DIED COMSTOCK Died. June 12. 1915. George Stedman Comstock. at Me chanlcsburg, Pa, Funeral Monday. June 14, at 3 P. M., from St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Me chanicsburg. — Died, on June 11. 1915, F. Theodore Holthaus, aged 54 years. Relatives and friends and all or ganizatiens of which he was a member sre Invited to attend the services Sun day afternoon, at 4. at his late resi dence. 2039 North Fifth street. Burial Monday, Baltimore, Md. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. George Kauffman, Philadelphia; Mrs. W. A. Thomas and a son, William, of Harrisburg; two brothers. Charles H. and William C.. of Baltimore. Md. LOST PARTY who found gold vanity case In Victoria Theater. Friday night. If they return same to Telegraph Office will be rewarded. LOST Young collie dog. Answers to name of Rover. Reward If returned to 1304 North Third street. LOST Thursday afternoon, red notebook with a pair of gold nose glasses in leather case. Reward If re turned to 1905 North street LOST A black leather wallet con taining a sum of money and two meat bills. Owner can Identify. Reward. Geo. L.. care of Telegraph. FOUND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. HELP WAN TED—MALE CARPENTERS WANTED Or sev eral men handy with tools. Men with ambition get SIOO.OO and upward per month; worth investigating. Address P. O. Box 135, or call Bell 1692-J3. WANTED Paperhanger, at once. Apply G. M. Moore, 918 Capital street. WANTED A male stenographer, who can compose good business letters, and answer correspondence without taking dictation. Man with sales de partment experience preferred. State a?e, experience and salary desired. Ad dress M., 2635, care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington, D. C. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction, $5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri can Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. S3O WEEKLY, evenings at home. Everything furnished; no experience; no canvassing. Don't worry about capi tal. Boyd H. Brown. Dept. A, 297, Omaha, Neb. I WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part or spare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to-day. Voorhies, Desk 156, Omaha, Neb. SBO MONTHLY and expenses, to travel, distribute samples and take orders ,or appoint agents. Permanent Jap-American Co., Chicago. ANBODY can Increase their Income $8 to S4O weekly raising mushrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Free Illustrated booklet. Markets waiting. Hiram Bar ton. 333 West Forty-eighth street. New York. •EVERYWHERE Men willing to distribute circulars, samples, tack signs, collect names, etc. No canvassing. Con tinental Register. Chicago. $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. No capital or experi ence necessary. Write at once. Short Supply Company, 475 Massachusetts avenue. Boston, Mass. $8 A DAY easily made. We have a proposition that will Interest you. Big profits. Positive necessity. Write Mrs. Elsa M. Jones, 119 Linwood avenue, De troit, Mich. WANTED High class man to sell trees .shrubs, roses, vines, berry liushes, bulbs, etc. Good wages. Per manent. Exclusive territory. Brown Borthers Nurseries, Rochester, New York. WANTED NURSERY AGENTS—Per manent position at good wages. Now Is time to start. First National Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y. ROUND-TRIP ticket furnished to Exposition in San Francisco for three or four weeks' pleasant work; expense money allowed. No canvassing. Write Aladdin, 528 San Francisco. ESTABLISHED manufacturing cor poration desire* n wide awake, HggTes hlvc traveling representative with Hell ing experience. Wiiftt he huMtler with dean record. Excellent opportunity for rnplil ndvaneement. State age, experi ence and line now Belling. AddreuM Box S., 2044, care of Telegraph. WANTED BY LARGE CORPORA TION. honest man In every town for special advertising work; liberal salary to start; position permanent with good chance for advancement; no experience necessary. McLean. Black & Co., Inc., 59 South Beverly street. Boston, Mass. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES— 1 MEN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar ried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building. 2d & Market Sts. Harrisburg. Pa. Farms For Sale! Atiams County Fruit Farms This is a splendid time of the year to inspect the fruit farms we're offering for sale. Particulars upon receipt of your request. 130-Acre Farm Just right for plotting Into "lit tle farms." Close to trolley and only three miles from Harrisburg. 157-Acre Farm This farm has the reputation of being one of the best producers in Dauphin county. The owner has quit farming and Is ready to sell at a most reasonable figure. 91-Aore Farm Only a mile from Dauphin—good road to Harrisburg. A property that will Increase in value. 100-Acre Farm On road from Juniata Bridge to Newport—9o acres cultivated, 10 acres woodland (second growth) , 7-room frame house—frame bank barn and outbuildings. 128-Acre Farm The "Neely" farm 2>4 miles west of Landisburg, Perry county —3 8 acres cultivated; 10 acres meadowland; 80 acres woodland— running water —apple, peach and other trees $2,500 100-Aero Farm In Falrview township, York county—one mile south of New Cumberland —level, limestone land —an A No. 1 farm. Fair price and easy terms. 8-Aere Farm Take a look at this well-located property— l'.i miles west of Me chanicsburg along the trolley line. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, MANY A GOLDEN NUGGET IS HIDDEN IN THESE AIS HELP WANTED—MaIe YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs to call or write us at once. Full unlimited course, SBS. Open day and evening. Auto Transportation Repair Shop. 6 North Cameron street HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Competent woman, gen eral housework, family four; no wash ing. Apply 1717 State street WANTED A thoroughly reliable clerk for genera! office work In a floral establishment. A fine profit sharing opportunity for right party. Address P. O. Box 794, Harrisburg, Pa. OUR students write shorthand (126 words a minute) and transcribe them Into Ideal business letters, using a blank keyboard. Enroll now. Harris burg Shorthand School, 31 North Sec ond street. LADIES can make $lO weekly copy ing, addressing and mailing samples; no canvassing; particulars for stamp. American Co., Box 4822. Philadelphia. ANYONE Make $lB weekly. Copy letters evenings. For quick answer en close self-addressed envelope. Writer Co., Bristol, Pa. WANTED Persons to color art pic tures at home; easy work; no experi ence; good pay; sample free. Gleason Wheeler. 331 Marilson. Chicago. AMBITIOUS WOMAN who would like to make $15.00 to $25.00 per week doing pleasant work. Oleim Products Company. Scranton, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 j ears of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har •isburg Cigar Co., 50U Race street.' WANTED —Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female IF you want to make money at home addressing envelopes, postals, writing, inclosing and mailing advertising let ters, send stamped, addressed envelope. Royal Sales Company, Dept. Q, Macon, Ga. SONG POEMS WANTED for publica tion. Experience unnecessary. Send us your verses or melodies to-day or write for instructive booklet—it's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co., Dept. 233, Wash ington, D. C. AGENTS WANTED GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Get out of the wage-earners' class. Your co-operation with our fac tory starts you with little capital dur ing spare time In your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles . No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Ad dress Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D, 60, 6S Broadway. Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED to sell The Ideal Lawn Weeder. New. Just patented. Four-foot handle enables operator to stand erect. Any boy or girl can use It successfully. Rids a lawn of all weeds in a few minutes. 25 cents PROFIT on each sale. Sells at sight Agents easily sell from eight to twelve an hour. Write for particulars. Do not write unless you mean business. Address The Ideal Lawn Weeder Co., 7118 Race stret, Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS Snappiest household line on earth. Red hot sellers; steady re peaters—loo per cent, profit; 25 light weight. ,fast-selllng, popular-priced necessities. Agent's Outfit free. Get busy. Quick. Write to-day—postal will do. American Products Co.. 1749, American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. WANTED A few honest, ambitious men and women to co-operate with us In a proposition. Write Morgan Park Co., 1140 Church street, Chicago, 111. FREE SAMPLE nosplash water strainers sell themselves no talking —experience unnecessary. Dally profits $5 upwards. Send 2c (mailing cost). A. K. Union Filter Co., New York. AGENTS No experience required; earn S2O to S4O weekly selling house hold specialties; get repeat orders easy. Particulars free. Howard Specialty Co.. Bank Building, Allentown, Pa. SALESMEN On commission or straight salary basis; article easily carried. Descriptive booklet and terms, free. Write Ideal Specialty Mfg., 273 North Seventh street, Newark, N7 J. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesman to call on grocers, general stores and confec tioners in small, country towns. 26 per cent, commission. $35.00 weekly drawing account. Sales Manager. 206 South First street. St. Louis. Mo. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary; easy work; big pay. 'Write now for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest Office, Dept. 244. National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, New York. San Francisco. SALESMEN Acquainted with gro cery trade; large demand, liberal com mission; pocket sample. Wirth Sales book Co., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED for high-grade specialty. Demonstration Invariably results In Sale. Write for free book let on Salesmanship. The Sterling Co., Box 174, Cranford, N. J. SALESMEN WANTED to carry rood side line to general and department stores. State lines you now carry and towns you sell in. P. O. Box 585, Lan caster, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Man wants work of any kind. Apply 806 North Sixth street. I WANTED —By first-class, experienc ed automobile mechanic, position; can furnish reference. 1845 Spencer street. WANTED Young colored man, first-class chef, desires position In hotel or restaurant; good reference. 907 Sarah avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED An experienced worker wants housekeeping or upstairs work. Apply 927 North Third street. ( SUMMER HOME ' FOR RENT "Hill Crest"—a most delightful location along the Yellow Breeches Creek at New Cumberland—only a few minutes' walk from trolley. Electricity and gas—bath room—• , large lot—garage. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. Opp. Post Office Bell Phone 1595 Sj Bellevue Park § £ The choice residence section 5 J of Harrisburg J £ New Houses and ? Building Plots |j J Inspection by appointment, and]' > without any obligation upon your? i ? part, whatever. |:MILLER BROTHERS &co.j S Sales Agents for Bellevue Park i IrOpp. Post Office. Bell Phone 1595? SITUATIONS WANTED —Female WANTED By competent lady, po sition us bookkeeper or general office work; fourteen years' experience and good references. Address S. H. J., care of Telegraph. WANTED By young, experienced colored girl, pousttlon of any kind. Call 1412 Williams. FANCY DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; also sewing for children. 611 Primrose avenue, flat 1. WANTED Housekeeping, without washing, by middle-aged white woman. Address Box L., 2641, care of Telegraph. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home, by respectable middle-aged white woman. Apply 313 Brlggs street. City. KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE RE VI. ESTATE FOR SALE BARGAIN IN NO. 405 SOUTH 14th St.. 3-story dwelling 8 rooms —bath and 1 furnace. Miller Brothers & Co. Bell phone 1595. FOR SALE A good opportunity to buy a splendid corner lot in Camp Hill at a very reasonable price. Address Box 2628. care of Dally Telegraph. (12) ACRES ($1,800) (Widower) marries (Widow). Each owns farm Located in Beautiful Val ley (10) mile wide surrounded by ex pensive properties. Handy to High School, Churches, stores, railroad station. Iron and steel mills and fac tories. Two porches (8) room largo window home, barn, outbuildings. (Horse) cow (3) hogs (.30) chickens (.2) ton hay, straw (38) bushel corn. (24) oats, (9) potatoes. Dandy chicken farm. Possession (at) once. With stock, crops extra fine to quick buyer t51,700). (170) ACRES <*3,500) (Contractor) completes (new set) of fine large buildings all newly painted on beautiful (Terraces) on main (State Road) between Large Markets. Stock Farm well watered with spring creeks. 150) Woodland. All level land. Rail road switch. Philadelphia and Read ing passes through farm. Buildings valued ($5,000). With (6) horses (20) cattle (32) hogs (120) chickens, hay, straw, corn, oats, growing crops and farming implements at Market Price or (2) weeks later at Public Sale. I4i>> ACRES < *2,500> <6heriH) wish to (avoid) his ac quaintance. Family has (Hard Luck). New Home, new roof barn, outbuild ings. Fine large Fruit Orchard. Most ly level loam soil, spring water creeks, tine meadows, (5) acres woodland. Re member at edge of large City Market near railroads, trolley, Iron and Steel Mills and Factories. Fine match team 1 horses, wagon, harness. (3) cows, (7) hogs , (48) poultry, geese, ducks, guineas. (♦) ton hay, straw, (50) bushel corn, (40) oats. (14) potatoes, only ($3,300). GEORGE B. OSTRAXOER. Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE— -1841 Whitehall St. nearly new 3-story brick 9 rooms, bath and steam heat lot, 22x93 front and rear porch side entrance. Look this beautiful location over. It Is opposite Reservoir Park. 3 3-6 Acres located in Colonial Acre age lO minute walk from Progress car line 5 cent fare new 8-room dwelling large stahle 4OO fruit trees lOO grape stalks strawber ries. Price reasonable. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. NOW IS TOUR TIME to buy 1139 Derry street; all Improvements; large lot to street on rear; near business sec tion. Any reasonable offer considered. Apply Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR BALE Three-story brick house —8 rooms bath gas furnace porch side entrance. Inspect this property—l3B North Thirteenth street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ENOLA PROPERTY FOR SALE Frame house electric light fur nace large lot. Price, $1,900. Also properties in other suburban towns at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 241 ACRES in Fishing Creek Valley— -5 miles east of River ll miles from Harrisburg 2 dwellings and 2 barns running water attractive price. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE —Desirable building lots In the Tenth Waril, looated on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L.. No. 1587. care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Desirable residence at 1713 Market street; 8 rooms and bath. Rent reasonable to right party. Pos session at once. J. F. Ronrer & Son, Bergner Building. FOR RENT No. 2429 North Sixth street; 3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; electric and gas lighting; steam heat; hardwood floors; possession June 15. Inquire 2120 North Sixth street. FOR RENT No. 149 Royal Ter race; new two-story brick; all improve ments; front and back porches. In- ■ quire Allison Hill Trust Co., Thirteenth I and Market streets. FOR RENT 2*4-story frame dwell ing. with improvements, for colored people only, 1130 North Front street. Apply 226 Chestnut street. FOR RENT No. 333 Lewis street. Riverside; new dwelling house; all modern conveniences; moderate rent. Apply 1731 North Fifth street, or Gro cery Store, Lewis and Fourth streets. Riverside. 1 FOR RENT ll7 Royal Terrace.' $20.00; 630 South Nineteenth and One- Half street, $14.00; 628 South Nineteenth and One-alf street, $15.00; 535 Hetrick street, $13.00. J. B. Mac Donald, 1319 Market. 1843 Whitehall Street $32.50 1850 Market Street 32.00 129 S. Fourteenth Street 22 00 1715 Carnation Street 17.00 1530 Naudain Street lfi.Od 1110 Walnut Street 15.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT llBB Christian street— two-story brick 8 rooms all con veniences ln excellent condition. Rent. $17.00 per month. Inquire M. L» Bowman, 269 Herr street FOR RENT lBlO North "Third street. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chestnut street TWO new 2%-story brick dwellings. 1207-1209 North Fourteenth street (above Cumberland); 8 rooms and bath; nicely papered; gas; electrlo lights; paved streets; all conveniences; front and rear porches. Rent, 126 month. Immediate possession. Apply R. Oen slager, 711 North Third street. "HILLCREST" DESIRABLE COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT LARGE country hbme—all conveni ences gas electricity bath steam heat butler's pantry open fireplaces tennis court pergola garage and stable. House for man. Fine all-year-round home easily accessible —one square from trolley. Can be rent ed partly furnished. Apply to Baron Besteckl, New Cumberland, Pa. FOR RENT 1014 MARKET ST.—9 rooms and bath—front porch—gas range —combination lighting—s3o. Mil ler Brothers & Co., Bell phone 1595. REAL ESTATE WANTED MAN with $3,000.00 cash wants to buy Farm In Dauphin or Cumberland coun ty. Send description, size and location. Box L, 2638, care of Harrisburg Tele eraoh. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR SAME OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Dwelling and bakery at Shlremanstown, Pa; flna location; only bakery In town. Inquire of S. B. Jackson, Carlisle, Pa. WILL. SELL at a sacrifice or rent. 1815 North Second street; possession at once. Apply Regent Theater, 410 Mar ket street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT MacDANIEI/S APARTMENTS Furnished, all necessaries complete for housekeeping; 4.W0 large, airy rooms, bath, Southern exposure, gas range, re frigerator, kitchen cabinet, private meter, bells, mail box. 1417 Market street. FOR RENT Third floor apartment No. 20 North Fourth street; 5 rooms; bath; steam heat; electric light and gas. Apply 20 North Fourth street. second floor. FOR RENT Modern apartment In Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth and Market stroets. Rent very liberal for summer months to right party. J. E. Olpple. 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Modern apartment; front and rear entrances; five well lighted rooms; bath and pantry; all private; ail conveniences for light housekeeping; no children. Corner Hamilton and Penn streets. FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern Improvements, including city •team heat. No. 204 Walnut street. B. Mather Co. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat Apply 264 Herr street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol; six rootns. tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor and third floor rooms; fine location; use of telephone; reduced rates for the summer. Apply at 203 State street. CHOICE A newly furnished. Hot and cold running water; electric light; steam heat and telephone in every room. $2.50 and $3.50 per week. Including hotel service. METROPOLITAN ANNEX, (513-520 MARKET STREET, FOR RENT Furnished rooms, all modern improvements, Roslyn Apart ments, 209 Walnut street. Inquire Ella nore Gove. 226 North Third street. Mil linery Store. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; elegant location; use of bath and phone; rent reasonable. 227 Boas street FOR RENT Furnished room, on second floor, next to bath, private fam ily, home comforts, for gentlemen, breakfast if desired. Address D„ 2639, care of Telegraph. BOARDING AND ROOMS Well furnished front rooms overlooking Capitol Park. Rates reduced for the summer. Couples or gentlemen pre ferred. 328 North street FOR RENT Large front room, fur nished for roomers, or very suitable for light housekeeping; all Improve ments; large closet, 3Hxl2 ft. 1419 Market street. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, single or ensuite, facing Capitol Park; all conveniences, including phone; large private porch. 406 North street. FOR RENT Large, well furnished second floor front rooms; all conveni ences; us- of phone. 818 North Seconl street. I ——————————— UNFURNISHED ROOMS Built especially for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes, arrange ments strietly private, stoves furnlsh- I ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitress, same building. Daily Inspection invited. ROOMS WANTED WANTED—Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, second floor, private family. Address G.. 2E32, care of Telegraph. ROOMS WANTED TWO communicating, furnished light housekeeping rooms: seperate entrance I to each room, private family, walking distance to business center; moderate; references exchange. Address D„ 2643, care of Telegraph. WANTED TO EXCHANGE. One Haly Ziid Davis piano-pianola and 96 rolls of music, for suburban lot. Apply Supt Harrlsburg Club, Front and Market streets. WANTED Tow or three nlcelv fur nished rooms In quiet, refined house, with light housekeeping privileges, for refined Englishman and wife. No chil ' <lren. City or easy distance. J., 2640, | care of Telegraph. WANTED Part of house, either first or second floor, entire preferred, furnished or unfurnished, with private family by man and wife from another city. Permanent. Give location and price. Address H.. 2642, care of Tele graph. WANTED Two second-hand row boats, flat bottom. Address Mrs. G. A. Freyer, Doubling Gap, Pa. WANTED Two Indian canoes; Must be cheap. Address Box 483, Mil lersburg, Pa. WANTED To buy, all kinds of sec ond-hand furniture. High prices paid Apply S. Gold. 1114 Market street. Bell phone 3754. j BOARDING I LAKE VIEW COTTAGE Opposite 1 Park. Open all the year. Good table. Send for circulars. L. B. Allen, Boiling Springs, Pa.. Box 32. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Bargains in typewriters, SIO.OO and up. Underwood and L. C. Smith, late model, rebuilt, an attrac tive purchase. George P. TUlotson, 36 South Fourth street, city. FOR SALE One 1915 Vulcan Tour ing car for $550; one 1911 Mitchell Touring car for $350. Either will make good jTtney. Penbrook Garage, Pen brook. Pa. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many fiatterns at half of list price. Paper de ivered anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. W. Spotz, 1317-19 Market street. FOR SALE One Haly and Davis piano-pianola and 96 rolls of music. Apply Supt. Harrisburg Club, Front and Market streets. FOR SALE Double-barrel hammer less gun and one-minute postcard camera. Inquire from 11 to 12 A. M. and after 8 P. M„ 1351 Vernon street. FOR SALE New Rockford screw cutting lathe 11 inches by 6 Inches, fully equipped; sacrifice. Address H., 2631, care of Telegraph Office. FOR SALE Round-bottom canvaß boat; first-class condition: reasonable price. River drive, below Hiester's Lane, R. D. 2, Box 138, 11. Clouser, Harrlsburg. FOR SALE REASONABLE Rabbit hound pups, bred to hunt. George F. Srheidler, Mlllerßhurg, Pa. FOR SALE Ford 5-passenger tour ; lng car. In good condition. Address W„ 1 2637. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE l5 S. C. W. Leghorn Hens; all good layers. If sold soon will sell for 75c each. Also Hatching Eggs at half price. George E. Andarnon, 152 West Curtin street, Penbrook, Pa. RARE OPPORTUNITY lO violins, Including one genuine Hopf, one genuine Cremonae Anno 1720, one genuine Jacobus Stainer In Absam, 1665; and copies of Stradivarius. Josef Gnarnerluß and Fecit. Will be sold at less than half value to close out entire stock. F. E. Bailey, 7 South Front street, Steeiton, Pa. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. FOR SALE Ladles' and Gent's Tailoring establishment In cross-river town. Price, S2OO. Lots of work on hand. Reason for selling, falling health. For full particulars address A., 2634, care of Telegraph. DOGS. DOfiS. DOGS PENNSYLVANIA FANCIERS' ASSO CIATIONS No. 338 Broad street, Har rlsburg, Pa. Three fine thoroughbred Collie Pups and other varieties. Also pet stock bought and sold. FOR SALE 4O tons of flrst-class Hay, bailed, at reasonable price. Apply at Jednota Farnv between Middletown and Hlghspire. — . FOR SALE Auto, good condition, mado by the Jeffrey people, will be sola cheap to quick buyer. Apply 618 North Second street. FOR SALE —Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department. The Tele graph Printing Company. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS caiTbe secured at the Telegraph Business Office. "CADILLAC" Roadster, 5-H.-P., flrst class condition. Price, $395. Universal Motor Car Co., 1826 Wood avenue. FOR SALE 5-passenger Stude baker and all extras. First $300.00 takes It. Make good jitney. No. 10 Argyle ulre6t. Bell phone 1071 M. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each One of these signs will be given with euch slx-tlme order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Slightly used furniture, carpets, cook stoves and ranges at sac rifice. We must vacate building. Also large wall case, counters, cash register, shelvings for sale. Apply Frank Cohen. 607 State street. FOR SALE Grocery stock and fix tures at invoice, amounting to $2,100. Clean stock. Good location. Reasonable rent. Must be sold within ten days on account of being Interested in another enterprise. Triners need not apply. We want a buyer. Address Box G., 2645, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE At Livingston Farm, Enola: Good, cheap work horse, single harness and new one-horse jolt wagon, $55.00 for outfit; fairly good two-horse wagon, sl2; ten Rhode Island Red Chickens, some young chicks; guineas; ducks; three geese; six goslings. Must sell quickly to vacate. Property can he seen Sunday afternoon, 2 to 4. Leave car at Beaver Avenue, Enola, go north two squares. A. C. Young. 26 North Third street, Harrlsburg. Bell 713 J. FOR.SALB— Two Maxwells, a Chal mers, Jackson, Oakland, Michigan "40." Mitchell and Ford touring. Will sell at reasonable price and guarantee In good condition. Roberts and Hoin, 334 Chest nut street. FOR SALE A coal range. In good condition. Apply 2235 Penn. FOR SALE Allison Hill Cafe, 1249 Market street. Reason for selling, ill ness of wife. Call, 01 address, 25 North Second street, Steeiton, Pa. FOR SALE Private collection Red Seal Vlctrola Records at one-half off listed price; sold singly or any num ber. 230 West State street. Bell phone 686 R. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 snd 317 South Second street, 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR RENT FOR RENT A large furnished cot tage on Chautauqua Grounds. Mount 1 Gretna, Pa.; 12 rooms with two bath rooms; large porch; $65 for month, $l3O for season. Inquire of Mrs. D. P. Wit meyer, 502 Cumberland street, Lebanon, I It FOR RENT Bungalow, best situat ed, along Susquehanna river, between Wild Cat and Accomac. Furnished com plete. Particulars. A. L. Resch, Mari etta, Pa. FOR RENT Second floor room, 3,700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock port. N. Y. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE—Stock at inventory and fixtures at a discount —corner location rent for store and modern dwelling only S4O per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ACTIVE, energetic businessman, with SIOO, can establish permanent local business paying SIOO weekly net profit. Article attractive, new, in demand. Con stant repeater; 100 per cent, profit. Or ganize own sales force. G. J. Bailey, Columbia Building, Cleveland, Ohio. FREE 6 MONTHS INVESTING FOR PROFIT, a monthly Guide to Money-Making. Tells how SIOO grows to $2,200 —how to get rich quickly and honestly. H. I* Barber, Pub., 624, 22 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. I HAVE SSOO to SI,OOO that I am will ing to Invest as a partner In soma business where my services may be utilized profitably. Address 2629, care of Telegraph. I MADE $50 ; C00 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 855 Lockport, N. Y. I BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our beat efforts insure your satisfaction. S. jj Cluck, 320 W°odbine street FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrlsburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Ball 1960. FAST -MOTOR TRUCK EXPRESS, one or two tons. All kinds of hauling, furniture and freight, in the city and suburbs. Prices reasonable. Picnic i and pleasure trips. Day or night ser- I vice. Theodore T. Precht, 441 Hummel ; street Bell phone 3644 J. WE are headquarters for Trunks Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va cation inspect our large stock. Have your repairing done here and save money. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. Second and Chestnut HAULING R. A. HA HTM AN, Hoarding Stable and National Tranafrr Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603R- T0 HIRE AUTOMOBILE TO HIRE; b7lhe"day or hour to places of Interest. Weekly trips to Gettysburg and Battlefield Rates reasonable. Careful driver. Bell phone No. 3211 M. Address 1163 Derry straat. JUNE 12. 1915. TRADING IN STOCKS AT HIGHER PRICES Bethlehem Steel Among Those in Especial Demand During Early Hours By Associated Press New York. June 12.—Active trading In stocks at higher prices was resumed at the opening of to-day's short ses- STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street for household goods and merchandise Pri vate rooms. $1 to J3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co_ 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR HEATING SYSTEM SEALED PROPOSALS for a hot air system of heating and ventilation for the new school building at Fifth and Mahantongo streets, in this city, accom panied by plans and specifications there for, and a guarantee of successful op eration, will be received by the Board of School Directors of the' School Dis trict of Harrisburg. Pa., until Fridav. June 18, 1915, at 7:30 P. M. Floor plans of the building, together with instruc tions to bidders, can be had from C Howard Lloyd, Architect Telegraph Building. Harrisburg, Pa. All bids are to be addressed to the undersigned and to be marked "Pro posal for Heating and Ventilation." The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. D. D. HAMMELBAUGH, Secretary. BIDS FOR SEWERS SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, June 21 1915, for the construction of terra cotta pipe sewers in NINETEENTH and CAMERON STREETS: also for about 1,420 feet of 40-inch by 48-inch REIN FORCED CONCRETfi SEWER in RUDY. DELANCY and SPENCER STREETS. Blank bids and specifica tions may be had on application. The Superintendent reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. W. H. LYNCH, Superintendent. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 2910 ln the Matter of Malcolm H. Gettys, Bankrupt. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale. In front of the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1915. at 2 O'CLOCK P. M„ the_ following described real estate: No. I—Ail that certain lot or piece of land, with the improvements thereon erected, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western side of line of Green Street, which point is 133 feet, more or less, north of the northwest corner of Ureen Street and Ueiger Avenue, and at the northern line ol property of Nel son M. Johnson; thence westwardly along the line of said last mentioned property and through th 6 center of a brick partition wall between this and adjoining nouse and beyond 86 teet to a 3 teet wide private alley; thence north wardly aiong the eastern side line of said 3 feet wide private alley 21 teet, more or less, to tue line of property oi Frank B. Cratzer; thence eastwardly along the line of said last mentioned property 85 feet to the western slue line of said Green Street; thence south waru ly along the western side line of said Green street 21 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house numbered i'U34 Green Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Together with the right to use the 3 feet wide private al ley in the rear of said lot in common with the owners anu occupiers of other property abutting thereon. For title see Deed Book "K," Vol. 15, page 385, No. 2 —All that certain lot or piece of land, with the improvements thereon erected, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western side line ot Ureen Street, which point is 240 feet, more or less, north of northern side line of Maclay Street; thence westwardly along the line of property of Grace A. Smith, and through the center of a brick parti tion wall between this and adjoining house and beyond 85 teet to a 4 feet wide private alley; thence northwardly by a line parallel with said Green Street 21 feet to a point; thence eastwardly by a line parallel with said Maclay Street 85 feet to Green Street, and thence southwardly along the Western side of said Ureen Street 21 l'eet to the place of beginning; having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house known as number 2124 Green Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Together with the right to use the 3 feet wide private al ley in the rear of said lot in common with the owners and occupiers of other property abutting thereon. For title see Deed Book "K," Vol. 15. page 385. No. 3—All that certain lot or piece of land, situate in the Sixth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, aforesaid, with the improvements thereon erected, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a point on the western side of Mifllin Avenue or Street, which point is 46 feet, more or less, north of the northern line of Geiger Avenue; thence west wardly by a line parallel with said Geiger Avenue and through the center of a brick partition wall between this and adjoining house and beyond 71 feet 8 incnes, more or less, to a 3 feet wide private alley; thence northwardly along the eastern side line of said feet wide private alley, 15 teet to a point; thence eastwardly by a line parallel witn said Geiger Avenue and through the center of a brick partition wall between this and adjoining house 71 feet 8 inches, more or less, to Mifllin Avenue or Street; thence southwardly along the western side line of said Mifflin Ave nue or Street 15 feet to the place of be ginning; having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house known as number 2028 Mifflin Avenue or Street. Together with the right to use the 3 feet wide private alley In the rear of said lot in common with the owners and occupiers of other property abutting thereon. For title see Deed Book "D," Vol. 13, page 300. No. 4 —All that certain lot or piece of land situate In the Sixth Ward of the City of Harrisburg, aforesaid, with the improvements thereon erected, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a point on the western side line of Mifflin Avenue or Street, which point is 61 feet, more or less, north of the northern line of Geiger Avenue; thence westwardly by a line parallel with said Geiger Avenue and through the center of a brick partition wall be tween this and adjoining house and beyond 71 feet 8 Inches, more or less to a 3 feet wide private alley; thence northwardly along the eastern side line of said 3 feet wide private alley, 15 feet to a point; thence eastwardly by a line parallel with said Geiger Avenue and through the center of a brick par tition wall between this and adjoining liouse 71 feet 8 Inches, more or less to Mifflin Avenue or Street: thence south wardly along the western side line of said Mifflin Avenue or Street 15 feet to the place of beginning; having there on erected a three-story brick dwelling house known as number 2030 Mifflin Avenue or Street. Together with the right to use the 3 feet wide private al ley in the rear of said lot in common with tho owners and occupiers of other property abutting thereon. For title see Deed Book "D," Vol. 13. page 433. The above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all incum brances. TERMS: 10 per cent, on dav of sale, ■and balance thereof on confirmation by the court. MERCER B. TATE, Trustee. "'on, war issues again leading with gains of X to 3 points. Bethlehem Steel, which advanced to within a fraction of its' record quotation. New York Airbrake and the coppers were In especial demand, extending their advantage materially before the end of the first half hour. Investment shares in the railway group also scored sub stantial advances. United States Steel, on an opening sale of 1,500 shares, rose %. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Ooshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, June 12. Open. High. Low. Clo». Alaska O M 37 T<, 38 37% 37% Amal Cop . 76% 77 76% 77 Am Bt Sug 48% 49% 48% 49% Am Can . . 44% 47 44% 46% Am C& F. 56 56% 65% 56 Am Cot Oil 48% 4 8 1,4 48 % 48%' Am Ice Sec 31 31% 31 31 ' Am Loco . 50% 60% 49% 49% Am Smelt. 83% 84 82% 83% Am Sugar . 107% 108 107% 108 Am T & T. 122% 122% 122% 122% Anaconda . 37% Atchison .. 102 102 H 101% 101% B& O 76% 76% 76 76% Beth Steel. 168 % 169 167 167% Bklyn RT. 88% 88% 88% 88% Cal Petro. . 15% 16% 15% 16% Can Pacific 153 % 153% 152% 152% Cent Leath 39 41 % 39 41 C& 0 39% "39% 39 39 CM& St P 92% 92% 92% 92% Col F& X. 32% 32% 31% 32 Con Gas .. 125% 125% X 25% 125% Dist Sec .. 22% 22% Eri«S 27% 27% 27% 27% Erie Ist pfd 41% 42 41 % 42 Gen E Co.. 173% 173% 172% 172% Gen Motors 153 153 152% 152% Goodrh BF 48 48 47% 48 Gt Nor pfd 119% 119% Gt N Ore s 36% Gug Exp . . 64 67% 64 66% In-Met .... 23 23 22% 22% In-Met pfd 73% 73% 73% 73% KC So .. . 26% 26 %i Lehigh Val 146 146 145% 145% Louis & N. 118% 118% Met Petro. 78% 79% 78% 78% Mo Pac .. 12% 1214 11% 11% Nat Lead.. 68 68 Mi 67 67% N Y Cent. . 89 89 NY.NH& H 65 *4 65141 Nor Pac .. 108 108% 107% 107% Pac Mail .. 28% 29% 28% 29% PR R ... 107 107% 107 107 %| Pgh Coal . 23% 23% Press S Car 48% 49 48% 48% Ry Stl Spg 33% 33%' R C Cop.. 25% 25% 25% 25% Reading .. 117% 147% 146% 146% RI & S . . 29 % 30% 29 % 30 RI & S pfd 87% 88 87% 87% So Pacfie.. 89% 89% 88% 88% So Railway 16% 16% 16% 16% Tenn Cop. . 39% 39% 39 39 Texas Co . 129% 129% 129 129 Third Ave. 53% 53% 53% 53% Union Pac. 129% 159% 129% 129% U S Rubber 66% 67 66% 67 U S Steel. 61% 61% 60% 60% U S S pfd. 109% 109% Utah Cop. 69 69% 68% 68% Va CC.. 3 4 34 West U Tel 67% 67% West Mfg.. 98% 98% 97% .98% CHICAGO CATTLE By / Issociated Pre at Chicago. 111., June 12. Hogs Re ceipts, 1 11,000; slow. Bulk of sales. $7.40 #7.60; light, $7.35 ®7.75; mixed, $7.25© 7.65: heavy. $6.95@7.55; rough. $6.75® 7.15; pigs. $6.00®7.35. Cattle Receipts, 2,000: steady. Na tive beef steers, $6.85®9.50; western steers. $6.90@8.16; cows and heifers. $3.20®8.55: calves. $7.50®10.25. Sheep—Receipts, 1,000; steady. Sheep. $6.00®7.00; lambs, $7.75®10.35; spring, sß.oo® 11.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, June 12. Stocks clos ed steady. Cambria Steel 48% General Asphalt 30% General Asphalt, Pfd 68 Dake Superior Corporation 11% Lehigh Navigation 7214 Lehigh Valley 72% Pennsylvania Railroad 53 7-lt> Philadelphia Electric 24 Philadelphia Company 3.1% Philadelphia Company, Pfd 31 Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 9% Reading 73% Storage Battery 53 Union Traction 32% United Gas Improvement 82% United States Steel 60% (Other market news on page 7.) THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M., at Its new location. 1701 North Second street, for the frea treat 1 ment of the worthy poor. niIBBER STAMnn (VfEl SEALS & STENCILS UV HIWMFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS" ■ § II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA, If Does Yo Roof Lea \ I have In Harrisburg and vicin ity some of my best workmen. I ! will have your roof carefully looked over and furnish 'promptly men and materials for any needed re pairs. Prices moderate. Write or ' phone. H. K. NISSLEY Slate and Tile Roofing 1522 X. 2(1 St. Bell Phone 3A59-R j Sm I 111 | f Mr. P. Vanderloo has been appointed Manager of Our Real Estate Department His entire time will be de-. voted to giving to the Sale of Properties and Collection of Rents the careful attention which such matters demand. Rettew&Bushnell Real BNtnle nntl Insurance 1000 N. THIRD ST. Suburban Modern Home FOR RENT Paxtang, large porches, lawn, shade, electric lights, steam heat; rental $30. n0. S. W. FITZUEHALD 317 Wnlnut St. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers