12 & \ Important Savings Invite You to Read This Announcement of Friday Specials I No Friday Spe- Luncheon Napkins Sweaters Spark Plugs Laundry Soap White Goods Men's Congress Shoes ; 1 C„nt (~) $3.00 dozen luncheon Roys' and girls' SI.OO 75c Mosler spit-tire spark White laundry soap. Spe- 25c fancy white goods in $3.00 brown kidskin con- ClcilS OCIII vy. apkins with Madeira cor- sweaters with roll collar, in plugs. Special Friday only, cial Friday only/, 8 bars, crepe, voile and flaxon. Spe- gress shoes; plain toe lasts; D Or Mail Or ners anc * plain scalloped maroon, navy and cardinal; 39* 25* cial Friday only, yard, 10* Goodyear welted oak leath , **. . edtres. 15x15 inches. Spe- sizes 6to 12 years. Special _ er soles. Special Friday Telephone or- Friday ** . ""Tag.*.""* , EE -* «•'» ders filled Women's $l9B V-neck ' 2 5 f yard 0/ 4 * Wv "' J mve», Pomerov 4 Stewart, sweaters, in white and grev; w. .i.jft.i. Lumn laundrv starcli. ~. . . ... V > a,r~t J Sizes .14. 36 and 38. Special Bleached Sheett _ Special Friday oily, 5 1b,.. . 2 . x . p|ardi..e, 27 /» Friday only SI.OO 39c bleached sheets, 72x inches. Special Fi iday only, ... , n . . "» Dress Shields ...... no 90 inches, 4to a customer. II II arc ' | | Women S Uxfords 20c and 25c dress shields. Round Doilies fiber°rilk" sweater.*"in two- Special Friday only .. .25* Basement. $1.25 English longcloth. $3.00 values in gun metal, Special Friday only, pair. 10c round doilies, scallop- tone effects and solid 65c bleached sheets, 76x 10 yards to a piece. 36 calf a ltd patent colt; button 10* ed; linen, damask patterns, shades. Special Fridav only, 90 inches; scalloped edge. n Z . inches. Special Friday only, or lace; Goodvear soles welt- D,.„. p™,,r„v * at.„.rt. 10 inches. Special Friday #4.69 Special Friday only .. ,59» piece Wf ed. Special Friday only F,r " '' l| " r /" " ' 0t Jt> DIVM, Pnm.r.V A Stewart. Dlv««, P.moroy A Stewart. SI.OO tO $3.00 odd pairs of 35c plain white Orgaildv. Dives, Pomerov ft Stewart, . Men's Store. Street Floor. Rear. Scrim, lace and madras CUr- 39 inches Snecial Fridav Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, < - J N ( tains; slightly soiled. Spe- onlv. yard toe V 1 "in Cushions / N , cial I'riday only, pair, 59c hand painted satin pin 0 Pajamas Bleached Pillow Cases 500 to $1..>0 stMet°^ioor St u Wnmmn'm Wh!t* ' cushions, with ribbon and WOmen S (JMOn Suits Boys' and girls' pajamas S L2S bleached pillow Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart N ' Yf omen Srr nlie onoes lace. Special Friday only, 50 c and 75c white lisle in pink, blue, helio and c . ases > hemstitched with ini- T """ i-loor. ; ■ —\ $2.00 to $3.00 button 25* ribbed union suits; sleeve- cream; sizes 6 to 16 years. t ' a .' s - Special Friday only, Silk Waists Reduced shoes; all more or less Dives, Pomerov a Stewart. less and knee length; lace Special Friday only ...50* P air 98 * Muslin Bed Sets $2.08 to $3.50 white crepe Fridav onlv SlZ "' #l*oo atrpet ?r ' r " ir - trimmed Special Friday Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. , ~ V de chine and china silk fnda > onI > W -°° ' —JETS sssptt.-—■ Embroidery Specials 1 He "' st™e™Fio*r Ste ' nart ' ,t ' l bor der trim. Special r— ~ V checked; slightly mussed. ' " Swiss and cambric em- v Friday only SI.OO Cotton Dress Goods Special Friday only ...98* $3.50 stripe crepe de chine t f \ broidery insertion, 1 to 3 r— ————————Men's $1.50 one-piece pa- 59c crepe de chine, 36 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. waists ; slightly soiled. Spe- Girls and Children S inches wide; values to 10c. Undermuslins jamas, knee length and inches, half silk, figures on I cial Friday only ... .$1.50 Shoes Special Friday only, yd., 3* Womcn . s drawers with lengths Fridav r T""" 7 ! -lid color satin Misses' $1.50 white can- Swiss ruffled flouncings, cambric ruffle and hem- - - *> onlv yar d 251 Grocery Specials waists. Special Fnday vas two-strap pumps with 27 inches wide, 39c value. stitched hem; regularly 25c. Dives. Pomeroy Red ripe tomatoes, large * I,JU hand-turned soles. Special Special Fridav only, yard. Special Friday only .. 15* ' ■* 75c French crepe, 40 glass jars. Special Friday $3.50 to $5.95 lace and Friday only 98^ 23f Children's drawer, t.tck / « Sp S'i a J °»b' «♦ c liffon combination waists. | | Children's $1 black kid I cnuarens arawers, tucK ——■ Fridav only, yard 2.»* ' «;nprial Fridav nnlv S2 T"i ynunren s q>i oiat k Kia- flouncing. 40 inches trimming. Special hnday Art Needlework ' Pillsbury's XXXX flour, apeeiai 1 riaaj omy, Mary Jane pumps; wide, scalloped edges, 59c only 9* 25c stamnei! linen rnllar* 49c voile, 44 inches, navy 24'/, lb. sacks. Special Fri- Dive., Pomeroy * Stewart. stitched soles; sizes 6to 11. valne. Special Friday only. suw . rl Sp'eVial FriEv onTy" . »"d black with saline bor- dayat «I.O» « Special Friday only .. yard 39* L Second Floor. 1 T d er. Special Friday onjy . . „ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. > 25c and 50c stamped cen- yard 529* Asparagus, in tall tins, . street Floor. Dives. P° t^ e e r t %* or stewart ' terpieces of colored linen 12 i/ r vn :u 40 inches regularly 13c. Special Fri- Maternity Skirts s ' Inexpensive Jewelry and tinted effects. Speaal neat co ] ore d stripes and da} ° nly $6.50 and $7.50 navy and ,. f . 7. r n ci nn Kir. 1 . *"day only floral designs. Special Fri- Hcrshey's cocoa, regularly black serge maternity / atlors Linings Women's Handkerchiefs a ! b "" ,an n* 4 4c silk floss, many colors. day only, yard Soft finish linen handker- * ' Special Friday only, skein. 12 , /jC ca|es , 6 ; nches , y, llow cor „ meal . '>" l ran R e of colors. Special chiefs, ii-inch hem, 10c U white and colored grounds. special Friday only ... .3* Dl1 "' SSSS»VS.;." W """ Friday only 3of value. . pecial Friday C J •I V • Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart, neat stripes, figures and T v • , t, v Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, 4 for 250 and bar pins. Special Fri- Third Floor. rhrrl-- <-'nrrinl Frirlnr Dned P reen P eas ' lb " S P C " - dav only V checks. Special Friday cja] Fridav only V Fancy colored border onl >'' ard ' , Children S Dresses v and^lavender 8 s*" value! Spe- brooches 8 " Special Friday Boys' Wash Suits seersucker gingham, spe cU| P Friday onf/ «»gham 'dresses in ( dal Friday only . ....3* only 1 !><• Russian wash suits in neat stnpes Special Frt- ' > * * strtpes and platds; SIMS 12 SI.OO black Panama. 54 y y , c . , _ linen, linene. percale and day only, yard o* Ritter s pork and beans and 14 years regularly SL2S. inches wide. Special Fridav ' Hemstitched handker- 25c: pearl cuff links. Spe- galatea; sizes 2/ a to 7 years, 18c crepe plisse, rosebud U? sauce - S P ec ' a J Special Friday only .. .oO* on , y chiefs with colored initial; cial Friday only 19* $1.95 and $2,95 values. Spe- figures, white. Special Fri- Friday only 8* Dive., Pomeroy* Stewart ~ , , rr£rp , 4 Sp U ecial P Fridav n only a 6 e for Cr ' SL2S S erma " /^. er cial Friday only 89* day only, yard 140 Table mustard in turn- Z inches wide. Special Fridav Special Friday only, Spec,a, Friday D.ve ß , voile, white and biers. Special Friday only only 79* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dive, Pomerov & Steward colored grounds floral de- Negligee Skirts 50c black Panama. 36 . street Floor. s?™fi* N s, g ns - Special Friday only, 13-02. bottles Armstrong s 50c negligee shirts with inches wide. Special Friday Boys' Raincoats Relish; regulaily 10c. Spe- separate soft collar, cream only 350 11/ > 11 I , ' \ SI 50 rnhhorivpH iMV«b. Pomeroy A Stewart, C]a ' I'riday only 8* an d tan. Special Friday , T , . ~ , n Womens Neckwear n 7c •! ruODerued rain- streec Floor. ... , -toik 75c black trench voile, 40 ..... ... Basement Specials coats, sizes 6, 8 and 10 Anco imported sauce for only ,w 0 j nc hes wide. Special Friday Lot ot slightly soileG - 0 fancv china years; tan and grev. Spe- / \ meats. Special Friday only. Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. on ] v , ;{9e •rtvles Of neckwear, 2oC J ' t-inua Fridav nnlv ' KQi n:.L n~*L. 9# Men's Store. value. Special Friday only, cups and saucers hand- cial Friday only b9* DishCloths $1 50 black silk and wool ri°day only C ° ra 250 D,TM * £°cond oy F.to^. tew ' rt - 5 , c knit dish cloths, ab- Large bottle olives, p—; —x crepe. Special Friday only. Dives, Pomerov * Stewart. " 7 sorbent and will retain stuffed. Special Friday only, Boys' Bathing Trunks *1.19 » 69c and 83c green matt water. Special Friday only 240 govs' bathing trunks. Dives. Pomer.y * st.war, and ivory finished jardin- Oliver Twist Suits /tor ** Flac red kidnev beans. SneHal Fridav onlv ... .80 . street Floor. r ZTTI Z leres. Special tnday .onlv, n > • . Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. ' Snecial Fridav onlv 80 Ribbon Special 420 Boys Oliver Twist wash Street Floor, Rear. J y•• • V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Taffeti and moire rib- . ~ suits, white waist with blue * California lima beans. M ""' s store - Cnlnrfff DrPtt C,nnd% bons 4to 5 inches wide- . ! , B^J . e j ly tumh,erj! - Spe- or grey trousers; sizes Special Friday only, 3 lbs., Colored Uress Goods values to 25c Snecial Fri' cial Friday only, dozen, 150 to / yeai..; $1..i0 to $1.75 Table Damask 250 f tu > U JL L' t 75c cream serge, with values to Special in- values. Special Fridav only, cn • ~ ~ . MenS Handkerchiefs stri p e Special Friday onlv, day only, yard 150 25c compass saws. Spe- Q o_i. - mercerized table dam- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, _ . , . , , , . stripe. ' , ' * , c , t cial Fridav onlv 190 ' ask. 64 inches wide. Special . Ba » ement - , L«n«n hemstitched hand- oo* Ve "' ft?r^et°Floor. eW * r .iI ," " •i r * Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Fridav onlv. vard 35<ft kerchiefs. Special triday e , c 25c hatchets. Special Fri- second Floor. only, 9*, or 3 for 25* ac cream gaoaraine. . .pe dav only 190 x Dives, Pomeroy a Stewart. Summer PdloWS cial Friday only *9O f N 3 1 Street Floor - Rear - «JUiniiici I Dives Pomeroy A Stewart. Lace Specials 4 5c grey enameled 6-quart ~ M/ . , / 29c silkoline and chintz- t Men's store. 59 c shepherd checks. Spe preserving kettles. Special Cotton Waists \ covered pillows; cotton cial Friday only 450 shadoVlack's" 2to finches ri <lay only 250 Seven styles of SI.OO or- Napkins filled and ruffled edge. Spe- ' ~ Q .. 7 - mohair Snecial wide, values'to 20c. Spe- 98c aluminum skillets. voile, and allover Mercerized damask nap- cial Friday only 230 Men S Sport Starts Friday only '.:.'..490 cial Friday only, yard, 10* Special Friday only ...69* embroidered garments, with kins. 18x18 inches, hemmed, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. 75c plain white sport . . „ . . 15c white enameled mix self-trimmed collar and worth 89c a dozen. Special T " ird * loor - shirts; sizes 14 to 17. Spe- SI.OO navy serge. Special Valenciennes insertions, ine bowls Soeda Fridav cuffs organdie embroidery Friday only, each 5* cial Friday only o9* Friday only 890 one inch wide, values to Bc. opeciai r 'aa> or ] ace ]nser tion. Special ... , . d , l rr , .. . c Special Friday only, yd., 20 fives'. 'pnmeroV Friday only 790 D,ve s^r^ e TM^r.*R S e t a e r Wart • Women S Hose Men r s store : CrCpe ' AO# Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart. , Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart. 50c black fibre Silk Seam- C,al t street Floor. L Second Floor. N less hose. Special Friday 1 ■ $1.50 silk poplin. Special _ N Fancy Bath Towels only 390 Tradesmen's Aprons Friday only 690 MPTI'X Pad Garter* Automobile Soap Rnnanlnw Anrnna 39c fancy Turkish towels, 75c silk seamless hose, in 25c white aprons for Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart. 75c 5-lb. pail Puritan au- pink, blue, lavender and tan, bronze, emerald, rose grocers, butchers and street Floor. Heavy silk cable web pad tomobile soap. Special Fri- In light or dark percale. corn color borders. Special and navy. Special Friday others, with or without bib. 1 garters. Special Friday day only 590 with colored piping. Special Friday only 190 only 500 Special Friday only, 3 for a only 25* Friday only 29* 50* M. n ' ( I\nAoYu)fiar Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, /FIcII 3 Unanweui Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, . Basement. Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, cn mincnnlf Wnee Men's Store. > Second Floor. v V_—Men's Store White nainsOOK Knee v a V- ■ * drawers. Special triday r~rr: 7~T rr \ Children's Drawers r . x Hack Towels Men's Socks .. , „ only 3,> * men S Canvas bloves White cotton ribbed Gingham Petticoats U y t c red border huck 10c and 12 y 2 c cotton Infants box SI.OO white open mesh 9c canvas gloves with drawers; knee length; sizes Tn blue or grey stripe, towels, hemmed, 18x36 seamless socks; in Palm 25c white silk seamless union suits; short sleeves band and knit top. Special 4to 12 years. Special Fri- with tailored flounce. Spe- inches. Special Friday only, Beach and purple. Special sox. Special Friday only, and knee length. Special Friday only, 4 for 25* day only 15* cial Friday only 25* 3 for 25* Friday only 8* pair 15* Friday only 79* Dlvea, Pomeroy A Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives, Pomerov ft Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, .V Mens Store. Street Floor. Second Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. * Street Floor. Street floor. II V j J P ! • <• LARGESTRfIU ORDER 10 COST MILLIONS Pennsylvania Railroad Distributes Prosperity to Five Com panies After an unusual delay and close, scanning of specifications the Pcnn- THURSDAY EVENING, Bylvania Railroad Company yesterday placed Its steel rail order for the cur rect year. Involving an expenditure of approximately $4,880,000. It calls for 155,600 tons, which, with the contracts for 12,000 ton» already given, makes a total of 167,600 tons of rails con tracted for this year. Added to this total for rails, the re cent orders placed by the Pennsylva nia for cars and locomotives, aggre gating a cost of $27,000,000, brings the expenditures this year by the Pennsyl vania for equipment for the lines east and west of Pittsburgh to a grand total of more than $31,000,000. The orders for steel rails placed ves terday call for 118,000 tons of 100- pound rails and 37.800 tons of 125- pound ones. Delay In awarding these contracts Is understood to have been due to the fact that the railroad re jected no less than two separate sped- fixations requested tn order to obtain the quality and price It demanded. It Is reported that the Algoma Steel Com pany, which has been making rails for several railroads, was asked to bid for a certain quality, but it could not be learned yesterday whether or not this company had been awarded a part of the present contract. In former years the Pennsylvania Rairoad's annual rail order lias been divided between the Carnegie Steel Company, the Cambria Steel Company, the Pennsylvania Steel Company nnd the J-ackawanna Steel Company. It is probable the present order has been divided among these corporations, al though no information could be ob tained on this subject last night. Standing of the Crews HAHHISBI m; SIDE Philadelphia Olrinloii—lo3 crew first HARRISBURG ttfSKfe TELEGRAPH to go after 3:40 p. m.: 109, 130, 122, 115, 121, 118, 10C, 108, 104, 112, 101. Engineer for 101. Firemen for 108. 101. Conductor for 112. Flagman for 108. Bralcenien for 103, 115, 118. Engineers up: Statler, Supplee, Young, Sober. ManleV, Smith, Wolfe, Broomall. Snow, Crisswell, Hubler, Hen necke, Hlndman, Smeltzer. Firemen up: Manning. Chronlster, Grove, Collier, McCurdy, Blelch, Spring, Yentzer, Mulholm, Packer, Mar tin, Wagner, Balshaugh, Gllberg, Her man, Penwell, Everhart, Whicliello, Horstlck, Dunlevy. Copeland. Weaver, Shlve, Miller. Kreider, Madenford. Bell man, Wagner, rihoads. Conductor up: Fraelich. Flagmen up: First, Bruehl, Wit myer. Brakemen up; Albright, Shultzberger, Mtimma. Busser, Bogner, Wliand, Bal tozer, Felker, Kochenour, Wolfe. Fer guson. Dengler, Allen. Stehman, Camp bell. Kone, Knttpp, Moore, Boyn. Middle Division—Jtj crew first to go after 1:30 p. m.: 239. 29, 233, 238, 17. 20, 16. 21. Brakeman for 20. Engineer up: Kugler, Hertzler, Gar man. Simonton, Smith, Wlssler. Firemen up: Pottiger, Seagrlst, Gross, Karstetter, Sheesley, Mohler, Thomas, Arnold. Conductors up: Basklns, Byrnes. Flagman up: Carpenter. Brakemen up: Stahl, Baker, Bolan, Clouser, Werner. Yard C.'rewn— Engineers for 32. 52. Firemen for 18. 22, first 24, 28, 35. Engineers up: Crist. Harvey. Salts man. Kuhn, Snyder. Pelton, Shaver, l.andls, Beck, Harter, Blever, Bloser, Houser, Meals. Stahl. Swab. Firemen up: Raurh, Welgle, lackey, Cookerley, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bar tolet, Getty, Barkey, Bostdorf, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Ulsh. EN OLA Sll>rc Philadelphia Division— 2ll crew flrat JUNE 10. 191 S. to go after 3:45 p. m.: 224, 230, 229, 221, 213. Engineers for 211, 224, 213. Brakemen for 13, 27, 30, 33. Conductor up: Shirk. Flagmen up: Snyder. Reitiel. Brakemen up: Rice. L.utz, Deets. Mus ser. Summy, ShafTner, Long, Taylor, Twigg, Fair, Vandllng. Middle Division —ll3 crew first to go after 1:30 p. m.: 120, 117, 114, 119, 111, 107, 11G. Conductors for 113, 107. Yard Crews —To go after 4 p. m.: Engineers for 1665, first 106. Firemen for first 106, first 106. Engineers up: Swcger, Snyder, Sml lcv. Famous, Rider. Firemen up: Gingrich. I,utz, Bruaw, Fcas*. Fortenbaugh, Ewlng, McNally, Kingsbury, Fortenbaugh. THE READING Harrtahurg Division— l 7 crew first to go sfter 11:16 a. m.: 2, 19, 9, 8, 20, 3, 1, 14. 5. East-bound il ciew flret to *o after 8:30 a. m.: 68, 58, 63, 62. Conductor for 19. Brakemen for 17, 20. Engineers up: Barnhart, rorfney, Sweeley, Crawford, Fletz, Morrison, Mlddaugh, Wyre, Wlreman. Firemen up: Brown, Anders, Boyer, Lex, StephenK, Grumbine, Chronister, Rossner. Carl. „ Conductors up: Sipes, German, Phlla baum. Wolfe. „ , „ Brakemen up: Haines. Kapp, Creager, Grimes. Ware, Miller. Macher, Heckman, Painter, Strain, Ensmlnger, Taylor, Smith. M i—«———— HEAHttl' ARTKRS FOB SHIRTS I SIDES & SIDES
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