j Telegraph Want Ads.—The Shortest Rute Between Buyer aid Seller Deaths HOFFER Saturday morning, Sept. IR. at 3 a. m„ Mrs. Adelia R. Hoffer, » wife of E. M. Hoffer. at her home in g Hunimelstown. aged 63 vears. * Funeral Monday. Sept. 20, at 2 p. m. Services will be private. _ LOST LOST-j-Gregg Shorthand Book on Wednesday evening. Reward if return ed to Clarence H. Toomey, 2032 Ken sington street. LOST—FMday afternoon, pair of nose glasses in case between Sixth and Fors ter and Eighth and North, or in jitney; reward if returned to Dr. Zimmerman, 1407 Market street. LOST Knife about 10 inches long, Ivory handle, in wooden case, on Thurs day. Reward if returned to 516 State street FOUXD FOUND That Eggert's Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St.. do the very beav: work in the city. Call either phone for .•roof. We call and deliver. HELP WASTED —Male PAPERHANGERS WANTED—Steady employment for experienced mechanics. Apply, W 3000, care Telegraph. WANTED Good reliable married man; one who can furnish bond una good reference. Apply, Grand Union Tea Co., 20S North Second street. LUNCH COUNTER CLERK s3O month and meals. Apply at once Her shey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. MAN for slaughtering department, must have experience in killing. Ap ply at once Hershey Employment Bu reau, Hershey, Pa. YOUNG MEN, 16 to 20; good clean workers; steady work. Apply at once. Hershey Employment Bureau. Hershey, Pa. ALL round machine man for plan ing mill. Must have experience as moulder and sticker. Prefer man be tween 80 and 40. Apnly at once, Her shey Employment Bureau, Hershey, 1 Pa. COPY LETTERS Persons writing I and copying letters make $lO to $25 1 weekly following directions. Stamped j envelope for particuars. Brooks Copy Co., 9fo Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash- i ington, D. C. MILLWRIGHT Apply at once, Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy ! to get. By free booklet, B Y 372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington, D. C. GROCERY CLERK Town twelve miles from Harrisburg. Address, H 3058, care Telegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Easily secured in any branch of service. Suc cess assured by my simple, practical plan Mall card at once for particulars. Address, Examiner. Cars Telegraph Of fice, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED AT ONCE Names of yorng men desiring first-class business education and good position. Call or mail card to F. H. Gregory. Secretary. P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Young man typewriter, * one with some knowledge of stenog raphy and draughting preferred, com pensation $55.00 per month; send'state ment of qualifications and references to P. O. Box 392, Harrisburg, Pa. ANYBODY can Increase income $lO to S4O weekly,spare time, raising mush, rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Success guaranteed. Free illustrated booklet, Hiram Barton, 333 West 48th street, New York. $8 A DAY easily made. We have a proposition that will Interest you. Positive necessity. Write, Nacogdoches Agency Co., Nacogdoches, Texas. $5 to $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. No capital or expe rience necessary. Write at once, The Carrol Supply Co.. Earnestvllle, Fla. I WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing, no capital. Write to-day. Voorhls, Desk 155. Omaha, Neb. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office, Dept. 244, National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, New York and San Francisco. $lO WEEKLY, easily made without interfering with your regular em ployment. No canvassing. No Capital. We furnish everything. Address, Sil ver Sales Co., Dubuque, lowa. SBO MONTHLY AND EXPENSES, to travel, distribute samples and take or ders, or appoint agents. Permanent, Jap American Co., Chicago. BRICKLAYERS ~2O wanted at Milton. Pa.; job starts Sept. 27. Write or inquire at job. Wages 55c per hour, 8 hours. Sauers & Moore. WANTED—Two neat reliable young men for counter and floor work, coun try boys preferred. Apply Rustic Dairy Lunch, 5-7-9 South Third street, Harris burg. WANTED At once, two good> ac tive all around tinners. Apply, W. W. Zeiders & Son. 1436 Derry street. WANTED Young man to do gen eral work around grocery store; must have some experience. Address, M 3047, care Telegraph. WANTED Man to take orders from house to house canvassing for the At lantic and Pacific Tea Co.. 1308 North Third street, Harrisburg. Pa. Good proposition for the right kind of a man. WANTED First-class toolmaker, profiler, miller, driller, rifler, barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam ha,tu rner men to make drop forges. Also ■men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 264, Lancaster, Pa. FOR RENT ' Lemoyne, 352 York St 87 1802 Boas St.. 2 s. b„ 6 r *lO 142 Linden St.. 3 s. f., 8 r .*lO 257 Sayfdrd Ave $lO Enola, Adams St sl2 .'l4l Atlas Ave., 2H S. b„ 7 r. b„ sl3 2146 N. Seventh St., 3 s b., 8 r„ #l3 2128 N. 7th St.. 3 *. b„ S r. ..,..sl3 150:; s. Cameron St., 3 s. b., 8 r„ sl3 1500 Allison St., 2>4 s. b.. 7 r. ~.*14 . ,0.27 Briggs St.. 3 s. f„ 8 r sl4 Bella Vista, Ross Ave $14.50 «3S Peffer St sl.-, 15M Allison St., 2H ?. b., 7 r b.. sl.l Near Duncannon. 2% s. f., 10 r„ sir> 419 North St., 3 s. b., 8 r., b sls I\3l S. 13th St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r.. b. ...SIB 1536 S. 13th, 3 s. b., 8 r $1(1 1504 S. 12th St., 2H S. b., 8 r. b.. SIH 670 Emerald St., 3 s. b„ 9 r sl7 133 N. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r.*& b.. $25 203 Kelker St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r $25 1207 N. 14th St., new. 2H e. b. ...$25 1109 N. 2nd St., 3 s. b., 10 r„ b. ..S3O 2220 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b„ 10 r. ...$32.50 210* N. Third St $35 "Hill Crest." Bella Vista 90S Halnlyn (Aldlnger Cottage) ....S6O 23 g. Front St., furnished, 4 s. b„ 209 S. Front St., 3 s. b„ 10 r.. 2 b. APARTMENTS 716 N. 6th St., 3d floor $25 MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Donda l.ocust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—FemaIe I IJADIES' easy, refined, genteel work; ! whole or part time, s2o—s6s weekly selling well advertised "KNITTOP" form-rttting petticoats and "CARLETON" made-to-measure silk petticoats and j waists. Experience unnecessary—we show you how; write to-day, Spelman & Co., Manufacturers, 1183 Broadway, New York City. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. Apply 1521 North Sec ond street. WANTED Girl about 20 years of age, with bindery experience preferred. Call, Johnston Paper Co. I LARGE KNITTING MILL Invites cor respondence with women desirous of earning money, full time or spare hours. Experience unnecessary. Good pay, Address International Mills, Inc., Dept. 20, Norristown, Pa. WANTED persons to color art pic tures at home; easy work; no experi ence; good pay; sample free. Gloason ! Wheeler, 337 Madison, Chicago. WANTED Everybody to Know a student entered March 16 and started work with a structural cornpnny July 20—Just four months. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. MATRON for dormitory, October 1, near Harrisburg; salary S3O month. Address, H 305 i, care Telegraph. WHITE WOMAN COOK Near Har risburg. Restaurant; $5; 6 days week, 9 hours day. Address, H 3059, care j Telegraph. j WANTED Woman for canvassing I excellent line. Write for interview, L. j 3060, care Telegraph. Private Lessons In Short Hand, Typewriting Dicta tion, Penmanship, Etc. At class instruction rates for students who want Direct Results. You want that kind. Open periods now and then. Write, or call, to-day for Information. Merle E. Keller, Kaufman Bldg., 4 South Market Square. Bell phone 694 R. WANTED Reliable girl for gen eral housework; small family; subur ban; good wages. Bell phone 3616J2, or apptv 3014 North Second street. ; WANTED Reliable white girl or middle aged woman for general nouse work; no washing or ironing. Ap ply, 1500 State street. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL— Become a pupil now. Make all your Fall and winter dresses while learning an art that will be of endless value as long as you live. Day and evening J STENOGRAPHER WANTED Must I have experience, neat and accurate, one I week extra work; give phone number | where you can be communicated with ; Monday morning. L 3064, care Tele | graph. j WANTED Experienced machine ! rollers and bunchmakers. Apply Cen | tral Cigar Co., 425 South Cameron street. WANTED Experienced sewing: ma chine operators on ladies' and chil dren's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. WANTED ln private family, two capable women; one for cook and down stairs work; other for nurse and up stairs work; no washing; Rood wages; give reference. Address, D 3067, care Telegraph. WANTED Woman or girl for gen eral housework in small family; up town; must stay at own home nights. Address, A 3068, care Telegraph.■ WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn ing. Welfare looked after by a trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co.. 500 Race street. HELP WANTED—MaIe or Frniale SONG POEMS WANTED for publics tlon. Experience unnecessary. Send us your verses or melodies to-day or write for instructive booklet—it's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co., Dept. 233, Wash ington, D. C. AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN WANTED—Make 115 to S4O a week in your town selling fruit trees, berry bushes, grape vines, shrubs. You do not deliver or collect. Just take the order for future delivery. We pay cash commission at once. No experience or capital required. Fall splendid season. Write for plan. Ad- : dress Cane Central New York Nurseries, Geneva, N. Y. DEMONSTRATORS Live men and women make big profits handling $1 high class household necessity. Delight to housewives. Write for particulars to-day. Knooren, Mlspah, N. J. AGENTS Earn soo to $75 a week. Best selling household necessity now on the- market. Get particulars. * Write to-day. Leonard Specialty Co., Mino tola, N. J. $5,000 TRAVEL, ACCIDENT POLICY. $25 weekly for Injuries for 26 weeks. Premium $5.00 yearly. Sells to men and women, ages 16 to 70. Big money maker, liberal commission; $250,000 de posit with State Casualty Insurance Company, 929 Chestnut street. Philadel phia. . .CHICAGO'S greatest tailors of wo- ! men's ciothes, will employ worthy men and women everywhere to show beau tiful samples and take measurements for up-to-date startling low priced tail- suits for women. Easy make $l5O monthly. No capital or experience needed. Fascinating work. Big $lO outfit free to representatives. Act quick. Ideal Ladies' Tailoring Co., I Dept. B, Chicago, 111. AGKNTS Make $5 to $25 dally; no experience; free catalog and camples; new (roods; quick sales; big profits. World's beaters. Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell. Chicago, 111. A GREAT proposition to you. The newest and best selling household ar ticle on the market. profits. Write to-day. Great Eastern Products Co., Glenville, Pa. AGENTS ssO weekly. Sell our 16 Household Inventions; new, live, quick sellers; general agehts gettlhg rich. Every home buys one. or more; sample furnished active workers. Write now. 'ildress, P. O. Box 204, Scranton, Pa., Dept. D. SALESMEN WAXTETT SALESMEN WANTED—For Harris burg and Cumberland valley; perma nent position; best line advertising [calendars, cloth and leather goods; com i missions most liberal; Fall trade be gins now. Address. Sales Manager, iTnited States Calendar Company, Cin-> j cinnati. | LIVE WIRES SALESMAN can make | S2i>o net per month selling our well- I known line of Fancy Fruit Ciders and | Soft Drinks In small country towns. 25 i per cent commission, $35 weekly draw ling account. 32 years in business. Red • Cross Company, 206 9. Main street, St. ! Louis, Mo., Dept "N." . I' SITUATIONS WANTED— MaIe WANTED By colored man. position as chauffeur In private family. 120 Ridge street. Steelton. | SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WANTED A position as house keeper by young woman. Call, Bell phone, 3788 J. , LADY STENOGRAPHER and Book-' keeper desires position; 8 years' expe rience; best of reference. P. O. Box 6S Harrisburg SITUATION WANTED—FemaIe. WIDOW, from the country, with bright girl 7 years old, wants house keeping for widower. Apply, 284 Union avenue, or Bell phone S66R. WANTED White woman with child 4 years old wants position as house keeper for small family. Call or ad dress, 314 Bosler avenue, Lemoyne. REAL ESTATE FOR SAL^E FOR SALE—A 100-acre farm, situ ated 7 miles from Harrisburg. consist ing of large bank barn, 9-room brick house, all necessary outbuilding, run ning water through farm, land \in high state of cultivation. For further Infor mation apply, A. U. Reese, Box 1, Har risburg. , GREEN STREBT HOUSE In good condition, brick construction lO rooms bath gas furnace porch. Can be bought at a reason able price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner I Building; S3OO CASH will give yqu possession to an Eighteenth street houses all ...ou- rn .improvements porch front side entrance drive alley on rear. Balance as rent. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PENBROOK PROPERTY for sale at $2200 frame house lot 30x150 considerable fruit near trolley. Several other suburban properties at reasonable prices. Bell Realty- Co., Be.-gner Building. SI6OO WILL BUY a Fulton street property rented at sl4 per month 9 rooms bath porch. Also other cheap houses for sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 64 ACRE FARM near Harrisburg, for sale at less than $125 per acre— good building large orchard var iety of other fruit. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Suburban property within 5c fare of city, large stone house. 1H acres of ground, lot of fruit. A bar gain to quick buyer. For particulars apply to Edward W. Evans, Real Es tate and Insurance. Room 7, 204 Market street. | NOW IS THE'TIME to buy 1836 Re glna street; price reduced $750; single brick dwelling; 10 rooms and' bath; steam heat; gas and electric light; lot. 89 feet front; large porches. Brlnton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut street. 50 ACRES Three-fourths mile east of Halifax in Armstrong Valley—B - dwelling—frame baiH< barn—river soil—well and running water. Price, $3,000, Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. A CORPORATION wishes to dispose of their holding of "Lots" free and clear; high, dry. Title guaranteed, at Manorvllle, Long Island, In parcels of 10 lots for SIOO. J. Bauer, Sec. 269 W. 45th street, New York City. PRIVATE SALE OF FINE FARM 85 acres on road midway between Mld dletown and Hunimelstown; good build ings; modern conveniences; all under cultivation; desirable homo. Mrs. Ellas Krelser, HummelstOwn, Route 1. FARMS 271 acres. 178 acres fields, balance woodland, situated 7 miles north of Harrisburg, Pa. Improvements on this farm; great and beautiful, and worth. $20,000. Come see it. This is the most you ever saw for your dollar. For profit, beauty and fun this farm ex cels. Price S4O per acre. 84 acres, 72 acres fields, 12 acres woods; a good farm; improvements; worth $6,000; I'd prefer this farm to the best Kansas farm you ever saw. This Is a good stock or all-purpose farm and Joins "Bob" Hoke's beautiful farm. Price, $22 per acre. C. B. Care. Care s Grocery, Llnglestown. Call at 409 Mar ket street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 446 Cumberland street -3-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath;hot and cold water; furnace; bay window; drive alley rear of lot; prop erty in good condition. Can be seen bv appointment. Call at our office for further particulars, M. A. Frught. 272 North street. FOR SALE 2 H -story frame house, lot 90x120 ft., southeast corner Walnut street and Plainvlew alley, Hainton Pa. Finest suburban residence on Linglestown line. 14 North Market Square. Bell phone 2026. Independent , (SOMESCEXE) (70) acres ($3500) includes hav, straw, fodder, Winter Grain. Onlv (2) miles to City Market (40) passenger trains daily, Large Iron and Steel and factory Mills. Reminds one of Lancas ter County and Philadelphia. (2) porch (7) room painted white home and large bank barn colored red. Fine team horses age (6) weigh (2600) and (3) fresh cows (7) husky liogs (50) chick ens, new nickel plated harness and farm wagon (80) bushel oats (100) corn (Bargain) only ($4200). (COSYNOOKE) (30) acres ($850) terms, part cash. Possession at once. Fine young horse and cow (3 hogs and 20 chickens (20) oats (35) corn (ton) hay (ton) straw. (5) room home, bank barn by public road and Rural Route. School, church, pleasant neighbors (3) mile to Iron works. Factories and large City Mar ket. Fine chance'for Poultry Business and gardens. Please remember the Low Price for quick Sale. Do vou often hear of (giveaway) so near Citv Mar ket? Telephone (7 to 8) Danvilfo. (BONOMOONK) (90) acres ($3300) terms ($2000) cash. Possession at once. Large (number) buildings all painted by Main Road i 4001 feel to school and church at Cross Roads. Only (5) mile to City Market and (3) to second town. With young team horses, mounted harness, new wagon neatly painted (3) cows (6) hogs (60) poultry (90) bushel oats (140) corn (10) ton hay and (12) ton straw— Sacrifice (Owner) loss of wife by (Death) only ($4000) part cash ($3900') spot cash. Photographs. GEORGE B. OSTRAJiDER, Danville Telephones Sunhury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT '741 S. 19th St $20.00 1829 Zarker st $20.00 448 Crescent St SIS 00 1847 North st $15.00 339 S. 16th st sl2 00 1628 Regina St $25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street, FOR RENT—7-room bungalow; all conveniences; sl2 per month at Elk wood. New Cumberland. Apply, Keeney and Simmons, New Cumberland. FOR RENT B-room house with lights and bath; lot for garden, at Steelton Heights, opposite Frog Shop Office. Apply, J. M. Heagy, 39 South Front street, Steelton, Pa. FOR RENT—2O3O Boas street, 6-room house, $8 a month. Inquire, 35 South Summit street. HOUSE for rent, 286 Hummel avenue. Lemoyne. 9 rooms and bath. Address, W. A. Neblnger, Lemoyne. .Pa.. FOR RENT Partly furnlafied, a fourteen-room house, in Mechanlcsburg Pa. Address. Mrs. Comstock, Median? icfcburg, Pa. 1109 N. SECOND ST. - Three- story brick dwelling ten rooms bath lurnace and gas s3O. Miller Brothers & Co., Bell phone 1595. FOR RENT 55 N. 17th street; all Improvements, corner, $25 per month -344 Brook avenue, 6 rooms, bath, sl4* Apply, Irwlne M. Cassell. Real Estate and Insurance, 1444 Regina street. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1166 Market street; rent, $lO. Including heat and water. J. K. Glpple, 1251 Mar ket street. FOR SALE OR RENT 25 bbl. Wolf roller mill In 3H-story stone building and two pairs of feed stones; alst. cider press, saw mill and several acres of ground, situated on big Conewago I creek, 11 miles north of lork. Pa. For I further information call on or address ! Ja». F. Cllne, Steslton. Pa. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OK RENT FOR RENT Storerooms ? : i0 and 254 Hamilton street. Rent sl2. Charles Adler, Real Estate tnd Insurance, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT 1713 North Third street; three-story; all Improvements; recently papered and painted through out; Immediate possession. Apply 1100 North Front street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol, ? tlled l>«th and pantry, hard wood floors, electric light and city steam, also six room apartment. 28 spv t h Third street. Inquire, 400 North streot. .FOR RENT 225 North Second stieet, housekeeping apartment, 5 rooms, pantry, tiled bath, modern in every detail; private hall entire length or apartment; city vapor heat; hot wa teri furnished. Apply 218 Pine street. Bell phone 559 W. FOR RENT Apartments, corner t-P.'L ® nd Second streets, 5 rooms; *? ' am heat; all Improvements: w .°, £ 8 *>orth Second street, small brick house. Inquire. 618 North Second street, second floor. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 5' ®*'• or en suite. Bell phon*. Address 1 19 North Sixth street FOR RENT Four very pleasant un furnished rooms for light housekeep ing; all conveniences; use of bath. Aa dress. G 3046, care Telegraph. FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nished rooms; one with private balcony; each room suitable for two or three or married couple. Inquire 125 Pine street FOR RENT One nicely furnished bedroom on second floor; suitable for one or two gentlemen; close to home cooking. Apply, 104 South Thirteenth street. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms; steam heat; electricity; centrally lo cated; men or business women prefer red. Address, W 389, Telegraph. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Furnished complete. 1814 Green street. ROOMS FOR RENT Second floor furnished room, city heat, use bathroom, central. Call, 311 Walnut street, main entrance. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in strictly private family for two re fined gentlemen; home comfort and board if desired; use of phone. Address W 3061, care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT Bright pleas ant rooms with board; reference. 513 North Second street. FOR RENT On or before Oct. 1, second floor, front, furnished suite, living room, bed room and private bath. City steam, electric light, hard wood floors. Reference required. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Unfurnished bachelor ar, , ar ,. ment suitable for two gentlemen, privilege of bath, use of pnone, cen trally located, rent moderate. Address, R. F., 3050, care Telegraph. ! FOR RENT Second floor front rocm, newly furnished, across from Capitol Park; all conveniences; city steam heat; large bath, including shower; use of phone. 406 North street. ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMAN wants room with a pri vate family; best references; state terms and If boarding arraiifirements can be made. Address, Box R 3063, Telegraph. . WANTED By gentleman, furnish ed room, running water, city steam, use of bath, between Walnut, North, Second and Third street: state location and price. Can give references.. Ad dress, M 3065, care Telegraph. RESPECTABLE COUPLE with two year-old child wishes rooms for light housekeeping; third floor not considered unless bath on same floor; state price and all particulars. Call Bell phone fil.'lJ, or address. S 800, care Telegraph. ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD and nicely furnished room; fine location, and all conveniences for two men or man and wife. Call, 1439 Berry hill street. City. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 429 BROAD STREET Built especl aly for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathrtoom privi leges; lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace street; remodeled and newly papered throughout; ar rangements, two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet. Daily inspection Invited. Inquire on premises, or 107 Boas street. Phone 779 M. WANTED $2 TO SSOO EACH paid for hundreds of Coins dated before 1910. Send TEN cents for our New Illustrated Coin Value Book, size 4x7, showing prices we pay for coins. It may mean your good Fortune. Get Posted. Clarke CGln Co., Box 134. Le Roy, N. Y. „ FOR SALE LARGE ICE BOX suitable for butcher or grocer for sale. Size about 6x7xS feet high. Something fine. Cost $l5O. Used one year. Will sell cheap because I need the space. Apply to Menger's Restaurant, 110 North Second street. FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de livered anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spots, 1317-19 Market street. FOR SALE One delivery wagon. Apply, Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS lndian, 1914, 2-speed, lamp, preston, speedome ter, claxon, tandem. $150; Indian, 1914, with side car, fully equipped, $160; Ex celsior, 1914, equipped, fine shipe, $125. Keystone Garage, 814 North Third St. FOR SALE 1 pair mules, 7 and 8 years old; also wagons and harness; wagon suitable for huckster or delivery. Cheap if sold at once. F. O. Reese, Dalmatia, Pa. FOR SALE White reed baby car riage, used only a short also baby walker; cheap. 1326 North Third street. FOR SADE Blacksmith shop and tools, cheap; ill health reason for sell ing. Address, S 3052, care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can t>e secured at the Telegraph Buslneae Office. FOR SALE AT GABLE'B. 113. 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SaLE On will exchange {or chickens—all steel 9-ft. solf-dump Wal ter A. Wood hay rake. Call, Bell phone 3664. FOR SALE At Old Orchard, small 4-room cottage; must be moved from premises. Snap to quick buyer. Call, Bell phone 3664. FOR SALE Screenings from forked lime. 4c per bushel at our kilns; bar- Raln for usfc on land Bell phone. utherford Broi., Paxtang, Pa. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new •upply—6o for 28c while they last Ap ply Job Printing Department ,The Tele graph Printing Company. [ t on SAL® I FOR SALE Lumber, land, "brick and stone; a gold edge proposal to you ! builder. Call at 6 p. m. Bell phone I 2408 R. FOR SALE—One oak roll top desk and revolving chair; S2O. Apply. 206 South Thirteenth street. FOR KALE CARDS on Km* at tb« Talafraph Business office. FOR SALE One five-passenger touring car; suitable for Jitney; cheap to quick buyer. Address, O 3049, care Telegraph. FOR SALE Bay horse. 6 years old. city broke. Will sell reasonable to quick buyer. Guaranteed to work any place. Apply Malman. 67 Conestoga street, Steeiton, Pa. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS—Re buiIt and second-hand L C. Smith, Un derwoods. Remington and others from | SIO.OO up. Supplies and office equip ment of every description. Geo. P. Tlllotson. 36 South Fourth street. FOR SALE Extra fine breeding cockerels and pullets, cheap; S. C. white leghorns. J. Nelson Yost, 232 E. Water street, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE One pair of black bay mules, one driving mare, runabout and harness; In good condition. Address, D 3066, care Telegraph. FOR BALE l9ll Cadillac touring car, in good condition; one extra. Hur ry Faaotl. Heckton, Pa. FOR SALE 13x19 and Bxl2 job printing presses; i both bargains; must be sold or want of room; speak quick; can be seen In operation at office of Steeiton American. Steeiton. GLASS window Vgns. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 26c each. Ona of these sign* will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. InquSio at Office of Telegraph. FOR KENT FOR RENT Warehouse; three story brick building; 11,000 sq. ft. tioor space; elevator 6xß ft.; along P. R. R. with siding. Inquire Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. FOR RENT Good business loca tion; 3-story building; larfge store room and 4 fiats; will rent or sell at a bargain; possession given immediately. Call Bell phone 345 M, or write M 3055, care Telegraph. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, 3 and 5 Cowden street; 5,000 "sq. ft. floor space: elevator; railroad siding; posses sion October 1. Apply C. F. Gohl. 1003 I North Second street. Bell phone 899 M. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea coclf. 355 Lock port. N. Y. j ONE picture show for sale, doing a I good business; must be sold in ten days; good reasons fcr selling. Address, S .1056, care Telegraph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. MR. MOTORCYCLE OWNER lf vou have a motorcycle you want to dispose , of quickly, better try our service. Key stone Garage, 814 N. 3rd street. Bell phone 266-R. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable and National Tr.-tnafer Co. Movers of fiianos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone N'r> 2503 R. STORAGE "FIREPROOF STORAGE! Private rooms for household goods, $2 per I month and up. We invite inspection, i Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $8 Wagons, 76 cent* per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co.. 41) Broad street. Both shones. FINANCIALS $22,000 WANTED Will give mortgage on valuable real estate: State rate of interest. Address, X 3062 care Telegraph. v MONEY TO LOAN, having two Build ing and Loan Associations and a Trust Co. Address P. O. Box 196. Steeiton, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Martha E. Fox. late of Harritburg, Dauphin county, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing In Harrisburg. All persons Indebted to said ostate are re quested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. W. STUART FOX. DAISY E. STRAUSNER. Administrator. Case Company Establishes Employes' Pension System The J. I. Case T. M. Company, of Racine, Wisconsin, manufacturers of the well-known Case machinery and Case automobiles, has again stepped into the limelight of industrial pro gressiveness by announcing the in stitution of an Employes" Pension System. This new system provides for allowance to employee who have been with the company for twenty years, and who have reached the age of sixty-five. This allowance is to be for each year of active continuous service rendered, one per cent, of the highest amount of annual salarv paid In any calendar year, within the ten years next preceding his retirement. The maximum allowance will be fifty dollars a month; the minimum Harrisburg T jj I Announces the Establishment of a New and Lower jj Rate-—The Lowest Metered Fare Known FARE: |i i Pay Fare As Shown on Meter. One, Two, Three or Four Passengers j 25c For First Yi Mile 5c Fer Each Additional % Mile Hour Rate $2.00 ******iiyiiiiiiwwwwwMmwinvifiti , wiviiiin SEPTEMBER 18, 1915. eighteen. , Out of the four thousand employes of the great Badger state institution, twenty-nine will thus be allowed to retire with the beginning of the sys tem. But there Is one who will not retire, and that one Is Evan Olson, who has been with the company since 1867. . "The only time that I was away, and that doesn't count," says Eve, as he Is popularly known in Racine, 'was after the Chicago fire, when for six months I went to Chi cago to do what I could, but I liud j one of the Case Company's teams, I working night and day, and so figure I that I have been on tne Job since '67. I It's a long time, 1 know, and now I am Just sixty-five, but there are a good many more ytarn before I reach the retiring point. What would I do, I a husky youngster at sixty five, even though my hair is pretty | white, if I had nothing to do? Not a blamed sight am I going to sit on the shelf. Though it Isn't that I do not value this step by the company. It's Just like them, I say." "By the way, that reminds me of j a story of Jay-Eye See, the finest i horse that ever stepped on a race track"—and so Eve starts over the history of the company that has been going since 1842. Frank K. Bull, president of the | company, In speaking of the Pension! System, says—"We dislike to have i this system referred to as welfare work, because such Is far from the motive which prompts It. We look upon it as industrial co-operation, and as such we believe that it will be productive of excellent results.' THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M„ at Its new location, front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. QIIBBER STAMQA ►«£J SEALS & STENCILS ■ |T \ I 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. V Try Telegraph Want Ads | t —— ■ Fine Homes For Sale Three Houses Nos. 914, 916 and 918 North Eighteenth street. Built in pairs, having side and rear entrances, all modern improvements, including steam heat. Price and terms liberal. One House No. 1721 Boas street, in course of erection. This is a detached house, having a wide lot and extending to a twenty-foot rear street. Single houses are not usually built for sale but there are many families now appreciating the ad vantages of a home with air space from all sides. Look this house over, you will find in it a thoroughly up-to-date home. TWO BUNGALOWS, built along the Progress Trolley line, between Penbrook and Progress, all improvements, six rooms, hall and bath, steam heat, electric lights. Lots 32 ft. by 150 ft. Attractive, well built and comfortable suburban homes. HA CV» nflr Owner and Builder . IX. Olierjfc, 1325 STATE ST. EfflEEB Lumber guaranteed to be perfectly kiln dried. Floors [aid and finished complete ready for use. Ask for free estimate. C. A. SLOUGH, 232 Yale St. Bell Phone. THE LEADING BUSINESS DAILY OF AMERICA .; ' The Journal of Commerce NEW YORK It is on the desk of practically every prominent Business man in the principal cities of the country. It is a Financial authority and takes the lead among American dailies in Wholesale Dry Goods, Insurance, Drugs, Groceries, Cotton and Shipping. Its market reports are noted for their accuracy and completeness, while its editorial page is one of the ablest in the United States. It costs only twelve dollars a year. The busi ness information it contains will frequently save you that amount —and more—in a day. (Commerce AND COMMERCIAL BULLETIN 32 BROADWAY, New Yo»H 17 PUBLIC SALE Of One Carload of Kentucky Horse Colts j At the Shellsville Hotel Stables, William Diveler, Proprietor, at Shellsville, Pa. Monday, Sept.2o,'ls These colts have been selected from tlic big stock farms In the State of Kentucky. Tills stock may be seen at I/evl Miller's form on j Saturday and Sunday before the i day of sale.. Among this load you will find some well bred pacers and I trotters, also some heavy bred colts, | sii< li as Percherons and German j Coach—some of them broken to | drive. Do not fall to attend this sale as you will he profited by so doing:. No postponement 011 account of rain. A credit of from one to six months by paying the discount. Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M. sharp. LEVI MILLER, JOHN A. LIXGLE, j J. Hess. Auctioneer. May have some broken mules at private sale at I/Cvi Miller's farm. FOR SALE ' 807 N. 6th St.. 3-story brick and stone, ten rooms and 2 hath rooms, steam heat, hardwood finish, a I beautiful home. 406 Hummel St., 2-story brick. TiOTS 2 lots 21st and Forster'Sts., 40x 120 ft. Pen brook 2 lots, Bank St„ SOxl 50 "ft. Raysors Church 21 lots, these lots can be pur- I chased at a bargain and on easy I terms. H. M. BIRD Room 14, Union Trust Bid?. < V———
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers