12 I jX^^grmmrv^^AiUwavV " 1 _ 1 It if? to wish yourself "farthest 1m \ f'l ¥ -■■.•.< J:.. north" when the mercury \ - soars just change to A Wonderful Summer of Outing Hat Styles S :;fH^ : " For Motoring, For Sports, For Knockabout Mandalay Cloth Suits Summer Worsteds Outing and sport hats are enjoying the greatest popularity in the history of Millinery. Time was when such styles appealed only to Flannel Suits girls, but nowadays with New York's famous pattern hat designers turning out smart styles for the many occasions of summer time there is These are two-piece featherweight garments with skele such a wealth of smart effects in panama and other cool light weight straws, flannel, linen, crash, corduroy, pongee and sheer silk creations. ton-lined coats—some lia\c only taped stripes and shadow stripe tan #T..»O " "j Same style in less expensive material in <l*o QE* Reversible wash hats in white with colored QQ„ The Palm Beach Suits are in tan, grey, black and white T _ 1. „ white, blue and white and black, at * reverse side The Mandalays are in grey $8.50 Lv©a.Qor __ Aiitn hnnrU «K1 40 ."»<> and d»0 f\r? The worsteds are in blue, grey and pinhead checks, Reversible sport hats of soft hemp, white <|M QC Auto lloods •• lo ~' ana $2.95 . $15.00 Is a medium size hat of French felt with facing of an( j g reen anc j white and dark blue * T . ar „ ; n hin* <KIS Oft S m O OO and OO soft white hemp and band of self-colored moire rib- * D- I_J f The flann f ls are in blue ' J-U-W and 94.MJU bon with fringed ends —shown in green, sand, pink, White felt sport hats with kid belts dlldllld 1 Icllo All sizes in regulars, stouts and shorts. blue and white. A special Or* Outing trousers in cream, white and striped flannel at value at Corduroy tarns in colors QO FmeSt ****** P anamas ~ $3.95 and ss.oO—and serges at $3.50, $3.95, $5.00. J I7OC Trimmed styles at $2.95, $4.95, sl2 00 Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. Second Floor. Rear. A beautiful sport hat shown is a creation of stitched Silk sport hats—as light as a feather •••• 23 to rows of narrow poplin silk in light blue, white and * Shapes at $2.95, $3.95 and (£A QC T A f , ; ink with soft hemp $4.95 White tennis hats en Important Announcement or lacing Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. Frolaset Front Laced Cor- Discontinued Patterns of A Lot of Reduced Laces Go on sets for To-morrow ramous Whittall Rugs at c . Reduced Prices Dale 1 o-moi row MROk Under no other conditions could these standard rugs be r , . , , , . , TTM . j- • , . Choice offerings that will supply 3 r our lace needs at savings: "I Co 7 O • IsM - K sold for less than regular. W hen discontinued patterns are de- * vv . j & hpye C?y cided upon the makers give US permission to put clearance Valenciennes insertions. 1 to 1% Inches wide. Shadow lace Flouncing in white and ecru, 12 to VCfO \*J r UKC/l> KS W prices in effect for example: values to 10c. Special, yard 2c 24 inches wide, values to $2.75. Special, yard, SI.OO J® ii-t i, » i T> - * i 1, T-> 1 Shadow lace edges and insertions, 2to 4 inches Oriental lace Flouncing, In butter, 12 inches, 39c s~% . .1 T~\ 1 , JggM P§?<3m« \\ hltta.il Anglo - Fersian I \\ hlttall Chlldema Brussels wide, values to 10c. Special, yard So value. Special, yard 25c u. V Z 1( ™ / c n Rug-g Rucra Cotton cluny lace edges and insertions in white Oriental lace Flouncing, 18 inches, 59c value. Clt C/l/C'C'/I*-/ Mislc IUI C-O ,-\ __ i Ü B S and ecru, 1 to Hi inches wide, values to 10c. Spe- Special, yard 3»c .S M Bxls fe«t, $85..5 value, at 868.60 cial, yard 3c Oriental lace Flouncing, 27 inches, butter color, „ , , . , , ii 9x12 feet, 862.50 values at $45.00 9x12 feet, $34.00 value, at $27.25 Clunv and Venise insertions, 1H to 3 inches wide *I.OO value. Special, yard 59c The woman who demands Style and yet >5 ■ .£*** *»,'» £ $80.85 8 " 8xl0# ,S1 " v-ue ' at ,2500 ln wh,te and ecru ' values to 60c " Specia1 ' yard> 15c D,ves> Pomer °y & Stewart-Street Floor. desires to enjoy the highest degree of com -36^ S . tnch ,7 l j. l ®- 00 '" ,uei "" 8 0 ° Whittall Peerless Brussels fort will find the Frolaset one of the best- Whittall Worcester Wilton L , . , . . A Lis I ■j^ U g S ißugs fitting corsets she has ever had fitted to Wr-\ li J 2U ss as ss s ss. Here They Are Boys-Those Popular ffgm W Teprac W.lton ~3 110. , , m ,„, 25 „ , 221s J Jf a distinctive value at regular price. Th«r« 1 9x12 feet, 539.00 value, at $32.50 Diveß - Pomeroy & Stewart—Third i 1 T3 1 1 t is all the more reason to take advantage I * ri ° OT - oport btyle ijlouses at oUcand q>I.UU or.h««reduction. : ng /1 Men's Soort Shirts at sll9 , fDI r 11 lv 3 CAI H' *• This is the second lot this season, and the styles are as attractive and plentiful as those shown fancy material. Special CpO.Uvf \§jH(t r 'J w 'j/ A cool garment in the popular sport cut, made of pongee _ , , $8.50 and SIO.OO Frolaset front-laced models A\|BjQ liuhll and mercerized cotton in two shades—white and Palm Beach— before. Lome and get your snare. Jn imported ma- nrj Jj\A\.X p. i. fl\ aSI 50 value at H*l I<l terials. Special <r,,vw rl! W<«' ■n, . . . ! jpi-xt* Boys" sport blouses in white, striped percale and Boys' plain white and colored stripe soisette sport ~ nn .. orl/ , » fi - -C\S~" / Plain white mercerized sport shirts at blue chambray. sizes to l«, it 50c blouses, at SI.OO *J.O K i^- 50 Frolaßet fr i n i- \ 1 f More styles than ever before shown in silk shirts, I Boys" and youths' nne mercerized and oxford uE? yß ' . tan ' whlte ' Krey and blue chambray sport , coutll Special J.SU \ V \ £1 OS * <24 qq i cheviot sport shirts In white and wide and narrow shirts, at 50c P mln coum. v , JPX.JO to l colored stripes, at SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Store, Street Fl. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor. AMUSEMENTS TODAY "THE GODDESS" Tlie second instalment featuring Earl Williams and Anita Stewart, "THE LOCKED DOOR" A 3-part Broadway Star feature of thrilling action. TOMORROW "THE JUGGKRNAUT" ADMISSION—2Oc VICTORIA \ Paxtang Park Theater The Rajahs Hindoo Mental Telepathlaes Special On Friday evening Madam Rajah will give a special performance dur ing which she will answer any ques tion thirt her aadltora will put to her. (locations concerning lost articles, missing people, ete., gives especial attention by the Rajahs. s«other Big Acts-5 Matinee Dally WILDCAT FALLS INN, MARIETTA, PA. CHICKEN AND WAFFLES A SPECIAI/TY Under new management. Special boat seirioe. Ind. phone. A. L. RESCH, Propr. Band Concert, Sunday, June 20, by Liberty Band, from 1 p. m. Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads WEDNESDAY EVENING, BRYAN LOOKS FOR BIG CHANGE IN WAR RULES [Continued from First Page.] demands. No wonder every neutral nation Is increasingly anxious for the war to end; but of all the neutral na tions ours has the most reason to pray for the return of peace—most reason to set its fact resolutely against par- AMUSEMENTS COLONIAL Have you seen Rice, Sully & Scott in their Billowy Bumping, Bounding Stunts >1 Other Acts Entire change of performance Thursday. ' Hear the organ In a cool place To-day and to-morrow Daniel Froh man presents "The Lore Route." The famous romance of the ranch and railroad; all star cast. EM The Secret'* Price, Drama. Lab—What Money Will Do, Drama. Friday "Dußarry," a Klelne pro duction In six parts, featuring Mrs. Lealle Carter. Wed. and Fri.—Pathe News show ing all the current events of the war. Special—Thur. and Fri.—"Constan tinople," a topic of the moment. *- ' ticipation in this war. This nation, | the head of the neutral group and i the sincere friend of all the bellige rents, is in duty bound to set an ex ample in patience and self restraint. "In all history no opportunity has ever come to any other nation as that which is destined to come to the United States. In all history no other peace maker has ever been in posi tion to claim as rich a blessing as that which will be pronounced upon our President when the time for medita tion comes—and come it must." Introducing his statement Mr. Bryan graphically describes the hor rors and afflictions of the war. Aside from sentimental considera tion, Mr. Bryan asserts, neutral na tions suffer serious disturbance be cause of the war. At some length Mr. Bryan refers to interruptions to neutral commerce, derangement of business and conse quent readjustments, and speaks of scarcity of American ships as one of the greatest embarrassments to the United States. "The neutral nations are put to a DOES YOUR SKIN ITCH AND BURN? Resinol Is Almost Sure to Heal It Quickly, Kastly and at I/ittle Cost. If your skin itches and burns with eczema or any such tormenting, unsightly skin disease, simply wash the sore places with Resinol Soap and hot water, dry, and apply a little Resinol Ointment. The itching stops INSTANTLY, you no longer have to dig and scratch, sleep be comes possible, and healing begins at once. That is because the soothing, antiseptic Resinol medication strikes right into the surface, arrest* the ac tion of the disease, and almost always restores the tortured, Inflamed skin to perfect health—quickly, easily and at little cost. Prescribed by doctors for twenty years, and sold by every druggist.— Advertisement. Merchant* 4k Miner* Trann. C®. Vacation Trips "BY SEA" DAI.TIMOKE to BOSTON and return, >25.00 SAVANNAH nnd return, $20.20 JACKSONVILLE and return,>tßo.oo Including meals and stateroom ac commodations. Through tickets to ail points. Fine steamers, best service, staterooms de luxe, baths. Wiralesa telegraph. Automobiles carried. Bend for booklet. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A* Baltimore, Sid. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH great expense to preserve neutrality ] and are constantly in danger of being embroiled in the war without inten tion or fault on their own part," he de clared. "The rules of international law seem to have been made for the nations at war, rather than for the nations at peace. It is almost im possible to alter these rules during the war, because any material change, af fecting as it would the interests of the belligerents, would be a seeming violation of neutrality. "As soon as peace returns there | will be a demand for an International I conference on the subject." LEAGUE OF NATIONS FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE 1 [Continued from First Page.] ■ Blankenburg, of Philadelphia, will pre- I side. Prominent men in many walks of life who have found It Impossible to attend the conference have written the provisional committee expressing II sympathy with the movement. Among I these are Cardinal Gibbons, United i States Senator John Sharp Williams, ;• of Mississippi, and Nathan Straus, of New York. NOVEL SHOW-WINDOW SYSTEM Show windows which are arranged I in a distinctly new manner have been installed In one of the Fifth Avenue 1 department stores In New York. They ; I are constructed on hydraulic elevators • so that they may be dropped from the . street level into the basement, a new display substituted quickly and the windows returned to their normal posl • tions. This enables all the trimming to 1 be done out of sight of the passing • shoppers, allows frequent changes, and i; makes It unnecessary to curtain a wln l dow and lose its,use during the time It I Is being redecorated. The arrangement Is clearly shown In Illustration appear ing In the June Popular Mechanics ' Magazine. POCKET PERISCOPE With a new pocket periscope that has Just been brought out In England It Is possible for a soldier to look over the parapet of the trench without ex posing himself to the fire of the enemy. The periscope is simple in construction, consisting only of two mirrors connect ed by a collapsible framework. Both mirrors are fixed to the framework at an angle of forty-flve degrees. When the framework is extended and the up [ per mirror Is raised above the trench, 1 the view Is reflected by the upper mlr • ror down to the lower one, which re [ fleets the light rays horizontally to the ' eyes of the observer. The June Popular Mechanics Magazine contains a picture ■ of the device. AUTOS TO REPLACE STATE'S FOREMEN Cunningham Plans Ways and Means to Reduce the Overhead Charges of His Department To effect an annual saving of more [ than $40,000, the State Highway De- j partment has inaugurated a system, | which will enable the County Super-j intendents to keep a closer watch on ■ the work being done in their districts j by the dismissal of eighty general j foremen, whose individual salaries. were $85.00 a month Is saved. These: men worked for eight months In ai year, consequently, the total cost of | their salaries and expenses to the State Highway Department was $64,-| 000. By the purchase of auto runabouts | with wagonette bodies, for the use of the County Superintendents, it will be I possible for each superintendent to I look after personally the work for- j merlyy done by the general forremen, : who have been dismissed. Ten run- < abouts have been purchased to test j the efficacy of this plan and four of i these ten have been delivered. They j are equipped with the wagonette body | which gives room to carry tools in the rear. The purchase price of each: runabout is $440, with $25 added for freight, making the total cost to the! Department $465. If, untiniately, fifty j of these cars are purchased for the I use of the superintendents, the total • cost thereof will be $23,250, which, subtracted from the $64,000 saved in; salaries and expenses of general fore- j men, leaves a balance in favor of the ; Department of $40,750. Chief Engineer Uhler figures that | the present traveling expenses of the j County Superintendents, who, in many ' cases, are compelled to hire teams to i take them over their districts, will ' more than pay for the operation and ' up-keep of the runabouts. But even ! more important than this Is the In creased efficiency of the working force which will be gained. To prevent any possibility of the misuse of these cars and of others be longing to the State Highway Depart ment, each car will be marked with a plate of white metal, embossed on which will bo the coat of arms of the State with the words "Pennsylvania State Highway Department" In black enamel surrounding the shield. i JUNE 16, 1915. I More Record=Breaking Specials | For Thursday Only I We are out after a record-breaking business this I month, and we are employing the means to get it — I exceptional values and prices. So far we have ac- I complished our purpose, and these specials for to -1 morrow only are sure to help along the good work. I By helping us tomorrow you will help yourself two- E59 Thursday special, morning Ladles' New Shepherd Check I sales to 1 p. m. New Ql/ 0 *» Dress Skirts with belts and ■ Shelf Oil Cloth, yard.. d pockets. $3.50 89c Women's Best Gingham Bun- value. Thursday i I S«v W f.Ai Pr -lSi WOrth B0 °" Oft 8 " 40C value Ladies' Fine Em- I M 29C broidered Ruffle OC ■ with belt *** Drawerg Thursday ZOC Women's New Spring Coats, 1 worth $7.50. tfJO CA Morning special, 9 to 1 p. m. H Thursday One lot Ladies' Gauze 5c Women's $2 and $2.50 value Vests. Each, "Thursday I New Bathing Suits. <£ 1 Morning special. Thursday I Thursday, all siaes. . . only, up to 1 p. m. Boys' and I Ladles' New Trimmed Hats, Girls' 50c 1H right from the leading New Straw Hats ***** ■ I H| York milliners. $3.50 flj 1 /IQ Hp! values down to Ladles' Fine Crepe Kimonos, ||l M Women's Newest Summer J®® 1 v ° lue 89c H 8 Wash Dresses direct from the Thursday only I ■H New York models of fashions. „ . ■ 1 Thursday we offer several styles oc? 5 Dresses. Anoth r ■ |i| worth $4.00 to $5.00 *1 AO 25c goods. JS C Q ■ each. Your pick .... wl»*/0 Thursday K ■j New Real Jap White Silk Ladies' New Wash Llnene If n Blouse Waists, QQ_ Dress Skirts. Another lot just HJ ■ worth $1.50 e.rch iJOS* ln wor th up to 49c BP Extra size Fancy Organdie SI.OO. Thursday Hj I D -r' jsrjszsmst S ;■«!&, 52.89 «» $2.89 I fig Boys' and Girls' Best Glng ttijC ham Rompers, sizes up to 6 Morning specials up to 1 p. m. ■ ■ years. Real value 40c. O A One lot Women's House OQ. ■ I Thursday, each «r*C Dresses, worth $1; each. ** ■ Ladles' 50c and 59c Dressing Ladies' New White Corduroy I Sacks, dark and light colors, Wash Dress Skirts, always worth ■ also white. SI.OO. Thursday your CQp y I Thursday pick, all sizes ■ I SMITH'S I § 412 MARKET ST. |
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