A cooling drink may be had at the sanitary fountains at elevators on each floor. The Bright News of the Season Is Told Here Jsjourma>tt2 CALL 1991—ANY PHONE FOUNDED 1871 SATURDAY HOURS: 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. V s J Black and Hats: One of the Many Smart Creations For Summer —and in fact the latest vogue. j You'll find here a number of stylish ef \-ZjKlWfc^■i J fects; becoming and practical. Panamas; excellent quality; smart- CSt S^ a^eS ' r^ 4 Hemp Hats— louble brims and col | ored facings; soft shapes; priced BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Slightly Uneven Rug Patterns Can Scarcely Be Seen When on the Floor. More than a few persons have told us that after the rug is laid and furniture placed, it is hard to detect the place where the pattern does not match. To-morrow we shall continue this sale of rugs (from a reliable man ufacturer) and many homes can secure one at a large saving. Texture is perfect; patterns are the latest. Seamless Velvet Rugs, 9x12; regularly $19.75, at SI 4.49 Seamless Velvet Rugs, 8.3x10.6; regularly $17.00 ,at $12.49 Seamless Velvet Rugs, 7.6x9; regularly $14.50, at >{510.49 Seamless Velvet Rugs, 36x72; regularly $3.00, at $52.49 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12; regularly $16.00. at $11.49 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 11.3x12; regularly $25.00, at $19.49 Seamed Velvet Rugs, 9x12; regularly $lB, at $13.49 At the Same Time We Shall Continue A Sale of High Grade, Exclusive-pattern Rugs, From Best Known Makers Including famous Whittall, Bigelow Ardebil, Bigelow Electra, Royal Wilton and others. A special price event. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. The Victor Grass Clipper Is a handy little device for trim ming the edges of lawns or around obstacles. Regular price is $2.39; special to-morrow at $1.98 BOWMAN'S —Basement A. Most Inviting Collection and Waists, in Summer Sheerness and Smart est of Styles Always the newest can be found here, and this is best evidenced by the fact that the outer apparel department is again to the front with the latest skirt style—the cretonne. The Summer Dress ill Collection Is Complete On Sale Tomorrow at 89c The daintiest models—and this season's styles are You'd ordinarily expect to pay at least $1.50 for exceptionally neat and pretty—including the popular any of the smart styles, and truly thev are favorites, cluster-stripes, awning stripes and large polka dots. for instance the "Country Club" model of fine ba- There are also all-white dresses with just enough tiste in flesh and white. color to make the effect pleasing. Four different styles featuring embroidered voile, Come in voile, organdie, marquisette and organdie lace insertion running down front—short sleeves chiffon. and the dainty flat collars are in evidence. Priced at $1.50, $2.50, si{.9B, $5.98 and all the A treat for just 420 women. Why not get first way up to $25. choice? BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, Lace Favorites Venise All-over Laces, SI.OO and #1.25 yd.— s2.oo to $2.50 values; heavy quality. Venise Bands and Edges, 12 y 2 <t to 50£ yd. —for trimming voile and organdie dresses. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH The beautiful summer pergola on the fifth floor is a haven for heat-weary shoppers. Told in A Word Men's Summer Comforts Palm Beach Suits, with plain and belted back $7.50 White Duck and Khaki Trousers, 88c Linen Crash Trousers, $1.50 and $1.98 Blue Serge Trousers. $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 White and Striped Flannel Trous ers; $5 value $3.98 Office Coats cotton, alpaca and serge 50c to $0.50 White Duck Outing Hats. 25c and 50c Silk Auto Hats and Caps, 50c and SI.OO Travel Matting Suit Cases and Traveling Bags 50c, 75c, SI.OO Cane and Reed Suit Cases, $3.00 and SI.OO -';3—full size and stonmer, $2.98 to $25. Sport i Tennis Rackets, 50c, 98c, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Baseballs 5c to $1.23 Baseball Mitts and Gloves, 25c to $2 Bats 5c to 75c Outdoor Home Comforts Camp Stools 25c and 50c Settees—fo rthe lawn, 98c and $1.50 Lawn Swings—2 and 4-passenger, $1.50, $5.50 and $6.50 Steel Uwn Swing, with canopy—4- passenger $12.50 BOWMAN'S —Third Floor The Ladies World 4 months for 190 To-morrow is the last day this offer will be in force. Four current issues for 19 0 v J Century Refrigerator Special Saturday, $16.75 Regular price, $19.50. Three-door side icing style with 75 lbs. ice capacity. A limited number. $5.00 Century Ice Chest, special for Saturday only, at $3.85 BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor SOAP SPECIALS 10 cakes Ivory soap 38c 10 cakes P. & G. Naphtha Soap 38c 10 cakes Fels' Naptha Soap 38c 2 cans Old Dutch Cleanser 15c No phone orders sent C. O. D. BOWMAN'S —Basement The Cretonne Vogue • Suggests the making of skirts similar to the models shown in the window. Also smart hats. Cretonne, 35 inches wide, comes in a variety of colorful patterns, yard 390 BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor Pink The Latest La Reine Corset Comes in a medium high bußt model with fancy edging at top; lightly boned, and has three pairs hose sup porters. Material is a popular shade of pink. Sizes 19 to 26. Special at SI.OO BOWMAN'S—Second Floor 1 Better Grade Summer Dresses Should Be Made Of: Black Chiffon Taffeta —36 inches wide; solid black; smooth finish; fine quality. Yd 850 Silk Crepe de Chines —4O inches wide; in black, ivory, pink, Copenhagen and sand. Yd., $1.09 White Washable Habutais —s6 inches wide; good weight; extra quality. Yard ..850 and SI.OO Pekin Striped Taffetas —36 inches wide; various shades of stripes. Yard SI.OO Crepe Meteor —4o inches wide ; in wistaria, Rockv Mountain blue, reseda black, navy, Tete de Negre and putty. Yard $1.69 BOWMAN'S —Main Floor Saturday Morning Shoe Specials (From 9 until 12 o'clock.) Women's, Misses' and Chil dren's white canvas and nubuck high and low shoes; slightly soil ed ; values up to $3.50, Pair, 980 (Including a 16c box of cleaner.) One Dollar Will Do the Work of Three To-morrow Women's patent colt, gun met al calf, tan calf and white nubuck high and low shoes, in welts and turns; $3.00 value. Pair . ,SI.OO BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Kitchenwares Are Specially Priced For Saturday Preserve Kettles, 750 regu larly $1.20; Wearever aluminum; 6-qt. size. Opal Glass Towel Bar, 390 — regularly 59c; 18 inches long with nickel-plated brass ends. Pie Server, 490 regularly 89c; 8-inch size; fire proof; brown and white plate, with nickel-plated brass receptacle. BOWMAN'S —Basement A Fine 20-Inch Wavy Switch, 85c The hair 1« of splendid quality, per manently wavy and of desirable length. Mounted on three short stems, making a flne switch. All shades. Real Hair Net* 25c BOWMAN'S —Second Floor Three Favorites In White Fabrics Organdie—sheer quality; 40 Inches wide. Yard 2Bc Cltlffon Voile —tape selvedge; very popular; 44 Inches wide. Tard, 39c Bou ret to Crepe—flne quality; 40 Inches w'rle. Yard JOO COWMAN'S—Mui Floe* JUNE 18, 1915. To women—you're welcome at all times to enjoy the comforts of our new rest rooms. Starting Tomorrow, A Summer, R Sale of Men's Suits Your choice of regular-stock, S2O, $lB, $16.50, sls and $13.50 Suits at sio Bowman suits need no introduction or recommendation. Their quality, style, fit, and wear are established. This event is timely—offering weights that men will wear during the hot season. It is a most economical event to men who have delayed purchasing a new suit, and to those who feel the need of an extra suit, or who may be looking forward to the time when they will. What's Your Need — A suit for business or dress wear? Three or two pieces? An English roll, semi-conservative model; or a conserva tive middle aged man's suit? What's Your Taste — Blue or gray serge; gray pin stripe; gray and blue homespun; Donegal tweeds; black and white club stripes; or brown Homespuns? What's Your Build — Regular, 34 to 44? Young men, 32 to 40? Stout, 36 to 46? Short, 35 to 42? Shirts For Dress, Sport And All Occasions Assortments Are Varied Men's Dress Shirts, 89f—fine qnal- Ity mercerized madras; coat H /H VT ■>} with French cuffs. X yvt Men's Dress Shirts, SI.OO per w f /K 031168 and madn,# ; coat !r —style, with soft and rBliP */ l\ ' 14 \ \ starched cuffs JI \ I \ LJ l /f | / Men's Sport Shirts, \ V/MJ !\ / VSi .00 plain white I I /jU IJ mercerized madras; A S/ / short sleeves. New fl r Sport Ties 5Q£ Vv '—* Cl J* Men's and Boys' Sport /?l|V Shirts, 50^ —men's plain blue 111 chambray; boys' plain blue cham ■iSiM Men's Dress Shirts 59^ —per- ~~ 9 1b t cales > coat st y le > w ' tll French fi Boys' Dress Shirts, and & #1 —percales and madras; French bowkaitb—-Mala Fioee cuflE*; separate soft colUtfc 3
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