j-_ =B«T krrr so« alone k««nr »rlrn are lower, bat brraunr qualities are be«ter== 0' A Week-End Presentation of New Summer Merchandise in which quality and low prices—the dominating factors in our success—prevail as usual • r Summer Wear and Fabrics Extensive Showing ot QTT"M"M"I?"P MTT T TNTTI?V £?- o U mullLK JJll-LJLIIN J2/IC. I _ . , ~ . . , «. . \en white Hlhbed I nderwear. To-morrow morning we shall show an entirely new line of Drawer* aud combination Summer Millinery, consisting of SSTWe. „f .n description,. New Leghorns, White Hemp, Tuscan and Horse- v™ Embroideries in an widths. , . „ ° , . , , . , , , \ew Whllr lllbbon In Taffeta, Satin hair Hats, white and black, straw color, hemp • antl Moirr „en»e«. anH Panama \e« White Piece fioodn In all tke ana ranama. , unllt .nv.iml.le makes Plain The models include all the latest shapes. \oiies. spia*t» and snow Flake Special attention is called to New York's Latest Craze— tr'!i'*<?»vis*V™«'■ r n s * n " piaid ! Black Milan Hemp Hats with Beaver Top—now being ex- FISM-.""- dJ^M™». C Me£ hibited here. «rl«e'd Batiste. Pllsse, t repe. || Also see the new Sport and Outing Hats. Felt and Duck kmum-. etc.'""*' ' ' * "*° w ' Hats in white, and Palm Beach colors. Men<s Furnishings For Large assortment Children s Trimmed and U ntnmmed „ Hats. Summer Trimmings of all kinds in a wide range of prices. ALL AT OUR LOWER-THAN-ELSEWHERE PRICES. B "J& . —— —— >|rn's Summer I nderwear and Bal hrlitfeau. sray mixed* black and it bite. In shirts and drawers, all sises 25c I II t 1 1 ■ Men's Athletic I nderwear i 25c mmm Pillow FREE! su,, "• ,wo iSf Men's Silk llose. black, navy. tan. < K*I/ Wi %. We will give this stunning Pillow M n's l.lsle Hose, all colors . . 12Hc Top and back FREE with every 25c M<,n '" snk Hoo, "" eo,^e /purchase of 6 skeins Richardson's Men's colored cotton Hose, an eoi- Pure Silk Floss in exact shades to Men™' Mi«d*H«"e f ° P .si- and~i£ IPW / iTOk embroider it and a sure guide *;«'• -T tic ' \y,\y' \ I diagram em- latest combinations and colors. %}■ t\V. j 1 i broidery lesson. The pillow is rT "^. l3f ,.d ** size 17x22 inches Men's 4-ply l inen Collars lOc It ] I —tinted on pure t nov "" G,uv " 7 " ,0c " d ::s< - Hvll linen crash. We Dress Making Supplies fJ\ V $ are charging only of T V r^ , i°.t.^ ,, "^fr \ ni \ (' J k t the Tegular retail Threads. Snap Fasteners. Hooks and /JF c- ■ \ V/* 1 ♦ \° c ; l v\ nrirs nf tVif. fi Fyes, Safety Plas, Button Moulds, 'tW/ ! \Vp CJ \J fNI P rlce OI tne ° Hooks and Kyes. Thimbles. Pins, W L IK* skeins of silk and k cotton. Hutch iind Knellsh Tape. Jf»' 'V i I Finishing Braid. Inside Belting:, W . 2 i leSSOn, Ine pil- | (.Irtlle Konus, Collar Flares. Klastlc ml W / V - ■ l pl'v*. '» Iti /ailif'r" Dm sign .1 c I < on * •>' a " shapes and sizes, at our T'JV >I il /Vo. 2933 arc Absolutely Free. I usom low prices. SouUer's lc to 25c Department Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market Street Opp. Courthouse I i HOW NEW BOWMAN , . ...... - ' • . -■ ■ . •*' ' . . ' .. Publication of Demands Has Embarrassed Japan Toklo, Thursday, April 22. By mall to Shanghai, May 6.—(Precede Muk den. Chinese situation}. The world-wide publication of the list of demands presented to China by Japan shortly after the defeat of the German garrison at Kiao-Chow and which still are being negotiated be tween the two governments coupled with the reports of growing opposition to them in England and the attitude on this whole subject of the United States, has greatly embarrassed the THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG <£§£& TELEGRAPH MAY 6, 1915. Japanese government, from which the people expect much. Various political associations in Japan are clamoring for drastic meas ures against China. Everybody sees the possibility of war and speculating upon the nature and the extent of the' military campaign Japan would have to undertake should China refuse to cede. DKCISIVE POLVT REACHED By Associated Press Berlin, via London. May 6.—A pes simistic view of the Italian situation' is taken by the semiofficial Lokal An- 1 zeiger In Its evening edition. It reports that negotiations between Vienna and Rome have reached a decisive point and says the seriousness of the situ ation is undeniable. i| AXOTHER TRAWLER SCNK 11 By Associated Press London. May 6, 12.52 P. M. —The | trawler Stratton of Grimsby was sunk in the Jvorth Sea yesterday by the gunfire of a German submarine. The 1 crew was taken on board the subma rine. RENOVATING STATION ! Five new Bell telephone booths nre '.now in operation at the Pennsylvania '. Railroad Station. The space formerly , occupied by the booths in the east side i of the waiting room will tie taken up in the enlargement of the Tnion News | Company stand. Painters are also at , work on the interior and exterior uf I the station. I NEW BOWMAN STORE 10 BE MOST MODERN Service, Convenience and Safety Keynotes; to Have Im posing Front Tlarrtsburp is to have a most mod ern department store, judging by the plans for Its new building that Bow man & Co. has been formulating for the past several months. Nothing seems to have been left undone to complete a store that will rank among the best iii the country so far as archi tectural beauty and modern appliances are concerned. The new building, six stories in height, will occupy the old Grand Motel site, which was annexed to the Bow man store in 1911. and while selling space was increased considerably through this purchase, it was soon learned that even with this addition the floor space was by far inadequate to accommodate the remarkable prog ress this store was making. Since that time almost every season found each department more handicapped as it strove to outgrow its bounds. With this latest addition the store will have about one-third more selling space, allowing a much larger assort ment of merchandise. Work <Soes to Ix>cal Firm In a spirit of civic support. Bow man & Co. have awarded all work, ns far as possible, to local individuals and concerns. M. I. Kast, the well known architect, has designed the front to conform with the present five stories, and it's to be believed few buildings will present a more impos ing front, with the Immense quantities of glass used. Contract for building operations has been awarded to C. W. Lady, who now has a large force of men at work razing the old part, and in a few days passers-by will see an open space where once stood part of a large store —the Grand Hotel —the Post Office —the quaint old Park House —and originally private dwellings. Steel work will be done by the Penn sylvania Steel Company. New shelving, cases, etc.. are now under way. designed to give the in terior an inviting appearance and at the same time preserve the newness and brightness of merchandise and afford attractive displays. Convenience the Keynote Convenience is the sole basis of the departmental arrangement plan, ex perts having been employed to design the new layout. Just off the street will be a fine, up-to-date men's haber dashery section, connected by direct tairway to the men's clothing and hat sections, located on the second floor, front. All large ready-to-wear departments for women will bo found on the third floor, including coats, suits, millinery, undermuslins. waists and corsets. A beautiful new restroom has been Tmilt in the rear of this floor to accommodate women patrons who desire to enjoy a period of rest while shopping. These changes are only the most noticeable: but also deserving of mention is the removal of the shoe department to the main floor. As to service, much has been planned. Their purpose is to embody features that will avoid all delay, es pecially during rush times. Only last fall two elevators? of the most ap proved type, were installed to transfer passengers to all floors and basement in as little time as possible. Extending from the sixth floor down will be a spiral chute, through which duplicate stock may reach any department in a twinkling, also whereby packages can be sent to the delivery department. This letter department will play an important part in the way of bettering service—to hasten packages to their destination. Fire ¥ > rotectioii For complete protection against Are an automatic sprinkler system will be Installed, with miles of pipe reaching to every nook and corner of the entire structure. At points of a few yards distance sprinkler heads are located, and with the outburst of flames th"- automatically open and throw p deluge of wster upon the lire. This is only one of the numerou's "safety first" ap pliances that h-»ve been adopted. Bowman & Co. have occupied their present location since 1893, having been compelled to seek larger quarters than the small storeroom at 215 Mar. ket street provided. This business was founded in 1871 under the firm name of C. L. Bowman & Co.. having as a place of business a single room at 223 Market street. Despite many ob stacles the business continued to grow, until to-day. after forty-four years, it is looked on as one of the most pro gressive and fast-growing establish ments to be found in Central Penn sylvania. SAYS COMPANY BREAKS FAITH WITH THE CITY [Continued from First Page.] conferences to adopt plans to meet both the practical and architectural requirements. Essential Features Omitted "I now find tliat in tlie structures under way essential features of tliis plan have been omitted. Further more. a representative of the parent company has written that it is pro posed to build the structure and add the ornaments afterward, a process that anyone conversant with good de sign knows cannot be done success fully. "At a conference during this visit with the representatives of the com pany and of the Department of Parks and Public Property it was made clear that the company was not desirous of making- any important concessions, if any at all. In utilitarian requirements to meet architectural requirements, or that Monld involve changes in plans tlint they had made or material that tliey had ordered. I find that the ordinance providing for the use of the site does not require the company to make any such concessions. Trees Welled Many Feet "I find that the trees that th£>- were required to save have been filled over and welled many feet deep, not trans planted to the new surface, as I would have advised had I been consulted. "Without the compulsion of an ordi nance or a stronger evidence of a real desire to make the structure an attractive one on the part of the com pany, I believe that my most effective recourse is an appeal to the force of public opinion . '•lf the proposed structure at this point is to he built and then orna mented afterward, then in my opinion it would lie better to at once call a halt, arrange for the city to acquire the dock under const ruction for a pub lic boat landimr. for which It could he well arranged, and require the com pany to handle Its coal by a purely utilitarian floating structure, which was one of their alternatives, and then to have made a much more thorough and exhaustive examination of the whole river basin frontage to deter mine the most satisfactory place for handling the river coal, sand and other products therein In a less offensive wav than it is now being handled. "If it Is decided to go on with the dock, it would be well to call In archi tects of national reputation, such as Mr. Henry Bacon or Mr. Charles A. , Piatt, if they would come, to pass upon ! Vbe architectural treatment of the j structure. (Signed) "WARREN* H. MANNING." I In discussing Mr. Manning's letter [ this morning C. M. Kaltwasser, gen- The saving in prices on Furniture and Floor Cover- I ings will pay you to buy at this big Department Furni ture Store, Rocker I | ' Porch Swing | White Enamel Medicine Q$Q 1 inside and outside. Has three glass with H f Demonstration of Englander Bed Couch 1 In our window every day this week. The Illustration show* hc.w this bed can be folded up and put out of the way until ready for use. Very simple in operation, compact, light and everlasting. A II highly useful household utility for emergency or regular use f '"1 .« I I where space ia an object. | Ti r Til Notice what an extremely small space is occunied bv this *™E. I ■ " Pd when folded. No loose parts. Splendidly constructed of | 1 U ft be,t 1 ua "ty steel and fine, heavy, brown canvaa bottom or ! ®1 guaranteed rust proof National fabric spring, rr * Just the thing for sleeping porches. Easily rolled from on# Cnqtandfi' fOLDAvWW* place to another. During this demonstration a reduction of 3B per cent will be given on all Rnglanler products—Couch Beds, Cots and Unit-edge Springs. MILLER 6* KADES MMHTB Ml 1 North Market Square eral manager of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company, said: Will Follow Suggestions "The company most certainly means to follow out the suggestions of Mr. Manning except where they will inter fere with the actual operation of the apparatus. In order to bring our ob jections to the attention of Mr. Man ning, we brought our chief engineer, B. F. Wood, to Harrisburg, and a con ference was held Tuesday afternoon at which Mr. Manning, Mr. Wood and myself were present. At the close of the conference it appeared that all objections could be taken care of in a manner satisfactory to all parties. We assured Mr. Manning that none of the materials had been ordered except what was necessary in the actual con struction of the skeleton frame work of the building and this is as far as we have gone. Naturally we were more than surprised that Mr. Man ning should have expressed himself as he did in his letter to the newspa pers to-day. We can only account for his attitude in the ract that he abso lutely misunderstands the attitude of the company. To Deal Firmly With People "Our whole aim and policy is to deal justly and fairly with the peo ple—we live with the public—and it naturally stands to reason that we cannot afford to do other than act fairly and honestly with It. That is what we aim to do and we regret sincerely that we cannot have the benefit of Mr. Manning's advice on this problem." When asked what the company in tended to do further Mr. Kaltwasser said the company will employ the ser vices of the best possible architectural advice possible to assist in working out the problem to the mutual ad vantage of the people of Harrisburg as well as the company. PEACE IX COAL FIF.I.D FOR YEAR By .Associated Press Cleveland, Ohio. May 6. —Peace in the Ohio coal field for the coming year at least seemed sure to-day fol lowing the passage yesterday by the legislature at Columbus of the Gal lagher bill and progress made by the joint scale conference of miners and operators In session here. NERVOUS CHILDREN From early spring until July is the time that St. Vitus' dance usually de velops and nervous children should be carefully watched during that time for symptoms of the disease. Irritability Is one of the first signs noted. The child frets, is quarrelsome, cannot be amused and does not sleep well. The jerky movements and weak ness characteristic of the disease come a little later. The patient becomes pale, languid, has little appetite and is usually constipated. Such a child should not be allowed to study, but should be kept quiet, given a nutritious diet, remain out of doors as much as possible and take Dr. Williams' Plhk Pills to build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. If unusual symptoms develop or if the nervous ness continues to the point of hysteria, a physician should be called. In most cases the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills js sufficient. With out treatment, St. Vitus' dance may become chronic. Parents of nervous children should write to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y., for a copy of the free booklet. "Nervous Disorders. A Method of Home Treatment." and a diet book called "What to Eat and How to Eat." Your own druggist sells Williams' Pink Pills with direc tions for use.—Advertisement. Italy Makes Elaborate Preparations For War By Associated Press On the Italian Frontier, Wednesday, May 5, via Paris, May 6, 12.40 P. M.— At the same time that the negotiations between Italy and Austria are being continued, Italy's military prepara tions are being completed with as much energy as though the country expected to participate in war to morrow. All the Caribineers and the customs guards, who in Italy are attached to the army, have been called to the col ors and all military leaves of absence have been suppressed. The frontier of Italy on the Aus trian side has been strongly fortified. All the passes are protected with en trenchments and wire entanglements. Concrete has been used in a number of places in the erection of barricades for the protection of the soldiers. Special measures have been adopt ed for the defense of Venice and the art treasures in this city. SCHOONER SUNK BY GERMAN'S By Associated Press London, May 6. 12.39 P. M.—The schooner Earl of Latham was sunk by a German submarine off Kinsale, on the Irish coast. The crew was per mitted to take to the small boats and was rescued by a trawler. The sub marine tired nine shells at the schoon er before she sank. Buying Coal A Good Investment Figure it out —take the number of tons you use each year. Multiply it by the reduc tion of 50c per each ton. Take the number of months the coal will last and you can easily determine the rate of interest on the money saved. You will find it amounts to over 10%. Where can you put your money to better ad vantage ? Why should you not buy your coal in the Spring? It is cheaper, cleaner, has less slate in it and is all around better quality. Better let us have your order to-day. United Ice & Coal Co. Fonrter and ton-den Third and Bopa 15<h and tknlnit Hummel and Mulberry Also Steelton, Pa. Former Senator Arrested at Berne, Switzerland Des Moines, lowa, May 6.—Former Senator Lafayette Young left here for his European tour January 26, first Yisiting London -where he spent a month. He was In Belgium for ten days and since has been in Paris and on the Ffench battlefields. He was in the French trenches in the rtorthern part of France April 15, 1' and 17. Mr. Young is In Europe In the ca pacity of war correspondent of hia own paper, the Des Moines Capital. Instant Relief For |V Sj| \ f \ Aching, Burning I V 4 t and Sweaty Fe*t| ! TTLI f\ T jft | Corn*, CaUoute*; V- Jfll W hjtm ] Bunlona, uu two ' y%T 1 •'Y/ spoonful* of Cat- , 1 V. \ odde In foot bath, ri 1 >\\\V> Package 35c. at "1 I any drug atore. j ©l-o-cide/^;/" - UsEpßrMiLUOjg/ Troubles 11
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