2 (fifaffi^PcntioyLVAmftfievas] ABLE SPEAKERS FOR SUMMER CHAUTAUQUA Mechanicsb org's Tent Meeting Will Be Marked by Parades and Good Program of Instruction Special to The Telegraph Mechanlcsburg, Pa., July B.—Promi nent among the speakers at .the Chautauqua which will bo held this y«®ar In Mechanlcsburg one week, be ginning Thursday, July 16, will be ex- Governor Joseph W. Folk, of Missouri; the Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, of Brooklyn. X. Y., with "Life In Modern Babylon" as his subject; Chauncey J. Hawkins, on "Bright Eyes and Wild Hearts of Our Northern Woods," and Montaville Flowers on "Rebuilding the Temple." The superintendent, this year, will be Mrs. Bertha Smith - Titus, who has had extensive ex perience on the lecture platform. Among the attractions are: The Dun tar Soiree Singers; Springer and Chautauqua Entertainers: Crawford Adams Trio; Colangelo's Italian Band; Boston Oratorio Artists; the Varkomy- Hines Company, and the Avon Play ers, who will present "The Man From •Home." Saturday evening at 6 o'clock a Booster parade of automobiles with pennants and flags will be given. On Thursday afternoon, the opening day of tie Chautauqua, a parade, in which Jth« fire companies, local organizations "THE QUALITY STORE" First Half-Holiday Specials FOR TO-MORROW ONLY Store Cl**es Friday at Noon Ladies' Porch and ]} ox ££. ® mad* 3 of " plendidl'even, round i^c torials—worth up to $2.00; for Friday, at. each for Friday, while 98C ~ 77" ther last, at 50c AUover Itlmono-aleeve Aprons—of excellent quality. fast _ m color Gingham, in Blue Chocks— srs. sL.'aKu »>.>»< 39c splendid hot weather garments— special fw >riday, regularly 29e: fecial 1 Qf- for Friday, at 81x90 Seamless Bleached Sheets —3-inch lieins—of splendid quality Ladles' House Dresses—to see even thread sheeting—worth «sc; how many we can sell in one-half special for 50 C day we offer an exceptional qnal- Friday, at ity dress. made to sell at a treat —— deal more; special 49c 7c Fast Color Apron Ginglmms, for Friday, at in all the best iiatterns and colors; ■ special for' Friday, 5c Ladies' Pure Linen Auto Dust at, per yard Coats—only about one dozen of these —sizes 34 to 40—worth $5 "CHENEY" SHOWER-PROOF and $6; special S 1 .98 Foulards—23 inches wide—Navy-, for Iriday, at Copenhagen. Tan, Wistaria, and Black with pretty, neat designs— latlies' and Misses' Palm Beach regularly 85c: special for 50 C Suits—new witliin the last few Friday, at, per yard weeks; special for Friday— slo values, at #7.50 All-wool Challies in four pretty *- Kn J> •* styles and colorings—Bo Inches wide si.so values, at —soc values; special for - Friday, at, per yard Roc RlLES——ideal for bedroom . . _ _ and bathroom —well made—Green, Ladies' White Skirts—of good Blue and Brown; special for Fri- quality cambric—lace «md enibrol (jaT dery trimmed—worth $1.39; QC. 18x38, regularly 75c, at.. 49? special for Friday, at 27x54, regularly $1.39, at. Ladies' Longcloth Drawers with embroidery rufTle—open and closed styles—our regular 39c quality; 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs— for Friday, OQ r newest designs and colorings—ex- . JL%s C ceptlonal quality; special QQ 1 * for Friday, at • Ladies' Gauze Ribbed Cnlon Suits —low neck—no sleeves—tight Matting Suit Cases—a light case knee —size 4 only—only a few of for ladies and children —24 inches tlteso—regularly 50c; special for long—well made—sl.oo value; spe- Friday, at, OQ_ dal for CQp i>er suit Friday, at .. wc Wide All-silk Fancy Ribbons, A high grade Floor Screen— worth $1.50; special for CQ. golden oak frame filled with best Friday, at, per yard iJi/K, quality silkoline—3 fold—regularly ' _ BP ?' ial f ° r $1 .69 Fancy Brocade Ribbons that were Ittday. at W $2.50; special for Qfi„ Friday, at, per yard 15c White Voile—27 inches wide —a fine, nice quality; special Q Gauze Ribbed Union Suits for Friday, at, per yard —white—all sizes—short sleeves— ' ~ ~ , ankle length: special for Friday— 15c and 18c Crepe Pllsse in <IOO grades; special, at..7X^ pretty neat floral designs and plain I tflp colors; special for Fri- 1 01/ ~ $1.50 grades; special,at <CI "I s day, at, per yard '2C t ' l ' 6«4c Brown Twill Roller Towel- Men's 50c short and gauntlet ing—full width and perfect: special Leather Work Gloves; special for for Friday, Friday, at, QC r at, per yard " / |, er pair v -10c Crejjes in light grounds with small lot of new Cut Glass Olive neat floral patterns—best color- Trays—regular $3.00 values; spe ings; special for Fri- cial'for Friday, day, at, per yard «■»*- at ; oaC h iPI.OJ 10c Huck Towels—large size with _ . ~ ~ 1 neat red borders—ready hemmed— Cake of Broadway Bath slightly imperrect; special oe„ Soap and Rubber Face Cloth, worth for Friday, at, 4 for -•'C 40c; special for 1 2<» Friday, at -. lAC 25c Silk Tissues in a dainty, sheer cloth with splendid pattern and America Nickel Alarm Clock— color range—very serviceable ma- guaranteed—regularly 89c; special terials; special for 1Q _ for Friday, CQ*» Friday, at, per yard IOC at( ea oh OZ7C L. W. COOK If you need printed material, you need JLVA £ « VJlvlllfl the ideas we can of- _ , „. ~ fer you for making See the Soldiers your printed matter in m P mare effective. j Sunday, July 11 The Telegraph Prtatag Co. | Specia , Train J, I Lttrtl HarrUbni* at 8150 A. M. v <ZkJ>&rc/nenr or j stoppln * 'it/sSKfeSi. Rctiiri<M< Grcna oi2o Sales and 1 1 * Train Pal B erviec M j Pennsylvani* ye SMO. Cnnberlaad m. |!| Railroad l«/Cj ~ IVnHHVHi Round Trip j THURSDAY EVENING, and Junior Chautauqua children will, participate, will be a special feature. Chronophotographa will be taken or th« parade and shown at Chautauqua on tee opening night. Lars* delega tions from the surrounding towns and oountiT will help swell the crowd at tending these popular tent entertain ments. GUESTS AT HOI'SE PARTY ) Spectal to The Telegraph Shiremanstown. Pa.. July B.—Miss Ethel Parks, Mlas Alice Wallace, Frank Wallaco and Sylvan Parks of this place were honor guests at a house party given by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Angel, at their Ker Mar Md. Before returning home they visited Tawneytown, Keys vill# and other places of interest. PRETTY HOME WEDDING Halifax. Pa., JulTs.—A borne wedding took place at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sheet* in Haiifax township, Wedeesday noon . their daughter, Valua, became the wife of Harry Straw. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J- C. Pease, of the United Brethren church of Jack sonville circuit. • BITTEN BY COPPERHEAD Special to The Telegraph Quarryvllle, Pa., July 8. Martin Glrvin, 84 years old, an active farmer. Is In a serious condition from being bitten by a large copperhead snake yesterday. He was putting hu Into the trough for the horses, when a snake sprang at him, striking him on the left hand. His arm and hand be gan to swell rapidly and he was hur ried to a physician. His condition is serious. FALLS SIXTY FEET THROUGH TRESTLE Howard Shank, With Broken Leg, Holds to Tree Limb in Water to His Neck Special to The Telegraph Marietta. Pa., July 8. Howard Shank, while returning home at an early hour this morning, decided to shorten the distance, and In crossing the trestle of the Conestoga Traction Company at Chlckies, fell to the creek, a distance of about sixty feet. In the descent he struck an abutment of ooncrete, but luckily grasped a limb of a tree. With this he held himself out of water until a late hour, when William Fraiin heard his cries and went to his rescue. He was in water up to his neck. His right leg is broken at the thigh, and he is badly • bruised and Injured Internally. He was re moved to the Columbia hospital. Colombia Guard Officer Get*' Spanish War Service Medal j&g&L CAPTAIN C. E. LENIG Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., July 8. —Captain C. E. Lenig ,a newspaperman of this place, has just received a medal which, by special act of Congress, has been awarded to officers who served In tho Spanish-American war. Captain Lenig became second lieutenant of Company K, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer In fantry, on July 1, 1898. He was pro moted to second lieutenant, July 28, 1898, and upon the death of Captain Martin H. Smith, succeeded him, on September 20, 1898. He was muster ed out of service with his company, November 16, 1898. During the war, Company K, was in service in Porto Rico. CELEBRATES 08TH BIRTHDAY Special to The Telegraph j Shiremanstown, Pa., July B.—Mrs. Amoß Bowers celebrated her' 68th birthday anniversary at her home in West Main street. Those present were as follows; Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bow ers, of Shiremanstown; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bowers, Miss Evelyn Bowers, of New Cumberland; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Chronister, son Lester, of York Springs; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rupp, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wells, Miss Mary Bowers, Roy Bowers, Wil bur Wells, Cameron Wells. Kennith and Theodore Wells, all of Shiremans town. OFFER FOR OPERAHOtTSE .. Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., July 7.—Horace B. Kerlin, amusement manager, has of fered the borough council Jl5O per month for exclusive use of the opera house auditorium, and agrees to pay half the cost of alterations. Council will consider- the proportion at an ad journed meeting. Tho operahouse has been closed for the past year and recently council decided to have repairs and alterations made to make It conform to the requirements of recent laws. ENDEAVOR SOCIETY ELECTS Special to The Telegraph Shiremanstown, Pa., July B.—The Christian Endeavor Society of the United Brethren Church held an elec tion of officers with the following re sult; President. Benjamin Emen heiser; vice-president, M. S. Etter; re cording secretary, Mrs. A. W. Beist line; pianist. Mrs. John Nester; treas i urer, A. I. Wrightstone; president of ' junior society. Mrs. Barbara Daugh erty; vice-president. Miss Ruth Emcn heiser; secretary and pianist. Miss Emily Strong. WOMAN INJURED IN FALL Columbia, Pa, July 8. —Mrs. Eliza Smith, aged 80 years, Is in a seri ous condition from injuries sustained In a fall from a high step at the home of her son, Horace Weaver. She was attacked with •vertigo as she had reached the top step and fell to the pavement. CoolYourSkin With D.D.D. Pot weather brine* to th« surface the lurking diseases In the skin. Prickly heat, rash, poison ivy, Mtea end other maladies are moat 41a tresilng In aummer. You can Instant ly cool your akin and relieve yourself from all suffering. Juat a few dropa ®f the soothing compound of oil of *Wintergreen and other healing ele ments called D. D. J>. Prescription will (Ive you lutsst relief. Come to us today for a generous trial bottle, only 25c. We offer tho first full size bottle on the guarantee that it will give you Instant relief or your money back. Ask alse about P. D. P. Soap. George A. Goricae, 10 X. Third street, and J. Nelson Clark, druggist. " 7 . ■> Keystone Iron & Metal Co. 14M(1 Broad Street, Cor. Broad aad Currant Awa. Just opened a new place of busi ness. Highest prices paid for old rags, paper, rubber, iron and metals of all sortsy lc per lb. paid for rags. Be per lb. paid for old gum boots and shoes. 4c per lb. paid for automobile tires. Zln<\ copper and brass a specialty. Call Bell phone 1047-M, or drop postal and wagon will call. A. KATZMAN BAKRISBURG ffijjflft TELEGRAPH STATE AID AT ID FOR PENDROOK ROADS Main Highway Between Millers town and Ickesburg Will Be Improved Negotiations were completed to-day j J at the State Highway Department for j the long delayed State aid improve- 3 ment of the highway traversing Pen- 1 brook and for betterment of a section ! j In Swatara township. County Com- j missioner 8. 8. Miller and 8. F. Ober, j j of the highway committee of Pen-1 < brook council to-day called on High- I j way Commissioner Cunningham with : j a letter signed by the county commis- j eioners urging that It be the first State aid work don* in Dauphin county. The improvement will be brick J pavement for 7200 feet, of which 8,000 < feet is in Penbrook and 277 2 feet on J one side and 1250 feet on the other j side of the town. It will bring the i < improved road close to the city lino ] and connect on the east with the exist- i lng Improved State highway. The borough will negotiate with the < Harrisburg Railways company regard- | lng paving between the rails and on ] each side. It is believed the com- i pany will do so. J Perry County Delegation Commissioner Cunningham to-day | assured a delegation from Mill erst own j that he would do what he could to get j more money than what had been al- J lowed for improvement of the main i highway from Mlllerstown to Ickes- ] burg. Owing to the limited funds not c much could be given, but conditions | were represented to require more. Mr. j Cunningham, Deputy Commissioner , Biles and Chief Engineer Uhler will ] make an Inspection. In the delegation < were L. E. Donally, former member J of the House; Dr. M. Gearhart, John « Ward, the Rev. C. F. Himes and G. J W. Fry of Mlllerstown. Schwab's Generous Offer Charles M. Schwab, to-day offered J through Blair C. Seeds, his personal < representative, to bear a large portion ] of the cost of improving highways In j the vicinity of Loretto. He offered to < pay fifty per cent, of the cost of con- j struction of two parts of the high- i way running from Cresson to Ebens- j burg by way of Loretto and to build for the borough of Loretto the high- ' way through the town. C. IJ. LONG MAY LOSE SIGHT OF ONE EVE Christian L. Long, a prominent con tractor, Front and Kelker streets, who is in the Harrisburg hospital suffering from injuries received when he was attacked recently by hold-up men may lose the sight of one of his eyes. Dr. J. Webster Fox, specialist from Medico Clil College Philadelphia, was in the city recently examining tho eye. THREE MOKE CASES OF TYPHOID FEVER REPORTED Three more cases of typhoid fever have been reported to the City Health Board, all from Allison HiH. The "Pure Milk Campaign Party' Is con tinuing its investigation of conditions. SERVICES FOR M\ M. WOOD Funeral services for William McClel lan Wood will be held from his late home, 207 Hummel street, to-morrow afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, the Rev. T. C. McCarrell officiating. Burial will be made In Mechanlcsburg. He is survived by his wife and two daugh ters. Mrs. John W. German and Miss Sarah E. Wood. j | WEST SHORE NEWS | TO REPEAT "FROLIC" Lemoyne, Pa., July B.—To-night the "Frolic of Local Talent," which was very well presented in the Le moyne high school auditorium last week, by special request, will be re peated. The high points of both pro grams, combined with several new sketches, will form the program. SUNDAY SERVICES ' New Cumberland, Pa., July 8. —The Rev. J. R. Hutchison will preach at 10.30 a. m. In Trinity United Brethren Church next Sunday morning, and the pastor, the Rev. A. R. Ayres, in the evening at 7.30. NEW GARAGE New Cumberland, Pa., July B.—Mr. Shettel, of Camp Hill, will open a garage and repair shop in H. C. Oren's brick building in Sixth street. SPARKLER FIRES DRESS New Cumberland. Pa., July B.—On Monday evening Mabel Weigle, the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Weigle, of Fourth street, met with an accident. She and her little brother were playing with sparklers when the little boy threw his as It burned off and it lighted on her thin white dress, which was soon in flames. Her parents, who were sitting on the porch, ran to the little girl and suc ceeded in smothering the flames. Her arm was badly burned and her legs scorched. ' MRS. FEIGHT ENTERTAINS New Cumberland, Pa., July 8. —Mrs. Edith Feight entertained a number of Harrisburg ladles at her home In Mar ket Square yesterday afternoon. OTTERBETN GUILD PTCNIC New Cumberland, Pa-, July B.—Ot terbeln Guild of Trinity United Breth ren Church is arranging to hold a picnic July 17. DIES IX COLORADO Sfecial to The Telegraph Newville, Pa., July B,—Word reached Newville, Monday, of the sudden death of William H. McCul lough at Denver, Col., on Sunday. Mr. McCullough had gone to Colo rado about four weeks ago to visit a sister, and was In his usual health. The body is expected to arrive to morrow and the funeral will take place in the afternoon. Mr. McCullough was a member of United Presbyterian Church and treasurer of the congregation. He I was 7 0 years old and is survived by his wife and one son, Professor Clare McCullough, of Waynesboro; also by one brother, of Fairfield, Adams county, and five sisters. LUTHERAN REUNION Halifax, Pa., July B.—The Lutheran reunion of Fishervllle, will be held on August 21 at Miller's Orove. The Loysrllle Orphans' Home band will furnish music. |WWiW»WWWWWHur bere nut alone berause prices are lower, but because qualities are betteii OTo Crowd a Full Day's Business Into Half a Day These EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS Are Offered For Friday Only STORE CLOSES TO-MORROW AT NOON 25c Fancy Buttons. Friday special, a card, 100 25c Lavallieres. Friday special 150 ii * 50c Hair Switches. Friday special 250 25c Pearl Beads. Friday special 150 !| 25c Barretts.. Friday special 50 25c Lace Pins, 3on card. Friday special ..150 ji 25c Braid Pins.. Friday special -..50 100 to 200 Ladies' Black Hemp Hats, medtum I! John J. Clark's Thread.. Friday special, 3 spools and large sizes. Friday special 390 jj f° r 50 100 Children's Untrimmed Hemp Hats. Friday j| 5c Sewing Machine Oil. Friday special special 150 ! 1 | 5c Diamond Snap Fasteners. Friday special, 2 25c Fancy Flowers. Friday special 50 ! j I cards for 50 25c Fancy Flowers. Friday special 190 jl . 5c Hooks and Eyes. Friday special, a card . .10 Pall Mall Chewing Gum. Friday special, a H Isc Safety Pins. Friday special, card 10 pack 10 !j ! 10c Dress Shields. Friday special 50 10c Fancy German China Oat Meal Dishes, i I ; Men's Large Straw Hats. Friday special, Friday special 50 j! [ 100 and 190 25c Shopping Baskets. Friday special 100 ! 25c Silk Ties. Friday special, 2 for 250, 25c Cut Glass, floral design. Friday special, 150 i I j Boys| Straw Hats. Friday special 50 5c Toilet Paper. Friday special ...30 !; [ Boys Belts. Friday special 50 Odd Lots of China and Tin Ware. Friday spe- j| ; 15c Wash Ties. Friday special, 6 for 250 cial, each 1, 2, 3, 4 and 50 ;! . 19c Fancy Dresden Ribbon. Friday special,'a 25c Blue and White Coffee Pots. Friday special, i> : y ard ;•••••. j 25c Colored Moire Ribbon. Friday special,^a 39c Extra large size, all white Enamel Basins, j; j yard Mixing Bowls, Lipped Sauce Pans, etc. Friday j| » 25c Stamped Turkish Towels. Friday special, special, each 250 ;! » | 15c and 25c Stamped White Linen Doilies. Fri- Dishfes. Friday special 70 jj ; da y special 100 25c 40-inch Curtain Nets, white and ecru; Fri- ;! ! 50c Stamped Collar and Cuff Sets with Floss. day special 1 !> i Friday special - <j i 25c Stamped Table Runners. Friday special, cial 60 j| ' ' \2y 2 c Striped Suitings; Friday special 60 j! | 25c Stamped Work Bags. Friday special, 150 Fancy White Dress Goods, in plaids and j| i 25c Hand Crochet Doilies. Friday special, 150 stripes; Friday special 80 j| ; 50c Stamped Waists, with floss. Friday spe- 15c Plain Colored Ratine; Friday special... .60 |! ; cial j 10c Embroideries. Friday special, 3 yards for 12y 2 c 32-inch Ginghams, plain and stripes; Fri- j! ; 250 day special 60 ! I | 6V 2 C Embroideries.. Friday special a yard, 40 All Remnants HALF PRICE Ij j 25c Lace Bands. Friday special, a yard ... .50 25c 36-inch Linen, plain colors; Friday special j i ; 8c and 10c Linen and Torchon Lace. Friday ' 12J-40 !! !I special, a yard 40 50c 36-inch Black Chico Silk; Friday special !' • 12J4c Oriental Lace. Friday special, a yard, *7O 190 !| j; Bathing Caps. Friday special 250 \ ji jj Bathing Shoes. Friday special, 100 and 250 |j 25c Cork Balls. Friday special 190 AttraCtlVC IVlllllliery jj oc° s P ec \ 250 Here and there among the wide variety <j !! ?£ ??i? raß . 81 'n®*' of Summer Millinery you will see some at- jj !» jj- re . D M awers " ~ s P® c ' a l • • tractive advance models in Early Autumn I! |! 25c Lad es Neckwear, slightly soiled. Friday Hats> which> owing to their dain 7 t i n ess, are jj i > iii/ eC pL'ij ' V r?' "•••"•"•' *•; * f winning much favor for summer wear. ,[ 12y 2 c Children s Fancy Socks. Friday special, Made of silk> satin and silk> and velvet> jj 'i m r u-ui °- r xt c'' i"'T? • j • , . Some with brims of maline, others of lace. ' j i 10c Children s Fancy Socks. Friday special 4 Black( colorS( and color combinations. Tr ; i . See also our new line of White Hemp, j| jj 12% c Children s Black Hose. Friday special Leghorn and Genuine Panama Hats, Sport jj !or t j- . n-n. ■*• _ and Outing Hats in wide variety, made of !j !, 25c Ladies Ribbed Vests. Friday special 2 f e i t , silk, Panama cloth, etc., in the newest jj '' oe "* v; - j .• ;• • styles for the holiday outings. 1 C T ? a Friday special, 3 for 250 New Trimmings latest novelties in !' ji 25c Chidrens Rompers. Friday special 150 ostrich Fancies, Pond Lilies, Roses and jj j| 25c Children s Duck Suits. Friday special, 150 Butterfly effects, as well as ribbons in the jl jj 25c Children s Dresses. Friday special ... 90 latest color combinations. And you may j! I* 50c Bungalow Aprons. Friday special 250 buy here at \< 25c Boys' Blouses, slightly soiled. Friday spe- j LOWER-THAN-ELSEWHERE PRICES ji cial i 150 1 j| Soutter's lc to 25c Department Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 MARKET STREET OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE ji I ' .»a»a/*^aaaaaa>^«aaaaaaaaaaa«,» a > ferSofial^)SoS3 [Other Personals on Page 4] 'HOME FROM PHILADELPHIA AITER ATTENDING FUNERAL Mr. and Mr*. John Price Jackson and Miss Mary Kathryn Jackson are home from Philadelphia, where they attended the funeral of their relative. Dr. Hannah Jackson Price, who died suddenly Saturday while visiting at Camp Hill. Dr. Price was one of the pioneer women physicians of the state and lived at Chester. She was a sister-in law of Helen Hunt Jackson and shared in the royalties of the distinguished writer's books. Funeral services were held at the old Longwood Meeting House, Philadelphia. Mrs. Hickman, of Muncle, Ind., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles B. Fager, Jr., of Locust street. The Misses Pearl and Faith Page, of 241 North Fourteenth street, are en joying a trip to Baltimore, Washing ton and Richmond. Va. Miss Dorothy Chubbuck is visiting her sister. Mrs. Samuel Fackler, at her Stoverdale cottage. Miss Mary Potts, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George C. Potts, has returned home after a trip to Washington, York and Baltimore. Mr. Geedy. of Newville, motored to this city on Monday. He was accom panied by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shulenberger. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Block and Miss Margaret Sangree have opened their summer home at Mount Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bell, 152 4 Penn street, are stopping at the Chal fonte. Atlantic City. Miss Mae E. Parsons is at Asbury Park for a fortnight's stay. The Rev. Dr. Lewis Seymour Mudge, pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, has gone with Mrs. Mudge to Crestmont Inn., Eaglesmere. Miss Rebecca Shoemaker, of 1545 North Sixth street. Is stopping at the Sigma Mu House, State College. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel and family, of 1607 North Second street, are enjoying an outing In the country near Etters. Pa. Mrs. Emma B. Miller, 324 Muench street, has gone to Wheeling, W. Va„ for a stay of several weeks . Miss Jennie Dull and her brothers, Casper and Daniel M. Dull, have gone to Bedford Springs for the month. Mrs. Jacob Ebersole, of 1104 Walnut street. Is visitln* at the Shoemaker home, near Elizabethtown. Joseph L. Bell, of 243 South Nine teenth street, has gone to Baltimore for a time. Mr. and Mra. Roy IS. Bignall, of 128 Locust street, have come home after a delightful outing at Lake Hoptacong, New York City and adjacent resorts. M. F. Williams returned to his home in this city yesterday after a short, visit to his parents at Gettysburg. William Beales. of Gettysburg, was a. business visitor in this city yester day. Miss Verna Gebhard, of this city, visited in Carlisle over the Fourth. The Misseß Kathryn Blumenstein and Minerva Blessing have returned after several days' visit to Pen Mar. Mr. and Mra. J. G. Stouffer recently visited Mrs. Joshua Clouser, of New -<ii~ JULY 8, 1915. GUESTS AT PERDIX Mrs. Robert D. Swiler of 1331 Derry street; Mrs. W. W. Conklin, of Mid dletown; Mrs. J. H. Trotip, of Cottage Ridge, and Mrs. \V. F. Troup, of 816 North Sixth street, left to-day for Perdix to visit Mrs. Howard M. Haines at her bungalow. TAKES LAW EXAMINATIONS Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Richards, of 1822 Park street, have gone to Phila delphia where Mr. Richards is taking his law examinations. Later they will go to Pemberton and Ocean City, N. J., to be the guests of Mrs. Liming for a week. FINE BICYCLE RTIP Paul C. Daugherty and Harold Kimble, of Sunbury, arrived here yes terday for a short visit with friends. The young men came on their bicycles and covered the fifty-four miles In six and one-half hours. Miss Leona Blddle is spending a few weeks among friends in Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beecher were recent visitors among relatives in Car lisle. Mrs. Harry Miller, of Lebanon, was a visitor in this city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dumont left for their Cleveland home this morn ing after spending ten days among old friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Belle Brosius and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherbohn. of Lebanon, mo tored to this city Monday and spent the day with relatives. John J. Kaufman Is spending a few days In Lebanon on business. Mrs. John Coyle, of New York city, is visiting friends and relatives In this city. OFF FOR AN OUTING Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Linton and son, Tom Linton, of 109 North street, with Mrs. Daisy Kuhn, of North Sec ond street, leave Saturday for a stay at Bushkill, Pike county. Mrs. Linton and Tom Linton will remain there until September. BOY DRINKS COAL OIL .... Waynesboro, Pa., July B.—Philip, little son of Oscar Gross, this place, drank a large quantity of coal oil yesterday and was made very 111. KILLED IN RUNAWAY Huntingdon, Pa., July B.—Samuel L. Sankey. R0 years old, of Huntingdon, was instantly killed late Tuesday night la a run-off on Stone Creek ridge, a mile and a half from here. Just One Application and the Hairs Vanish (Modes of Today) A harmless, yet very effective, treat ment is here given for the quick re , nioval of hairy growths: Mix enough powdered delatone and water to cover i the undesirable hairs, apply paste and [ aftei- 2 or 3 minutes remove, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished. One ' application usually is sufficient, but to be certain, of results buy the delatone in *n original package. BAND TO HOLD FESTIVAL Marysvllle, Pa., July B.—Marysville Cornet Band Is making big arrange ments for their festival, which will be held in Diamond Hall on Friday and Saturday nights of this week. The proceeds will be used for the purchase of white duck uniforms for the mem bers and for the purchase of other supplies. PENNSY Y. M. C. A. POPULAR An average attendance of 100 for the four meetings held during June was maintained at the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., according to the report of Frank H. Gregory, secretary. In twenty-six days 2,340 people used the building; 1,000 the baths and 479 the pool. Today's Beauty Helps COMPLEXION BE AUTIPIER —Nothing is more repulsive than to see a woman with her face all daubed with face powder in her desire to hide marks of age. Instead of using powder, which clogs and enlarges th 9 pores. It is far better to use a good face lotion that will Improve and per manently benefit the skin. By dis solving four ounces of spurmax in one half pint of hot water you can. make an inexpensive lotion- that will do wonders as a skin whltener tTnd com plexion beautlfler. It removes all shinlness, sallowness and roughness, and gives the skin a tone, while It does not rub off easily like powder, nor does it show on the skin. MAKES HAIR FLUFFY—By wash ing the hair with a teaspoonful of canthrox dissolved In a cup of hot water, afterward rinsing thoroughly with clear water, one finds that it dries quickly and evenly, is unstreaked, M bright, soft, and very fluffy, so fluffy, in fact, that it looks more abundant than it is and so soft that arranging It becomes a pleasure. This simple, Inexpensive shampoo cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly'of all dandruff and dirt, and leaves a clean, whole some feeling. All scalp irritation will disappear, and the hair will be bright er and glossier than ever before. It Pay To. Advertise in t Telegraph
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers