[Where Mm and Work Had Each Other—telegraph "Help Waited Male" Ad] _____ DIED SAVFORn Died, at Newark, N. J., Ms> 5, 1915. Marlon Woodward Say ford. daughter of John M. Sayford and Nellie Wallace Sayford, late ot Harrlsburg. Funeral services Saturday, at 2 P. M., from the residence of S. Newton Say ford, 104 (.'aider street. LOST — Set""of automobile curtains, last Thursday afternoon. Reward. Please call Bell phono 3193 J. FOOD FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert s Steam Dveing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. HLI.l' WANTED —Male WANTED Automobile salesman, wlih experience; good proposition to j one who can make good. Avluieas Box 2179, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Men for Lancaster. Head- J ins. Sunbury, Hafrisfcurg and subur- , ban towns, good money to rlgrit P; 11 '"-*- ! Call t w 9 A. M„ 4 to 6 P. M., 40J Patriot Building. i WANTED A stock salesman can j make $4,000.00 in tniriy days it you are a bustler. Address C., .191. tare of Telegraph. , WANTED Ten salesmen. Apply ! 90S North Third'street, between 9 anil | 11 A. M„ or 2 and 5 P. M. . ___ I WANTED Single. middle-aged white mar., to do labor work on rarm. , Apply 1700 North Second street. WE are looking for rellaWe men for ! towns and cities west of Hat i »h Pa., who can invest small capital in verv profitable business from whim a liberal, permanent monthly income can , be had. Address L. M„ "> are of lele-j graph. «j WANTED An experienced butcher; i one who can cut meat and drive a | wagon; none but an honest, upright j man need apply. Address B-, -195, ca of Telegraph. j WANTED First-class painters. Ap- | ply 230 Cranberry avenue. Cit>. WANTED Shoe adgo trininiers. i Address Sterling Shoe Co., « iUiams port. Pa. ' WANTED We want a man between , SO-and 40. with executive ability, who; can handle a force of «!esmen atid ( can manage oftice end of a busine.. . our business is with the public schools, and for this reason we prefer a man , who has a college education or experi- , erne as teacher, must be able to gi\,e bond; preference given married nian. ! The Educational Associates. Sprlngnela, . Mass. • , WANTED Boy over 16. as trim ming cutter. Apply The Devlne | Y tingle Shoe Mfg. Co. j Government Positions Easily secured. Personal instruction. Special summer rates Prepare for J'ail Examinations. IIAILW A\ MAIL, POST OFFICE. CUSTOM HOLsE and other positions. For further informa tion call at or address THE WILLIAM PENN SCHOOL.. 31 N. Second Street, Harrisbtirg. Offices: Rooms 4 and 5, Second Floor, open Monday, W ednes drtv, Frldav and Saturday evenings, j Expert consultation and advice FREE OF CHARGE. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per montlv We give a thorough course in crude and 1 practical work for $35.00. No. 6 North i Ci^v^ron^^jßel^JJhone^^O^^ HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Vampers. tip stitchers ami headers. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Manufacturing Co.. Vernon street, Har risburg. Pa. ' j WANTED White girl for general housework. 2109 North Third. Apply , evenings, after 7. WANTED Girl over 21 for gro- j eery stove; give reference and experi- i ene'e. Address H., 2192, care of Tele-j graph. WANTED Reliable white girl for general housework. Apply at once, 1923 ' North Second street. WANTED To buy. a good road horse. Call at Singer Sewing Machine j Co. Store. 13 South Market Square. City, j WANTED Students to enter our shorthand class for the summer. Justi placed another student after nineteen weeks" preparation. Call, or phone, i Bell 704 R. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo- ! man for housekeeper in family of three, i Apply 119 Herr street. ! WANTED Girls over 16 rears of age to learn cigarmaking. | Paid while learning. Apply Har-j risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Lady cook, at small i boardinghouse. Apply 1348 Vernon street. City. WANTED A young, white girl to help with general housework Phone 2215 W. WANTED—Experienced lielp. ! Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. 1 WORK'S DRESSMAKI?J« SCHOOLS —Are the best equipped schools of the ! kind In America. They are located i most everywhere. They are popular. | Join this school now. make all vour | Spring and Simmer dresses while learn ing. Day and Evening classes. W A ■^jri^^ivii^^^NorthFounhstree; HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female WANTED By Columbia Protec- i live Association, men or women to ' create and collect debits. rail 214" Atlas avenue, before 9 A. M. .or be- I tween 4 and 6P. M. See Superinten dent. — \ FOR SALE Real Estate of Special Interest 2R06 tgate St. A nice two-story brick house with five rooms, bath and furnace. 1 Easy terms. Price .*l,<i.*o ttfl \. Sixteenth St. Three-story frame house with eight rooms, hath and furnace. This property lias been recently remodel- I and with a one-story addition Vou would have a storeroom and duelling In a good location. s P e- ; rial price. 10- \cre Farm Immediate Pomrulnn This farm I* occupied by the own- ! er who has agre»d to vacate a' once in case the farm is sold. Location i >4 mile north of York Haven. House barn. etc. Terms can be arranged! Price 91,50n 7.1x87 Ft. Vacant Ground. The price I" reasonable for thl« plot of North Cameron street ground. It is locate,| j u *t south of Verbeke street on the East sid<> of Cameron. Size up the location and then talk to us about price. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL, ESTATE Fire inanrancr Surety Bonda locust and Court Street* V, THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG SSJSfc TELEGRAPH MAY 6, 1915 lIELI' W ANTED—MaIe antl Female l RAILWAY MAIL AND POSTAL CLERKS Exaeilnations soon; over 1 2.000 appointments yearly. Prepare at t home. Write for our Plan No 15. of avment after appointment. Phlladel . Business College. Civil Service De • i'tir.ent. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED ln every town ■ to sell high-grade household special ties; no talking needed; $25.00 weekly i easily earned. Keystone Specialty Co.. 1227 South Thirteenth street, Harris- ! I b " r g. Pa- i i i SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED An honest and reliable : ' , colored man desires work as jaul'.or, ! j driver, porter, houseman or caretaker of a suburban place; good reference can ;be furnished. Address 133 Halm street. YOUNG MAN. about 30. commercial graduate of Pelrce School. I'mludel- i ' I plila. will accept or enter training for ' I responsible position in business that ; offers a futuie; state full particulars In j I first letter. Address H., 2196, care of | Telegraph. , I WANTED Young, colored | j would like work as chauffeur, house- I I man or butler; Have been working at present position lor seven years; can l I lurnisli nest of reference from present i ! employer. Address Box U, 21?.;, care of Telegraphs | WANTED—Young, married man. with I unlimited capital of business ability and Ismail financial backing, desires to i jn- I nect himself with a live, well-paying I business In Harrisburg or vicinity us ; active partner; references exchanged, j Address J.. 2187, care of Telegraph. j WANTED—MiddIe-aged man wants ! ' position as janitor or man about house : to take care of lawns and garden. Ap- 1 ply 1511 Naudain street. WANTED Young man desires po sition as barber; 2 S months' in barber; ! school. Address 502 Myers street, ; Steelton. Pa. j SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe j WANTED Reliable colored woman | I desires work three days a week. Wed nesday. Thursday and Friday; can give reference. Call, or address. 329 Cherry ! street. WANTED An honest, neat, young ! I colored woman desires work by the | l day or half day; reference can bo fur- j ! nished. Address 133 Balm street. HOUSEKEEPING WANTED 111 city. (Apply 1433 Vernon street. ! WANTED —By colored girl, place to j I cook in private family. Address 234 | Ridge street, Steelton. Pa. ' WANTED Washing to do at home, i j Mrs. R. M. A„ P. O. Box 96, Lemoyne, [ Pa - I | WANTED Experienced steno- ' (grapher desires position; ran furnish! 1 reference. Address N.. 2195. care of 1 Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman desires , day's work. Call, or address, 511 Brown I | avenue. I WANTED Nurse, with hospital • j training, would like confinement cases i lor nursing in general sickness. Call, • or address. 5"4 South Seventeenth j j street. Terms reasonable. ! WANTED Reliable colored woman ] desires housecleaning. Apply 1212 I Cowden street. WANTED Colored woman desires housecleaning by day or week, or wash ing for Monday and Tuesaay. Apply at 1529 Wyeth avenue. i WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires day's work of any kind. Address M. E. 8.. 1521 Vernon street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Desirable building lots j In the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth. ! Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. ' ! An opportunity for n builder or real I i estate dealer to secure well located 1 I property for development purposes. Ad- ; 1 dress L», No. 16*7. care of Telegraph , ! FOR SALE Bungalow on Colonial ' j Acres, near Progress; six rooms and j ibath; all improvements; chickenhouse; ' ; barn; large hogpen; outbuildings; j i young orchard. Price reasonable. Ap- j i ply Mrs. J. M. Wix, on premises. ! SEVERAL PROPERTIES FUR SALE ! lat an attractive price, with little cash ' j needed. Now Is the time to buy. Con- ! I sider it and get particulars. Bell Realty 1 j Co.. Rergner Building. FOR SALE 2 1 2-story frame house,'; I with G rooms and outkitchen; all neces- ' : sary outbuildings; lots of fruit; min- ! ! ute's walk to trolley. Price. $2,000. | Terms reasonable. Call at Barber : Shop. Wolf Building! Penbrook. Pa. j NEW BRICK HOUSES FOR SALE— i Only $6,300. easy terms: only one left I J of those eight newly built brick houses j on Market street, corner Summit. j I Minter. 1167 Market street. Both : ! phones. I FOR SALE Farm of 91 acres, in i Dauphin county. 9 miles from Harris- i | burg; one-half mile from railroad; land ! in high state of cultivation; good: buildings: along main road. H. G. Ped- j | low. 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 550.00 cash and easy ! | monthly payments will buy 1547 Ver- J ! nnn street; new brick; 6 large rooms;' bath; all improvements; deep lot: side i entrance. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South! > Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Large building in Ann- ! ville. containing two store rooms, j dwellings, printing establishment and ' garage. An excellent investment. Ap- ! ply C. E. Slienk, Annville, Pa. 1 TOR SALE ll9 & 121 King St. i ; new two-story bricks each 6 rooms i land bath furnace elegant invest- I I ment. Price of both. $3.450.00 —will sell '• separate. Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second ; I and Walnut Sts. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE in a good location: stock at inventory, prob tbly $1,200, and fixtures at a reason able price—corner property. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE 5O Acres 3'j miles southeast of Linglestown l2 miles from Harrlsburg level sand soil —! ■ 2'» -story brick dwelling—B rooms and ! basement frame bank barn run ; ning water in every field but one —pos- , session at once. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. WHY NOT get a list of properties , which we are offering for sale? Some ■ desirable properties are offered at re ; duced price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner i Building. CAMP HILL LOT FOR SALE at $550; | l slxe, 75x146. This lot Is well located. I Also other suburban lots. Complete j information at Bell Realty Co., Berg i ner Building. FOR SALE One house on Second street and two on Third street in beau ; tlful Riverside. Elegant suburban i I homes. Ivtrge porches: large yards;! all conveniences. Prices low. Easy j i terms. E. Moeslein. 424 State; Lewis , jM. Neiffer. 222 Market. ] HEAL ESTATE For Sale or Exchange 1 , FOR SALE: OR EXCHANGE FOR i ! FARM— -1936 Park St. 3-story brick 9| I rooms, bath .and steam heat front ] 'and rear porch side entrance i practically new. I Pine St., Enola double 2 *4-story frames 6 rooms each front, side land rear porches lot. 75x150—stable ! on rear. BRINTON-PACICER < X, Second and Walnut Sts. : KEAL EST \TE FOK KENT ! TWO new brick dwellings, 1207-1209 North Fourteenth street (above Cumberland): 8 rooms and hath; nicely papered: gas: electric lights: ! paved streets; all conveniences; front I and rear porches. Rent. $25 month, i Immediate possession. Apply R. Oen • slager, 711 North Third street. i I REAL ESTATE EOR RENT , ! FOR RENT 1524 Susquehanna street; 3-story dwelling: all Improve- < I ments; 8 rooms and bath; everything In - ' ; good condition. Inquire 628 Forster street, or at above address, or phone i 304 R. 'I FOR RENT Furnished house at ; Dauphin for the summer. Best loca- I tlon. Reasonable terms. Address W. i G. Garverlch. Dauphin, Pa. FOR RENT Up-to-date garage. Calder and Penn streets; private com -1 partments: tire-proof; water and elec itrlc lights: $5.00 a month. Apply Geo. W. Updegrove. 1200 Penn street. FOR RENT House. $9.00 a month, 1 1404 Penn street. Apply Geo. W. Up ; degrove, 1200 Penn street. _ , FOR RENT l6ll Swatara street; i S rooms; bath; furnace; yard; porch; ; SIB.OO. Inquire of H. E. Mart*. SO 4 ' i-Market street, or 21S Cumberland - ; street. FOR RENT No. <35 South Thir- 1 ! teenth street, $23.00; No. 441 South ' Thirteenth street, $20.00; No. 1510 j Catherine street, $17.00; small store!] ! room. H. W. Swengel. 219 South Thir- i • | teenth street. FOR RENT House, all Improve- ] , ments; oity steam heat; central loca tion, 3 doors above Market street; suit- 1 able for boarding or rooming house. 9 ■ North Fifth street. Apply S. Meltzer, " 513 Walnut street. FOR RENT A three-story dwell- 1 Ing house. No. 1507 Nortn Sixth street; 1 all conveniences: cemented cellar; steam ' heat. etc. J. T. Ensmlnger. Second and : j Chestnut streets. APARTMENTS I\)R RENT, ■ FOR RE N T Furnished ! apartment, bedroom, livingroom and kitchenette, private porch, , . completely and attractively fur-1- jnished, large rooms with view of j river; windows on three sides. | ,800 North Second street. i FOR RENT One nicely fur- i i nished apartment b rooms and j 1 bath, including fftl modern con-! • veniences party leaving on ac ! count of sickness. Address Box j 2194. care of Telegraph. I FOR RENT—Two furnished or unfur- i nished large front rooms bay win- . ' dow— all improvements; clean; also | bedroom. diningroom, kitchen, gas i t range anc balcony. Apply 24A South | j Fourth street, third floor. i I APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second I j floor at the Walzdorf. lacing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath ana pantry; i hardwood floors, electric light and j I city steam, inquire 400 North street. ■ | FOR RENT Complete furnished ' I housekeeping apartment, consisting of I two rooms, kitchenette and bath; suit ! able for two gentlemen, or married I couple; maid service obtainable. Apply J Apartment No. 4. 212 North Second j street. FOR RENT Apa: '.ment 1101 North . Third street; all conveniences; steam Iheat. Apply 204 Herr street FOR RENT "Suburban." 2208-2210 North Third street, new modern apart ments; reception hall; 5 rooms; bath; pantry: storage; continuous hot water; front and rear porches. Apply on prem ises. FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern improvements, including city steam heat. No. 204 Walnut street. El : I Mather Co. ROOMS FOR RENT ! FOR RENT Two nicely furnished 1 rooms, for light housekeeping on sec- | 1 ond floor; good location on Hill; cars' [stop at door. For full particulars ad-] | dress Box 2197, care of Telegraph. ' FOR RE-NT Several unfurnished | j rooms for light housekeeping; no chil dren; also, one furnished room. Apply " | 814 North Third street. i I | ; NICELY furnished rooms for rent; 1 , fine location: all conveniences; with or " without board; two gentlemen or man | , and wife preferred. Call at 1443 Ber-j! j ryhiM street. i NEWLY FURNISHED front room, j ' {with or without board: aiso first floor i j front room, suitable for dentist's office, r ; Inquire 222 North Third street. j FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec- 1 ■ ond floor and third floor rooms: tine ' location; use of telephone: reduced j rates for the summer. Apply at 203 ! j State street. i FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. ' ; for light housekeeping. 1351 Vernon : street. ! ! FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, J ' with private bath, within two blocks I 1 | from Capitol Park. 819 North Sixth!' street. * j, } FOR RENT One large room on sec- I' I ond floor, furnished or unfurnished; all conveniences. Call, or address. 1100 j North Sixth street. ' FOR RENT One unfurnished front i room; steam heat; electric light; bath ' land use of telephone. Apply 201 State street. ! FOR RENT One second-storv ! ! | front room for two colored men. or man ' ! and wife. Apply 432 Herr street. !- ———————————— ' ROOMS WANTED ! ROOMS WANTED —lf you have a I ' furnish»d bedroom to let for next week beginning May 10. call up 2998, or drop ; a postal to Pennsylvania Federation of j Labor. Commonwealth Trust Building ! City. " WANTED WANTED Bicycles, or parts of bicycles, for highest cash prices, at once. Try Keystone quick repair ser- ■ vice and save money. Keystone Cycla I Co.. 814 North Third street Both I phones. i I EOR SALE FOR SALE l9lO Model Overland, in good condition, just recently repaint ed and remodeled; tires almost new; I good for businessman or pleasure car.! Apply Sheet Metal Works, Seventh andi' Briggs streets. i FOR SALE Well bred Airedale i puppies. Prices reasonable. Inquire of j M. R. Rutherford. Harrisburg R. F. D. j No. 1. or Bell phone 341-R-2. FOR SAI..E Well built wagon, suit able for tinner or huckster. Inquire C. IG. Gilmer, corner Twenty-seventh and | Derry streets. Bell phone 3693. I FOR SALE Good pony outfit. Price, | $75.00. Apply to F. S. Coulter's Coal I Office. Mlllersburg, Pa. 1 ! FOR SALE Twin-cylinder Excel ! slor Motorcycle—l9l3 model—ln good •condition. Price reasonable. M. J. Hocker, Highspire, Pa. | FOR SALE Nice little Cadillac runabout. $75.00. Guaranteed. Apply ' i 5 North Cameron street. I GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of Ail • kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 j South Second. I THE Harrlsburg Harness ini! Sup ! ply Company's Trunks. Suitcases and 1 Bags of genuine leather r.t prices lower I than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. , Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Bay horse, comblna- ! I tlon driving or saddle: weight. 1.000 ! . i !t<s.: 7 years old: trots In harness. ! singlefoots under the saddle. Inquire IG. r. Bitting. Cunningham & Bitting s I • Store. Marysvllle I | FOR HALF. FOR SALE One Columbia electric car; good reason for selling; cheap to quick buyer. For Information apply at 229 Boas street. FOR SALE Mahogany Victrola and Records. Guaranteed In best condition. Played only 50 times. Must be sold at once. S6O rash. Apply 131" Derry street. FOR MLB 1 Reo Touring Car S2OO 1 Mitchell Roadster S3OO Apply 1808-10 Logan Street. FOR SALE One Germantown car riage. on." double set of harness—good as new and at a bargain. Detweller Bros., 42 South Front street. Steelton. AUTOMOBILES 7OO used ears, all makes to choose from; some good as new; $l6O up. Trucks. S2OO up. Save 50 per cent. A. Levering, 912 North Third. Harrisburg. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ONE 1912 Ford roadster, batteries and magneto, horn and lamps, good condi tion. a bargain. $250; one electric, in fine shape, complete equipment, big bargain. $125. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. Bell phone. FOR SALE Awnings, bed, felt mat tress. spring, window screens, pictures, books, dishes, fancy hand-made cush ions. saw. Call Saturday, May 9, 9 A. M. to 1 P. M„ 103 Evergreen street. FOR SALE —• Capital sectional steam or hot water boiler, made by U. S. Heater Co.: also sufficient pipe for three greenhouses. All good as new. Will sell at bargain. A. S. Miller &• Son, Real Estate. Insurance and Builders. Eighteenth and State. TOR SALE U-H.-P. Westlnghouse motor; alternating current; used only a few mouths. Gorgas. The Druggist, 16 North Third street. ONE Chase truck will be sold at auc tion sale on May 8, 1915. 2 o'clock Just overhauled and In good shape. J. D. Ferry. 125 South Eleventh street. FOR SALE • 1914 Ford touring car. Apply Mehring-'s Garage, Fourth anu Hamilton streets. > AF TO MOB ILK FOR SALE HIGH-GRADE classy six-cylinder, I slxty-horse-power: cost over five thou- I sand dollars. Good as new in every ' particular. Will be sold for less than naif original cost. Might consider ex- I change for desirable city real estate. t Address 0.. 2159. care of Telegraph. RETIRING BARGAINS! Fence posts. 15c up; linoleum. 35c; rag carpet. 15c; Ingrain. 20c; best. 45c, «1, $1.25; Brus sel, COc; lining. 30c; fringe, lc; roof paint. 35c. Repairing. Yingst, Front- Cumberland. FOR SALE A few second hand touring cars and roadsters in good condition—very cheap; also twin cylinder Yale motor cycle in fine shape. Hottenstein & Zecli, Buick and Chevorolet Agents, City Auto Garage. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, U-.furnlshed Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE—White Wyandotte Eggs from my best birds at 75 cents per 16— eggs hatching 90 per cent. M. O. Sides, Highspire. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac. Electric lights; self-starter; engine tire pump; excellent condition: three new tires. Bargain. E. E. Campbell, Mechanlcs burg. Pa. CIGARS Limited offer, 50 "Cro- Malta" and 25 "Madam X," sl, postpaid, or 50 Cre-Malta, 50 "Madam X and 50 "Miss Lou" for $2. Sneil & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE Two pool tables, and 4xß. In good condition. Lock Drawer F, Duncannon. Pa. FOR SALE lOO scratch pads in package for 50c. The Telegraph Print ing Co. A. SANSONE & Co. lmported Pure Olive Oil from Italy. Price for 1-gal lon can, $2.25; can. $1.26; I quart 75c. Special price for case lots. Call 304 South Second street Bell 1589 R. Delivered to any p.art of city. FOR SALE One family horse. Ap ply Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry streets. DARLINGTON'S STOCK SHOP. 7 per cent, dividend Investmenhts. For particulars call 4 North Fifth street. Bell phone 3652. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 11?, lit and 117 South Becond street 6,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint Acms quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE fcARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT DESK ROOM FOR RENT In furnish ed office in business section on ground floor; light, heat and telephone. Address Box X. 2188, care of Telegrapn. FOR RENT Store and bakery and dwelling; also bakery fixtures connect ed wltli steam. Apply Samuel Morris, 560 North 'Hanover street. Carlisle. Pa. FOR RENT Well lighted factory room, centrally located, windows 011 four sides, about 3500 square feet floor space. Write Kunkel Building. FOR RENT —< Second floor room, 3,700 ::quare feet, for light manufacture Ing purposes. New building. Call at pr»mlses. Twelfth ana Herr streets. BISINEejS ot'l'«iKTC->l'llEb ANY Intelligent peraon can earn good Income corresponding for newspape'.**; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. WANTED Partner, with SSOO or SI,OOO to invest in a good-paylrfg propo sition. Nothing less than $25 to SSO | weekly. Address H., 2190, care of Tele | graph. 1 CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE Well equipped; good location; | rent reasonable. Also good grocery ! store for sale at inventory. Full Infor i matlon at our offices. Bell Realty Co., I Bergner Building. FOR SALE Grocery store and fix tures at invoice, amounting to about $2,000.00 good locality clean stock —to quick buyer a special offer will be made —interested in another enterprise cause of selling. Address Box X, 2186, care of Telegraph. POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prices paid for Furniture. Carpets, good sec ond-hand Clothing. Dry Goods and Shoes. Don't sell 'till you see me. Send postal to 636 Herr street. City. I MADE $60,000 in five years lit the mall order business, began with SK. Send for free booklet Telia how. Hea cock. 865 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. I Send us yor worn furniture. Our best efforta Insure your satisfaction. S. N. I Cluck. 320 Woodbine street FOR falling hair try Groas Quinine i Hair Tonic, rrepared by Grose, the 'Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market ' street, Harrlsburg. Pa. Telephone | orders given prompt attention. Bell • 1860. Ml HI US SIITABI.E FOR THK I.AWSi | (From Farm Llfel [ Following: Is a list of ten shrubs t which are especially well adapted, to planting on the grounds around the! 1 farmhouse and which will prove a de- | I light from early Spring until late Fall: | ■ Forsythia. showing masses of yellow flowera very early; Japanese quince, blooming In May and best planted i where It is partly concealed by other ' shrubs In summer; the lilac, an old fa , vorite in which several new forms are ■ now offered; weigeia, flowering in June | I in almost any soil and pretty the sea- j son through; bridal wreath (spiraea van Houttel) a wonderful shrub which | looks in June almost as though , weighted down with snow; liuddlela or , butterfly bush, a new shrub from China which deserves a place in every gar , den, for its heliotrope colored flowers are produced from July until the com- I ing of frost; hydrangea paniculate, . | flowering in August and best grown as , a lawn specimen, although It can be ■ j trimmed to suit any position; rose of | i Sharon * hibiscus), a September tlower ! Ing shrub which has flowers resembling (hollyhocks; high bush cranberry, flow . I erlng In June, but with ornamental i . [.scarlet berries which last well Into ! i the winter; snowberry. most valued for i j its large, white berries which hang on | I the branches until long atter snow i . Hies. i j BUSINESS PERSON AI <8 ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS Abdominal Bandages and Supporters • for Appendicitis, Floating Kidney, after > Operations. Naval Rupture, etc., L i Trusses and Braces. Jere S. Shanaman & i Son. Rupture Specialists, 408 Market «treet. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furniture ' bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 Bell. Atlas Furniture Co.. 1014 Market street. PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and i storing. Work done by experts. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. Bell ■1 I phone 146. , j HAULING R. A. HARTIIASf, Hoarding Stable anil r National Trousler l'o. Movers of l ; pianos, safes, boilers and general haul - i Ing. H. W. loathe. Manager, Fifth and . | Woodbine atreeta. Bell phone No. j 2503 R. LET us soil your automobile. We ; have buyers if pries Is right Automo - 1 bile Storage. Repairs. Supplies at rea- C ! sonable prices. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 - North Third street Bell phone 266R MONEY TO LOAN 5 ANT person needing money la amounts from f5 to SSO holding a sal ; I arled position, would be beneflted by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., " 36 North Third street. 1 ———————— t ' RAZOR BLADES ALL KINDS of razor blades resharp . ened; made better than new; safety, 25c I per dozen; Star. 15a; old style. 25c; leave l orders Henry Gilbort Sons' Hardware, I' 21S Market street. i STORAGE STORAGE HAULING rurnlture, ' | household goods and merchandise of all j i 1 kinds stored; also hauling of all kinds i • I —at very low prices. Call, or address. . j 8. Frank. 427 Herr street ' FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private » rooms for household goods, $2 per i. month and up. We Invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second Street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. ' STORAGE 4IS Broad street for . household goods and merchandise. Prl vate rooms. $1 to 13. Wagona, 76 cent* ! per month. Apply D. Cooper ft Co.. 411 > | Broad street. Both phones. ; i LEGAL NOXICE& ' ; Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Bu.ldinga of the . ; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Har . 1 risburg, Pa. ' l MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, Governor: ! A. W. POWELL, Auditor General; JR. K. YOUNG, Treasurer, Commissioners. ' ; IN compliance with the Constitution : and the Laws of the Commonwealth of ' i Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Buildings invites sealed proposals in duplicate for ' contracts for furnishing such supplies ; ! for the Executive Mansion, the Legis lature, the several Departments, Boards ' j and Commissions of the State Govern ment as described, and below such ; i maximum prices as are fixed in the £ol l lowing schedules for the year ending I the 31st day of May, A. D. 1916: Sched ; ule A, for furnishing paper and enve '. lopes; B, for furnishing Typewriters, Adding, Addressing and Duplicating • Machines and Supplies; C,for furnishing i General Stationery, Mahogany, Oak ana " Metallic Furniture: D, for furnishing 1 Engineering Instruments, Blue Print i Paper, Laboratory and Engineering 1 | Supplies; E. for furnishing all Books; ' F, for furnishing Brushes, Glassware, Mops, Brooms, Buckets, Toilet and Cleaning Soaps, Towels, Rugs, Fuel, ' Uniforms, Rubber Goods, Chemicals land Miscellaneous Supplies; G. for fur | nlshing Hose and Fittings, Carpenter, ! Upholstering. Painting and all Hard ware Supplies; H, for furnishing Sup . plies for the care of the Conservatories l and Grounds: I. for furnishing Lumber, i General Repair and Removal of Dirt and Refuse: J, for furnishing Light, I . Heat and Power Supplies. I As the various classifications of the . schedule will be bound In pamphlet form for the convenience of the bid ' dera. It 1B therefore desired that In re questing pamphlets, the bidders indi < cate those desired by using the letters 1 set forth above. No proposal for any contract shall be • considered unless such proposal be ac ) companied by a certified check to the order of the State Treasurer, or by a i bond In such form and amount as may be prescribed by the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings. For form of Bond see schedule instructions to bidders. I Proposals must be delivered to the : Superintendent of Public Grounds and i Buildings on or before twelve (12) . o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, the 11th day of May. A. D. 1915, at which time pro- , posals will be opened and published In I the Reception Room of the Executive Department at Harrlsburg, and con . tracts awarded as soon thereafter aa . practicable. « Blank Bonds and Schedules contain ing all necessary information may be . ! obtained by communicating with Sam uel B. Rambo, Superintendent, Public ! Grounds and Buildings. Harrlsburg, Pa.' By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. : C. P. ROGERS. JR., • Secretary. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ' Estate of Barbara Wingert, late of Har • rlsburg. Pa., deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate aforesaid have been granted to I the undersigned. All persons indebted ' to said estate will make payment, and , those having claims or demands will ' present the same without delay, to ' CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY. • ' Harrlsburg, Pa.. Executor. 1 NOTICE Letters Testamentary on j the Estate of Sarah A. Whltmoyer, late ! of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa.. 1 deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing In Harrisburg Pa., " all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate nayraent, and those having claims will present ! them for settlement to I WILLIAM G. WHITMOYER. I FRANK S. WHITMOYER. I Or, . Executors. I i. P. BOWMAN, j Attorney. NOTICE R. A. Hartman having purchased the entire property, good will, trade and business of H. W. Lathe, at No. 2159 Fifth street, known as the National Transfer Co.. he will continue ' to conduct tlie business at the present ' stand, and all orders will he promptly ' attended to and the continuous patron (lage of the public is respectfully soliclt- I ed. ; K. A. HARTMAN. [PARTIAL RECOVERIES IN TOifS IIIURKETS Movement as a Whole Was De cidedly Irregular; Pressed Steel Car Rose 2 Points By Associated Press New York, May 6.—Partial recover ies from yesterday's late selling move ment were recorded during the day's early trading on the Stock Exchange, although the movement as a whole was decided irregular. Pressed Steel 2 points and Copper 1 point. Bethlehem Steel added five points to its material rise of tTiv preceding ses sion. Leaders like U. S. Steel, Union j Pacific and Great Northern opened | with fractional gains, but these were j soon lost as a result of recurrent .weakness in reading. The general list , receded moderately after initial of ferings had been absorbed. NEW YORK STOCKS New York, May 6. Open. High, Low. Clos. Amal Cop . 73 4 "4**, 73 74% Am Bt Sug 45 % 46% 45% 46 \ Ain Can .. 39% Am C& F. 64 64 63£ 54 Am Cot Oil 50ft 50% 50>4 60>4 Am Ice Sec 32 4 33 >4 32 >4 83 4 Am Loco . 49 \ 52% 49% 51% Am Smelt. 694 704 69% 704 Am Sugar . 109 4 109% 109 109 4 Anaconda . 34 % 35% 34% 35% Atchison .. 1004 101% 100% 101% B & O 72 4 "4 724 74 Beth Steel. 141 1494 141 1474 Bklyn RT. 894 89% 89 4 89% Cal Petro.. 17 17 16% 17 Car. Pacific 159 160 158% 159% Cent Leath 384 39 38 39 C& O. .. . . 454 454 45 45 CM& St P 93% 94 93% 93 4 C Con Cop. 454 46% 45% 46% Col P & I. 29 29% 28 4 29% Corn Prod . 14 144 14 144 £rje 2ti *i 2 "* 26% 26% Erie Ist pfd 4 2 42 Goodrh BF 48% 48% 4 7 47 4 Gt Nor pfd 119% 119 4 119% 1194 tG N Ore s 34% 354 34% 35 111 Cent .. 110 .... .... no In-Met ... 21 21% 21 21% In-Met pld 71% 71% 71 71% K C So ... 27 28% 27 284 Lehigh Val 140% 141% 140% 140% Louis & N. 120 120' Mex Petro. 77 80 88 79% Mo Pac .. 14 4 14% 144 14% Nat Lead. . 63%. 654 63% 65 4 Nev C C . . 14% 154 14% 154 N Y Cent.. 874 8* 874 88 NY.NH& H 664 67% 664 67 Nor Pac .. 107% 108 107% 108 P R R ... 107% 108% 1074 108% Pgh coal . 224 22 4 Prees S Car 48 4 49 4 47% 49 U Ry Stl Spg 3 2 32 n C Cop.. 23 23 % 23 25% Reading .. 147 147 4 146 147 RI& S . . 28 28% 28 28% So Pacific... 90 91 % 89% 90 % So Railway 17% 17% 17% 17% Tenn Cop.. 32 4 33 32 4 33 Third Ave. 52 4 52% Union Pac. 128% 128% 127% 128% U S Rubber 66% 67% 66% 67% U S Steel. 57 67% 66% 66% |U S 8 pfd. 107% 107% '1 Utah Cop.. 66% 68% 65% 87% Va C C . . 34 % 34 % 34 % 34 % West U Tel 67% 67% 67% 67% West Mfg.. 99% 100 97% 98% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE) By Associated Press Philadelphia. May 6. Wheat Weak; No. 2, red. tar lots, export. J1.57 (&1.60: X". 1. Northern, Duluth, export. 51.4891.T1. Corn Market weak; No. 2, spot, export. 78® 79c; No. 2, yellow, local, 84® 844 c. Oats—Lower; No. 2. white, 624®63c. Bran Steady; winter, per ton, $30.00; Spring, per ton. $26.00(§>26.50. Refined Sugars Firm; pow dered. 6.10 c; fine granulated. 6.00 c; con fectioners' A, 6.90 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras. 31c; nearby, prints, fancy. 34c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. $6.00 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.85 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.86 per case. Live Poultry —• Weaker: fowls. 17 @ 174 c; old roosters, 12@124c; chickens, 13@18c; do., broilers, 30®38c; turkeys, 13@15e; ducks, 13@15c; geese, 10@llc; geese. 10 @ 11c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fresh kill ed fowls, fancy, 18@19c; do., aver age, 16@>170; do., unattractive, 14016 c; old roosters, 13 4c; frozen fowls, 160 18c; roasting chickens, 17<$20c; broil ing chickens, 22027 c; turkeys, 180 22c; ducks, 12018 c; geese, 12016 c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania. per bushel, 60 052 c; Maine, per bushel, 60@52c; New York, per | bushel, 43045 c; Florida, per barrel, $3.50(3)5.00. Flour —Market nominal; winter, clear. s3.du'<«4. lu: straiirhti). Peun«n vania, $7.0007.25; spring, straights, $7.2507.50; do.,' patents. $7.60 "i 8.60; western, $4.2504.40; patents, $4.60® 4.75; Kansas straights, jute sacks, $4.15 ®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20; straights, $4.20®4.30; patents, $4.35® 4.60. Hay The market Is firm; tim othy. No. 1. large bales. $19.00019.50; No. 1, medium bales, $18.50019.00; No. 2. do., $17.00018.00; No. 8. $15.00® 16.00; sample, $14.00015.00. Clover mixed hay: Light mixed, $18.50019.00; No. 1, do., $17.60018.00; No. 2. $15.50 016.50. PHII.ADKI.PHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 6. Stocks closed firm. American Railways 32 Cambria Steel 48% General Asphalt 25% General Asphalt. Pfd 65 Superior Corporation 7% Lehigh Navigation 7-I'4 Lehigh Valley 70% Pennsylvania Railroad 54 1-16 1 Philadelphia Electric 24 4 Philadelphia Company 35% Philadelphia Company. Pfd 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit S% Philadelphia Traction 76 Reading 73% Storage Battery 614 t'nion Traction 33% I'nlted Gas Improvement 83% I'nited States Steel 56% United States Steel, Pfd .. 107% CHICAGO CATTLE) By Associated Press Chicago. 111.. May 6. Hogs Re ceipts. 21,000; slow. Bulk of sales. $7.40 ®7.60; light, $7.35®7.76; mixed, 87.35® 7.65; heavy. $5.95®7.66; rough, $6.95<t? 7.10; pigs, $5.25(0 6.85. Cattle Receipts, 3,000; steady. Na tive beef steers. $6.50®8.90; western steers, $5.75®7.60; cows and heifers. $3.0008.60; calves. $8.5009.25. Sheep Receipts. 6,000: firm. Sheep, $7.40@8.40; lambs, $8.00010.60. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., May 6. Board of Trade closing: Wheat —May, 1.60%; July. 1.33%. Corn—May, 76',; July. 784. Oats—May, 544: July, 53 7 ». Pork—July, 18.32; September, 18.72. Lard—July. 10.22; September. 10.47. Ribs—July, 10.75; September, 11.02. UU SEALS a yl " MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II New York Society Girl in Creek Dance This is a pose of one of the New T ork society girls whose daring dances in Greek costumes have caused con siderable comment. The young woman didn't wear much besides a short pair of trunks and a robe which was filmy. Her legs and feet were bare. The leader of a teachers' organization, be fore which several young women ap peared at a benefit in this garb, was rather severe in her comment. PLANT GARDEN IX HOWS. NOT REDS [From Farm Life] Plant early beets in rows thirteen inches apart, onion rows twelve inches apart, radishes in rows twelve to four teen inches apart, and spinach in rows twelve inches apart. Be sure to plant spinach and kale. Some farmers do not care for these, but there Is no better Spring liver , tonic grown. * Early bepts should stand four or five Inches apart in the rows, onions from sets about six inches, radishes three Inches and spinach four to six inches. Bush beans are thick enough drilled eight beans to the foot in rows of 2 4 feet apart, thinning respectively to . about six inches to obtain fine, plump roots and lots of beans. Good garden soil requires that to ' .matoes be set four feet apart each way I for a main crop. j Dwarf and early sorts may be shaded one-half foot each way. Tomatoes can be set a little closer with good results If staked or framed. A garden planted in the wav sug . gested can easily be cultivated with a wheel hoe. This inurement will save both time and patience. Cultivate often and do not neglect \ to spray. Spraying is insurance. AN EVENING THOUGHT ; It is not a lucky word, this same "impossible"; no good | comes of those that, have it ao often in their mouths. —Carlyle. By my tasks of every day. By the little words I say, ' My allegiance I proclaim. Prove my right to bear His name, —George KUngle. Boast not thyself of to-mor , row; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs. 27: 1. THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dlspen , sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M.,' at Its new location, 1701 , North Second street, for the free treat* ; ment of the worthy poor. i To the Stockholders of Int. Text Book Co. ; In order that we may close an estate we offer 20 Shares or Any Part ; of the above stock at $95.00 Per Share W. G. Rose & C©., lac. M BROAD STREET IHP.W YORK NO NEED TO BE DISCOURAGED > if your efforts are not appreciated ! and there is no chance for ad vancement. There are always good i positions open in Harrisburg for ' competent men—positions where good conscientious effort will be rewarded by constant advance ment. Just use a Telegraph WANT AD and reach the firm who is looking for- just such a man as you. Try Telegraph Want Ads 15
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