RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES WAYNESBORO HAS . MANY SOCIAL EVENTS Birthday Surpriie Party in Honor of Mr». Charles W. Young on Wednesday GIRLS ENJOY PEN MAR TRIP Miss Lorene Sprenkel Entertains Big Party of Young Folks on Her Birthday t By Special Correspondence Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. I'-—Mrs Charles W. Young- *as given a surprise party on Wednesday evening in honor of her birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. i'oung, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Young, Mr. and Mrs George H. Dtckel. Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Newcomer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. George Newcomer. Mr. ; and Mrs. Harrv Layman. Mr. and Mrs. OrvlUe K. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. John Rlnehart, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shock- j ey, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byers, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Oiler. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Sheiss, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Huff, Mr. and Mrs. J. Percy King, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fltz, Mr. and i Mrs. Frank Barckdoll. Mr. and Mrs. i Joseph Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beard. Mrs. L. J. Bishop. Philadelphia; Mrs. J. A. Gedler, Baltimore:. Misses, j Ina Long. Boonsboro; Margie Bark doll, Pearl Rickard. Rousersville; Ma-1 bel Hoffman. Martha Hoffman. Eura Gardenor, Morgansvtlle; Margaret Picket, Virginia Huff, Washington, D. j C.; Irene Summers, Chambersburg; H. C. Carlton. E. J. Maine. Daniel Hoffman. Robert Beard, Joseph Rove. John H. Dale. Eugene L. Browner, i George A Butler, James H. Jones, John Rinehart. Miss Lorene Spren kel entertained several friends in hon-! or of her birthday on Tuesday even- j ing. Gaines were played on the lawn, j Those in attendance were: Misses J Mary Stiner, Dorothy Knupp, Elinor Wolff. Jean Manges. Caroline Bell. Janet Manges. Anna Bell. Alma Shat- j - zer, Reba Bell, Larene Betts. Anna j Betts. Zaddie Betts, Loraine. Charlotte and Jane Sprenkel and Charles Glad- | hill. Miss Aileene Grove, who has been visiting in Pittsburgh, has re- ' turned home. The Rev. W. B. Flem ming, Baltimore, are visitors here with the Rev. J. Lower Grimm and Mrs. Grimm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Creamer and Mr. and Mrs. Watson R. ; Davidson left this morning for a trip by boat from Baltimore to Boston and New York. Later they will go to Ocean Grove and Asbury Park. N. J. —Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Lewell, Pitts burgh, are visiting Fred Bartholomew at the Werner hotel. The Rev. Dr. F. F.' Balmer and Mrs. Balmer are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Parker Harrison. Erie, Pa. Miss Frances E. Beard delightfully entertained a number of her girl friends at Pen-i Mar Park. The party went to the ' mountain on the 1.30 car and stayed for the afternoon and evening. At 6 ' o'clock a delicious supper was served 1 by the hostess. The guests were: ! Misses Helen Middleton, Ruth Strock. J Greencastle; Margaret Nevln, Mercers-j ! burg; Kathryn Kissecker, Georgia' Foltz, Naomi Hade, Ruth and Lois Geiser, Mauch Chunk; Dorothy Snive ly. Elizabeth Unger. Fredrica Good. Elizabeth Swartz, Maybelle Crlswell, ' Isabel Todd, Frances Beard. The J party was chaperoned by Mrs. Daniel, ■ Todd. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Ja- [ j cobs and son George are spending some time at Atlantic City. Cyrus Corbett is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. E. Decker, at Harrisburg. il ■horsfgrd's' i Acid Phosphate (Non-Alcoholic) In 3ummer, body and brain crave 1 acids and phosphates. Lack of ' acid causes thirst, lack of phos- 1 ' phatea causes physical and nervous exhaustion. Quench the thirst, i tone and strengthen body, brain and nerves with Horsford's Acid 1 Phosphate. A little in a glass of ( water makes a satisfying SUMMER Drink and Tonfc |i • bottle is yoor home ■ j I jo. Who 1: JH Cleans j |V| Your Wi- j ; life dows and ,| Signs? j We Want To jl for the most excellent reasons, because we're in the business and need the money and be cause our rates are so low and our work so superior you can't .« alTord to do It yourself; we use " r no chemicals. r Harrisburg Window \ Cleaning Co. OFFICE—BOB EAST ST. Bell Phone 631-J , CHAS.H.MAUR! THE c UNDERTAKER J SUU. —■ ir-B Lar|a« wnMihwt. Beat lacUMn. Nwa 1 Cm «« your phooo. WW to mvlxn at yrn,, „a otor No funeral too imilL Nooo to* npuairs. Chapels, ronma, Taait. ate. aaad 1 SXTtTRDAY EVENING, HARRISBITRG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 14, 1915. 15TK HDRVEST HOME ' PICHICtIMT.HOLLK Amusing and Interesting Features Planned For Big Annua) Gather ing at Park Next Thursday FIREMEN TO HOLD FESTIVAL | .. Epworth League and Men's Bible Class Will Have Festivals at Mechanicsburg This Evening By Special Correspondent! Merhault-abura, Fa., Aug. 14. On Thursday. August 19, the fifteenth an nual Harvest Home Picnic will be held , at Mt. Holly Springs Park, and the committee in charge has planned a number of amusing and interesting fea tures. The members of the Washing- 1 ! ton Fire Company will hold a festival !on the lawn of the enginehouse. on Saturday evening. August 28. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Martin and daugh ter, Elizabeth, enjoyed a visit to New' York and Atlantic City. Mrs. John. S. Leiby, of Newport, is visiting at the ' home of her mother. Mrs. E. R. Hus ton Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham, of Philadelphia, were guests of the Rev. Xlr. and Mrs. J. J. Resh at the Metho- 1 dist parsonage. Mrs. Mary L. Haver stick. of Harrisburg. spent Wednesday here. Festivals will be held this evening by «he Epworth league of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the j Men's Bible Class of the St., Paul's Re formed Church. The Misses Caro- : line and Anna Longsdorf were guests iof Miss Linnie Hoss at Steelton. on Wednesday. David F. Miller, of Al toona, is spending some time at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S F. Miller. Dr and Mrs. G. Frank Ritchev have returned home from a I camping trip in Perry county. T. W. Gulnevan is Improving from his re cent Illness. David L. Snavely and son, Gerald. returned from Ocean c.rove, where thev spent some time at the Cumberland Cottage. After vis iting her daughter. Mrs. Coover Eber lv, in Terre Haute, Ind., for the past two months, Mrs. Laura Comfort has returned to her home Mrs. Mary I Coder left on Wednesday for Hunting don where she will spent several weeks. The Rev. L. M. Dice, pastor of the Grace Evangelical Church, is home from the West Milton camp meeting. After spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Spahr, in this place, M. H. Spahr has returned to Philadelphia. Miss Lesher Entertains in Honor of Her York Guest By Special Correspondence Greencastle. Pa„ Aug. 14.—Miss Belle Hostetter entertained at Five Hundred on Tuesday evening. Covers were laid for thirty.—Miss Elizabeth Eby has returned to her home at End neld. X. C. —The canipmeeting at Brown's Mill closed Wednesday even- ! ing. A great booze sermon marked the closing of the meeting, preached by Evangelist Musgrau, of Bremm. 111. ! Mrs. C. Z. Huffer and son, of Har- ; risburg, were recent visitors of Mr. j and Mrs. D. F. Ryder.—Miss Margaret l W alters, of Philadelphia, is the guest or Miss Gladys Fleming.—The Rev. j W Morgan Cross. Mrs. Cross and ' children are spending two weeks at i Kearneysville, Va.—Mrs. Walter Mc- i Gee and daughter, Mrs. Minnix, of Baltimore, are visiting in the home of D. M. Omwake.—Mrs. W. R. Da- i vison is visiting in Frederick. Md.—l Mrs. George M. Heilman and daugh ter, Mary Dlehl and Miss Mae Ging rich are home from a month s visit in Chicago.—Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sharp and daughter, Miss Eleanor Sharp. 1 . L e returned to York after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lesher.— Mr. and Mrs. S. Kenton Hostetter, ; of State College, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Hostetter.—Mrs. Mary S. Kreps and Miss Sidnev NUI are spending ten days at Atlantic City.— r .Tit an< ?, HT s ' Ryder and Miss \ Lillian Ruthrauff have returned from a week's visit to Atlantic Citv and New York.—Misses Katrina Clippinger ! and Nelle Elliott have returned from Ocean City.—Mrs. D. A. Whltmore I and daughter. Miss Dorothy Whit- ! more, of Kansas City, Mo.. " are the i guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Shook. —.Miss Helen Lesher entertained Tues- i day evening in honor of Miss Eleanor ! Sharp, of York. About fifty guests were present—David Wagner, of Washington, D. C„ is visiting his brother. J. S. Wagner.—Mrs. Sara | < rait: has returned to Lancaster after «.ilf U v,7 lth ti °- Craig—Mrs. Mary Slike Misses Hary, Pearle and Estelle I Rhodes. Henrietta Brown and guest, l Miss Alae Hudson, of Huntingdon, left 1 this week for a ten-day sojourn at wuL° n ' rr> a ' — Mrs * Martha Lantz. of . \\ ilkes-Barre, has returned home I atter a visit with her brother. J C ' Koser.—Miss Ruth Deardorff. of Har- I risburg. is the guest of her grand-! father, Daniel Deardorff. FORMER PASTOR TO PREACH By Special Correspondence Shepherd-town. Pa., Aug. 14. Miss Alma Weber spent sometime as guest! ol her sister, Mrs. Shermans, at Phila delphia Mrs. Roy Plantholt and son of Scranton, Pa., and Emma Wag- ! ner and Louis Bushey, of Dillsbur™- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James' Baish. William Blessing of Enola, 1 is visiting his grandfather, Henry! Crumleigh. Floyd, three-year-old I son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamcft Crumleigh, i fell on a heated range and burned' his hand severely. Miss Minerva i Sollenberger of Newville arter spend-! ing a week with her uncle. Harry' Ginter, has returned to her home. I Mrs. Elmer Kline of Ebenv's Mills spent some time visiting mends in Shepherdstown. The Rev. J. r. Hutchison, of New Cumberland, wili preach in the United Brethren church I Sunday morning and evening. The • Rev. Mr. Hutchison was pastor and' built the present church here aoout 35 years ago. POTTSGROVE s! fiT PICNIC By Special Correspondence Montandon, Pa.. Aug. !4. —Sunday schools of Pottsgrove held their an nual picnic at Rishels Woods on Wed nesday.—H. F. Frank has commenced picking his peach crop which prom ises to be a large one.—Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shortess arrived on Wednesday from Jacksonville, Florida, and will spend a month with Mrs. Shortess' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Frank —W. C. Burney and family have re vacation at Vicksburg and Milimont.! —Miss Grace Owens, of near Sun-' bury, is visiting her sister. Mrs. How ard Reitz.—Miss Margaret Turner has returned to her home at Williams port after a week's visit at the home , of Elmer Shaffer. She was accom-' panted home by Alma Shaffer, who will spend several weeks in the Lum ber City.—Miss Rose Bisel, of Potts ville. is visiting Martha Reigel.—Mrs Katie Ferry and children, of Milton] spent Mondky with her cousin. Mrs Forrest Harner. Miss Madalene Belles, of Nanticoke, was a visitor at J. H. Fredericks. M SIM NOW IMS SllOlO Millersburg Financial Institution Declares Annual Dividend and Adds $5,000 to Surplus Fund OLD OFFICERS RE-ELECTED Ball Game Between "Fats and Leans" Nets S4O For Boys' Brigade By Special Correspondence MlHersburg, Pa., Aug. 14.—At the annua! meeting of the stockholders of the Millersburg Bank on Monday the ! usual annual dividend was declared and $5,000 added to the surplus fund, which now totals SIIO,OOO. All of the old officers were re-elected and an ad -1 ditional clerk. Allen F. Gilbert, added to the office force.—One of the larg est crowds of the season witnessed the baseball game between the "fats" and the "leans" Tuesday evening: score, 1 "fats." 12. "leans." 11. It netted the Wesle.van Boys' Brigade of the Metho dis' Episcopal Church, under whose auspices the game was played, about M 0 W. Wlngard is -the latest Millersburg man to purchase an auto. —The stork visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Messner In Lake ville August 5 and left a daughter.— Mr. and Mrs. William Brock, of Lan caster. were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Umberger on Sunday.—Benjamin F. Smith, who suffered a stroke of paralysis last week, remains in a serious condition. —Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McCartney, of Brooklyn, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buffington. Members of Daniel Family Gather at Parental Home By Special Correspondence Berryslmrg, Pa.. Aug. 14.—Mr. and Mrs. Harper Schreftler are on an ex tended trip to Freeport. 111. Mrs. Clayton Deibler and son, Rufus, spent several days with her father in i Hegins. Miss Hazel Deibler return ed from a five weeks' visit to New Britain and Philadelphia.—Miss Helen Snyder, of Harrisburg. is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. Anna M. Snyder. The Rev. S. J. • Derr and daughter. Pauline, are visit- 1 Ing in Hampstead. their former home. , The Rev. Derr is having a month's j vacation. Those who are spending some time under the parental roof of i |M. S. Daniel, are: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stover and three children, Orion, Clifford and Nelson, of York; John! Daniel, of Hershey; Mrs. William I Lance, and two children, Francis and 1 Elnor, and Joseph C. Daniel, of Phil- ' adelphia. On Tuesday, Mrs. William ; Walters was gjven a surprise on her j sixty-fourth birthday. Her daughter, j Mrs. Ralph Saussaman. of Williams- | town, gathered a number of friends I I of that place and had them brought : down to surprise her mother. Miss | Helen Daniel was a visitor at Millers burg, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. • Charles Kebaugh and family, and Miss ! Hazel Deibler are . attending Hern j don campmeeting. Mj- and Mrs. ! Isiah Bowman, of Fishervlle. spent | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman—Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Daniel, of Elizabethville, spent .Sunday in | town. Mrs. John Kebaugh is very i Mrs. A. W. Hoke and Mrs. War ; ren Swab, of Elizabethville, spent sev- I eral days with their sister. Mrs. Oscar ! Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lyter I | and daughter, of Harrisburg; Clair 1 Duenger, of Hershey, and Miss Lotti* < Lyter, of Philadelphia, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel I Lyter. Employe Returns to His Work After Year's Illness By Special Correspondence Xew Gennantown, Pa.. Aug. 14.—: Ed. F. Middelton. an employe of the ! Westinghouse Airbrake Company of East McKeesport, who had been re- I [ cruiting his health for over a year at ' the home of his brother-in-law, S B i Trostle, returned to work on Monday, j J. A. Noel was in Harrisburg on ! Monday.—On Tuesday. W. R. Mumper | in his automobile took Mr. and Mrs. Hary Briner, William Kesier and Miss ! Margaret Hockenberry to Harrisburg. | >N hile Miss Margaret Hockenberrv was helping her father. C. J. Hocken- | berry, to make hay she found seven j four-leafed clovers and two five-leafed I clovers, all on one stalk.—Mr. and ' Mrs. Russell Martin. Mrs. Sarah Kochenderfer, Miss Bertha Kell and William Ernest, of Cisna Run, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George D. | Martin, of Mt. Pleasant.—W. R. Mum- ' per in his automobile took Mr. and ' Mrs. George D. Seager. Miss Blanche ! Seager and Daniel E. Mumper on Sun day to Cross Keys. Juniata county, and I spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. John ! Showers. —Mr. and Mrs. George An derson and child, of Mt. Pleasant, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Shields, of Blain, on Sunday.—Forest Ranger H. N. Hart has a very severe | attack of quinsy.—Conductor Guy' Swartz, of the Newport and Sherman's Valley railroad, fell off a car and sprained, his back.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W r . Short, of Waterloo, Juniata county, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnhart and M. T. Shearer. Mrs. Sellers and daughter, of Johnstown, also visited the Barnharts. The Misses Rhoda and Dorothy Leilach of Williamsport, are guests of their aunt i Miss Lucella S. McLaughlin.—Miss Prudence Stahl visited her uncle's family at Harrisburg.—Prof. W. J. ! Adams who attended a summer ses sion at State College, returned home on Saturday.—Samuel Woods, of Jack son township, called on S. B. Trostle on Saturday.—Farmers have their oats all cut and most of it hauled in. James Johnston, our foremost farmer, has several fields plowed for wheat already. "EIGHT WEEKS" CLUB MEETS Shippensburg, Pa., Aug. 14.—Paul Martin, of Culbertson, and Clyde Ren shaw spent Sunday, in town. Prof Roy J. Guyer spent Sunday with his parents near town.—Mrs. Williajn. Hykes and daughter, Ada arrived home last week.—The Edward Ship pen Military Band gave a concert on Monday evening on the school lawn —H. L. McCurdy has returned home from State College.—George Clough is spending some time at his home —The I Rev. F. S. Fry, of the Reformed church, and the Rev. John Lindsay : of the Presbyterian church, are on l their vacations.—The "Eight Weeks" ; Club met at the home of Miss Eleanor ; Duncan.—The Ladies' Aid Society of the Messiah United Brethren. Church met with Mrs. Mathues at Mt. Rock' near town, this week.—Blaine Har nish has returned from his vacation —Miss Mary Snol.e Is spending some time at Grantham. W. Va. W B Morrow is improving slowly.—Miss Kathryn Mcßeth has returned home , from Reading. PEACH ORCHARD AND SHIPPING STATION Hjgk;.^mSL. .''3§y» ■ > HOT ' 'VFFL BBe9F HnUp?' HV JACOB S. BYERS Wormleysburg Young Folks Have Outing at Paxtang Park By Special Correspondence • Wormleysburg, Pa., Aug. 14.—Mrs. J. J. Hemmer held an outing at Pax tang on Monday. Those present were , Ruth Wertz, Mary Englenfrltz, Effle ITv igg, Mr. and Mrs. Liley, Mr. and j Mrs. Heiker and daughters Gladys and Catherine, James Campbell. Norman , Hemmer and Grant Snyder. —J. J. Hemmer spent Tuesday at New Cum ' berland attending the P. O. S. of A. I convention and was elected district president for the fifth year. John ; Bowers spent Sunday with J. Fred I Hummel and family.—The Rev. R. R. I Redes, of York, is spending several days with his daughter, Mrs. R. P. ! Hummel.—The ladies' auxiliary to the , fire company held its regular monthly business meeting in the town hall Tuesday and i( was decided to hold a , festival and supper September 11. Mrs. Vernon Kister has been visit ing Miss Anna Cornman, of Boiling Springs.—Miss Grace Boyer is spend ing some time with her grandmother at Blglerville.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reed spent Tuesday at Baltimore - Miss Helen Bear is spending several weeks at Middletown. Mrs. G. B. Renshaw spent the past week visiting relatives at Coatesville and Thorndale. —The Rev. Mr. Green, of Lemoyne, called at the United Brethren parson age,—Henry Sipe is ill with malarial fever.—Mrs. J. J. Hemmer entertained friends from Carlisle on Saturday.— | Aunt Mary Gingrick is confined to the house with rheumatism.—The Ladies' Aid Society of the United Brethren Church cleared over S2O at an "old -1 fashioned festival." ATTENDED FTICKINGER REUNION By Special Correspondence Shiremanstown. Pa., Aug. 14. J. B. Frey has ben awarded the contract to build a new fire enginehouse at West Fairview. —Mr. and Mrs. Dalbert Mc- Kay and daughter. Miss Margaret Mc- Kay. of West Philadelphia, have re turned home after being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hauck in Rail road street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Otstot and son, Chester, of Steelton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Morgorett.—Miss Ida Knouse has re turned to her home at Harrisburg after visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Zimmerman and three children are visiting friends at Ster ling. Illinois. —Mrs. Wentz, of Plain field, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. George Eshelman.—L. H. Eshen baugh. Miss Emma Eshenbaugh and Miss Boyer have returned from Atlan tic City.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Crum blic, of Steelton, were recent guests of the former's sister, Mrs. H. M. Zear lng.—Geary Wllletts, of New Cumber land, visited friends on Tuesday. Miss Blanche Dinner has returned to her home here after spending some time at New Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Behjamin Palmer. Miss Edythe Palmer and Carson Palmer, of Wil mington, Delaware, will spend the week-end here.—The Flickinger fam ilies of this place attended the Flick inger reunion at Port Royal, Juniata county. INSTRUCTOR MOVES TO WINDRER By Special Correspondence Hershey, Pa., Aug. 14.—J: M. Bran dan has gone to Silver Bay. Lake George, N. Y., where he will take a month's special training In physical work.—Prof. F. D. Keboch moved with his family to Windber, where he has been elected principal of the public schools.—Mrs. John Meek, of Philadelphia, was the guest of her son, John Irvin Meek, here.—Mrs. Ezra F. Hershey and children have returned from Atlantic City, where they spent two months. —Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Giles and son, Leighton, are at Atlan tic City.—Mrs. Mary Seachrist, of Lan caster, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. T. Kieffer.—W. B. Dasha, of North Weymouth, Mass., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Glynn.— Miss Edith Linebaugh, of York, spent a week at the United Brethren par sonage, the guest of her brother, the Rev. N. L. Linebaugh.—Charles Martz of Berwyn, is the guest of Miss Edith Freed.—John Sollenberger visted rela tives at Dillsburg.—Misses Carolyn and Jennie Kllnger, of Trevorton, are spending a week as guests of their cousin, Fred Kllnger.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. DeVerter left on a ten days' trip to Pittsburgh and Blalrsviile.— Ira Mumma visited his parents at Lancaster. —The Rev. O. G. Romlg of Tower City, is spending severai days with his family here.—Roger Smith 1s spending several weeks with his grandparents at South Bethlehem. —Robert Copenhaver visited relatives at Reading.—Miss Mary Alwine has returned from Illinois, where she spent the past month.—Mrs. C. W. Hanger and two daughters, of Wash ington, D. C., are the guests of W. L. Dubois. —Mrs. Thomas Beddoe has returned to Chicago, after spending. two weeks with her parents, Dr. and ' Mrs. M. L. Hershey.—Mrs. George 8. 1 Rentz and three children returned, from Williamsport,* after spending three weeks with relatives there. Hundreds of Carloads of Fruit Will Be Sent From York County Orchards By Special Correspondence Dnisburg, Pa., Aug. 14. —Shipping of peaches In refrigerator cars from the Dillsburg depot began this week and shipments from here will be larger this year than ever in the history of the local branch of the railroad. The orchards. In Monaghan and Warring ton townships, will have enormous crops and several new growers' or chards are now bearing. Among the largest of the new growers is Jacob S. Byers, living near Franklintown, who is seen standing among his four year-old trees that are laden with fine fruit. The upper scene is his shipping station where the peaches are graded and put into baskets ready to haul to ! the railroad station. Other growers who will ship from Dillsburg are: B. F. Cocklin. Levi M. Myers, W. H. Lerew. E. D. Belt. Geo. Byers. W. E. Grove and Harry C. Myers. A fruit broker from Philipsburg, Pa., has opened an office here and Is now buying and shipping peaches to many of the large cities In the East [ and as far west as Chicagp and St. Louis. PASTOR ON VACATION By Special Correspondence i Xew Cumberland. Pa.. Aug. 14. 1 There will be no preaching service in the First Church of God to-morrow morning or evening as the pastor, the Rev. S. X. Good, and Mrs. Good are on a week's vacation at Rocky Springs. Lancaster county. Mrs. Murr who has been the guest of Mrs. J. Shaffer in Bridge street, returned to Phila delphia.—Miss Margaret Riegel, of Bridge street, is visiting friends at Au burn, Schuylkill county.—Miss Gladys Zimmerman, of Washington. D. C., is the guest of her cousin. Miss Ethel Zimmerman in Market street. —Mrs. ®. F. Bobb who has been spending several months with her mother. Mrs. Mary Elsenberger. and sister. Sara, has returned to Sebring, Florida. Miss Jennie Peipher is visting friends at Duncannon. Mi. and Mrs. F. E. Coover spent a weelc at Atlantic City. —Miss Ruth Haverstock, of Lancaster, Is visting friends here.—Mr. and Mrs. Deitzel, of Columbia, were guests of Mrs. M. Grass on Monday.—Dr. J. H. Young is attending the Mount Olivet campmeeting.—The Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Ayers entertained the following persons at Trinity United Brethren parsonage this week: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Herst, of York; Mr. and Mrs. Geary Brenner, of Mechanicsburg: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fissel. —Mr. and Mrs. William Drayer, of Boiling Springs, and the Rev. and Mrs. D. AI. Oyser, of Enola. Mrs. .R. R. Reiff and son. Lloyd, spent tne week at York and Wellsville. Festival of Minister's Social Helpers Netted Church S2B By Special Correspondence Blain, Pa.. Aug. 14.—Proceeds of the festival held on Saturday by the Ministers' Social Helpers of the Re formed Church amounted to S2B. — Mrs. Ellen Nalley and daughter, Miss Vera, of Rockford, 111., are guests of the former's sister. Mrs. E. Kline. — Willis Shanabrook, of Ohio, is visiting his brothers here.—Mrs. Emma Noll, of Carlisle, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mary Bistline.—R. H. Kell killed a groundhog on Saturday.—Miss Ruth Sellers, of Johnstown, visited M. D. Garber. —John Boyer. of Steelton. was here on business. —Miss Mary Kistler, a deacones of the Methodist Episcopal Church, New York, is here on a vaca tion with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Kistler. —Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Shreffler and baby, of Yeagertown, are guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shreffler.—Professor and Mrs. B. H. Rhinesmith have returned from Ridgway.—Miss Tillie McKee and Miss Marguerite McKee. of Ohio, are the guests of R. M. Smith.—Miss Mae Bit ner, of Enola. is visiting friends here. —Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and chil dren. Rosaline and Albert, of Fan nettsburg, motored here to visit W. W. Woods.—E. D. Boyer is home from Philadelphia. TWO 'PIKKTOWV PICNICS By Special Correspondence Piketown, Pa., Aug. 14.—Miss Helen Van Wagner, of Harrisburg, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Georg£ Hoy ert. —The Evangelical Sunday School will hold its annual picnic in Fishing Creek Valley on Saturday, August 21. The New Cumberland band will fur nish music.—The Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Grove and daughter Frances, of Har risburg, were the guests of G. W r . Fox and family this week. Mrs. John Thompson, of Harrisburg. spent sev eral days with her father, Thomas Ramsey.—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nye Ephraim Nye and Clarence Hearst, of Harrisburg, visited here on Tuesday. Mrs. H. B. Megonnel and daughter Bessie and son Harold visited Harris burg on Monday.—The Mount Laurel Sunday School will hold its annual picnic in the grove near the church on Saturday, August 28. The Jonestown band has been engaged.—Mr. and Mrs. E. H Strohm and daughter Mildred spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs Kiine at Hamburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Mumma and children, Mary and Marlin, spent, Sunday afternoon with Irvin Moyer, near Linglestown. —Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Shepler and children, Dorothy, Claire and Mildred, visited Harrisburg on Saturdav.—Elmer Al len, of Enola. visited friends here on Wednesday. PARTY AT WILLIAMS GROVE Williams Grove, Pa., Aug. 14 On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mervin O. Swanger entertained a number of friends at Orrville Cottage. The fol lowing were present: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slpe, of New Cumberland, Mr. and Mrs. William Wenrich. Mr. and Mrs. William Winsor, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Wtndle Crabb and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Kipp and family. Miss Minnie and Miss Sarah Rochman, of Harrisburg. Mr and Mrs. Edgar T. Meek, and family, of Carlisle. Mrs William Snider and family of Carlisle. Child Breaks Arm in Fall From Porch at Tower City By Stecia! Correspondence Tower City, Pa., Aug. 14. Miss Margaret Fleming of Scnuylkill Haven la visiting friends here. Misses Ruth and Mamie Robson wilt spend their vacation at Philadelphia. Messrs .Charles Henry, William Knecht and William Poweit made a trip to PotUvUle recently. Mrs. David Thompson of Williamstown spent a day with her mother. Mrs. Longenecker and children and Miss Meba Potticher of Steelton are visit ing their sister, Mrs. Ira horrman. Mrs. Charles Kress and children of Philadelphia are being entertained by her mother, Mrs. Mitchell. Ray Joneb and mother will spend Friday In Pottsville. The Rev. William A. Kutz and family left for Herndon where they will spend ten days at the United Evangelical campmeetlng. Mrs. Jacob Martz of Williamstown en joyed a day with her sister-m-law. Mrs. Houtz. Maurice Leaky of Shenandoah spent Sunday here. Among the many who enjoyed the sea breeze at Atlantic City on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Churles Heberling. Mrs. Agnes Jones. Mrs. Griffith and son, Clair Bressler ana Miss Rena Long, Luther Horn and friend, Ray Showers, and Miss Olga Keiser, Chas. Troutman, Chas. Snyder ana Lloyd Stutzman. Miss Elsie Henry re turned from a vacation spent at Ocean Grove. Misses Ida Henry ana I .aura Beider have returned from their vaca tion. Misses Laura and Martna Wil liams spent Sunday at Lykens. The Rev. A. H. White of Cleveland, Ohio, will preach in the United Evangelical church on Sunday morning and in the afternoon he will address a mass meeting for men only in the Methodist church. He will preach ill the evening at Reiner City. lrene, tne seven year old child of Mrs. Miller fell from a porch' and fractured her arm ana an artery was severed. Ross Derrick Will Address Sunday Open-Air Service By Special Correspondence Diuicannon, Pa., Aug. 14.—The Rev. J. N. Wagunhurst, accompanied by liib wife and family of Washington, N. J., autoed to this place where they are spending several davs as guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Willis. Miss Elizabeth Shutter of Philadelphia and Miss Ida Hall of Lancaster are guests of the Shiller family. Miss Mae Righton of Columbia, is the guest of Mrs. E. C. Smith. Miss Catherine Hart is visiting in AuDorn, X. Y. The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal church wil hold an ice cream and cake festival on the lawn at the residence ot' Jacob Johnston at Juniata Bridge thl3 evening. Mrs. R. Jones Rife enter tained the sewing circle of the Presby terian church at he>- residence on Wednesday afternoon. Master Chas. Sieg and sister, Miss Madge Irene, have returned-from a pleasant visit to relatives and friends at Duncansville and Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black of Washington, D. C., are visit ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Black. Miss Mary Mor rison was a week-end guest of Miss Ruth Fitzgerald at Harrisburg. Ross Derrick of Harrisburg, will auaress the open-air meeting at the old depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in the lower end of town to-morrow evening at 6 o'clock. Newport People Entertain Numerous Summer Visitors By Special Correspondence Newport, Pa., Aug. 14.—Mrs. Percy C. Morrow and son William are visit ing the former's brother, the Rev. Curtis O. Bosserman, at Cape May.— Mrs. Joseph B. Baker, Jr., is enter taining her mother. Mrs. K. R. Breese, of East Downinjitown.—Miss Mary E. Wright has been visiting friends in Mifflintown. —Mrs. Conrad, of Phila delphia, Miss Laura Noble, of Mifflin town. and Franklin Noble, of Lewis town, have been recent guests of Mrs. Samuel W. Burd. —Mrs. Clarence Stew art Smith is entertaining Mrs.. John F. Lecarpentler and sons, John and Ed ward. of Wilmington, Del. —Mrs. Mau rice Wolf has been entertaining her sister. Miss Pauline Brandt, of Lewis town.—Mr. and Mrs. William H. Burd, with their children, are visiting the former's father, Ananias Burd.—Mr. and Mrs. S. Bruce Mingle and Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Horting, of Harrisburg, traveling by auto, visited their parents on Sunday.—Amos Gilbert, of Quarry vllle, visited his partner, Hiram Mar tin Keen, on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wertz. of Wrightsvllle, are vis iting Mr. Wertz's mother, Mrs. Wil liam Wertz.—Mrs. John S. Leiby vis ited her mother. Mrs. E. Rankin Hus ton, of Mechanicsburg, this week.— Mr. and Mrs. Anson B. Wright are en tertaining their children, Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Wright, and daughter, Mary Margaret Wright, of Bellefonte. —George R. Fry was at Mifflintown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cloyd Mingle, of Harrisburg, have been visit ing Mr. Mingle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mingle.—Jesse Sunday has been spending the week at Carlisle.—Mr. and Mrs. William L. Adair and daugh ter Selma. of Gettysburg, are visiting Mrs. Adair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PV'illp Nickey.—Miss Stella Fleisher. of Washington, D. C.. was the guest of Mrs. James E. Smith.—Miss Amanda L. Brown spent Tuesday In Harris burg.—Miss Mary M. Schlomer Is visit ing in Mifflin as the'guest of her brother, John Schlomer.—Miss Annie L. Bassett has returned from the Epis copal Hospital, Philadelphia, much improved in health.—Miss Mary H. Irwin snent Tuesday in Philadelphia. —Mrs. Jesse S Blitz entertained Miss Louis Crozier. of Harrisburg, Wednes day. The Rev. Dr. William M. B. Glsnding, pastor of the Lutheran Church at Bellefonte, is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Horace Beard.—The Rev. Dr. J. M. Runkle, pastor of the Reformed Church at Jeannette, and family are visiting old parishioners here.—Mr. and Mrs. John Troup are visiting at Harrisburg and Camp Hill. —J. Keeley Everhart and Miles Ritter spent several days In New York this week. SCPPER ALONG CREEK By Special Correspondenc * Jonestown, Pa., Aug. 14.—The Rev. Wilson D. Donat, a Reformed clergy man of Ehrensburg. Center county and family are visiting Mrs. Donat's father. George F. Miller. On Wednesday a birthday supper was held along "the Swatara creek In honor of Mr. Miller's "3rd birthday. He is a veteran of the Civil War. and Is still in fairly good health. Those present at tne supper were: George F. Miller, the Rev. and Mrs. Donat and son, Miss Ellen Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Miller. The Union Picnic held by the Jones town Sunday schools in Daniel H. Kelser's grove was well attended. —1 Miss Anna Lentz, a stenographer at Herahey, is spending her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lentz. Mrs. Robert Bashore of Fredericksburg la spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Souder. Thomas J. Rank and sis ter, Natalie, visited friends at Pine Grove Tuesday evenln*. John A. laele and family, of Harriahurg are visiting their respective parents. The Rev. and Mrs. Walters of Reading are spending the month of August tn Miss Jennie Glazier's bungalow, on .Connecticut avenue. EPWORTH IU PROVIDES NURSE Halifax Church Society Arranges For Care of Members IU With Typhoid Fever SOLDIER RETURNS HOME Many Visitors Being Entertained in Halifax Homes During Summer Months *y Correspondence Halifax, Pa.. Aug. 14.—Mrs. Laura Fhkes, of Steelton, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Daniel Miller.—M.isses Mary Nelson and Anna Blever spent several days at Hershey and Harrls l)urg. JWr. and Mrs. Harry Schncit man and son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Disslnger and Mrs. Sadie Baney, of Elizabethtown. and Mrs. Fred Smelt zer, of Sunbury, spent Sunday at the home of Harry O. Chubb.—Mrs. Le roj Smith and two daughter, of Niles, Ohio, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ettier.—Mr. and Mrs. Oltcie Hoover and children, of near Waynesvllle, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold. ~f° h " Brancher, of North Bend, Mr. i i Ve^ k " end in to wn.—Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Zimmerman and Mr. and Mn j C • >ve spent Sunday with w Mr s- George Fetrow at Eliza lit , {_ ohn E. Motter is seriously typhoid fever at his home in Third street.—Alfred Bowman, of Lancaster, and Earl Murtorf, of Har risburg, spent Sunday with the for mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bowman.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tur ner. of near Heckton Mills, spent sev eral days at the home of Mr. and , u i°l eph Zeigler—Mr. and Mrs. Jt>nn Tobias announce the birth of it N, arr >' c - Chubb is again able to walk about, recovering from a severe t>'Phoid fever. —Professor and Mrs. W. G. Rice and two daugh nru . of „ M , echank ' sbul 't> r . and John «. .!? •». Carlisle, spent over Sunday ...U home ot Prof, and Mrs. Beitzei. ,^ e . ReV ;,. and Jlrs> George Richter, » ( V°atesville, are spending the week hon if_ of his mother. Mrs. Anna Richter.—The Rev. J. B. Funk, of Florin spent several days with his son. Uie Rev. C. A. Funk.—Miss Mir iam Dunkel of Steelton. is the guest V V har 'otte Heisler.—Misses Emma \ alentine and Kathryn and Rae Huggins have returned to their home in Philadelphia.—Miss Whit man, a trained nurse of Middletown, has been secured by the Epworth. League of the Halifax Methodist Church to care for John E. Matter illness of typhoid fever.— united htates Gauger G. W. Westfall resumed his employment at Highspire ?. n ? ay .' after having been on tli« sick list since last March—Dr. and airs. i. L. Shope, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday .as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. S. Marshall.—Mrs. George Snyder and daughter, of Sparrows Point. Md., \tr« n^ rry ot Harrisburg, and Mrs. Thomas Myers and son, of Mil lersburg, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Bertha Rohrbach.—Marvin Webster, w-ho served a three-year enlistment in the Lnited States Army, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Webster. BAND GIVES SUNDAY CONCERT , By Special Correspondence DaJmatia, Pa.. Aug. 14. R. V. Watts and family of Harrisburg are visiting relatives here. Henry How ell and family of Hershey visited at tha home of W. C. Bubb last week. Wil liam Kebach, of Sunbury, spent Mon day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kebach. —Ella Binga men, of Philadelphia, is visiting her brother, J. G. Bingamen. Paul Reese, of Williamsport, is visiting his brother, Frank Reese. The Dalma tia Concert band gave a twilight con cert the schoolhouse on Sunday evening. The band furnishes quisio for the Grubb's Sunday school picnic. —Edith Byerly, of Norristown, is visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byerly. Miss Dorothy Watts is visiting at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Fenstermacher, Mrs. J. N. Lenker, Misses Vivian and Pauline Burns spent Sunday in Lykens Valley —Miss Emily Sent and Miss Searing of Philadelphia are visiting .Mr. and R. F. Swabb. Mrs. George Leister spent Saturday at Harrisburg. Mrs. Isaac Kebach .spent several days at Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Binga men and sister, Ella Bingamen, spent Friday aft rnoon at^iillersburg.—Miss Mary Heckert, of Millersburg, spent several days here Girls With Beautiful Faces OT Graceful Figures. American girls have a world-wide ;Teputation for beauty, but, at the sama time, there are girls in Pennsylvania who possess neither beauty of face nor form because in tbese instances they suffer from nervousness, the result of disorders of the womanly organism. At regular intervals they suffer so much that their strength leaves them; they are so prostrated that it takes days for them to recover their strength. Of course, such periodic distress has its bad effect on the nervous system. The withered and drawn faces, the dark circles and crow's feet about the eyes, the straight figure without those curves which lend so much to feminine beauty are the unmistakable signs of womanly disorders. Johnstown, Pa.—"l was always ail ing and had severe headaches up to the time I used 'Favorite Prescrip tion.' I used remedies from several doctors but none helped me much. I learned of ' Favorite Prescription' through a little book thrown in the door. I had also heard of Dr. Pierce's remedies through some friends, so I began using the ' Prescription.' 1 was glad to see that it helped me. so I kept on using it until 0 or 7 bottles had been used. I got all over tny headaches and my health was im proved I was put on my feet. The awful headaches never came back and my general health has been better than in years. If I should again feel the need of a woman's med icine I would use ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' on account of what it did for me on the alSove mentioned occasion." Mrs. Lila Butlek, 307 Market St., Johnstown, Pa. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little Liver Pills.first putupnearly 80 years ago. They regulate and Invigor ate stomach, liver and bowels. Much Imitated but never equaled. S'igair and easy to Uke as candy. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers