12 Bringing Up Father <s <|j> # (0) (0), (0) By McManus rrxoyr OE ,N pj e*Cust m'y"" *~~| Itowh <PEATTO 6£ OMr c ?!! ,<:HTS ' HUSBAND AMOMENT. * ) PRETTY THINGS' CANARY / LIKE COV a ■ A " ~) ' v ' BIRDS ' ~ .j I M«wow anu r ■) beautiful. ys, w > ' CENTRAL ATHLETES COMPETE FRIDAY Winners Will Participate at Penn- State and in Annual Interscholastics Central athletes for the Pennsylva nia Interscholastic meet May 22. will be picked Friday. The annual inter class series will be held on Munici pal Field. Island Park, Friday after noon. From the wimiers will be se lected the athletes who will represent Central two weeks hence, and at Penn-State Saturday. Plans for the Friday meet were completed yesterday and the follow ing leaders elected. Seniors, Black; Juniors, McNamee; Sophomores, Fos ter; Freshmen, May. The meet will start at 3 o'clock and will be under the charge of Athletic Director Ber tram W. Saul. The entries follow: Senior Class 100 yard dash—Smeltzer, Cooper. 220 yard dash—Smeltzer. Bingham, Cooper. 440 yard dash Smucker, Denny, Smeltzer. One-half mile run—Byers. One mile run—Winn. Pole vault—Denny. Bingham. High jump—Denny, Winn, Bing ham. Broad'jump Denny, Smeltzer, Winn, Bingham. I Shot put Smucker, Bingham. By ers. Hammer throw Smucker, Bing ham, Byers. Discus throw—Smucker, Bingham, Byers. 2-0 low hurdles—Winn, ft J anion Cla># 1W yard dash Xis?ley, Diffen bach, Saunders. Kreider. Koplovitz. Carter. Hall, Seigelbaum, Brinkley, H. Worden. 220 yard dash Nisslev, Meek, Burkholder, Kreider, Michael, Bink ley. 440 yard dard Nisslev, Meek, Hall. Binkle.v. One-half mile run Romig, Meek. Kreider. Michael, Dougherty, Hall, Binkley. One mile run Brew, Michael, Dougherty, Mc-Mamee. Two mile run—Michael McNamee. 220 low hurdles Romig, Burk holder. Carter, McNamee. 120 high hurdles—Houtz. Broad jump - Romig Burkholder, Saunders. Hall. Houtz, H. Worden. High jump Carter, Moody, J. Carter, J. Worden. Pole vault —Carter. J. Carter. Hammer throw Diffenbaeh, Mar cus. H. Worden. Shot put Diffenbaeh, Marcus. Houtz. H. Worden. eDan. Discus throw—Nisslev, Diffenbaeh, Marcus, Houtz. 100 yard dash Foster, Lantz, Smith, Jeffries. Mell. Rogers. 200 yard dash Foster, Meumick, Spotts, Rogers. 440 yard dash Spotts, Martz, Bretz, Mell. One-half mile run Geiger, Le- Van. Martz, Warrick One mile' run LeYan Geiger, Spotts, Mentzen. Warrick. Two miie run Geiger, LeVan, Lantz. 230 yard low hurdles Spotts, Mutzabaugh, Jeffries, Mell. , 120 high hurdles—Geiger. High Jump Smith, Foster, Meumlch, Lantz, Matzen. Shot put Smith, Marta, Hilton. Hammer throw—Hilton. Discus throw—Hilton. Pole vault Mell, Worden. Mutza baugh. 100 yard dash May, Fairtamb, Seilhamer. Early. Garonzik. 220 yard dash May. Karly, Rudy, Seilhamer, Garonzik, Mehaffie. 440 yard dash Garonzik, N. Frank, Earley, May Mehaffie. One-half mile rune Compton. Nebitt, Wingert. One mile run Hare, Wright, Ne bitt. Two mile run Hare. Wright. 220 low hurdles—Beilhamer, Frank, Earley, Wingard, Rogers. 120 high hurdles Seilhamer, Compton. High jump—Seilhamer. Broad jump—Falrlamb, Setthamer, Mahaffie. Shot put Falrlamb, Seilhamer, E. Eldridge, Compton. Hammer throw—Seilhamer, Frank, Compton. Discus throw N. Frank Seil hamer, Compton. Pole vault —Rogers ■SsCOOTLAND Jm Fashion's favorite ior B Spring an d Summer. I Idc Kfer Ik Collars SIDES & SIDES THURSDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 6, 1915. Baseball Summary; Games Past and Future SCORES OF YESTERDAY National I/eaene New Tork, 5; Philadelphia. 2. Roston, 6; Brooklyn. 1. Chicago, 5: Cincinnati, 0. Others postponed. American league Philadelphia. 2: New York, 1. Boston, 1: Washington 0. Cleveland 1. Chicago. 0. Detroit, 5; St. Louis 2. (11 innings). Federal I-eagne Baltimore, 4; Chicago, 3. St. Ix>uis, 3; Brooklyn, 0. Others postponed. WHERE THEY PI,AY TO-DAY National Ix-ajriM" Philadelphia at Brooklyn. St. Louis at Pittsburgh. New York at Boston. Cincinnati at Chicago. American l.<'agne Washington at Philadelphia. Chicago at Cleveland. Boston at New York. Detroit at St. Louis. Federal 1-eagne Chicago at Baltimore. St. Louis at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at Newark. Kansas City at Buffalo. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-MORROW National League Philadelphia at Brooklyn. New York at Boston. Cincinnati at Chicago. St. Louis at Pittsburgh. American League Washington at Philadelphia. Boston at New York. Detroit at St. Louis. Chicago at Cleveland. Federal I/-a*rue » St. Louis |At Buffalo. „ v Chicago at Newark. Kansas City at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at Baltimore. STANDING OF THF CLUBS National league W. L. P. C. Philadelphia 12 5 .706 Chicago 12 fi .667 Boston 9 7 .563 Cincinnati 9 9 .500 St. Louis 10 10 .500 Brooklyn 7 11 .389 Pittsburgh fi 12 .333 New York 5 10 .333 American I -cague W. L. P. C. Detroit 14 fi .700 New York 10 5 ,fi67 Chicago 11 9 .550 Boston 7 fi .538 Washington 8 8 .500 Cleveland 9 10 .474 Philadelphia 5 11 .2fi7 St. Louis 5 14 .263 Federal lieagtie W. L. P. C. Chicago 12 7 .632 Pittsburgh 11 8 .579 Newark 11 8 .579 Brooklyn 10 9 .526 Kansas City 9 9 .500 St. Louis 8 10 .444 Baltimore 9 12 .429 Buffalo 6 13 .316 KAI'FF READY TO RETI RN Special to The Telegraph New York, May 6.—Benny Kauff, the star outfielder of the Brooklyn Federal League club, who was sus pended last week for attempting to jump to the New York National League club, will, it was stated, re sume play with the Brooklyn club as soon as President Gilmore of the Fed eral league, lifts the suspension. Kauff. it is understood, has settled his differences over his salary and bonus with Robert B. Ward, president of the Brooklyn club, and Is now satis fied with his Brooklyn contract. Ow ing to the Intercession of Manager Ma gee, it was reported, he escaped a fine. HIiOW KILLS CONyiCT Trenton, May 6.—Benjamin Wool ey. a convict from Monmouth County, died at the State prison yesterday from injuries sustained last Sunday night when he was hit on the head with a baseball bat at the ..onvlct road camp near Rrcky Hill. Alonzo Williams, a negro convict, who committed the assault, will be tried for murder In Somerset county, where the camp Is situated. The at tack was the outcome of an argument over a baseball game the convicts played Sunday afternoon. BIG OFFER FOR WILLAKD Special to The Telegraph Denver, May 6.—John Corbet, who managed Young Corbett when the latter was the world's champion, and at present manager of a local fight club, has offered Jess Wlllard $30,000 to meet Gunboat Smith here on July 4. Both men are expected in this city this week when It is hoped the articles will be signed. FATAL BASEBALL INJTRY Special to The Telegraph j Marlon. Ohio, May 6.—Henry Mfl- I Kee of Johnsvllle, Morrow county, school teacher, died here yesterday as a result of being struck by a halted baseball In a game last Thursday. A blood clot caused death. G. r. O. O. F. MEMORIAL The annual memorial and thanks giving services for the members of the Grand Tnlted Order of Odd Fellows In Harrlsburg -ind vicinity will be held Sunday at Chestnut Strpct Mall. The i Rev. Willitun H. Marshall will preach. JIMCOFFEYWINS ! WITH I o: HONORS Pick Dublin Giant as Strong Con tender For World's Cham pionship Special to The Telegraph New York. May 6.—Jim Coffey, the Dublin Giant, last night in New York, j knocked out A 1 Reich, former heavy-1 weight chamrion, in the third round. The bout was scheduled for ten j rounds. From the outset the Irishman led, j and from the time they first put upj their hands the spectators realized j that it was only a case of time before ! Coffey would put over the punch. A , left to the stomach was the knockout j blow. It followed a fusillade of lefts | and rights to the head. A right to the jaw started mat ters, and as Reich tried to block an-' "The Best Tobacco Made" ____________ of friends. It's the A same old story every- J Emphatic Statement by an Eminent r h^ r n T /f c , d » is tried: (Juality tells. JOHN G CAPERS Authority—Pipe-smokers, Read Don ' t quarrel Prominent Washington Attorney, formerly i . I 1 c* C* y° ur pip e an d wnat JO illl Vj. \-/cip6rS don't quarrel with your tongue. Take your tobacco troubles Has to Say to good old Tuxedo! Your pipe'll be sweet and your tongue'll be sound if you " When I was Commissioner of Internal Revenue smoke Tuxedo. Tuxedo can't bite or blister. That's all under Presidents Roosevelt's and Taft's Administra- taken out by the famous Tuxedo Process"—the original tions, / had a great deal to do with tobacco. In the process which the other brands like so well that they try collection of millions of dollars of tax / came inti- to imitate mately into contact with the whole business. Tuxedo And you'll find the Internal Revenue Commissioner I consider the best tobacco made. I smoke it myself absolutely right as to and find it soothing and restful, mild, fragrant and Tuxedo's quality. non - irritating to the ZZ2 fiPI evidence straight from an _ _ HlH*' | authority that Tuxedo is he Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette them all. The tobacco that a famous Internal Revenue Try Tuxedo for a week, and Commissioner chooses for his own smoke because he con- you'll know why Mr. Capers and 5 siders it the best tobacco made. sa° f that" IT best I And remember this, men:—that's picking Tuxedo tobacco made." from a mighty big field; for between you and us and the account sheet, the Government collects $100,000,000 a YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE year in revenues from tobaccos. Convenient, glassine wrapped C - Famous green tin with gold fA moUture-proof pouch - - lettering, curved to fit pocket ivC Mr. Capers IS now a prominent and successful practis- /„ Tin Humidor4oc and 80c In Gla* Humidor,, 50c and 90c mg lawyer in Washington, D. C., and we are glad to THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY other right to the same spot Coffey] changed his attack and sunk a left into the body. Reich dropped on hisi hands and knees, paralyzed. His head j appeared clear as Referee Roach j tolled off the fatal 10, but his body i could not respond to the call of his 1 , brain. A slight quiver in his legs wasj his only noticeable movement. Cof-1 fev is considered the leading contend-1 er for the world's championship title.! AXNTAI; CAXOK TRIP SATURDAY j Five Mile Race Starts at Millcrstown ! Bridge in Afternoon The annual canoe trip and race from i Dew Drop Inn along the Juniata near j Mifflin town will take place Saturday! and Sunday. Entries closed last night ] with a list of 52, including Harris-j : burg and Steelton canoeists. The trip starts at Mifflintown Sat-! 1 urday morning at 10 o'clock. Millers-j town will be the first stop. The race I will be five miles and will end at Xew- I port where a chicken and waffle din ner. will be served. The trip to Har risburg will take place punday, start-' |ing at 10.30 in the morning. Prizes 'will be awarded winners. I r— Sport News at a Glance The Kelker Juniors won from the Peffer R. C., last evening, score 19 to In a batting contest the Grace M. E. Juniors yesterday defeated the Green Street Tigers, score 9 to 8. The State Health Department base ball team defeated the Highway De partment, score 13 to 4. The House page boys won over the Senate pages yesterday, score 8 to 7. Division engineers of the Pennsyl vania Railroad bowled a victory over the Superintendent's Office Clerks last night, score 2306 to 2296. W. H. Clearwater, pocket billiard expert, will play a 125 ball match with G. K. Matter at 1253 Market street to-night. Peace talk among baseball magnates according to reports to-day, has been hot air. In a practice game the Motive Pow er team of the Pennsylvania railroad yesterday defeated the Enginehouse Xo. 1, score 8 to 7. B ARTEX DRRS COMIXG , Bartenders of the state will meet here next Tuesday to discuss legis : lation. They will meet in the Board i of Trade auditorium. | RAX OX FIGHT PKTTTRKS • fecial to The Telegraph Jersey City. X. J.. May 6. The action of Frederick F. Freed, collector of the Port of X'ewark. X. J„ in re ! fusing to allow the entrance of photo graphic films of the Willard-Johnson fight at Havana was upheld by Fed eral Judge Thomas Haight, of the i United States District Court, here to day. Judge Haight denied the appli . cation of T. 1-awrence Weber for an • injunction to restrain the collector : from interfering with Weber in en tering the films through the Xewark I Custom House. I BOWLERS MAKE BIG SCORKS i Individual bowling winners in the t Casino tournament last night set up | some new figures. While no records . j were broken, close competition made I : high scores necessary to win. ; First honors went to A. Miller with ia total of 670. He pulled down a I cash prize of S6.TO. Other winners j were: I Second, S. Montgomery. 6 59, $5.00; t1 third, B. Luck. 655. $3.50; fourth, C. | Barnes. 637, $2.50; fifth, N. Earley, I ! 627, $2.00; sixth, J. Hopwood, 604, , $1.50; secenth, G. Snyder, 602, SI.OO. | TROPHY FOR IiOCAL SHOOTER iH. B. Shoop Revives Silver Trophy and Gold Mcdnle In the annual shoot of the Red J Lion Sportsmen's Association, held | yesterday at Red Lion, York county, I H. B. Shoop, of Harrisburg, won high, j honors. Shoop made 143 out of a possible |l5O. He had two runs of 50 straight i and was awarded the interstate silver j trophy, and two go hi medals. Sam uel Hoffman, of Harrislxirg, made 134. . . . . f T>7? » T'"» »■ > 1 i .' * Special to The Telegraph Lititz, May 6.—Miss Edith Warfel was married to John K. Habecker, of Lancaster, by the Rev. Dr. Haupt. pastor of the Grace Lutheran Church, of Lancaster, at the home of the> bride. "DAVID GARRICK" AT 81/AIX Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa.. May 6.—On Saturday] evening "David Garrlck" will be pre : s»>nted by Xew Bloomfield Academy* Dramatic Club in the Town Hall.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers