14 ■CUES OBSERVING CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL Boys and Girls Will Hold Center of Interest in Nearly All Edifices Tomorrow Hundreds of small boys and girls, clad in white will participate in Children's Day ser vices in more than a score of hcurches throughout the city. These ser vices will vie in In terest with the bac calaureate sermons which will be preached to the Seniors of Technical and Central high schools. Motion songs, drills and exercises, solos and recitations by primary and kindergartan pupils will, as usual prove of the most interest. Choirs, in many instances greatly augmented, will sing special music. Arrangements have been made to have all the churches decorated with a profusion of Spring flowers. Bap tism of Infants and receptions to new members will also be features of a majority of services. PRESBYTERIAN Market Square—Charles K. Imbre, of Auburn Theological Seminary, will preach at 11 and at 7:30; Sunday School. 9:45: Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. Calvary—The Rev. Frank P. Mack enzie, pastor, will preach at 10, "Four Wise Creatures," special children's sermon, Children's Day exercises, and at 7:30, "The Need of Haste"; Sunday School. 10: C. E„ 6:30. Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Birds and Flowers"; Children's Day services of Sunday School, 6:30. Westminster —The Rev. E. E. Curtis, pastor: Children's Day exercises, 10; C. E., 6:30; church, 7:30. Capital Street—The Rev. B. M. Ward, pastor, will preach at 10:45, "The Foundation of Man" and at 7:45; Sunday School, 12:15; C. E., 7:15. Bethany—The Rev. John M. War den, pastor, will preach at 7:30, "The Committed Life"; Sunday School, 9; C. E„ 6:30. Olivet —The Rev. William O. Yates, pastor, will preach nt 10, "Cornelius," and at 7:30, "An Everlasting Love"; Sunday School, 11:15; Children's Day exercises; C. E.. 6:30. Jmmanuel—The Rev. H. Everett Hallman. pastor, will preach at 10; Sunday School, 11:15; Children's Day exercises. At Paxton The Rev. Harry B. King. 10.30, Children's Day service; preaching, 7.30. r.EFORMKD Salem- —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer will preach at 10.30; children's day service at 7.30. St. Matthew's, Enola The Rev. W. P. Hartzell. Services, 10.45; Sun day school. 9.45; C. E., 6.45. St. Andrew's, Penbrook The Rev. W. P. Hartzell. Services, 7.30; Chil dren's Day service, Sunday school 9.30. Fourth The Rev. Homer Skyles May. 10.45, "The W'orld's Need of the Redeemer; 7.30. Sermon to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Memorial service; Sunday school, 9.30; Heidelberg C. E., 6.30. St. John's The Rev. G. W. Hart man. Children's Day will be observed at 10.30; 7.30, "Jesus and Childhood"; Sunday school, 9.45; Y. P. S. C. E., 6.30. PROMOTE MR MM Ml CDTICDIS CONSTANTLY And Ointment as needed. Sample each free by mail. Address Cuticura, Dept.l3F, Boston. Sold everywhere. | Assured Existence / AN individual may prove a competent executor but he lacks the continuous existence which assures that uninter rupted management so necessary to the welfare of an estate. A trust company, in addition to all other qualifications for such im portant service, includes assured ex istence throughout generations of beneficiaries. If interested, our booklet on "Wills" will prove helpful. Free for the asking. Q" 213 MARKET STREET r iJL, Capital $300,000 Surplus, S.'ino.ooo SATURDAY EVENING, SUCCESS WILL BE BOTH BACCALAUREATE SERMONS Central High Services Will Be Held at Messiah Lutheran; Technical Seniors Will Go to Zion Lutheran; Students to Wear Their Caps and Gowns Br ' * m Warn "'Sao- THE REV H. W. A. HANSON Children's Sunday to Be Observed at Stevens M. E. To-morrow will be distinctly a chil dren's Sunday in the Stevens Memo rial Methodist Epfscopal Church, Thirteenth and Vernon streets. In the morning at 9.45 o'clock the chil dren's hour service will be held. The program will be given by the Sunday school. Al. K. Thomas will be in charge. The minister's half-hour service, at 10.45 o'clock, will center around the consecration of children and youth to Christian service. After a short con secration talk on "There Remaineth Yet the Youngest," Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker will administer the sacra ment of baptism to a large number of infants. The children's Sunday clos ing service, at 7.30 o'clock, will be a Children's Day story service. There will be good music and good speaking. LUTHERAN Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., pastor: 10:30, Chil dren's Day service; 7:30, "Learn to Do Well"; no Sunday School; C. E., 6:30. St. Matthew's —The Rev. E. E. Sny der, pastor, will preach at 11, "The Message to Thyatira" and at 7:30, "Facing Difficulties"; Sunday School, 10; C. E., 6:30. Trinitv, Camp Hill —The Rev. E. D. Weigie, D. D., pastor: Sunday School, 9:15; 10:30. joint service; 7:30, Dr. Luther A. Weigle, of Yale University, will preach. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisenhel der, pastor, will preach at 11:15, "A Handful ol' Meal" and 7:30, "A Sense of Need"; Sunday School, 10; C. E., 6:30. Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch, Ph. D., pastor, will preach at 11, "Drawing Power" (sermon will be Il lustrated! : Sunday School hour changed to 9.4 5; Children's Day enter tainment, 7. Augsburg—The Rev. Amos Maxwell Stamets, pastor: 10:45, Children's Day program; 7:30, 25th anniversary exer cises of the Sunday School; Sunday School, 9:45; C. E„ 6:30; Men's League, 9. St. Mark's, West Fairview —The Rev. A. G. Wolf, pastor, will preach at 10:30; Sunday School, 9:30; C. E., 6:30. St. Paul's, New Cumberland —The I Rev. A. G. Wolf, pastor: Sunday School, 9:30; C. E., 6; preaching, 7. Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A. Hansom, pastor: 10:30, Children's Day services; 7:30, baccalaureate ser mon to the graduating class of the Harrisburs High School, "Conditions of Success." Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor, will preach at 11. "The Great Supper" and at 7:30, "God's First Question to Fallen Man"; Sunday School, 10. Holy Communion—The Rev. John Henry Miller, pastor, will preach at 10:45, "Brotherly Love" and at 7:30, "Ten Virgins"; Sunday School, 9:30. Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D. Men's prayer meeting. 10; preaching at 10.30, "The Kingdom of Heaven;" at 7.30, children's day serv ice: Sunday school, 2: junior Luther League, 5.30; senior Luther League, 6.30. Zion—The Rev. S. Winfleld Herman. 11. baccalaureate sermon, Technical high school, class of 1915; 7.30, the Rev. E. C. Herman, of Erie, will preach; Sunday school, 9.45; men's class. 9,3 0. AT CAMP CURTIN Children's Day, baptism of a num ber of infants and a reception to new members will be features of services in Camp Curtin Memorial Methodist Church, to-morrow. The following children will participate in the even ing's program: Pauline Wallace, Fern Gross, Love Mcllvain, Esther Jeffries, Luretta Geist, Mary McLain, Lula Beard and Sarah Burgoon. Senior classes of both Central and Technical hiKh schools of this city will attend baccalaureate services to morrow in Messiah and Zion Lutheran churches respectively. Forty-eight members of the Techni cal hiKh school class will be present to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock at Zion Lutheran Church, where the Rev. S. Winfleld Herman, pastor, will speak on "The Secret of Success." The stu dents will carry large floral wreaths In honor of tbe dead members of the Alumni Association. The Central high school Seniors numbering 160, will attend evening services at 7.30 o'clock In the Messiah Lutheran Church. The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor, will speak on "The Conditions of Success." The 1915 class of the Central high school is one of the largest in the history of the school. All of the students will wear caps land gowns at the services. Dr. Mudge to Preach on "Mob Rule" at Pine Street At the Pine Street Presbyterian Church to-morrow morning the an nual children's day service will be held. The order of service will in dud? exercises by the children of the kindergarten, primary and junior grades of the Sunday school, and an address to the children by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. L. S. Mudge. At the evening service, Dr. Mudge will preach as usual. The subject of the evening sermon will be "Mob Rule." The midweek service will be held on Wednesday evening, the topic for consideration being "How Men Rob God." METHODIST Coxestown— The Rev. A. Harries. 10.30, "Childhood and the Church"; 7.30. Children's Day service; Sunday school. 9.30. Fifth Street The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.30. children's day program; 7.30, children's day program con tinued; 2, Sunday school; 6.30, Ep worth League. Asbury—The Rev. W. H. Gaines. 11, "Atonement Symbolized;" 8, ser mon; Sunday school, 2. Stevens Memorial—The Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker. pastor: Sun day School. 9:45. Children's Day cele hration, 10:45, Children's* Day service; Ep,worth League, 6:30; 7:30, "A Chil dren's Day Story." Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev. A, S. Williams, pastor: Class meeting, 9:30; baptism of infants and Children's Day exercises, 10:30; Sunday School, 2; Epworth League, 6:30; Children's Day cantata, 7:30. Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D., pastor: Sunday School and Men's Bible class. 9:45; Children's Dav exer cise and baptism of infants," 10:30; Epworth League, 6:45; "The Ideal Sunday School. 7:30. Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea vor, pastor: Class meeting, 9; Sundav School, 10; preaching 11, "Christian Education"; Epworth League services, 6:30; Children's Day service, 7:30, UNITED BRETHREN First —The Rev. J. T. Spangler. 11, "A Farce in Religion;" 7.30, "An Old Note;" Sunday school, 10; Christian Endeavor. 6.45. Sixth Street The Rev. P. Hummel Balsbaugh. 10.30, "The Master's Call"; Sunday school, 1.30. Children's Day service, "God's Goodness and Love." State Street The Rev. E. A. G. I Bossier. Communion Service, 10.45; 7.30, "The Third Commandment"; Sunday school, 9.30; Jr. C. E., 6; Y. P S. C. E.. 6.30. St. Paul's, Wormleysburg The Rev. G. B. Renshaw. Services, 10.45 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30;; Sr. C. E., fi.3o; Jr. C. E., 5.45. Otterbein The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. Dr. Brane of Dayton. Ohio, will preach at 11 and 7.30; Sunday school, 10; C. E., 6.30. Derry Street The Rev. J. A. Ly ter, D. D. Services, 11 and 7.30; Sun day school 9.50; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6.30. BAPTIST Market Street—The Rev. W. H. Dall nian. Children's day exercises at 10.30; 7.30. "A Fool and His Money;" young people's service, 6.30. Second The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene, R. A. 10.30. "The Consecra tion of Children;" 7.30, children's dav exercises: Sunday school, 12; B. Y. P. U.. 6.30. First—The Rev. W. S. Booth, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Experiences in the Highways and Byways" and at 7:30, "Lest We Backslide"; Sundav School, 11:30; C. E., 6:30. St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "The Neglected Child" and at 7:45, "God's Goodness"; Sunday School, 12:30; B. Y. P. U„ 6:30. Tabernacle —The Rev. Calvin A. Hare, D. D., pastor, will preach at 10:30, 'Uriah the Hittite" and at 7:30; Bible School, 11:30; B. Y. P. U., 6:30. CHURCH OF GOD Maclay Street —The Rev. F. I. M. Thomas. 11. "The Great Example of (Prayer;" 7130, "The Friendship of Christ;" Sunday school, 9.45; junior Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Pleasant View—The Rev. George W. Harper Sunday school, 9.45; 10.45, "The Children's Day Sermon;" 7.30, children's day exercises. Green Street The Rev. J. W. Mil ler. Services, 10.45 and 7.30; Chil dren's Day exercises; Sundav school, 9.45. Fourth Street The Rev. William N. Yates. Evnngelist C. E. Hlllis will preach at 10.30 and Rev. Dr. Whit man of Rochester, N. Y, will preach at 7.30; Sunday school at 9.30; Junior C. E.. 6: Senior and Intermediate C. E., at 6.30. EPISCOPAL St. Andrew's —The Rev. James F. Bullitt. Morning prayer, 10.30; Sun day school, 12; baptism and children's service. 3.30: evening prayer, 7.30, St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, pastor: Holy communion, S; Sunday School, 10; morning prayer, 11; evening prayer, 4:30. St. Augustine's—Archdeacon E. L. Henderson, pastor: Morning prayer, 11; Sunday School, 12:30; evening prayer, 7:30. A. M. E. Bethel The Rev. U. G. Leeper. 10.30. "The Parables of the Ten Vir gins;" 7.30. children's day exercises by the Sunday school; Sunday school, 1; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH New Officers Elected by Alricks Association Officers for the ensuing year were elected last night by the Alricko Asso ciation, when it held its June business meeting at St. Anarew's Parish House. They are as follows: President, Joseph H. Kllnedinst; vice-president 1. B. Dickinson; secre tary-treasurer, Gilbert W. Mattson; executive committee, H. B. Halfpen ny, George T. Eldredge, Dr. B. Frank Smith and E. L. \Vat3on. Nominating committee. P. F. Burchfleld, Willis Geist Newboid and George W. Bogar. Last night's meeting was the final one of the association until Fall. A smoker was held during the course of the business meeting and the evening was brought to a close with a talk on "Wireless Telegraph," by Ray T. Hoffman and a lecture on "Roses," by J. P. Braselmann, illustrated with col ored lantern slides. EI,A BORATE PROGRAM AT RIDGE AVENUE M. E. An elaborate program consisting of fifty-four numbers, including songs, recitations and organ selections, has heen arranged for the children's day services to-morrow morning in the Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Those who will participate are: Mary Destririe, Willard Gross, Minnie Pack | er, Elizabeth Houghton, Anna Eliza beth Jordan, Porter Linn, Helen John son, Dora Myers, Ellsworth Houghton, Dorothy Helen Thompson, Louise Mauk, John Peters, Ethel Matilda Harman, Lester Ensminger, J. Wilson Hoffa, Jr., Kathleen Eekert, Mary Caroline King, Pasco Kauffman, Susan Rupp, Mary Elizabeth Wright, Elaine Dunlap, Thelma Faust, Joseph John son, Cora Kennedy, Mildred Houghton, Fred Mowrey, Ralph Harvey, Dorothy and Mildred Bomberger, Geneva Sell me.ver, Ross Moore, James Clyde Buck, Ruth Gilbert, Vera Rutledge, Eliza beth Evans, Helen Gordon, Marian Bealor, Emma Skane, Earl -Harvey, Walter Glazier, Robert Sebourn, Ed ward Thompson, Harvey Shindler, George Thompson, Harold Miller, Cle ment Woutersz, Charles Brenisholtz, Robert Webster, Zelma Dunlap, May Shindler, Esther Banks, Mildred Eber ly, Martha Wise, Archie Welsh, Theo dore Mathias, Theodore Long, Delbert Wittnan, Florence Moore, Margaret 1 Knabe, Isabel Parmer, Dorothy Hoar, Eva Reamer, Helen Sebourn, Geraldlne Watts. In the evening the following will participate: Sara Harr, William Web ster, Ivy Hieater, Glenn Boyles, Jennie Boyles, Jennie Horting and Mildred Kulp. CATHOLIC Cathedral Mgr. M. M. Hassett. Low mass. 10.30; Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and benediction, 7.30. St. Lawrence —The Rev. P. D. Hue gel. Low mass. 8; high mass, 10; Sun day school, 2.30; vespers and bene diction, 3. St. Francis—The Rev. D. J. Carey. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2.30; vespers and benedic tion. 7.30. Sacred Heart The Rev. George Rice. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene diction. 7.30. St. Mary s—The Rev. William V. Dailey. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10.30; Sunday school, 2; vespers and benediction. 7.30. Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls—Low mass and benediction, 7. CAMP CURTIX SERVICES Services in the morning at 10.30 o'clock in the Camp Curtln Memorial Methodist Church will include the baptism of infants, reception of young people and primary department exer cises under the direction of Mrs. David Friese. In the evening at children's day cantata will be given, directed by Miss Helen Snyder. Among those who will take part are the following: Misses Pauline Wallace, Fern Gross, Luce Mc- Ilvain, Ester Jeffries, Luretta Geist, Mary McLain, Lule Beard, Sarah Bur goon. AT PARK STREET Beginning at 9.30 o'clock to-morrow morning the services of the day will be devoted to the children in Park Street United Evangelical Church. At 10.30 exercises will be given by the primary department under the direction of Mrs. L. L. Booda, superintendent, assisted by Misses Mary Derr and Leah Han gen. The morning service will close with a short illustrated talk by the pastor. In the evening the program will be directed by Mrs. W. F. Rickert and Mrs. Ada Merkel. JOINT SERVICES Joint services will be held by the congregation and Sunday school of Trinity Lutheran Church, Camp Hill, to-morrow, both morning and even ing. At the first service the Rev. E. D. Weigle, pastor will preach. Spe cial music by a greatly augmented choir will be a feature. The Rev. Dr. Luther A. Weigle, of Yale University, will make an address in the evening. WILL HOLD FESTIVAL To defray the expenses of taking the infant department of Trinity Lu theran Sunday school to the annual picnic at Williams Grove, July 16, the committee will hold an ice cream and cake festival at Eleventh and Hemlock streets, June 2ti and 27. William Geyer, Frank Reiss. Fred J.Milligan, John Falk and Charles R. Short are on the committee. CATHOLIC CALENDAR Sunday—St. Anthony. Pad. Monday—St. Basil the Great. Tuesday—SS. Vitus. Modest's. Wednesday—SS. John Fra'cs Regis. Thursday—St. Marcian. Friday—SS. Mark and Mar'ian. Saturday—SS. Juliana Fo'con. MISCELLANEOUS Salvation Army—Captain M. Neil sen. 8, "Was Christ a Street Preach er?" Sunday school, 10.30. Reformed Mennonites —Preaching In Kinnard's Hall. 303 Verbeke street, Sunday at 10:30. Christian and i.iissionary Alliance— The Rev. W. H. Worrall, pastor, will preach at 10:30 and 7:30. Associated Bible Students The regular Sunday services will be held at 3 at Cameron's Hall, 105 North Sec ond street. "Forgiveness Is Blessed"; Berean Study at 2. CHI RCH OF CHRIST Fourth Street - The Rev. J. G. Smith. 11, "The Secret of Success"; 7.30, "Is the Gospel a Fable"; Sunday school, 10; C. E., 6.30. Lemoyne The Rev. Melvon Men ges. 10.45, "Profitable Preaching"; and 7.45, Sunday school, 9.30; C. E., 7. i _____ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ. Scientist — Board of Trade Hall. Sunday, 11 and 7.30. Testimonial meeting, Wednes day. S. Free reading rooms. Kunkel Building. 12.30 to 4.30 daily, also Mon day and Saturday evenings. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Church of the Brethren The Rev. William H. Conner of Harrisonburg, Va. Services, 11. UNITED EVANGELICAL Park Street—The Rev. A. E. Han gen. Children's day exercises at 10.30 and 7; Sunday school, 9.30. c= =o> * Your attendance of church services in this city to-morrow, will help the cause of Christi anity over all the world where the name Christian is known. AH churches are working toward the same end, and in extending their weekly invitation that you go to church to-morrow; denominational beliefs are all merged into one —The Church of the Living Christ. The churches collect ively send out the invitation to all who have no professed church home. They want you to come to church, not only to-morrow, but every Sunday, and desire that you receive their most urgent message. Go to Church This advertisement has been authorized by and is being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrlsborg. AT FIFTH STREET Both morning and evening Chil dren's Day programs will be given at Fifth Street Methodist Church. to morrow. The morning program in cludes, solos and chorus songs, recita tions, motion exercises, class recita tion, and an address by the pastor. Among those who will take part are: Claude Bowman, Ula Henry, Helen Rodney. Kathleen uiouser, Julyann Weirman, Virginia Burley, Lovina Buckwalter, Dorothy Reheard, Doro thy Shakespeare, Vincent Roland; Frances Kline, Elizabeth Sutton,'Arie Gully. HARRIS STREET PROGRAM Tn the Harris Street United Evan gelical Church the morning will be devoted to a special program by the candle rolj, beginners and primary departments. The baptism of infants and the awarding of diplomas to chil dren who have advanced in grade will be the features. In the evening the Intermediate department will give a special program, including a "Candle Talk," by the pastor, the Rev. G. F. Schaum. Announcement has been made of the Sunday school picnic on Tuesday, June 23. OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY With special exercises in charge of the Rev. Amos M. Stamets. the Sunday school of Augsburg Lutheran Church, will celebrate its twenty-tlfth anniver sary, to-morrow morning. In the evening Children's Day exercises will be held. Organized in 1890, with a small attendance the Sunday school has had a remarkable growth and is still making big strides. Special music ■and addresses by charter members of the school will feature the exercises. EVANGELIST TO PREACH Evangelist C. E. Hillis. who is clos ing a successful campaign in Steelton, will preach at the Fourth Street Church of God, to-morrow morning. Services in the evening will be in charge of the Rev. T>r. Whitman, of Rochester, N. Y. The Rev. William N. Yates pastor, left this morning for Findlay, Ohio, to attend a meeting of the board of trustees of Ltndlay Col lege. He is president of the board. MUSIC AT MARKET SQUARE Music for both services at Market Square Presbyterian Church, to-mor row is as follows: Morning service, Prelude, Prelude in F: Andante Can tabile, Deshayes; anthem. "Holy Spirit, Come. Oh Come," Martin; of fertory, Berceuse, lljinsky; Postlude, "Petite Marche," Dubois. Evening service, Prelude, "In the Twilight," Harker; anthem, "The Sun Is Sinking Fast," Thompson; offertory. Song Without Words, No. 14. Mendelssohn; postlude, Allegro in G, Waghorne. AT REDEEMER LUTHERAN Regular Sunday school services at Redeemer Lutheran Church to-mor row morning will be omitted and Chil dren's Day exercises will be given at the preaching hour. Those who will take part in the program are: Miss Florence Rickenbach, Dorothy May Barnes. Charles Goodman, Sylvester Freed, Harry Reitzel. Evelyn Long. Florence Markward, Lillian Miller and Evelyn Yingling. ENGINEERS TO ATTEND SERVICES IN EVENING Members of Division, No. 705, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers. will attend memorial services in the Fourth Reformed Church, to morrow evening. A special sermon will be preached by the Rev. Homer S. May, pastor. In memory of enginemen who have died during "the last year, flowers will be strewed over the front of the church. MUSIC AT MESSIAH LUTHERAN Morning. Children's Day exercises. Evening. Prelude, "Canzona," Ward; anthem, "Inflammatus," (Stabat Ma ter). Rossini; offertory. "Intermezzo." Mlldenberg; anthem. "O Worship the Lord." Watson; postlude. "Cornelius March," Davis. A. W. Hartman, di rctor. AT SECOND REFORMED Children's day services to-morrow at the Seond Reformed Church will be In charge of Paul Schaffner. A special program including a number of chil dren's hymns taken from the "Song of Our Syrian Guest," will be given at the services. JUNE 12, 1915. GOVERNOR GIVES PLAIN WARNING Will Keep an Eye on the Way the Philadelphia Folks Regulate Housing Affairs Governor Brumbaugh last night cleared his desk for the week and ■went to Philadelphia, signing the Phil adelphia housing hill and giving no tice to the folks in the Quaker City that he proposed to keep an eye on them. The housing bill is one that at tracted much attention throughout the session. The first one was vetoed and another agreed upon and put through in the final ten days of the session. Tt affords a means of correcting tene ment abuses and is said to be ad ! vanced legislation. I In his statement the Governor says: I "In my veto of the repealer of the housing code of 1913, which code related to Philadelphia alone, I made the suggestion that the parties in in terest should get together and agree j upon a just and fair code for the city. This they have done and the present hill (Senate 1,520) is the outcome. Since Its passage I have communicated with the city's director of public health and charities, and with the finance committee of councils. They have unitedly agreed that if this bill be came a law they will immediately create the housing department pro vided for in this bill. Councils have given me positive assurance that the funds will be at once appropriated and the director lias agreed that the de partment will be immediately or ganized. With these facts definitely on record I have approved this bill, and Philadelphia can now go forward in the matter of proper housing for Its people. The sooner it does so the bet ter. This housing problem is of vast significance now. I mean to make It more significant in the future. I shall follow the work in Philadelphia with great interest." VISITOR TO PREACH Services at the Church of the Breth ren, Hummel street, to-morrow morn ing and evening will be in charge of the Rev. William H. Conner, of Har risonburg, Va„ who has been attend ing the Hershey convention. I Modern Hous - The modern demand for "efficiency" has influenced | not only the businessman and the manufacturer but the housekeeper as well and has emphasized the neces- j sity for system in the handling of her affairs. The up-to-date woman transacts the financial end of i her housekeeping with the aid of a Checking Account, thereby saving herself time and money and avoiding much inconvenience. 4 Women are cordially invited to open checking ac- counts with us. SPECIAL, SERMON The first of two special Sunday evening sermons will he preached by the Rev. Dr. C. A. Hare, in Tabernacle Baptist Church, to-morrow evening when he will speak to men on "Man's Crowning Glory." Next Sunday he will preach to women on "A Wo man's Proper Adornment." PASTOR AT FINDLAY In the absence of the Rev. C. H. Grove, pastor of the Green Street Church of God, services will be con ducted by the Rev. J. W. Miller to morrow. The Rev. and Mrs. Grove are attending the commencement exercises at Findla.v College, where their daugh ter, Miss Grace, is a student. t S. PAtTI/S >l. E. SERVICES Children's services will be held at St. Paul's Methodist Church to-mor row evening. In the morning the Rev. Robert W. Runyan will preach on "Child's Opportunity." New member* will be received and Infants baptized at the morning service. r— , Lumber Deliveries made very quickly. We own 100 horses and many wagons. No difference how many orders we get — they are hauled out promptly. Furthermore, our yard is located in the center of the city. This is a big advantage as it enables us very soon to get to your build ing. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICEj For*tc»r mid C'owdcn Sti.
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