Iflnndrefls fait to Fill YOMJ Wait. 1 Little Want Ad Will Find Tlei) DIED LEHMAN Mr. J. C. Lehman, born May 15, 1842; died August 28, 1915. Funeral Tuesday morning, at 10 o'plock. Funeral and burial strictly prirnte. • FOUND FOUND—The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleanlrg Works, 1243 Market street. Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. HELP WANTED—MaIe. PLUMBERS WANTED First-class. Apply to R. J. Flowers. 113 South Thir teenth street, City. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED AblebotJled. unmar ried men between age 3 of IS and 36; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, $d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Young men. from 18 to 22, to learn collecting and soliciting among regular customers in city and Steelton. Salary, $lO to start. Quick advancement. Address 8.. 2945, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man, about 18 years of age, to learn the tea and coffee business. Apply Grand Union Tea Co.. 208 North Second street. CLOTHING SALESMAN WANTED Must be thoroughly proficient and well acquainted. A good position for tae right man Address in strict contl fldence. Address L, 2939, rare of Tele graph. WANTED Experienced dye cutter on Infant's shoes; also boys to learn cutting Harrisburg leather. Products Co.. 1420 Wyeth avenue. WANTED SteamfHter and helper. Apply E. Mather Qo.. 204 Walnut street. WANTED An errand boy in a sta tionery store. Address W., 2941, care of Telegraph. BOY WANTED To work around the store. Apply Askin and Marine, 36 North Second street. WANTED Two young men. 18 to 25, to travel with crew, only hustlers need apply. 700 North Sixth, after 4 p. m. WANTED Two flrst-class solici tors, one wagon salesman. Apply Jewel Tea Co., 269 Broad street. YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs to call or write us at once. Full unlimited course. $35. Open day and evening. Auto Transportation Repair Shcp, 6 North Cameron street. HELP WANTED —Eeinnle WANTED Young lady for several ■weeks' work In offlee copying records; must be good penman; give age and salary expected, also where formerly employed. Address, Box 2929, care Tele graph. WANTED A woman to wash and iron Monday and Tuesday; must be a good laundress. Apply 615 North Front street. City. WANTED Strong girl or middle aged woman to assist with general housework. Apply. Cor. Paxtang ave- j nue and Derry street —house with hedge ] around, WANTED Lady piano player, sight ; reader; lady singers, darners, musical artists for traveling musical comedy Show. Write Immediately. Send j photo, age. height, weight. Address > Bert Marshall. Red Lion, Pa. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY Expert- i enced salespeople; higher salaries paid; to those who are competent; also extra) help for Saturdays. A~r>ly Mr. Green, j main floor, Astrlch's. I FALL TERM commences August 30; j Night School. Tuesday evening, August. ! 31. Thorough courses. Individual in- | struction and the greatest results. Har- : risburg Shorthand School, 31 North Sec- i ond street. W ANTED Girls over 16 j years of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn- 1 ing. Welfare looked after fry a trained nurse. Apply at Harris-1 burcr Cigar Co., 500 Race street. 1 SAIXSMKN iVA.\TEI> WANTED Salesman to travel. In quire The Wonder Store, 211 Market street. WANTED Salesman to travel and appoint agents: salary, SBO a month and expenses Home Supply Mfg. Co., Sta. A. Niagara Kalis, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Boy 15 years of age wants work of any kind. 'Call, or ad dress, 320 Sayford street. WANTED By young boy 16 years of age, position of any kind; can fur nish reference. Address. H 2927, care Telegraph, WANTED Young man desires posi tion as automobile driver and repair man. Call, or address, 1104 Walnut street. WANTED By young boy, work ,of any kind. Address, 302 Christian street, Steelton, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTKD—reiimlo WAITED Refined. middle-aged lady, with four-year-old boy, would l'ke position afi housekeeper. Call, oi address, 1124 Montgomery street. WANTED By a respectable colored woman, place in private family as chambermaid and waitress or as good, plain Virginia cook. Call, or address, No. 1424 Reese avenue. WANTED Work by the day or week by young colored woman. Ad dress 130 Liberty street, City. WANTED Colored woman desires day's work for Monday, or small wash ings to do at home. Call, or address, 1412 North Fourth street. WANTED By young: girl, position as stenographer: is a graduate of the School of Commerce; can give refer ence if required. Address M., 293", care of Telegraph. WANTED Refined, young lady de sires position as an assistant In office ot any kind; good penman. Address R., 2932. care of Telegraph. W ANTED—White woman wishes po sition as cook in private famllv; can furnish best of reference; good wages. Address, E 2926, care Telegraph. N FOR SALE 1847 Reglna St., 9 .rooms, hath. 222 Maelay St., fine residence. 1421 Zarker St., SI4OO. 2127 N. Second St., 2 bath rooms. 1702 Penn St.. 3-story brick 1916 N. 16th St., lot 39 * / £xlo2. 3SI S. 18th St.. 3-storv brick. 11l Washington St., right price. 1334 N. 4th St.. rents at SB. 1203 Pigeon Ave.. S7OO. 1301 P. 12th St., for* Investment. 120 V 4 Derry St., $3150. 1412 Berrvhill St.. 15 ft. alley. 1827 N. Cameron St.. lot 48V»x160. 405 Herr St., remodeled. 131-137 S. 3rd St., business proposi tion. MILLER BROTHERS &CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Buret? floods t.nrtrrt and Court Streets ■ MONDAY EVENING, j SITUATIONS WANTED —Female WANTED Young girl desires posl ' tlon as assistant in office; some knowl i edge of stenography, typewriting and I bookkeeping. Address S.. 2931. care of I Telegraph. , REAL ESTATE FOR HALE S3 ACRES adjoining Mechanlcsburg on the west on trolley line level limestone soli ll-room dwelling brick barn a location such as this is seldom offered for sale This Is known as the Vogelsong Farm. Brlnton- Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Sts. 1523 GREEN ST. S-story brick ■ 9 rooms and bain lot. 24xS7—(Note the frontage this property iia»)—locat ed within one-half square of Second St. trolley. Third St. trolley, Rockvllle trolley, and two squares from Broad St. Market. Possession at once. Brln ton-Packrr Co., Second and Walnut Sts. SIXTH STREET PROPERTY In the ; eighteen block for sale at an attractive price 9 rooms- bath gas fur nace lot. 100 feet deep. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FRONT ST.. adjoining Country Club !—2 frame dwellings one has 8 rooms, I the other 6 rooms and bath—lot, 70x150. ; llrinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut | Sts. 1 FOR SALE Ten-room brick house, i Nineteenth and Park; hardwood floors; I gas; electricity and steam hpat. Will sell less than cost if sold at once. Call ! 27 North Nineteenth street. NO. 1820 N. THIRD STREET is for sale or rent business corner —steam heated all other improvements—well built brick house. Particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FARM FOR SALE—B2 acres in Perry county, 13 miles from Harrisburg. 2 miles from Duncannon; 76 acres farm land, balance young timber; new frame house, good bank Darn, necessary out buildings; water In house and barn; good spring near house; 125 bearing peach trees. 200 apple trees, one-half bearing; choice variety of other fruit; land in fine state of cultivation. For further partciulars address D. B. Trout man, Route 3. Box 37. Duncannon, Perry County, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT ll9O Christian etreet: two-story brick; all improvements and up-to-date In all respects; seven rooms, including bath; rent. $17.00. Inquire 259 Herr street, between 5 and J P. M. FOR RENT 515 South Fourteenth street, 1409 Green street. John H. Ma loney, 1619 Green street. gJ2 Month and up; * New and modern. Corner Stores Now In course of construction. Hamilton and Third Streets Suitable for nay bualneee or office purposes. For particulars and plans, see Chas. Adler 100-' Si. Third Street. FOR RENT ■— Furnished house at Camp Hill—S rooms and bath—steam heat—electric light—gas—rent $35. Brinton-Paeker Co., Second and Wal- j nut streets. FOR RENT lO9 Evergreen, three story brick dwelling; modern improve ments, including electric lights; Just repapered; immediate possession; $20.00 per month. D. S. Light. Room 14, Union Station, or 26 Evergreen street. FOR RENT 660-662 Calder street; three-story brick bouse; 8 rooms and bath; all Improvements; rent reason able; will rent to good colored people. M. Baturin, 639 Boas street. FOR RENT 1713 North Third street; three-story; all Improvements; recently papered and painted through out; immediate possession. Apply 1100 North Front street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT MACDANIELS APARTMENTS. 1417 Market street; Housekeeping; furnished complete; cheerful, large living room second floor front, with dining room and kitchenette combined; private bath; gas I range; private meter, letter box and bell. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT 225 North Second street, housekeeping apartment; 5 rooms, pantry, tiled bath, modern in every detail; private hall entire length of apartment; city vanor heat; hot water furnished. Apply 218 Pine stree.t ; Bell phone 559 W. ! FOR RENT Third floor apartment, 119 North Fourth street, 6 rooms and bath; modern; rent reasonable; imme . diate possession. Apply. Dr. J. H. Mll ! ler, 19 North Fourth street. FOR RENT—Third floor. Tront apsrt i ment, No. 32 North Second street; I I rooms and bath; steam heat and elec tric light. Apply to Commonwealth j Trust Co.. 222 Market street FOR RENT Third floor apartment, 5 rooms and bath: steam heat; gas range: electric light. Inquire 20 North • Fourth street. HOOMS f'Oll KENT i FOR RENT Furnished rooms, ' single or en suite. Bell phone. Address ' 711» North Sixth street. I FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping or sleeping, on ; second floor, use of bath and phone, ref erences exchanged, no children. Ap j ply, 1604 Derry street. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, in • eluding both phone and heat; rent rea- I sonabie; good location. No. 227 Boas j street. FOR RENT Three comfortably I furnished rooms, second floor; one con ; tains large bay window; bath; gas; hot air heat; no small children; three mln i nutes' frotn Thirteenth and Derry I streets. Address D., 2938, care of Tele , graph. FOR RENT Large front room, sec jond floor; pleasant for man and wife; | warn', dean home for winter; hot ; water system: also smaller room on sec . ond floor; use of phone. 117 Pine j street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, airy • rooms: ail improvements: steam heat; .electric lights; use of two baths. Ap- I ply 115 Cumberland street. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, second floor: all modern convenl j ences. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms • for light housekeeping, furnished or un ■ furnished; corner residence. Apply 1629 I ltegina street. ] FOR RENT Furnished room, with . hot and cold water; use of bath. Apply ; 266 Herr street. j FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms, with hath; good location: price reasonable. Address Z., 2936, care of I Telegraph. j FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; j each room convenient for one or two I gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments. Fifth | and_Market streets. Second Apartment. UNfc'UKNISHED WUOMS I : 429 feROAD STREET Built especl- I aly for light housekeeping, single or I witn kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnished free; ! laundry, phone and bathroom privt . 1 egea, lockers tor surplus furniture. I ROOMS WANTED ! WANTED One or two second floor I room*, uptown, preferably above Hamll i ton street. Address Box R.. 2930. care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED By woman, a few women j boarders. Home comforts. Call at 1327 ( North Sixth street, City. I FOR SALE FOR BALE CARDS od sal* at tb« Telegraph Business uffloa. ! FOR SALE —AT GABLE'S. 113. 115 ind 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. niCYCLES. frames, coaster Drakes or any part of bicycle bought for highest cash price. Write, phone or call. Keystone Gftrage. 814 N. 3rd fctreet. ilell phone 266-R. FOR SALE Drug, Ice cream and confectionery stpre; central location; business paying 30 per rent.; retiring on account of health. Address D.. '2933, care of Telegraph. FOli SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de livered inywhore free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spotz, 1317-19 Market street. HORSE Good horse, wagon and harness. Suitable for most any kind o> delivery work or huckster. Will sell very reasonable. Call Milk Depot, 1317 Williams street, City. FOR SALE Furniture In good con dition at 806 North Sixteenth street. Dlnlngroom table, old fashioned sofa, library table, bedroom suit, small tables .carpets, etc. Call mornings be fore 12, or from 4 to 8 P. M. Sale will continue until all furniture is sold. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Hoard and Table Board at 25c each. One af these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If I>aid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department .The Tele, graph Printing Company. FOR SALE Second-hand and re built typewriters of all makes. $lO and up. It C. Smith, Underwood, Royal. Densmore and others. Inquire Georg* P. Tlllotson, 36 South Fourth street. FOR SALE Morris canoe, paddles, backrests, carpet, cushions, in very good condition; |32. Care "Canoe/* Telegraph. MOTORCYCLE BARGAIN" One Excelsior, twin cylinder, new tires, tandem, Stewart Klaxon. A big bargain; $125.00. Investigate to-day. Keystone Garage, 811 North Third streets. FOR SALE Jackson roadsters in good condition; new tires; could be used for truck service. Price $l5O will take the car. Can be seen at Lemoyne parage. Lock Lrawer F. Duncannon, FOR SALE Bargain In a country hotel if sold before September 15; $2,700 cash: good neighborhood; good trade. Address P. G. Forney, Real Estate, 55 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. FOR SALE Horse, two wagons and harness at sacrifice rates. Apply to William P. Keiin. Enhaut, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS cu be •©cured at the Telegraph Business Office. QO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gate* to match. No. m-llf South Seconi. FOR RENT FOR RENT Desirable first floor room in Telegraph Building. Inquire Superintendent, Business Office. FOR RENT Second floor room, 8,700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. WANTED WANTED A partner in a small jobbing business. Call at 1317 Wil liams street, City. WANTED the loan of $25.00 from a private party. Five dollars bonus for a short time. Address 8., 2943, care of Telograph. WATED, TO BUY Second-hand Ford touring car in perfect condition. Address G., 2944, care of Telegraph. WANTED Second-hand cash reg ister; must We in good condition; regis ters 1 cent up. Address D., 2934, care of Telegraph Building. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $50,000 In five years in the ir.all order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N.*Y. WANTED Someone to take a half interest in an article to be manufactur ed. This proposition will bear strict ln\estimation and will require at least $5,(100 Investment. Address Box A, 2910, care of Telegraph. WAVT PARTNER with three thou sard Hollars in high-class Mall Order Business. Or. will borrow this amount at <> per cent, and give real estate se curity. H„ 2942, care of Telegraph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE are headquarters for Trunks, Suit Casea and Bags. Before your va cation inspect our large stock. Have your repairing done here and save money. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company, Second and Chestnut. FOR falling hair try .GTOSB Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAUI.IXG R. A. HAHTMAS, Hoarding Stable and Katlonul Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone. No. 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower Address P. o. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGsT Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We Invite inspection Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE la 8-story brick building, rear 4AB Market street. Household goods la clean, private rooms. Reasonable ratea. , Apply te P. G. Dleacr. Jeweler, 408 Market at. STORAGE 419 Broad atreet. for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $8 Wagons, 75 cents Ser month. Apply D. Cooper A Co., 4i| road street. Both ahonea. THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M. at Its new location, front anrj Harris streets, for the free treatment of U>« worthy poor. BAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH WAR SHARES AGAIN ACTIVE IN MARKETS Coppers Prominent, Tennessee Gaining 2 at 58; U. S. Steel Declines Fraction By Associated Press New York. Aug. 30. Trading in war shares and kindred specialties at variable changes from last week's close was resumed at the outset pf to day's operations. The main feature wa» Texas Company, which soon rose 6% to 157 with a gain of a point for Mexi can Petroleum at 86%. Coppers were again prominent. Tennessee gaining two at 58. Fertiliiers added one to two points to recent advances. Crucible Steel was reactionary, losing two points to 74. United States Steel de clined a fraction in the Initial dealings, I but soon advanced to 77. a gain or I three-quarters over Saturday s final I price. i NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished bv E, S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcatfe Building. New York, Aug. 30. Open. Hig. Low. Clos. | Allis-Chal . 38% 39% 38 38% !Am Bt Sug 86 % 66% 65% 65 V* lAm Can .. 61% «IV4 59% 60 l Am C F. 71% 72 69% 70 Am Cot Oil 52% 52% 52 52 Am Ice See 23% 23% 23% 23% Am Looe . 55 55% 54 54 Am Smelt .' 82 <2 80% 80% Am Sugar . 110% 110% 110% 110% Am T & T. 123% 123% 123% 123% Anaconda . 74% 74% 73 73% Athctson .. 101% 102% 101% 102 Baldwin .. 79% 82% 79% 81 B& O 81% 82 81 % 81% Beth Steel . 289% 291 289% 291 Bklyn RT. 85% 85% 85% 85% Cal Petro.. 18% 19% 18 "A 19 Can Pacific 151% 152% 150% 150U Cent Leath 44% 44% 44 44 % C& 0 46% 4fi% 45% 46 C. M&St P 83 83% 83 83 C, RIA P. 21% 21% 20% 21% C Con Cop. 47 47 46% 46% Col F& I. 43% 43% 41% 42% Con Gas .. 127% 127% 127% 127% Cru Steel.. 75 77% 74% 75% Distil Sec.. 27 27 % 26% 27 % Kile 28% 29% 28% 28% Erie Ist pd 43% 44% 43% 44 Gen Elec.. 175 17fi% 174 174 GoodriehßF 63 63 61 % 61% Gt N pfd.. 118% 118% 118 118 GtN Ore sbs 43% 43% 42% 42% Gug Exp . 68% 68% 67% 67% Insp Cop . 36 % 36% 35% 35% K C South. 26% 27 26% 26% Leh Val. .. 143% 143% 142% 142% Lou & Nash 116 116 116 116 Mex Pet... 85% 87% 84% 84% Ml Cop 27 27 26% 26% MoPac.... 3% 4% 3% 4% Natl Lead. 66 6 6 65 65 NYC 90% 91 % 90% 91% NYN H H 64 66% 64 66% N Y O W. 2§ % 26% 26% 26% N & W 107% 107% 107% 107% North Pac. 108 108% 107% 107% Pac Mail.. 33 33% 33 33 % Pa Rail... 108% 108% 108% 108% Pitts C 36% 37 33% 34% Pitts C pd. 103% 105 102% 102% Prs S C... 61% 61% 60% 60% Rail S S.. 40 40 39% 40 RayCC... 24 24 23% 23% Reading 148% 150 148% 148% Rep 15... 43% 44 43 % 43% South Pac. 90% 91% 90% 91 South Ry.. 15% 15% 15% 15% South Rpd 49% 49% 49% 49% Studebaker. 110% 111 107% 110% Tenn Cop.. 58 58 55% 56% Third Ave. 55 55% 54 54 Union Pac. 131% 132% 131%, 131% U S Rub.. 50 50% 49 50% U S Steel., 76% 77 75% 75% U S Stl pd. 112% 112% 112% 112% Utah Cop.. 69% 69% 67% 67% Vlr-Car C.. 41% 41% 40% 40% West U Tel 72% 74% 72% 73% West Mfg.. 116% 118% 115% 116% PHILADELPHIA STOCKS fly Associntcd Press Philadelphia. Aug. 30. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red, car lqts, new, ex port, $1.06®1.08; No. 2, red, western, 11.0901.11. Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 884? 89c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 87(9)88c. Oats Scarce; No. 2, white, none here; No. 3. white, 51@52c. Bran Market steady; winter, city mill, winter, per ton. $26.50; western, winter, per ton, none here; spring, per ton, 124.00(3)24.50, Renned Sugar Market steady; powdered, 5.70@5.76c; fine granulated. 5.65® 5.70; confectioners' A, 5.50@5.55c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 26% c; nearby prints, fancy, 30c. Eggs The market is higher; PennsylvanUt and other nearby firsts, free cases. $7.20@7.70; per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.60# 6.90 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases,' $7.50®7.80 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.90@7.20 per case. Live Poultry Market firm; fowls, 16©16% c; old roosters. 12®>13c; broil ing chickens, 15® 19c; Spring ducks, 15 016 c; old ducks, 12014 c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy. 18 ',4 0 19c; do. average. 16%@17%c; do., unattractive. 14%®15'/4c; do., old roosters, 13c; do., broiling chickens, nearby, 22026 c; do., western, 16021 c; do., spring ducks. 16 ®<l7c; do., western, 10® 12c; Ice packed fowls, 15018 c. Potatoes Market steady; Maine, per bushel, 16020 c; New York, per bushel, 16020 c; Southern, per barrel. 50«:®51.25; Jersey, per basket, 10®32c. Flour Market quiet; straights, new, $5.15195.30; do.,patent, new, ss.Bs(tj> new, $5.1505.40; do., patent, new, $5.00 5.60; do., clear, $5.5006.25; Kan sas. Jute sacks. $5.1005.60; spring, straight, old, $6.5006.75; do., patents, old. $6.75® 7730. Hay—Nominal; new hay, $16.00®21.00 per ton as to quality; No. 1, large bales, s24oti@ 2500; No. 1. medium bales. $25.00: No. 2. do.. $14.00; No. i. do.. $20.00021.00. Light mixed, $24.00; No. 1, do.. $22.50 0 23.00; No. 2. do.. $20.00 021.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia. Aug. 30,—Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 54% Cleneral Asphalt 30% General Asphalt, Pfd 66% Uke Superior Corporation iiy- Lake Superior Corporation, Pfd.. . 25% Lehigh Navigation 7314 Lehigh Valley 711,4 Pennsylvania Railroad 54 & Philadelphia Electric 24 Philadelphia Company 44 Philadelphia Company, Pfd 39 Philadelphia Bapid Transit 9% Reading 74% Storage Battery 65 V 4 Union Traction 35 United Gas Improvement 84% United States Steel 76V United States Steel. Pfd 112% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Fress Chicago, 111., Aug. 30. HogH Re ceipts, 36,000; light, strong. Others 5® 10c lower. Bulk of sales, $6.65tf57.6u; light. $7.40® 8.00; mixed. $6.51)®7.85; heavy. $6.25® 7.80; rough, $6.25® 6.40; pigs. $7.00® 8.00. Cattle Receipts, 18,000; steady. Bcevc*. $6.0( <a 10.15; cows and heifers, $3.00®8.50; Texas steers. $6.40f&7 40; western, $6.65® 8.85; calves, $8.50® 12.00. Sheep Receipts, IR.fiJO; lower. Na tive, tS.tOfttAO; western, $6.90 It fi.6o; yearlings. s#.#o®;".?6; lamb*, native. |i.oo 9-30; western, |7.00® 3.35. Bondage of Skirts Women Are Free From ~ W* PJHTXLTrrE A4WOVS LAISS.TOSZKE& f •INGLE PANTALETTE SOLVES PROBLEM. Miss Ruth Sturtevdnt wearing the new single pantalette, fashion's latest decree. ' ' j Chicago. July 26. Limbs long wearied by petticoats, yearning for the free easy swing in walking, will greet the news with glee, with shouts of joy, which although lady-like in tone will be none the less hearty. At least, no more petiicoats. Honest to goodness. When the big fashion show opens here on August 2, the single pantalette, which is to replace the maligned petticoat will be given to a longing female public. The single pantalette is lacy, dainty and warranted to give full comfort to walking and no end of chic to the ankles, should the skirt be lifted slightly. Miss Ruth Sturtevant, one of the models at the coming show was exhibiting the new garment or garments,* to an admiring throng. Only ladles were present so she lifted her dainty wisteria skirt to her knees and there was revealed the charming garment. About each knee was fastened one leg of a pantalette, confined by a rubber band. Knees together, one would have sworn that it was a single garment, just a flounce. Separate, and the trick was revealed. What next"! Garrison Wants to Get Additional Officers By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Aug. 30.—Sec retary Garrison has directed the war college to submit planß for securing additional regular army officers and a corps of regular officers both for the regular army and for a volunteer army or any other force which Con gress may authorize. This step was taken with a view of recommenda tions to Congress at its coming ses sion. Secretary Daniels Is also expected to recommend additional officers for the navy regardless of the building program yet to be decided upon. General Scott Ready to Present His Report By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Aug. 30.—Major- General Scott, chief-of-staft of the army, was ready to report to Secretary Lansing to-day the results of his spec ial mission to the Mexlcon border for the State Department in furtherance of the Pan-American peace plans. He had just returned after an extended stay, during which he is believed to have Kathcred considerable information of value to Secretary L&nsing and the diplomats In their con sideration of the Mexican problem. GIRI, MEETS HER lIROTHER ON TOP OF TIKE'S TEAK On their way to the Panama-Pacic Exposition. Miss Stella BackcnstOHs. of this city, and Miss Evelyn Cumbler, of Steelton, had the unexpected pleasure of meeting the former's brother, Mervin E. Backenstoss, on the very top of Pike's Peak. Backenstoss lives in San Francisco. According to a letter received by hi* brother, Clarence, secretary to' the Mayor, decided that he would take a little Jaunt East. He scaled Pikes Peak and saw two girls whom he thought looked familiar. Going closer, he recog nizzed his sister. WIDOW OF FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL HEIJ) FOR MURDER By Associated Press Jackson, Ky., Aug. 30. Mrs. Mamie Hamlin, widow of Bert Hamlin son of a former Illinois attorney gen eral, will be placed on trial here to day, on the charge ot having poisoned Mrs. Polly Davis, a wealthy widow of this county, who recently died under peculiar circumstances. Mrs. Hamlin is also charged with having forged Mrs. Davis' name to a will in which she was made the principal beneficiary —her portion being valued at $40,- 000. »4 DEGREES ABOVE ZERO By Associated Press Waterloo, lowa, Aug. 30. Heavy frosts in some instances taking the form of Ice, were to-day reported as occurring in this section last night. The government thermometer here registered 3 4 above zero. All tender vegetation Including melons, late potatoes and some sweet corn is said to have been damaged. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press * Chicago, 111., Aug. 30.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—September, 95U; December, ber. !>.!%• Corn —September, 73 H; December, 63H. Oats—September, 35%; December, 35%. Pork—September, 13.32; October, 13.52. Lard—September, 8.05; October, 8.17. Ribs—September, 8.32; October, 8.47. AUGUST 30, 1915. Sing Martial Airs at Bryan Peace Lecture Special to The Telegraph Winona Lake, Ind., Aug. 30.—After William J. Bryan made a passionate appeal for the settlement of interna tional disputes by arbitration in his lecture, "The Causeless War," last night, a joke was unconsciously played upon him by E. O. Excell, the song director at the Bible conference. The former secretary of state had been arguing against the army and navy. "Let us sing 'Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue,' " said Mr. Ex cell. When the audience reached the last verse they waved their handker chiefs and lustily sang "the army and navy forever." Then many in the audience sang that porton of the song | again. FROST DOES HEAVY DAMAGE By Associated Press Wausau, Wis., Aug. 30. Damage estimated at between $200,000 and $300,000 was caused to late potatoes and garden truck throughout Marathon county last night by a kill ing frost. The corn crop also suffered heavy losses. DISCONTINUE INVESTIGATION By Associated Press Acton, Mass., Aug. 30. Convinced that the blowing up of the Glazing mill of the American Powder Com pany yesterday morning was due to an accident, the local authorities made no effort to-day to continue investiga tions of the explosion. LAST LIFE SENATOR DIES By Associated Press Paris, Aug .30. —Rene Berender, the last of the life senators elected to the national assembly in 1875, is dead. He was 85 years old. M'. Berender was noted as an anti-vice crusader. SPICED PLUMS Select seven pounds of damson plums; wipe them with a napkin, then prick each plum several times with a needle, and put them into stone jars. Place a kettle with three and a half pounds of sugar and one pint of vine gar over the Are. Break one ounce of cinnamon into small pieces, add one tablespoonful of whole cloves, four blades of mace, and one tablespoon ful of whole allspice. Sew these up in muslin or cheesecloth bags, and drop them into the vinegar. Boil five minutes, then pour the boiling hot sy rup over the plums. Cover and let stand until the next day; then drain off the syrup and place it with the spice bags in a kettle over the fire. Boil ten minutes and your, it again ovdr the fruit. Repeat this once more, the day following; then lay the spice bags on top of the fruit, close the jar, and tie a piece of paper over the top. Although they will keep in jars, yet they will keep their color better if sealed in cans. Grapes can be spiced In the same manner. AUNT VIRGINIA SAYS They say that women love men who bully them, but I never yet saw a man who thought well enough of the theory to put it to the test when he was trying to persuade a girl to marry him. What's the use of scolding the man who's made a mistake? If he's got any sense he's saying harder things to himself than you would dare to say to him. Play with the children. A romp or game with grownups, or a trip in puzzleland with father or mother is a treat to the child and sharpens his wits.—Farm Life.. GOOD READING I love all the "Don'ts for Warm Weather" That doctors hand out when it's hot. 1 read them for hours altogether Then break e\ery rule In the lot. Italian Citizens in Republican Club After many rehearsals and meet ings, a number of Italians, citizens of thin country, have organized a club which is to he known at the tlalian Republican Musical Club of Steelton. This organization will devote its en ergy to the welfare of the party. It is composed of well known musicians who have also an organized band con sisting of 30 members, who are open for all engagements, assuring satis factory results. At the last official meeting the fol lowing: officers were elected: C. Gaeta, General Manager, who has been iden tified prominently with many Italian activities, and M. Calderozzi, director, formerly of the Verdi Bond; Franco Farino, President; Pietro Vice-President; Carmins Magaro, Treasurer: Pietro Liavia, Secretary; Michael S. Anna. Assistant Manager; P. O. Magnelli, G. Parioli, Uietro Pirri and A. Ruffo,' trustees. This organization, though com posed of native sons of Italy, will show their affiliation with this country, and regardless of party is being shown the encouragement of many prominent Steelton people. The club has rented the entire floor of a larse moving picture theatre in Steelton from Michele S. Anna, a well known movie proprietor of that borough and will hold meetings there. Improvement Bonds Are Taken by Three Banks Three of the city's banking insti tutions—the First National, Mer chants' National and Harrisburg Na tional banks—late this afternoon bid jointly for the remainder of the 1913 public improvement bonds totaling I *IOO,OOO. One other bid was received for a portion of the issue. This was from the Dauphin Trust Company which wanted SIO,OOO worth. The joint bid of the three banks was for $100,210, a premium of $2lO with accrued interest from date of issue to date of delivery. The bonds will he dated September 1 and will be delivered about September 10. CHERRY SEED IX BABY'S EAR Complaining of a severe earache, Edna Barns, 3 years old, was brought to the Harrisburg hospital by a play mate late this afternoon. When the physicians examined the child's left ear they discovered a cherry seed lodged inside. The stone was re moved. It had been in the child's ear since early in the summer. DAYIJIGBT ROBBERS ESCAPE By Associated Press Trenton, N. J., Aug. 30. Three men broke the front glass window in the jewelry store of A. F. R. Lutze on South Broad street here to-day, stole $3,000 worth of goods and escaped. They broke the glass with a small hatchet. The robbery occurred about ten o'clock. / ' N 9(amj Insurance Agent 1617 N. Second Street : *• MONEY To Housekeepers, Work* logmen and Salaried Em. ployea. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY B N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4tb Floor Spooncr Building I FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Of-, fice, No. 18 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumber land. Detached dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improve ments. Owner moving to Philadelphia and will sell at f reasonable price. FOR RENT 128 Broad St., 3-story frame dwelling, 10 rooms and bath; all imp. Possession at once. Rent, $20.00. 1531 N. 4th St., 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath. All imp. Possession at once. Rent, $17.00. i 'I. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers