"Kidland" Kids Will Start "Clean-Up" Week by "Cleaning-Up" at the Colonial Theater sßiHfeK j8 fit *~~* ■ «| i l BB S mS V jagg |Hff' KvflHT- . jhk <JtU Inasmuch as next week will be "clean-up week" In Harrisburg, a bunch of clever youngsters are com ing: to "cleun up" at the Colonial theater. These boys anil girls, mem bers of A 1 White's "Kldland" com pany never fall to "clean up" wher ever they go. Tiring of Work in Factory, Girl Leaves Home and Aged Parents Telling her parents that she was tired of working in a stocking factory, Mary Brown, aged 17. of 1413 Chris tian street, left her home Wednesday morning to seek house work in this city. She has not been or heard of since. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Brown, the aged parents of the girl, are nearly frantic with grief. They say she had but si* dollars In cash, a gold locket and a watch with her when she left. The girl was dressed In a blue serge suit and wore a black straw hat. OXEN TO IK) WORK OF HORSES By Associated Press Berlin, via London, May 1. 10.15 A. M.—Oxen may soon take the places In this city of many of the truck horses, which have been requisitioned for military purposes. The police have abrogated the ordinance which pro hibited their use in the city and the first yoke seen in the streets in many years appeared to-day. FIRFMEN OCT OF HOSPITAL Hoss E. Ridaman, Reilv street, member of the Hope Fire Company, was injured while fighting the fire which destroyed the carriage works of Andrew Redmond in June. 1912. has been discharged from the Polyclinic Hospital, where his right leg was amputated. Resorts visf j f Sees All CC "f "77 Me«!» l! .• Par* All «P lit excepted. !•> J Both Expositions and a com-'I -j? plete Tour of the West. . ! "1 Special Teachers. Doctors, Nurses, Kloos*. Masonic Trains. i Write for booklet. World's Fair Company De Armnnil Linden. Mgr. 1420 Chestnut Street ) Philadelphia. Pennn. S M HjWPfWW when you consider a motor car. Prices a:e cot a!way- what they seem. If the CASE Car were equipped only as KM other cars its price would be much different. But It carries as regular equipment the "ex- IgS tras' 1 you must have—extra casing with tube on rim with tire cover, Weed non-skid tire MB chains and 8-day clock. Of course, there's ■H&I the usual equipment, too. So the CASE Car HB —even at sl3so—certainly if you partake of the 5 per cent discount for cash—makes the purchase price far less than that of any other mi car ' n ' ts c ' ass - Without its extra equipment it would sell for $1239.75. J55555555552 * or tna ' ntenance —y°« and your family 555 SSSSSSSIS mm know how CASE builds. For over seventy 555 mmmmmi wmmkh years CASE machinery*has been the stand- am ard by which others have been judged. And _ so with CASE Cars. They are built to do hon- ZZS ——— ■ or to a famous name. And they do it! Our 222ZZZHZZZZZZZ reputation is in every car. Can you ask more? _ Contrast this car with others and it will prove - « ■ Itself. Come in today to inspect the CASE. We are always glad to show it—without putting you ___ . tinder any obligation. [3l9] - J. L C**t T. M. Company, Inc., Racine, Wit. F«umM 1843 • . Z Pennsylvania Branch House at Harrisburg HZ - : 429-431-433.435 South Second St. The Noma Behind the Good* SATURDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TEIJSGRAPH MAT 1, 1915. The Kldland Kids will be at the Co •lonlal Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. There are nine of them, and all exceptionally clever Juveniles They have a vaudeville act that ranks with j the best juvenile acts tin the stage. Like Gus Edwards, Mr. White makes a specialty of training youthful per- CHARLES CHAPUX AM) A LICK JOYCE AT PHOTOPLAY TODAY j Charles Chaplin, the man who has the world laughing, appears at the ; Photoplay to-day in one of his best I comedy releases, "His Favorite Pas time." Chaplin is known the world ; over as the man with the funny little , mustache and cane. He is a scream; i there is no doubt of that, and to-day he will demonstrate just what his fa i vorite pastime is—that is—making peo ple laugh. His first appearance on the screen is the signal for the laughs to i start and in "My Favorite Pastime" j there will be no exception to the rule. ( Alice Joyce, the beautiful Kalem lead ; ing lady, appears in "The Kace of the ; Madonna.' a three-reel dramatic fea ! ture. <">ur regular Saturday Lubin I series. "The Road of Strife." with Crane Wilbur and Mary Charleson In ; the leading ro'es. Is also shown to-day, ' and a two-reel Sellg drama, "A Great ; Experiment." completes the best Sat urday program shown in Market street. ! —Advertisement. ••Rl'\ HVAY Jt >K" \T THE VIC TOKI t 'I'OJI \ Y ; On Mondav we present the fourteenth ■ episode of that great serial by George Randolph Chester, entitled "Runaway [June." Thls_ interesting story was | based on the fact that when a woman marries she loses her independence, be cause she is compelled to accept her husband's money. "June," the central figure of this feature, had always had everything she desired and was never dependent upon any person, so when she realized that she was without funds and must look to her husband for money she ran away after having been married only two hours. The man with the black Vandvke huys a watch which she had sold and continually fol lows her about. "Runaway June's" ex periences are many, and are depicted in an Intensely Interesting serial, ot I which Monday's showing is the four- Iteenth episode. To-day we offer the eleventh episode. "The Exploits of Elaine," the greatest of all detective stories, which features Miss Pearl i White and Arndld Daly as "Craig Ken nedy." the scientific detective.—Adver tisement. (CISSY F!T7.«;KR\I.n tT THE REGENT ! The General Film Company. Inc.. to [ day presents the Boradway Star fea j ture. "The Win'klsome Widow." at the Regent Theater. It is a Vltagraph pic ! ture and a tnerrv farce in four parts. I featuring Cissy Fitzgerald and a whole line-up of most excelfent players. The (winsome widow Is a musical comedy I actress, but business is bad and the nri>«s agent worries about how to keep the ghost walkiotr. The financial liorl [zon flriallv brightens and Cissy's wink .plays hacoc with everv member of her 'company »nd some rich men in the au dience Each admirer sends her an 1 animal as a net and in turn she Invites I them to attend a dinner party. There 1= one big laugh after another in the ! four reels and gives the commedlenne I ampl® opportunity to displav her ahll itv as a fun provoker. For Monday ami {Tuesday Manager Magaro has engaged j Floreti' e Reed in "The Dancing Girl."— I Advertisement. - I formers, and In this new act he Is j said to have turned out a winner. This Is one of acts that will i ! make up the Colonial bill. A two reel Charles Chaplin picture will also 9 J be shown at the Colonial the. first half -lof next week.—Advertisement. RIVER FRONT WALK COMPLETE MAY 20 [Continued from First I'agc.l haven't been officially notified about the steps at Market street. I under stand that they are to be constructed across the opening there. This, of course, will be undertaken after we have the granolithic walk put down. Youthful acts of vandalism are threatening to mar the beauty of the River Front wall and steps. Ever since the improvement was completed small boys, and some of their older brothers. It Is believed, have rolled big stones down the em bankments upon the concrete chip ping and gouging out big chunks tn such a way as to seriously Interfere with the general attractiveness of the steps. In view of the fact that the improvement is still in the hands of the Board of Public Works and the contractor, these breaks will all have to be repaired by the contractor. The permanent beauty and sym metry of the steps will always be threatened, however, unless the acts are stopped, and In order to prevent further danger to the steps the Board of Public Works and Park Commis sioner M, Harvey Taylor have planned to co-operate by keeping a double look-out. Park Commissioner Taylor will place a park policeman on the Job to serve as River Front patrol for the purpose of apprehend ing and vigorously prosecuting of fenders. The action on the part of the Board of Public Works and Mr. Taylor to patrol the steps with a policeman In order to prevent damage was praised by Mr. Stucker. STORM DAMAGE IN" PKRRY l.lghtnlnj; Strikes Burns and Church and Fields are Washed Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa.. May 1.-—A heavy down pour of rain during the storm late Thursday evening, caused many wash outs in the newly-plowed fields. Light ning struck the barn of George Mart in. at Mount Pleasant at the roof and ran down the lightning rods, tearing a great hole in the ground. Several men of the railroad track gang who had gone to the bijrrn for shelter, were standing in the wagon shed and some of them were sthnned by the stroke. Dromgold's Hverv stable here was also struck, splitting a cornerpost and wip ping off some weatlierhoarding. Duncannon, Pa.. May I.—During the rain and electric storm which passed over this place on Thursday evening, lightning struck the Lutheran church. Shingles were torn from the roof and a 1 post in the belfry was shattered. Newlv-ploughed fields for corn and onts in sections of the county dis tricts were much damaged by washes. PHYSICIANS 1 .KG CRUSHFD Sfccial Ic The Telegraph Marietta. PH.. May I. Dr. T. C. Detwller had his left leg crushed and suffered other injuries last evening In an automobile accident. While he and Joseph Rrenenian, of were returning home from a trip to the country, their machine skidded on a wet track, and overturned, throw ing out the occupants. Dr. Detweiler was caught in the top of the car, but Mr Breneinan escaped Injury. The machine was wrecked. OLD WOMAN FACES .TAIL SF.N TF.NCE Spi rial to The Telegraph Easton. Pa., May I.—Mrs. Sophia Martin, 75 years old. is In danger of being sent to the county jail on a charge of malicious mischief, having been found guilty before a local alder man. Some time ago a house that had been Mrs. Martin's for many years was seized by the sheriff and sold. The old woman in a spirit of rage is said to have torn down a fence and to have cut down a number of trees. GETS ONE YEAR FOR ERA I'D Special to The Telegraph New York. May I.—'For using the malls to induce persons in moderate circumstances to invest in more than $1,000,000 worth of the fraudulent se curities of the Monaton Realty Invest ing Corporation. Pierre M. Looker, president of that concern, was sen tenced to a year and a day in the fed eral penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga., by Judge Cushman in the United States court to-day. EARTHyUAIvK RECORDED By Associate/I Press Washington, D. C.. May I.—Earth quake shocks, described by scientific observers at • Georgetown University her" as unusually severe and probably destructive, were recorded on the seis mographs there to-day between 12.12 and 2 a. ni. MANY SEEK EMPIA>YMENT By Associated Press Washington. D. C.. May I.—During th" rphnths of February and March there were 37.254 applications for em ployment and Inquiries for help re ceived at the various headquarters o. ' the federal employment bureau throughout the country, according to I the Department of Labor to-dav. lAMuseooems COLONIAL Kvery afternoon and evening Vau deville and Pictured, MOVING I'llTl RRS Palace. in a. m. to 11 p. m. Photoplay. 10 a. m. to tl p. m. Regent. 11 noon to 11 p. m. Royal, « p. m. to 11 p. m. Victoria. 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. •TUB OIHJ, FHOM l/TAW With three great musical comedy . stars combined, and the most Irre sistible girl allow i hat waa ever Import- I ed across the Atlantic from the famous I Ixindon Gaiety Theater, Charles Froh- I man will offer what may he termed the K rea len achievement In the history of 1 musical comedy In Harrleburg when he present* Julia Sanderson. Donald Frlan uiiil Joseph Cnrvthorn In "The Girl From I'tah." at the Majestic. Wednesday evening, May 12. Thin combination swept Broadway off Its feet when It was produced In August at the Knick erbocker. and after four months of packed houses, there was sent Intact to the Illinois Theater, Chicago, where It provided the greatest hit ever seen In Chicago. The cast Includes In addi tion to the three stars: venlta Flt*- hugh. Rcneo Reel. Clasle Hewall. Queenle Vassar, George Bishop. George Wharton. Clara Eckstrom and Veronlque Banner.— Advertlsement. I.A«T D\Y FOR KOI.OM U. KIU<I The Kolonlal Kids, who have been en tertainlng audiences at the Colonial Theater for an entire week, will com plete their slay at the theater to-night, winding up one of the most successful weeks In the hlstor,v of the theater. There la no doubt but what to-nlg'it will see thousands nt the Colonial who have not heard the Kids play, and who do not want to miss the treat of seelnft what a splendid organization the city | has to boast of In Its boys' band. On 1 Monday an exceptionally good act will I come to the Colonial for a three-dav stay. Thla will also be a "kid" act. but not a band. It will l>« a bunch of I romping boys and girls, all of them (clever and talented, and presenting an I act replete with good humor and song. iAn exceptionally funny Charles Champ j lln movie will also be on the bill.—Ad- I vertlsement. HI M.IK RITCHIF. I\ ~IIK«HT< AMI) PIUMRS," AT THE PA I. ACE Blllle Ritchie, Ixiulse Orth and Henrv Bergman arp featured In "Hearts ani Plamei," an L-Ko two-reel comedy. Harry Edwards has jammed the two reels with enough laughter to fill a five-reel comedy feature. Blllv RJtrhte is a plumber. Miss Orth. a ravishing blonde. Louise Invites him home ana thev Bit down on the front stoop. Henry Bergman, as the rival, sees the whole proceeding and is displeased. Henry pulls Blllle off the porch and a fight follows. Thev roll Into the house, where Ix>uise's parents are sit ting. The old man sides with Henry and Blllle is walloped unmercifully. Blllle goes to the building where 1 Louise's ftvther has his office. Blllle | sees Eva. the stenographer, and Is badly smitten. Billie attempts to take | Kva home, but Henry interfere®, this time with a brick. Now Blllle Is a plumber, hence Blllle Is non gTata. Louise. however, thinks up a clever plan and puts some of her mother's false hair Into the basin In the bathroom and then turns on the ! water. Btllie receives a hurry call and brings a length of pipe with him. Tn the meantime Henry has trailed Blllle to Ijoulse's home and sees him enter the cellar. Billie, while trving to repair the water and gas pipes.'makes a wrong connection. Down in the cel lar Blllle lights a match to see if he has made the right connection. An ex plosion. which blows him across the cellar, follows. The cellar catches on Are and Billie and Henrv run for the fire department. I,oulse is at her win dow screaming for help After pushing an old lady back into the flames Blllle Makes an attempt to reach Louise. Thev flnallv get to her and shove her down the chute to safety, Ritchie then Jumps Into the chute himself but pushes Louise Into the water-filled cellar through the open cellar door. Billie then goes into the house by means of the ladder, pushing the firemen off as he ascends. Jumps off the roof Into a llfesaving net and then dives Into the cellar and rescues Louise by rowing her off In a bathtub.—Ad vertisement. ROYAL INK NATIONAL THEATERS MONDAY, "RUNAWAY JI'NE" At the Royal and National theaters on Monday will be shown the four teenth episode of the great, new. mys terious serial by George Randolph Chester, the first of this writer s stories to appear In the newspapers and In mo tion pictures. Norma Phillips, well re membered as the "Mutual Girl." was selected to fill the leading role In "Runaway June." the new serial. This film Is being shown at this theater Monday, the full run being for fifteen weeks. The storv is one of love, dollars and mystery," with plentv of the latter. The man with the black \ anilvke. a prominent character of the story, saw something in "June" which he liked, and lie follower! her and made her life miserable. The mysterv that follows i.« left to von to solve ThA fourteenth episode at the Roval, Third street above Cumberland, and at the National Theater. Sixth and Dauphin streets, on Monday night. Advertise irif-nt. FIXER A! OF THEOPHII.I'S .HIESTAND Special to The Trlegr,if>h Marietta, P.-... Mar 1. -The funeral You Know Me: I hat s why I am {joing- to tell you afin} T & a little secret which if von heed jKm» v will lead you to the iolliest, old laugh-fest you've had in months. Down at the Photo play, where they tea- \ ItlM'' M ture me, they arc going to shoA\ me to-day in "Mv Fav- TOim^MPTIMMIMtt orite Pastime." I So my advice to you is to come : Mfttr I I \ L in with the bunch. All it costs I V is ten cents apiece. The young- SH 'I If ster.s go for half price. if I |. / Charlie Chaplin I\IJI Alice Joyce I IN 3-RKEIi KALKM DRAMA "The Face of the Madonna" i Y Runaway June The fourteenth eplnode In nisition picture* nt the Royal Theater, Third Above Cumberland and at National Theater, Sixth and Dauphin MO3TDAY — Thr (nat aerial of Lovei Hate, Merenge, Money and Mj-atery, br (ieorgt Randolph Cheater, featuring \ORMA PHILLIPS, former Mutual Girl. AD»l.<tSl(l.\, Se TO ALL. W%%WVlluy her* not alone iKeauAe prlffi are loner, but bceniwc qnallllra are bfttfflHHl^iWiUWlr l ONOW Greatest mjt'if r> i Milline Ever Held in Harrisburg Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats—all this season's latest shapes and colors at LESS THAN ONE-HALF MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Remember—Offerings and Prices Are For Monday Only 75c AND SI.OO ACTUAL VALUES: $2.50 AND $3.00 ACTUAL VALUES: Coarse Straw Chip Hats and Silk Top Hats, Extra quality Milan Hemp. Plain Hemp, black and colors. O Lisere Straws, etc. Black and colors. *7O Monday price Monday price /DC SI.OO ACTUAL VALUES: Extra quality Hemp Hats, large assortment LOT CHILDREN'S HATS of shapes and colors. Trimmed and untrimmed; $1.50 A O Monday price v«7C values. Monday price tOC $1.50 AND $2.00 ACTUAL VALUES: TomMTMrc Hemp Hats with French Edges in large, lKimmiwua small and medium shapes, black and 25c value. Monday price 10^ colors. Monday price Of C 50c value. Monday price 25<* Soutter's lc to 25c Department Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market St .... , Opposite Courthouse "AMUSEMENTS " I PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY CHARLES CHAPIJJi la "His Favorite Pastime" He's the (Jay That Has the World Laughing ALICE JOYCE, featured In S reel lvnlem. "THE FACE OF THE M \ DONNA." I.nliln Road O'Strlfe Series, "THE SILVER ( LP." * AJIVBEMFATS ICOLONIAL LAWT DAI OF EBOAGEHEJIT OF KOLONIALKIDS COMING MONDAY Beat Juvenile Art In Vaudeville Al. WHITE'S KIDLAND MATS., ft and lOct Eve., 10 and 15c. > / AMUSEMENTS t -i 10 A. M. to 11 P. *. CISSY FITZGERALD IN "THE WINCKtSOME WIDOW." A Vltagnph picture In four reels of fun and a III* surprise program. MONDAY AND TUESDAY Florence Reed In "THE DANCING G1H1,." PRICES: CHILDREN. Scs BAL CONY, scs ORCHESTRA, lOe. •'Mother of Pearl," vvltii Arthur V. Johnson and Lottie Frisco. Lubtn Orn ma. Hearst-gellir Nevis of Dnlly Kvents. % ' of Theophilus Hiestland yesterday was very largely attended. Burial was made in the family plot in the Mariet ta Cemetery. Mr. Hiestand was aged 81, and died at Lancaster from the effects of a stroke. CERCU S "t" rm? MAY 6 FROM EVERY Y AMERICA NEVER SAW^jJfiJkJj m IMO PtRSOHS —700 HORSES- IS BOUBIE LEN6TN RAIL MAO CARS 200 NEW. TEATURES 4 EUROPEAN SENSATIONS Wn THE CIRCUS SURPRISE & CENTURY V» na HggJ WONDERFUL WAR ELEPHANTS IADAI BR4DNA S FLVINi BOISES MBg] WTI MLLENBERSS CONNING ROLLER SKATINB AND BtCYCLE-IIOWS BEARS InS COMPLETH CIIINRSR UIHCt'S DIRBCT PROM PfIKIN M I H ■TP"! I BARNU* AND BAILEYS BEAUTIFUL STATUE AND POSING HORSES n4fH MULE. ADOIB'S IO TANQO D AISCIMO LIONS Lj 0Q VJijABOSSsSs?Siand 80 AIW jyiC|i\A roaWvaly Hi* Meat Twnaiidaai. BIG, GORGEOUS FREE STREET PARADE •var MWI alnca tlx bactnnln* *1 (inn. a) JO a'claak an nonli.] af rirhi r~f Tl ONE 50 CENT TICKET WITS TO <LL TUB WONDERLAND CHILDREN UNOER 12 YEARS, MALT PRICE PBffWmKCES BE6WWHC >1 i MO I P. UL DOORS OPEN AT 1 AW 7 fu Ticket* on Niilf rlrn&w liny nt Roumnn'N Department Store, name price* rharvfil at the circuit. See the 14th Episode of RUNAWAY JUNE at the Victoria Theater "The Home of the $25,000 Pipeorgan" on Monday SEE "THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE'-TODAY PALACE THEATER Where the Best in Moving Pictures Are Shown To-day, Saturday, May Ist HEARTS AND FLAMES, with Blllie Rltohie In two part*: THE BASILISK, in three mighty parts: this show will more than please the ladies: HIS LAST TRICK—LAEMMJUE and others. Monday, May 3rd Chan. Chaplin in Ills latest release. BY THE SEA. Warren Krrrijran in a two part (Victor). PLAYING WITH FIRE. THE I'XSEEN WIT NESS, in two parts and others. Think of these two (rreat bills AT THE ADMISSION OF 5c 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers