4 ! Cement and Roofing | That i-Will Last { It's cheaper in the end to buy the best of each. High- iV //jP Pace cement is indispensable for all kinds of construction. 11 llj Long-wearing, repair-proof roofing is just as necessary, ill II WeT> ave strong Portland cement and fire-resisting, durable ||| - Pronounced HIT as In RUBY - _ I Rv.msiD 1 JA COSTS MORE - WEARS LONGER II W PU-MR*OtO >• the beat roofing jt Wo have |tU-BIRO<t) in slate (Ik yovt can buy. It atop* regular 5 gray, or in colors—Tile Red and fg n * repair troubles which take time' Copper Green. IA jV and cost .you money. It is a per- The U. S. Court of Appeals has 'lf j\ man en t protection. Cheap pre- enjoined imitators from using the % Dk pared roofings—whose good looks word "Rubberoid or any similar MA \ and waterproofing are only on the name as the trade name or brand " J a \ surface—soon crack, rust, or rot, of their roofing. iX making constant repair* neceaaary. We sell the genuine, which has M The attractiveness and durability the "Ru-ber-oid Man" (shown J® of (lU-MR-MO are built-in, under above) on every roll. Before you A SJ the direction of expert chemists, start to build or make repairs, let us 55 tn '. nr.ve not varied in 23 years. quote prices on roofing and cement. Hcnry Gilbert & Son, iarrisbirg! pa. I WHISKY ENHANCERS CHILD Tork. Pa.. May I.—While hfr mother was visiting- a neighbor, Bessie Toiler. 6 years old, drank a pint of whieky she found on a shelf and is in a critical condition. i- _ Single Comb White Leghorns One dozen exhibition and breed ing hens at h fraction of thelr value. Two exhibition cock birds with which were hred my big show win ners. rare bargains for somebody wishing to start right, or to improve type. All stock sold subject to your ap proval. Try us. HOWARD SHOENBERGER SLATIXGTOX. PA. Keep Your Poultry Free From Disease To protect your fowls from roup, cholera, sore head, and other maladies, you must breed, feed and house them properly. The International Correspond ence Schools will give you the special information that you need to prevent or check disease. The I. C. S. Course in Poultry Culture take* the risks out of poultry-keeping and makes prohits larger and surer. "I consider your Poultry Course the best investment I ever made," says E. Richey, 42S Bth St., Waco, Texas. "I could not have done so well without the knowledge derived from the course. I had tried rais ing chickens before with poor re sults because I did not know how to prevent diseases among my flock. " "To anyone taking the I. C. S. Coarse in Poultry Farming there need be no excuse for failure ; if I had it two years ago / would have been spared much anxiety and loss," says D. H. McFalls, White Plains, N. Y. "Anybody intending to embark in the poultry business, either the amateur or expert, should study the /. C. S. Course in Poultry Farming; it is indispensable, "says E. J. Murphy, 260 Bloomingdole Road, Worcester, Mass. r\ Money in Poultry— If You Know How Fresh egg* *re higher in price e*ery year. Poultry-raisers who know how have eggs to sell the year around —at top prite*. Broilers and roaster* pay big profits when grown, fed and sold right Poultrymen who use scientific methods make each foul earn $2 a year. To set b*st iMQltt, TOO mm: know yoot business. The International Correspondence Schools will fire jou the exact knowledge that Too need. Their course !n Poultry Farming Is sensible. comprehensive and practical. It will help you to get the last dollar out of your dock. Mail the Coupon For Valuable Book mmmuriorrespondTucTschools" , Bo«t Ittso SCRANTON. PA. Explain, without any obligation oa my part, how I can qualify tor the pa*,t ot before which I auuk X: Foal try Farming Median. Engineer tot Poultry Breeding Mechanical Drafting j C««*ral Farming Automobile Running Soil Improvement Gas En cine* Fralt and Vegetable* Stationary Fnglneering I2»e Stevk aa< Dairying Electrical Engineering I Civil Service El«*trle Ligbt'g A Kail wayv Bookkeeping Civil En gineering stenography Salesmanship i Bnilding Contracting Advertiaing I Beating JmUTu A Ptna'g Window I nmmiaf | Waiw» j Present Knplorer , ~ j Street ud No. iCity Bt * te , j SATURDAY EVENING, ' HARRJSBURO rfgfcftjl TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1915 pouLTtmnews BEST METHOD OF I TAKING CURE OF DAY-OLD CHICKS Care in Shipment Is the First Essential in the Growing Industry Brooder Problems and How to Feed Young to Secure Best Results By Prof, llarry R. Lewis Head of the Dept. of Poultry Hus bandry at the New Jersey State Ag ricultural College Experiment Sta tion. Copyright, 1915. —' A new industry has sprung np In tho poultry business, namely, the rals ins' of day-old chicks. It grew out of tho inexperience of amateurs fn op-1 era tins incubators. But the purchaser j of day-old chicks is not entirely re-1 lieved of responsibility. He must lie ' careful to buy good stock, anil to do ! so >hould deal only with reputable ; concerns. Then there are brooder and feeding problems incidental to all ar tificial methods of chick raising. Tliese can lie easily taken care of by observing certain fundamental prin ciples. Some of these are laid down In the following article: The commercial day-old chick busi ness. that is the hatching and selling of chicks at one day of age. is com paratively a new and rapidly grow ing industry. The great growth has doubtless been largely due to the trou ble which amateurs experience in the operation of incubators. Most begin ners do not understand the construc tion or operation of incubators and many prefer to start with young chicks, thus eliminating any possibil ity of loss due to the faulty handling of same. ■ » The person contemplating the pur chase of day-old chicks should look carefully into the reputation and re liability of the one from whom they purchase. Be sure that the voung sters are hatched from eggs laid by strong, vigorous, well mated breeding stock. This is the first essential to satisfactory rearing. Well bred and properly hatched chicks are full and fluffy, having bright eyes, prominent and full of luster, resembling very much a shoe button. If possible, the chicks should be] purchased near at hand so that they' will not be subjected to too long a i journey by express. It Is possible to j ship chicks, properly crated, long dls- j tances with success, but the shorter the haul the better. If they can be I gotten so near that they can be de- ! ltvered by auto or wagnn that Is an j advantage. The chicks must be ship- ! ped immediately after hatching, for | You can raise every pos- : t them growr strong and Coats only on« cent per chick for three weeks cent, predigested. Prevents white diarrhcea and other bowel troubles. Leg weakness unknown when used. 14-lb. bag only SI.OO, also smaller packages. Remember—if it's not Pratts Baby Chick Food, it's raw undi gested grains. They are dangerous, no matter how labeled. prj*H2> Poultry Regulator Costs only • cent • bird per month A health tonic and growth producer for all poultry, including young chicks just as soon as Remedies they are "weaned" from Pratts Baby Chick Poultry ftetulatar Food. Especially helpful for late hatches. Disinfectant Produces rapid developmentandearliermaturity. - < " >d *l td u ?* K ''.'« r „ 12-lb. pails |I.2S, also in 25-Ib. pails and M SOc. and 25c. packages. White Oisrrhoes lemedy . Sore-Head Chlek«n-P«i Always refuse substitutes. Insist on Pratts. Remedy Your chicks wil I do better and you are protected 2P. e •*- H? y by our mdney-back guaranty. ct'dttl.S T.M& * CONRAD BROS., WALTER S. SCHKLL,, FI.K VIKW Pori/TRY SCPPMi HOUSE. HOIjMES SF.FI> CO.. MOCK & HARTMAY AND AMi FIRST CI.ASS DEALERS IX HARRISBI'ItU AND VICINITY; O. S. EBKKSOLE, I'ENBROOK—#I7«. during the first day or so, they need very ltttle to eat, as they are nour ished by the absorbed yolk, but at later dates they reguire regular and systematic feeding and correct tem perature. The necessary heat during ship ment is maintained bv their own bod ies; for that reason they are shipped In specially constructed boxes so made as to withstand rough usage, and especially to retain the heat and to provide sufficient ventilation. One hundred chicks are generally shipped in each package, the lot being divided Into four groups of twenty-flve each by pasteboard walls or partitions. This prevents crowding and injury due to smothering should the package be left on end. Baby chicks are always shipped by express, and must be con spicuously labeled. Should a ship ment be received in bad order it should immediately be reported to the express company and the bill should be marked "In bad order" by the re ceiver. If this Is done each time, any injury due to careless handling can be held up to the transportation com pany. Placed in Brooder Upon receipt of the chicks they should be put in a previously pre pared brooder. If large quantities of baby chicks are bought, the large brooder stoves placed In properly built houses, about ten by twelve feet on the floor, will give excellent results. Not over live hundred chicks should ever be put under one hover and gen erally three hundred will give even better results. Smaller lots of chicks can be handled In portable hovers placed In rooms where the tempera ture can be maintained under the hover at the proper degree. From fifty to one hundred chicks are generally placed under these small hovers. The temperature under the hover should be regulated to about 95 degrees before the chicks are placed in same. The floor should be covered with tine dry sand, and over this fine chaff, clover or alfalfa being pre ferred. Plenty of grit should be scat tered about the floor and fresh water supplied. The chicks should be taken from the shipping boxes immediately upon arrival and carefully placed un der this specially prepared hover or hovers as the case may be, distribut ing them and seeing that they learn where the heat is and that they do not crowd in the corners of the building, ft Is always well to write to the one j from whom they were purchased noti fying him of the arrival and their I condition. There are two factors which enter ; into the handling of brooder chicks 1 and which make for success or fail ure. These are temperature and feed. It is essential that the chicks be kept warm, but not too hot. Failure to provide sufficient heat means crowd ing and its attendant death rate, due to suffocation and weakening of vital ity. It is also generally responsible for much 01" the diarrhea which is very common in brooder chicks. Too | high a temperature will mean "hot ! house chicks." which ara very suscep ] tlble to colds and drafts and which will not grow well and make husky, I sturdy cockerels and pullets. The I' best temperature is 95 degrees the first two days under the hover; ninety to ninety-five the next five days, with . a gradual drop of five degrees each week until the hover is the same as j the normal room temperature, which i should be from 60 to 70 degrees. From | this time on the youngsters shoind be accustomed to no heat and no hover protection, the hover being gradually raised until it can be entirely removed. This weaning, or hardening off, as It is termed, is very essential to future success on the range. Feeding Chicks The feeding of the day-old chick during the brooding period is a sim ple matter, if the first principles of nutrition are known. Early feeding in large quantities should be avoided. The youngsters need plenty of ash, wheat bran being very desirable. Fre quent feeding during early stages is made necessary on account of the 1 small size of the digestive organs and < I the rapid growth which the voung j c hick makes. Wet feeds should be j avoided. Clean feeding is of the ut- 1 | most Importance. The feeding of sour I skim milk, if it can be secured fresh ! each day. is very desirable, as it pro vides much nutriment and atjts as an internal disinfectant. The following feeding practice is recommended to sters are placed tinder the hover un til they leave their artificial mother and can take care of themselves on the range. The object is not to force for great j and rapid growth, but to get the Chicks through a delicate period of , their development with a strong, vig orous growth and a sturdy skeleton which can later stand the strain of forced feeding for either meat or eggs. The Feeding Practice First day. No solid feed other than i grit and plenty of clean, fresh water . and sour skim milk, if available, the j milk to be fed continuously. Second day. Pin-head oats or oat- , meal, three feedings, scattering verv < small amounts on brooder floor. " j Next five days. Feed the following , cracked grain ration five times dailv, , giving only what will be eaten up 1 quickly: CHICK GRAIN RATION Fine cracked corn ;.40 lbs. t Fine cracked wheat 40 lbs. Oatmeal 20 lbs. i , Total .....' 100 lbs. [J This ration mav ><e supplemented i , by hard-boiled egfes. once a day. and t sprouted oat tops or'other green feed!, twice daily. Seventh to fourteenth day. Keep t wheat bran in small hoppers before ] the chicks all of the time, and feed the above cracked grain ration four - times daily. Third to eighth week. Keep the following dry mash before them all of the time in hoppers and feed the Beautiful Houses Designed For Comfort In One of larristorg's Restricted Sections Seventeenth and Forster Streets : v diK. mm I iKmis I [Jli \wtttSßS^Blß3^S&Snr ~ ■ —— SOME OF HE FEATURES Open Fire Place Large Porches Vapor Keating System Arranged For Outside Sleeping Porch Two Bath Rooms tiled with Shower Laundry and Pantry, first Floor French Doors Mirrored in Dining Room Finely Finished Throughout. Come asi See Ilea a? Your Canraleacs. Opsaei Uiiriug Bay aa4 L!glJe4 Eraings if Bcs?re4. GEORGE A. SiREINER - - - - SEVENTEENTH & FORSTER STS. above grain ration three times daily, using coarse cracked corn and whole wheat instead of the fine cracked grains. CHICK DRY MASH Wheat bran 50 lbs. Gluten feed 10 lbs. Cornmeal 10 lbs. Ground oats 10 lbs. Meat scrap 10 lbs. Dry granulated bone 10 lbs. Total 100 lbs. Outdoor runs should be provided adjacent to the hovers and should be kept seeded to green growing crops as clover, alfalfa, etc. The chicks should be let out on such runs as much of the time as possible after the first week.' Where the cockerels are to be mar keted at ten to twelve weeks as broil ers. it will be well to separate the sexes at about eight weeks of age, feeding the cockerels a more forcing ration. This can be accomplished by giving them the same dry mash mixed crumbly with sour skim milk and by increasing the' cornmeal and meat to double the amount recommended above. This special feeding should not be started until about two weeks before they are to be marketed. This is important in order to get th»tn into the best condition at killing time. When the cockerels are separated at eight weeks they can be left in the brooders, the pullets being put in the colonyhouses on the ranse, where they will be reared during the summer with the idea of egg production in the Fall and winter. The special points are, then, care to get good chicks to begin with. Place them in a properly prepared I Copyright. 1915. ROSE COMBED WHITE LEGHORNS By Ixiuls Paul Graham The bent-known fowl in America to day is the White Leghorn. It is the egg machine, of the poultry family, and as such is highly esteemed. Many individuals and flocks of this variety have established nviable records for egg production for from one to three years, and whenever any man starts a poultry farm on a commercial basis he invariably stocks up with White Leghorns, especially If near the New Tork market, where the product of (he White leghorn hen Is in great demand at an advanced price. In certain sections, however, it is difficult to prevent the large single combs from freezing, and in these northern parts Hose Combed White Leghorn is .valued and used. Its large, i thick ROSE comb is not HO easily af -1 hover, being very careful not to crowd too many into a small space. Lastly, keep the .temperature regular and at the proper degree and fed them a nourishing ration in a manner which will be sure to maintain health. Best Month For Hen Hatching May has been proven by long experience and tests to be the best month for hatching by hens. Brooding hens are most in evi i dence in May, and the weather ! conditions are more conducive to good, results. The late hatching Is overcome by the rapid develop ment of chicks hatched at this | time. Problems of egg selection, the proper kind of nesting, the atten tion to the chicks' welfare, how ever, have to be watched. Next week's article will deal with these subjects. Look for it next Saturday, appearing exclu sively In the Telegraph. L FEW MERCANTILE APPEALS Joseph A. Miller Has Little to I>o at Hearing Yesterday Less than a dozen appeals from tha mercantile appraisement for 1915 weer made yesterday 4o Appraiser Joseph Miller, who sat for the purpose in the County Treasurer's office. Some of these merchants had gone out of business immediately after the appraisement: in other instances a few errors had been made, one merchant having inadvertently been assessed fected by frost as are the single combs: therefore the possibility of a more uniform production of eggs In winter- from the rose-combed hens Is assured. In every way the Hose Combed White Leghorn Is like its single combed sister—in size. shape r color i and characteristics of large produc tion of egg?, fertility, hatchabiltty, quick growth and early maturity, so that in latitudes where severe frosts : are common Jhls variety of the leg horn is the best to use. i They were undoubtedly created by i crossing White Hamburgs with White i Leghorns, but nothing of the egg-lay i lng characteristic was lost In the , cross, as both parents are rated as ex • ceptlonal layers. WOMAN'S BODY HKCOVKRKI) Special la The Telegraph 1 latrerstown. Md., May I.—The body of Mrs. Alice Smith, of Providence, R. 1., who was drowned in the Shenan ■* m * The concrete bridge stands for strength, for lasting service, I for beauty. ■ Built with good cement, a concrete bridge is a high-class, I satisfying investment for the community, the corporation or I the individual that erects it. I fILPHfI"KTCEMENT has been used in building a long list of famous bridges and viaducts. ■ Experienced bridg# engineers and contractors know that they can depend ■ on ALPHA for best results. Those who use ALPHA Portland Cement for a bridge, culvert, viaduct, ■ walk, or any other concrete work are sure the job will last. I We sell ALPHA, the Guaranteed Portland Cement, because we know ■ its quality. C-dinary Portland Cement may be all right, but ALPHA is ■ sure to be right every time. We warrant ALPHA to more than meet the ■ U. S. Government standard for fineness, uniformity and strength. ■ We sell ALPHA in any quantity, from a sack to carload lots. Get our ■ prices now. COWDEN & CO., 9th and Herr Streets, HarrisburA JOSEPH BURKHOLDER, Hummel.town GEORGE S. PETERS. Palmrra ■ H. R. DURBOROW. Highapire MUTH BROS.. Elizabethtown ft V F i'.,ROWDo, Cumberland J. W. MILLER. Mechanicaburc | WEST SHORE SUPPLY C s ° j.^^^ ,r^ ew , (| A - SPOTTS. CariiaU ™ ——————^ Give the Quality Poultry Feeds a Trial and Be Convinced I NO. POULTRY " SUPERIOR G LITTLE ARE THE LEADERS. SATISFAC- I mm ediate ™ N 0R MONE * BACK The Pennant on Every Sack Dd ' V " y For Sale by on Receipt of CONRAD BROTHERS Order FEED DEALERS 352 Broad Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 628R doah river while on a visit to hel father, near L»uray, has been recover ed. The body of her 11-year-old son, wh6 also was drowned when a boat capsized as the couple were crossing the stream, has not been found.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers