DAILY TILL 5:30 P. SATURDAYS TILL 10 P. M. HHHHHHHHISTORE CLOSED FRIDAYS AT NOONfIBBHSBBi The Globed The Globe's One Thousand Half-Yearly Suit Campaign Atif QearawaySale A Co-Operative Profit-Sharing Sale —In Which We Want You All to Benefit We have set upon ourselves a gigantic task for the months of July and August. Beginning to-morrow and ending Saturday, August 28th, we have determined to sell One Thousand Men s and Boys' Suits Here Is Our Plan For the past week we have been busy making great preparations for our Half-Yearly Clearaway Sale. Then the thought occurred to us how to arrange even better values for our customers, and we hit upon this plan. ipfoj In addition to the REDUCED PRICES that prevail in every department fSk throughout the store, if we succeed in selling ONE THOUSAND MEN'S . AND BOYS'SUITS within the time specified we will refund to each v *- /' \ purchaser of a suit 5% 0f the suit purchase price. Every customer's name will be registered together with the amount of the purchase of mmim either Men's or Boys' Suit, so that in the "BONUS DISTRIBUTION" no person will be JW J Every purchaser will help boost the sale. Every buyer will be an advertiser. You'll get your reward in the "BONUS DISTRIBUTION. wJll|W|^ This Is a Decided Innovation in the Merchandising Annals of Harrisburg '■ [ 1 If lj| We will not claim this to be an entirely original idea, as we are to some ex- 111 M j I tent emulating the progressive ideas of Henry Ford, the great automobile maker, however, to «g i I our knowledge, the general plan has never been used in retail merchandising. wj| if 111 1 We are not egotistical. We believe in giving the other fellow credit for a good business % I | i! ] thought and in our judgment this is "one of the best." » I Ji Ml But —we intend to "go Henry one better." Not every man can afford an automobile, but every man llfjj/r SP KL must buy clothes. jL'juLU' , 4a Start reat sa^e broader choice for customers than most stores offer at a season's beginning. W ITS A BIG JOB —WE ARE GOING AT IT IN A BIG WAY — gp Men's and Young Hft Mens and Young xK CA Men's and Young ✓K a C*rv Men's Suits, Values i Men's Suits, Values jll Men's Suits, Values Si lA 150 PAIRS OF I Up to $12.50, Now Up to $16.50, Now Up to $20.00, Now ' Men's and Young Men's Men's and Young RQ Men's and Young CA Men's and Young RO TROUSERS Men's Suits, Values /Nk* Men's Suits. Values I / Men's Suits. Values IyV Worth J2.50 and $3.00, at Up to $13.50, Now Up to $18.56. Now A Up to $22.50, Now J-V/ _51.95 Suit Values up to $25.00, now $19.50 | Suit Values up to $30.00, now $22.50 at I ■ .1 95 Your Boy Is a Part and Parcel of This One Thousand Suit Campaign OUTING TROUSERS Half-Yearly Sale of Boys' All-Wool Suits Extra Special Values B °H.'if H Y«rit S'' " SHS a, a wtrSd d « & B "* Sa « e Norf °' k Suits - $5 -°° ValutS ' at $349 Boys' SI.OO Straw Hat, regular price. Boys' Two-Pant Suits up to $5.00, at ... .$2.89 50c Men's High Grade White i Boys Suits up to ss.oo—now at $2.39 Stout Boys' Suits up to $8.50, at $5.89 p ,»si c 0 c t tr Serge and Flannel Trousers Boys' Suits up to s6.so—now at $3.69 ~ heviota - Caasimeres and Blue Serges for stout boys, 13 to 18 yr 3 . >o >' S WOrth $5.00, nOW Boys' Suits up to s7.so—now at $4.69 IA Final Clearaway of Boys' Wash Suits I —53.95 Boys' Suits up to slo.oo—now at.... $6.69 Lot No. 1-Boys Wash Suits to 75c-now 29» i?n_ .. , ~ 17 Lot No. 2—Boys' Wash Suits to $2.00-now 980 „ , ... 8 All-Linen Trousers JLjv y All sizes from 6 to 17 )ears Cut from one dollar. $2.00 values; special at ... ~ ~ Lot No. 3—Boys' Wash Suits to $2.50 —now $1.29 „ —— - a-g r\r~ All Knee Pants REDUCED 10,n0.4-Bo ys -w,.h Mt .,053.95-„„w #,.89 Boys L Ll en Hats $1.25 f/* 50c Wool and Wash Pants are ■ worth 75c; now VSA %1 .1 75c Wool and Wash Pants are Boys' Guaranteed Raincoat. 45c Men » Lnen A" l ® Du.t C.aU \ \W\I Pf/ii WHK Haf tn MatrK n» worth $2.50, now \' \ $1.50 Wool and Serge Pants are $1.29 $ 3 - 95 Va lues - A Saving of One Dollar. 25c Boys' Norfolk Wash Suits i[ Boys ' 75c 5 s r rt Waists /v f Chaki T) Vhite Duck—Natural and Jasper Linens-values to | I fl" I |—i I values to S2O; special, at $3.00, special at • 1. 1. JI I M I t-# I 4 Boys' Dollar Pajamas (j>l A Qrr * ■ * "Harrisburg' a Greatest Clothing Store" C ====================
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