10 <r L ~ ■ Rare Values Will Be Offered To-morrow aX)^fvWYt\n3V^ Bleached Cotton Drug Sundries Groceries Basement Values Cook Books Black Dress Goods Cotton Voiles Table Damask, 64 in- 4 cakes of Munyon's Witch Fancy head rice; regular 10c 35c wash boards. Extra Lowney's, edited by Maria Regular 50c " black mohair 36 inches wide, in white // ches wide and of azel . oap. Special to-mor- quality. Special to- 25c s P ecial 25c let Howard, one of the 36 inches wide, in a good shade gmunds with floral /J \\ , row, 4 cakes 25c morrow, 3/j lbs to-morrow highest of American authorities of black. Extra special in the desiens To nmr /W \ very good qual- for Fancy pea beans. OE c 35c crystal jelly OC r on cooking and formerly prin- sale to-morrow ' . mor- itv. To- Household rubber 25c To-morrow 3Y2 lbs. ... strainers. To-morrow . ciple of the Boston cooking yard . «OC r °w> w© ( v gloves. To-morrow ... California lima beans. OC. io c .ralvanized foot OC school. OC- street Floor '" yards, // 39 V morrow, Street Floor. Tn-morrow VA lbs JV< - galvanized To-morrow / % X tomorrow &/ 2 IDS. ... tubs. To-morrow .... tomorrow Black P 3 n am , _ A lZyZc white X yard, Leather Goods B " emcnt - street noor. ac * I ' a " ama 25 C X Lace Rice Cloth, \ 25c » Women's 50c leather pocket- Men's Shirts -Tumblers California Peaches tion is announced"' fped'alTf- " / dJSSi* X tomorrow* 25C Blue cheviot work shirts Tin top jellv tumblers. To- Fine quality yellow peaches; fering of black panama; 54 in- // material for Earf 44 inches wide. \ 'i'.hrr ' with pocket; finished with pearl morrow 2 dozen or. California variety; 21 slices in ches wide; regularly n C /7 To-mor- nm Extra special. OC.V SoeciaT £>- "5 buttons; sires 14 to 1" £S C ,0r.... * &C heavy syrup. To-morrow. 3 50c. To-morrow, yard, 25C 4 yd° . for . 25c to-morrow \ mnrrn w To-morrow ....... ... [oc clothes line props. To- regular L->c 9K« ' street Floor. j/A Xv morrow Men's Store. nmrrrnv OC? Cans **SJK, - •t , , , —, nf . \ Towels and Napkins 3 for...' 25c Soap Special / » An i^j' eLawr > Children s Oxfords \ Table Tumblers 10c huck towe „, Extra Coffee Special Seven bars of Ivory / that is in'KmSSV"'? Regular S ,OO stock of gun V thin blow. j., 2 5c Bath Head Rests le c«d",d* °cX ■ soap; none deliver- / rn"rr"anit; hSS < V 7?c mercerized napkins ,8- 98c nickel pUted bath tub 29c a lb. 1200 lbs to & sols ed . To . mor . / sizes: sto 1K 2 5Cgid X * 25c ro w, / 69c *"« - 25c ,Or,o stre.VFloor."" workmanship X, to-morrow street Floor. mer season. Extra spe-25c Basement / rnlnrr , street Fh,or._ .y - nan —————— rial to-morrow f coioreu • a • are these solid doz<f N ear Linen Crash Basement.' Salmon Jv Decorated China Women's Hosiery oak antique finish X 25c our re g ular 7c imitation Fancy red salmon, in tall ZOC / Voiles for The housewife's opportunity Regular 25c black silk lisle waste pa p er baskets. li" en crash; one of the best Dinner Buckets t ' ns ' the finest . quality packed. Jr/ Early Fall Dresses, 1:0 P r °vide her chinaware needs hose; seamless; seconds but of X staple qualities in our stock. Regular 49c eranite dinner Extra special in the sale to- A/ . at small cost is furnished in to good quality. To-morrow, To-morrow 25c \- Extra special to-mor- 2 5 C buckets, durable and well put sorrow, 2 cans 25 C /■ " 140 sale of 7-piece decor two pair 25c SP X\ row, 6 yards for together. Extra secial in the for mche s wide. c ated . ch 'na berry sets. for AOC X street Floor. sale to- OC. Basement. *To-morrow, yd. .. OC Special..... «c Street Floor. Spool Silk Xn morrow J/ r _ • Basement. .... Warehouse Point spool silk X Men's Shirts Basement. House Sliders /. r Mixe d Suitings p rrrir p n ~r lr Men s Underwear in 50-yard spools; only in col- X , . , , ~ . m r aC A C v ."" / Regular 50c quality mixed „„ Berr y Bowls . ors. An extra special attrac- X Serviceable blue cham- bheets and Leases For men and women, weaves. 36 inches wide, in grey We scll these decorated 39c Egyptian open mesh t ion for to-morrow, one X bray shirts with two Regular 39c sheets; /2x90 , g T / X ' and brown. Extra special berr - v bowls regularly at 50c, shirts and drawers; short sleeve dozen spools ZOC X separate collars. inches. 25c " q y> /' . to-morrow, and they are recognized as a shirts. To-morrow, 25c street Floor. - n X\ vTo-morrow, To-morrow morrow, / yard good value at that. On sale each ?Oc "X. 33c pillow cases; 4.->x36 in- / pounds - - to-morrow in, the spe- OC_ Strect Fl °° r - vm lr fi! eS a^ d BagS white * X T ICS ' 25c Of granulated Blue Serge Suiting cial clearance at . __ , . $2-°° s,lk g» rdles >n an a®" X 25c r °- morrow / . , Our regular -50 c grade of Basement. Mens Undershirts sortment of <jolors. 25c corded mad- X ' street Floor. 25c /'' sugar ' w,th P ur " navy blue serge; 36 inches 35c grey mixed balbriggan Special to-morrow . . X Children's Hose chase of 1 lb. coffee, wide and an exceptionally good Celerv Travs shirts: short sleeves; a very Children's 2oc silk bags. ras shirts with y u . 77 // quality. Extra special in the o ~fy , 1 ayS special value. To-mor- OC. To-morrow attached collar. Or V black and whlte fine X „rlb. tea. 2Sc * t«™T « Beautllully decorated china row. each Zt>C -'for " C To-morrow . . 25c V nbbed silk l.sle hose; excellent 25c «">•»• .t nmt Fi«or. Str..t Floor. \ quality. Special to- 25c / Floor " ave been ordered into the morrow, 3 pair for .... // ga l e to-morrow. OC Floor Coverings WnrW« Neckwear X street Floor. / Grape Juice Tailors' Linings Choose at " OC 30c Longoleum rugs. 36x36 50 d , Xl Pure and delicious grape 25c satine }n several good Basement. Regular 19c white cotton ,nches - S P ec ' al 25C ari anfone the best of TA uAnnmir V juice regularly sold at 1.-»c a co lors and black; made with a ribbed vests with long sleeves; to-morrow .. . .... the season not many of TO-MORROW ONLY bottle. Extra special in the d satin finish; a rare value. ~. a sturdy quality. OC r 3,c wool and fibre mats; an nk I sale to-morrow 2 25C Special in the sale, OC„ Alcohol Stoves To-morrow, 2 for .... extra value. 25c a nl °- Spec 25c bottles for 2 yards «OC for home and camp the street Floor. To-morrow to-morrow •• I j Basement. street p'loor. alcohol stoves are indispens- Third Floor. street Floor. | I | _ able; complete with saucepans. Women's Vests Crex Runners Silk Ribbons / %| Handkerchief Linen Books of Fiction jOn sale to-morrow specially 30c and 35c runners OC Taffeta and satin taffeta rib- I W | Regular 59c handkerchief Regular SI.OO to $1.50 books, priced, 25c I_>JC white cotton ribbed Q oec ; a i to-morrow «5C bons ; 4to 5 inches wide, in col- I linen in plain shades of two col- including My Lady of Doubt, each ..• vests made with fancy yoke. SOc'crex rem ors and black; values to 25c. i ors. Extra special in the sale by Randall Parrish; Jacquine Basement Specially priced 25C nan s' Z desirable lenX Special to-morrow t ' by R ° binS; A l gd to-morrow. 4 (or s' ecial to 2 vards for . ... ~ . ! yard * OC by Gilmore. 2 5c Underwear street Floor. txtra .peciai to 25c street Floor. , Remarkable Values street Floor Special, to-morrow ...*****" Women s Underwear morrow * street Floor. Cambric gowns, in low neck Drapery Etamine H ■ Silk /I R - M »f» ~|\ Drapery Goods beldingTLtTLnd Regular 15c plain patterns of 30 c and 40c Jute hall ' run- "7' & b ' aCk / es-cencn'Taua'l I \ 50c fancy Cretonnes in The Right to Reign The slcevcs . Special £sc Etamine with colored border thread silk" hose. oo incnes wiae, excellent qual Fetters of Freedom, by Brady; to-morrow of red, pink or blue; 36 inches to _ morro^v 25c Specially priced " pe . c,al to " morrow 25c .« C ° C The Married Miss Warth, by second Floor. wide. To-morrow, OC-% i- ~ •••••/ •• • • X- o yards tor * \X inches wide. Hale; Vandover and the Brute, 2 yards ZOC . lac rubber stair treads; 7xlß to-morrow, 12}ic 8c outing cloths. Special by Frank Morris. OKn street Floor. P 25c / children's f to - morrow ' 4 y ards 25c \ To-morrow, Specia , Dressing Sacques Th 'V r ;; n ;'"' 25c A , yard, street Floor. Flannelette dressing sacques Colored Ratine S/ fancy top stre>t Floor - X \ OuaTter with kimono sleeves; shirred at An early Fall cotton suiting Fibre Matting sox, of very good w , .„ , 25c \ 25c 15 " \ the waist. s pecial in in solid shades• to popular for dresses. Special! ," ry durablc ' Specia ' 2E»C / Spec-'. ««• 19c flaxon organdie; 40 in- men's \ Sding 'thTl-Uppy'Tamny! Jo_3 25C 35c r floor oil clotii. In t „c £~ 25 C T ~",'2sc black fibre \ Apost 5 "TIT. r...r"" sale to- OC. / P 5c to 8c asbestos tables mats. si l k hose Seconds EtemiW. Hamilton, and Shepherd Checks T? Third Floor. A L»ace BanCtS 5 £ or £,DC Special to-mofrow, OC r X Lewis. 25c i nches Wlde - T °- mor " 25c S r 1/->r A Cr\r\A c Venise and cluny lace bands, street Floor. 2 pair for ' Special row, yard , Regular foulards in Colored Goods in ecru and white; the widths . street Floor. 6^ c cambric, mj:olors»and printed designs that are artis- Regular 8c crepes, in Jv are 2to 3 inches; values to 35c. Men's Sox • • \V ——— black. Special to-morrow, ™rrL arrang ' d - »- whits grounds and jP Special to-morrow, 25c 9c black split sole cotton six; „ ."V?'*!"? ~ \ Men's Ties v yards ZSC morrow, OP- t «. i */ 3 yards for .- K . x Regular 2ac imitation linen \X n i ■>- , -.i f° r 5 yards V * S C neat florad designs, from our regular stock and a suitji f g . jnches wi(kj - n a X Regular 3.c and 50c silk street Floor . street Floor. To-morrow, s ape grade thiougbout the gQod range of colors Extra x \ four-in-hands; large rn»np~de _ Chine and yard, jW ISc Women's Handkerchiefs 4 pal"'... ..25C special in the sale to- 25c 600 selection; wide Georgette Crepe Waists Cotton Voiles OOrC r J/ 1 h toOt lj Hemstitched inen handker- street Floor. yards black end. To- Special Sale Regular 20c colored voiles, in Jv rus and j n so f t fi n i s h material; . morrow, l n the Bargain Basement. figured patterns; 36 inches / on ' e la f r ?e tube regular 10c value. Extra spe- Women's Vests Women's Gloves tennis oxfor s, X Rich qualities of crepe de wide; for early Fall dresses. jT Colgate s Dental cia l to-morrow, OC r Regular 25c white cotton rib- Regular SI.OO long black silk for nien = sizes 7to \ chine, Georgette crepe and lace Special to-morrow, 25 C re am • To-morow, 4 for bed vests; made with fancy g j ovcs; size only . an ex . 1Q Extra spec ial to- I waists at mere fractions of their J/ , 0 street Floor. jokes. Extra special in the ceptional value. Special in the N actual worth. street Floor. for sale to-morrow, 25r sale to-morrow, morrow ••• V 2Zc \ Regular $2.50 waists .. #1.25 CM / InevpMen's Handkerchiefs ~ l ° r pair .. \X Regular $2.98 waists .. W-98 Silverware /, ' tlr y street Floor. street Floor. . j Reeular $3-50 waists .. // solid gold shell rings; A good assortment from our , Whipcord Suitings R e£rU i ar $2.98 and $4.95 waists, Odd patterns of silver A guaranteed for 5 years. 25 c regular stock at with Children's Underwear Shadow Laces One of the best selling white #1.98 plated dessert and // ft _ hemstitching and hem. Regular 39c and 50c coton Fine quality shadow laces, in w hip cor d weaves of the season, _ ou; r t«i table spoons and A' To-morrow 25 C Special to-morrow, OP union suis; in knee lengh style, white and cream; 4to 12 in- , UU U e 8 ri P e 18 11S re S u " Spor forks To / cuflT^'inks and tip i 3 for 5C Extra special to-mor- ches wide; values to 39c. Ex- lar ** 27 » nch « wide, X Men's 39c sport shirts, forks.ro- / ,„ r „^ Uff!,nkSlnd,K^ S ' row in „,e sale tra special, 2 yards 2 5 C Tor ' 25c \in plain white and morrow / « To-morrow 25c 'or 2 >a ' ds ' 75c X blue chambray. 4 for A/ toilet _ Street Floor. ' JC or A soap; witch 'n Tf c 031100115 Wash Goods White Nainsook pajamas, To-morrow, Jy -tsreaktast Bacon Swiss and batiste embroid- From our regular stock Embroidery Edgings Fine in quality and soft in s,zes \ 25c A lazel or rose. Finest quality sugar-cured g a U°° n s> in an excellent comes the announcement of a Swiss Embroidery £dgings, texture and a weave that will bo)'s, the V/ Extra special to-mor- bacon; sliced in any desi-ed ass °'" tmcn t of designs; values sa le to-morrow of 15c Ripp- 4to 8 inches wide; a wide give good service; 35 inches quantity is, ,m,t " #1 M, txtra spec thickness. To-mor- w to ~9c; 4 inches wide. Special j Jette. in neat colored stripes, range of patterns; values to wide; regularly 17c a yard. Ed; come early for \ J f/ row, eight cakes 25c I r ik 25c to-morrow, Special to-morow, c - Special to-morrow, OC r To-morrow, C^t se ' cctlons ' //. t rOW ' lb >- ard * OC 2 vards for yard 2 yards OC sorrow, 25c \ = TEX CALVES ADDED TO U. S. BISON' HERD Washington. D. C., Aug. 30.—The government's herd of buffalo on the Wichita National Forest, in Okla homa, which is also a federal game preserve, has been increased by the arrival of ten calves, according to a report received by the forest service from the supervisor in charge. The herd, which now comprises sixty-two specimens of the almost extinct bison, is in good condition, says the super visor, and promises to continue in creasing at a rapid rate. Eight of the calves are females, bringing the number of heifere and ' MONDAY EVENING, cows up to thirty. The bulls num ber thirty-two and have been placed by themselves in a pasture which has been fenced in for them. Three years ago the buffalo herd on the Wichita Forest was little more than half as large as it is now. It is said that the other game animals in the preserve, including the elk and antelope, also are increasing, due to the protection afforded, not only against hunters, but against wolves, wild cats, and other predatory ani mals, which committed serious de predations from the establishment of the preserve in 1906 until measures were taken to stop them. In protect ing the game from predatory animals, the wardens and forest officers are also promoting the interests of local stockmen, who graze several thousand head of cattle on certain allotted areas within the preserve. SWEET PEAR PICKLES Pare fruit and if small leave whole, if large, halve. Weigh and for every four pounds of fruit allow two pounds of sugar, one cup of good vinegar, and one-half cupful of water. Make a syrup of the sugar, water and vinegar, and when boiling add the spices in lit tle bags, using to every pint of syrup two or three sticks of cinnamon, and teaspoonful each of cloves and mace HAIUUSBURG TELEGRAPH of allspice, and a half ounce of gin-r ger root. If preferred, nothing but the ginger root and cinnamon need be used. Simmer for ten minutes, then put in the fruit, and simmer until ten der enough to pierce with a straw. Lift fruit out carefully and place in Jars. Boil the syrup a faw minutes longer and pour over the fruit. CHRIST: "A SMALL-TOWN MAN" He was a small-town man, and no world-builder. He preached the-King dom of God, knowing God for a spirit and having an increasing realization of the Kingdom as a state of being. But he had no program. He followed the "inward voice, and followed It in stinctively, with the freedom of a river In its natural channel, with no fretting of the flesh. But where the voice left him uninformed , he was simply a man from Nazareth, h!s so cial outlook was the outlook of a vil lager. All the great prophets of Israel had come out of the wilderness; th'elr words were full of the terrible things— thunders, earthquakes, fire on the mountains. But the words of Jesus are all of the small town —the candle and the bushel, the housewire-s meas ure of yeast, the children playing In the street. The rich he knew only as the poor and the oppressed know them; the kings of his parables were. AUGUST 30, 1915. the kings of fairy tale and legend; such rulers and potentates qs make the stock of the village story-teller. His very way of speaking was a folk way; the pithy sentence, tne pregnant figure. He saw God reflected In every surface of the common life, and taught In parables which are, after all, but a perfect form of the quizzes ?itd riddles dear to the unlettered wit. That is why so many of them are remem bered. while his sayings escaped his audience. It TS evident from the form of the«e, blunted as they are by re-translation, mat they were many of them cast In the matched and balanced sentences of Hebrew verse, which account* in part for their easy retention. He was a man wise In lire, t>ut un learned. He read no books, but the scriptures; wrote nothing; took the folk-way of transmitting his teach ing from mouth td mouth, and trusted God for the increase; an a he had tho folk-way In his profoundest speech, of identifying himself with the Power that used him. He dramatized all his relations to the Invisible. And with It all he was a Jew of the circum cision. He grew up beyond Judlalsm as a stalk of grain grows from Its sheath, but never out of it. Always, to his death. It was there about tho roots of his life. —Mary Austin, In Tho North American Review.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers