RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES FMMERS' MARKET IT GETTYSBURG OPENED Twenty-five Adams County Agri culturists Fill Stalls About Public Square IMPLEMENT SHED IS BURNED South Mountain Grange Holds Oratorical Contest and Awards Prizes By Special Correspondence Gettysburg, Pa., May 1. —The pub lic. meeting of South Mountain Grange in the hall at Arendtsville was largely attended. Of seventy-four entries for the orational contest, eighteen were present and participated; there were four classes. In the second and fourth classes the competition was particularly keen and in the fourth class the judges awarded two seconds. —Plans are being made to have the Soldiers' National Cemetery put in shape by Memorial Day and bids have been asked for the work of repaint ing the benches, gateways, etc. The planting of flowers and bulbs is in progress. The cannon in the ceme tery have been painted by the Na tional Park Commission. —Fire of un known origin destroyed the implement shed on the farm of Arthur Griest, naer Guernsey. Members of the fam ily had barely time to remove an automobile and some machinery from the building before it was destroyed. —Twenty-five farmers and truckers of the county reserved stalls for the opening of market in Gettysburg to day, according to Marketmaster Em mons, with whom the requests for space are filed. There are fifty-two stalls about the Square. Baltimore Women Will Dance on Monterey Lawn By Special Correspondence Waynesboro, Pa.. May I.—James W. Hampton is getting everything in readiness for the dancing class which is to come from Baltimore to spend the month of June at Monterey Inn. Fifty Baltimore women will be under instruction of a celebrated dancing teacher. The class will dance on the lawn every afternoon and evening.— Dr. Thomas E. Bowman, Harrisburg, spent Sunday with the family of John j H. Rowe. —Mrs. Fred D. Sherwin. of j Baltimore, is visiting Mrs. M. L. Mil- j ler.—Miss Gladys Epple.v has returned j from Hagerstown.—Howard C. Wish- j ard. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. j «ird. of Zullinger. and Miss Ruth M. i Newcomer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | A. S. Newcomer, Waynesboro, were married at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage at Chambersburg on Tues day evening by the Rev. Dr. J. Ellis Bell.—Henry Bender returned to Har risburg yesterday after spending some time with his sister, Mrs. R. E. Bin- H&toff. —L. G. Stern, of Atlantic City, N. J., is visiting his brother, S. N. Stern.—The Rev. W. H. Orr, of Holli daysburg, is a guest of James S. Gor don. Misses Gertrude Noel, Ruth Stover and Anita Wilhelm are visiting relatives at Hagerstown. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Easton. Ellicottt City, Md„ are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck, i —Miss Elizabeth Shearer, of Wilson | College, spent the week-end with Mr. I and Mrs. T. Mac West.—Miss Isabel Denore Todd entertained a number of j friends on Thursday evening. Games and music were the features of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cruger and daughter Gladys, of Roa noke, Va., are spending some.time with Mrs. Cruger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Clayton. Miss Margaret Kevin, of Mercersburg, is visiting Dr. A. Barr Snavely.—Professor and Mrs. j Palmer, of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. I Funk. Touring Car Burned on Mountain Near Ft. Loudon Greencastle, Pa., May I.—A seven passenger touring automobile belong ing to A. A. Morganthall was burned Sunday coming down the mountain about a mile from Fort Loudon. The machine was driven by a chauffeur and contained a party of seven, but they all escaped without injury.—The Music Club held its last meeting for the winter on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Lore Branisholtz. The following officers were elected: Presi dent, Miss Anna Snivelv; vice-presi dent, Miss Anna Gilland; treasurer. Miss Elizabeth Brendle: secretary, Miss Marica Snyder.—The Rev. Dr. Alexander Urquhart, the new pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will he installed next Thursday evening. The Pan Piper's Glee Club was en tertained Monday evening at the home of Perkins Glass.—Mrs. J. C. Recher, Winchester. Is the guest of Mrs. Sarah Cutschall. Henry Snively, the 15- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Benja min Snively, has been elected dele gate to the Universal Corn Club con vention at San Francisco, Cal., In August.—Mrs. Mary Slike is visiting relatives at York. Miss Margaret Kr.uffman entertained at her country home Saturday evening. J. C. Sea crest, Lincoln, Neb., spent the week •with relatives. —Dr. E. W. Palmer is Rble to be out again, after a serious attack of pneumonia. tA lesson of the European War Once more, among countless times, has the great food value of chocolate and cocoa been demonstrated, both serving as a part of the rations of the troops in ACTIVE SERVICE. BAKER'S SWEET CHOCOLATE has always had this guarantee B«i»t«red "The ingredients of this Chocolate are guaranteed to be pure c.TV»t. offlo* cocoas of superior blend and sugar." The genuine has this trade-mark on the package, and is made only by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1915. MOUNT JOY WOMAN'S WILL IS CONTESTED Mrs. Mary A. Herr Bequeaths Her Wealth to United Brethren Publishing House CASE IN LANCASTER COURT Mount Joy Sons of Veterans Plan Big Demonstration on Memorial Day By Special Correspondence Mount .Toy, Pa.. May I.—J. R. Mis semer and a number of other persons from this place will appear before Judge Smitfc, of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, next Thursdav to testify in the matter of the will of Mary A. Herr. of Mount Joy, who be queathed all her wealth to the United Brethren Publication House, at Day ton, Ohio. Judge J. Hay Brown and other important persons will be among the witnesses. John Wilson, a brother in-law of Mrs. Herr, is contesting the will.—Miss Salome Feeser, of Harris burg, is the guest of Mrs. Paul E. Getz. —Mrs. Harry Knouse and daugh ter Myra, of Paxtang, spent Sunday in town with her mother, Mrs. J. n, Missemer.—Lieutenant David H. Niss ley Camp, No. 74, Sons of Veterans, will celebrate Memorial Day in Mount Joy on a grand scale, as it is to be the largest in the history of the town. Among the main features of the pa rade will be Company K. of Lancaster and the Spring Garden Band, of York. All the Grand Army posts and Sons of Veterans of Lancaster county, to gether with soine in Dauphin county, are expected to participate. All the fraternal orders of the town will also take part. Chief Burgess George H. Brown will head the parade.—Miss Mary Engle, of Bainbridge, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Winfleld M. Thome.— I Dr. B. E. Wright and family, of Har- I risburg, are the guests o1 Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Detwiler.—The Rev. J. S. Spang ler ,of liar risburg, former pastor of I St. Mark s United Brethren Church, was in town on Tuesday.—C. Emerson Rohrer Is off on a. five weeks' trip to Harrison. N. Y.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown and daughter Annie, of Media spent Sunday with relatives in town %, „ on - Mon<la >' they left on a trip to California.—Scoutmaster Harry Wil liams, in company with his Bov Scouts will make a trip to the Swatara creek on Sunday to locate their summer out ing. The trip will be made in #acob Bowers two-horse jitney bus.—The Boy Scouts will hold a festival in Mount Joy borough park on Saturday, May 29. Schuylkill-Dauphin Baseball League Formed For Season IVllllamMtovin. Pa., May 1 "The M*h°!£h™'i w i b e s frlven by the junior high school class in the Academy of Music on Monday. May 17 \t a re ft* w U TH P^ s: .? f . the Hi * h • Schooi Alumni ! K * .? to meet th « flrst Monday ha m o' Tlle next meeting will y ' at , wllich time the fol lowing program will be rendered: Read wf' ° r, m ,^ inutes, Mrs. Jones; piano solo. Missi Helen Durbin; address, Thomas Dando; recitation, Miss jifary Butid- Rond B q nrt a n e V h Mossr , s - Bond ' Dando, Bond and Ralph; vocal solo. Miss Emma SohTiv'iLm ne 7 le ', lß ue. known as the Hchu.\lkill and Dauphin Baseball! League, wan formed recently. The towns which make up the league are: Trim ' T oWer c,tv> KHaabethville and ?»w22 lsto .T, n ' ~T u J MoCauliflfe was injured while at work. Thursday, by being struck by a fail of slate. He was thrown several feet, striking a pron Two of his ribs were broken. Mr* Moegan, of Philadelphia, is visiting her son. Electrician Charles E. Moegan —Mrs, Samuel Kingston Is slowly im proving from a prolonged illness. l_ T Carl made a trip to Harrisburg. Mondaj. - Thomas Bond visited I,y kens on Sunday evening. William J purbin resumed his duties on Monday fline awe s a t>s«nce on account of | HIGH SCHOOL PI ,\Y REPEATED By Special Correspondence Linglestown, Pa., May I.—Mr. and Mrs. William Shuey, of Hummelstown, on Sunday were guests of the for mers mother, Mrs. JJatilda Shuey. H. C. Wright and family, of Steelton, spent Sunday the guests of Mr and Mrs. John Shepler. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grubb and son, of Penbrook were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs' Reuben Koons. John Geyer and family, of Middletown; Dr. H. C. Schaner and family, of Harrisburg on Sunday were guests of Mrs. Re becca Baker.—The Rev. William Sin gle, of Penbrook, spent several days with the family of Irvin Mo.ver. Harvey Shuey and son, of En'ola, on Tuesday were the guests of Mrs Ma tilda Shuey.—The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Piketown, on Tuesday vis ited friends here. William Cooper and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowman, of Lykens, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith. —The Embroidery Club was enter tained Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. F. Hicks.—Miss Anna Fish burn and Miss Caroline Fishburn were recent guests of friends at Pen brook. —The play by the High School pupils on Thursday evening was at tended by a large and appreciative audience and another one will be given by the same boys and girls this even ing.—Mrs. Elmer Daniels is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Buck, of Harrisburg. GRADUATING CLASS OF PENN TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL : BiiMf I" 1 111 hiiUnßK^ -£?■'. Bk « : v^P; EL a IT 9 Ku r JH , <# - ; j&- 9 mj ™ By Sp—ia! Correspondence Diincannon. Pa.. May I.—Above Is the *r;cduiitlng class of the Penn township high school: Left to right, standing: J. Lavefna Bitner, lan M. Llghtner, Russel P. Fenicle and Stanley S. Stroup. Seated, Martha J. Perry, rotessor llarvey Rodgers, Alma J. Garlln and Grace H. Haas. Commence ment exercises were held In the Meth odist Episcopal Church on Wednesday evening. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence Dalmatin. Robert Showers, of Wil merding, Is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 13. S. Showers. Miss Olive Bingaman, of Sunbury, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bingu man. Albert Schnce, of Fremont, spent Tuesday in town. E. J. Kling ment spent several days at Philadel phia. Mrs. George Mersinger, of Har risburg. \isited relatives here recently. —Harry Stevens returned home from Philadelphia. Miss Mary Hubb, of Bucknell University, spent several days with her parents, recently. Jerome Zanes, of Noxen, spent Wednesday in town. Mrs. W. W. Heckert, of Mil lersburg, was in town on Wednesday. ICllzahetlirlllo.—Miss Freeda Bechtel, of Reinerton, spent several days with her cousin, Miss Ellen Beehtel. Dis trict Attorney M. E. Stroup and father, of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday in town. 1». M. Stine on Tuesday,even ing" attended commencement exorcises at Port Carbon, where his son, Profes sor M. E. Stine, is principal. Miss Esther Mattis left on llnndav morning for Herndon. Samuel Hosterman spent several days with his parents, at Rising Springs. Carson Sheetz, 01 Colorado Springs. Col., spent several days with his father. John Sheetz, while enroute to New York City. Miss Sadie Boyer, of Pottsville, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. H. S. Gangloff. —. P. E. Stine spent Wednesday at the Capital City. Miss Annetta Rom berger has gone to Kimball. W. Va. Charles B. Bretz, of L.ykens, spent sev eral days with Mrs. Frank Cook. Wil liam Dubendorf had several of bis fingers injured in one of the machines in his shop. Halifax. Mrs. W. T. Shammo and Mrs. W. H. spent Sunday at Harrisburg visiting their sister, Mrs. Harry Nace, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. William Maekiin, of Har risburg. and Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mills, of Mlllersburg, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gar verich. near Fisherville. Mr. and Mrs. George Alvoids and son, of Harris burg, visited his brother, Oscar Al voids, on Sunday. Raymond' Cars nitz, of New Cumberland, spent Sunday here. Charles Cooper and family, of Dauphin, spent Sunday at th\p home of George Cooper. Ex-SherifC C. K Johnson, of New Bloomfleld, was here Tuesday. C. W. McClellan, who had been ill since last November, was able to resume his employment as a track hand on the railroad, Monday morning. —Mrs. Sue Heisler, of Reading, is visit ing her son, B. F. Heisler. Miss Min nie Bickslee, of Plymouth, is spend ing the week here as the guest of Misses Anna and Hertha, Richter. Mrs. Harvey Dunkel and children, of Harrisburg, visited her aunt, Mrs. Isaac Bowman, over Sunday. Miss Brltt Westfall, of Harrisburg. visited at the home of her sick brother, G. W. West fall, over Sunday. Mrs. Clara Reed, of Harrisburg, Is spending some time at the home of her son. Robert Reed, near town. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Prowell and sons, Glenn and Marlin. and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shetrone. of New Cum berland, autoed to the home of J. -Q. Marsh. Mrs. Johanna Fairchllds has returned home from Harrisburg, where she spent the winter with her daugh ter, Mrs. Deppln. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Dunkel spent Sunday with her brother, William. Shaw, at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailetts and two sons spent Sunday with relatives at Dauphin and Speeceville. Frank Tjoomis, of Plant City. Fla., who has just recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia, has arrived here on a visit. -—The Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Troutman. of Ansonville, Clearfield countv, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gemberllng. Hershey. Allison Gaiman deliv ered an address at the annual Ingath ering Day services at Myerstown, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs; Ed. Coover, of Allentown, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wenger. Sannißl Lutz was at New York City. W. DrKlefTer a member of the Tyrone Band, visited his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Kief fer, here. Ewlng Cain was at Wash ington, D. C. William Blinker. Mrs. Milton Slesser and Mrs. Daniel Elliott are recovering from Illness. J. Adam IDellet, A. U. Hill. Ira Mumma. Rov Mumma and John Malone visited visited friends at Lancaster. Miss Theresa Spross, of Lancaster, spent several weeks here with her sister, Mis. George Kppiey. Miss Alary Burch spent several days with her and Mrs. VV. F. Reutz, of Williamsport, and Mrs. W. F. Rentz, of Williamsport, were guests or tneir son, the Rev. George S. Itentz. Mrs. H. W. Stina spent several days at Ellzabethviile with her mother, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brandan spent several days at Kaston. .\ev» (umberlnnd. J. A. Witmyer | and Mrs. H. C. Oren attended a con ] ference with county and district officers iat Carlisle, on Tuesday. Airs. John : Beaver and son, Kenneth, of Shippens | burg, are visiting Mrs. Beaver's I mother. Mrs. Ellen Shelly. Mr. and ; Mrs. Ralph Piatt are visiting relatives I in York. Miss Martha lloke, ot New , port, was the guest of Miss Margery , | Oren, this week. Miss Mildred Fogrl j songer, of Shippensburg, is the guest of her sister, ivliss Helen Fogelsonger. '——The Rev. and Mrs. 1). B. Rojohn and I daughter, Lena, of Yoe, York county, ; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James | Davis and other friends here, this week. I — Miss Eva Keiffer, who has been visit j Ing Miss Mary Leiby, has returned to her home, at Lykens. Mrs. Klnier ! Brunner spent Tuesday at York Haven. Xfwton Hamilton. Airs. Emma Mann, of Lewistown. is visiting at the home of H. C. Kinsloe. Miss Lizzie Hawk, of Harrisburg, was a recent visi tor at the home of J. D. Beatty. Jonathan Miller, of Mattawanna, spent several days at theTiome of his daugh ter, Mrs. William Rennlnger. Mrs. John Dreese and Bon. Oliver, of Altoona, were visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Seclirist. Mrs. Harvey Patterson and daughter. Miss Patricia, of Los Angeles, Gal., are visit ing her cousin. Mrs. J. H. Kinsloe. Airs. J. M. Graham. Jr.. has returned to her home, here, after spending several weeks at the home of her parents, In Altoona. Frank Jones, of Altoona, | spent Sunday at the home of his sister, • Mrs. J. AI. Graham, Jr. ! Thompson town. Eugene Apple j baugh, of Danville, motored here last week, and after spending several days | with Airs. A. Q. Haldeman returned home Saturday, accompanied by his (mother, Mrs. W. K. Applebaugh. Airs. | D. H. Spotts has returned from a pleas lant visit with friends in Harrisburg, | Duncannon and Newport. Postmaster !J. Frank Patterson, of Atiftilntown, , | made a trip to town on Tuesday. Air. jand Airs. Hanks Gayman, of Denver, j Col., are visiting the former's mother, iMrs. Joseph Gayman. George Halde man, of wilkes-Barre, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haldeman. Atrs. Jesse Ny liart. of Lewistown, Is visiting her pa rents, Air. and Airs. H. Z. Sowers. The Rev. J. A. Garver has been holding a series of meetings in the Alethodlst , Church. About thirty members of the Brotherhood of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Aliftlintown. participated in the meeting on Thursday evening.— The Rev. Air. and Mrs. Charles Himes, of Alillerstown, visited their parents on Alonday. Airs. Edwin Bower, of Mid dleburg, was a guest of her cousin, A. B. Evans. Burd Zell, of Lancaster, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Thompson. ATTENDED MASONIC MEETING 311llcrstown, Pa., May I.—Mrs. John Brinton was n visitor at Harrisburg several days this week. Airs. Harry Branyan spent Tuesday at Dauphin.— Mrs. Roy Patton and daughter Ethel were at Grantville Sunday; she was accompanied home by her father, Jacob Deitrich. Mrs. Lloyd Gates and son Robert, who spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patton returned to her home at Tyrone Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rounsley and daughter. Misses Anna and Edith Rounsley visited rel atives at Buffalo Sunday. - Mr. and Airs. Albert Hopple of Nanticoke spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, of Altopna were guests of Air. and Mrs. John Ward on Sun day. George Hoffman of Harrisburg was the guest of Alartin Noll Wednes day. Airs. Annie Brindle of Lewis town is the guest of Airs. Roy Patton. —Miss Sarah Kipp was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Parson, at Port I Royal. Mrs. Roland Harrison of I Washington, D. C., is visiting her par lents, Air. and Mrs. O. D. Wlngert.— W. C. Combe spent the week-end with his uncle; James Risdon, at Altoona. —Alessrs. Harry Branyan, Dr. Stlne, Lewis Ulsh, James Rounsley, Jr., H. G. Rlppman, Charles Rippman and Ralph Thompson attended a Masonic meeting at Thompsontown on Alonday evening. Aliss Bertha Myers visited friends in Thompsontown on Sunday. —The Campflre Girls will hold a coun try fair in the school hall this evening. THIRTEEN AT MEETING By Special Correspondence Shiremanstown, Pa., Alay I.—A gen eral home coming was given for Jo seph Bealor who Is ill at his home In Locust street, those present being Mr. and Airs. John Shuman, of West Kalrvlew; Mrs. William Gantt, of New port; Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Bretz, and grandson, Stanley Bretz, of Enola, and Alvln Bealor, of Carlisle Springs. —Airs. W. M. Bower has returned to her home at Bellwood, Blair county, after spending several days with her son, B. A. Bower. —Airs. Mary Dean, j of Harrisburg, visited her sisters, the i Alisses Louise and Kate Noel.—The Misses Isabella and Laura Felster were recent guests of Mr and Mrs. Alonroe Vogelsong near Sparngler s Mill. —Mrs. Samuel Donehen and daughter Alary, of Harrisburg, were i guests of Aliss Emma Willis on Wed nesday.—Mr. and Airs. Miller Spahr, of Harrisburg. are visiting the latter's parents, Air. and Mrs. J. W. Wolfe.— The Ladles' Missionary Society of St. John's Church met at the home of Mr. and Airs. J. O. Senseman. The topic for discussion was 'The Children of the World at Worahlp." Thirteen ladlea were nj-psent X Col. Zinn Post, G. A. R., Planning For Memorial Day at Mechanicsburg Mechanicsburg, Pa., May X.—Plans are being made by Col. H. I. Zinn Post, No. 415. Grand Army of the Re public, for Memorial Day services, which will be of an interesting nature. —The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle, of Camp Hill, was a Mechanicsburg visitor this week.—Miss Olive Taylor spent part of the Week at the home of Miss Laura Eby at Carlisle.—Miss Lillian Fought was the week-end guest of Middletown friends. —Mrs. Ross Wi land, of Harrisburg, was in town, called here by the death of her father, D. M. Karns.—Miss Myrtle Arney was a visitor to Worm leys burg.—After spending some time at Walters' Park, jMiss Ida Eberly has returned to her : home in this place.—Mrs. Harry G. Seaman returned to her home at I Philadelphia, after spending a month | with relatives here.—Miss Carrie An- I derson, a student at Shippensburg : State Normal School, with jier guest, Miss Oral Lalonde, spent the week | end at her home here.—Mrs. Harry Senseman was hostess for the Mite So ciety of the Trindle Spring Lutheran Church on Thursday evening.—Col. Stewart, of Carlisle, was in town on Monday.—Mrs. M. E. Anderson and daughter were at Philadelphia.—Geo. C. Sheaffer has recovered from a se vere attack of rheumatism. VAUDEVILLE IX)R FIREMEN Wormleysburg. Pa., May I.—Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hippie and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hummel and daughter, Beatrice, motored to Carlisle on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. William McMor ris motored to Perry county on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Hoverinale were the week-end guests of the former's daughter. Mrs. Charles Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Dress of Steelton, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Montelle, on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Boak, who has been ill, is rapidly recovering. Mrs. Charles Bixler is suffering from blood poison. Mr. and Alls. Warren Baker of West Fairview were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker. — The Wormleysburg Fire Company is preparing for a vaudeville entertain ment in June.—Miss Laura Susan Ort, of Harrisburg, was the week-end guest of her grandmother, Mrs. J. S. Ort. Wesley Gelger attended the funeral of his Uncle at. Geigertown on Thurs day. Mrs. Russell Hummel expects to be able to return to her home on Sunday. Mr. Wallace of Harrisburg was a caller at the United Brethren parsonage on Tuesday evening. The Rev. and Mrs. Renshaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hippie and Miss Clara Balthaser motored to Liverpool Saturday.—Mrs. Brison is entertaining her sister from Philadelphia. —Several friends of Mrs. Mary Paget are being remembered by post cards from Japan. - Mendels sohn Glee Club of Harrisburg will hold a muslcale in the United Brethren Church Thursday evening. May 13. The baccalaureate sermon to the high school graduates will be preached in the United Brethren Church to-mor row evening, and commencement exer cises will be held* on Friday evening. May 14, in the United Brethren Church. The Church of God has erected a tent on the square where evangelistic services will be held dur ing the month of May. The regular meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society was held at the home of Mrs. Rolla Sparrow on Tuesday evening. CHILD'S HEAD CUT Tower City, Pa., May 1. Frances Murray, a three-year-old child of Wil liam Murray, cut her head with a broken bottle and it was necessary to have a doctor to stop the flow of blood and he said a vein was severed.—Mr. and Mrs. Guerny Knorr of Wlconisco, visited the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Barnhart.—Mrs. Toy, of Mll lersburg. visited relatives in town.— Master Russel Martz returned home after visiting his aunt, Mrs. Romberg er, at Keffer's. —Harry Miller, mother and sister, and Miss Lizzie Crise, of Tremonh autocd to town and enjoy ed Sunday -with the William Schreintfr family.—Robert Reedy and family, of Llewellyn, spent Sunday with rela tives here. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Risslnger and left a baby girl.—Mrs. Joe Keliler presented her husband with a boy.— On Sunday night the K. L. C. E. of I the United Evangelical Church will i hold its first business meeting. "THOSE TERRIBLE TWINS" GIVEN FOR BENEFIT OF IT RE COMPANY Jonestown, Pa., May 1. "Those : Terrible Twins" given by home talent j for the beenflt of the Perseverance Fire Company was a great fcudcess. — John H. Kern returned home from Andubon. N. J., having been called there by the serious illness of his fath er, Henry W. Kern.—The Rev. Mr. Mountz, of New Holland. Lancaster county, preached at the churches of the Walmer's Jonestown parish, thfe Rev. George Deisher. pastor. In the interest of the Muhlenberg Educa tional Fund.—Miss Margaret Brunner of Lebanon, visited relatives here over Sunday.—The Rev. Ed H. Trafford, of Kimberton, Pa., visited his aunt, Mrs. John A. Wenger. Thomas .T. Rank, Thomas M. Bross, Harry D. Knesel and Harry D. Spiteler made a trip to Tremont on Tuesday evening. —Thomas J. Lesher and Mrs. Minnie L. Bross received news of the death of their cousin, Mrs. Amelia Yordy, at Harrisburg. J HAILSTONES BIG AS WALWTS IN STORM Window Glass Shattered at Home of Adam Detter in York County INSPECT DILLSBURG SCHOOL Newville Directors Getting Modern Ideas For Their New Building „ By Special Correspondence DlHsburg, Pa., May 1. Fourteen window panes were broken by hail stones during the storm on Tuesday evening in the home of Adam Detter, in Carrol township. Some of the stones were as large as walnuts. Theodore Anderson, who WAS taken to the Harrisburg Hospital for treat ment, returned to his home in East York street, his condition being im proved. Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burk holder of Chester, Pa., were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Heikes over Sunday. The Newville school board visited the Dtllsburg school building to obtain ideas for the new building for which a loan was approved recently in that borough. The new building in Dills burg is considered the most modern building in York county. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harbold of Baltimore, were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Harbold over Sunday. Mrs. Mark Blemler is ill at her home on West York street. Charles Coul sin, of the Dillsburg Hardward and Furniture company, is ill at his home in South Baltimore street, resulting from a kick on the head by a horse several weeks ago. Miss Metzgar of Philadelphia, is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morrett Coover. Newport Has First Ball Game of Season Today Newport, Pa., May 1. —Mrs. J. D. Conrad is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Dunn, at Pittsburgh. Mrs. Samuel Adams Sharon and sisters, the Misses Ruth Eleanor Jones and Janet Elizabeth Jones spent several days at ! Philadelphia this week.—Mr. and Mrs. George W. Alorete had a visit from ! their daughter, Miss Marie Moretz, and her friend. Miss Alice Eby, of Har i risburg, on Sunday.—W. Harry Smith, John S. Leiby, C. Earle Noll, Miles L. i Ritter and Maurice C. Wolf attended I Masonic lodge at Thompsontown on Monday evening.—Mr. and, Mrs. Frank I E. Taylor entertained Mr. and Mrs. ; Benjamin Breneman, of Harrisburg. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Crist, of Altoona, visited Mr. Crist's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Crist, on Sun day.—Mrs. L. W. Ballard, of Troy, Pa., ■yyfth her nurse. Is visiting her daugh tA\ Mrs. S. Edwin Whitmer. —A. B. Shuman, of Thompsontown, spent Sun day with his sister, Mrs. Gilbert Ha ven Frank.—Mrs. Joseph B. Baker, Jr., wag at Philadelphia on Sunday.— Harry B. Wilson and son, Robert Wil son, of Duncannon, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, on Sun day.—Miss Ruth Eleanor Jones enter tained Mrs. J. E. Fox, of Johnstown, this week.—Mrs. James Madison Sha ron, who has been spending the win ter in Philadelphia, accompanied Mrs. Hugh R. Magiil and son. Hugh R. Ma gill, Jr., here on Wednesday.—Mrs. I Margaret E. Rice, Miss Alice Clouser. David S. Fry and Jacob Williams, will represent the Sunday school of the Reformed Church of the Incarnation at the annual convention of the Perry County Sunday School Association in the Methodist Episcopal Church at Marysville, Wednesday and Thursday j next.—The Rev. Stephen L. Flickinger, I pastor of Trinity Reformed Church, j Marysville, will officiate in the Reform ed Church of the Incarnation at both j services to-morrow. The church is at present without a pastor.—Manager | Sharon lined up his team in the first j game of the season against the strong high school team which defeated Dun cannon high last Saturday by the score of 3 to 1, in which game the Collins- Collins battery did the trick. CHILDREN'S DAY By Special Correspondence Vnion Deposit, Pa., May I.—Mr. and Mrs. John Schlepfer and son Paul spent Sunday at Bressler. Mrs. John Bingam, of Highspire visited her sis ter, Miss Lizzie Parthemore on Sun day. Harry Yingst and Daniel Sny der spent a day at Harrisburg. —Mrs. Fidelia GrolT and children of Fishing Creek Creek, visited Isaac Ebersole on Sunday.—Henry Carmany spent Saturday at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spangler and Mr. Spangler's mother, of Palmyra, visited his sister, Mrs. Lillle Miller. Harry and George Sanders spent a day at Harrisburg. : Harry Hartman of Harrisburg visited his mother, Mrs. Maggie Hartman on Sunday.—Preaching services will be held in the United Brethren Church to-morrow evening by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Hallman. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyer entertained friends on Saturday evening.—Isaac j Forscht and Riley Straw spent Satur day at Harrisburg. Miss Elva Stauf fer of Harrisburg, visited her brother, Frank Stauffer.—E. H. Miller, of Pal myra. spent Sunday with his sister-in law, Mrs. Amos Miller. Charles Straw and Jackson Forster spent Supday at Rockvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Parthemore and sister Chris tie, of Harrisburg, visited their sister, Miss Elizabeth Parthemore on Sun day. Norman Lenta was at Harris burg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Miller spent Saturday at Pal myra. The Sunday schools are pre paring for Children's day services.— i Mrs. Thomas Wagner and son Her- ( : man spent a day at Harrisburg.—Mr. ' [and Mrs. James Wireback accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sterner of Qtiakertown where the guests of Mrs. Ella J. Rapp and Harry Wahner on Sunday. SCHOOL TEACHERS PAID By Special Correspondence Malta, Pa., May I.—W. L. Zerhe, of Tower City, was here several days.— 1 The Rev. D. E. Fetherolf and sister ! Ellen, of Pillow, called on Mr. and j Mrs. A. L. Zerbe.—Merchant J. E. [ Byerly, of Dalmatla, was In town re cently.—M. T. Wertz transacted busi ness at Herndon on Saturday.—Pro fessor and Mrs. C. L. Grimm, of Pil low, called on his mother, Mrs. Mary i Grimm, on Sunday.—The school board held a meeting on Saturday evening and paid the teachers their last month's salaries.—H. E. White, assist- ' ant track foreman, of Dauphin, spent | Sunday with his family here. Mr. j and Mrs. George F. Snyder and son j Howard were guests of W. H. Wltmer, j near Dalmatla, on Sunday. Mrs. ! Zelders, of Harrisburg. is staying with j her daughter, Mrs. Irving Kerstetter. ! —Charles H. Zerbe had business at I the Capital City on Wednesday. ' SUMMER BUILDING BOOM FOR EPKRATJI Borough Hall to Be Enlarged and Many New Homes Erected KINZER TRACT TO BE OPENED Parade Features First Game at Ephrata Ball Park This Afternoon By Special Correspondence Ephrata, Pa.. May 1. lndication* are that there will be quite a building »"VU L n Ephrata during the summer or 1913. At this time work has been begun and is in varying stages of progress for the erection of eight or ten fine houses, and plans are being made for the building of at least a dozen or twenty more houses during the season. Work has been begrun on the erection of a large addition to tha Town Hall, for the Btoring of addi tional re equipment. Work is pro gressing on the grading of streets on the Kinzer tract of forty acres in tha northern section of the borough, a large number of men being employed in the operations. Town council is making preparations to lay water mains through the tract, which id being plotted for building sites.—On Sunday evening Evangelist M. Lee Starke, of Brooklyn, N. Y., assisted by his singer, Professor Arthur A. Shaw, of Irwin, Westmoreland coun ty, Pa., closed an evangelistic cam paign in the United Brethren Church. The services were well attended and much interest manifested. Evangel ist Starke is a convincing speaker and his sermons have done much good. The large chorus choir of seventy five voices, under the leadership of Professor Shaw, added much to tha interest of the -services.—The Revs. Allan S. Meek and Martin W. Schweitzer have been in attendance at the sessions of the Lancaster Classis of the Reformed Cuhrch in tha Fourth Reformed Church at Harris burg, this week.—The Ephrata base ball park was formally opened to day with a game between the Mohn ton and the Ephrata teams. A pa rade to the park headed by a band, in which the competing clubs partici pated, was a feature. Btirges3 S. U Weaver threw the iirst ball. Plans Made For Second Reunion of Enders Family By Special Correspondence Binders, Pa., May 1. A number of people attended the commencement ex ercises of the Berrysburg high school on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mary Kenkeimer. who had been a patient in a hospital at Horrisburg for eleven weeks, has returned home. G. W. Enders is confined to his home with illness. Clinton D. Enders was a visi tor at Northumberland on Tuesday. —< A birthday surprise party was held in honor of Mrs. Moses Enders. on Tues day evening on her 73d birthday anni versary. Thirty-flve guests werepres ent. including relatives from fiyiten.i and Powl's Valley. Mrs. Philip Deit rich was removed from Lykens to her home recently, and Is seriously ill. —■ A meeting of the officers of the panders Reunion Association will be held hero this afternoon to formulate plans for the second Enders Reunion, to be held here in June. Mr. and Mrs. Ira P. Snyder and Miss Mabel Enders motored to Lykens on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hettinger. T>aniel Hettinger, C. R. Enders and Miss Ivy Hettinger were visitors in town on Sunday. BERRYSBIRG CLASS GRADUATES Berrysburg. Pa., May J.—Jasper and Forest Reigle, of Big Run, spent Sunday at the'home of Grant Har\- man.—M. S. Daniel transacted busi ness at Harrisburg on Thursday.—An examination for pupils to enter high school was held here on Saturday.—• Misses Grace, Dora and Ottie Hart man were at Pillow on Sunday.—Mr. and Airs. David Bender, Sirs. Lewis Barrett and son. Gordon, of Lykens, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bender on Sunday.—Mrs. John Miller and children, of Harrisburg, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman. —Russell Snyder, of Millersburg, attended the commence ment exercises.—Commencement ex ercises of the class of 1915 were held in the Lutheran and Reformed Church on Wednesday. The address by Dr. Gordinier on "What Is a Mart Worth," was greatly appreciated by the audience.—Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartman spent Sunday at Rife. —The primary and high schools closed on Wednesday. The grammar school will close on Friday. /■" ~ V Flies, Flies, and then more flies Keep them out. The easiest way to prevent having a house full of flies is to keep them out in the first place. We sell lumber pre? pared for making screen doors and win dows. You can easily make your own screens and they will last you a life time with this material. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICBi Forster and Cowden Bta. 11
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