\k "Fur Rent" Ad 01 This Page Is Sure to teach tie Persei You Seddj LOST LOST Envelope, containing valu able papers and bearing owner's name about middle of last week. Reward i returned to this office. LOST Fraternity pin. between th< Ixkand and Fourteenth and Derrj streets. Reward If returned to Offlcj of Publishing House of the U. B Church. LOST French Poodle dog. clippet all but head, with brown spot on let ear. Answers to name of Buster. Los' in New Cumberland. $5.00 reward If re turned to 649 Boyd street. FOUND FOUND —The well-dressed man. H< always sends his clothes to Eggert i Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 124» Market street Do you Both phones. Call and deliver. HHP WANTED —Male WANTED Two llvewlre salesmen for established tea and coffee route, —must be able to furnish bond—salar> and commission —also two solicitors. Jewel Tea Co- 269 Broad street. WANTED First-class tool makers, good pay to competent men. Address giving experience, to J. F. Creswell. Box 264. Lancaster, Pa. WVNTED Six men to sell "Light ning* Carbon Remover" for motorboats, motorcycles and motor cars. Good pay Call on. or address. Ed. F. Elsely. IJOI •Berryhill street Harrlsburg. Pa. WANTED First hand on bread and ■cakes. Wages. SIB.OO per week..Musi fee honest, reliable and sober. Address jßon Ton Bakery. Punxsutawney. I a. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY— Experi enced Amazeen Skiver. APP I *, at ot pice Lindner Shoe Co.. Carlisle. Pa. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar- E-led men between ages of 18 and 35 (citizens of United States, of good char lacter and temperate habits, who car hpealc, read and write the English Danguage. For information apply to |j3ecr\iiiing Officer, Bergfner Building, |3d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg. Fa_ YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to Aecome practical or mechanical chauf- Keurs to call or write us at once. Full {unlimited course. $35. Open day and keveulng. Auto Transportation Repair Khcp, 6 North Cameron street HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Girls over 16 jlears of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn ing- Welfare looked after by a trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED For two months, a cook ftp a private family in the country. Ap p* 711 North Third. WANTED Experienced coat suit Mid dress fitter for second room. \\ lt lßer. Balr & Witmer. WANTED Young girl to assist With housework. Apply 1321 Berryhill gtreet Private Lessons in Short hand, Typewriting:, Dicta tion, Penmanship, Etc., rit .class Instruction rates for students who want Direct Resul.s. You want that kind. Fall enrollments now being received. Write or call to-day for full information. Merle E. Keller. 309 Patriot Building. WANTED Everybody to know a student entered March 16 and started work with a structural company July $0 —Just four months. Harrlsburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. WANTED —Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED By middle-aged man. ►work as plasterer; twenty years' ex perience; can concrete: best reference. Address E. Bryan, 259 Sassafras ave nue. WANTED Married man. 29. well educated, ten years' experience retail and wholesale salesman, two years' road experience, desires position; best ref erences furnished. What have you to offer? Address C., 2818, care of Tele graph. WANTED By white man. married, two children, work on farm. Can fur nish reference. Address M.. 2826. care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as foreman on form building and concreting; reference from former employers. Call Bell phone No. 2199 J. WANTED Young man, 21 years of age. wishes position as Jitney driver. Address Theodore Mack, 1114 North Cameron street WANTED By young man, position driving team of any kind; can furnish refernce. Address 1404 Vernon street. City. WANTED—Position as chauffeur bv white man with experience. Call, or address, F. D. W.. 1528 North Fifth street. SITUATIONS WANTED —Female WANTED A middle-aged woman would like a position as housekeeper for gentleman; can give reference. Ad dress S., care of Telegraph. WANTED By two young colored girls, positions as child's nurse. Apply 1021 South Ninth street. City. WANTED Woman wants dav'i work, washing and ironing to take home, or plain sewing. No. 15 Brady avenue. WANTED MiddJe-aeed woman de sires a good position In hotel or private family as waitress or chambermaid; experienced and-ccn give reference. Ad dress D. C.. 2817, care of Harrlsburg Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants general housework or day's work In city or country. Address J.. 2815, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young woman, po sition as housekeeper for widower; no objection to one or two children Ad dress W.. 400, care of Telegraph. WANTED White girl wants second work or general housework: can fur nish reference. 23 North Thirteenth street. FOR SALE ' 3003 RIVERSIDE DRIVE An elegant tile snd stuceo dwell ing with twelve rooms—bath—two lavatories—third floor finished for pool room. Tennis court and vege table garden. Lot 116x183 ft. This property Is very desirably lo cated at the northeast corner of Front and Katharine streets. River side. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets FRIDAY EVENING, SITUATIONS WANTED —FEMALE WANTED Colored woman wants I day's work of any kind, any time ex ■ cept Saturday. 1316 North Fourth street. ' WANTED Experienced white wo man desires position as matron or 1 stewardess. Address 1907 North Sev enth street. Harrlsburg. WANTED Reliable colored woman j wants day's work or cooking. Call, or I address. 327 Muench street. I WANTED —By middle-aged woman. I light housework, or housekeeping, in or out of city. Address Mrs. R. Fraan ! (fan, 158 East Main street, Middletown. I St REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | CITY PROPERTY— -1 68 N. Twelfth St.. 3-s. brick. 1607 N. Third, 3-s. frame. 1909 N. Third, frame. 1806 Swatara. 2-s. brick. ISOS Swatara, 2-s. brick. FA i IMS— -50 Acres, near Lewisberry. SI,OOO. 70 Acres, near Goldsboro, $3,000. 143 Acres, near Marysville, $3,500. 55 Acres, near Harrlsburg. $3,000. 15 Acres, near Goldsboro, SI,BOO. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. For SIOO less fian cost, you can buy one of those modern homes on Park street, east of Eigh teenth street, by acting promptly. Owner leaving city. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE For SIOO In cash, snd balance on easy payments, I will sell you a modern 2 H-story brick house on , North Summit street, near State street. This is your opportunity. J. E. Gipple, j 1251 Market street. FOR SALE The desirable residence property No. 2014*4 N. Fifth Street will be offered at adjourned public sale | on Saturday. July 31. 1915, in front of the Court House by the Harrisburg ■ Trust Company. Administrator. I FOR SALE Three-story brick j house; nine rooms and bath; all con veniences, 1851 Park street. Big Bar gain. Apply at 1851 Park street. ! FOR SALE (Moving to Suburb) A desirabie corner property, 219 Maclay i Street, corner Penn; a beautiful view i from every room, overlooking four of the largest and finest lawns In the city. ; First-ilass condition, awnings, screens. Hot Water Heat, etc. For appoint i ments, phone Bell 88SW. or 1444 J. I LONG ST.. Camp Hill; 2 squares from ! car line; new frame bungalow: 6 rooms and bath; furnace; electric light; porcn ! j front and rear; one acre of land: 94 I 1 fruit trees; chicken house: granolithic I walk to car line. Here is an opportu- 1 j nity to own a productive farm and en- ! joy city convenience. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Two-story brick: all improvements; 6 rooms and bath. Will sell for $2,000. Address H, 2819. care of; Telegraph. | SUBURBAN property has comforts | j that you are not enjoying. We offer ! several good suhur'r.an properties j large lots all Improvements se car j fare. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ; ing. i NO. 1428 SUSQUEHANNA STREET | ! must be sold to settle an estate—price ' reasonable. What is it worth to vou? : Also other cheap property. Bell Realty I Co.. Bergner Eullding. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1629 Green street house, 11 rooms snd bath; all Improve ments; side alley way; water In cellar; rent. $30.00 monthly. Inquire Jchn C. Giede. 1312 North Third street ! FOR RENT No. 1850 Market street ; $32.50; No. 1813 Rudy street. $18.00; No. :::;9 South Sixteenth street. $13.00. J. E. | Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR RENT ll9O Christian street; two-story brick; all improvements and up-to-date in all respects; seven rooms, I including bath; rent. $17.00. Inquire 1 259 Herr street, between 5 and I p. M. — FOR RENT 2210 Atlas avenue, brick house. improvements, sl4 00. Kough. Brlghtblll A Kline, 307 Kunkel Building. FOR RENT— -1839 North St $17.00 1425 Berryhill St 20.00 808 N. Eighteenth St 21.00 Steam heat and all improvements. A. F. MILLER & SON. Eighteenth and State Sts., City. FOR RENT No. 520 South Four teenth street: 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath: front porch; side entrance; furnace; gas and newly papered. In yinre 327 South Sixteenth street. Phone FOR RENT No. 1843 Whitehall street: modern, steam heated brick house; newly decorated: splendid loca tion; rent, $32.50. No. 129 S. Fourteenth street; modern 3-story brick house; newly papered throughout. A very de sirable home. Rent. ss22. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT 1721 Carnation street; two-story brick house ; all Improve ments; porch front; rent, $16.00. Also 2516 Agate street, rent. $13.00. Apply 1 545 North Sixth street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT No. 1919 Green Street—3-story brick house 8 rooms bath gas furnace ce mented cellar porch front. Now va cant —key at our office. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WILL SELL at s sacrifice or rent. 1315 North Second street; possession at onca Apply Regent Theater. 410 Mar ket street. REAL ESTATE For Sale or Excbaofe FOR SALE OR TRADE A 10-H.-P. International truck, in complete order, with new tires. Will sell cheap or trade for an automobile. Inquire of Davis & Quigley at 612 South Hanover street, Carlisle. Pa. j APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT, including bedroom, livingroom, diqingroom and kitchen; hardwood floors; open fireplace; two closets; pri vate hall and bath; front and rear en trance; back porch; steam heat; electric lights; house telephone; letter boxes. . 1609 Market street. FOR RENT New Building just finished pri vate apartments, consisting of three rooms and large balcony, with lockers n basement; large bay window fronts; ! light and airy; convenient and comfort- I able. Just the thing for small family. | Little expense and low rent Apply on premises. 1321-1323 Wallace street j Dally Inspection Invited. FOR RENT Suburban apartments; i new, up-to-date; 6 rooms; reception ( hall; bath; pantry; front and rear i porches; 2208 and 2210 North Third I Street Apply C C Whlteman or H. j W Miller. Bell 523W, or 81R. | FOR RENT—Third floor, front apart ment No. 32 North Second street; I rooms and bath: steam heat and elec tric light Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street ».?"iP R RENT Modern apartment ta Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth and Market streets. Rent very liberal "urnmer months to right party. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street ROOMS FOB RENT FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms, second floor, directly across from Capi tol Park. All conveniences. Including 6 hones. Rent very reasonable. 406 orth street FOR RENT Furnished room, sec ond floor front; steam heat: with or i without board; man and wife desired.! 13?7 North SUth street j \ ROOMS FOR REXT 1 FOR RENT Handsomely furnished rooms for rent, centrally located; alio 1 rooms for light housekeeping; terms very reasonable. Apply 109 State street, ■ City. FOR RENT One large, furnished llvingroom (or studio), on first floor: two large bedrooms on second floor, ; communicating If dealred next to ; , bath; one unfurnished room, third floor; all conveniences; centrally located; two i squares from post office. 713 North I Third street. FOR RENT One or two large sec ond floor front rooms, furnished, single or ensulte; electric; gas; bath; can be used for light housekeeping or bed rooms. Apply 7 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two rooms on third floor, furnished for light housekeep ing; steam heat; water and gas range in kitchen. Call 1327 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments. Fifth anl Market streets. Second Apartment. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, airy rooms; plenty of windows; all ! facing Capitol Park; electric lights. ] hot and cold running water In each ; room; use of large bath and phone. 410 North. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for sleeping or light housekeeping, on second floor; use of bath and phone; reference exchanged; no children. Ap ply 1604 Derry street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping, corner house, refrigerator, kitchen cabinet, gas range and running water, $16.00 per month: no children. 342 South Six teenth street. * FOR RENT - Furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; large, well fur nished second floor front rooms; all conveniences; use of phone. 81$ North Second street —■ FOR SAUt FOR SALE Scratch Pads new , supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ' ply Job Printing Department. The Tele graph Printing Company. CLOSING-OUT BARGAINS! New Carpets. Furniture. Musical Instrument*, i Linoleum. Ssc; Ingrain, 20c—best, 45c; ( Best Brussels, 60c; Lining, 3c; Sweepers, [ )1; Rugs, 9x12, $3; Fence Posts, loc. I Yingst. Front-Cumberland. I FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de i Itvered anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spotz, 1317-18 Market ! street. { GLASS window sign*. furnished Rooms, Unfurnlsned Rooms, Rooms ana ! Board and Table Board at isc each One of these signs will be given with each i six-time order for a classified ad. it paid In advance. Inquire at Office of | Telegraph. FOR SALE 4-Inch by 5-inch Pony : Premo "A" and outfit, in good condi ' tjon. Will sell at a bargain. Address | W., 2823, care of Telegraph. i FOR SALE Harley-Davldson mo . toreyole, in good condition, very cheap; ; have no use for same; have automo bile. Call, or address, C. B. Bechart, 1444 Regina street. FOR SALE Two Ford touring cars, 1914 models, good condition, price reasonable, and one Regal roadster. C. D. Hauck. 223 South Fourteenth street. Bell phone 3817 J. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE One 1913 Indian, $l2O, practically new and In good condition. Come and see it at 1302 North Sixth street. I FOR SALE AT BIG REDUCTION Three-piece mahogany parlor suit, as good as new; also four-burner gas stove. Apply 1851 Park street. MOTORCYLCLE BARGAINS Haverford new, lamp, tandem, horn, $75,00. 1913 Indian, lamp, tandem, horn, SIOO.OO. Investigate. Keystone Cvcle Co., 814 North Third street. Bell phone 266 R. FOR SALE Late model Cadillac. 40- H.-P. commercial car; newly overhaul ed and painted; will demonstrate; must be seen to be appreciated. Apply Uni versal Motor Car Co., 1826 wood ave- I nue. FOR SALE 1914 Model Saxon roadster, cheap, in first-class condition; only run 2,900 miles. Apply, or address, J. B. Arnold, 2451 North Sixth street. FOR SALE A roadster automobile, in good running order, for $135. Call at Central Garage. Ask for N, H. Crum. — 1 BIG BARGAIN—PooI room and cigar store In good locality. Other business for -present owner makes sale neces sary. Address Box 2814, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Grocer's Ice box, good as new; height 5 ft., width 4 ft., depth lHft. Call, or address, 502 Myers street. Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car. Just overhauled and In A 1 running order. Price reasonable. Call, or tele phone, P. W. England, 208 North Third street. FOR SALE One delivery top Ford, two touring Fords, all In good running condition. Will demonstrate. Bell 1367 M and 457 W. AUTOMOBILE 5-passenger Michi gan 40, electrically equipped. First class working order and good tires. Can be seen at Conover & Mehring Qarago, 1717 North Fourth street. FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car In first-class running condition. Tires almost new. Electric lights. Apply at City Garage. Strawberry and River streets. FOR SALE One bay pacing mare, rubber-tire Jenny Lind and harness. Will sell reasonable. Apply H. B. Shelle- I hamer, 2029 North Cameron street, City. I FOR SALE, CHEAP Oakland i Roadster; electric lights; rood condi tion. Ford Sales Company, South Cam- 1 eron street. Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 111 I and 117 Bouth Second street. 5.000 gal- i lons New Era ready-mixed paint Acme quality. AH the full line of the Acme I make. FOR PALE Gilbert Player, good aa new; scarf, bench and rolls; cost $550.00- I will sell for $224.00 to quick buyer, a> ■we need the room. Apply 424 Reily , street Bell phone 2281 W. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be* secured at the Telegraph Business Office. TO GABLE'S for wire fence of All kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. FOR SALE Good, gray horse, 1,204 n>s. Price. $75.00. Inquire Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry. FOR SALE CARDS on sals at tbe Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT • RENT Second floor room. S.IOO square feet for Ug&t manufactur ing purposes New building. Call at premises. Twelfth snd Herr street*. EXCHANGE] HAVE you five-passenger touring car or anything else of value to exchange as part payment on good home. Bal ance can remain in property. Address Box 147, Hlghsplre. fra. WANTED I WANT to rent place In country, within 5c fare limit, suitable for rais ing chickens and my own vegetables Address, giving location, rent, etc.. Box R. 2827, care of Telegraph. HAKRJDSBURG TELEGRAPH m BUYING OF liIISTILS AGAIN Transactions Run Largely to War Stocks; Kg Rises in Steel By Associated Press New Tork. July 30. Wall Street.— Heavy buying: of Industrials which have figured In the week's rise was re sumed at the opening to-day, notwith standing the slump in these shares in yesterday s late trading. l?nsa,ctions ? nsa , ctions ran largely to the war n .S-i «. "cible Steel rose S% points. Bethlehem Steel 6, Republic Steel 4V American Coal Products 9 and many rs ®° Points. In the early rise, however, prices did not reach the record ngures made before yesterday's break. St. Paul opened 3\i lower on the re duction of the semiannual dividend ,! 1 ° J P er cent., but subse quently rallied 2>4. \ NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, July 30. , Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 3 4 34 34 34 Am Bt Sug 66 % 57% 55% 66 Am Can .. 60 60% 57% 58 >4 Am Can pd 106 106 106 106 Am C& F. 57% 57% 56% 56% Ant Cot Oil 4 9 49 % 48% 4s Am Loco . 57 57 53% 53% Am Smelt . 79% 79% 78% 78u Am Sugar . 108 108 108 108 Am T& T. 122 122 121 % 121% Anaconda . 69 69% 68% 68% xAtchlson . 100% 101 100% 100% Baldwin .. 81% 82% 79% 79% y8&0.... 79% 80% 79% 79% ■Beth Steel. 269 269 254 '57 r. k i' > ?, RT - B J* 85 * 84 * 85 CalPetro.. 10 10 10 10 C«» Pacific 144 146 143 145 (Cent Leafh 42«4 4 3 42 42 C&O 40% 41% 40*4 ill! CM& St P 79% 82 79% 81 |CRIAP. 12% 14% 12 % 13 % j C Con Cop. 45% 46% 45t4 45t« 1 Col F*l. . 41 vT 42 39 Jg% iCruc St .. 74 76% 68% 69 % Dlst Sec .. 26 % 27% 26% 26% |f re 26V* /26% 26% 26% lErtelstpfd 40% 41% 40% 41% jGen E Co.. 175 175 173 174% LEGAL NOTICES ESTATE OF BENJAMIN BRENNER. DECEASED LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the I above estate having been granted to I. .uundersigned. all persons Indebted , to the said estate are requested to make 1 payment and those having claims to present the same, without delay, to LEW" &TI ? RIK."" ,WIS> Or their Attorney. Executors. ROBERT ROSENBERG. 301 Patriot Building. Harriaburg, Pa. Pennsylvania State Highway De ,Tnt-„?I,! rr,sbur * p * Sealed pro- Knin in W i i*. e reoe ' v ed at said office KM. Jmi £ M v August 10. 1915, when bids will be publicly opened and sched uled and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the furnish ing of Pennsylvania motor-vehicle li cense number plates and Pennsylvania llcenstd automobile drivers' badges for I the year 1916. Plans and SDeclfications may be obtained at the State High way Department. Harrisburg, and ntav be seen at 1001 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, and 903 Bartje Building, Pitts burgh,. Pa. R. J. Cunningham, Com missioner. ESTATE OF E1,1,A F. ALBRIGHT, , DECEASED LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delav, to \ ictor Braddock, Administrator, d b n. c. t a., 222 Market Street, karris burg, Pa. WANTED A smal flat, also a flat- S 0^ 0 " 1 o, oa \; Inquire S. W. Shoemaker & Son, Sixth and Harris. HOME WANTED for a healthy girl, ye W S blu * eyes ' "Shi hair. Address M.. 2820, care of Telegraph. WANTED— Drophead Singer sewing machine. Must be cheap. State price. Address S.. 2813, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn rood Inccme corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Syndicate, T»«. Lock- WANTED Man - with ability to handle men and take charge of ma chine shop. Must have $2,000 to $5 000 to invest in enterprise that will show large profits. Address L., 2816, care of Telegraph. I® o -® OO ,n " v e years in the mail order business, began with IL Bend for free booklet Tells how Ha*, cock. 355 Lockport N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE are headquarters for Trunks Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va cation Inspect our large stock. Have your repairing done here and save money. Harrlsburg Harness & Supply Company. Second and Chestnut TWO BUSINESS WOMEN* to open first-class laundry, and would like to solicit business. All clothes washed separately, dried In the air and sunshtne and no acids used. Dron card to B . 2821, care of Telegraph. R« pr ,. sentative will call. v FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Qrosa the Druggist and Apothecary. 11l Market street. HarrUburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention Ball ll<*. II AW LINO n. A. HARTMAN.UoardIBr Stable mm* National Transfer Co. MoverS of pianos safes/ boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No! 11 MONEY TO LOAN MONET TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any 1 terms to suit borrower Address P rt , Box 174, Harrlsburg. Pa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. S3 p« r month and up. We invite Inspection. Low lnsursnc*. 437-44S South Second street Harrlsburg Storage Company. STOHA6K la 8-atory brick building, rear 4W Market street. Household sonde in eleaa, private rooms. Reaaonable rates. Vpplr ta P. G. Dieaer. Jeweler, 408 Market at. STORAGE 4ll Broad street for household goods snd merchandise. Pri vate rooms. SI to SS. Wagons, 7S cents per month. Apply D. Cooper * Co. 411 i Broad street. Both phones. FINANCIAL $20.00 AT 6 Per Cent—First-class security will be given upon valuable real estate. Address A., 2822, care of 'Telegraph [ Gen Motors 180 180 178 180 Goodrh BF 51* 51% 50% 50% Gt Nor pfd 117 118 117 117% Gt N Ore s 42% 42% 40% 40% Gug Exp .. 62% 62% Hl% 61% Insp Cop . . 31 32% 31 32 In-Met 20% 21% 20% 21 In-Met pfd 75% 75% 75 75 Lehigh Val 143 144 143 143 % Mex Petro. 74% 74% 73% 73% Miami Cop. 27 27 % 27 27% Mo Pac .. 2 2%* 1% 2% Nat Lead.. 63% 63% N Y Cent. . 88% 89 88 88 NY.NH& H 60 62% 60 61% NY.O & W 26% 28 26% 28 North Pac. 106% 107% 106% 106% Pac M 33 33 33 33 Pa Ry 108% 102% 10S 108 Pitts C 25% 26 % 25 25 Pitts C pd. 94% 94% 94 94 j Pr* SC... 51% 51% 51% 51% i Rail S S.. 35% 36 S4 % 34% RayCC... 22% 23% 22% 23% I Reading .. 147 149% 146% 148% ! Rep 15... 45 45% 42% 42% I Rep IS pd 96% 96% 93 93 I South Pac. 87% 87% 86% 86% I South Ry.. 13% 13% 13% 13% •South R pd 45 45 45 45 Studebaker. 83% 85 83% 83% |Tenn Cop.. 38 38',4 37% 38% ' Third Ave. 51 51 50% 50% II Union Pac. 128% 129% 128 128% U S Rub.. .46 46 45% 45% U S Steel.. 67% 67% 66% 66% U S Stl pd. 112% 112% 112% 112% Utah Cop. 67 67% 66 66 Vir-Car C. 34% 35% 34% 34i9 West U Tel. 69 69 68% 08% West Mfg.. 110 113% 110 111% •Ex. Div. 1%. yEx. Div. 2%. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia. July 30. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red, car lots, new, July, export. $1.11@1.13; No. 1. Northern, Du luth, old, export, $1.52© 1.57. Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local. 90@91c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, 89® 90c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 64® 64 %c. Bran Quiet but steady; winter, city mills, 1127.00 per ton; winter, per ton, none here; spring, per ton, $25.50® 26.00. Refined Sugars Market lower; powdered. 5.80®5.85c; fine granulated, 5.70® 5.75 c; confectioners' A, 5.60® 5.65 c. Butter Market firm: western, creamery, extras, 27c; nearby prints, fancy. 30c. Egg® The market Is firm; Pennsylvania «nrt othei nearuy firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case; do., current receipts. free cases, $5.70 per case; western, extras, firsts. $6.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.70® 5.85 per case. . Live Poultry Dull and weak; fowls, old roosters, 11® 12c; broil ing chickens, 15®22c; spring ducks, 15 ®l6c; old ducks. 12®14c. Dressed Poultry Dull and weak; | fresh killed fowls, fancy. is%«ol9c; do., i average. 16%®17Hc: do., unattractive, 1 14 % Wls%r; do., old roosters. do., i broiling chickens, nearby, 25® 30c; do., | western, 20® 25c; do., spring ducks. 16% ®l(c; ice packed fowls, 15®17%c. Potatoes Market steady; Matne, per bushel. 16®20c; New York, per | bushel, 15®20c; Southern, per barrel. . 40«?j90C. Flour Nominal; winter straights, new, $».00®5.25; do., patent, new, $5.25@ 5.50; do., clear, J6.50®6.25; Kan sas. .lute sacks tn.IOAIS.SO; sprinc straights, old. $56.75@6.90; do., patents, old. $6.90®7.50. . Hay Market nominal; No. 1, large, bales, $2400® 2600; No. 1, medium bales. $25.00; No. 2, do., $14.00; No. 3, do, $20.00(921.00. ml *ed. *24.00; No. 1. do., $522.50 ; ®23.00; No. 2. do., $20.00®21.00. CHICAGO CATTLE Ry .Associated Press Chicago. 111., Jnly 30. Hogs Re ceipts. steady. Bulk of sales, i§;2'9 , 5- 90 : light. $7.05<87.70; mixed. s6.,a(ff i.60; heavy, $6.05®7.00: roujrh $6.05® 6.20; pigs, $6.50® 7.40. Cattle Receipts. 1,000; steadv. Na tive beef steers. $6.20®10.25; western steers, $6.80®8.15; cows and heifers, $3.25®9.25; calves. t".50®11.25. Sheep Receipts. 14,000: steady. Sheep. $6.00®6.90; lambs, $«.50®8.85. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., July 80.—Board of Trade closing: • July, 1.11; September, 1.0;» \. Corn—July, 79: September. 74^4. Oats—July, 57%: September, 38%. Pork September. 13.65; October, 13.80. Lard—September, 8.10: October, 8.17. R(bs —September. 9.45; October, 9.40. IN CASE OF ACCIDENT Touch warts or corns with a camel's hair brush dipped in iodine. Butter or vaseline is excellent for a burn; If the place is covered instantly from the air no blister will appear. For a severe headache a towel wrung out of hot water and applied to the back of the neck will often give Instant relief. it A good, healing ointment for skin eruptions or abrasions is made of bis muth and white vaseline. Use one part of bismuth to three parts of vaseline ! The eyes are greatly strengthened and what strengthens the eves bright-, ens them, by using a dallv wash of, rose water. Hoarseness and ordinary sore throat is quickly relieved by putting: a table spoonful of pine tar In a vessel of boil ing water and inhaling the steam bv holding: the head, covered with a woolen shawl, about three feet about the steaming vessel. Car® should be taken not to expose one's self to a draft or cold wind immediately after using this remedy. For Sale A Large Ball Bearing Elevator platform flxlO—capacity, one ton: 75 feet of shafting—lo pieces or 6-inch angle iron. 18 feet long. Practically new—will sell at a sac rifice as building must be vacated. Also lot of second hand furniture, s.ightly used. No reasonable of fer will be refused. Apply Frank Cohen 607 East State Street MONEY y *o Housekeepers. Work* lotmen and Silvlad Km- ployea. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • ST. MARKET SQUARE Room SI 4th Floor Spoooor Building JULY 30, 1915. ID APPOINTMENTS MADE 111 CAPITOL William Fisher, of Snnbury, Ap pointed to Be a Deputy Factory Inspector Two appointments were announced at the Capitol to-day. William Fisher, Sunbury, was appointed a factory in spector by Commissioner Jackson. He will be assigned to a district at once. John F. McFadden was named to be a justice of the peace for Kline town ship, Schuylkill county. The Reading Cycle Manufacturing Company, recently chartered, to-day filed notice of increase of stock from $50,000 to $200,000. The Kaston Y. M. C. A., which has a boys' camp near that city, has writ ten to Commissioner Dixon asking for some hints about sanitation and care for enmp sites. Attention was at tracted by some of the literature Is sued by the commissioner giving prac tical hints for boys. The record of visitors to the Capitol this week has been very large. Thurs day there was a regular rush, lasting all day. Several automobile parties were In the list. State tinances are showing the strain of the large appropriations and the number of active depositories has been steadily decreasing. They permit their bends to remain in the State Treasury, however. FINDS DFEI) TO HER HOME IN HANDS OF CORPSE IN GRAVE Syracuse. N. Y„ July 30.—Digging into the grave of her uncle, Jay Wheeton, who had been dead four years, Mrs. John Wheeton, of Fair mount, to-day recovered a deed to her home which she found clutched in the hands of the corpse. Mrs. Wheeton says her uncle agreed to leave her the house when he died and made a deed to that effect. After his demise it could not be found and relatives start ed to put her out of her house. She remembered seeing the papers In her uncle's casket, hired a man named Degan, and helped exhume the body, recovering not only the deed but some valuable insurance papers. Mrs. Wheeton claims the documents were buried in an effort to defraud her out of the property. SVICIDK IN DOI'BT Sunbury, Pa., July 30.—A reward, no amount named, has been offered for the recovery of the body of Roy Titman. of lola, Columbia county, who is believed to have jumped into the Susquehanna, near Bloomsburg more than a week ago. There are some who doubt the story, and believe that Titman disappeared to evade a court order requiring him to contribute to his wife's support. He left his coat and a note pinned on it, saying he was going to end it all. SWEDEN BUYS GERMAN COKE The Importation of coke from Ger many during the last few months has been exceptionally good. During May 1, 1915. IB ships arrived in Stockholm from German harbors with about 30.000 tons of coke. This great coke import Is, of course, caused by the high prices of coal In England and the freights from there. Many steamers, especially the smaller ones, as well as the state and private railways, are now using coke—either alone or mixed with coal or wood—as fuel, apparently with good results, as the import of coke continually increases. Consul General Ernest L.. Harris, Stockholm, July 1. Resorts ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. BEST LOCATED POPULAR PRICB FAMILY HOTEL NETHERLANDS Sew York Ave. SO Yards From Unardnnlk, Atlnntlc City, N. J. Overlooking lawn and ocean. Ca pacity 400. Elevator, private baths, running water. Special free features, lawn tennis court and dance floor. Bathing from hotel; shower baths. AMERICAN PLAN. RATES—S9.OO TO $17.50 WEEKLY. $2.00 UP DAILY. Write for free booklet and points of interest in Atlantic City. AUG. KUHWADEL THE WILTSHIRESSTfitch: A Z3S view; capacity 350; private baths, run ning water in rooms, elevator, fine porches, &c.; music. Special—sl2.so up weekly; $2.50 up dally; open all year: booklet; auto at trains. SAMUEL ELLIS. ELBERON AND FIREPROOF ANNEX. Tennessee Ave nue, near Beach. Central. Open aurn undinsa Opposite Protestant snd Catholic Chvrchea. Capacity 500. New throughout. Rurnlni water in rooms. Print* baths. Metal beds. 4,0)0 feet of porches. Excellent tsble. Fresh vegetables. Windows screened. White service. Bioklet. Special: fS.OO to (SI.OO wenklyi • 1.80 to $3.50 dally. B. B. LUDY, 11 U. The Frontenac cio"l uck to bUYi.: A modern high-class, home-like hotel; Cap. 250; finest hotel section, central to every attraction; ocean view rooms, cool porches, metal beds, elevator; white service. SB, $lO, $12.50 weekly. Booklet. W. F. WATTS. LEXINGTON Pacific Ark Ave«. Grounds with tennis courts sdjoin Wench. Only popular priced hotel where GUESTS may go from HOUSE to SURF In BATHING ATTIRE without ualss streets, which ie prohibited. Use of BATH HOUSES and csre of auiti FREE. RUN NING WATER in rootni. ORCHESTRA. sl.<o and up to $17.50 weekly. Ameri can plan. WHITE SERVICE. GARAGE. Booklet. PAUL C. RCSECRANS. Speaking of the concrete construction of the Blenheim, Thomas A. Sdieon maid, I "It is the coming construction for all great buildings. It won't bend, it won't break, and you cou{dn'j burn it i/ gou trisd" flnarlborouflb-JBlenbefot. ATLANTIC CITY, IV. J. THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD Capacity 1100 American and European Piano The great essential of a resort hotel, at distinguished from a city hotel, is ample public space devoted to the use of its guests, in the form of bright and airy Exchanges, Lobbies, Parlors, Galleries ana Solariums, affording pleasing vistas and beautiful promenades, the whole combining into a harmonious vision of grandeur and beauty, while replete with the cozy group seclusions of home, and yet affording full nw of the pleating puortn, of (He retort life. Is this essential tKfl e*rlbnrunijl)Hr»tjrlm «t*nd, without u equal in Atlantic Cily at eiiewhere. Itt "Ownerthip Management," while accounting for its unique reputation, it • guaranty of the high character of kt patronage and the unexcelled quality of iti tervjee and eiraine. h employ* only white aerrice in both Hi American and * la carte dining rooms. It make* a ipccialty of kt high-clatt muaic every evening throughout the yew, with tpecial Sunday night tslo feature*. Romani, the worid't highest Tenor, of Venice, i* engaged to ting at frequent interval* during July. Augutt and Septembai. Atlantic CltT. with it* only real comoetitor (Europe) this year impossible. la offering unusual attraction, and entertainment*, two fl vin* boats are daily soureas of interest. Two nolf course*, the Yacht Club, the fishin* fleet and the wonderful b,thine teach attract their respective devo'eee. while the pier amusements, the Boardwalk, thr Are motor mil and ihe s»let»did hotels and restaurants, afford enjoyment So all. There H only on* Atlantic City, and this summer It 1a particu larly attractive. Write for Illustrated booklet and rat—. J 081 AH WHITE * SONS COMPANY. THOUSANDS ATTEND BIG MAROI GDIS To "Born John Harris at the Stake" Tonight; Many Prizes Are Presented Rivaling, if not surpassing, any pr«« vious festive occasion, the mummers' Mardl Gras at Paxtang Park to-day started with a big rush. During th« day it was estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 people visited the purk. Many remained in the park all day. Following a meeting of the Harris brrg Mummers' Association at 8 o'clock this morning the committee started the various contests. Up to noon only one-third of the events had been completed, owing to the larg* number of contestants. This after noon there were contests for men and women, including swimming, boating and running matches. This evening at 8 o'clock the spectacular feature, "The Burning of John Harris," will take place. The winners in the event* up to noon follow: 100-yard dash for girls, Ellen Seehr er and Erma Lehman: 100-yard dash for boys, Rlalr Faslck and Patrick Taylor; three-legged race for men, E. 1.. Kunkel and Walter Loser; 100- yard dash for fat women. Mrs. Flora Murphy and Mrs. R. Page; wheelbar row contest. Mrs. Edward Attick and Miss Edna Reed; 100-yard dash for fa' men. Frank Philitelll, Joseph Lotz and Adam Moesiein: pie-eating con test. David Hoerner. Harold Attick and Joseph Sersch; nail-driving contest for women. Mrs. R. W. Carroll and Mrs. Flora Murphy; prize finding contest for colored boys, Benjamin Wilson; 100-yard dash for young women, Mls» I Orace Koons, Mrs. R. Reed anj Mr». ! A. P. Drayer. Man and Wife Injured When Auto Strikes Pole Special to The Telegraph Sunbury Pa., July 30.—When they [attempted to drive home ahead of a j storm, Mr. and Mrs. Ario Everett. Ber wick, were seriously Injured when their automobile crashed Into a tel«- I graph pole, after skidding on a brick [ pavement, when they were within three doors of their home. He wae hurled twenty feet ahead, and his wife thrown through the windshield. Both suffered a score or more of lacerations, and it was feared the woman's skull was fractured. OLIVE OIL TRADE IX SYRT\ Locusts did much harm this year to the olive trees of Syria. This qftects the new crop, and prices of olive oil ore advancing. First quality now sella at 16 cents and second quality at 15 cents per pound.. No third quality of | oil is offered for sale, as it Is used exclusively in soap manufacture, and j soap manufacturers hesitate making soap, as the military authorities will j commandeer the soap for the army. Resorts | ASBURV PARK, N. J. HOTELMATTHEWr 302 First Ave. Catering especially to Harrisburg people. Block to beach. Every convenience. Special rates. A. V. MATTHEWS. Resorts ATLANTIC CITY, I*. J. STANLEY South Carolina Ave., near Beach. $3 to $3.50 per day, $lO to $17.50 per week. Private baths, running water. Man agement of owner. M. T. CURRAN. HOTEL MAJESTIC iiSU'VSiSS ed throughout; center of attractions; ocean view; capacity 300; elevator, private baths, white service, etc.; au> perlor table. Special, SIO.OO up weekly: $2.00 up dally. Booklet. M. A. SMITH. THE NELLUNDY VIRGINIA AVENUE AND BEACH Private baths, running water; newly appointed dlningroom: capacity 300. Rates, $2.60 up daily. $12.50 up weekly. | B. H. LONDY. HOTEL WILLARD~~™£ New York Ave. and Beach, cool loca tion; Cap. 400; elevator, private baths; excellent table; bathing privileges; $12.50 up wkly; $2.00 up dly. Booklet. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES $2.00 np dally; $0 up weekly. ALBEMARLE Leading high-class moderate rate hotel. Virginia Ave., near Beach and all attractions. Capacity 350. 100 cool front rooms, new metai beds, comfortable furnishings; ele vator, private baths, 4000 ft. porches, excellent table (evening dinners), courteous service, home-like. Mo torists' patronage solicited. 14th year. Booklet. J. P. COPE, k—p. The Worthington Cottage 41 South Virginia Avenue Atlantic City, N. J. MRS. M. W. 9PICEH, of Harrisbvrg. SOMERSET Askansas Ave., -nd house from Board walk and Million Dollar Pier. Good beds, good table. SB, $9,. $lO, $12.50 weekly; $1.50. $2 dally. H. J. KERSHAW 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers