. m.. 2:16. *3:40. 6:87 and 6:3* p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, 1. H. TONGE. Q. P. A. \ THE Office Training School Kaufman did*., 4 S. Market Sq. NOW IN SESSION Day School und Night School Call or send for 32-page booklet— Bell phone 694-R.
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