4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS ORGAN DEDICATION AT EPHRATA CHURCH Fine New Instrument Will Be For mally Received by Congrega tion Tomorrow Morning CEREMONY TO MARK EVENT Trinity Lutheran Church Has Been Completely Renovated and Is Brilliantly Illuminated By Special Correspondence Ephrata, Pa., Aug. 14.—0n Wed nesday evening, the opening recital was given on the new organ in Trin ity Lutheran Church, the Rev. J. W. Smith, pastor, by William Z. Roy, or ganist of Emanuel Lutheran Church at Lancaster. A large and apprecia tes congregation was in attendance. The organ was built by the M. P. Moller Organ Company of Hagers town, sld. Mr. Roy was assisted in the recital by Mrs. Wilbur F. Meisky and Miss Miriam Bhank, soloists, of Lancaster. The church has been reno vated and is now illuminated by a s.vs- | tem of hidden lights. The organ will bs formally dedicated at tomorrow morning's service, when the Rev. Dr. C. E. Haupt, of Lancaster, will preach the sermon. At the evening service, the Rev. Dr. J. E. Whitteber, also of Lancaster, will preach. On Monday evening next, the Rev. C. R. Lantz, of Shlremanstown, president of the Lan caster Conference of the Pennsylvania Lutheran Ministerlum, will officiate. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is At least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its Btagea, and that !s Cstarrh. Hell s catarrh Cure la tbe only positive cure DOTT known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatmeut. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, actiug directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the system, thereby destroying the foundation cf the disease, and giving the patient strength by balldlng up the constitution and assisting na ture In doln* its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curatiT© powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. DR. CHASE'S Blood and Nerve Tablets Fill th* shriveled arteries with pure, rich blood, increase th« weiitht in eolid fle3h and muscle that live you strength. the brain and rier.es with fresh vital fluid that force new life and vigor into every part of the body. WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING Price SO cents: Special Strenrth 75 cents. Br. Chase Co.. 224 N. 10th St. Philadelphia. Pa. Ji 1 Ei f 1 ■psssi I | ; Never Mind Strong Yeu Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win, "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job ? For 2S years the I. C. 8 have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400 students write of promotions or salary Increases through I CL 8. training. What the I. C. S. are doing for these men they can ao for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you work, or how llmtted your educaUon— lf you can read and . write and arr ambitious to learn the I. C. 8. can train you in _ your own Ume, during your spare Ume, for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mail the attached coupon—lt won't obllrata you in the least—and the I. C. 8. will show vou how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their Umple and COST methods. It will cost you nothing to Investigate—it may cost a llfe- KOW remor »® lf y<> u don't. Mark and Mall the Coupon CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. Please explain without any obligation to me how I can anal, lfy for the position before which I mark X. Electrical Engineer Mechanical Draft* Show Cm,. l Elec. Lighting Supt. Refrigeration Engineer * Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer Saleem/nX.. Tel. * Tel. Engineer Surveyor Architect Loco. Fireman A EBC, Fnriiak n.«_ w Architectural Draftsman TITII Service Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry FarmH.. Building Contractor Bookkeeping p,°™"£V Sf^T*.» Coneretn_£on*tractlon Steno. A Typewriting Cheralitry Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming AntomoMle R—- ng Name «. and Ne. Ot* State •...« Present Occupation SATURDAY EVENING, HAKKESBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 14, 1915. ~ Father and Son School Directors Half Century DR. W. D. CHANDLER PROP. WM CHANDLBR Mount Joy, Pa.. Aug. 14.—Prof. William Chandler, father of Dr. W. D. Chandler, of Mount Joy. celebrated his eighty-second birthday this week. Dr. W. D. Chandler and his father, Prof. William Chandler, occupy an unique position as school directors, for the two have held the office for a combined period of over half a century. * Prof. William Chandler is a graduate of Lafayette College and taught language and mathematics at Stewartstown, Unionville Seminary and Chest nut Level Academy for seven years. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted as a private and was promoted to first and second lieutenant and captain. He was captured at Hatcher s Run and was a prisoner at Danville and in Libby Prison. At the close of the war, he settled in Drumore town ship and for 3 3 years he was a member of the school board. Dr. W. D. Chandler, the son. was a school director in Strasburg for eighteen successive years, during all of which time he was secretary of the board. In 1903 he was president of the County Directors' Asso ciation. Jitney Line Between Mt. Union and Powder Mill By Special Correspondence Mount Union, Pa., Aug. 14. Mr. and Mrs. James Colgate, of Scranton are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jones. Messrs. Warren and John Taylor, of Shade Gap, motored to Mount Union, on Tuesday. Master Samuel Block, of Johnstown, is spend ing a month with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller. Dr. A. R. McCarthy and family are on a motor trip to Free burg where they are visiting R. F. Taylor, cashier of Freeburg State Bank. Fred Fuller is spending sev eral days at State College. Miss Mary Ege, of Wllkinsburg, is visiting her cousin. Miss Agnes Rosensteel. — The Rev. Chester N. Todd, of the First Presbyterian Church, with his family Is spending his vacation at Couders port. Pa.—Eugene Renker is ill with typhoid fever at his home in Di vision stret. T. H. Adams, who has been seriously ill in the Altoona hos pital, is slowly improving. A. J. Rosensteel has purchased a big car capable of carrying forty-five passen gers and also has two small cars in the business between the powder plant and Mount Union. —Mrs. Annie Smith, of Philadelphia, is visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Heidel.— Forty young people of Mount Union enjoyed a dance and supper at Crum's Hall, Tuesday evening. Miss Kath arine Hench, of Marysville, is visit ing in the respective Fuller and Tay lor homes. After spending a week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Rummel, Mrs. Joseph Harper has re turned to her home at AVashington, D. C. —Misses Mary Jane Taylor and Ruth Fuller and Newton Taylor spent Wednesday in Altoona. Syril Camp bell, of Hopewell, is visiting his cou sin, Miss Sarah Campbell. " Miss Frederlcka Hackman is entertaining college chum, Miss Margey Purdy, of Tyrone. Albert McGarvey is the i guest of his aunt. Miss Anna McGar vey. HKATrN'G SYSTEM FOR CHURCH By Special Correspondence Endere, Pa., Aug. 14.—The Rev. J. E. Keene and family or Lancaster, are spending a week in town. Mrs. Wilbur Holt and son, of All port, were visitors at the home of D. J. W. Nelt and family for severa» days. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheets announce the birth of a girl. C. A. Hoft of Lykens is installing a heating system in the Lutheran church. 'Golden Wedding Marked by Big Family Dinner By Special Correspondence Sclinsjrrove, Pa., Aug. 14.—Thurs day's union Sunday school picnic at Rolling Green Park was a great suc cess. A short Sunday school conven tion was held in the morning, ■while the afternoon was spent in sports pre pared by the committee.—Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Douglas and the latter's father. Elsworth Burns, of Baltimore, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Miller.—Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Doebler celebrated their fiftieth wed ding anniversary on Friday at their home in Mill street. A family dinner was served at 6 o'clock, at which time all the children were present.—Miss Anita Houseworth and Miss Mar guerite Hoover, teachers, who attended the summer school at State College, returned to their homes here.—Pro fessor Robert E. Keidner, of Collings wc.od, X. J., is spending several days as the guest of Miss Anita Houseworth in South Market street. Lewisberry Pastor Gives Bible Readings at Camp By Special Correspondence TiOwislKnw, Pa., Aug. 14.—The Rev. M. E. Bartholomew, pastor of the United Evangelical Church, spent the week at Hoke's Grove campmeetlng, where he gave dally Bible readings.— Miss Marjorie Ensminger is visiting at Dillsburg, where she spent several weeks at the homes of her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ensminger, and her aunts, Mrs. F. W. Floyd, Mrs. Ire. Helkes, and her uncle, Harry E. Ensminger. Charles Goodman re turned on Saturday to his home in Harrlsburg after a several months' visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fetrow. —Mr. and Mrs. David R. Crumlic, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Straley and son Dean, of Xew Cumberland, spent Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Strayer.—The Rev. and Mrs. Edward Jackson and son left for a two weeks' vacation. The Rev. A. C. Shue, of York, will filll the pulpit on Sunday and the following Sunday there will net be any preaching.—Mrs. Charles Bare and son, of Falls, are guests of Mrs. Bare's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Brinton.—Miss Bessie Kunkel has returned from spending several weeks with her sister at York.—Mrs. J. H. Shettel visited relatives In Harrisburg this week.—Mrs. M. E. Bartholomew and daughter Irene returned from a visit at Wllliamsport. George W. Smith, of Baltimore, was a recent Myers.—Mrs. Frank Downs and son William spent Sunday at Lisburn. the guests of Mr. Downs' mother. Mrs. Smith. Thieves Take Fifty Chickens From Union Deposit Coops Union Dei>osit. Pa., Aug. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelffer and daughter, Kathryn, spent Sunday at Palmvra. — Mrs. Frank Wentzell, of Reading, who had spent some time with her niece, Mrs. Harry M. Walmer, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bak er entertained on Sunday the follow, in? guests: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cromise. Mrs. C. Miller and son, Samuel Miller, of Fishing Creek Val ley, and Mr. and Mrs. William P. Horst, of Hoernerstown. Miss Mary Walmer is spending a short time at Reading.—Mr. and Mrs. Amos Longe necker, of Palmyra, visited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kuhns. on Monday. —Mrs. Henry Miller and son spent Mon day at HarHsburg. Preaching ser vices will be held in the United Breth ren Church on Sunday morning by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Hallman. —Mr. and Mrs. Wert Hann, of Read ing, spent several days with their cou sin, Mrs. Harry W. Walmer. Paul Miller spent Tuesday at Boiling Spring. Chicken thieves visited the home of George Hocker on Monday night and stole nfty chickens. Miss Elena Glrfln, of Columbia, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. William Phfells. Mrs. Arnold, of Allentown, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Schlepfer. Aunt Este's Stories For Children THE ADVENTURES OF FAIkV SILVERWINGS SllvemJmc. n rings Fairyland to the Child. My dear old companions. I ne'er would have asked As soft sliver sounds floated up on the air, That you should perform this Herculean task From the trumpet which Silverwings blew with such care- For men-but see that child whose eyes are gleaming- Suddenly down on the breezes came floating. I've called you so she may SEE what she's been dreaming! Forms which just drifted as If they were boating; For I've found out since I've lived on this earth awhile. All wore gauxe dresses ralnbowy And fair— That at thoughts of us Fairies most people do smile- All stresmed behind them lon*, bright, silver hair. And turn up each nose-and then shrug each shoulder— 6ave one—whose hair was a bright golden crown— And as they grow older-get bolder and bolder— Who led the Fairy troupe on the Way down. And say to their children: 'Oh. nonsense; oh, snuff. "Why have you called u»r she asked with a frown- There's nothing I say in this fairytale stuff!' Why have you made us come so far down fiut her , a ch ,i d who beUevßd , 0 eomp , etely From our home, leaving all our nice things- That she acted most wisely and yes. most discreetly. You have been naughty-you bold Silverwings!- For Bhe re . cuM me th . form of a f , y When you left you well heard the king, who did s» r From a horrible death_o why shouldn't I That you never must call us from our home away" Give her Just what ahe aske4-and she asked only this: But Silverwings said: "Stop right there my friend— TO SEE YOU! Fairies please waft her a kiss!" The King of the Fairies hi. great will did bend. Wmteh for the A « Wllture of rmiir I|lwnrtl|( Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Specuil Correspondence Newvllle. Miss Muriel Krall, of Lansdowne, Is visiting her gr. id mother, Mrs. Llndsey. Charles H. Walker la home from a trip to St. Louis. Herbert Shaner spent several days with his grandmother, Mrs. M. E. Landis. Mrs. George M. Reed has fon« to Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. o&n E. Landis, who visited th© for mer's mother, Mrs. M. E. Landis. have returned to their home, in Kiddleeburg. - Sharp Gracey. of Charleston, Va„ is visiting his brother and sisters here.—• Miss Helen Scouller has returned from a three months visit to California. Mrs. Sarah Kirk, of Pittsburgh, Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. B. Frank Seltz. —• Miss Schott, of Washington, D. C.. Is the guest of Miss Lollta Borst. Miss Esther Thorpe, of Philadelphia, Is vlsitrng her aunt, Mrs. Robert M. Gra ham. Miss Martha Householder Is spending two weeks at Atlantic City.— Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Espenchade and daughter, of Pittsburgh, were guests of Mr. an 4 Mrs. C. Espenschade. - Miss Grace Thumma, who the past month with Miss Charlotte Dougherty, has returned to her home, at Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Woodburn have returned from Wlldwood, N. J. —• Miss Helen Elliott, of Philadelphia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Annie Hayes.— Miss Flora Elliott has returned from State College, where she attended sum mer school. Mrs. J. F~rank Bechtel. of Baltimore, is spending some time with her aunts, the Misses Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Geedy and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shulenberger are enjoytng an auto trip to Washington, I>. C. William J. Laughlin and niece, Miss Mary Jane Laughlin, are visiting the former's sister. Mrs. Wood Dunlap, at Altoona. Mrs. Samuel Heberlig, of Carlisle, Is visiting friends here. The Rev. G. M. Reed, D. D., has re turned from his vacation and will oo cupy his pulpit In the United Presby terian Church, on Sunday morning. MlffllntoTvn. Mrs. Bonner, daugh ter and little granddaughter of Phila delphia, and Mrs. Swartz, of Penbrook, spent Sunday at George L Hower's. ! Mrs. Ben Stlne and son. Banks. Mrs. ' Ella Tlllard, of Altoona: Horace Fasiek of Juniata, and Mrs. Klinepeter ana daughter, Olive, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the home of Oliver DliTen derfer. Master William Roberts, of Philadelphia, is visiting his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hacken berger. Mr. and Mrs. Shely Souders spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and : Mrs. William Souders. at Spruce Hill.— ! Miss Helen Smith, of Juniata, spent j Monday with her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Crlley. M. P. Crawford.and daugh ter. Helen, and Katharine Junkin are spending several weeks in Atlantic I City and Philadelphia. Mrs. Wilson | Warner spent last week with her sis ter, Mrs. Drake, at Harrisburg. Dr. and Mrs. Kred Espenschade and daugh ter, who have been visiting Dr. Espen schade's father, Frederick Espensihade, left Monday for Newvllle. Mrs. Wil son Lloyd, who has been in New York for a month, returned home Tuesday.— Misses Margaretta Irvin, Olivia North and Elizabeth Schweyer, spent Sunday at Lewistown. Mrs. Bashore, of Car lisle, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Trimble. —The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan are spending several days at Punxsutaw- ■ ney. Miss Mary Weiser returned home Saturday from State College. I Cloyd Pannebaker, of Ebensburg, Is • visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- I iel Pannebaker. Thompaontown. —• Misses Dora and Florence Dyer returned Wednesday to i their cottage, at Perdlx. after visiting ' Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long. Mr. and i Mrs. Keel and son, Clarence, of Cove I Allen, spent Sunday at the home of I John Bastress. Miss Mae Wagner, of I Center, Perry county, spent the week- I end with Mrs. W. R. Long. Mrs. D. H. Spotts spent Friday at Newport. —' Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClellan, of Al- I toona, are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Joseph Wetzler. Mrs. McCluny j KadcllfT, of Philadelphia, was a recent ' guest of Mrs. Nancy Herr. Joseph ' Evans, of Walnut, visiter friends here. ] on Monday. Miss Erie Hcnkles, Mrs. Irwin Lautz and Mrs. W. H. Haines at tended the Lautz reunion lu Glbbony Park, Mifflin county, on Thursday. Tibertus and Leroy Zeigler visited ! Henry Hopples at Cocalamus, on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown i and Mrs. I. W. McNaight spent Sunday I with John Nickels at Donnellv's Mills. ' —Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Winey, of Phlla- j delphia, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Winey, of East Salem.— Miss Margaret Lantz, of Trenton, N. J., is spending a month with her mother. I Mrs. Irwin Lautz. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Garver and family have re turned from a two weeks' auto trip through Blair and Huntingdon coun ties. Blndnaugle'a Church. Dr. Smith, of Llnglestown, was here this week. —- M. S. Mark and family, of Steelton, called upon some of his former schol ars living here. Ephrfclm Miller, of Palmyra, visited here this week. M. H. Leese and Oscar Withers made a trip to Stoverdale. H. H. Hoffer and son, Ira, were here on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hetrick, of Palmvra, visited their son's family. Mr. and Mrs. Landls Snyder and mother, of Har rlsburg, visited friends here this week. —Cleveland Flory and family, of Pal myra, visittd John Sattazahn's family. Dauphin. Louis Fertig, of Chicago, formerly of Dauphin, stopped over sev eral days with friends on a trip to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hcck and son. of Jacksonville, Fla., are spending the montl) of August with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Heck, at the Fur nace. Mr. and Mrs. James Feaser and son, James Roland, of Philadelphia, are visiting at the home of Emanuel Feaser. James Horning, of Laketown, Ind.. aged 83, is visiting Mrs. William Munsker, near Zionsvllle and walks to Dauphin almost dally. Mrs. E. E. Bil low. daughter. Marjory, and son. Junior, I of Evanston, 111., are visiting Mrs. Bil low's sister. Mrs. Frank J. Wallls.—Miss Claire Demaree, Frank and Ralph Demaree. of Newport, and Miss Marv McKee. of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallls. Shell Rutherford, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the Warner bungalow. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Warner, and son, Dougless, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. War ner, on the mountainside. Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Sigler and family are spending the month of August at their | cottage, "Walhelm," along the river.— Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ellenberger, of Harrisburg, are spending a week with Miss Paul, at her cottage, aove Dau phin. Miss Miriam Emblck is spend ing the week with Elizabeth Knupp.— Miss Gertrude Kerr, of Mechanicsburg, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Singer, at the Oaks. Miss Mary Cleckner and Miss Katharine First, of Harris burg, are visiting at the Warner bun galow. Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, of Harrisburg. sp«nt the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blerbower, at "The Nook." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hibbs, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at "The HABECKER TRIPLETS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY vlll» 14 ;7; Mr ;,"" d , Mr "- Benjamin Habecker, of Landls ♦i! i. grandparents of the Habecker triplets as well as the parents of twehe grown children. Grandfather Habecker WHS sixty-six vears old re cently on the same day that the triplets had their birthday, so th^occasion parents ** * b,<? blrthday ' Mr ' » nd Wayne Habecker are the Linglestown Young Folks at House Party at Stoverdale By Special Correspondence I.tngleatomi. Pa.. Aug. 14. The open air meeting: that was held at the Church of God yard on Sunday even ing was largely attended. The choir of the Progress charge rendering mu sic. Frank Kretser has purchased a threshing outfit from Smith & Com pany. and will also have his hydraulic I cider mill ready soon. On account of the Stoverdale campmeetlng there were no services In the United Breth ren Church on Sunday. Elmer Hass ler, of Washington, D. C., on Saturday joined his family who are spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hassler. Charles Rheln, grahdson of C. H. Smith, is rapidly re covering from fever. Miss Anna] Mehring and Miss Mlna Crawford, of | Harrisburg, on Sunday were the guests of the Misses Shrlner. Mrs. George Shrlner and daughter, Miss Orpha, I were week-end guests of friends at j Highspire. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hep i ford, of near Duncannon, were guests of E. O. Hassler. Mr. and Mrs. Wil j liam Koons, of Harrisburg. were the I guests of the former's parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Reuben ICoons. Mr. and Mrs. j C. B. Care. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Look and daughter. Fay. spent Sunday at j Mount Gretna. Mrs. Annie Smith is; I chaperoning a house partv for ten I days at Stoverdale, consisting of Miss! Laura Ludwig, of Reading; Miss | May me Ludwig, of Pine Grove; Miss i Esther Mcllhenny. Miss Mabel Back- | enstoss, of Harrisburg; Myrna Speece ; and Robert Hoke, of Penbrook; Misses • Mabel Keeser, Hulda i Marion Smith. Anna Feeaer. Eliza I Buck. Mrs. Annie Buck, Frank Hoke, i Edward Buck, Dr. Brown. Ezra Strohtn 1 j and Henry Ferber, all of Linglestown. —Mrs. John Koons and sons spent ! Monday at Harrisburg. Miss Grace Smith spent Monday at Harrisburg. The Embroidery Club was entertain ed on Monday evening by Mrs. Ger trude Nlsley, at the Klrkwood farm.— [ The Rev. and Mrs. John Whitmer, of near Hanoveraaie, were recent guests ; of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brehm. Mrs. ! Daniel Grubb and her children, of Pen . brook, are spending the week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grubb. | —Lawrence Beck, of Steelton, is spend ing the week as the guest of Ferdin [ and Beck. Andrew Hetzel, of Steel j ton, was the week-end guest of Mr I and Mrs. Charles Retth.—Gideon Fees er. Jr.. returned home on Tuesday after i spending a year in the western states. 1 his last residence being San Francisco. I —Mr. and Mrs. S. Dewey Unger and son of Pittsburgh, spent several days I with t.he latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. I M. W . Swelgert. Mrs. Harry Con over, of Washington, D. C., spent sev ' " al day? here - Mr. and Mrs. Brehm, of Fairfield. Adams county, are spending 1 several days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brehm. Miss Lydla Nichols and brother, of Camp Hill I spent the week with their grandfather,' ; the Rev. Dr. Slgler. NEWTON HAMILTON CAMP OPENS By Special Correspondence Newton Hamilton, Pa., Aug. 14. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carmon were re cent Lewistown visitors.—Miss Helen Dalling, of Saxton. is visiting friends In this vicnity.—Miss Mary Baldwin, of New York, was a visitor at the | home of H. C. Kinsloe.—Mrs. P. H. | Gearhart, of Georgetown, 111., is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Annie Sechrist. i —Prof. H. W. Bottlnger was in New Bloomfield this week attending court as a witness in an automobile accl- I dent case.—Mrs. David Cree, of Buf- j falo, N. Y., visited at the home of! her brother. Miles Appleby. Blain Taylor, of .Marysville, visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tavlor on Wednesday.—Miss Harriet Smelker, of Beachwood, N. J., has returned home to spend her vacation. —Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carman were Lewistown visi tors Monday.—Miss Maggie Krieger. of Huntingdon, visited at the home of H. W. Watts. —Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, of Altoona, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keiser over Sunday. Newton Hamilton campmeetlng opened on Thursday for twelve days. Nook." with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bier bower.. Miss Martha Stonesifer. Katharyn Still, Steelton; Lester Nes btt, of Harrisburg. spent Sundav with ! Miss Ruth Shaffer. Percy Rltter and ( W. W. Davidson, of Harrisburg. are 1 spending several days with Charles Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shope and son. Ralph, of Berwick, are spend- ' Ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. J. D Mi Reed. Miss Caroline Patton, of l-lar- ! rlsburg, is visiting Miss Marv Poflfen berger. Frank J. Wallis and family have gone to Harrisburg and Hershey . for several days Mrs Joseph Mincer j and Miss Harriet Shafner, of Harris burg, will be guests of Mrs Willam ! Worcester, at the "Llmberlost." Mrs. I E. L. Pancake, of Harrisburg, is visit- I ing her sister. Mrs Harvey C Forney 1 Mrs Katharyne Jenkins and daughter.! Dorothy, of Bellefonte, are spending I some time at "Bide-a-Wee" cottage. I Mrs. Frank Williams returned to : Mt. Gretna, after spending Sundav with ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Greena walt. i Millerstown Camp Fire Girls Have Visitors' Day By Special Correspondence MUleratowii. Pa„ Aug. 14. Samuel Taylor is visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. Cameron, at Thompsontown. Mrs. J. B. Parson, of Port Royal, spent several days with her father. William Klpp. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fitzel, of Savannah, Ga., and Miss Ruth Alter, of Port Royal, were guests of D. M. Rlcka- I baugh and family, on Sunday. The Rev. Rankin Caldwell and family, of Mercersburgr, are spending vacation with Mrs. Caldwell's narents. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Ulsh.—Miss Hilda Rubin, of Baltimore, Md., Is visiting her sis ter. Mrs. M. I. Stein. \V. S. Snyder, of Harrisburg, spent Sundav with W. D. Bollinger. Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Cochran and sons, George and James, I of Pittsburgh, and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. j Klckabaugh, son Charles David, and | daughter. Elizabeth, of Mount Holly Springs, are visiting tlieir father, D. M. Rickabaugh. Miss Ethelvn Realty, of Harrisburg, visited Mr. and I Mrs. W llliam Franklin this week. Miss Nellie Dasher, of Newark, N. J., was the guest of George Fry this week. I — Mr - and Mrs. Harry Houser, of Al | toona, spent Sunday with James Rouns '*>'• Mrs. James Walker, of Altoona. "P*" l the week-end with William , Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Haines, of ConnelsvlllA; Mrs. Bickel, of Wllkes j Barre. and Air. and Mrs. Joseph Buch- I er, of town, left Monday for Van | Dyke where they will spend the week I in camp.—Visitors' Day was held Wed | nesday by the Camp Fire Girls at Elm : cottage, above town. George Eckels, j of New Orleans, is visiting Mrs. Anna | Eckels at the Ward House. Mrs. Anna Eckels was at Harrisburg on | Wednesday. Elizabethville Camp Cottages Still Occupied By Special Correspondence Elizabethville, Pa., Aug. 14. Gideon W. Shadle, of Scranton, visit ed his mother, Mrs. Catherine Shadle. H. Knisely visited his parents at | Dillsburg, on Sunday. Dr. W. L. ; Stevenson spent several day with his parents at McVeytown. The Rev. E. J. Heilman spent the week at Wil liamsport. The Rev. C. P. Wehr and family spent the week at Atlantic C'ity. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Swab, of LaPlume, autoed to this place and spent several days with the former's parents. John A. Romberger, and son, Clair, with their families spent the week at Atlantic City. D. M. Stine and family spent several days with their daughter. Mrs. Gordinler. ' at Millersvllle. Jacob Lubold, of Coatesville, spent several days with bis sister, Mrs. M. A. Miller. Miss Elva Bickel, of Pitcairn. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tschopp. Miss Mabel Lubold. of Philadelphia, is spending her vacation with her par ents. District Attorney and Mrs. M. I E. Stroup, of Harrisburg, spent Tues day afternoon in town. Miss Stella Lubold is home from State College.— Many of the cottagers at the Camp Grounds are still ocupied. Edwin C. Bechtel, clerk in the Hummelstown bank, is spending his vacation here. — George A. Messersmith is erecting a new house in Spruce street, and H. H. Weaver erected one in East Lyter street. Mrs. Lama Keiter and son returned to her home at Middleburgh, on Wednesday. i Jolly Party of Women Surprise Mrs. Wm. Walter Wllliamstown, Pa.. Aug. 14. On Tuesday the Merry Sewing Circle met at the home of Miss Jennie Daniels, The evening was spent in games, sing ing and a general merry time was en joyed by those present, wno were: Misses Lottie and Helen Fromme, Mae Lewis, Katie Woffenden, Nellie Burke. Florence Jenkins, Wililamstown, and Mary Hoff of Harrisburg. Refresh ments were served. Mrs. William Walter of Berrysburg was surprised on Tuesday when Jerry Brigg's team loaded with a crowd of Jolly women drove to her home to celebrate Mrs. Walter's sixty-fourth birthday. Those present were Mrs. John Hay, , Mrs. i David Underkoffler, Mrs. Robert Moss, j Mrs. George Rodel, Mrs. Alex. Thomp < son, Mrs. Ralph Saussaman, Mrs. William Hoi la way, Mrs. James Wof fenden, Mrs. Robert Moffett, Mrs I William Ramsey, Mrs. Jonn Dinger, | Mrs. George S. Gomper, Mrs. William j Bond, Mrs. Evan Davis, Miss Nellie I Saussaman, Albert Bond, Ethel I WofTendcn and Elizabeth Dinger, of ! Wililamstown, Mrs. John Fisher, Mrs. Charles Snyder, Miss Clara Faux, of Elizabethville, and Mrs. Foster of j Berrysburg. Prof, and Mrs. D. F. Detter will leave for Annville next week where they will reside for one j year, while Prof. Detter completes a course of studies at Lebanon Valley College. Misses Olive and Helen Budd returned from a ten day vaca tion at Shamokin. 120 SEATED IT THE FOR PICNIC DIB Members of Monaghan Presbyter ian Church Have Enjoyable Time at Williams Grove GO THERE ON HAY WAGONS Hailstones as Large as Walnuts Do Great Damage to Crops in York County By Special Correspondence nillnbtirK. Pa.. Aug. 14. Various organizations of the Monaghan Pres byterian Church held a picnic In Wil liams Grove on Tuesday. The folks went to the grove on large hay wagons, and dinner was served at one large table, where 120 persons were seated. —Ex-Postmaster F. M. Altland left on Tuesday for Philadelphia where he will have ohnrge of n branch store nf the Acme Tea Company. Mrs. Charles Altland and Mrs. J. A. Lerew returned on Tuesday after spending some time at Atlantic City. George Cassel, of Reading, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Sollenberger, on Sunday. Hailstones ns large as walnuts which fell in largo quantities on Monday did a great dam age to the corn In Monaghan and Car rol townships. Miss Ethel Spera, of Decatur, 111., Is visiting her uncle, James Spera. The condition of Miss Susan Beatty, who has been ill for the past three months, is Improved. The large concrete bridge across the Stonv Run In Carrol township, near Dills'- burg, is completed. Miss Charlotte Eastwlck. of Philadelphia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Britcher. Miss Bertha Karns, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. William Glffens, of Slddonsburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Rushey. South Baltimore street, on Sunday. To Prevent Falling Hair JIM; Cuticura Soap And Ointment Are moat successful because they re move dandruff, allay itching and irrita tion, keep the scalp clean, and promot* healthy, nair growing conditions. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold everywhere, liberal sample of each mailed free with 32-p. book. Address post-card "Cuticura," Dept. 30, Bosfiaa. HEADQUARTERS FOB 1 SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES SAFETY V FIRST The object of "Safety First" Is prevention. You can prevent your advertising from meet ing the fate of the waste basket If you will maka It attractive with proper Illustration. Brlnsr your next copy to us lot Illustrative treatment. One treat ment will convince you that our methods are a success. The Telegraph Art & Engraving Departments rm. EDFCATIONAL School of Commerce Troup Building, Pbonr, Bell IB4BJ. IB So. Market Square. Harrlnliurif, Pa, Pall term begin* i Day School, Septem ber 1| Night School, September g, OfTlce open from 8 a. m. to '5 p. ro. Phone, Tvrlte or call for catalog o« farther Information. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night School Sept. 7, 1915 Business. Shorthand and CITII Serv ice. 30th yea*. 329 Market St., Har risburg, Fa. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE n ' In Effect June JT. 1111. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnabura at 1:03, *7:5? a. m.. *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg. Car. lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate stations at •1:01, *7.61. *11:61 m •1:40. 6:87. *7:46. *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mtchanlcsburg at 9:46 a. m„ 1.16: 6:36. 6:80. 6:36 a. ro. For Dillsbiirg at 6:03. *7:63 and •11.66 a. m„ 2:16. *3:40. 6:87 and 6-30 p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally exeec: Sunday. H. A. RffiOLE i. H. TONGB. G, P. ,4.
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