I , >-• ' ' Heavy Storm in Middle West Causes Great Loss of Life and Big Property Damage HAKRISBURG iSlSlli TELEGRAPH LXXXIV— No. 157 IDLE COUNTRYSIDE AT FUNERAL OF SIX VICTIMS OF WRECK Scores of Wagons, Autos and Car riages Bring Friends of Cassel Family to Services READING RAILROAD CENSURED Coroner's Jury Blames Railways Company and Service Com mission For Tragedy rfummelstown, Pa., July S.—Hun dreds of persons from the country sur rounding Hoernerstown drove for many miles through the mud and rain to attend funeral services for t six victims of the grade Tossing accident Monday night in w 1 .h Mr. and Mrs. George Cassel, their children, John and Elizabeth, daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harrison G. Cassel. and her child. Rus sell. lost their lives. It is estimated that more than a hundred wagons, carriages, buggies and automobiles followed the six hearses from the funeral chapel of Karmany & Son to the Hummelstown Cemetery, where burial was made. Mr. And Mrs. Cassel were burled side by side in one grave. Their two children were buried in one grave. Mrs. Har rison Cassel and her son were placed In separate graves. After burial was made services were held in the Lutheran Church by the Rev. Mr. Brownmiller. of Reading. Censure Railroad The coroner's jury last night cen sured the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company and the Public Service Commission following the in quest. In the verdict it was pointed cut that the railroad never heeded the reauests of borough council to protect the grade crossing. It was testified at the inquest that from the time the train whistles until It reaches the crossing Just ten seconds elapse. The verdict was as follows: "Mrs. Tlnrriet Cassel and family were killed July 5, 1915. at 10.23 p. m.. by train Xo. 9, known as the Qneen of the Valley, of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railway Company. In Railroad street, Hummelstown, and that on ac- count of the gross negligence of the • Philadelphia and Heading Railway Company In not providing a watch man at the safety gates at said cross- Inc as well as other railroad crossings as requested repeatedly hv town coun cil and the citizens of Hummelstown we find that the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company Is respon sible for the killing of the above named Harriet Cassel and family. "AYe also censure the Public Service Commission for negligence In not com pelling the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company to protect the trav eling public at said crossing ip the borongh of Hummelstown." A copy of the verdict was sent to the Public Service Commission to-day as a mrtter of information for that body. PARTXKR OF AIiLEGEI) HOVSKBREAKER AT LARGE William O'Mara was arrested last night by Detective Tbaoh and Police man Gibbons and Dickey charged with breaking into the home of Philip D. M. Marko. 1022 Fox street, and steal ing several articles. The police claim that a number of houses in North Seventh street have been entered and robbed and suspect that O'Mara and a partner are connected with the cases. GAME CALLED OFF Owine to wet grounds, the game be tween Harrisburg and Montreal has been called off. It will be played the next time Montreal comes here. XEYER MIXD THE STRIXG Don't put it oil until you get downtown, don't wait another minute. Order the Harrisburg Telegraph to your vacation ad dress, then you won't miss a sin gle issue. You're going for a rest; but you're not going to drop out of Harrisburjt life. You'll want to know what's doing at home. Telephone the Circulation De partment or drop a postal card. THE WEATHER For Hari-ÜburK and vldnityi Shoifern this afternoon; partly cloudy and cooler to-nighti Fri day fair. For Eastern Pennaylranlat Short er* thin afternoon; partly cloudy to-night; cooler In Month portion! Friday fair; freah »lilf<ln K nlnda. River River conditions are uncertain. Heavy rain* have already fallen over the Upper North Branch, which will chunc that ntream to rise, and ahowera, probably heavy In some localities, are likely to oeenr generally over the .Susque hanna Valley to-day, irlilch mav atart a general rise In all atreaui's of the ayatem. A stn K e of about ».» feet Is indicated for Harris burg, Friday morning. General Conditions The storm that was central over the Lower Missouri Valley, Wed nesday morning, has moved cast ward and ia now central over the Upper Ohio Valley. It has caused heavy local rains In the last twenty-four hours over the south ern portion of the l.ake Region and In Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and In the Interior of New York and Northern Pennsylvania. Temperature! 8 a. m., 70. I ' Bum Rises, 4i48 a. m.; sets, 7iJ3 p. m. Mooni New moon, 4i31 p. m. July River Stage! 5.« feet above low water mark. Yesterday's Weather Highest temperature, 81. Lowest temperature, 50. Mean temperature. TO. ■ • ' Normal temperature, 71 FLOOD MAY FOLLOW FINAL SPLURGE OF WESTERN TORNADO River Has Already Broken Mid summer Records For Last Ten Years; Mounting Higher CAPITOL BASEMENT FLOODS Rain Banks Streets Full of Water; Traffic at Noon Suspends; Subway Fills Torrential downpours of rain over the entire Susquehanna river basin for weeks past have swollen the usually placid waters of the Susquehanna to a midsummer flood stage. With a height of 6.4 feet above low water mark, the crest of the flood was reached here Monday and Tuesday. This breaks all local records for July for a period of ten years. During the heavy rain at noon the Market street subway filled to a depth of 8 feet. Streets were filled from curb to curb and traffic was suspended. From present-indications, E. R. De main, local weather forecaster, pre dicts a river stage of 8 feet at this place within the next few days. How ever. the river is more than a foot higher than usual because of the dam that has been built at the lower end of the city. The storm which caused tornadoes and heavy rains in the West recently and was central over Des Moines yes terday is now central over the upper Ohio valley, causing general rains over the southern part of the lake region, the central states and also in New York and Pennsylvania. Effect of Tornado A river stage of 5.5 feet is predicted for Harrisburg to-morrow. The rains In this state will not cause flood stages, it is believed, but a rise in the river and all of its branches is expected. Little wind has accompanied the storm so far, but shifting breezes are forecast for Eastern Pennsylvania to morrow, with fair weather. The river conditions are uncertain at present, as much depends on the amount of rainfall and the duration of the storms. The storm which caused the trouble in the West is believed to have been partly broken up by changes in atmos pheric conditions. It is the cause of [Continued on Page B.] AUSTRIAN'S OX DEFENSIVE London, July 8, 12.20 p. in.—So great has been the weight of rein forcements brought up by Russia along the stretch of territory between the rivers Vistula and Bug, notably in the vicinity of Krasnik that the Aus tro-Hungarians for the moment have been forced to assume the defensive and to pause in their rush toward Lublin and the railways running from that city to Warsaw. U. 5. TIKES WIRELESS PLiT £ SHYVILLE Only Direct Means of Communica tion Between U. S. and Germany By Associated Press Washington, July B.—The govern ment to-day took over the Sayville, Long Island, wireless station, the only remaining privately operated direct means of communication between the United States and Germany. Secretary Daniels announced that Captain Bui lard, in charge of the naval radio had gone to take over the station and would continue its operation with naval forces. Secretary Daniels issued this state ment: "It is understood that the Sayville radio station had made application to the Secretary of Commerce for a li cense. The secretary of Commerce declined to grant the license and so informed the Secretary of the Navy, who, after conference, directed Cap tain Buliard, as the expert of the de partment, to take over and operate the station. Lieut George R. Clark will be in control of the station. Cap tain Buliard reached New York this morning and will confer with the own ers of the station in all that relates to the details of the operation of the station. Practically the same rules and regulations as are now applicable to Tuckerton will be put in operation at Sayville." There will be no change, so far as the public is concerned. Messages will be accepted as heretofore. FALABA WAS TORPEDOED London, July B.—Giving Judgment In the Board of Trade inquiry into the sinking of the African liner Fala ba In St. George's Channel March 28. with the loss of 111 lives. Lord Ker sey to-day found that the ship had been sunk by a torpedo from a Ger man submarine; that the measures for saving life had been promptly carried out and that proper discipline had been maintained. XEW JERSEY ZIXC COMPAN Y DECLARES STOCK DIYIDEXD Newark. N. J., July 8. —A stock divi dend of 250 per cent, was declared to day by the New Jersey Zinc Company, which by Its action increased its capi ta! from $10,000,000 to 135,000.000. The $25,000,000 new stock is to be distributed as a stock dividend to hold ers on a basis of 2% shares of new stock for every share of the old stock. The company's surplus at the present time is approximately $27,000,000. XEW db:stroyer lauxched Philadelphia, States torpedoboat destroyer Conyng ham was launched from the Cramp shipyards in this city to-day. The vessel will make a speed of about 29% [knots an hour. , < HARRISBURG, PA,. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 8, 1915. SO LOSE LIVES WHEN BIG STORM SIEPS OVER MIDDLE WEST Property Damage, According to Estimates, Will Total Several Million Dollars ONE TOWN ALMOST WIPED OUT Telephone and Telegraph Service in Stbrm-Swept District Demoralized According to figures compiled early to-day, more than fifty persons were killed and many injured by the violent wind and rainstorm which extended from Xebraska to Ohio last night. The property damage is estimated at several millions of dollars. The great est loss of life occurred In Cincinnati and vicinity where 83 persons are known to be dead and fifteen missing, 18 of the dead tliere being deek hands who were drowned by the capsizing of the towboat Convoy, on the Ohio river. In Eastern Missouri, the storm as sumed the proportions of a tornado, demolishing 162 blocks in St. Charles, a town of about 11.000 people. St. Peters, a town of 300 inhabitants, and Gilmore, a Tillage of 100 were al most wined out by the tornado. In St. Charles and St. Peters there was no loss of life while In Gilmore only one person was killed. In Lincoln and Custer counties, Xebrnska. wind and hail caused heavy damages to crops and in the village of Callaway several buildings were un roofed. There had been no loss of life reported early to-day. In Southern Illinois the storm was severe, causing heavy damage in many localities. At Mound City, the busi ness part of the town was flooded. In Ceniral and Southern Indiana, three persons were killed and many injured. Telephone and telegraph service was demoralized, buildings were unroofed and crops damaged by the heavy wind and rain. Loss of Life Greatest in Cincinnati District By Associated Press Cincinnati, 0., July B.—The most devastating storm that has visit ?d this city in several decades descended about 9:30 o'clock last nlgW, raged with cyclonic intensity for half an hour, took a toll of lives estimated at close to 3 5 and wrought property damage somewhere between half a million and a million dollars. As definite reports began to filter In to-day from the suburbs where telephonic communication was slowly [Continued on Page 7] WEATHERMAN NEVER PLEASES SMALL GIRLS Eighteen Little Women Think He's Mean, but Set Up Camp Anyhow "All right for YOU. Mr. Weather Man!" If eighteen little, pig-tailed women in "middies" and bloomers didn't say they thought the weather man was a mighty mean old thing, they all thought It. So there. The eighteen were the pioneers of the 1915 McCormlck's island girls' camp and the whole party landed and hustled under canvas in a drenching rain. From the dry warm cover of the tent-flies they watched a force of park department men unload the bag gage in the heaviest rain of the month. Mere rain doesn't bother a McCor mlck island girl camper one wee bit, however, and within much less time than it takes to tell it, a roaring fire was agoing and the youngsters were getting their tents and clothes and I things In order for a week's stay. Seven tents in all and a nice big kitchen comprise the camp and there is ample room for some more camp ers. Eighteen braved the elements this morning, but by this evening there will be a lot more under canvas. In spite of the rain the new instruc tor, Miss Ruth Little, gathered the youngsters together and mapped out plans for the week. The water is nice enough for swimming even if it is a trifle high, but there are plenty of safe bathing spots that will be selected for the girls. Camp was visited this afternoon by Park Commissioner M. Harvey Taylor and Assistant Superintendent Hoffert while Playground Supervisor Hill put in most all day there. FORD'S ADYICE TO EATERS Indulge Only When Hungry, and Then Little, is His Advice Detroit. Mich.. July B.—One of the many features of the new general hos pital which is being built with Henry Ford's money will be a special depart ment to teach people how to eat prop erly. It is the contention of Mr. Ford that with less eating there would be fewer cases of alcoholism. He says: "Eat only when hungry, and then eat less than you feel you need." DU POXT COMPANY GJ7TS $60,000,000 POWDER ORDER Special to The Telegraph Wilmington, Del., July B.—Sixty mil lion dollars' worth of powder, with a chance to obtain a bonus of 33 1-3 per cent, if the contract is completed within a certain time, ig called for In a contract which has just come to the Du Pont Powder Company from the Russian government. The agreement gives the company an opportunity to make a profit of $20,000,000, in addi tion to that which would be made at I the reeular erica. t s New Instructress at McCormick's Island Girls' Camp . | v- , J V>-.« • r r r-rr-V ■ - .jj ur , I x. i Jfl V o%&spr .^^fiflßnßl # . ''- /- ■ ' "* ' V; MISS RUTH LITTLE McCormick's Island camp for girls opened this morning under the jur isdiction of the city park department. Miss Little, the new instructress has plans for some new "stunts" which she has brought along from the Sar gents' girl camp In New Hampshire, these will be put into practice at an early date. ITALIAN CRUISER IS SUNK BY SUBMARINE Vessel Torpedoed by Austrians in Upper Adriatic at Dawn Yesterday By Associated Press Rome. July 7. via Paris, July 8, 8.40 a, m.—The Italian armored ' cruiser Amalfi was torpedoed and sunk at dawn this morning by an Austrian submarine while taking part in a re connaissance in the upper Adriatic, it was officially announced to-night by the Ministry of Marine. Most of the members of the crew were saved. The text follows: "A reconnaissance in force was accomplished last night (July 6) In the upper Adriatic. The Amalfi, which took part i:i the recon naissance was torpedoed at dawn this morning by an Austrian submarine and soon listed heavily to port. "The commander, before giving or ders to the crew to jump overboard cried: 'Long live the King, long live Italy.' The entire crew, drawn up along the stern, echoed the shout, giv [Continued on Page 7.] TEUTONIC ADVANCE IS HALTED BY RUSSIANS Lines Strengthened and Grand Duke's Forces Are Holding Out Along Extended Front At the moment when the Teutonic march through Southern Poland wa.s beginning to threaten, first, Lublin and then Warsaw, It lius boon brought to a halt. Official statements from each side agree that at the one point—in the angle north of Krasnik —where, the Russian lines were still displaying weakness, they have l»een strength ened, and it appears that Grand Duke Nicholas' forces are holding their ground along the extended front. Determined attempts by the Austro- German forces to drive the Russians out of what remains to them of Galicia are unavailing. Petrograd reports as saults by great forces east of T-em l>erg, but declares they were repulsed with heavy losses by the attacking army. Apparently tliere is a lull In the furious lighting along the Austro- Italian front after the recent deter mined attacks by the invading forces. Official statements from Rome, how ever. declare continued advances are being made on the Camic plateau, where the progress is described n.s "slow but constant." The Italian nrmorcd cruiser Amain lias been sunk In the upper Adriatic by an Austrian submarine. Most of the crew were saved. Carranza Forces Are Now Within 10 Miles of Mexican Capital By Associated Press Washington, July B.—The Carranza forces have pushed their attack on the convention forces defending Mex ico city up to within ten miles of the capital. Their military trains are op erating that close to the city. State Department dispatches from Vera Cruz to-day gave this report. Stockholders Want to Recover $102,000,000 By Associated Press ' Boston, July B.—A suit of minority stockholders to recover $102,000,000 from former and present directors of the New York, New Haven and Hart ford railroad, who were charged with responsibility for alleged Improper ex penditures of company fundß, was die missed by the Supreme Court to-day. William G. Rockefeller, Lewis Cass James S. Elton and Charles S. Mellon are among the defendants. MURDER INQUEST TO-NIGHT Coroner Eekinger will hold an In quest to-night at the District At torney's office to investigate the mur der of Mrs. Ella Albright, Fifteenth and Briggs Greets, who was found murdered last Thursday night _ , LAWYER BACKENSTOE LANDS RECORD EISH 48-Inch Muscallonge Taken From Waters of Canadian Lake by Harrisburg Attorney When Attorneys C. H. Backenstoe and William M Hain gravely carried ashore the spoils of Mr. Backenstoe's hour and a quarter's battle royal on Pigeon Lake, Canada, the other day, the oldest guide, the most boastful fisherman in camp, stood with head bared in silent, awed admiration. Between them the Harrisburg law yers carried the biggest muscallonge that has been taken from the waters of the Bobcjiygeon region this season. Just four feet—forty-eight inches— he'measured from tip of nose to tip of tall. And he tipped the scales at twenty eight ppunds. Now the great fish is In Peterboro, Canada, being stuffed and mounted for shipping to Harrisburg. Messrs. Back enstoe and Hain are wonderful fisher- stories of things they've [Continued on Pnge 7] STATE POLICE KIEL HI BRUNCH IRE Experienced Troopers Will Be Sta tioned at Penbrook; First Post in This County Announcement was made to-day at the office of the State Pollcq that a substation of the State Police force, the first to be established in this coun ty, would be located immediately at the farm of H. H. Walter, not far from Penbrook. Several experienced men will be detailed and the farm can be reached by telephone any time of the day or night for emergency calls. The purpose of locating the substa tion In the vicinity of Penbrook is to break up the thieving that has been going on in that region and also to have the men so that they can Include Paxtang and Pleasant View In easy reach. All of these communities have been annoyed by thieves of late and numerous clues are ready for the State Police to work on. The State Policemen will be a big protection to the suburban region and all that is asked is co-operation and prompt notice of thefts arid that when men are arrested the cases . be pushed and .not dropped. Justices of the Peace will also be asked. to act when informations are made. Substations established In other counties in this district have been of lasting benefit to the communities. To Break Ground Soon For Briquette Plant Plans for the building of the Gamble Fuel Briquette Company's plant at [ Ninth and Dock streets have been i placed in the hands of contractors and bide are expected to be received within the next few days. Contract for the construction of the machinery has already been given and the plant will be in operation by Fall. The type of machinery used in the plant will be somewhat different from i that used in most briquette plants. It will be of heavier construction and re quires fewer men to operate it. Both the machinery and the formula for making the briquette are patented Dr. B. E. Gamble, of Chambersburg, holds the rights to manufacture. The briquette will be made in one size only and the output be about five tons dally. It will be made from river coal, but in case river coal cannot be se cured culm will be used. It wiU be cheaper than coal. ENEMY FORCES REPULSED By Associated Press Rome. Italy, July 7, via Paris, July B.—An official statement issued to night at the headquarters of the Italian general staff was as follows: "An attack against our position at Ptsso di Campo. In the Val d'Aone, was repulsed with heavy loss. In Ca dore our heavy artillery opened flro on the enemy's defensive works at Ccrte, in the upper valley of Crods veole. At La Tagliata and Tresassi, in Val P oral a, serious damage .was dona." 10 PAGES K. G. P. MEN OFF TO GRETNH FOR (WEEK Companies D and I Leave Late This Afternoon to Take Part in War Game HARD WORK ON PROGRAM Governor to Inspect Guards Wed nesday of Next Week; Real Guns With Bullets of Wax Parading In heavy marching order through the drizzling; rain, Companies D and I of the Eighth regiment. Na tional Guard of Pennsylvania, accom panied by Colonel Joseph B. Hutch ison, late this afternoon, boarded the special train for Mt. Gretna, where the annual division encampment will be held from July 9 to 17. The soldiers will play the war game this year in Camp Major General John W. Sehall. Major General C. Bow Dougherty, division commander, will be in complete command of the camp. The special train which carried the local companies pulled into this city shortly before three o'clock. On board were Companies M, of Lewistown, F, of Huntingdon and L, of Bedford. [Continued on Pa?e 3.] Suicide on Bench in River Park Had Three Bullets in His Body Reclining apparently asleep on a bench in River Park, between State and South streets, early this morning, an unidentified man was seen by Policeman George Shoemaker whose attention was attracted by a shining revolver lying beside the man. "The officer tried to awaken the man, but a close examination showed he was dead. An Investigation revealed a bullet hole in the man's forehead, one in his side and one over his heart, indicating according to Coroner Eckinger that he had committed suicide. No one in the vicinity heard any shots it is said/ The man is about 5 feet, 9 inches tall and has gray hair and a gray moustache. The man appeared to be about B5 years old and was dressed fairly well. Some change was found in his pocket, also a silver watch with the initials "E. F." engraved upon ,it. The stub of a money order for $25 was found also, but no name was signed to It. Coroner Eckinger has been working all day endeavoring to learn the man's identity. T iington, July B.—Secretary Redfield in a letter to « 3ing- that" the United States 1 1 ... said ... estigation bad shown ! ( » v sending station, for" which license was .asked 11 had all been erected' since the. beginning of the war, with 1 J I apparatus made in Germany, that the company was entirely j ' ; v. Ned, and working with stations in Germany i under government control. ; g°i July B.—Five Monte rins, including three I , £ ners of the King of Montenegro and a former I aires at Constantinople were named in an indict- • ( : ; conspiracy to violate the neutrality laws of .the United. i ' ( States. * \ isburg.—United States Senator Theodore E. Bur- 1 2 ton, j has recently returned from a tour of Sola: ij & Amen and who is spoken of as a presidential possibility,. i! j I has a >ted the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce j j f. to speak at a luncheon at noon on Friday, July 16, at the ]| Ha;. it) urg Club. " I <: " < ' SEVENTEEN KILLED IN TROLLEY WRECK j | [ gara Falls, July B.—Seventeen persons were killed * j • and fifty injured, some probably fatally as the result of ; ' j the trolley wreck on the slope of Queenstown Heights, 4 ilast night. ... i Harrisburg. Pending . a decision of the Supreme Court as to the legality of the act, no certificates may be ' issued to the 300 or more applicants for mine foremanships and assistant foremanships by the State Bureau of Mine- ' gm accord to. the opinion of the Dauphin county court this ' J after * * > York, July B.—-The Dow Jones News Bureau pub ! *nil day a statement that the White Star Liner ' ' Adriat had dockwi safely at Liverpool a* ? o'clock this ! ' ' aft. * f Washington July B.—Two Ameiicans, Richard Msr hei of Chelsea, Mass., or Providence,. R. 1., and John < f Hi h thought to have lived at No. 321 Third avenue, ; j New c rk, were killed by the shell fire of the German sub- « > , .marine which attacked the British ship Anglo-Californian. ■ ■ - 1 nJb* » Wl » * POSTSCRIPT ATLANTIC STEAMER IFIRE NEAR HALIFAX; MAY BEHCET'S WORK Vessel Sailed From New York For London Last Saturday; Crew Number 100 MUNITIONS OF WAR ABOARD Captain Notifies Officials That Blaze in Hold Is Not Serious Py Associated I'rtss New York, July 8. The fire aboard the Minnehaha was caused by an explosion according: to a wireless message received at 12:40 p. m. to-day from Captain Claret. At that time the fire waa said to have lieen mastered. Captain Claret's message read as follows: "Fire caused by explosion. Now under control by suffocation and steam. .Much smoke in holds. Deemed it expedient to make for Halifax. Due off Chebucto Head 9a. m. Friday. Advise agents." The message came by way of Cape Raw. The explosion occurred late yesterday and appears to have car ried oul Frank Holt's statement that a ship would be burned on July 7. New York, N. Y.. July B.—As if in answer to Frank Holt's last warning i that a ship at sea "should sink, God | willing, on the 7th," there came last [Continued on Page B.] King Victor Counts Shells Fired at Him Special to The London, July 8. A dispatch to the Dally Mail from Rome says a soldier in a letter to his parents relates this Incident of King Victor Emmanuel's [coolness under fire: l "Along with the general staff, the I King visited our post to see how op erations were progressing. News of his presence was communicated to the Austrians by a spy, and they immedi | atelv fired sixteen twelve-inch shells at the spot, some exploding within 120 I yards of where the King and his of | floors were standing. "His Majestj' counted the projectiles : as they fell and then sat down on the I grass and figured out an account "to I shdw how much it had cost the Austri ians to try to take the life of one man.'"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers