10 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS 33-POUNO TURKEY FOR DINNER GUESTS iVir. and Mrs. Mathias Wensderfer Entertain Big Party of Friends AT FARM NEAR CHILLISQUAQUE Commencement Exercises of Mon tandon High School Will Be Held This Evening By Special Correspondtfta Montajidon, Pa., April 30. —Mr. and i Mrs. Mathias Wensderfer entertained i « number of friends at a 6 o'clock dinner at their home on the Priest I farm near Chillisquaque on Thursday evening. The dinner was an elaborate one, the turkey served welshing thir ty-three pounds. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. Beardsley, Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Tula and daughter Hazel, of Milton; Mr. and Mrs. Kreamer. of Wlnfleld ; Mr. and Mrs. William Kah ler, Mrs. .Tulia Seabolt, of Lewisburg; Wiliiam Paul. Fannie Paul, Chester I G&rber, of Chllllsquaciue; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wenzel. Mrs. Lizzie Wen zel, Genie Kramer, William Frederick, Stanett and Barron Wenzel, of Mon tandon.—Mrs. J. P. Hurlbert, of Beach Haven, has arrived here and will re main until after the commencement exercises this evening, her daughter, Louise, being one of the graduates.— Mrs. George Keitz attended a birth day party at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. J. Dawson in Sunbury, on Thursday.—Mrs. Lester Dawson, of Wllliamsport, was a visitor at George Reltz's on Sunday. O. K. ANNIVERSARY Shipppnsburg, Pa., May I.—Everett Bherrick, of Huntingdon, is visiting Ills parents.—The reception for new members of the Church of God will be held on Wednesday evening. Professor Baer had charge of the young men's personal workers' meet ing last Sunday.—The Rev. Mr. and j Mrs. J. C. Gardner spent some time j here.—Carl Bhea and Francis Der-: rick, of Newville, spent Sunday here. ' —Mrs. Charles Todd and daughter | Frances, of Harrisburg, spent several j days here. Dr. G. W. Sherrick will j baptize a number of persons by im- i mersion to-morrow afternoon. The I Young People's Society Christian En- | deavor of the Messiah United Breth- j ren Church, will hold its anniversary to-morrow evening. Sister: Read My Free Offer! ® lam a woman. f If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ffl-nealth, if yon feel unfit for household duties, social pleasure* or dally employment, write and tell me just how you suffer, and ask for my freo ten day*' trial of a ham* treatment suited to your needs. Men cannot understand women's £ U J™_ "hat we women know from experience, wo know better than any man. I want to tell you how to cure yourself at home at a cost of about 12 cents a week. , if you Buffi' from women's peculiar ailments caus -5 J* ,n 3 • ! or bowels, feeling of weight and dracginc down sensation, falling or displacement of Pelvic organs, causing kidney and bladder weakness or Constipation and piles, painful or irregular periods, catarrhal conditions and discharges, extreme nervous ness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of aomething ayil about to hapren. creeping feeling along the spine.paipitation. hot flashes, weariness, sallow com plexion with dark circle* under the eyes,pain in the left breast or a general feeling tbat life ia Dot wortb living, I INVITE YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR MY FREE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT •nd learn how these ailments can be easily and snrely conquered at home without the dangers and expense of an operation. When you are cored, and able to enjoy life again, you can pass the good J™ other sufferer. My home treatment is for young or old. To Mothers of Daugh ters,! will explain how to overcome green sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches and lassi tude in young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about '* e °i! U ii? U "."P"* lo f lvt .P? ]? ome treatment a ten days' trial, and does not interfere withdaily work. If health is wortb asking for. then accept my generous offer and 5 *.w"" including my illustrated booklet. ''Women'* Own Medical Adviser " 1 will send all in plain wrappers postpaid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feel ings. and return tome. Send today, as you may not see this offer again. Address. MRS. SUMMERS, ----- Box H, SOUTH BEND, IND. Never Mind How Strong Y«u Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs ar.J big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job? For 2S years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400 H ■tudents write of promotion* or salary Increase® through I. C 8. training. What the I. C. S. are doing for theae men they can do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the I. C. S. can train you In your own home, during your spare Ume, for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mail the attached coupon—lt won't obligate jrou in the leaat—and the I. C. S. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their Umple and ea«y methods. It will cost you nothing to investigate—it may coat a life time of remorse If you don't Mark and Mail the Counon NOW. P 1 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. J \ Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qual- i 2 ify for the position before which I mark X. Ji 2 Bteeftrtea! Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Car* WriHn. !' C Rleo. lilgbtlig S«»t Refrigeration Engineer Advertlalne i' C Eteetrlc Wlrrmsn Civil Engineer Salesmanship f t Tel. A Tel. Knfl«f*r Sorvfior Teacher r < Architect Loco. Fireman A Eng. Knsrllah Branches •' J Architectural Drsttsmss llvtl Service Agriculture «' 1 Structural Engineer Hallway Mall Clerk Poultry Fnrmlaa i J Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Kit > J Concrete Construction Steao. A Typewriting Cbemlatry * ■' / Heehaaleal Eaglneor Window Trimming Automobile Ranalng J Name jr J Bt. and No 5 ? •, «J City . State J j! Present Occupation ji SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1915. Lebanon Valley College Senior to Give Recital •A "JVg 0' My Heart'* ■Hr~ M SSBJJg - . 'VBtti m MISS ELTA WEAVER lomoyne. Pa.. May I.—"Peg o' My Heart" is the title of a recital to be given by Miss Elta Weaver, of Ann iville, in the Church of Christ on 'Thursday evening, next, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the C. O. V. E. class of the Sunday school. Miss Wea ver is very well-known In this vicinity, living here for several years. She was graduated from the local high school in the class of 1911. She has given this recital at Lebanon Valley college, where she is a Senior, with great suc cess. Mis Weaver will be assisted by Miss Ruth 1. Steinhauer of this place, on the piano. Miss Elizabeth Ander son of ("antp Hill will sing the song, "Peg O' My Heart," preceding the re cital. UNION SERVICES AT ANNVILLE Annville, Pa.. May I.—Mrs. Mary K. Mills spent a day at Harrisburg.—Mrs. Robert Crabil has received word of the death of her father at Elbon, Pa. —A fishing party, composed of Morris Henning. William Waltz, William S. Berry and Arthur Miller, drove to j St. Joseph's Springs on Tuesday and I returned with P. successful catch.—A I union service of all the churches'of town was held last Sunday in the 1 I'nited Brethren Church. Dr. William Shaw, general secretary of the Vnited Society of Christian Endeavor, was the principal speaker.—The singing class of the Kauffman I'nited Brethren Church is being conducted by Pro fessor T. M. Werner, of Annville. Pro fessor Werner has been engaged to furnish special music at the Beegrove Lutheran Church to-morrow evening. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL IT LEIDILIE Methodist Chnrch at Millersburg Is Doing Preliminary Work of Organization 58 NAMES PLACED ON LIST Contractor Finishing New Concrete Bridge Over Wiconisco Creek at Millersburg Millersburg, Pa.. May I.—H. L. Lark, has returned from a six weeks' trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, Mexico, British Columbia, Kansas, Ok lahoma and other Western States. Mr. Lark traveled nearly 10,000 miles on his trip. The high school rooms were given a thorough fumigation Monday on account of a case of diph theria. One of the pupils, Eugene Mc- Connell having taken the disease, but who is now rapidly recovering. The high school course beginning next Fall will include a full commercial course. —Mrs. Mary Smith of Meadville, bet ter known here as Mrs. Mary Phillips, who conducted a millinery store in Millersburg about ten years ago, died at her home in Meadville and was bur ied at Stone Valley Church, East of Dalmatia on Monday. The prospects for a large Sunday school in Lenker vllle are very encouraging. At the first session held last Sunday there were 62 persons present, 5 8 of them signing the membership card. The movement is under the auspices of the Methodist Church of Millersburg, but the school will be known as a union Sunday school. The officers are: T. E. White, superintendent; Miss Emma Kuhns, treasurer; Jacob Gunderman, secretary; Miss Mary Crumley, organ ist, and Galen Messner and Raymond Hoke, librarians. William Draw baugli of Camp Hill, has a force of men at work finishing the new con crete hrldge over Wiconisco creek. The timber casings used in the con struction of the bridge have heen re moved and the sides of the structure smoothed up. A sidewalk also of con crete. was laid and the whole will be completed I his week.—The steel gir ders of the new Brubaker building are rapidly being placed In position and bricklaying will soon he commenced. Frank R. Leib, of Harrisburg, was in town Monday visiting his sister. Miss Sue Leib In North street.—Mrs. C. C. Hummel, living in Lenkersvllle, who suffered a stroke of paralysis last week, is said to be slowly improving. Duncannon Church Will Be Represented at S.S.Meeting Ituncannon, Pa., May I.—Mrs. Sam uel Lookard. of Columbia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Perry.—Mrs. Catharine Rigbter is vis iting at Washington, D. C. —John Hart was a week-end visitor at Philadel phia,—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fuhrman made a trip to New Bloomfield Wed nesday.—Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yohn, of Lucknow, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Deckard over Sunday.— John McCoy, of Middletown, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McCoy.—William Jennings, a student at Lehigh University, is spend ing the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings.—Mrs. Margaret Miller, of Harrisburg, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Kmanuel Jenkyn.—Thomas Wil kinson, of Philadelphia, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wil kinson, this week.—Mrs. B. Stiles Duncan and Mrs. James Fitzgerald were guests of Mrs. William Stewart at Harrisburg on Monday evening.— Mrs. Boyd Harrington, of Harrisburg, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Duncan, this week.— The Sunday School delegates to the annual convention of the Perry Coun ty Sabbath School Association at Marysville next Wednesdav and Thursday are: United Brethren, John Cretzinger and Norman Kines; .Metho dist, Misses Edythe Mader, Millie Boyer and Sarah Page; Presbvterian, Misses Esther Morris and Nellie Hun ter; Lutheran, Miss Alcina Qulgley: Reformed, Miss Harriet Dressier and Howard Achenbach; Union, Mrs. C. 11. Krlck and Mrs. Bessie Gross; Rose glen. Misses Ida Charles and Mar garet Snyder.—Misses Rebecca and Mary Michener and little sister, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with their aunt. Mrs. Charles Jones.—Miss Mary Morrison was the guest o' friends at Harrisburg over Sunday.--The Dun cannon High School Alumni will hold their annual banquet Friday, June 4. —Mothers' Day will be observed in the Lutheran church with appropriate services on Sunday morning. SHOKTAGK OF WHEAT Indications Point to Small Oops In Perry County Blain. Pa., May I.—Mrs. Vera Mar tin. Miss Erma Bill man. Miss Don Sheafft-r and Mrs. George Weaver, o Loysville. attended the high Hohoo graduation exercises. Miss IVanki. Dimm, will enter Mlllersvllle Norma school as a student.—Born to Mr. anc Mrs. Samuel Shields, a son. Miss Cora Cox left for her home In Snyder county. Door receipts for the Junor class play were s6l.6o.—Mrs. Marietta Campbell has returned from Philadel phia. There will he a shortage in the wheat crop in this locality and throughout the county on account of it freezing out during the winter. Mrs. Edna Singer and baby, of Harrisburg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Stine.— Paul Shreffler has signed to play shortstop with the Newport ball team, and will leave here on Monday for that place . Aunt Este's Stories Por Children THE ADVENTURES OF FAIk/ SILVERWING3 Silvcnvlnß* Explore* the Mcht. Remember, dears, Sllverwings never had seen On the back of the Firefly, up through the air— The little Stars twinkle or Fairy Moon gleam. SUverwings soared, for she never'd have dared Po when she looked up and saw millions of Stars To let go: everything looked so extremely black A-holdlng the train of sweet .Venus, and Mars; Down where she'd come from whene'er she looked back. The Big Yellow Dipper with handle so long; Phe started to sob, for quite frightened was she. The Dog Star and Northern IJghts glowing so strong; Paid Firefly, "My dear, this never can be; The queer old round Moon;-the great Milk'y Way; When you ride with me in my fast express All these, my dears, in the Sky were at play. I cannot stand for such dire distress. Sllverwings gasped; "Why they're dressed all In gold. I/iok forward, not backward; look upward, not down; Of this wonder Fairyland I've ne'er been told. There's plenty to see If you'll only lood round." Who Is that great big fat fellow so yellow? So then (for she saw she was sailing quite fast. You can see by his face he must be quite mellow. And she really could not toll how long It would last). And where did he get all those babies so twinklev? She lifted her eytw—and saw such a sight, I'll venture to say that there voices sound tlnkley!" If you do not believe me, just lift YOURS some night; Paid Firefly: "T told you that you'd have a lark. And you'll see the things Fairy SUverwings saw, Aren't things just wonderful when It I* dark?" Wonderful things which no artist can draw. , Watch for the next adventure of Fairy Silvernlng». MARYSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY AND GRADUATING CLASS HiteKynH Bi 2 JHHIH bbk BI PMPWNBABB Mk j _ "" I K9HHHHHHr ■ ¥ Marysvllle, Pa., May 1. —On Friday evening next the annual commen cement of the Marysville hlgn school will be held in the Methodist Episcopal Church. The class of 1a 15 lias ttie honor of being the largest class ever graduated from the local high school. As the school next year will be rated In the second class there will be no 1911> graduating class. Those in the picture standing, left to right: Ira S. Brinser, assistant principal; Harry M. Deckard. vice-president: S. Hobart Gosnell, Mary Corl, valedictorian; Herman H. Hippie, class president; Paul Anspach, Marguerite L. Glass. Dewey O. Bare, salutatorian; A. E. Deckard, supervising principal. Seated— Louise Corl, Martha M. Boyer, Trene M. Asiienfelter, secretary; W. Romaine Clendenin, Hazel Hain, treas urer. Henry Houck, Secretary of Internal Affairs, will be the speaker of the evening. To-morrow evening the baccalaureate services will be held in the United Evangelical Church, when the Rev. F. A. Fuhrman, pastor, will deliver the sermon. \ Franklin-Marshall Student to Preach at Marysville By Special Correspondence Marysville, Pa., May I.—Miss Helen Wise has returned to Shippensburg Normal School where she Is a teacher, after spending the week-end at her home here.—Mrs. Emma Geib, of Jersey City, is visiting her son, F. W. Geib.—Mrs. J. H. Sweeney and two children, Clara Nell and John, Jr., of Connelsvllle, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sweger.—J. P. Lilly spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lilly, at Mifflin. — Mrs. W. W. Rhul has returned to her home in Baltimore after spending sev eral days with Mrs. L. C. Fox.—Miss Grace Brady is at Pittsburgh.—Ben jamin Longenecker, of Philadelphia, is visiting his father, Benjamin Longe necker. —Miss Florence Rendfrey, of Philadelphia, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Harper Mend ing Hall.—Mrs. Elmer Miller, of Bal timore. was the guest of Mrs. C. H. Mac Nelly this week.—J. W. Beers and George Bell spent Wednesday in Me chanicsburg.—Sheridan Lightner, of Center township, called on friends here on Tuesday.—-Frank Teske. a student at the Franklin and Marshall Theological School, in the absence of the Rev. S. L. Flickinger. pastor of the Trinity Reformed Church, will preach at the morning services to morrow. Mifflintown Boy Captain of Mercersburg Track Team By Special Correspondence MifTllntown. Pa., May I.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stahl and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Furman spent Sunday with Dr. Andrews.—Miss Mary Leach, of Aci demia, spent Saturday with her aunt. Miss Margaret Laird.—Dr. and Mrs. 11. W. Sweigart, of Lewistown, spent Sunday at the Vincent home. —Mrs. Wilbur Schweyer and daughters, Elizabeth and Evelyn, spent Friday at Harrisburg.—Mrs. Paul M. Heimach and daughter. Jane, returned to their home in Philadelphia after a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Kulp.—Mrs. Anna Fasick, of Juniata, and Mrs. Klinepeter, of Harrisburg, spent a week at the home of Oliver Diffenderfer.—Mrs. James Neely, of Churchill, and William Neely, of Har risburg, spent a day with Mrs. D. L. Berry.—Shelly Souder and sister. Miss Josephine Souder. spent Sunday with their parents at Spruce Hill.—Charles Stump, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly Stump.—Snyder Jacobs, of Reading, Is visiting at the Parker home.—Commencement exercises of the Mifflin High School was held in the courthouse last evening. The Rev. Mr. Ely. of the Presbyterian church, made the address to the class. The following graduated: The Misses Sara Berry, Miss Helen Lauver, David Rowe and Ralph Mayer.—At a meet ing of the Mercersburg Academy ath letic committee. William Banks, whose home is in this place, was elected captain of the track team. Wil liam is 18 years of age and has been a member of the relay team and cross country team for two years; he also has the honor of being the youngest fellow to win an "M." PEACH CROP PROMISING By Special Correspondence Rife, Pa., May I.—H. J. had a force of men plowing and cleaning his peach orchard, which looks prom ising for a good crop.—Mrs. Isaac Daniel, of Elizabethvillc, is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Fulkroad. —Mrs. Sallie Smeltzer is spending a week with Ralph Landis and family.-—Mr. and Mrs. George Forney, of Killinger, spent Sunday with his brother, Frank.— Frank Paul and family spent Sunday at S. A. Holtzman's. —Elmer Spotts and Harry Longabaeh were at Millersburg this week.—Frank Klinger, employed at Climson's Island, spent Sunday at Jerry Itlinger's.—Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartman, of Berrysburg. spent Sun day at Isaac Wetzel's.—The Rev. Mr. Miller, the netv Reformed pastor, has started a catechetical class.—Mrs. Cloyd Bechtel visited at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Stro hecker, on Sunday. Dr. J. B. Crist Celebrates i Birthday at Hummelstown By Special Correspondence Hummelstown, Pa., May 1. —Peter Shope was a recent guest of his daugh ter, Mrs. Harvey Lerch at Harrisburg. —Truman Cassel has been ill the past week with grip,—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haug spent Sunday In Hershey the guest of Miss Bertha Lebhart.—An epidemic of chickenpox seems to be raging here at present, about fifteen cases being reported in the schools. — Miss Sue Brandt was a recent guest of her friend. Miss Bertha Brinser, but returned to her home at Mount Joy on Monday.—Mrs. George Alleman is suffering from a broken arm, the re sult of a fall.—German night was a decided success and a large crowd at tended the first German entertainment ever given in the high school.—Paul and Homer Strlckler have built a gar age on their lot and are making oth er improvements.—Mrs. Marion Wal rner was a Sunday guest of Lebanon friends.—Miss Frances Lundy, a train ed nurse near Philadelphia, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lundy over Sunday.—Miss Mar ion Espenshade, of Harrisburg, was a recent guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Espenshade.—The Rev. A. A. Bausch entertained iris sister, Miss Emma Bausch, over Sunday.— Dr. L. Webster Pox, of Philadelphia, was a visitor in his home town over Sunday.—Dr. J. B. Crist, a Civil war veteran and the well-known retired dentist, celebrated his seventy-fourth birthday on Saturday.—Three pupils, two from Penbrook and one from South Hanover, took the entrance ex amination for high school at this place on Saturday. Michael J. Fanning to Lecture at Newville Church By Special Correspondence Newville, Pa., May I—Mrs. J. Ed gar Skillington, of Hazleton. is spend ing several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hart Sell. —Mrs. Sarah Warden, who spent the winter months with her sons at Harrisburg and Co lumbia, has returned to her home here.—Mrs. H. M. Shulenberger is visiting among relatives at Harris burg.—Mr. and Mrs'! John Graham have returned to their home after spending the winter months In Flor ida.—Rufus Hilbush has gone on a trip to Mahanoy City, Shamokln and New Berlin.—Mrs. J. Atlee Over has returned from Altoona, where she at tended the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Kennedy.—Miss Ida Fry has gone on a two weeks' trip to Camp Hill and Meclianicsburg.—Michael J. Fleming, of Philadelphia, will deliver an ad dress in the Big Spring Presbyterian Church on Friday evening. May 7. This lecture is under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. —The Civic Club will have Its annual municipal liousecleaning dur ing the week of May 3. FESTIVAL AT MOUNT LAUREL By Special Correspondence Plketown, Pa., May I.—Misses Pearl Yahn. Mary Laverty, Elizabeth Bender and Miss Kllllnger, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with G. W. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Marry Wickenheiser, of Pax tonia. were guests of the Rev. Jonas Martin, on Sunday. The Mount iAurel Aid Society will hold a festival in the grove opposite the church on Saturday evening. May S.— Mrs. J. P. lObersole, of Hillsdale, is the guest of her son, ,T.. W. Ehersole. Mrs. Mar vin Strohm. of Fishing Creek Valley, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mr. H. B. Megonnel. Mrs. Rebecca Nye, of Fishing Creek Valley, was the sruest of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nye. on Sunday. G. W. Fox was a visitor in Harrisburg, on Tuesday. Mrs. John Ncidig and daughter, of near Manada Gap. on Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pottiger. Mrs. Aaron Runkle, of near Progress, visit ed her mother, Mrs. Hiram Wilt, on Tue lay. Miss Goldie Wade spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. AVade, Jr., at Llnglestown. Mr. and Mrs. Reily Uinberger, of near Han overdale, visited Mr. .and Mrs. Brook Uinberger. on Sunday., Misses Grace and Bertha Dietz, of Fishing Creek Valle: . spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Strohm. The Rev. and Mrs. Jonas Martin visited in Harrisburg, on Tuesday. Mis Luella Gastrock, of Fishing Creek Valley, on Tuesday visited Misses Minnie and Susie Ramsey. Program For York County Sabbath School Convention By Special Correspondence Ijewisberry. Pa., May U Officers of the twelfth district of the York County Sabbath School Association met on Tuesday evening at Cassel's Union Church near York Haven to arrange, a program for the coming convention in Cassel's Church, May 27. L,. L. Bowen, of Camp Hill R. D., is the district superintendent. The twelfth district is composed of New berry and Pairview townships, Ijewis berry, Goldsboro and York Haven boroughs.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mil ler and son. Vance, and Mr. and Mrs. William Stetler, of Lemoyne, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith returned to their home in Bal timore after a few days' visit with Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Mary S. Myers. Miss Ellen Reiff returned Sunday to her home in New Cumber land, after spending the week at the Reiff summer home here. —The bor ough school will close its term next week. The Rev. A. M. Funk, the United Brethren preacher of Frank llntown, is the teacher. William Rinesmith and son, Lester, spent Sun day at Carlisle. Frank D. Bratten returned on Sunday to his home at Harrisliurg, after visiting his sisters, Miss Clarissa Bratten and Mrs. J. H. Shettel. Dr. M. C. Dunnick, of Shrewsbury, was a Sunday guest at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, of his sister, Mrs. Edward Jackson. Mrs. A. H. Fetrow spent Saturday with relatives at Harrisburg. Dauphin Summer Colony Opening Mountain Homes By Special Correspondence Dauphin. Pa.. May I.—Nicholas H. Heck and his guest, Mr. Rockwell, left Heckton on Tuesday for a motor trip through New York and the New Eng land States. —Mrs. Blanch Robinson left on Wednesday for a trip to Phila delphia.—Harvey C. Forney returned yesterday from a trip to New York city.—Miss Minnie Hawthorne, of Sun bury, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallis and family, of Har risburg. moved on Wednesday to their summer bungalow on the first slope of the mountain.—Mrs. Fayette Dwight Kendrick. of St. Paul, left on Monday after spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Sabra M. Bell.—Miss Carrie E. Gerberich was the weeH-end guest of Miss Mary Poffenberger at Harrisburg. —Mr. jind Mrs. William Worcester and 'son Paul, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at their cottage on the mountainside. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Knupp and family, of Harrisburg, spent the week end at their bungalow on the tirst slope of the mountain.—Mrs. Alice Beard Hess arrived to-day from Red ford, Mich., to spend some time with Dr. and Mrs. William P. Clark. —Mrs. William J. Rodenhaver, of Harrisburg. was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers, on Sunday.—Mrs. Harry B. Greenawalt is confined to her home from an attack of rheumatism. —Mrs. .1. D. M. Reed is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jane Speece, of Ger mantown. —Miss Sabra Clark spent the week-end with Miss Helen Ilargest Hoffman, of 210 Hamilton street, Har risburg.—Mrs. William Donnelly and son Roy. of Demovne, Raymond .Suy dam and Ralph Snvders, of Steelton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer on Sunday. Miss Mary Baughn. Miss Mabel Baughn, M. G. Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Terry, all of Harrisburg, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George I.andis at th« Sidnal.—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Anderson, of Harrisburg. were tlie guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bierbower on Sun day.—Mr. an«l Mrs. Charles M. Singer, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Singer at the Oaks.— Miss Marron I.andis spent several days with lier aunt, Miss Alwilda Potts, of North Second street, Harrisburg. Sheriff Harry C. Wells and family, of Harrisburg, have moved to their sum mer cottage at Speeoeville.—Miss Mi nerva Shaffner, Miss .Tulyann Wler man and Miss Gertrude Cox. of Har risburg, were the guests of Miss Julia Kinter.—Mrs. Speece returned on Tuesday from a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bogar, of Harris- I burg. SICK WOMAN HAS 19 VISITORS Oil SUNDAY Telephone Line Between New Germantown and Fainriew, Perry Co., Will Be Built 20,000 TREES ARE SET OUT State Foresters and Rangers Busy on Spring Work on Perry Reserve By Special Correspondent* (termantown, Pa., May I.—. While on his way to Franklin tountjr on Wednesday, ex-County Commis sioner C. M. Bower, of Jackson town ship, stopped in to see S. B. Trostle, who is not able yet to move about. Mr. Trostle was also called on by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reeder, of Jacksonville township and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith, of Toboyne township on Sun day.—The proposed telephone lina from this place to Fairview, a distance of four miles, is now an assured fact, as during the past week nine men signed up for the boxes.—A. D. Bow man, who is very ill and cannot re cover, had nineteen visitors on Sun day. Among the number from a dis tance being Mrs. B. F. Shumaker, and her daughter, Mrs. Murray Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reeder, of Jackson township.—Forester H. E. Brymer, Rangers H. E. llart and I.eroy Koontz with several hands, set out 20,000 trees on the State reserve during tha past week. —There is talk of Blaln and this town purchasing a tire engine in partnership since the fire here.—Pro fessor J. J. Morrison, who taught a term of school in Clearfield county, has returned home.—Mrs. Elsie Tem ple. of Altoona, who had been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Bistline, has returned home. —Miss Grace Fry. of Newville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fry. —Several pair of English ring neck ed pheasants have been placed in the game preserve in the State reserve.— Foster Seager, assessor of Toboyne township, is now making the Spring list of voters.—Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Morrow and child spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Foose, at Anderson burg.—Rodney Grlng, superintendent of the Susquehanna River and West ern railroad, and John S. Briner, of New Bloomlleld, and William Murtif, of Newport, were here several days whipping the trout streams. ■————^ mm Bucknell University 1915 Summer Courses Begin June 22nd For Bulletin of Information Write WALTER S. WILCOX Registrar, Lewisborg, Pa. r Place your order wltk ns for Awn ing*. Estimates Gladly Given Alio I'pliolsterln*. Slip Corera md Carpet work done. JOS. COPLINKY Sue censor to H. A. Vollmer. 1210 North Third Street HARRISBUTtG, PA. We handle a full line of Men's, Women's and C'hlldren'a Shoes from 49c to $2.98 - _ ro/ff/EAL 7~/YMDSTf?£/VCr// DEPTONOI | MADE IN A HEALTH RESORT. AT DRUG THE PER.TONOL CO. ATLANTIC: CITY ISI .vJ. HOARSENESS Cold in the throat, filling up of the air passages, swelling of the throat—results of exposure or taking cold—leads to serious consequences unless effectively treated. SCHENCK'S SYRUP contains no narcotics. It has re laxing properties that bring com fort to the throat and freedom from hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds and bronchial af fections. 80 years a family rem edy. 50c and SI.OO per bottle: If you cannot get it from your drug gist, we will send it to you direct on receipt of the price. DR. J. H. SCHENCK * SON. Philadelphia, Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels regular, without pain or gripirttr. relieve aick headache and that bloated feeling after eating, purify tha blood and clear tha complexion. Large box. enough to last a month. 25e( Dr. Chase Co.. 224 N. 10th St. Philadelphia, Pa.
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