4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS PROGRESSIVE 1 IN HONOR OF GUESTS Misi Mary Hawman Gives Enjoy able Entertainment For Young Girl at Waynesboro PORCH PARTY FOR VISITOR Waynesboro Young Folks Attend Wedding of Friends at Mer cersburg This Week By Special Correspondence Waynesboro. Pa., Aug. T.-'-Mlss Mary Hewman entertained a few friends at progressive five hundred In honor of her guests, Misses L.ols and Ruth Geiser. of Mauch Chunk. There were twelve guests present. Miss Elva Lowry is entertaining several of her classmates of the Shippensburg Nor mal School at her home. Miss Mayme Ccmerer, of Burnt Cabins; Miss Bes sie Wolff, of Highsplre, and Miss Edith McClelland, of Mifflin, are among the guests.—Miss Helen Mlddleton, West Sixth street, entertained a number of her friends at a porch party on Tues day evening. Refreshments were served. Those in attendance wer» Misses Ruth Strock, Greencastle; Mar garet Kevin. Mercersburg; Kathryn Klsecker, Maybelle Crlswell, Anita Wil li elm. Helen Middleton, Dorothy Brin dle, Margaret Nlcodemus, Elizabeth Unger, Dorothy Snively, Frederica | Good. Elizabeth Swartz. Frances Beard and Isabel Todd, John Nico- j demus, John Henneberger. George i Good. William Minnick. Raymond ; Sprenkle, Harry Esbenshade. John I Garrett, Albert Wentworth, Mark | Frantz. John Groh, Blaine Bishop, i Richard Smith, Barr Snively and Nor mtn Middleton. —Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Htfflnger. Spruce Hill, Pa., are guests of the Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Ollig.— Miss Ruth Martin has returned to El gin, 111., after a month's visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martin.— Richard Shively Is entertaining a week end house party at the Shively cottage at Blue Ridge Summit.—Mr. and Mrs. - James H. Stone, of San Francisco, Cal., are visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. Stone's father. Elmer Galbraith. —Post- j master and Mrs. J. W. Warehlme and' daughters. Misses Laßue and Made line Warehime. are spending two weeks at Atlantic City.—C. C. McKown and family are spending several weeks at Ocean Grove. N. J.—Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Hoover entertained a number of friends last evening in honor of Mrs. J. D. Hoover, of Carnegie, Pa.—Misses Edna Mentzer. Mary Frick and Eva Nlcodemus attended the wedding of Mis* Margaret Grove, of Mercersburg, to H. C. Fry. Wilkes-Barre. at the hftma of Miss Grove. Mrs. Bertie Shoemaker and daughter, Mrs. Agnes Haines, and Miss Elizabeth Shoe maker. Harrisburg, are guests of J. A. Rowe. New Cumberland People .Spend Week at Atlantic By Special Correspondence Xew Cumberland. Pa., Aug. 7.— 1 Among those from New Cumberland who visited Atlantic City this week j were: Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Peed. Mr. i and Mrs. H. F. Kohr. R. R. Kohr, Mr. ! and Mrs. H. W. Buttorff. Mr. and Mrs. ; Ross Meredith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartman, Burgess Broadhurst. Claude Heffleman, Mrs. Edith Feight and 1 son, James. —Mr. and Mrs. John Good. ' of Decatur, 111., are visiting relatives here.—Miss Lettie Stetler and Miss i Carrie Simmons are spending their vacation at Ocean Grove.—Miss Edith j Miller is spending some time at Wild- | wood. N. J.—Mr. and Mrs. John Zim merman, Frank Zimmerman and fam ily have returned from an auto trip to Washington. D. C. —W. H. Young and | son. John, of Philadeljihia, visited relatives here this week.—-Miss Ruth Williams and Miss Bertie Burkholder spent several days at Chambersburg. \ Scotland and Shippensburg.—Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Eicker and son. John, ! of Baltimore, visited their homes here this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Oren.' daughter, Elenore and son, Eugene, of Munhall, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! Jesse Oren. —Mrs. Samuel Urich Is spending a week at Higlispire.—Miss : Lena Zimmer, of Atlantic City, is a' guest of Ml»s Margaret Flurie.—J. J. Baughman was in New York this week. Girl Campers Entertain Their Friends at Corn Bake By Special Correspondence j Dillsfourg, Pa., Aug. 7. Filey's Union Sunday school will hold its an nual festival on the church lawn to- j night, when each member of tne school will receive a treat. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Harding of Reading, Pa., were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ensminger on Sunday. — ; The Rev. and Mrs. C. 15. Segelkin, of Steelton are spending several weeks with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Britcher. -♦ Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Evans visited their son at Altoona this week. Miss Charlotte Eastwlck, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Britcher. I Prof. B. F. Helkes of Manheim, Pa., ! was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Clara Heikes. The Sunday school class of the Methodist cnurch. taught by Miss Myrtle Mavberry, who were camping in Williams Grove returned to their homes on Monday. The girls entertained their friends at corn baker at the camp on Saturday eve ning. I Aunt Este's Stories For Children THE ADVENTURES OF FAlktf SILVERWINGS THE ADVEWTURES OF FAIRY SILVERWIXGS Then tenderly lifting the poor faded clover- Sllverwln,. Rescued by the* Child. . The child from the house looked it over and over. My dear., when that rooster and all of those hena. "Yea. here ia that aame. bright, queer looking fly- Came ruahing pell-mell from their various pens. j know a Fa(ry fey th# )n ey# _ A-grabbing and fighting—a terrible sight! „ , „ . You can t fool me Fairy—though you've tried hard I guess— Bliverwlngs surely was thrown in a fright _ But now I will get you out of this mesa. In Fairyland there was nothing like this— I'll throw you out there in a fine pretty field Something most surely must have gone amiss! So If you're a Fairy, please over me wield But she soon learned these chickens were only so greedy, A power, so I'll know Just as truly as true Quarreling over all things to eat—fat and seedy. _ , , . That you're really a Fairy—oh please, please, please do!" Said she: "Well I guess I will keep this fly shapa, .. . , „ , In the next moment Sllverwings aat In the meadow- Then they won't hurt me. How those hens do gape!" And the softest of grasses rested her head-o; But dearies what do you suppose happened then? ...... , She was Just so grateful and happy and glad A great big. fat, nasty, unmannerly hen Spied the Fly—pounced on her with a flop— She'd have given moat anything that she had. And Just was proceeding to quite eat her up Quickly she changed to her own fairy form. When with a loud and terrible "SHOO" _ And wafted a blow on a wee fairy form. The child chased that hen with a great hullaboo! took for the Nest Adventure of Fairy Sllvervrlnga. SATURDAY EVENING, Mechanicsburg Couple Married at Philadelphia H HBr mam By Special Correspondence Meohanlosbnrg, ?a., Aug. 7.—An nouncement was made here this week of the rrinrrinee of G->o,ge w. Houck. a son of Mrs. Alice Starr Hauck. of Mechanicsburg. and Miss Mary Barn -ni Bush, of Richville, N. Y. They will live at jueroysMlle, ra., wnere Mr. Hauck is supervisory principal of the public schools. Politicians Traveling Through Perry County By Special Correspondence New Germantown, Pa., Aug. 7. —C. B. Trestle dug up a hill of late pota toes In his garden, the stalks still quite green, the smallest of which measured 4 ',i Inches In length and the largest measured 7 Inches.—Mr. and Mrs. ] John S. Brlner and son Donald, of New Bloomfield, after spending three weeks j with Mrs. Briner's parents, Mr. and | Mrs. S. B. Trostle, returned home on J Thursday.—Harry B. Ulsh, candidate for the Republican nomination for j sheriff, and S. Maurice Shuler, Repub lican candidate for auditor, both of I Liverpool, traveling together in an automobile, were looking up their in- ; terests here.—A daughter was born to i Mr. and Mrs. William Sanderson. — j Among the visitors in this place were ! ex-Judge James W. Shull, Sheriff Bear, f District Attorney Walter W. Rice, W. H. Sponsler and John Motter. of New 1 Bloomfield: Edward Reapsome, J. W. ' Gray and Winfield Gray, of Elliotts- j burg.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Clarence Fisher, Miss Mabel i Swartz and their chauffeur came up I from Harrlsburg and spent Sunday: with Mr. and Mrs. Levi D. Swam.— j Charles Shearer, of Mount Joy, John | C. Shearer, of Ickesburg, and Omer Kell, of York, were here to see M. H. I Shearer, who had been ill with heart I disease but is now improving.—Mrs. i Jacob Clouser. who had been visiting I her daughter. Mrs. John C. Shearer, 1 of Ickesburg, has returned home.— Cloyd Adams, of this place, and Miss Grace Mundus, of Wrightsvllle, were married by the Rev. Hugh R. Magill at the Presbyterian manse at Center, i Perry county, on Thursday evening. Tbey were tendered an old-fashioned country serenade on Friday evening.— Mr. and Mrs. David Hollenbaugh have returned from a trip to see friends at Philadelphia. Harrlsburg, York, Car lisle and Newvllle. Visitors Entertained in Many Newport Homes By Special Correspondence Newport, Pa., Aug. 7. Mrs. C. 1.. Sheaffer, of Harrlsburg has been the guest of Mrs. Charles W. Sunday. Mrs. Charles Bosserman of Greens burg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil liam H. Gantt. Miss Mabel E. Rice, New York, public school teacher, is visiting her mother. Mrs. M. E. Rice. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Smith spent Sunday with their son. Harry Smith at Baltimore. Md. Mr. anil 1 Mrs. Charles Feiser of Lemoyne, are visiting Mrs. Feiser's parents, Mr. and J Mrs. A. Reese Bortel, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse S. Britz are entertaining their relatives. Mrs. Mary Butz and son, Samuel Butz. of Potomac. 111. Mr. and Mrs. James Himes of Philadelphia are guests of Miss Margaretta Bell. Clarence and Emory Shutter of Steelton. are visiting their grand father. George Fleisher. Lieutenant and Mrs. Charles McHenry Eby have' gone by auto to Rydal, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lahr entertained on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fltzel of Savannah, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Titzel, Miss Rebecca Titzel and Mrs. Minnie Keeley, New York, and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Titzel of Lan caster. Mrs. Warren WoTthington of Johnstown was here for a short time on Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Adams Sharon and to gether they have gone to South Nor walk. Conn., to visit their sister, Mrs. Frank M. Milligan. Miss A. Floy McKee is entertaining Miss Blanche Moyer of Philadelphia. Mrs. Clar ence Stewart «mith is entertaining Miss Eleanor Gj Carpentier of Wilm ington. Del. Mrs. Chester Leedy has gone to Springfield, 0„ to visit her sister. Mrs. Logan Miles. Miss Clairo R. Demaree is being entertained at the F. J. Wallis bungalow at Dauphin Heights. The Rev. Dr. Hugh Magill, pastor of Center Presbyterian church and family are visiting Mrs. Magill's mother, Mrs. Laura L. Flicktnger. Mrs. Charles A. Lefton, Mrs. A. Edgar Fawcett and Charles C. Brandt, Jr.. were at Harrlsburg this week. Mrs. J. Emory Flelsher, Mrs. Hiram Mar tin Keen and Mrs. Wlniam Dorwart were entertained by Mrs. Elizabeth Hollenbaugh, of New Bioomfleld yes 'terday. Hershey Minister Will Speak at Campmeetings By Special Correspondence Hershey, Pa., Allg. 7. Jesse Mc- Sherry visited friends at Lancaster. Mrs. Margaret Leithiser spent several days at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magee and family made a motor trip to Gettysburg recently. Nlssley Imboden is spending a vacation at Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Leila Yeiser of Litltz, returned to her home, after spending some time here as the guest of her brother, R. E. Teiser. Mrs. Annie' Shaffer, of Lancaster, visited her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Geiling. G. W. sneath and son J. B. Sneath, visited friends at Dun cannon recently. Miss Eva Runkle, who has been seriously 111 for several weeks, is recovering. The Rev. X. L. Llnebaugh. pastor of the United Brethren church, preached at the Stoverdale Camp this morning. He will preach at the Hillsdale camp on Saturday evening. August 14 and at the Mt. Lebanon Camp on Tuesday forenoon, August 17. William Wechter, of Lancaster, visited Mrs. E. C. Black. Mrs. Rebeca Capp, of Al lentown. was the guest of the Rev. George S. Rentz. Postmaster Geo. Eppley and family are spending sev eral days at Philadelphia, Atlantic City and New York C:iy. Robert Owens moved with his family from Paxtang to this place. He is emnloved at the Hershey Planing Mill. R.' E. Richardson, of Atlanta, Ga., and R. W. Jones, of Baltimore. Md., were visitors here recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Newton spent several days at Wildwood, N. J. Mrs. Elizabeth Kartzaman, of McKeesport, is spend ing a month at this place, the guest of her brother, Allison Garman. ♦ Halifax School Teacher at Chautauqua Summer School By Special Correspondence Halifax, Pa.. Aug. 7.—Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wert and Mr. and Mrs. John Shoffstall and sons, of Wiconisco, spent Sunday at the home of O. E. Seagrlst. Warren Bucher and family and I. M. Reed and family of Dauphin, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sheesley. John Hoffman, of Bartisville. Okla., is visiting his moth er, Mrs. H. R. Landis, who Is ill.— Mr. and Mrs. James Neitz spent Wed nesday at Port Trevorton. Miss Mary Garman, of Clark's Ferry, spent Tuesday with her friend, Miss Xeta Seagrist, Mrs. Fred Bingeman, of Sunbury, visited Mrs. J. Morris Schroyer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Alvord, of Wisconisco, spent Sunday with their sons, Oscar and William Alvord. Miss Bertha Rlch ter left Monday for Washington. D. C„ where she has secured a government position as a telephone operator. John Ettier, of Northumberland, is spending a vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Et tier. Mrs. O. E. Seagrist and two sons, Isaac and John, and Mrs. S. N. Bubb, spent Wednesday at Heckton Mills. Miss Ethel Sterrlnger, of Harrlsburg, is spending several weeks with her grandfather, J. Peter Kop penhaver. Mrs. George Kremer and daughter. Zora, of Williamstown, are guests of the former's daughter. Mrs. A. A. Shumaker. Mrs. Claude Walk inshaw and two daughters, of Wil liamstown. visited Mrs. Shumaker. Mrs. Alice Schell and daughter. Miss Florence of Reading, spent several days with Mrs. Bertha Rohrbach. District President John D. Rowt, of Loyalton. installed the newly-elected officers of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Longenecker, of Middle town. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bogar. —Mrs. G. W. Westfall and Miss Britt Westfall spent Thursday at Mt. Gretna. James Tobias has re turned home from a visit at Lyons, Kan. Miss Margaret R. Snyder, high school teacher, represents Hali fax as one of the 25 public school teachers from various localities award ed scholarships in the Chautauqua. N. Y.; Miss Snyder was recommended for this appointment by J. H. Kling man. Mrs. Sue Heisler, of Reading, is visiting at the home of her son, B. F. Heisler. Harry Miller and Parr ker Pease spent Sunday at Harrlsburg, —Elmer E. Daugherty spent several daj's at Harrlsburg. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH POST OFFICE FIRE WAS WELL HANDLED Mai! Matter, Cards and Stamps Taken From Burning Build ing at MiUersburg BUSINESS RESUMED NEXT DAY Postmaster J. H. Rowe Compli mented on Efficient Work Done During Emergency By Special Correspondence MHlersburgs Pa., Aug. 7. During the fire on the second "floor of tho Pick building Sunday all of the mail matter, stamped envelopes, cards and other accessories necessary to con duct a post office were carried out of th* building to a place of safety in time to prevent any damage. The post office room was immediately under the burning part of the building and was flooded. After the flre was out a force of men swept out the water and every thing was carried back and business resumed as usual Monday morning. Credit is due to Postmaster J. H. Rowe for the efficieht way in which the mat ter was handled. While at Dun cannon Saturday Ross Miller laid his watch on a window sill and forgot to take it when he left the room. Twenty minutes later he missed it and on go ing back to the place that he left it, the watch was gone. Mrs. William Toy who underwent a serious surgical operation in the Medico-Chl Ho:/ltal at Philadelphia last week is said to be improving. Miss Nettie Trout man who has been ill with typhoid fever is said to be improvirjr- Ed ward Henninger of East Pittsburgh is back at his native home for his vaca tion. John T. Gilbert of Phila delphia, was back at his old home this week visiting relatives. Robert E. Bowman is spending the week at Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Walborn and daughter. Miss Lottie left Wednesday on a west ern trip which will include the Panama Pacific Exposition. Five-Year Old Boy Burns His Feet at Potato Roast By Special Correspondence Tower City, Pa.. Aug. 7.—Miss Erma Erdman, of Tremont. is visiting Mrs. J. H. Lebo.—Mrs. Wooly and daughters returned home from a vaca tion spent at Newton. N. J. —Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jenkins, of Harrisburg, are spending a week's vacation here.— Miss Marie Knecht, of West Collings wood, X. J., is enjoying her vacation here.—Mrs. Ell Wagner and daugh ter. of Reading, are visiting relatives here.—Misses Florence Lewis and Ellen Messner, employes at the Cap itol at Harrisburg. enjoyed the week end with relatives.—The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Kutz are entertaining the former's cousin, Miss Mary Barley, of Wiconlsco.—Harry Hunter, of Har risburg. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sher man.—Kenneth Kantner, the 6-year old son of Harry Kantner, while roast ing potatoes with several companions, accidentlly stepped on a piece of tar paper that had blown from the fire and severely burned his feet.—Mrs. Belle Zerbe, of Suedberg, spent a pleasant day with he.r sister, Sirs. Wood.—Albert Zimmerman and Miss Eva Williard went to Halifax and were married at that place by the Rev. Mr. Pease.—On Saturday in Thompson's Grove an annual union Sunday School picnic was held. This is the first year that the Lutheran and Catholic churches joined in the picnic. There were from 1,500 to 2,000 people in the grove.—Miss Irene Henry entertained her friends at a lawn fete in the rear of the Methodist church in honor of her ninth birthday. She was the re cipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Various games were played. The refreshments were served by Mrs. Charles Henry. Mrs. Kuntzleman and Miss Maude Henry. Those present were: Irene Henry Kathleen Schreiner, Fay Grim, Doris Kniley, Corine Wat kins, Esther Grim. Pauline Murray, Hazel Updegrove, Elda Hoffman, Car rie Erdman, Francis Henry, Walter Henry. Edgar Koff and Walter Kuntzleman. Farmers Rejoicing Over Prospects of Big Crops By Special Correspondence Montandon, Pa.. Aug. 7.—On Thurs day the Methodist and Baptist Sun day schools held their annual picnic in Rishel's woods. The farmers of east and west Chlllisquaque town ship are rejoicing at their large crops of wheat and oats, and the prospects are good for an Immense corn crop.— Starrett and Barron Wenzel, Harvey Reed, Edward Stahl and William Frederick are spending a week camp ing near New Berlin. Fred and Mary Garber have returned from a week's visit at Muncy. Noah Frank and son, of Gordon, autoed to this place on Sunday and spent the day with his brother H. F. Frank. Mrs. Fred Barr, of Shamokin, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. P. J. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wen zel, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frederick, rLee Wenzel, John Snyder, Charles j Derr and Howard Reitz spent Sunday with a camping party near New Ber lin. Mrs. Adam Stahl and son, Ho | mer, were visitors in Sunbury over I Sunday. Miss Margaret Turner, of I Williamsport, is visiting at Elmer I Shaffer's. J. William Stroh Elected Chief of Sunbury Fire Department For 19th Time FIRE CHIEF STROH By Special Correspondence Sunbury. Pa., Aug. 7. J. William Stroh has just been honored by being re-elected for the nineteenth consecu tive time as chief of the Sunbury Volunteer Fire Department. He has never had any opposition. Mr. Stroh is also president of th? Central Pennsylvania Odd Fellow's Orphans' Home Association, which has 25,000 members in twenty-nine central State counties. He is also active in the work of Zion Lutheran church, and a prominent businessman. Other members of the department who were also elected are: J. W. Lyon, president: J. V. Bower, vice president; Henry Heckart, secretary; Otto Beyers, assistant secretary; the Rev. Robert\ O'Boyle, chaplain; H. B. Fisher, first j assistant chief; Daniel Aurand, second assistant; W. W. Hoppie, third assist ant, and Daniel Aurand, delegate to the Pennsylvania State Firemen's con vention, Philadelphia, In October of this year. Miss Leslie Hill Bride of Lieut. David M. Crawford By Special Correspondence Mifflintonn, Pa., Aug. 7.—Mrs. Mary Jacobs of Philadelphia, who has b'een visiting; relatives here for the past week i left for Bellefonte on Tuesday. Rob ert Kulp, of Harrisburg. spent Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Kulp. Dr. Andrews and daugh ter Jessie, returned Monday from Pittsburgh. Mrs. R. L Bausum and 1 son Robert returned Saturday from a i week's visit to Winber. They were ac companied home by Mrs. Bousum's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bell. Fred erick Espenschade, 3d, of Pittsburgh, is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. | Henry Shull. Mrs. Lamon McDonald and daughters of Altoona, are visiting ; relatives here. Mrs. Henry Dicker- I shied spent a day with her mother, Mrs. Henry In Burnham. Miss Flora Tyson of West Chester, is the guest of Miss Mae Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beale are occupying their cottage at Is land Grove Park, Mexico, during camp meeting. Mrs. J. Frank Patterson of this place and Mrs. I. Tennis of Thomp sontown left Tuesday for a three weeks' visit to Toledo, Ohio. The Rev. and Mrs. Rendall. of Muscatine, lowa, are spending several days with Mrs. Rendall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Musser. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Espenschade, Jr., and daughter, Alma, of Pittsburgh, are visiting Mr. Espen scade's father, Frederick Espenschade. Mrs. J. D. W. Deavor and daughter, Verna. of Harrisburg,spent Sunday with the Rev. E. E. A. Deavor at the Metho dist parsonage. Frank Meloy, of Al toona, spent a day with his mother, Mrs. M. J. Meloy, at Mifflin. Miss Maude Kennedy, of Harrisburg, is the guest of her cousins. Miss Fannie Es nenschade and Mrs. Guy Auker. Lieutenant David M. Crawford, son of Dr. D. M. Crawford, of this place, and Miss Leslie Hill were married at the home of the bride, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Saturday, July 31. W. C. T. U. PLANS CONVENTION - By Special Correspondence Illnln, Pa., Aug. 7. -r- Mr. and Mrs. George Rowbothan, of West Philadel phia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Adairts. W. M. Rife, of Har risburg, is visiting the family of F. W. Dimm. Warren Sheaffer, who was ill with typhoid fever, is able to be out again. Dr. W. H. Flickinger went to Baltimore, Md. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren I. Stokes, a son. on Saturday; and to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Woods, j a daughter, on Tuesday. Mrs. Ellen Nalley and daughter, Miss Vera, Rock ford, 111., came to visit Mrs. E. Kline.— The Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Keener, left on Monday on a ten-day vacation to Reading and Womelsdorf. The Rev. I Homer George McMillen, of Halliday's Cove, W.VVat. t filled the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sunday. Professor W. F. Hall has returned from Hershey. The Rev. J. C. Reighard went to Gettys burg on a visit. The Women's Chris tian Temperance Union is planning a convention to be held here In the near future. A Pennsylvania Woman Tells About Blood Disorders. Hnmmelstown, Pa., Box 246. —"After having suffered for a year with an t ulcer on mj/ leg, I am thankful to say I am well again and able to do my work. I had given up all hopes of ever get ting better when one day I decided to try Doctor Plerec's medicines. - of 'ColdcnMedical Discovery' and a box of 'All-llealing Salve.' After taking four bottles of the medicine and using the 'Salve,' I find that I am entirely cured." —Mas. LOUISE COETY. Pimples, boils, carbuncles, aches, chills and pafcis are "Danger Signals" —the human system's method of giv ing warning that the blood has become impoverished and circulation poor. In this condition the human body is al most powerless to resist more serious illness. Don't delay! You need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It gets to working Immediately at the seat of the trouble —the stomach. It lends a helping hand. Helps to digest the food. Tones up the stomach. Soon brings back normal conditions. Food is properly assimilated and turned Into rich, red blood. Every organ is strengthened and every tissue re vitalized. Made from roots taken from our great American forests. Try this rem edy now. Sold by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form—or send 50 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial box. You can have the complete "Medical Adviser" of 1008 pages—cloth bound — free—by .sending Dr. Pierce three dimes for wrapping and mailing. AUGUST 7, 1915 DROWN MONUMENT ISSOCim MEETS Matter of Erecting Memorial to Revolutionary Heroes Con sidered by Members COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED Greencastle People on Outing Along Banks of Conococ heague Creek By Special Correspondence Crponrastle, Pa., Aug. 7. —The an nual meeting of the Enoch Brown Monument Association was held at Enoch Brown Park on Wednesday. One of the principal speakers was the Rev. Dr. Cyrus Cort, of Overlea, Md. The matter of erecting a monument at Brown's Mill to the revolutionary heroes of this section, was brought before the association, and a conimit ./! was ®PPolnted to confer with the citizens of Antrim and Greencastle w. regard to the proposition. Misses Mary Detrich, Mary and Gail Hemminger, Mary Shook. Amy Shank, Mary and Edith Zarger, Georgianna Snyder. Mary and Teressa Phillippv left yesterday for a ten days' outing along the Conococheague. near Wil liamson, They are being chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl Hollinger, and •""•Karen Shartle. M. D. Kauffman, of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. KaufTman. of Greencastle, was one of the helpers at the scene of the East land disaster. A most enjoyable sur prise party was tendered Waiter Strine, of the Citizen's Bank, at his countrv home, Monday evening. The partv went by trolley to the home of Mr. Strine. The Young People's Mis sionary Society of the Lutheran Church was entertained at the home of the Misses Zarger. near Greencastle. Tues day evening, Mrs. Lloyd Gordon and daughter, Mary, of Ottumwa, lowa, are guests of J. O. Henneberger. Mrs. E. O. McLanahan and daughter. Eliza beth. are spending two weeks at At la"tic City. Misses Emily and Jose phine Lantz, of Baltimore, are visit ing in the home of G. F. Ziegler Miss Elizabeth Eby, of Enfleld, N.' C., is visiting her sister. Miss Maude Ebv. —Miss Elizabeth King, of Easton, is ' lsjtlng Mrs. TViiliam Patton. Arthur fair has returned from the Chambers burg" hospital where he has been un dergoing treatment for tvphoid fever —Mrs. Martha Eantz, of Wilkes-Barre is a guest In the home of J. C Koser I WILDCAT FALLS INN, MARIETTA, PA. I CHICKEN AN T l> WAFFLES A SPECIALTY Under new mnnagemcnt. Special boat service. Ind. phone. A. L. RESCH Propr. ■ ——l Forget The War Anybody - - Everybody Invited to go along with Employes HARRISBURG FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS on their 13th Annual Excursion to WILLOW GROVE PARK, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1915 Remember the date—Special Music and Soloists this year. BALL GAME—Alexander will pitch for the Phillies against Boston ROUND TRlP—Adults, $2.00; Children, 5 to 12 years, SI.OO. Trains leave P. & R. Station, Harrisburg, 4:40 A. M. and 6 P. M. Returning leave Willow Grove 8:00 P. M. and 10:30 P. M. Street cars to all points will meet trains on their arrival at Harris burg. f Oales and v We'll Design For You The poster stamp idea has struck Harrisburg. You have seen them and it has probably occurred to you that you could use them in your business. The value of them as advertisements has appealed to you. Poster Stamps in Single Designs or Series. As You Wish. Poster stamps must possess individuality and original ity. The art work that goes into the designing is the quality which makes good poster stamps. The Telegraph Printing Company with service in every department required to produce quality stamps is at your disposal. Call our services into consultation, let us suggest ideas and designs, let us help you bring your business before tne public in a manner hitherto unexploited. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. >_ . -inn----linn' ; Buy Coal Now—Cheapest jj This la the month to order next winter's supply of coal. There's ] ! ! a material saving to be effected, and the wise folk are taking advantage ] I ' of present low prices. Buy before the advance comes, and buy Mont- \ \ ; gomery coal thus insuring the most Quality for your money. J. B, MONTGOMERY i Both Phone* Third and Chestnut Street* tmWWWIVIIIMWVHinviimWHMMWIWIVIWrVIWIUWWm ' I. S. KREIDER IS VETEKIN CAMPGOER Lancaster County Man Has Been Attending Landisville Meet ing For 45 Years AT MANHEIM MEETING IN 1868 Best Man at Wedding Fifty Years Ago Attends Bride's Funeral Mount Joy, Pa., Aug. 7. A. B. Kreider of Salinga, is one of the vet eran cumpgoers of Lancaster county, covering a period of almost sixty years In 1856 he attended a campmeeting in a grove, n mile south of Lanais ville, which has been cut down many years ago. He attended ihe first camp meeting at Landinville in 1870 and each of the succeeding: camps the past forty-five years, including the ono which closed on Wednesday evening. He also attended the National cam p - meeting at Manheim in 1868 which was a forerunner to Landisville camp. At the residence of the Rev. Sam-M. Sherer, north of town on Saturday aft ernoon a largely attended harvest meeting was held by the Yorker de nomination. The Reformed Men nonites held a Harvest meeting on Thursday afternoon at their church at Landisville. The Rev. M. J. Bilber of Halifax, Nova Scotia, spent Sunday in town, with the family of A. H. Man ning and other friends. H. M. Brandt of Manhattan, Kansas, was sn town on Tuesday, the guest of his cousin. J. R. Missener. The Men s Organized Bible Class of the United Brethren church held Its annual pic nic on Thursday at Hertzler's Grove. Mrs. Mabel Barnhart and Miss Kate Shutt of Menges Mills, Tork county, spent several days with Mrs. J. Willis Freed. Misses Elizabeth and Grace Seigrist, of East Berlin, Adams coun ty, are the guests of their grarkl mother, Mrs. Aaron B. cling. D. L. Eckert and Leo Rosecrams, of Find lay. 0., have been guests of John E. Longenecker. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hannah, Miss Lydia Adams and Miss Thelma Hanenstein, are the guests of Daniel L. Hanenstein. A. B. Kreider of Salinga, on Monday the funeral of Mrs. Amos Kreider, of East Petersburg, at whose wedding flfty three years ago, he was the nest man.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers