16 Extraordinary Values Throughout the Store Make Up This Week's Friday Attractions No Friday Spe- Ro r p Silk Snpri PI 1 A(Hcl Royal Waists Friday Sale of Trimmed Linen Sheeting Collars and Guimpes rials Sent C O Tailored styles of linen. Hats at SI.OO SI.OO linen sheeting, 4J4 Imported embroidered Uflia OCUI V,. V. madras or soisette: none ex- trimmed hat on the .yards wide; 1 yard required collars, in many good look- D., or Mail or interest to the Summer 'S .i ™ for :•„r ist; I* mg .tyi..: ,-.h,« «, si.<». 1 i Special Friday only . .2of 1 inervroomin a snccial sale quired for a dress. Special Speci&l Friday only . .25? Telephone; or- Sewing Camoaiffn PHdiy .. #I.OO Thi, in- 1 rulav only, yard slMvdeM net ders filled && && JCWIIIg \ / chides 7 tables of hats that Dives. Stewart. with rolling plaited back; This sale of silks is important because the values embrace > anH* 1 white and ecru, 75c value. silks that are popular for summer wear and noted tor their Lingerie Waists formerly $3.95. $4.95 and " SpC ° y °" y New Lot of $2.50 good colonngs and the,r s P ecial adaptability to the new styles. $5.05. Choce of anv hat on Bed Spreads D,VM - Stewart - Foulards In prettv scroll and stripe effects. 40 inches wide, white Ot \Olle and batistes, With t i ♦ ahl«ac p r ;jZ.,. c- j-n \t •« i i .. Street Floor. Plumes at 98c and colored grounds. Ji.so value. trimmings of bunch tucks, t ie..e tables, rnclav a $3..->0 satin Marseilles bed v May Silk Sale Price, yard , lace or embroidery inser- SI.OO spreads, slight mill imper \ fresh shipment of the $1.60 printed border silks in navy, black, blue and green, spotproof, '? c or emDroiuer} fe.-tirmc i /— —————— ' r »n snipment oi rnc 40 inches wide. May Silk CQ„ Hon. hand embroidery and Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart. lections. .Special Piidav ~~ \ new broad ostrich plumes SaJe Prlce . yard 0»C embroiderv nanels • regular v Second Floor. on l V) vard #2.49 Drapery Goods in white, black, new blue. 69c showerproof Foulards, in many pretty patterns, OQ. , . c ,- o; ' v' „ y . «1 AO EV»,, .1, , r /-i»1 nt.il- inA enn/)' <C ' 24 inches wide. May Silk Sale Price, yard OSfC price SI.J. . None fc.\- Dives, Pomeroyft Stewart, $1.6" 1 rencll applique ,• " „ . , SI.OO satin stripe Tub Silks for waists and skirts, fiQr> changed. Special Fridav —y L street Floor. curtains, in white bobbiliet: value. Special Friday only. 32 and 36 inches wide. May silk Sale Price, yard onlv 95* Percales sand Gingham ~>Vi vards lone Snecial Fri 98« a 75c washable Halmtai stripes, 36 inches * rerCBKJ SORII Ulßgnum _____ -/j \aras long, special In wid* Sale Price, yard.. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 12'4c percales in figured . . „ . , \ - V on '. v ' P a,r Divea, PoratroT 4 Stewart. SI.OO Shantung, 38 inches wide. CQ_ Second Floor j * • ir letnolw V, Street Floor. May Silk Sale Price, vard DS/C V and Stripe patterns; 36 JeWelry jpeClOtS Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart. v - - - inches wide. Special Fridav 50r anri SI r>!A ;,r«r,v .. Tl,lrfl I,oor - Black Summer Silks in the Sale , , onlv , yard nove |, ies . * Sp( . cia , KridaV Furniture Specials ) 98c Corset Covers i 2 y,c dress gingham. 32 only ..toe, 13» and «* / > S2JOO porch rockers. Spe- May ma £!TpX'. "."rt**!' 89c eo«et eovm inches wide. Special Fridav 25c silver and white van- «, no , t i rial FriHav nnlv 'SI S9c spotproof Habutai, 36 inches. IKn r . . et ™broidery trimming only, yard ity mirrors. Special Friday SI.OO to $1..">0 Nottingham y May Silk Sale Price, yard I UK. Limit. 2 to a customer; reg- nnlv I u>. lacc curtains, in white onlv, $2.50 porch rockers. Spe- Whit. H.buui. ular price 25c. Special Fri- O,VM - i*^ tewart * , 2/, to 3 Vards long. Spe cial Fridav only ...$2.19 value, at 4Sc day only v / -•"> c brilliant hat pins. cial I-ridav only, pair, 790 value, at s»c Special Fridav onlv. nair. AZ& toSKI.OO $4.05 willow chairs. Spe- s . "J Nainsook corset covers _ , , 10<» cial Fridav onlv ... .$.'{.69 M.25 value,' at!!!! !! ! *!!!!! Isc trimmed with embroidery or Colored VotleS r>lvs, •• r ft d ro f, o & or s,ewart ' $1.50 white Crepe de clUne. 40 inches: yard 5i.25 lace; regular price 50c. Spe- 12' k colored and white •" 0c German silver coin > aox.sU tumea oak en- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—street Floor, Front. cial Friday only 2*><* ««.«,..,,1 an ,i purses. Special Friday only, port #19.50 ————————ground \ ones, ill stripes anu - - Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, floral patterns. .Special hri- * n. J n A 514.50 Roval easv chair. iTTT » i * * • » 1 1 a «. Second 1 loor. dav onlv. vard B*A* 50r siKer Stamped LfreSSeS $11.2.5 Women s and Misses Colored and s P <x,.„ a„d <-„ id ~'ca, S j; c <i rc » s , Ito « imitation leather White DfeSSeS in a Friday Sale Women's Drawers • < —•— ' 55.va?35ra; _ at Remarkable Reductions Colored French Crepe ' $6.50 to SIO.OO Dresses, will go on sale for $1.98 broidery trimming; regular prenci, crepe, 40 75c guaranteed nickel / \ $12.50 to $18.50 Dresses, will go on sale for $3.9,"> price ;,0c - ec,a l Friday inches wide. Special Friday alarm clocks. Special Fri- e , u 1 Boys' Overalls $20.00 to $25.00 Dresses, will go on sale for #.1.9.» only only, vard day only Stamped Hats . Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, 50c silk poplill. Special en no i • • 39c tO 50c Stamped hats Boys 2.-C blue denim V v Second Floor. Frid. nnlv ' IS* 51.98 large intermittent i„ white linen Snecial Fri apron overalls, broken ; : 50c'ratinc. 42 inches wide aJarm clocks. Special Fn- day onlv 15f to 2.1^ Special Friday only ...18e J) ress Q oo ds Embroidery Insertions : Special Friday only ...23* dav onlv #1.30 Dives pomerov 4 stewart Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. «] no hlack Panama ; 4 Swiss embroiderv in>;er- Brassieres Reduced ts , _ „ Divos. Pomeroy ft Stewart, I ' Third Floor. Mens Store. . 1?1,w i -r _ ' J " '• ciiiui uiuci Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor. Front. I y^ Ba __^ lßal|aa __ a||a __ aßa||i _ |a __ Bia _. v inches wide; all wool.' Spe- tions; 1 to 2J-4 inches wide; Brassieres with lace or em- street Floor. *■ J cial Friday only. yard. 79c values to 12j4c. Special broidery trimming; regular a Boy,' Bathing Sail, 1 $1.25 hlack Canton crepe. Friday only, y ard . . .3e price 50c. Special FrMa y , [ Notion Specials 1 Women's Union Sails n . . • , . . 4/ inches wide; all wool. -0c corset cover embroid- * UtnOTeUOS tOT white liste union suits • °- x s c tu c . , at U "S Special Friday onlv, yard. ery. 17 inches wide. Special Dives. Pomeroy A stewart. Men and Women 5-yard linen corset laces. in knee length and lace trim- Special Fndaj- onh-, - "' ' 98e Fridav only, vard .... 15e . Special Friday only, 3f, or me d. Special Friday onlv, ,! * .. 39c ruffled babv flotinc- Piece-dyed. taffeta _ silk, 2 lor 5c ' ' 49p Dives, Pomeroy & stewart. * IOO b,ack ser f? e - - s ° ing 27 inches wide 7~7. w,th ta P cd ed^e and 8 nbs ' ei no u S Men ' B store - inches wide; all wool. Special Friday only, vard, 25* Children S Sweaters with case and tassel; values f "• «SX°fi?o ® tewart - ' cial Friday onlv, yard, <9@ Q , - n e range to $1.50. Special Fri- snieias. special frniav V Pomerov 4 Stewart. ™ 7e 1?™ Cat " dav Onlv 95* ° nl - v 50^ r> t m i ot' . \ $1.50 fancy suiting. 40 street Floor. ers. Special Friday only, _ / \ Doys L namoray Shirts inches wide;' of silk and SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. 2oc bolt embroidered edg- Wnmen'* Hn.ie Bovs' 2?c blue chambrav wool. Special Fridav onlv. T , . _ > T „f, ♦-> ci on * '"g i' l white and colors; shirts with military collar. vard 95> Towels and Toweling Infants SI.OO sweaters; w ,d e scallop. Special Fri- Blacl ? hos ®; seam c •,a? •• , - A T n, , , . sizes 2to years. Special dav onlv 1-t& less; including firsts and ° n4 ' SI.OO black French voile; - /if red h " r der liuck Friday only 50f Handkerchief* x-- i seconds. Special Friday Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. a U woo ] pec ial Fridav towels. Special Friday only, nanaßercnietS !\ickel plated skirt gauge. only 350 Mens store. " ' ' oniy. jara $1.50 value' sizes to 12 women s an linen nem r j ? Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives. Pomeror A stewart. ' 3c ' a y^ e lir ' c ' R h bath years. Special Friday onlv, stitched handkerchic 10c card Fve collar sup- / M._». c j t street Floor. towels, hemmed. Special ' «1 lO cial Friday only, 6 for 2,»* porters. Special Friday mens Suspenders Friday only 12i/ 2 * Dives. Pomeroy io ft r St e wart. Children's hemstitched only 8* „ , * made"of 25c and U soc n we r i Colored DreSS Goods I°C brown union linen 1 hrVv" FridaV Dusting caps with lace €li * hin 8 . Special Friday only 35c half wool challi, 22 "oZ vS" IM '- onl?, o™ do£ for .. 1$ 'dges. Special Friday only J'L gm, fmton »e inches wide. Special Friday Ql/ Men S Shirts Dives, Pomerov & stewart. , and lace shoes, sizes sto Diree. pomeroy & stewart, only, yard I*%s Dives. Pomerov ft stewart. SI.OO light weight grey street Floor. ' 1 en-yard bolt carpet 6 1 / 2 . Special Friday onlv. inches wide. Special Fridav pecia Friday onh ..6. * r on - Dive*. Pomerov* stewart. White Goods only, yard 48* Grocery Specials 1 Mens 51.50 OJtis Needlework Special m T&3?9i&.\%r Tt - " r "" t SIOO «erge 46 inches with attached knee length 25c collar and cuff sets, ' 25c white mercerized ba- wide; in naw.' Special Fri- drawers; sizes 13'< to 17. on plain and natural linen, , k tiste for lingerie dresses, 36 d av onlv, vard 89* Seedless rsisins. lb., 7ci or « Special rnday only, Spl.l.J stamped ready for embroid- f;i. r> j uOyS jnoes inches wide. Special Friday ' ' Uanite cloth "4 '^"pk.. 'apricot.,'iße.'or'i - Special' Friday only, ,f . * Boys' $2.50 patent colt only, yard t 51-00 granite cloth, .4 scnaratr mllar-; Snorial sct ~ u-80-Lax. Special button and lace shoes; sizes inches wide; in mahogany. is.- fancy yellow caches, lb.. 1 Jvi/a „ Fridav onlv 20* "X to 5 Special Fridav 25c white pique, 27 Special Fridav onlv vard ,3c! or 5 ,bs for Friday only $1..>0 Dive., Pomerov ft stewart, ' • r 10 inua inches, slight Imperfections. '' ' 49* Soe Mason Jar Que«, Olives. 24e Dives. Pomeroy* Stewart. Tlilrt Floor. IQc p arowax Special ° nl - V sl> Special Friday only, yard, chow ?"*".. . . m . port . ed . , Ch -r2e > Friday only Of Dives. Pomeroy ft stewart, 15* $1.25 silk poplin. 40 inches Pan Concord apples for pies. 7e / " " . Street Floor. Rear. 25c white fiaxona. 36 Women's Gowns 1 Women', Shoe, Special Friday I Dinner brand peas, No 'i'carT I I limited quantity. Special I I shoes. Special Fr day onlv. I I * I I Valenciennes lace m^ei _ «lci or dozen «f,p Fridav nnlv iiii* SI 95 TI n.irl fl tion ; to One inch Wide , 25c white French crepe, ty »c* . fo * c Go,d ' v ®P ol " at e<i milk, 7 cans * I 'P' values to 10c. Special Fn -40 inches wide; subject to 77 omen 3 01 holers ker»he y > cocoa. 18c value, "at I I Extra size gowns; high I I Misses' vici kid lace I I *I I onlv, yard '*(> slight imperfections. Spe- $6.50 fibre silk sweaters, '"''veilow coJn meal,'ibi.' for vZ neck and long sleeves or low shoes; sizes 11 ]/ 2 to 2. Spe- 25c Wright's silver Dives Pomerov & stewart, cial Fridaly only, yard, in two-tone black and white, Alaska sa*mon ni s ca'n*' f° r 2»J neck and three-quarter cial Friday only green and black and red and Chef tabi^ I 'sauce° an "or° r coid sleeves; regular price 75c. n iv». Q ,.. . 9C . .. black; sizes 38 to 44. Spe- Tntirt imported sardines ft Special Friday only ~soc Itreet Rear 7sc rubber fountain syr -29c to 35c white chiffon cial Fridav onlv ... .$4.98 boumo t n* r .V , . n,por,ed . £ r „ ' niges 60* VOtle, 4o inches Wide; slight " * P itte ., r ; pork and beans, 10c Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. ~~~ ~ ~ ~ imperfections. Special Fri- $2.98 white wool sweat- Vwift"s °ilttie' 'ehouidei^.'' avlr*. --e<.jn oor. r s DiV |Tr^t m Fioor, & F?onr art ' Children S Umbrellas day only, yard 12%$ ers. Special Friday only, a *Goid lb Medai ' prepared" buck- Gingham and Poplin * ) Fast color black umbrel 15c white pajama checks, $1.98 mc package Te Men's Underwear 7c apron ginghams in / \ u^^Oc o vafne '^nl'ciai 36 inchea wide. Special Fri- D "~ [ 'H ZlZn,"'""-35c Egyptian balbriggan Sp ~ W *£ day only, yard 9* N shirts and drawers; not all onl - v ' V ard Seven bars of any kind of D 1 « P • A wart $1.39 English longcloth, w rr 1 \ sizes. Special I-riday 10 yards, 36 inches 55 wide! Lace Edges Basement Specials eac and stripe patterns. Special purchase of groceries Fri- 1 Special Friday only, piece, Valenciennes lace edges, 10c package Burbank's Dlves ' str^et°Fio* r stewart " Friday only, yard 9day, not including sugar. 85f on to two inches wide; as- seeds. Special Fridav onlv y Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Printed Ribbons Dives. Pomeroy* Stewart. sorted patterns; values to ' £ y t!att " non '- I Moire and taffeta printed yard .. PeC . ia ....". ..°s* $1.19 carpenters' squares. Corsets Reduced warp ribbons; in a good Special Friday only ...69* Grecian Treco, coutil or r.. , , M Hnmo range of colors. 4, 2 to ./*i t Shadow lace edges. 3to 5 batiste in discontinued Flannels and Muslm Home necessaries inches wide; values to 2^c. Children's Underwear inches wide; values to 20c. $1.60 masons trowels. styles and broken sizes. 8c bleached shaker flan- c . rattan caipet beaters. Special Priday only, yd., 15f Muslin gowns with tuck- Special Friday only. - -P«» r,day only ~69e None Special Friday only, can ''stovt m *"- r 3 "'""' ■ Special Friday* only*.. cial Friday only ".. ifl.OS 10c" bieac •cial Friday only 25* 33c brass washboards. Imported coutil and bro- - f , ,p- r] .» V ru ... U • 1- Men'* I*Mi>lv\i Special "Fridav onlv '*•■{€» cafle - discontinued stvles " 2 estals. Special Fridav onlv. Lotored nice t lot ft Children s cambric skirts. men , Jewelry special fnaay only . and broken siaes. None ex- 59c bleached sheets; 81 X 5W.49 25c rice cloth. 36 inches rinimer wi i tin s, ace in- sertion and I ce edge. Spe- pins. Special Friday only. cloths. Special Friday only. $5.00 to $15.00. Special Fri- Special Friday onlv, each. plates. Special Fridav onlv. solid colors. Special Friday cial Friday only 2 .>* 11? 2 for 23? day only $2.95 ' 50* ' 29> only, yard ..10* Dives, ® te *art. , Dives, Pomtrov A Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart, i . i Mens store. Basement. Second Floor. Street Floor. Rasement. Street floor. THURSDAY EVENING, HARRIS BURG TELEGRAPH MAY 6, 1915.
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