RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS. ANNIVERSARIES CASH PREMIUMS AT FARMERS: BIG PICNIC Grains, Fruit, Flowers, Needlework and Poultry Listed For Boil ing Springs Show PARTY AT SHEFFER HOME The Rev. L M. Dice, of Mechanics burg. in Charge of Children's Hour at Milton Camp By Special Correspondence Meohani<sl»ug. Pa., Aug. 7. Over two hur.dred dollars will be given as premiums at the Farmers' Industrial picnic at Boiling Springs next Wednes day and Thursday for best grains,, fruit, flowers, needlework and poultry. Farmers and others exhibiting need not be residents of Cumberland coun ty, but can enter their staples from anywhere. The home ot Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shelter was The scene of a happy gathering on Tuesday eve ning. when a surprise party was given for their daughter. Miss Katnryn. Tiie evening was an enjoyaDle one and re- • freshments were served. The young lady was the recipient of a number of presents. The following were present: : Misses Marjorie Baum. Florence Orris, | Alma Beck, Loraine urown, Messrs. Freldly Schahirt, Jacob Eekert, Chas. ■ Brunhouse, of Mechanicsburg, and | Wayne G. Snyder of Harrisburg. The Rev. L. M. Dice or the Grace Evangelical church, is attending the campmeeting at West Mllto™. He will have charge of the children's hour at the camp. Miss Paul of Washing-1 ton, D. C., Is being entertained at the home of Mrs. J. H. Walters. Mrs. Mary J Gibson has returned home from a visit to Johnstown, to which place she had gone a->out a month ago on an automobile Trip with her son-in-law, H. C. Hubler, of Scranton. j ■— William Fink, who was visiting in , Boston, Mass., the past week, has re- ! turned home. AUTO TRIP TO STKEI /TON By Special Correspondence Rife. Pa., Aug. 7. —Harvey Srneltzer has bought the home of Arthur Kop penhaver. Ditty Brothers are busy j threshing for the farmers in this sec tion. Ditty and Longabuch are mov ing their saw mill to Mahontong mountains on Mrs. Kate Reigles' tract. Lucy and Sallie Hoy are home for some time, the former of Harrisburg and the latter from Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Spotts expect taking a trip to Steelton by auto on Sunday ; to visit their son. Harris. Mrs. A 1 Kllnger and daughter. Annie, called at the home of S. A. Holtiman on Wed- ! nesday. Emma Kahler of Phila delphia Is visiting at the home of Geo. Novlnger. Miles and Mildred Stro hecker called on friends at Elizabeth- ! vllle on Sunday. Tne Upper Pax- . ii ton School Board met on Saturday' and finished up the contracts with its teachers. Levi Shaffer biught the [ Peter Delbler farm at Curtln for $3,-| 000 recently. SafemUk Infants «nd Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding Ike whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers a*4 the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Uni&tf you say "HORLIOITS" you may got m rnubatltutom Clean Your Wi ndows and si s ns? We Know How! No chemicals just water, chamois skin, woolen cloths and lots of elbow grease. WE CLEAN THEM BCT DON' T SCBATCH THEM We're thoroughly an to our Job and simply want to "show you" that we are. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. OFFICF—BOB EAST ST. Bell Phone 631-J SATURDAY EVENING, EVANGELIST AND HIS 1 m BL m MRS. WILLIAM H. FRIDAJT, Assist ant. "T '** WILLIAM rfSTRIDAY. JR., E>rf«g|*3t. Berrysburg Deserted When People Go to Campmeeting By Special Correspondence Berrysburg, Pa., Aug- 7.—The Rev. and Mrs. Krause and children, of Au : burn, formerly of this place, visited friends in town recently. Kennerd McFarland, of Harrisburg, was a vls | itor here. Mr. and Mrs. William i McDermot, of Steelton, are spending ! several weeks with the latter s parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weaver.—Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Straub, of Hershey In dustrial School, visited the former's parents.—Ralph Weaver, of Sunbury, spent several days with his brother Ramsey.—Mrs. Ralph Strawhecker, of Harrisburg, spent several days at home.-—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinder vater and two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Kaise and son. of Baltimore, are visit ing; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kindervater, Jr.—Miss May Bucher, of Red Cross, visited her sister, Mrs. ' John Bucher.—The town was virtually ! deserted on Sunday, most all the peo- I pie attending Elizabethville canip | meeting.—Mr. and Mrs. John Klinger | and Mrs. Renninger. of Allentown, are making a round among former friends ; and acquaintances.—Mrs. John Miller i and children, of Harrisburg, who spent I several months here, returned to their . home this week.—Miss Ola Weaver ! haa returned from her employment | and will take a rest before taking up her teaching this winter. BOY BREAKS WBIST Special to The Telegraph j Mlllerstown, Pa.. Aug. 7. Mrs. David Sternberger, of Lemoyne, is vis jiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner.—G. D. Taylor who had been ; visiting his son. Dr. Banks Taylor, in j Reading, returned home Tuesday.— Mrs. Ard. Alexander and daughter Mary, of Bellevue. 111.; jurs. Herman Fickes, of Rochester, N. Y.; Miss Anna Alexander, of Steubensville, Ohio, and George Alexander, of Xew York City, are spending some time with their mother, Mrs. S. C. Alexan der and sister Miss Alice Alexander.— Dr. Roscoe Hall, who has spent a three weeks' vacation with his mother Mrs. J. C. Hall, returned to his work in Baltimore on Mondav.—Misses Kathryn and Mildred Mauk of Har risburg and Miss Miriam Hart of Wil llamsport, are guests of their uncle, D. M. Rickabaugh.—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice of Baltimore, spent several days with their uncle, Irvin Crane. — Margaret Brown, of Tyrone, visited Miss Nan Honyn this week.—Mrs. J. Snyder, of Port Deposit, Md.. was the guest of P. R. Shenk on Wednesday.— Mrs. Lewis ITlsh and son Harrv are at Dauphin.—Mrs. Sarah Stouffer, of Thompsontown. is visiting her sister. Mrs. William Marshall. —Frank Wag ner spent the week-end at Lemoyne with his daughter, Mrs. David Stern berger.—Miss Ruth Shenk has re turned home from Elizabethville, where she visited her friends. Miss Blanche Togg-leman.—The pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal Church was filled Sunday morning by the Rev. Mr. Skeath, of Mlllersburg, who spent sev eral weeks at Elm Cottage.—William Franklin, who spent several weeks In Ohio, returned home Friday.,—Edgar Rounsley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Ulsh with his parents, while playing In barn, fell from the I hav mow, fracturing his wrist and re [eeiving Internal Injuries.— Mrs. Bur | ton Allen, of Wormleysburg, Is vlslt llng her sister, Miss Ella Tyson.—Mr. ! and Mrs. William Bollinger spent Sat- I urday In Harrisburg.—Mrs. David ! Snyder Is visiting her son, Mr. William | Snyder in Harrisburg. Always \&QS Painstaking A minute defect in the .<\[_ lens that forma part of theVxlfN eye will prevent certain J(£}• rays of light from focusing IfT correctly on. the retina of the eye. y l/i^ This means Imperfect via- //W ion. / y By hia examination the L optometrist finds this defect and works out a formula by which a glass lens may be ground to counteract it. That has been my life study. Witt m - >■s. k ..y MISS LILLIAN LUYSTER, Secretary. Religious Workers Who Are Conducting Services at Stoverdale Campmeeting William Friday. affectionately : known as "Billy," was born at Brook- ! lyn. N. Y. lie was formerly a business man. having been the senior partner" of one of the bin real estate concerns there anil also the president of a real' estate corporation. For years he has been writing songs and had at one time a theatrical song publishing bu reau in the heart of the Tenderloin in New York City. It was through the evangelistic work that he gave up the theatrical business. He has written] hundreds of songs and is now writing | hymns. He uses one of his own hymn! books at his meetings, it was through Mr. Friday that "Gipsy" Smith, Jr.. \ was brought into evangelistic work.! he having been Mr. Friday's singer | seven years ago when they conducted i Evangelistic campaigns in New Yorkj churches. Mr. Friday has done slum work in New York City for years. Mrs. William Friday, the evangel ist's wife, was also born at Brooklyn, X. Y... and the evangllst met her there. She assists him in his work at home and in the field. Miss Lillian Luyster, Mr. Friday's! secretary and assistant, who lias! charge of the children's and mothers' meetings, is also a Brooklyn girl and 1 has done effectual work for years, in her line. Thompsontown Residents Back For Old Home Week By Special Correspondence Thoiupsonton n. Pa.. Aug. 7.—Many former residents and friends were here for Old Home Day last Saturday, many of them spending the week-end with friends, among them were: Mrs. Elmer McCauley and daughter; Miss Anna Thompson and Mrs. Harris, of Harris burg; Lou Thompson and Miss Rilla Thompson, of Mexico, guests of Mrs. William Ripman; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Davie and Banks Heller, of Altoona, guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Heller; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Heller and two chil dren of Hollidaysburg; Roy Colyer, of Harrisburg. at Williams Colyers; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hopple and Mr. and Mrs. Frymo.ver, of Cocalamus, guests of Mr and Mrs. C. C. Zeigler; Miss Dora Dyer, of Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bashore, Miss Mumah and David Charters, of Oak Land, at W. R. Long's. —Mrs. Emma Meisenheltzer and daugh ter. of Altoona. guests of Miss Sallle McNaight. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mo- Xaight, of Mount Union, visited his mother, Mrs. Irvin McNaight. Mrs. B. F. Dennis, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Keplar. of Altoona! visited their mother. Mrs Mary Gross.— Mrs. Morgan Woods and son. Edgar, of Shawmont, near Philadelphia; Misses Helen Rife and Alice Wright, of Har risburg, at David Dimms. Mrs. Daisy "Uavlor. of Bellwood. was a guest of Mrs. Keturah Meredith. Mrs. Mary 1 Stengel and daughter, Freeda. of Oak I Lane, are spending the month with her sister. Mrs. Edward S. Thompson. The Misses Kniseley, of Mexico, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Haines. —Mrs. Charles Branin. of Medford, X. J., visited her sister, Mrs. R. C. Nelson. —Mrs. Snow and daughter, of Phlladel ,phla, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Metz. Mrs. Israel Tennis, accom panied by Mrs. J. .Frank Patterson, of Mifflintown, left on Tuesday for Tole do, 0., where they will visit the lat ter'* sister. Mrs. Thomas Walbridge.— Miss Helen Ripman, of Newport, was a guest on Tuesday of her brother. Wil liam Ripman. The Rev. D. B. Trelb ley was granted a two weeks' vacation. Accompanied by Mrs. Trelbley he left on Thursday by auto for a tour tnrougn the coal regions. 700 Attend Shiremanstown's Picnic at Boiling Springs By Special Correspondence Shiremansltmii. Pa., Aug. 7. Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Warner, of St. Peters burg. Fla.. are guests at the Heck resi dence in East Main street.—Miss Daisy Russell, of Shlppensburg. Is visiting friends here.—Mrs. Blanche Miller and Miss Elsie Dormon have returned to Reading after spending a Week here. \ ernon Keister. of Wormleysburg, was a guest at the home of Mrs. H. M. Rupp.—Miss Rhoda Beamer is spend ing the week-end with Gettysburg friends.—Mrs. James T. Little. Miss Irene Little and Miss Jean Uttle, of Pittsburgh, are guests of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sheely and son Robert, of Chambersburg, are visiting the former's parents. Mrs. Hattie Berger. of Harrisburg, spent several days with her aunt here.—About seven hundred people attended the town picnic held at Boiling Springs on Thursday. In spite of the rainy weather all the contests were carried out. each winner receiving a valuable prize. This was the first Shlremans town picnic and the committee has agreed to hold another next year. PREACHING AT MT. LA FUEL Plketown, Pa.. .Aug. 7. Jesse Hughes spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Brook Hughes near Elija hethtown. There will be preaching services In the Mount Laurel Bethel on Sunday. August 15. morning and evening by the pastor, the Rev. Jonas Martin. The congregational meeting will be held at the morning service. Mr. and Mrs. John Launse and daugh ters Blanche and Minnie spent Sun day with William Launse near Pen brook. Lincoln Zeiders, of Harris burg, is the guest of his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Zeiders.— J. H. Mumma and son Harry visited In Harrisburg on Wednesday.— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wlckenhelser of Pax tonia. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pletz. jof Fishing Creek Valley, were guests jof William Brown and Miss Priscilla I Ramsey on Sunday. Miss Mary Ry an of Penbrook, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Selger. Mr. and Mrs. George Fitting spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles ; Books at Linglestown. The Rev. and Mrs. Jonas Martin and children Mary and Willis, visited Harrisburg on Wednesday. George Wade, of ! Fishing Creek Valley, visited Jlr.' and 'Mrs. S. M. Strohxn, oa Monday. ffiUIRISBUR k TELEGRAPH MISSIOIISIO START FOR CHINA j Dr. and Mrs. Snoke, of Newville, Will Sail From San Francisco August 25 ON LONG JOURNEY TO AMOY Cleveland Minister Will Speak in Newville Church Tomorrow Morning and Evening By Special Correspondence Newville, Pa., Aug. 7. Mr. and; Mrs. John Wheeler, of Harrisburg, J spent the week-end with the former's sters, Mrs. Laura Van Ardien and Miss Annie Wheeler. Miss Jennie Davidson accompanied by her niece, Miss Martha Greenawalt, of Cham bersburg, is on a trip to the Catskill mountains in New York State. A. Clair Landls, of Havana, Cuba, and George B. Landis, of Harrisburg, spent ( Wednesday with their mother, Mrs.' M. E. Landis. Miss Edna P. Hursh, j who spent several weeks with her; father and sisters, has returned to j her duties at Athens, Ohio. The I Rev. Carl Rasmussen, pastor of Zion i Lutheran Church, has gone to his home at Detroit, Mich., to spend his | month's vacation. John Karherer, | of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with his i sister, Mrs. Charleston. Mrs. Alfred j Bowman and daughter, who spent j some time with the former's mother, , Mrs. High, has returned to her home i in Philadelphia. Dr. and Mrs. John ' Snoke. who spent the past year with ; their parents here, left yesterday on. their return journey to Amoy, China, where they are engaged in missionary j work. They expect to sail from San j Francisco, August 25. Prof. Willis K. Glanser has returned from a trip to Philadelphia and Chester. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Landis and two chil dren of Riddlesburg, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. M. E. Landis. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodburn, who spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. i Woodburn. have returned to their home at Baltimore, Md. Mrs. An nie McCoy, who spent the past three months among her children. In Me -1 Keesport and Philadelphia, has re i turned to her home here. Miss Alice Lehman, a trained nurse, of Philadelphia, is visiting her sister. Miss Mary C. Lehman, Albert H. White, of Cleveland, Ohio, will speak jin Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday morning and in the Methodist Church I in the afternoon. Friends of Miss | Lydia Harlan gave her a "kitchen j shower at her home in Big Spring ave- I nue, on Thursday evening. Miss i Harlan's engagement to John Sheldon lof Pittsburgh, was announced in the J Spring. Members of the Civic Club I of this place will hold a picnic at Mt. Holly Park, on Thursday, August 12. Linglestown Young Folks at Stoverdale Cottage By Special Correspondence linglestown, Pa., Aug. 7. Church j services will be held In the United ! Brethren church to-morrow morning I by the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch, j and an open-air serflce will be held, 'in the evening in front of the Church of God, with preaching ny the Rev. George Sigler. Churcn services will be held in Wenrich's Cnurch in the morning by the Lutheran pastor, the Rev. O. R. Bltner. Norman Feeser returned to Ohio this week after spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Mary Feeser. Miles Zimmer man made a trip to Brooklyn, N. V. recently. William end George Parthemore, of Enhaut, are spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Cas sel of Hershey on Suniray were the guests of Mrs. May me Cassel. Mrs. Annie Smith is chaperoning a num ber of young girls and boys at the "X Tin IV Fun" Cottage at Stoverdale. The Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Lehman and son, of Hummelstown, on Wednesday were guests of Mrs. Annie Buck. Miss Jane Care and Miss Grace Smith i will live at Leßavsville, Pa., where Mr. Hilda Mixell returned home after spending some time with her sister at Baltimore, Md. Reily Cassel of Lan caster. was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mayme Cassel on Monday. Kevin W. Moyer of Morganza, visited friends here recently. Dr. B. Brown and Ross Look arc spending several days at Atlantic City. The Rev. J. H. Dohner of Shlppenshur*. was a visitor here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Care spent the week-end at their cottage at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Johnson and daugh ter, Ruth of Steelton, were the week end guests of Mrs. Mary Farling. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Care and son, l Ross, of Steelton, were the week-end guests of C. B. Care.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Look of Chamber Hill were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Buck. "Zaccheus, the Publican," Subject of Sunday Sermon By Special Correspondence I/ewisherry, Pa., Aug. 7.—The Rev. Allan C. Shue. pastor of the Ridge Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church of York and a former pastor of the local Methodist Episcopal Church, will de liver sermons both morning and even ing and administer communion in the local church on Sunday. August 15. Mrs. Harry Spangier, son James and daughters Louise and Mildred are vis iting Mrs. Spangler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shlrey, of Jersey Shore.—Miss Ethel Bowers, of York Haven, and Mrs. Noel, of Mlddletown, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zorker. —Mr. and Mrs. John Laucks returned to their home In York after a week's visit with Mrs. Lauck's mother, Mrs. Amanda Bonner. —Mr. and Mrs. Ro man M. Spangier spent the week with relatives In Red Lion.—Mrs. Bartholo mew. wife of the Rev. M. E. Bartholo mew. pastor of the United Evangelical Church, and daughter Irene are visit ing relatives In Willlamsport.—Ches ter C. Byler. of Harrisburg, spent Sun day at the Foster home. Upon his return home he was accompanied by Mrs. Byler, who spent ten days visit ing relatives here.—Miss Dora Myers, of Harrisburg, Is spending the summer at the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sutton.—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney spent Wednesdav at New Cumberland.—Zaccheus. the Publican." will be the subject of the Rev. Edward Jackson - ' sermon to morrow evening at the Methodist Enlscopal Church. Bruce G. Neblnger will lead the senior league service nt 7p. m. The tonic to be discussed will i he "My Favorite Bible Character and I Why." The class meeting at 10 a. m. i wUI be led by Mrs. E. A. Pennington. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special rrespvndence Wormleysburg. .Virs. G. B. Ren shaw spent the week at KlMabethvllie camp grounds and at Lykens. Mrs. Vernon Kister Is spending some time visiting friends at Golttaboro. Mrs. J. J. Hemmer entertained her cousins from Carlisle on Friday.—Mrs. Arnold has returned to her home from the hospital and is improving. The Rev. E. J. Renshaw and family of Boons boro, Md., stopped at the Rev. G. B. Renshaw's on Friday on their way home from Lancaster. Mr. Twlgg Is still very ill. Mrs. George Herr and two children huve returned to their home at Crum Lynne after spending two weeks with her uncie. the Rev. G. B. Renshaw. Misses Vada and Elinor Buker returned home on Satur day after spending several weeks at Hagerstown and W illlauisport, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker were the | guests of Hagerstown relatives on. Sunday. Miss Portia Sadler is spending some] time with Mrs. Moyer at Altoona. Mrs. R. P. Hummel spent Wednesday! at New Cumberland as the guest of, Mrs. Davis. —Miss Margaret Snyder, of Pillow is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Lauber. Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Poulton have returned from a trip to New York. Miss Grace Allen Is spending some time at Millerstown. — Mrs. Howard Quigley is the week-end guest of her sister. Mm. Huojmel at Marysvllle. Misses Frances Daniels and Marguerite Mays spent Sunday as the guests of Ruth Hummel. Mrs. Calhoon of Mlddletown, is spending some time here. Miss Graie Loutz spent Monday with Beatrice Hummel. - Mrs. Mary Boak has returned from a week's visit to Yocunitown. Wllllanistown. Misses Helen and Olive Budd left Sunday for Sliamokin to spend a «eek with friends. Mrs. T. B. Lesher and daughters, Rita and Clara, visited friends at Salem Hall.— Mrs. H. A. Shaeffer and daughters, Esther and Catherine spent a day at the Welsh cottage at Elizahethvllle. Miss Victoria Smith of Philadelphia is enjoying a ten-day vacation among old friends at the home of Thomas Lewis. Alton Haas, George Mellon and Francis Relgle are camping at Clark's Valley. Miss Cora Wadel is visiting her brother, Harold at Atlantic City. By Special Correspondence SrllnNKrovf. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Louis and daughters. Marjorey and i Catharine, of Watsoniown, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. X. N. Cath ' erman. William G. Houseworth. an employe in tile office of the Hershey Store Company, at Hershey, is spending his vacation at the home of-his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Houseworth. J. Frank Faust left for his home, in Mow | ersville, where he will spend several weeks before taking lip his position as ! head of the department of Latin in the , Johnstown high school. Frank Foll mer and Williarii Thompson, of Phlla delphia, the former a chemist and the latter a student in the Will's Eye Hos pital, are spending their vacations at the home of their parents, in this place. —\Aiss Mildred Schock, operator in the Bell telephone exchange, is spending her vacation in Washington, D. C., and Baltimore, Md. Allen. Mrs. J. Frank Paul and daughters, of Philadelphia, are visiting at the homes of M. J. Brownawell and ! D. K. Paul. The Rev. Dr. Stover, of ! the Church of God, at Carlisle, Pa., spent several hours here this week. J. Frank Nickev. of Pittsburgh, returned to his work after a pleasant vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nl. key. Miss Emma T. Helsey has gone to make an extended visit in Canada. After several weeks' enjoy ment with her mother, brother* and sis ters, Mrs. Nora Baish Small, of Balti more, returned home. Mrs. C. J. Heagy, who spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. \\ eb bert, has returned to her home, at Johnstown, where her husband has charge of the Hanover Shoe Company I store. Earl Gross, an attache ot the i Duquesne Railways Company, of Pitts | burgh, dropped in unexpectedly on his ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. I>. Gross, with whom he Will enjoy a two-weeks vaca tion. I nlon Deposit. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Cassel, of Palmyra, were the i guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V 11] am Hawk, on suiiduy. Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Kaut man spent Tuesday at Harrisburg 'visiting their daughter, Edna, at the hospital. Miss Eva Bighamy, of New i YorK City, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. i Landis, on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ira 'D. Shoop, after spending several weeks ! with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' John Shoop, returned to their home, at West Plttston, on Wednesday. John W Baker, jr., is spending some time at Fishing Creek Valley, visiting his aunt, Mrs. Cnristian Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Swope spent a day at Harrisburg. —Miss Maud Stauffer is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Mr and Mrs. Harry Kavlor spent Wednesday at New j p or t. Mr. and Mrs. Spangier 'and mother, Mrs. Jacob Spangier, of ! Palmyra, visited Mr. Spangier s sister, ! Mrs. Henry A. Miller, on Sunday. i Mrs. Emma Forry and Mrs. ' man are spending some time at Stover i dale. Miss Mary Rambler spent Sat j urday at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. | Ralph Van Devender and daughter, of I Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and ! Mrs. John Shoop. on Sunday. Jonestown. Professor and Mrs. I. W Huntzberger, of Washington, D. C., who are visiting Mrs. Huntzberger's Pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Loser, at } Lebanon, spent a day with Mrs. Huntz ■ berger's cousin, Mrs. Henry B. Lesher. !—Mrs. Thomas H. Brunner, of Lebanon, I spent Sundav with her sister, Mrs. Wil i llam H. Bross. Miss Rosa Werner and her sister, Mary, of Lebanon, spent a ! dav with Miss Mary Bross. Miles G. 1 Ed'ris took two of his brothers and their friends to Gettysburg on Sunday in I his car. Mrs. David F. Rank spent , several days at Philadelphia and At lantic City. Miss Anna Ellis, of North I Wales, is spending some time here In ! this, her former home. The Rev. George R. Diesher and family left on Thursday for Topton, where they in tend to spend their vacation with his mother. Marysvllle. Ray and Kenneth Lil ley are visiting relatives at Mlflllntown. —Miss Mame Zimmerman, of Anderson burg, is spending some time with Miss Marv White. Mrs. Kate Hess, of Bal- I timore. Is visiting Mrs. Julia Gettys. Mrs. Maggie Bratton is visiting rela tives at Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ] Roberts are spending the week-end at ! Atlantic City. James Nevln und | daughter. Miss Edith Nevln, are spend | lng some time at Atlantic City. Miss : Katharine'Hench spent Sunday at Mil- I lershurg. Lincoln Conrad, of Phlla i delphia. Is visiting J. C. and A. G. Epp | ley. Miss Romaine Spangier, of York, Is spending some time with A. B. ! Palmer and Mrs. Amanda Eppley. | Mrs. Harry Meacham, of Baltimore, has returned home after spending a week with Mrs. William Bonnison.—Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White and children, Paul and Josephine, have returned home after spending a short Vacation at Atlantic City. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fuhrman have returned home after spending their vacation at Mlddleburg. —Mrs. Phoebe Stead has returned to her home at Willlamsport, after spend l lng some time with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ralsner. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of tbls paper will be pleased to learn tbat there la at feast one dreaded disease that science has aeen able to cure In all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Cstsrrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the med lcsl fraternltr. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutions! treatment. Hall's Cstsrrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upou the blood and mucous surfacea or the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, snd giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ' ture In doing Its work. The proprietors nave so much faith In its curative powers that they otfer One Hundred Dollar* for any ease tbat it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address F\ J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo. O. 8o!d by sll Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. AUGUST 7,1915. Harrisburg Visitors Spend Pleasant Days at Dauphin fly Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa.. Aug. 7. Miss Anna Hoffman, of Knterllne, Is the guest of Miss Ruth Long. Misses Marion and Alice Mlnsker spent the week-end at Lykens and attended the campmeeting' at Kllzahethvllle. Howard Bayley re turned to New York City on Monday, after a short visit here. Miss June Harm, of Harrisburg, In visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maurey. The Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shoop, and. Mrs. Kathryn Wolgemuth, of Steelton, and I/te Shoop, of Shamo kin, spent Tuesday in town. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas PofTenberger, and Miss Mary PofTenberger, of Hhrrisburg, are spending the month of August In town. —Miss Elizabeth PofTenberger, of Sun bury, Is the guest of Miss Mary l!m --berger. Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Bailettß and daughter, Dorothy, spent several days at Colebrook. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenawalt, of New York City, are spending several weeks here. —Mrs. Edwin Winterbourn, of Coch ranville, Pa., has returned home after spending some time with her paj-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln E. Masner. Miss Oneeda Fertig spent several davs I with her sister, Mrs. John Beaver, at I Riverside. Vincent Shlmp. of Harris- I burg, spent Thursday with his grand-1 mother. Mrs. Sarah Kennedy. Miss Ada Bell spent the week-end with Miss Margaret I,yter, at Penbrook Miss Sabra Clark left on Thursdav for Read ing to spend a week with Miss Mil dred Florence Lybarger. Harrv loung. of Atlantic City, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sweltzer. Mrs. E. J Hendel. of Peoria, 111., is visiting her neiee. Mrs. .lennle Hlckernell. Mrs. Harry Greenawalt Is spending sev eral we**ks with her daughter, Mrs. I* E. Williams, at Harrisburg. Airs. Edward Johnson and daughter, Geneva, of Hammanton, N J , are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Coble. M. G. Potts, of Harrisburg, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. George Landis. —Miss Mary McKee, of Harrisburg; Miss Clair Denieree and Ralph Deme- I ree, of Newport, are spending the week ■ end with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wallis. C. M. Singer, of Harrisburg, spent Sun any with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Singer.— ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Warner and Frank Warner spent Thursday at Accomac, I J. a - ~ Mr - and Mrs Robert Wallis, of Harrisburg. spent the week-end here. —Mrs Ambler Lilly, and Mrs. Flem ing, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. James Douglass and Mrs. Mary Mesmer. of Harrisburg, spent Monday with Mrs. J. | W. Hawthorne. Huckleberries Are Scarce in Upper End of County By Special Correspondence I Ellzaliethvtlle, Pa., Aug. 7. Pro cessor Herman, of Pittsburgh, is visit ing his father, Jacob Hermam—The Rev. H. B. Ernest and family left for their home at Tarentum on Tuesday, i —Mrs. Laura A. Keiter and son, of j Mlddleburgh, are guests of Mrs. H. I H. Hassinger.—Edwin Zeigler, of Her shey, spent several days with his father her.—Hiram P. Snyder and j family, of Palmyra, and Charles Sny j der and family, of Mt. Carmel, spent I several days in town.—Mrs. Kate Kop | penheffer, of Montgomery, is spend j ing some time with her son, Ira Kop ■ penheffer.—Miss Kathryn Fitting and ' brother Eugene, of Oley, are guests of Isaac Swab.—Claude Matter, of Har j risburg, spent a week with his mother ! here.—The campmeeting was brought |to a close on Thursday evening.—^ ■ Local huckleberry pickers are brlng ; ing small quantities of fruit to town, ithe scarcity of which keeps the price ! at ten cents per quart.—Adam Miller, jof OH City, is visiting his brother, ; James Miller, here.—Mrs. John Miller i and children, of Harrisburg, spent ! several days with Mrs. I. W. Mattis. I -—Samuel Collier, of Harrisburg, spent a week in town.—Miss L. Ovenshire, lof Cammel, is the guest of Mrs. Martyn. {~CHAS.H.MAUIC THE UNDERTAKER Silth wl lUbr Straata Lartfett establishment. Bert iacMtU*. New (a . rou your phone. Will (o aarwhera at Tour caD. Motor terrier. No funeral too lentil. NOB* 'T expensive. Chapak. raama. vault, ato. oaad wife, chart* Never Mind Huw Strong Yeu Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains brawn —that win- "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job ? For 28 years the I. C. 8. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400 students write of promotions or salary Increases through I. C. 8. training. What the I. C. 8. are doing for these men they can do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you wofk, or how limited your education—lf you can read anft ! write and ar* ambitious to learn the I. C. 8. can train you In your own lymo, during your spare time, for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mall the attached coupon—it won't obligate you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their tlmple and ea ay methods. It will coat you nothing to Investigate—lt may cost a life time of remorse If you don't. Mark and Mall the Coupon NOW. i| INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS :j <! Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. j| J' Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qnal* |> i J l£y for the position before which I mark X- ■> i| Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card whm.. 'ij I. Elec. Lighting Snpt Refrigeration Engineer Advertising i \ Electric Wireman Civil Engineer Salesmanship I ■, Tel. A Tel. Raglnea* Surveyor Teacher I J, Architect I-oco. Fireman A Eng. English Branches i J Architectural Draftsman tltll Service Agriculture i .1 Structural Engineer Railway Hall Clerk Poultry Farming t ,i Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Fit. t i > Concreta Construction ateno. A Typewriting Chemistry ij , I Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running !; N« m !; i 1 6L and No . • ••'..•■ '! j! City . State |! ]i Present Occupation i 1 tVWWWWWWWWWtWWWV^^WWWWWMWVWWWi MI. UNION POWDER PLANT TO START UP More Than 1,000 Employes of Aetna Company Are Now at Work FIRST EXPLOSIVES AUG. 15 Party of Young Folks Camping at Mt. Union Rod and Gun Clubhouse By Special Correspondent* Mount Vnlon, Pa., Aug. 7. The Aetna Powder Company expects to manufacture powder by August IB ac their Mount Union plant. There are more than 1,000 men employed. Miss Marine Paxton, of Jamesburg, X. | J-. Is the guest of her stster, Mrs. C. T. F. Hadley at her Market street home. Mrs. R. B. Cassady, Misses Helen and Anne Ewlng were Huntlng | don visitors on Wednesday. Mrs. | Beers and grandduughter, Miss June Vaughn are visiting at Warren, ■ Ohio. I. X. Taylor has a patch of August strawberries in nls garden which are beginning to ripen.- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Skyles or Pittsburgh are spending some time here. Miss Katharine Ivory, superintendent of the Patton schools, is the guest of I Miss Ethel McCarthy at her hofne. i A camping party consisting of Mr. and | Mrs. C. E. Heltman, Miss Evelyn Hfelt l man, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rummel and j their guest, Mrs. Joseph Harper, <>t ! Washington, D. C., spent a part of th» week at the Mt. Union Rod and Giiu Clubhouse at Licking Creek. Aft*?." a pleasant visit to Lock Haven ami Philipsburg, Misses Ricky and Julia Hackman are home again. Miss Ethel Miller is entertaining ner cousin. Miss Florence Lower of Mt. Pleasant. HEADACHE that throbbing, persistent kind . ■ -—brought on by nervous strain, brain fag, overwork, worry or anxiety, is caused by lack of phos phates, necessary to the health of nerves and brain. Renew the sup ply of these vital elements, and relieve the head torment by using' HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Non- Alcoholic) Keep a bottle in JOMT IMM M I | V Dealer Recommends Them II jioiiiiflyr "For over ten years I hare been using. and have nold hundred* of. ilnrenx of Caf'A'So tablet*. "For Headache* and >euralfrfa I know of nothing better and will always recommend CafA'So tablet*, which I think have no equal.*' H. A. BROWN* Reading, Pa. At all dealers 10c and 25c | 4 - 5
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