18 ELABORATE SERVICES IN CHURCHES WILL USHER IN GREAT MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT CELEBRATION "The City Ideal—Beautiful— Better—Clean Lovely" Are Just a Few of the Ser mon .Themes Announced For Tomorrow by Pastors; "And I Saw a New Har risburg" at First Baptist TO UNITE IN TELLING OF CITY'S PROGRESS "God's Expectations of Us. in the Improvements to Har risburg —ls He Disap pointed?" Subject at Pleasant View Church of God The great municipal improvement celebration of September 23, 24 and 25 has presented to the pastors of the churches In this city themes for their sermons to-morrow and they will for mally usher in the observance. "The City Beautiful," "The Ideal City," "Reaching the Goal," "And I Saw a New Harrisburg" are only a few of the subjects chosen by the minis ters who are aiding in making the celebration a success. In Christ Lutheran Church the Rev. Thomas Reisch will speak on "The City Beautiful." An appropriate pro gram has been arranged for the service. ' Following are some of the subjects of addresses to be made by ministers who will speak on the great municipal improvement celebration: The Rev. i W. S. Both, in First Baptist Church, i "And I Saw a New Harrisburg;" the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor of ! the Second Reformed Church, will! speak in the evening on "The City Beautiful: How Harrisburg Has De veloped." "The Beautiful City" The Rev. William N. Yates, pastor of Fourth Street Church of God. will speak in the morning on "The Clean City" and in the evening on "The Beautiful City." At the Pine Street | Presbyterian Church the Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge will talk on "The Ideal City." The Rev. Calvin A. Hare, of Taber- i nacle Baptist Church, will speak on j "Our City and Its Great Celebration" at the evening service. "Making Our City Beautiful and Better" is the sub ject of a sermon by the Rev. S. Win feld Herman, of Zlon Lutheran Church. J. S. Wise, of the Home Mis sion Board. Philadelphia, will speak at the services in Fourth Reformed Church to-morrow and will Rive ad dresses on the improvements of this city. The Rev. Clayton Albert Smucker, pastor of Stevens Memorial Methodist r'hurch, will speak on "Reaching the Goal." Other Interesting Sermons The Rev. George W. Harper, pastor of Pleasant View Church of God, has announced that he will give an ad dress on "God's Expectation of Us in the Improvements of Harrisburg: Is He Disappointed?" Tho Rev. E. Lu ther Cunningham, of St. Paul's Bap tist Church, will speak on "The Onlv Safe City;" the Rev. W. O. Yates, of Olivet Preshvterlan Church, on "The. •"'all to Better Things:" the Rev. A. I M. Stamets. of Augsburg Lutheran Church, on "Naln—The City Lovely;" ! the Rev. J. A. Staub, of Nagle Street' Church of God. on "City Improve- ! ments," and the Rev. George F.I Schaum. of Harris Street United Evan- | gelical Church, on "The City Beauti ful. Harvest Home Services at Second Reformed Harvest Home services will be held | to-morrow in the Second Reformed j church of which the Rev. Harry Nel son Bassler is pastor. An appropriate program has been arranged by George Hutman, musical director. The church has been decorated for the oc casion. The soloists are: Mrs. Ada Culp Bowman, soprano; Miss Ethel I Henry, contralto; Russell Zarker, j tenor, and Stanley Rackenstoss, bari tone. Miss Nancy E. Canan, organ ist. The programs to be given follow; Morning Prelude. "March Sollenelle," Gou nod; Anthem, "The Song of Harvest Home," Berwald; Soprano solo. "The Earth is the Lord's," Lynnes; An-1 them, "Sing to the Lord of Harvest."' Barnby; Postlude, "Postludium," I Brosig. Evening Prelude, "Intermezzo D Flat." Hoi lins; Anthem, "Thou Crownest the Year," Vincent; Anthem, "Great is the Lord," Lohr; Postlude, "La Rene De Sava," Gounod. PRESBYTERIAN Calvary—The Rev. Frank P. Mac- I l<enzie. 10.15, "The Sleeper Aroused"; I 7.30, "Mission of Jesus"; Sunday! school, 9; C. E., 6.30. Covenant—The Rev. Harry Klaer. i . 11, "The Great Commission"; 7.30, "Lot's Wife"; Sunday school, 10; Y.I P. S. C. E., 6.30. I Bethany—The Rev. John M. Mar den. 7.30, "Rejecting the Light"; Sunday school. 9; C. E., 6.30. Immanuel—The Rev. Everett Holl- j man. 10 and 7.30, preaching; Sun- ! day school, 11.15. Pine Street —The Rev. J. S. Armen- ! trout. 10.30, "The Message of the Mountains"; 7.30, "The Tdeal City"; j 1.30, Sunday school; 1.40, advanced j departments, adult Bible classes; 6.30, ! C. E. Olivet. The Rev. William O. Yates. 10, "Unsavory Salt"; 7:30, "The Call to Better Things"; Sunday School, 11:15; C. E., 6:45. Paxton. The Rev. Harry B. King i will preach at 11 and 7:30; Sunday school 10; C. E., 7. EPISCOPAL St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. f'awyer. 8, Holy Communion; 10,1 Sunday School; 11, Morning Prayer; 4.30, Evening Prayer. St. Augustine's—Archdeacon E. L. I Henderson, rector. 11,00 Morning I Prayer; 12.30, Sunday School; 7.301 Evening Prayer. Mount Calvary. Camp Hill The | Rev. O. H. Brldgman. Evening serv- i ice, 7.30; Sunday school, 2.30. CAMP CURTIN MUSIC The following special music will be j given at Camp Curtin Memorial Meth- 1 odist church to-morrow: Morning: Anthem, "Praise Be to! God," Chas. H. Gabriel. Evening: Contralto solo, "Just For To-day." Jane Bingham Abhott, bv! Luke K. Beard; anthem; "Spirt oft God," James R. Gillette. FRIENDS TO MEET Harrisburg Friends will hold a meet ing to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Haw ley, of 1117 Market street. SATURDAY EVENING, VESTED CHOIR TO SING AT YOM KIPPUR SERVICES IN KESHER ISRAEL JmnuMMEL. WXTsr a wr gS ■ \¥ lKL*f ■i% B m - mh r - JSIm X B^ nkH, 1 [J v m / i Jgit W W^Jm^^WLJxmMLM '... ... ~;,' LL ""~ ~"""" ~~ - - Y ■■.■♦.. ' •_- _; ' : * 1 ~ ""sj- ' —• -*- ....... . ■ ■....*■•■--■ ..'■■'. ,„„ 1 ? m Kippur, the Day of Atonement for the Jews which started last evening at sunset and will end this even ing at sunset is being observed with elaborate services by Jewish congregations of this cltv ,„ ®K c . el at basher Israel Synagogue to-night at 7.45 o'clock will be featured by music by the Vested choir organ inr tin n\ ! ! al a r° Cantor Kantrowitz. The choir was organized from the best male voices in the congregation for the purpose of presenting special music at the various festivals. tongiegduon nf .5 v .iSholom this afternoon memorial services were held during which a special plea was made for the relief to-night. Wflr dlstrlot ' The * uture of the Jew" will be discussed by Rabbi Leon Album at Chlsuk Emuna The Festival of Tabernacles for the Hebrews, comprising eight days will begin at sunset Werinesrisv an* tlnue until October 1. This ancient festival Is designed to revive the love of the soil sunset ' and con- Busy Week Is Planned by City Rescue Mission The City Rescue Mission of which Griffith Jones is superintendent will hold a meeting every evening next week. The following societies and churches will take part in the serv ices of the week: Sunday—Open-air meeting followed by gospel meeting at the Mission, led by the Rev. E. P. Robinson. Monday The Rockville Christian Workers' Association. Tuesday—Tabernacle Baptist Youns People's Society. Wednesday—Church of the Breth ren. Thursday—Park Street Evangelical Church. Friday—Workers' meeting. Saturday—The Rev. Martin Stutz man. Dr. Hawes Will Preach at Market Square Church The Rev. Dr. George Edward Hawes, recently chosen as permanent pastor Of Market Square Presbyterian church will have charge of the services to morrow for the first time since his ar rival in this city. In the morning at 11 o'clock he will speak on "The Great Revealer," and in the evening at 7:30 o'clock his topic will be "Awakening of a Soul." Sunday school will be held at 9:45. LUTHERAN Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D. 10.30, "The Inner Man"; 7.30, "A Glowing Tribute"; Rally Day in Sunday School 1.4 5; C. E. Rally, 6.30. Zion The Rev. S. Winfield Her man. 10.30, Illustrated sermon on "Night"; 7.30, "Making a City More Beautiful and Better"; Sunday School, 9.45. Trinity, Camp Hill, The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle. 10.30, "The Manner and conditions of Salvation"; 7.30, "Continuance in Well-some"; Sunday School, 9.15. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisenliel der. 11.15, "Why Go to Church?"; 7.30, "The 'Just as Good' Expense"; Sunday School, 10; C. E., 6.30. St. Mark's, West Fairview —The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Sunday School, 9.30; C. E., 6.30; Preaching, 7.30. St. Paul's, New Cumberland—The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Sunday School, 9.30; Preaching, 10.30; C. E., 6.30. Messiah • The Rev. Harry W. A. Hanson. 10.30, sermon; 2.00, Sunday School; 7.30, "The Eloquence of Hero ism," "A Story In the Trip of Chrysos tom." Memorial.—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D., Men's prayer meeting at 9:15; Sunday school at 10; 11, the Rev. S. B. Burger, returned missionary from India; 7:45, "Government is of God"; Jr. Luther League, 5:45; Sr. Luther League, 6:45. Augsburg.—The Rev. A. M. Stamets 10:30 "Naln-—-The City Lovely"; 7:30, "The Robe of Righteousness"; Sunday school, 2. St. Matthew's. The Rev. E. E. Snyder, 11, "What a Church Expects of Its Members"; 7:30, "A Voice"; Sunday school, 9:45; C. E. Society, 6:30. Redeemer. The Rev. E. Victor Roland, 10:30, "Two Occasions When Jesus Wept"; 7:30, the Rev. S. C. Burger, missionary from India will speak; Sunday school, 9:30; Junior C. E., 2; Sr. C. E., 6:30. Holy Communion. The Rev. John Henry Miller, 10:45, "Paul's Pattern"; 7:30, "Harvest Home Service"; Sunday school, 9:30; Luther League, 6:30. REV. LEWIS SPERRY CHAFER. A BIBLE TEACHER IS COMING The anticipation of those who know the ability of Rev. Lewis Sperry Chafer, of Northfield, Mass., as a teacher is runninn high, owing to the good they expect to receive from the six lectures he will give under the auspices of the Harrisburg Bible Con ference Association in the First Bap tist Church, Second and Pine streets, Monday and Tuesday, September 2 7 and 28. SERIES OF SERMONS The Rev. E. Luther Cunningham, pastor of St. Paul's Baptist church, has announced that he will preach a series of sermons on domestic condi tions. The subjects follow: "Duty of Husband to Wife," "Duty of Wife to Husband," "Duty of Parents to Chil drep," "Duty of Children to Parents," and "Divorce." MISCELLANEOUS Associated Bible Students—The regular Sunday services will be held at 3 at Cameron's Hall. 105 North Second street, "Elijah's Work Before Ascension"; Berean Study, 2. Christian Missionary Alliance—The Rev. W. H. Worrall. Sunday school, 9.30; preaching, 10.30 and 7.30. PEIOOOK CHURCH OF GOD LARGER Week of Services Will Feature Re- Opening After Completion of Extensive Alterations " ""***'" ijfl! THE REV. JAY C. FORNCROOK To-morrow morning the Church of God at Penbrook will have reopening services that will be of special interest because it is the beginning of a series of meetings throughout the coming week in recognition of work com pleted that giv-is the congregation a larger and more attractive church. A new addition of twenty-three feet in length has been added to the audi torium and about fifteen feet to the main Sunday school room. A separate room has been constructed for the primary department which will com fortably seat 100 to 125. A restroom for ladies with children, a tiled bap tistry and a fine steam heating plant are the added features that will give greater comfort and convenience to the members of this rapidly growing church. The building has been car peted throughout. Beautiful dividing curtains have been provided. A fine toned piano haa been installed and other furnishing 3 contributed by the various classes and individual mem bers of the church. Erected in 1900 The original building was erected during the summer of 1906 and the church organization perfected that year by the late Rev. O. E. Houston, who was then pastor of .the Church of God at Progress and became the first pastor of this church. There were about fifty, charter members and a Sunday school of a hundred. The membership has since outgrown the original building, necessitating this new addition. The Sunday school alone has an average attendance of 225. The Rev. J. C. Forncrook took charge of the work In November, 1914, and two weeks ago the congregation voted unanimously to request his re turn at the coming church confer ence. .Before he went to the Pen brook church the Rev. Mr. Forncrook was for ten years a pastor In this city and prior to that was associated with Findlay College, at Findlav. Ohio. The elders of the church are Samuel S. Miller. John W. Hicks. William Etnoyer and Clavtor, G. Miller, and Joseph A. Cooper, Harry Bohb. F. L. Elser and E. J. Muggins are the deacons. ' l)r. Slglcr to Preaeli The sermon to-morrow morning will be delivered by the Rev. G«orge Sig ler. D. D.. of Linglestown. Song serv ice at 2.45 in the afternoon with devo tional exercises by the Rev. George Harper and fraternal greetings hv the Rev. H. M. Miller, the Rev. W. S. Haris, the Rev. L. A. Henrv and the Rev. Mr. Hartzell. In the evening the sermon will be delivered bv the Rev. S. G. Yalin, D. D.. editor of the Church Advocate. Monday evening a sermon by the Rev. S. N. Good, of New Cumberland; Tuesday evening bv the Rev. C. H. Grove, of Harrisburg; Wednesday evening by the Rev. Wil liam N. Yates, of Harrisburg: Thurs day evening by the Rev. Harry F. Hoover, of Middletown, and Friday evening by the Rev. Charles P. Raach, ot Mechanicsburg. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Cornerstone of Chapel to Be Placed Tomorrow The cornerstone of the new Sundav school chapel of Christ Lutheran church will be held to-morrow after non with appropriate exercises bo ginning at 3:15 o'clock. The program will include vocal and instrumental music, and short ad dresses by the Rev. A. M. Stamets, of Augsburg Lutheran church; the Rev. S. Winfield Herman, of Zion Lutheran church, and the Rev. G. N. Lauffer, of St. John's Lutheran church, Steelton. These pastors were classmates of the Rev. Thomas Relsch, pastor of the church, who will lay the cornerstone following their addresses. METHODIST St. Paul—The Rev. Robert W. Run yan. 11, "The Devil of Drink"; 7.30, "The Devil of Drifting"; Sunday school, 10; Epworth League, 6.30. Riverside —The Rev. David W. Sie grist. Sunday school, 2; 7, "The Christian and the Crowd." Grace —The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D. 9.30, class meeting; 10.30, "The Cham bers of Imagery"; 1.45, Sundav school and men's Bible school; 6.45, Ep worth • League; 7.30, "John Wesley and Methodism." Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. The Rev. D. N. Miller of Lewi'stown, will preach at 10.30; 7.30, "That Which Was Lost"; class meet ing, 9.30; rally day in Sunday school, 2; Epworth League, 6.30. Stevens Memorial—The Rev. Clay ton Albert Smucker. Sunday school, 9.45; 10.45, "Reaching the Goal"; Ep worth League, 6.30; 7.30, the Rev. A. IS. Fasick, D. D. [ Asbury—The Rev. W. D. Gaines. I 11, "Apostasy—Why?"; 8, "The Perils of Young Men"; Sunday school, 2; 7, Epworth League. Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev. A. S. Williams. 9.30, class meeting; 2, Sunday school; 6.30, Epworth Lea gue; 10.30, "Methodism's Evangelistic Program"; 7.30, "The Danger and Safety of Young Men." Epworth. The Rev. J. D. W. Deavor, 11. "God In Man —The Holy Communion"; 7:30, "Darkest Three Nights of the Bible": Sunday school, 10; Love feast at 9; Epworth League 6:30. Ridge Avenue. The Rev. William W. Hartman. 10:30, "Sacrament of Lord's Supper"; 7:30, sermon by the Rev. Dr. Ernest G. Caldwell, of New York; Sunday school, 2; Epworth League, 6:30. UNITED BRETHREN St. Paul's, Wormleysburg—The Rev. G. B. Renshaw. Preaching, 10.4 5 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; Sr. C. E., 6.30; Jr. C. E., 5.45. Sixth Street—The Rev. P. Hummel Balsbaugh. Praise service, 9.45; the Lord's Supper, 10.30 and 7.30; Sun day school, 1.45; Jr. C. E., 5.45; Sr. C. E... 6.30. State Street —The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier. 10.45, "Our Heavenly• Citi zenship"; 7.30, temperance service; Sunday school, 9.30; Jr. C. E., 6; Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter, Id. D. Preaching, 11 and 7.30; Sun day school, 9.50; Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30. First—The Rev. J. T. Spangler. 11, j "The Truth"; 7.30, "A Present Duty"; Sunday school, 10; C. E., 6.45, i Otterbeln —The Rev. S. Edwin | Rupp. D. D. 11, "A Tender Ministry"; I 7.30. "The Great Growth of the Soul"; 'iMnday school. 10; C. E.. 6.30. I \ I *\ BAPTIST ")» made The Rev. Calvin A. I D. D. 10.30, "Christ Antidote [for vv'orry," the second of the series; I 7.30, "Our City and Its Great Celebra tion";-Sabbath School, 11.30; B. Y. P. U, 6.30. ' Market Street —The Rev. W. H. Dall man. 10.30, "Christian Financiering," 7.30, "The Church and Politics"; Sun day School, 11.30; Young Peoples' [Meeting, 6.30. Second—The Rev. Albert Greene, B. A. 10.30, "The Carnal Mind," 7.30, "The Curse of Mockery"; Sunday School, 12; B. Y. O. L, 6.30. St. Paul—The E. Luther Cunning ham. 10.30, "The Only Safe City," 7.30, "The Domestic Relations, —I, Duty of Husband to Wife"; B. Y. P. U., 6.30. First —The Rev..W. S. Booth. 10.30 special services of Sunday School and church, the Rev. S. G. Nell, D. D., speaker: 6.45, Christian Endeavor; 7.30. "And I Saw a New Harrisburg." ELDERSHIP DELEGATES NAMED The joint council of the Churches of God of the Lisburn charge met at Andersontown last week and elected W. A. Myers, J. H. Breneman, and Henry Trout delegates to the Church of God Eldership which convenes at Goldsboro next month. The delegates have been instructed to ask for the return of their pastor the Rev. E. W. McGulre. I I V nPHOUGHT of God means think ing of your fellow-men, and such thoughts lead to a better civilization. The first step toward attaining this better civilization is church attend ance. GO TO CHURCH 0 This advertisement has been authorized and Is being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrlsburg, METHODISTS WILL MEET IT9EITYSBIIBG Plans to Discuss Every Phase of Activities of Church at Dis trict Convention Practically every phase of the acti vities of the Methodist church will be discussed at the Harrisburg distirct convention to be held at Gettysburg Monday and Tuesday. Ways and means for increasing the scope and power of its work will also be dis cussed. , A majority of the Methodist minis ters of the city and vicinity will at tend. The convention will be opened Monday afternoon with a devotional service by the Rev. E. G. Sleep, of Enola. Organizations will be effected after which Dr. Ernest B. Caldwell of New York will make an address. An auto trip over the battlefield will fol low. • The Rev. W. R. Picken, of Shlp pensburg, will be in charge of devo tions Monday evening. Dr. Caldwell will make another address. The con vention proper will start Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock with devotions by the Rev. Robert W. Runyan, of this city. The Sunday School will be the general theme. "Its Purpose" will be discussed by the Rev. R. S. Caldwell, of Mercersburg. The Rev. G. F. Boggs, of Waynesboro, will talk on "The Teacher and His Qualifica tions." The Rev. S. S. Bidlack, of West Fairview will speak on "The Value and Success of the Graded Sys tem." ''The Possibilities of the Adult Bible Class" will be taken up by the Rev. J. W. Glover, Hanover. A half hour discussion will follow. An ad dress on "The Epworth League and Social Service" will be given by the Rev. H. C. Knox, of New Bloomfield. The Rev. S. F. Rounsley, of Wrights viilc will read a paper on "The Scope and Possibilities of the Junior League." After a brief discussion the morning session will be adjourned. Three Harrisburg ministers will take a prominent part in the afternoon meeting. After the Rev. H. C. Burk holder, of Shrewsbury, discusses "The Holy Spirit and Evangelism," the Rev. W. W. Hartman, of this city will read a paper on "Our Present Probationary System." "The Plate and Value of the Catechetical Method in Our Church" will be taken up by the Rev. D. L. Lixon, of Mt. Holly. Will Discuss Amusements "How Can the Church Meet the Legitimate Craving For Amusement," by the Rev. A. S. Williams of this city will follow. An open parliament for half an hour will be held. "How Can We More Fully Utilize Our Member ship in the Real Work of the Church and Kingdom," will be discussed by the Rev. E. A. Pyles, of this city. In the evening the Rev. A. S. Lur ing, of McConnellsburg, will be in charge of devotions. After a brief program of amusement the Rev. J. Ellis Bell, of Chambersburg, will talk on "The Home; Its Possibilities and Perils." The Rev. G. M. Klepfer, of Greencastle, will speak on "The New Ministry for the New Times." CHURCH OF GOD Maclay—The Rev. F. I. M. Thomas. 11, "Courage in Duty," and 7.30, "The World's Hope"; Sunday School, 9.45; Jr. C. E., 6.30. Enola—The Rev. O. J. Farling. 10.30, preaching; Sunday School at 10.30. Fourth Street—The Rev. William N. Yates. 10.30, "A Clean City"; 7.30, "A Beautiful City"; Sunday School, 9.30; Senior and Intermediate C. E., 6.30. Green Street —The Rev. C. H. Grove. 10.45, "Good Works"; 7.30, "Satan's Prayer"; 9.45. Sunday School; Jr. Endeavor, 6.15; Senior Endeavor, 6.45. Pleasant View. The Rev. George W. Harper, Sunday school, 9:45; 10:45 "The Character and Duties of Church Officers"; Sr. C. E., 6:45; 7:30 "God's Expectations of Us in the Improve ments of Harrisburg, Is He Disap pointed Nagle Street. The Rev. J. A. Staub, 11, "City Improvements," and i 7:30: Sunday school 10; Jr. C. E., 9. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Street—The Rev. George F. Schaum. 9.30, Sunday School; 10.45, "Christianity as a Distructive Relig ion"; 6.40, K. L. C. E.; 7.30, "The City Beautiful." Park Street—The A. E. Hangen. 10.45, "Repairing the Breaches": 7.30, "Results of Compromising With Evil"; Sunday School, 9.30; Junior C. E. at 5.45; Senior C. E„ 6.30. RALLY DAY AT RIDGE AVENUE The Rev. Dr. Ernest G. Caldwell, of New York City, will speak to-morrow evening in the Ridge Avrfhue Methodist church at the membership Rally Day services. In the morning the Rev. W. W. Hartman will speak. SEPTEMBER 18, 1915. Will Not Abandon Old United Brethren Church The congregation of the First United Brethren church 'ast night decided not to abandon the church. This church is the pioneer of the United Brethren in Christ iongrcga tion in this city. Reports of the offi cers showed that the condition of the church was had and the members will be compelled to work hard to get it in running condition again. Slowly dwindling membership was partly blamed but the modern methods that the congregation plan to introduce, it is believed will bring the results necessary for the maintenance of the charge. After a short talk by the Rev. Dr. D. D. Lowery, presiding elder of the Harrisburg district, the mem bers voted to support the church and not ahandon it. REFORMED Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles May. 10.45, J. S. Wise of the Home Mission Board of the Church, Phila delphia, Pa., will preach; 7.30, preach ing; Sunday school, 9.30; C. E.. 6.30. Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer. Preaching, 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30. Second—The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler. 10.30, harvest home services; 7.30, "The City Beautiful—How Har risburg Has Developed"; Sunday school, 1.45. St. John's. The Rev. F. W. Hart man, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:45; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. MESSIAH LUTHERAN MUSIC The following musical programs will be given in Messiah Lutheran church to-morrow under the direction of A. W. Hartman: * Morning Prelude, "Allegro Moderato in G," Stebbins; Offertory, "Meditation in D Flat," Cadman; Soprano solo, "In My Father's House Are Many Mansions," Jewell; Postlude, "Postlude," Franz. Evening Prelude. "Cantilene in F Minor," Wolstenholne; Offertory, "Romance," Shelley; Anthem, "O Lord Most Mer ciful," Concone; Postlude, "Grand Chorus," Jongen. A. >r. E. Wesley Union—The Rev. W. A. Ray. 10.45 and 7.30 by the Rav. M. L. Blalocjt, P. E.; Sunday school, 12.30; Special sermon by Dr. W. H. Gaines at 3 for the Missionary So ciety. CHURCH OK THE BRETHREN' Hummel Street—Preaching, 11 and 7.30 by the Rev. A. M. Hollinger; Sunday school, 10; Christian Workers, 6.45. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist Board of Trade Hall. Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Testimonial meeting, Wednesday. 8 p. m. Free -reading rooms, Kunkel Building, 12.30 to 4.30 p. m. daily, also Monday and Saturday evenines. - PINE STREET J. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \M THIRD AND PINE STREETS \1 Sunday, Sept. 19 V - Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor. 10:30 A. M. j "The Message of the Mountains" || /, A Pastor's Greeting on Returning From His Vacation., ; ! 1:30 P. M. 1:40 P. M. Graded Sunday School Adult Bible . Classes 7:30 P. M. ||| "The Ideal City'.' $1 ".V This week Harrisburg plans to celebrate the com- £ j | pletion of extensive Municipal Improvements- It is a • • j*: goo{J time for us as citlcens to pause and take account si ■; . of stock. Come and let us make the reckoning together. ;! i Sunday Evening, September 26 j "Uzzah, A Study in Reverence" The first of a Sunday evening Series of Scriptural * :■ v : v Character Studies, entitled rt | "Obvious Lessons Fr6m Obscure Lives" Will Lay Cornerstone of Camp Curtin Church A change in the hours of services in Canip Curtin Memorial Methodist church has been announced by the pastor, the Rev. Alvin S. Williams, to become effective to-morrow. The class taught by David Smucker will meet in the morning at 9.30 o'clock. At 10.30 o'clock the morning service will begin. The subject of the ser mon is "The Evangelistic Program of Methodism." A Temperance program will be given in the afternoon in the Sunday School and at 6.30 the Epworth League session will be held. At 7.30 o'clock in the evening the pastor will speak on "The Safety and Danger of [the Young Man.", Sunday, October 3, the cornerstone of the church will be laid with im pressive ceremonies. Prominent .speakers have been scheduled to speak and will speak at the exercises which i will begin at 3 o'clock. The annual Sunday School and Church Rally will be held Sunday, October 17. CATHOLIC | Cathedral Mgr. M. M. Hassett. | Low mass, 7; children's mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; Sunday school, 2:30; ves i pers and benediction, 7:30. St. Lawrence The Rev. P. D. Huegel. High mass. 10; low mass, 8; Sunday school, 2:30; vespers and benediction, 3. St. Francis The Rev. D. J. Carev. Low masses, 8 and 10; Sunday school, 2:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sacred Heart The Rev. Georgo Rice. 'Low mass, 8; high mass. 10; Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction, 2:30. St. Mary's The Rev. William V. Dailey. Low mass. 8; high mass 10:30; Sunday school, 2; vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sylvan Heights Home For Orphan Girls—Low mass and benediction. 7. MUSIC AT PINE STREET The following musical program will he given to-morrow by the quartet of the Pine Street Presbyterian church: Morning—Anthem: "Short Te Deuni in D" (Buck); Duet, "The Lord is My Shepherd," (Decevee), Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Hertzler. Evening—Anthem: "Rejoice ye with [Jerusalem," (Richardson); solo, by [Mr. Sutton, "Recessional" (DeKoven). CATHOLIC CALENDAR Sunday—St. Januarius. Monday—St. Eustace. Tuesday—St. Matthew. Wednesday—St. Thos. Villanova. Thursday—St. Louis, P. M. [ Friday—Our Lady of Ransom. Saturday—St. Finbar. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ. Scientist— Board of Trade Hall, Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Testimonial meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free reading rooms, Kunkel Bldg.. 12:30 to 4:30 p. m. daily, also Monday and Saturday evenings.
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