iHnndrcds Wait' to. Fill Yonr Want. A Little fait Ad fill Fill Thcml • ,y DIEl) ALEXANDER Mrs. Katherlne Alex ander died at her home. 1817% North Seventh street, Wednesday morning, aged 65 years. The funeral services will be held from her late home on Friday after noon. at 2 o'clock. Hurtal In the Pax tang Cemetery. Friends and relatives invited to attend without further notice. RUDY On August 11. 1915. Catherine J., wife of D. E. Rudy, aged 75 years. Funeral on Saturay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence. 1834 North Third street. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS WE hereby extend our thanks to friends, relatives and society members for their kindness during our recent be reavement. M IIS. MATHIAB WOLF AND FAMILY LOST LADY that got S2O bill from Wool worth 5 and 10 Cent Store. Tuesday, round 5:30, is known, and unless re turned within twenty-four hours to 1910 Penn street arrest will follow. LOST Bunch of keys. New York Registry Company's tag. Call 164 "In dependent" phone. LOST Between Twenty-eighth street. Penbrook. and Seventeenth and Derrv streets, city, bunch of keys. Re ward if returned to 11" South Second street. City, or Twenty-eighth and Main streets, Penbrook. LOST On Sunday evening, on South Cameron street, near Susquehanna t engine house, cover for automobile top. Please return to Rex Garage, North i Third street. | FOUND FOUND—The well-dressed man. He ! always sends his clothes to Eggerts;. Steani Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. HKl.l' WAX'ThI) —Mala W\NTED One live salesman who wants to better his positton and make from »20 to S3O per >eek; good refer ences and bond required. Jewell Tea Co., 269 Broad. WANTED Experienced man for cafe kitchen. Hershey Cafe, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Full-fledged journeymen electricians. No other neeo apply, f-teady work to right men. Dauphin , Electrical Supplies Co., 434 Market) street. WANTED Druggist, Q. A., or write three or four years experience; must be reliable. Apply, or write, Heading s Drug Store. Lewistown, Pa. WANTED A man to work on farm bv the month. Address, or apply to W. H. Peters, 401 West Main street, Hummelstown, Pa WANTED Boy over 16 years of ! age to work in greenhouses; good: chance for industrious boy. Apply New I Cumberland Greenhouses. i WANTED Boy to learn drug bust- j ness, one who lives north of Market; etreet preferred. Address 8., 2859, care : of Telegraphy , I WANTED First-class tool makers, | profilers, millers, drillers, rlflers and ; barrel turners. Good pay to competent i men. Address, giving experience, to | J F. Creswell, P. O. Box 264, Lancaster, i YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to { become practical or mechanical chauf- | fei'rs to call or write us at once. Full j unlimited course. $35. Open day and evening Auto Transportation Repair | Pbcp » North Cameron street. | HELP WANTED —Female WANTED A girl for general house- j work. Apply to Mrs. E. M. Hershey, i Hershey, Pa. ! WANTED A white girl, or mio- j die-aged woman for general housework. , Must know how to cook. References re- j quired Call at 1701 North Second > street. ~ | WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework; two In family. Ap ply E. Simms, 33 North Second street. j WANTED, IMMEDIATELY Several | experienced salesgirls, good salary to ■ those who are competent. Don't apply unless you have good experience. Ap- j plv to Mr. Green, ground floor, Astrich's, | Fourth and Market streets. I GIRL WANTED to work in confec- j tionerv store; steady po.-ition. Inquire! 1025 North Seventh street. Bell phone j 1617 R. TO GET AHEAD GET A HEAD . The road of rapid advancement is now through the office rather: than the shop or factory. Ambi-; tious young men and women who wish to improve their position in life and enter the lists for the prizes the business and executive j worlds have to offer should send for our brochure "The Art of Getting Along in the Woria" It shows the way to better salaries and more congenial surroundings—it points the way to opportunity. We mail you this valuable booklet with out cost or expense to you—just on yoUr simple request. Send for it to day. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Temporary Office, 309 Pa triot Building; NeW Location, August 30, Kaufman Building. 4 S. Market Square. WANTED Everybody to Know a student entered March 16 and started work with a structural comprmy July 20 —Just four months. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Call 2001 Derry street, City. w WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn ing. Welfare looked after by a trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. FOR SALE J ♦ 406 Cumberland St.j ♦ A three-story brick and frame? ♦ hou*e with seven rooms • —• bath —f ♦ furnace and gas. Lot 13%x71 ft. J [ The owner has advised us that he? i* is anxious to sell and we're certain t some one Is going to get a bargain.! ♦ MILLER BROTHERS & CO. j ♦ REAL ESTATE ♦ i* Insurance Surety Bonds! Locust and Conrt Streets , THURSDAY EVENING, HKLI> WANTED—MaIe or Female WANTED The new KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING I STORE requires the ser vices of experienced help: Salesladies for Cloaks, ' Suits. Millinery, Hosiery, Muslin Underwear, Knit Underwear, Shirtwaists, Infants' Wear, Children's Bresses aind White Goods. Salesmen for Men's Cloth- ' ing, Boys' Clothing and i Men's and Boys' Furnish ings. All applications must be sent by mail stating ex perience had and age. Only experienced help need apply. All commu nications will be held strict ly confidential. Address J. M. Lloyd, Superintend ent Kaufman's Undersell- , ing Store. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART re- , quire the services of twenty-flve addi- i tlonal salesmen and saleswomen. Only . ] those with experience In the selling of , < merchandise need apply. SITUATION WANTED—.MaIe j j WANTED • Young man.desires work of any kind. Call, or address, 1913 Wal lace street. WANTED Chauffeur wishes post- . , tlon driving jitney or private car; can j, do own repairing. Address, or call, 2018% Wallace street, City. WANTED Experienced young I white man desires position as Janitor; , can furnish reference. Address J.. 2861, , care of Telegraph. , WANTED Boy, 19 years old. just ' come from Virginia, would like work of any kind. Call, or address, 933 Grand street. City. WANTED Honest and energetic . man desires position as janitor at a church, or watchman at store, bank or public building preferred; can give good reference. Address George P. Heffner, 240 East Mason avenue. York, Pa. WANTED Colored man desires po sition as chef; experienced; can furnish good reference. Address E„ 2868, care of Telegraph. WANTED—TaiIor, good and capable bushelman. with best reference, wants j steady position. John Fox, 5 North Fifth street, City. WANTED Salesman, twelve years' experience, desires to connect with re liable concern. Address W„ 2864, care of Telegraph. WANTED A responsible connec tion where honesty. Integrity and ex ecutive ability counts. Have been em ployed by a corporation for over six years, starting as stenographer and now chief clerk and purchasing agent. Reason for change strictly confidential. Am of good appearance. Address C*. 1582 Regina street. WANTED Young man desires posi tion as chauffeur on truck or private car; six years' experience; strictly sober; best of reference. Address W., 2856, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, married man, with six years' business experience in 1 the capacity of clerk and bookkeeper, desires to connect himself with a nrm In Harrisburg or vicinity; best of ref erence as to character and ability. Ad dress J., 2852, care of Telegraph. WANTED Bartender wishes posi tion: union man; good mixer; fast worker and strictly sober; can furnish ; reference. Address 8., 2857, care of ' Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED By colored woman, work of any kind. 11l Dewberry avenue. WANTED By colored woman, day's . work of any kind, any day but Satur-I day. 1316 North Fourth street. WANTED White girl wants gen- I eral housework to do; can give refer ences. 1515 Wallace street. WANTED By colored woman, washing and Ironing to do at home. Call Mrs. Brooks. 1006 Cowden street. WANTED By young white girl, position as child's nurse; reference fur nished. Address M. S.,' 2862, care of Telegraph. WANTED A middle-aged woman I ! desires position as housekeeper for! i widower, or light housework; can give I ; reference. M.. 2863, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Young white girl desires (light housework In email family; can furnish reference. Address M., 2860, care of Telegraph. WANTED Day's work of any klna or office cleaning by colored woman. Address No. 1312 Currant street. -———._____ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' $3,000 BUYS a dwelling and store property worth $1,500, store, stock and fixtures worth $2,300. in a good com munity for all kinds of country pro duce. Address F., 2841, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE—frlne bungalow site 60x | 200. Chestnut street and Bellevue Park. Will consider auto or summer cottsge ;In trade. C. H. Lindsay, 1007 Capital j street. City. MAIN ST.. PENBROOK, new 8- room brick bungalow strictly mod ern throughout vacuum steam heat —concrete front and rear porch—drive alley on rear. Located on car line. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Wal i nut streets. THE price of 1936 Park St. has re cently been reduced $200.00. This prop erty Is well located, has steam heat, electric light, 9 rooms and bath, porches, and is well worth the price asked. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. $2,450 WILL BUY a modern two-ptory | brick corner property. Both streets I paved. Rented at sl7 per month. A very cozy little home, well located. J. i E. Glpple, 1251 Market. NOS. 1817 AND 1926 Park street; 9 rooms and bath; steam heat; combina tion lights; porch; side entrance; streets paved; all in fine condition. Price, $3,300 each. J. E. Glpple. RIVERSIDE LOT. 52x150 ft. On Second St., just north of Lewis flnn hedge around plot. Any reasonable offer will receive immediate considera tion. Miller Brothers and Co., Bell phone 1595. NO. 1837 SPENCER STREET - I story brick, 6 rooms, bath, laundry, I porch, side entrance. Price, $2,600. J. | E. Glpple. 1251 Market street. A 16-ACRE FARM In Cumberland county, with all buildings; must be sold. What will you give for It? Now hela at S9OO. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE No. 1409 North Street— three-story frame 8 rooms hath gas furnace cemented cellar porch front side entrance. Price very reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE lBO6-08 Susquehanna street two 3-story brick nouse 8 rooms bath gas- furnace porch. Offered at an attractive price. Bell Realty Company, Bergner Building. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I FOR SALE Large, new suburban house, 3018 Third street, .Riverside. All latest im provements, sunshine on all sides. An ideal home in an ideal place. Inquire of William E. Moeslcin, 620 Boas street. 15.150 WILL BUY a brick house with T rooms bath gas furnace porch drive alley on rear; norv yield ing sl7 per month. Bell Realty Com pany. Bergner Building. FOR $2,100 you can buy a two-story brick house with all modern Improve ments. front porch and paved street. Always rented at sl6 per month. A Sood Investment. J. E. Olpple, 1251 iarket street. STEAM-HEATED BRICK HOUSE SALE at reduced price. All other Improvements. Mifbt be sold soon. No. 22 North Seventeenth street. Now vacant. Terms easy. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT | FOR RENT New seven-room dwelling houses; all modern Improve ments; front porch; electric lights; hot air heat: cemented cellar; hot and cold water In cellar; range; up-to-date bath room; houses never occupied. Rent, $15.00 and $16.00 per month MaeWtl llams Construction Co., 2150 N. Fifth Street. Harrisburg, Pa FOR RENT House on North Sixth Street; eight rooms and bath; all im provements; hardwood floors; steam heat; gas and electric lights; cemented cellar: front and rear porches; com plete laundry on flrst floor; granolithic walks, iron fences; large yard; combi nation coal and gas range in kitchen. Rent. $30.00 per month. Mac Williams Construction Co., 2150 N. Fifth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FQR RENT Two houses on Bridge street, near Twelfth. New Cumberland; 8 rooms and bath; furnaces and oorches; newly painted; rent, sls and $15.50; im mediate possession. Apply 1929 Swatara street, Harrisburg. FOR RENT Bakery, house and store, No. 923- North Sixth Street. Apply to "• Friedman, real estate and Insurance, Kunkel Bldg., or 317 Pellfer street. FOR RENT Two new three-story brick houses. Nos. 224 and 226 Seneca street; nine rooms and bath; all con veniences. Apply G. E. ShefTer, 220 Seneca street. Bell phone No. 877 M. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1266 Market street; rent, $lO, including heat and water. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Mar ket street. FOR RENT 1927 and 1929 State street; new three-story brick houses; never occupied; all improvements; heat; electric and gas. Apply 1931 State street. , FOR REST 1350 Market St $32.50 1813 Rudy St 18.00 1 847 North St 15.00 1197 Christian 12.00 J. E. GIPPLE, j 1251 Market St. FOR RENT Cozy home, No. 2231 North Fourth street, all conveniences, porch front, paved street. $22.00; No. 2100 Brookwood street, $16.00; store room. No. 5 Grace street, suitable most ly any business, large show windows, two doors from Market street and P. R. R. entrance. Possession at once. Ap ply Claster Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. FOR RENT ll9O Christian street: two-story- brick: all Improvements and up-to-date In all respects; seven rooms, Including hath; rent, $17.00. Inquire 269 Herr street, between 6 and 7 P. M. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT WILL SELL at a sacrifice or rent, 1815 North Second street; possession at once. Apply Regent Theater. 410 Mar ket street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT I FOR RENT First and second floor apartments. 1939 North Sixth street; third floor 2456 Jefferson street; also ! house No. 641 Schuylkill street. Pos session at once. Inquire J. C. Mehring, 2439 North Sixth street, or Mehring s I Drug Store, Fourth and Peffer streets. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—Sec ond Floor Housekeeping Apartment— Three rooms, kitchenette and bath modern improvements city steam heat. Inquire First Floor. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walsdorf, facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT—Third floor, front apart ment. No. 32 North Second street; 3 rooms and bath: steam heat and elec tric light Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street FOR RENT Third floor apartment, 5 rooms and bath; steam heat; gas range; electric light. Inquire 20 North Fourth street. FOR RENT Suburban apartments; new. up-to-date; 6 rooms; reception hall: bath; pantry; front and rear porches; 3208 and 2210 North Third street. Apply C. C. Whiteman or H. W. Miller. Bell 523 W. or 81R. • ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, all improvements, no children, Apart ment No. 2, over Allison Hill Trust Co., Thirteenth and Market streets. FOR RENT Fine, airy second storv, nicely furnished front room, op posite Capitol; all conveniences; use of phones; very moderate rent to desirable party. Inquire 426 North street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences; use of phone; for gentlemen only; rent reasonable. Inquire 4'56 Cumberland street. FOR RENT. Furnished rooms, for ilght housekeeping: large, well fur nished second floor front rooms; all conveniences: use of phone. 813 North Second street. ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD in private fam ily. near Thirteenth and Market sweets; man or man and wife. Apply 1418 Re gina street, City. FOR SALK FOR SALE Tom Barrons White Leghorns. Pullets, 60c each; cockerels, 50c to $1.00; tested cock birds, $3. Healthy farm raised stock. J. L Spence, Progress, Pa. FOR RENT Garage; all modern improvements; rent reasonable; suit -1 able for any kind of machine. Apply 1217 Herr street. FOR SALE—Nicely furnished Room ing House —19 rooms —completely equip ped; steam heat; rent extremely low; filled with permanent people; near Mar ket Square; owner leaving city. Ad dress W. 2851. care of Telegraph Office. MAXWELL SPECIAL FOR SALE, or will consider exchange on Ford car. Runabout preferred. Apply 1717 North Fourth street. FOR SALE Four-cylinder run about, in good condition, cheap; also small square piano, cheap. These must be sold within two weeks. Inquire 21 • North Summit street. ' FOR SALE Virgle practice Clavier, lin perfect condition. Good reason for selling. Apply to 1217 North Sixth i street, Samuel Scheln. FOR SALE ' ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at tba Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Gilbert Player, good as new; scarf, bench and rolls; cost $650.00; Will sell for $224.00 to quick buyer, aa we need the room. Apply 424 Relly street. Bell phono 2281 W. HAVING purchased a truck, will sell some good single wagons, one heavy, open buggy. Breisford Packing Co. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply-—so for 26c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele wraph Printing Company. FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de llverel anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spot*. 1317-19 Market street. tI ,FOR SALE 1916 Ford touring ca«, like new, $360. Apply, or write. No. 1190 Walnut street. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Three-chaired barber esse. Apply L. R. O'Donnel, 178 North 1-ront street, Steelton, Pa. GLASS wlnaow sign v. Furnished Booms, Unfurnlsned noons. Rooms and Board and Table Board at Sfic each. One of these siffhs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. U P«'d In advance. Inquire at Office at Telegraph. , SAUE Second-Yinna and re built typewriters of all makes. $lO and up. I* c. Smith, Underwood, Royal, Dens more and others. Inquire Georgs P. Tillotson. 86 South Fourth street. BICYCLES, frames, coaster brakes or any part of bicycle bought for highest cash price. Write, phone or call. Keystone Garage, 814 N. 3rd street Bell phone 266-R. FOR SALE Handsome, highgrade. six-cylinder touring car; equipment perfect. Very low figure. 413 South Cameron street. FOR SALE Good touring car for jitney; cheap. 413 South Cameron street. FOR SALE Gas heater and gat. range. 1633 Cedar street. Cameron Ex tension. Bell phone 2444 J. SALE One "Crawford" and 2"« Regal" touring car. In good con dition. Inquire Comstock Garage, Me chanlcsburg, Pa. TOR SALE - Early English mission library table, 3%x2; one fumed oak leather couch, plain, 6ifcx2%; one Wil li 1 " rHS: Oriental design, 9x12. Apply No. 1439 Berryhlll street. FOR SALE A Mitchell touring car; guaranteed in first-class condition; should see to appreciate, that at $400.00 ■? r £ al ".' A PP'>" at private gar age. 1316 Bartine avenue. SALE Two' large slabs of marble about 4x6 ft. Inquire Business Manager. Harrisburg Telegraph. I .^°n7 S^ L 1?. AT QADLSrs, m7TIB ! *nd 117 South Second street. 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. Ali the full line of the Acme make. ?OR SALE-- Will sell at a bargain a TJeautlful Behnlng & Sons Plaver- Plano, good as new, S7OO. Same can be seen at the warerooms of Slgler Piano Store. 30 North Second street, Harris" Pa. Social Club. r» SALE, CHEAP Oakland m™ lights; good condl tion. Ford Sales Company, South Cam eron street. Harrisburg. Pa. o.nri l ), R ti S -Vj? —l. Vlctrola and records ?o i !i u o9 ' 1,1 sell cheap. Call at !8 South Seventeenth street, City. FOR SALE lndian motorcycle' guaranteed first-class condition;' a bargain to quick buyer. Call, or ad dress M. . Garland, 2000 North Fifth street. City. FOR SALE Mitchell roadster, with convertible body. First-class condition Engine runs perfect. Four new tires. Price, S3OO. Address R. F. G., in care of Telegraph. FOR SALE —One mahogany jewelrv wall case, 8 ft. long, 7% ft. high, and two large file cabinets. Price reason able to Interested purchaser; also $450 mission upright piano, SSO. Address p O. Box 56, City. CLOSING-OUT BARGAINS! New Carpets. Furniture, Musical Instruments. Linoleum. 36c; Ingrain, 20c—best 46c Best Brussels. 60c; Lining. 3c; Sweeoers' $1; Rugs. 9x12. $3; Fence Posts. 15c. Ylngst. Front-Cumberland. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Secon-1. FOR SALE Good, gray horse, 1.100 , Price, $76.00. Inquire Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry. FOR SALE CARDS on sals at tbs Telegraph Business offic& FOR KENT FOR RENT Warehouse; three story brick building; 11,000 sq. ft. floor space; elevator 6xß ft.; along P. R. R. with siding. Inquire Dauphin Deposit Trußt Co. FOR RENT Secona floor room. 3,700 square feet for light manufactur ing purposes New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streeta WANTED WANTED City or suburb, a small but good paying business for cash. No special preference as to kind, but must Btand close Inspection. Others need not reply. D.. 286 1, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good Inccme corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, LOCK port. N. T. . AN A No. one general store located in growing suburban town will sell at Inventory rent of room, $20.00 business done last year. $18,000.00. Will inventory about $4,000.00. Brlnton- I Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. I MADE $60,000 In flv« years in the mall order business, began with $(. Bend for free booklet Tells bow. Hea cock. 356 Locknort. tt. T. BUSINESS PERSONAI.fi "wB are headquarters for Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va cation Inspect our large stock. Have your repairing done here and save money. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. Second and Chestnut FOR falling hatr try Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, ths Druggist and Apothecavy, 11$ Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bsll IMP- RAVUHO R. A. HARTMAN. Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers ot pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. ft. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone Na ISO3R. * STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGR Private rooms tor household goods, S3 psr month and up. We Invite Inspection, Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. WANT to store ten upright pianos, sllghtlv used, with reliable families, to make room for large shipment. Use of piano allowed for storage. Address S.. ?SSB, care of Telegraph. STORA'GE 4l» Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to S3. agons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper ft Co.. «U Broad street Both cbonea LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE By virtue of a decree of the court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, sit ting in Equity, filed to No. 550 Equity Docket, the undersigned will expose at' public sale and sell to the highest and best bidder. In accordance with the terms of the decree aforesaid, at the Courthouse in the City of Harrisburg, on Friday, the sth day of November, 1915, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all the lines of telephone and system of telephone communication of the Cum berland Valley Telephone Company as now constructed and in operation, whether constructed by said company or acquired by purchase, lease or other wise; Ixicated In the Counties of Dau phin, York, Adams, Cumberland, Frank lin, Perry, Juniata. Mifflin. Snyder and Schuylkill in the State of Pennsylvania, commencing In the City of Harrisburg, thence extending southwesterly through Mechanlcsburg. Carlisle, Newvllle. Ship pensburg, Chambersburg, Greencastle to Maryland State line; from Chambers burg southeasterly through Fayette ville, Graffensburg, Cash Town, Mc- Knlghtstown, Gettysburg and thence to Llttle?town to Maryland State line; from Gettysburg to and through New Oxford, Hanover, Spring Grove and thence connecting with the York Tele phone and Telegraph Company; from New Oxford through East Berlin to Hamptdon; from Chambersburg west to St. Thomas and Richmond, connect ing with the Orblsonia Telephone Com pany; south from St. Thomas through Mercersburg to Welsh's Run; from Greencastle southeast through Waynes boro, thence to Maryland State line; from Gettysburg through Seven Stars, Rlglervllle to York Springs and Latl-1 more: from Shlppensburg through to Orrstown to Strassburg. from Newvllle to Clreen Spring connecting with the Hopewell Telephone Company; from Carlisle through Mount Holly to Pine Grove; from Carlisle through Church - town to Boiling Springs; from Carlisle through Elliottson to Plainfleld; from Mechanlcsburg south through Shep- Ipardstown; Bowmansdaio to Grantham; from Mechanlcsburg to Hogestown; from Harrisburg to West Falrvlew and Enola, thence connecting with the East ern Perry Telephone & Telegraph Com pany; from Harrisburg to and through Steelton to Oberlin and Hlghsplre, con necting with the Mlddietown Telephone Company; from Harrisburg through Penbrook to Progress, connecting with I the East Hanover Telephone Company; from Harrisburg east through Paxtang, Rutherford. Hummelstown, Hockers ville, Hershey to Cainpbellstown, con necting with the I'nited Telegraph & Telephone Company; at Hummelstown connecting with the Farmers Mutual Telephone Company and at Hockersvllle connecting with the Derry Township Telephone Company, also connecting at Hummelstown with the Middletown Telephone Company; and from Harrisburg north through Rock vllle. Dauphin, thence to Mata moras, there connecting with the Lykens Telegraph & Telephone Com pany, with all trunk and other lines connecting and uniting the same, all branch arid service lines in the cities and boroughs and townships of the counties named, all exchanges, private branch exchanges, exchange and station outfits, switchboards, supplies and ap paratus and transmitting communica tions. cables and wires, overhead and | underground, in buildings or exposed, all telephones and transmitters, whether placed in the property of Cum berland Valley Telephone Company or of other corporations, firms or individ uals, together with all branches and extensions thereof and therefrom, all lines and rights of way occupied by lines of said Company, granted by municipal or proper authorities of cit ies, boroughs and townships, and all the estate, right, title and Interest of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Com pany in and to all the aforesaid, and all leases and contracts and all the es tate in leased lines and all extensions now belonging and maintained by Cumberland Valley Telephone Com pany, constituting and making an en tire plant and system of communica tion. Improvements and hereditaments used for the purpose of operating and conducting the business of a telephone company, together with all private branch exchanges, furniture, tools, Im plements and materials belonging- to said Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, and together with all and singular the ways, easements. rights and franchises to operate said line of telephone company, liberties, privi leges, hereditaments and appurtenances, as well as the rents, tolls, income, Is sues and profits, and generally all the estate, real and personal, and all the estate, right, property, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the Cum berland Valtey Telephone Company, in law or in equity or otherwise howso ever. Also all the right, title, interest and ownership of said Cumberland Valley Telephone Company in and to the fran chises. property, rights and credits formerly of a corporation known as the Juniata & Susquehanna Telephone Company, all of whose property Is sub iect to a mortgage of the par value of 96,000.00 and consists of certain tele phone lines and property situate In the counties of Perry, Snyder, Mifflin. Juni «ta, Dauphin and Schuylkill, In the State of Pennsylvania, the terminal points thereof being as follows; The boundary line between Centre and Mif flin counties at a point near Mllroy, also Belleville, Mifflin County; also a point | on the west bank of the Susquehanna River at the end of the railroad bridge opposite Sunbury, Northumberland County; also New Bloomfleld, Perry County; also East Waterford, Juniata County; ajso Montgomery's Ferrv In Perry County, and certain lines built In the Lykens Valley In Dauphin County, connecting with the lines of the Lykens Telegraph and Telephone Company. And also, all the right, title, interest and ownership of the said Cumberland Valley Telephone Company In and to $10,000.00 par value of the capital stock of the Lykens Telegraph & Telephone Company, a corporation of the State of Pennsylvania, being the total issue thereof; and $138,750.00 par value oi the capital stock of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company of Balti more City, a corporation of the State of Maryland, doing business In the States of Maryland. Virginia and West Virgin ia with exchanges in Hagerstown and Willlamsport, State of Maryland, In Martinsburg, West Virginia and Win chester, Virginia, being the total Issue thereof; and all the right, title and in terest of the said Cumberland Valley Telephone Company in and to a claim against the United Telephone & Tele graph Company for an amount not less than $300,000, said amount being due as rentals to said Cumberland Valley Tele phone Company. More definite information as to the quantity and location of property to be sold, If desired, may be obtained upon application to the undersigned. All the property abo*'e described and referred to will be sold as an entirety to the highest and best bidder. No bid less than fifty thousand dollars will be accepted, ana no bid will be received from any bidder who shall not deposit with the undersigned, as a pledge that he will make good his bid in case of Its acceptance, the sum of five thou-v sand dollars In cash or In a certified check on a National Bank or Trusv Company In the State of Pennsylvania. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned when the property has been stricken down and the deposit of the successful bidder will be applied on account of his bid. Twenty per cent, oi the purchase money must be paid n> cash to the undersigned within ten days after the property is stricken down, the deposit above provided for to be part of said 20 per centum and the rest of the purchase money shall be paid to the undersigned within three weeks after the date of confirmation of sale by the Court, application for which confirmation will be made two weeks after the property shall have been gold. The purchaser in making payment of 80 per cent, of the purchase money will be entitled to deliver to rhe Trustee and use toward the payment of said 80 per cent, flrst mortgage bonds of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, at such values as the Trustee may esti* mate, as provided in the decree direct ing this sale to be made. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. Harrisburg, Pa. FINANCIAL WANTED To borrow $3,000 at five (6) per cent., giving flrst mortgage on real estate. Address P. O. Box No. 496, Steelton, Pa. AUGUST 12, 1915. IRREGULARITY NOTED j IN MARKET OPENING j 1 AUis Chalmers Active a$ Result of Rumor That Bethlehem Acquired Control ' j t < fly Associated Press New York, Aug. 12.—Some lrregu- I larity was noted at the outset of to- ] day's trading, In contrast to recent ] buoyant openings. A few of thfc war l specialties registered declines, but 1 these were offset by further activity In J Allis-Chalmers common and preferred. Ailis-Chalmers common was offered In an Initial lot of 4,500 shares at 40 to \ MM. adding almost 2 points to yes terday's gain of 7 V 4, and the preferred soon gained 4 points, both selling as high records. Rethlehem Steel pre ferred jumped 9 points to 160, also a new high record for that stock. The movement in Allis-Chalmers issues was based on rumors that Bethlehem Steel i interests had acquired control of that property. Changes otherwise were \ mainly fractional. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, Aug. 12. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 34% 34-% 34% 34% , Am Bt Sug 59 % 61% 5# 59% Am Can .. 58% 60% 58% 58% ' Am Can pd 106 106 106 106 Am C& F. 68 68% 62 % 68% Am Cot Oil 50 50% 49% 49% Am Ice Sec 23 23 23 23 Am Loco , 53% 54% 53% 54 Am Smelt . 80% 81% 80 80% Am Sugar . 110% 111 110 110 Am T & T. 122% 122% 122% 122% Anaconda . 68% 68% 67% 68% Atchison .. 103% 103% 102% 102% Radlwin .. 79 82% 79 80% B& O 82% 83 82% 82% . Beth Steel . 297 301% 296 299 Bklyn FT. 85% 86% 85% 86% Can Pacific 155% 156% 153% 154 Cent Leath 42% 43% 42% 42% C&O 45% 45% 45 45 % xC M&St P 84m 84% 83 83 CR I &P. 17% 17% 17 17% C Con Cop. 45 45 44 % 44% ! Col F & I. 40% 41% 40% 40% i "Con Gas . 127% 128% 127% 128% ICruc St . , 81 83% 80% 81 ! Dist Sec .. 29% 29% 28% 28% Erie 29% 29% 28% 29 I Erie Ist pfd 44% 45% 44% 45 'Gen E Co.. 171% 175% 171% 173 , Gen Motors 217% 223% 217% 221 Goodrh BF 52% 55% 52% 54% ;Gt Nor' pfd 119% 119% 119% 119% Gt N Ore s 41 42% 41 41% tGug Exp .. 63% 63% 63% 63% Unsp Cop .j 32% 32% 32% 32% In-Met 20% 20% 20* 20% KC So .. . 28% 29 28% 25 Lehigh Val 145% 146 145 % 146 Mex Petro. 81% 82% 78 79 Mo Pac . , 2 % 2 % 2 2 Nat Lead.. 64% 66% 64% 64% NY Cent.. 91% 91% 91 91 NY.NH& H 65 65% 64% 64% NY.O & W 28% 28% Nor & W.. 108% 109 108% 108% North Pac. 109 109% 108% 108% Pac Mall.. 33% 34% 32 32 Pa Rail.... 109% 109% 109% 109% Pitts C 24% 25% 24% 25% Pitts C pd.. 93% 94 93 % 93% I Prs S C 59 62 59 62 Ball SS. . . 39% 41% 39 41 % iRayCC... 22% 22% 22% 22% I Reading .. 152 152 150% 150% I Rep 15... 44% 44% 43% 44 [ Rep I S pd. 98% 98% 98% 95% j South Pac. 90 90% 89% 89% | South Ky.. 16% 16% 16% 16% South Rpd 50% 50% 48 48 Studebaker. 87 88 86% 87% TennCop.. 42% 43% 42% 42% Third Ave. 51% 51% 51% 51% Union Pac. 132% 133 131% 132 US Rub... 47% 48% 47% 48% US Steel.. 74% 75% 73% 7 4 U S Stl pd. 113 113% 112% 111% Utah Cop.. 66 66% 66 66% Vir-Car C.. 34% 35% 34% 35% West U Tel 71% 71% 70% 71% West Mfg.. 113% 114% 112% 113 x Ex. dlv. 2. * Ex. div. 1%. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Px Associated Press Philadelphia, Aug. 12. Wheat Firm; No. 2. red, car lots, new, July, export, $1.18@1.20: No. 1. Northern, Du iuth, old, export, j1.6891.63. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, 90',4®91%c; steamer No. 2 yellow, lo cal, 89%@90%c. Oats Scarce and higher; No. 2, white, held at 70c. Bran Mark6i steady; winter, city mills, $527.00 per ton; winter, per ton, none here: spring, per ton, $25.50 @ 26.00. Refined Sugars Market higher; powdered , 5.80<8 5.85 c; granulated. 5.75 @5.80c: confectioners' A. 6.65@>6.70c. Butter Market firm; western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby prints, fancy. 30c. Eggs The market la firm; Pennsylvania nnfl oinei nearny flr»>«. free cases. $6.30 per case; do., current receipts. free cases, $6.40 @5.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE to property owners along the lines of Emerald street from Front street to Fifth street, Gruber alley from Camp street to Emerald street, Swab alley from Elizabeth alley to Gruber allev, Nineteenth street from Market street to Regina street. Nineteenth street from Market street to Chestnut street, Wharton alley from Fifth street to Sixth street, Howard street from Woodbine street to Wharton alley. Howard alley from Wharton alley to Camp street, Howard alley from Curtln street to Seneca street. Ethel street from Eighteenth street to Nineteenth street, and Market street from Nine teenth street to Twenty-first street. You are hereby notified that the as sessment to pay the cost and expense of paving and curbing the above named highways, under Ordinance No. 62. Ses sion of 1914-1915. Ordinance No. 76, Session of 1914-1916, Ordinance No. 64, Session of 1914-1915, Ordinance No. 74, Session of 1914-1915, Ordinance No. 119, Session of 1914-1915, Ordinance No. 104, Session of 1914-1916. Ordinance No. 109, Session of 1914-1915. Ordinance No. 116, Session of 1914-1916, and Ordinance No. 128, Session of 1914-1915. will be made by me. at my office, In the Common wealth Trust Company Building. No. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg. Pa., on Thursday, the 19th day of August, 1915, between the hours of nine o'clock A. M. and twelve o'clock noon, when and where all parties interested shall be ; heard ' M. B. COWDEN. Engineer. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy—No. 3004 ln the Matter of Albprt L Oyster. Bankrupt. , To the creditors of Albert L. Oyster, of Harrisburg, in the County of Dau phin, and District aforesaid, a bank rUNOTICE is hereby given that the i said bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such on August 2, 1915, and that the flrst meeting of the creditors will be held at the office of the Referee, No. 7 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., at 2 P. M. o'clock, on August 24, I#l6, at which time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may i properly come before said meeting. JOHN T. OLMSTED, Referee in Bankruptcy. August 12. 1915. free cases, $6.30®6.60 per case; do., firsts, free cases, *6.55@6.00 per case. P°ultry _ Market quiet; fowls, olu roosters, llin 12c; broil '^l?. ch,c , kens - 14®21c; spring ducks, 15 ®l«c; old ducks. 12® 14c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; rresh killed fowls, fancy, lftVi@l»c: do_ ?yS r SR% 16Hlfjl7Hc; do., unattractl**. 14H®15V4c: do., old roosters, 18c; do., broiling chickens, nearby, 24®28c; do.. western, 16®23c; do., spring? ducks, id ® 17c; Ice packed fowls, 15®17V4c. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Aug:. 12.—Stocks closed irregular. Cambria Steel 5314 General Asphalt 3•>ii General Asphalt, prd 6»u , ?, e Superior Corporation 9U Lehi/h Navigation 74 U Lehigh Valley MI!! I! 72« Pennsylvania Railroad 64? Philadelphia Electric 24'4 Philadelphia Company gss; Philadelphia Company. Pfd 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit !i Reading 75^ Storage Battery 63 Union Traction 34 >• United Gas Improvement 85 United States Steel 74 V# CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., Aug.*l2. —Board of Trade closing:: W Wl 3 e^> t , — ■ September. 1.11%; Decern ber, 1.09*4. Corn September, 75 %; December. 6 4 . 40 ° at8 Septumber, 41; December, , ,P° rk September, 14.05; October, 14.10. s Lard September, 8.00; October, 8 w' bS September, 8.92; October, CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, ill., Aug. 12. Hogs Re ceipts, 14,000; slow. Bulk of sales. $6.70 ®'- 3 °; light, $7.05®7.85; mixed, 16.45® 7.80; heavy, $6.30®7.25; rough, $6.30® ti.45; pigs, $6.75®7.90. Cattle Receipts. 3,000; steady. Na tive beef steers, $6.10#10.25; cows and heifers, $3.10®9.10; calves. $7.75©11.50. Sheep—Receipts, 16.000; weak. Sheep. $6.00@6.75; lambs, $7.00®9.15. County Controllers in Conference on Question of Tenure of Offices An informal conference of con trollers and solicitors from half a dozen counties of the State was held this afternoon in the offices of County Controller 11. W. Gough in the court house to discuss the act of 1913 which Axes the tenure of office for the con trollers at two years. Many of the solicitors will be can didates for re-election if the (1913 act is followed out but many of them con tend that the constitution provides that their term is to be four years and that the act in question which fixes two years as the tenure, is not tenable. The visiting controllers and solicitors include: Controllers T. W. Tobias, Blair: F. S. Barkenslager, Yorlc; John W. Tlm mens, Northumberland; George F. R. Young, Northampton; P. L. Davis, Delaware; E. Vinton Phillips, Chester, and Henry W. Gough, Dauphin, and Solicitors J. Lee Plummor, Blair, and J. Lord Rigby, Delaware. 1 ■■ 1 THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M„ at its new location, front ana Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. niIBBER SfAMnn Mil SEALS A STENCILS I#V II V MFG.BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ | J II 130 LOCUSTST. HBQ.PA. II For Rent Large room In Kelker Street Market House, lighted on all sides, elevator and cellar room If needed. Inquire of Market Master, or 1716 Susquehanna street. LOANS sls to S3OO for individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet im mediate necessities at new low legal rates. Payments arranged to suit your income and time to suit your conven ience. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 204 CHESTNUT ST. ' FARMS FOR SALE CUMBERLAND COUNTY 7 acres, 4 miles from New Kingston; along State Road, 7-room frame house, all outbuildings. 950 bearing peach trees. A good truck or poultry farm. Price $1450 2-acre farm, one-half mile northeast of New Kingston; six-room frame house; outbuildings; 26 Balwln apple trees, four years old, good land. Price •«00 6-acre poultry farm, 3 miles west of Enola; 6-room frame house. A lot of fruit and berries. Price 91000 60 acres in Dauphin county, 5 miles from Halifax. A number of fruit trees. This would make a good fruit farm. Price H2OOU 24 acres, 2 miles east of Middletown, good buildings. A large number of fruit trees; a first-class fruit or truck farm. W. F. FRAKE, Real Estate Agent 20 X. Second St. Harrisburg, Pa. PUBLIC SALE —OF— REAL ESTATE The undersigned will expose at Public Sale, In front of the Court house,- Harrisburg, Pa., on Tues day, August 17, 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M., that finely located corner business property. No. 814 N. Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. Terms: Ten per cent at time of sale and balance of purchase money September 1, 1915, on de livery .of deed. J. Chas. Brenizer, Owner A. H. Shrenk, Auctioneer. ' II Mill 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers