12 rr~ —^—— , §X^^femiv^\^\iuHvr\ Shoppers Will Be Busy Tomorrow Morning Profiting By These Friday Specials-Store Closes at Noon ; s v ~" No Friday Soe- ' Specials B °y»' Oxfords Boys' Wash Suits Furniture at Half Price | Stamped Goods H ■ •1 c , rn wi fr„m?Xoid4'™dg e d v£Z!Zr£t?n"o*: with*,'rat#■"££,"*£ One $15.00 golden oak 25c end 90c stamped scarfs 50c Serge, 36 inches. Fri- ' s Sent C. O. D., or Mail or Dives. pomeroy ft Stewart. w ,« , , neck' with" s!SI One $16.50 mahopny chif- only from Btol2 o clock 75° Cream Serge 42 in- Second Floor. Women S Sandals collar short anrl I«>.. T fonier. Friday only from S ches. Friday only from Bto 'Phone Orders , . $1.50 red kid one-strap sleeves, sizes 2]/ 3 - to 6 years. to (^ o ' cl °^ $8.25 Dives. Porteroj; a Stewart.' "' "a Remnants Wa«h HnniU sandals ' Friday only from Friday only from Bto '2 One S2,W mahogany v *2? U7 Remnants Wash CiOOds Bto 12 o'clock .750 o'clock 89* dresser. Friday only from „ Friday only from Bto 12 C*m©Cl Lengths from 2to 6 vards _ Btol- o clock ..... sj?l~.<>o e. i nTT™ , 1 ocjock, jard t, j0 in a general olean-up. " Fri- Misses' Oxfords °' V 'sicon?Fioo^Rear* I ' l, ° ne S 2O 00 mattress. Fri- stamped Waists and navy Mohair. 50 in , v day only from Bto 12 o'clock SI 50 brown anH hlarlr vi.-: i ' da - y onl y froni B to 12 Dressy ches Friday only from Bto Cotton Dress Goods at an additional third off. kid Friday onlv v o'clock.., *IO.OO 12 o'clock, yard 4S« D . _ from Rtn PnVwt ' j,- Bovs' Wash Suit, * One $9?.00 walnut dress- stamped waists and ? 5C navy 48 inches. 69c French voile, 40 inches r>i es. Pomeroy art, I I trom Btol_ o clock ... 95c 11 - I I er " Friday only from 3to I children's dresses in white. I Friday only from Btol2 1 wide, neat floral designs. v ' Children's Ovfnrrlc / -, c, SI.OO and $1.50 Middy 12 o'clock ........ $17.50 Friday only from Bto 12 o'clock, yard 69? Friday only from Bto 12 \ f nd Russian wash suits in One $25.00 golden oak hall o'clock 12U0 SI.OO wool Suiting, plum o'clock, yd 190 White Goods sl.-5 gun metal and vipi . fancy stripes, plain blue and rack. Friday only from Bto Dive S Pomerov * c, Pw .r, and mahogany. Friday only 69c voile, 44 inches wide; <ti <c- i . kid oxfords, sizes 8 1 / 2 to 11. tan and white, sizes 2]/ 2 to 8 12 o'clock 512.50 Third Floor. ' ' from Bto 12 o'clock, yard, white grounds with floral ? lon gcloth, 40 inches Friday only from Bto 12. years. Friday only, from 3 One $19.50 golden oak hal 1 ' .">9O border. Friday only from dav C ni . e » i l~ w • to 12 o'clock Bto 12 o'clock, yd 500 .n v rom Btol2 o clock, Men S Rubber Heels Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart 12 o'clock .." .... $9.75 Muslin Drawers ches - Friday only from Bto 50c voiles, floral designs ™ , ... . " r„KW u—i- Second Floor, Rear. ' One $19.50 Rracsc ,, ~ . . 12 o'clock, yard 880 on white grounds. Friday c "p 1 . 0 . ' awn . 4:> inches nn]y frritr) T> nVlnrlr r Friday onlv from Bto 1 7 -luslin, drawers, cambric $1.50 grey mixed Suiting, only from Bto 12 o'clock, "'i? ' n< ? ay °"- v ~ D >ur o'clock s9.?'i rutfle with hemstitched hem 54 inches. Friday onlv from yard 29<* to 12 o clock, yard .. 190 Div „. Pomproy 4 stewar J t o ? Boys' Wash Suits One $25.00 Brass Bed I 8 l °J 2 Bto 12 °' clock > yard. "$1.19 12y 3 c lawns, neat styles wide" FridaTolliy' from Bto $3.00 ,to $5.00 Norfolk Friday oitfy from Bto 12 '° C I,>o Dive., Po,„.rov * Stewart Moll vd y ° m Bto £ 12 o'clock v y ard 3 . .390 , st ? le with extra oclock ... #12.50 Extra Size Drawers % o CIOCK, j a 70 .p. rr/-,r,/dc C L f* pair trousers, linen, crash One $16.90 brown reed 20c voile, 36 inches wide. lengths. Friday onlv from . UC ' l Covers khaki and Palm Beach] sett ee. Friday only from S Extra size drawers, trim- Black Dress Goods floral and stripes on white o to n O viock VarH oman stripe couch broken sizes from 10 to 17 to 12 o'clock $8.19 mcc ! w, th bunch tucks and ground. Friday only from j- . "l ?* " •covers, fringed all arOund. years. Friday only from 8 civ.. * hemstitched ruffle. Friday _BS c >lack Serge, 48 inches. I §to 12 o'clock, yd 100 Fr P' ; "from Stn 1 7 Frida - V onl >- from Btol2 I Ito 12 o'clock . $1 79 I I K, * S T°hTr e d r °j?u!or Stewart ' I I on ly from Bto 12 o'clock, I I Friday only from Btol2 I 15c cretonne drapery. Fri- OVIOS 3 ini o'clock.... 390 ni . _ 350 -'clock, yard 090 day only from Bto 12 Dlveß . Pomerov & st.wart. v "second e no or & R s e^r wart - Knickerbocker Drawers blac l c S f rge ' 36 inches oclock. Divea. pomerov ft Stewart. ' „ , ~. X Basement Specials Knickerbocker nainsook o'clock, yard 300 street frioor. N Men S Palm Beach Suits 55c wash boards. Friday ?I awe r Sl ,ac i ed K e trimmed. SI.OO black Voile. 40 in- Fancy Linens Fancy Cretonne $6.50 Palm Beach suits in from Bto 12 o'clock B Vf^cl^. O "!':'SS P^ c lSk*J.rt w? Pillnur fatac 59c scarfs, lace edt?e em- to 19c fancy cretonn? black and white and blue . . T m 't, c, » i?' j broidered in pink and blue. in light and dark colorings, and white stripes; sizes 36, Friday oX"from xTo ?? Corset Covers only from 8 to" l^o'cVoc? MI 4.ix36-inch bleached Friday only from Bto 12 3~ inches wide. Friday only 38 and 40. Friday only from o'clock • Corset covers trimmed yard ~ pillow cases. Friday only o'clock 39c» from Bto 12 oclock. yard Bto 12 o'clock Sftj.OO m iVu o~'r witli k A ' ;o- ki V\r i • en ■ 1-? " in./, cy; co s l .. . . *' V 10c clothes props, 8 ft. w,t " lace or embroidery 59c black Mohair, in- L Dive., pomeroy A Stewart, . P . w s rl J >e Friday only, from Bto 12 edge; 75c and SI.OO value. ches wide. Friday only from Bleached Sheets < F "'°: . ing, stoSia« 38 'E « .'dock, i W ........ts* Friday only from Bto 12 Btd 12 oclock yard . .4«« 1 FriHo,r f o it Five yards shelf paper. oclock >OO black Silk Poplin, 40 39c 72x90-inch bleached p . c • i ' °' V r ° m ' <am Friday only from Bto 12 Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. inches. Friday only from 8 sheets. Friday only from 8 Furniture Specials Dran«srv Romnanfc s<>.oo o'clock 2& . Second Floor. to 12 o'clock, yard, #1.25 •to 12 o'clock 250 White enamel bathroom n . , Dives pomeroy 4 Stewart, $2.50 lawn trimmers. Fri- $2.00 black Serge, 54 in- II 11 ij >■ stool« Friday only from 8 Remnants of 2sc scrim, '" or - lr - Lr - day only from Bto 12 TU'IJ » n 1 c ' ies - Friday only from Bto Unbleached Muslin to 12 o'clock 15ft etamine and other drapery o'clock $1.98 Children S Drawers 12 o'clock, yard .... .#1.19 654 c 39-inch fine - 15c white cotton ribbed Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart bleached muslin. Friday Friday onlv from 8 to 17 to o clock, yard 90 day on]y frQm g tQ n knee length drawers. Friday street Floor. only from 8 to 12 o'clock, o'clock ..... 25c Dlves ' p °meroy & Stewart. sult f! o'clock 190 only from 8 to 12 o'clock, y * Pix-foot golden oak exten- I 1 ff Js. o Women's Hosiery ' F N » N „ RI„J » slon tables - Friday onlv / N , y . i onl y_, fr °ni Bto 12 Boys Undershirts v,Olion DlanKetS from Bto 12 oclock p,,.. __j r * l Dlve 2' Pomeroy ft Stewart, oclock, 2 doz. for 290 T. ... . . 10c tan cotton hose, seam (M -5- . , , . oiu idSOCIOCK. .**.»!> Kugs and tarpet Second Floor. Rear. White COttOn ribbed ath- p r :j a „ nnUr r ' o sl.2a cotton blankets, col- $16.a0 solid mahogany E-?M T *»• Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. letic shirts' sizes 7 6 to 34 I-> > . ri " a > on 'y from Bto oedstrioes. Pair.. SI. OO rockers covered with $3 00 Japan matting rugs, , Basement. irts, Mze, -J, to 34 12 o'clock 50 ine leather or taoestrv onlv feet. Friday only from i p, V —— day only trom 8 to L 50c fancy boot silk hose, ™"lk£3V&r?£Xr* 4at this price. Friday 8 '°, £ °''' ock ,V,;:,' •*»•' s9 4 , P , _ . ° C '° ck °* assorted colors. Friday only v / from Bto P o'clock R °y al Wilton and 4c skeins Japan floss. Fri- P T «i *• A Mnn'« Ilrawore from Bto 12 o'clock .. .390 v ,, B to lsio clock, mO.(Xt Axminster hassocks. Friday day only from Bto 12 Embroideries Men S Urawers Lining Specials D,VM ' P ThTrd ro^io& or Stewart - only from Bto 12 o'clock. O'clock, dozen 100 pt/ 2 c embroidery edges 35c and 50c white cotton Men's Hosiery 50c Foundation p* , ~ Dives. Pomeroy ft stewart. and'inJerSons Friday S knee length drawers Friday 25c fiber silk hose, sec roundation Silk. Fri- Extra super wool ingrain , Third #ioor. N M L J only from Btol2 o clock. d Friday onlv from Bto day only rom 8 to 12 AAntni Milr carpet; 80c value. Friday -> from Btol2 o clock, yard . 25 0 'vS y y o'clock yard 3.50 Asbestos Mats onlv {rom 8 to 12 o . clock y . -v Women's Vests Satine. 36 inches, 2to 5-yard mats, 6x6, 6x9 and 6xl! $1.25 cocoa door Swift's picnic hams, ave- inched w'ide" shaped^vests' o^^ 'large Infali^^c^ncy'socks r-ciS ,romßto 12o ' c,ock oviock on ! y l' ora .... 3 Dives, Pomeroy,^Stewart. Dlves, p ßtewart. Dives. Pom«JO|; «- Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. niveß . Pomeroy & stewart Dlves> Pomerov ft stewart «• r ' . Basement. strfet Floor . Str<yst F!oor gtreet F , oori W ■ " "Let'er Rain!" Shouts Grocers' Picnickers [Continued From First Pag©.] this morning as soon as the merry hundreds were unloaded. The souvenir men, not to be beaten, started the day off by distributing thousands of little dainties and trinkets on the trains going to the park. Thirty-one Events Scheduled Thirty-one events were included in the day's program, including races for everyone, handicap events whicli were features, together with numerous other stunts for the amusement of the hosts of funmakers. The "shoot-the-shoot" race for com mitteemen and trie jitney race were the big stunts during the afternoon. Bringing Up Father # $ $ $ # # fWWEHAS H\D EVE*-* 1 J °° N /I NOV -BY colly' \A IE 1~~ T YookE A COOD 1 jTCNER ( V J% I'VE HAVE my * s -3-_ DO« - 11-l. SEE THAT - tHE HOUSE Atf TO «IT A F\NE. OOCt. \ ■ -*g!! REvence; fU § ' BYCOLLXr L "Jfe "XOO <>lT A COUPLE. . r~> 14 SURE- \ ; V _ M\ HE'S BACK A<AIN - OF PRETZLELS'. HER PET DOC OUT an* r WE'll take T • ~, And LOOK < — /^P-LH —□ _- __. /1 m THURSDAY EVENING, Trains will return this evening at 7:30 and 10 o'clock. The events of the day were run off in regular order and almost 150 prizes will be given to the winners. The prizes—here are a few: A box of lemons, a barrel of potatoes, can of lard, one case of noodles, hams, canned goods and many other serviceable awards. The prizes were donated by businessmen of the city and vicinity, and by a number of wholesalers and big pro ducers throughout the country. Other events of the day were the concerts by the Commonwealth Band, baseball game between the West End and Allison Hill grocers for five gal lons of ice cream, free vaudeville at the park theater, boating and swim ming. Most Stores Closed With a few exceptions, every gro cery store in the city was closed so that the proprietors and their clerks could take the trip and enjoy the fun. L. G. Orr was chairman of the picnic committee and H. E. Crownshleld, as sistant chairman. The other officers and committeemen were: M. A. Morrison, secretary; R. M. Wolf, assistant secretary: A. P. Kitchen, treasurer: A. H. F. F. Foerster, Geo. E. Runkle, W. M. Runkle, H. E. Runkle, K. O. Fink, J. J. Hetrlck, J. D. Miller, Harry Kreidler, W. F. Burgeon, J. E. Dep pen, J. H. Frantz, S. K. Klnsinger, L. G. Martin, W. J. Shrlner, J. A. Orr, C. B. Shammo, C. F. Willis, D. W. Raub, W. Bevard, H. J. Buttorff, W. R. Bealor, B. B. Drum and Her man A. Kreidler. Judges for all events were: Aug. H. Kreidler, K. O. Fink, C. B. Sham mo, J. D. Miller, H. E. Crownshleld, Harry Kreidler, W. W. Bevard, L. G. HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH Martin, Geo. E. Runkle, W. F. Bur geon, J. A. Orr. W. M. Runkle and W. R. Bealor. Starter, L. G. Orr. Major Griffiths Talks to City's Newsboys Major Robert Griffiths after giving an Interesting talk to the members "of the Harrlshurg Newsboys' Association last night was elected an honorary member of the organisation. The Rev. Mr. Robinson then Intro duced four Chinese, said to have come from New York. The visitors told the newsboys of .the* Chinese customs in the big city. Committeemen appointed to arrange for the outing of the association were James Bloom, Herbert Reamer, Jacob Davidson. Michael Klawansky and Da- vid Bowers. The committee to arrange for the celebration when Sam Sher man is awarded his medal for saving Charles Emanuel, 1117 Wallace street, from drowning Includes Abraham Shlomberg, Arthur Koplovitz and Abraham Lane. Young Emanuel, who was rescued from the Susquehanna, is now seriously ill at his home. The physician has not diagnosed the case, but Emanuel Is iii jn bed witH a high fever. Tickets to be sold by the boys for the newsboys' game In September will be distributed next week. An honor roll will be Instituted and the boy who has the least number of complaints made against him will re ceive the honor. Beginning next month, meetings will be held Friday Instead of Wednesday evening of each week. AUGUST 12, 1915. Vessel Near Capture Is Destroyed by Crew I London, AUK. 12.—A statement is- I sued by the Official Press Bureau i says: * , "H. M. S. Ramsey, Lieutenant S. Raby, R. N. R., a small armed patrol 1 vessel, was sunk by the German armed • auxiliary steamer Meteor August 8, in the North Sea. F<*jr officers and I. 39 men were saved. "The Meteor subsequently sighted a squadron of British cruisers, and her commanding officer realizing that escape was impossible, ordered the crew to abandon the ship an<J then blew her up." The Admiralty in a. casualty list is sued to-night says that five officers were lost in the taking of the Ramsey, and that two were lost In the sinking of the torpedoboat destroyer Lynx when she struck a mine in the North Sea last Monday. MUST CUT HER WAY THROUGH Amsterdam, via London. Aug. 12. Discussing the Balkan situation in tho Tage Zeitung, Count Steventlow de clares that Germany must cut her way through to Constantinople and make the new triple alliance a reality. FRANCE EQUALS ENGLAND Paris, Aug. 12. Albert Thomas, under Secretary of War In charge of munitions, tells the Petit Parisien that France's efforts to produce munition* are different in method but equal in results to those of England which'ho recently viewed.
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