14 ' * Sport Coats of Silk and Wash Skirts A Half Price Sale of Cotton Waists Tomorrow Wm, Specially Priced in a Clearance Bnn £ s the Best Values of the Season JgS * *> From our regular stock comes news of a half price sale of waists for to-morrow. The bi £g est values of the Summer season in dresses, sport coats and wash skirts go The styles are far and away the best that we have presented at any time this summer, * &5V* on sale to-morrow at reductions that make a new low price record. The sale will in- so come with every assurance of securing uncommon values. elude these interesting items. Regular SI.OO waists of voile, batiste, crepe and med wth tucks, filet lqpe insertion and embroidery « lk ." po !f i r a ''" ? N Wash Skirts, SI.OO to $4.95 soisette in white, colored stripes and black with cuffs. Special TT 91.95 fwWf a > ser S P • coa •• ue nt w „\ BO Bc<,fortl °° rd skJrts ,n wtl,te ' be,ta ß low collar or in semi-tailored style; three-quarter Embroidery voile waists with filet lace inser- WfHP /si"White imported chinchilla coats, patch pockets and tine white Rahardine «itirts, pocket* and bias bands sleeves. Specially priced in the Clearance Sale, tion and embroidery organdie collar, trimmed cWfPi- belts, or plain full models ... si 4.50. $15.00 and $16.50 Si.so 50© with filet lace insertion* lone- sleeves trimmed A IsJj $18.50 navy blue eerpe and poplin coats, full belted Gabardine skirts, belts and pockets with straps and _ . , , . . -*u 1 -.u j ! " • '"'T ves irimmea • K .f&J.' models, convertible collars SIO.OO buttons $2.»8 Four new styles of voile waists with long with organdie cuffs and lace insertion. Special, $18.50 shepherd and large check coats, belts and Fine oyster white linen skirts, tailored pockets and sleeves are specially priced at $1.95 $1.9.) C ''Vp'' \ Satin Jap Silk Waists in three winning styles. Specially priced $1.25 j ' acc insertion, pin tucks and pearl buttons; turn- lace insertion; embroidered collar trimmed with ( j over embroidery collar and long sleeves; trim- lace edge. Special $1.95 Colored and White Dresses Reduced . ~ 7~ ~ ~ ; $7.50 heavy linen dresses, in all shades. Clearance SIO.OO polka dot and soiled white combination dresses. Attractive Specials in Hosiery and Underwear price $4.50 Clearance price $7.50 . ... „, , 59.50 French linen dresses, hand embroidered ! 1 . cuffs and pockets. Clearance price So.OO . _ Black and white fibre silk seamless White cotton ribbed sleeveless vests „ , , Isc «uck anrl nnlka dot and striDe organdie dresses P ru -e $0.90 hoso 25c 10c White lisle ribbed union suits; sleeve • , v , £ i j- ,-i «BQ a«5 Dives Pomeroy & Stewart Second Floor Si,k hose, fashioned feet: lisle tops: less and knee length 50c With collar and cuffs of organdie. Clearance pricey $,i.90 utves. romero> «• Mewart, second Floor. , W ack, wh|te ftiul 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. White cunify cut ribbed vests. . .12^0 Elbow Length Silk Gloves < A Trunk That Will Stand Repriced for Final Clearance Many a Hard Knock Women's long: silk gloves, In elbow length; made with-double finger f V/ / WTr \ y \ c • 1 cr r f\r\ ends. Special, pair 59c and 85c _ V V / \SJ~r \ / > P\ I 1 V VI I Fownes' and Kayser silk gloves; 12-button lengrth; in white and I.' V. \ CI I v|/ V/ •\J V_/ black, with double finger ends. Pair "5c and $1.25 TVT C„ + - CHI, J \/„1 T , One of the most durable trunks made in this coan- Si-VT. INeW oatin, OllK ana Velvet anapes try is soM traveling raids section in the base- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street.Floor. x ment at Jpo.UU. It is built of selected bass wood with "* w 1 T . . • "T\* t £ a cover i n R of stout canvas, and reinforced with hard- A Sale of Shirts for Men Make an Interesting Display 01 wood « f b »» | Values Not tO Be Equaled Elsewhere Mid.-Summer Millinery shown now in 32, 34, and 36-inch sizes. All at Men's negligee shirts in high grade weaves; all sizes gQ c " Wardrobe trunks, at $15.00 to $60.00 and good styles. Specially priced ..... ; These are the latest styles from the millinery designers o( Kew York City. The shapes are of s.lk, 2 4-mch fibre covered suit cases, smooth or em- Mens negligee shirts in neat and tanc> color Qf*/» satin and velvet, in pink, blue, rose, black and white and black, in turban, sailor and floppy brim hns«;prl (IS#/* stripes; sizes 13J4 to 18. Special _ _ ' t ' u . . . . ' . iU ~ , , Dossea Srt Shirts For Bo s and Men CCtS * V< crowtls and s OOl4l have ltnder bnms faced w,th black Velvet - Light weight matting bags, 14 to 18 inches, at , #*»■ ■■/> . Women who find their Summer hats looking much the worse for wear will welcome these new to 98$. s ,^' s r^ hi ~^ CO " 35c -$1.19 Price., 98c, $1.49, $1.69, $1.95 to $2.95. A NeW DuntleV VaCUUm Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. tJ A Demonstration of OMO New Velvet and Silk Trimmed Hats Cleaner at a Very Black velvet is the fashionable hat of the hour and shows the novel use of yarn stitching and y— . Hmcc crochet effects for trimmings. The shapes are saucy military effects, sailors and floppy brim styles. 1 TIO© WUOneSS L/IGSS OOIGIQ. Some are all black and some are black and white. Unusually smart modes at .... $4.95 and $5.95 T •1 T» a.t « 1 1 ns Imperial Duntlev vacuum cleaners are a revela- Dress shields are important enough to warrant careful Worthy of interest, too, is a new line of trimmed Panama hats at $3.95 and $4.90 Qn everv housewife who has used one and thev Tt leC in°Ke S vnn! d whn o e W fnr S vo,rtn aS DIVM ' Pomeroy & SUwart ' ?econd F '° or> Front " are to-dav serving with such admirable satisfaction in It will be worth your while tor you to come in and consult the TT • 1 * 1 1 1 < < expert from the factory who is demonstrating Omo shields this Harrisburg homes that we heartily recommend them week - . . THE annual August Sale of Furniture opens on Monday next with the most com- to }' ou - I r!' e Iv. „' "i™"!" B !'* a °T' Xh ' ? 4 T 1 prehensive eathering of furniture attractions that it'has been our good fortune Made with brush attachrhent and extra heavy best way t(fwear th^m. g " "*° ,he to present in many a day. brush. The price is very moderate at $4.95 Omo shields are made in many styles and embody new To-morrow will be an inspection day for the benefit of patrons who wish to Dlves ' Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement, ideas in comfort and service. They contain no rubber, and are make leisurely selections. r —v . TM guaranteed to be moisture proof and odorless. Xo furniture in the August Sale will be before Monday. L/C) I OU. I i&V 1 CIIIIIS f 1 JIOII Notion Section, Street Floor. ** Men's STOOO English Mohair Suits, $7.50 il~, A ry T Tit Ti7*V7 n D« • I I Tennis rackets made of second growth ash, aver- A Small Investment That Will Fag Big 131014^2 ° In Comfort During the Hot Dags of Summer Professional tennis balls 50^ . ... ..... • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. These cool suits are made of Priestley's cravenetted English mohair which is ample % 1 guarantee of their quality and wearability. They are cut and tailored with the same thor- C3rOCOTy Dcp't OffcFS ough care of our regulation suits so that good style goes hand in hand with comfort. | J sizes from 35 to 40. ' an Attractive List of Specials Grey and blue shadow stripes. Black and white shadow stripes. JIL! " L Sw) ft mud cured time shoulder.;| Record coffee, in i-ib. bags .... asc Black and white pin stripes. Regular SIO.OO suits, at $7.50 //ioYb^TaL l iated S Spues p u e^ I'. 1 '.l b ;.::: & bi.nd' .t..i' 1 9 JS'lif- c ° r 7_ f l akes "\ 8 p«ek"*e» with all chaff removed, 1-lb. cans, Cleaning-Up All Broken Sizes Men's JZj ssss^—B C Early June pack peas . LnsA r \ $15.00 Cloth Suits at $9.75 f/V \ 1 a ... —I ; *■ • w V-r V/IVIII CU.IIU L 4.*. •M. I AX I \ // I California lima beans, 3 lbs ... 2«c Boiled ham, sliced, lb 3Uc I Inr y/U \ \jgZam //l \\ JO bars white laundry soap .... Me Luncheon loaf, lb 23e I fir yt~\ \ / 111 \\ 8 packages Lighthouse cleanser. 25e Minced loaf, lb 10c JBk Men's and young men's styles in one, two and three button Eng- I ° cean . . wh soc ' ... & \ V \wa/\ nr/ 1 \ Tun# dsh for salads, Be. 10c and 18c Grape Juice, absolutely Pure. JBm lish sack models. Full, quarter and skeleton lined coats. \ \ yY>)A\ I if/ \\. B ' #c Dive., pomeroy 1 suw S! \ \ \/ // \AiU\l */ _ sc, 10c and 18c Basement. I iff Brown cassimeres and worsteds Light and dark grey overplaid \ V \y II Black and whi te check worsteds and blue serges \ \fc/ J Men Who Look for Quality Hosiery Mlk GreyshadOWstriptWOrsteds stripe cassimeres and Underwear Will Find Inter. Regular $15.00 Values at $9.75 |X U / if/ est in The Low Price Items * HUH 111 I r~> ■* « , # , , V\X\ VA I IVVx I 111 Fibre silk seamless socks, in Black silk lisle seamless socks fll Blue and Black Cloth Suits Reduced AM <>\ Iill)O0i--4 ~ sti*'*"*. ™ H ✓ \\A/\1 Y \JM« I 11/ X X -J Black stlk seamless socks...3sc 12Hc Our entire stock of blue serges and black suits reduced— i fSu Br Underwear of the Better Kind Reduced - \J \| SI.OO white nainsook union suits: 50c Egyptian open mesh shirts JP SIB.OO suits, at $13.50 $25.00 suits, at $18.75 I dSi vo1 ?" *. nd . kn ° c . lcnKth : S t?c SS-i2™ % S : .^. ,Pte . *^ rt . "^«te tonnn <CI X AA tmnn cultc at OiOO Krk 1 "' " •" sl.oio White cotton rilibe<i union wlilte cotton ribbed union fl| JpZU.UU suits, at ...... »pIO»UU S>oU.UU suits, at ...... y\' vA Buits, sleeveless and knee length suits; sleeveless and knee length Dlvea, Pomeroy A Stewart—Second Floor. Rear. , U Dives, Pomerey & Stewart—Street Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, K&RRESBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 30, 1915.
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