RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES SIX TEK PLOWING 111 ONE CORNFIELD Preparing Ground For Spring Planting on Big Lancaster County Farm BURGESS' SON TO BE MARRIED Commencement Exercises of Lan disville High School to Be Held Next Week By Special Correspondence Mount Joy. Pa.. April 14. —On Thursday evening commencement ex sreists of the Landisville High School "'ill be held in the Church of God. Harry Showalter is the valedictorian »nd Miss Esther Mumma is the salu iatorian. Prof. George W. Hull, of Miilersville, will be the orator. The ;raduating class consists of Myrl Ba <er, May Blottenberger. Anna Bossier, -loyd Harnish, Vera Herr, Anna Kolp. Esther Mumma. Harry Showalter, Lily ?tauffer and John Trayer. The class lay exercises will be held in the Lu :heran church on Wednesday evening. —Henry C. Harner commenced tear ng doVn the barn on his farm east of own. preparatory to erecting a new >ne.—The Richland Club on Monday •venlng elected the following officers: ""resident, Clayton Hoffman; vlce »resident, Oliver G. Longenecker; sec •etary, Harry M. Stauffer; treasurer, 'imon F. Snyder: board of governors, 'larence Schock, Walter Brown. Scott )etwller. Fred Fenstermacher; audi ors, Joseph Breneman. Howard Arnts >nd Edgar Eshelman.- —The Bachman "hocolate Company of Philadelphia »'hich recently decided to locate in ilt. Joy. will start next week to erect heir building.—On the farm of Henry '. Harner. east of town, on Tuesday, ix spans of horses were used in one ield to prepare the ground to plant orn.—George Brown, son of Burgess ieorge H. Brown, and Miss Alice Del inger will be married in the Lutheran hurch on Saturday afternoon at 4 I'clock. )r.A.LWagner Addresses Hummelstown High School By Special Correspondence HunimeNtown, Pa., April 2 4.—l<e oy Fellembaum, who recently had his not amputated at the Miners' Hos- ItaJ, Ashland, Pa., as the result of an ccident in the Rutherford yards, was trlcken with appendicitis while in the ospltal last week and an operation •as performed, removing his appen ix.—Paul Hummel, of Oneida. K. T., pent several days with his mother, Irs. Jane Hummel.—Mr. and Mrs. (eorge Keller were recent guests of Ir. and Mrs. John Thomas at Worm ysburg.—Dr. A. E. Wagner, who was le guest of the men's Bible class last eek, addressed the high school on "ridav morning on the subject of Concentration and How to Study."— lr. and Mrs. S. S. Newcomer delight jlly entertained the ladies' Bible class f the Lutheran Church, of which Mr. ewcomer is teacher, at their home ear town on Tuesday evening.—Mrs. ary Grill has returned home after a Lsit at Sinking Spring. Pa.—Captain barles Hummel has eone to New ork city, where he will remain sev •al weeks.—Mrs. Howard Ritts was id up the past week on account of ckness.—The firemen of the town ill attend services in the Lutheran hurch on Sunday evening. May 2. at hlch time an appropriate sermon 111 be preached by the Rev. Herbert Games.—On Thursday evening the adles' Aid Society was entertained at le home of Mrs. Philip Deimler. in "est Main street. Mrs. Deimler was ■slsted by Mrs. John Deimler and iss Minnie Deimler. William H. loemaker has purchased the corner i the Square opposite Karmany & in. which formerly belonged to the ethodist Church and years ago was led as a parsonage.—Ralph Ktter is >nfined to his home with measles.— r. and Mrs. Harry Haug entertained ihool friends from Reading over jnday. tO Ways to the California Expositions t tbe title of an attractive booklet isued by the Chicago" & North West ra Ry„ which outlines in concise orm forty different attractive routes rom Chicago to California, and hows plainly by a series of outline naps how you may visit both Exposl ions and see the grandest mountain cenery and the localities most inter sting to the sightseer enroute. You should have this booklet to roperly plan your trip to the Paciflo toast and the California Exposition*, t will save you time and money. Mailed free with other literature hich will assist yon in determining je places you wish to visit enroute □d giving rates, complete train prvice and full particulars. Address ». M. Davis. G. A., 1020 Chestnut St., hiladelphia, Pa. LM ALL KINDS OF Concrete AND CEMKXT WORK, PAVEMENTS, STEPS. CELLAR WALLS, ETC. A. E. GETTYS 234 MACLAY STREF7T Bell Phono 1302-M Howry & Son Wagon Works We build wagons and sell irect to the consumer and aving you the retail profit, llso build auto truck bodies, aint and trim auto cars. Shiremanstown Pa. i SATURDAY EVENING. i | "i - ' • t-. »'- )k,' < 808 l ~ * jH* REBECCA, SARAH AND ADALINE BAKER Young Dillsburg Girls Who Were in Exciting Runaway Accident Last Sunday By Speaal Corretpomdmice DiU*burg. Pa.. April 24.—This is a picture of the triplet daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Baker, of South Baltimore street, who figured in a serious runaway accident while out Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Sptcial Correspondence " MarysTilk?.—Charles Simpson. of Swissville, is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sweger.—G. M. Toner, of Mt. Holly, is visiting his sons. E. S. and M. Toner. —F. D. Mof fet spent the week-end with his sis ter. Mrs. J. M. Manbeck. at Peters burg-.—Edwin Dice has returned to his home in Rock Island. 111., after spending a few days with his brother. Williahm Dice. —C. J. Dryfuse, of Phil adelphia, is the guest at the home of his cousin, the Rev. S. L. Flickinger. —Mrs. W. H. Burkheimer, of York, is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. L. Sellers.—W. E. DePugh spent the week-end at Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Epple.v and granddaughter Edith are spending sometime with C. J. Scott at Pitcairn.—Mrs. Kate Baird of Newport, was the guest of lier brother. E. B. Leiby.—Mrs. John Tray accompanied by her mother, Mrs. John llice, left for Pittsburgh on Wednes day. Thompsontown.—Mrs. D. H. Spotts spent the week-end with Harrisburg friends. —Mary Weiser returned home after a visit to Middleburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Neuton Long and daughter Cath arine. of Altoona, is visiting the for mer's mother, Mrs. Marie Long.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson and daughter were guests of Mrs. Sarah Ruinberger at Locust Run.—Mrs. T. W. Haldeman left for Washington, N. J., where she will join her husband and in a few days they will both re turn in their touring car.—Mrs. Luth er Keiser and son Clarence, of Mif flintown and Mrs. Henry Toomey. of Harrisburg. visited Jonathan Keiser and daughter Rose. lsreal Wetzler visited his father. Abraham Wetaler. — Miss Catharine Smee. of Harrisburg, is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long. I.ewlsberry. Mrs. W. G. Hammond returned home from a visit with her sons. Edward and Bennett Hammond, of Washington. ». C. Miss Edna Holtzman, of New Cumberland, was a guest for a few days of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Holtzman. Miss Ruth Wenger, who spent the past year with her aunt. Mrs. Mary S. My ers, returned on Sunday to her home at Washington, where she will live with her mother. A son was born recently to Mr. and Sirs. Hoy Miller.—- E. K. Stroniinger, of Mechanlcsburg, spent several days here. Mrs. Urich, of Uoldsboro, spent the past week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Miller. Mrs. Ella M. Sutton was in New Cumberland on Saturday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David R. Crum -lio Miss Rena Fetrow lias return ed home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sealover, of Kralltown. Mrs. Corda T. Kunkel and sister, Miss Heck, of Us burn, spent Sunday at the home of their brother, David R. Heck. —Evelyn Sealover, of Kralltown, was the guest of relatives here on Saturday. I'pon her return she was accompanied by her brother, David. >r*T Cumberland. Mrs. Thomas Weiitz js visiting friends at Camp Hill. Mrs. w. H. Ennis and son. Billy, are spending several weeks at Atlantic City. George Strawsburg and daugh ter. of Sparrow's Point. Mo., are guests of Mrs. Catherine Cook and Mrs. Emma Strausbaugh. Miss Edith Beaver vis ited Mrs. Harry Schelter in York, this week Mrs. C. H. Smith is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Edward Berry, at Shippensburg. E. E. Kiurrie was at Newport this week. Mrs. Nesbit and Mrs. Simmons, of Mechanlcsburg, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sprenkel. I Shlrenmnstow ti. M". and Mrs. | George Jacobs received word of the | , serious illness of their daughter. Mrs j Charles Erb. at Sporting Hill. The j condition of Mary Miile>-, small daugh ! ter of Mrs. .teroine Miller, who was I struck by a bicycle while attempting to I cross the street, iis I n'jrove 1. Mrs. I Frank Herber, of Souder-on, is the | gii'-st of Mrs. H. M. Rupp. .Mrs. C. S. i Gelling and daughters, were guests of I the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I Hofastatt at Harrisburg. Mr. and 1 Mr.--. Roy Stansfield and John Stan.s --j fiem. of Mechanlcsburg. visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benja j man Stansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Clar -nce Hench have returned to ihelr home at Shamokin after spending several : days here. Miss Grace Rupp is vlsit | ing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feg!ey at I Allentown. Mrs. Oliver Baker, cf j I.emoyne, visited her mother, Mrs. S. M. I Comfort. Mrs. Charles Hag.-rman, of \ Lawrence. Tioga county, is the guest I of her sister here. Halifax. Mrs. A. R. Jacobs, of Wil : liamsport, is nursing her mother, Mrs. J. T. Chrismer, who recently under went an operation. Mrs. Jacobs while hero received the announcement of the 1 arrival of a young son, horn to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Biever. of Millersburg. Mrs. I Biever is a sister of Mrs. Jacobs. Clinton Shoop. of Lykens. spent Tues ; day at the home of his sister, Mrs. i Alice Bressler. —• Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stailey are spending a few days at Liverpool. visiting Mrs. Stailey's i mother. Mrs. Llllie Stailey. Miss I Ruth Bowman is visiting at the home "|of Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Naee, at Har rishurg. Mrs. Luther Lehr visited Charles Vanetta, at McClellan, on Tuesday. J. Irwin Hoffman, of Hali fax township, left on Monday for Ij»n- I caster, where he will attend Franklin land Marshall College. Miss Christine I Neidig. of Kennett Square, has been j spending the week at the bedside of her mother. Mrs. A. H. Neidig. who ia I slowly recovlng from an attack of grip. Mrs. Neidig and son. Howard, also were 111. Miss Charlotte Heisler Is visiting Miss Miriam Dunkle, at Steel ! ton. Miles B. Lebo left on Monday I for the Mlllersvllle State Normal School. Harvey and' Samuel Hoffman, of Carsonvllle, and William Rummel I spent Sunday at the home of Carney Hoffman. Jerome Sheaffer and Mr. Schlosser. of Penbrook. spent Monday at the home of J. E. Jury. Margaret Vanetta visited friends «t Lewlshurg. [ —Mr. and Mrs. Ira U-epliart announce driving; on Sunday afternoon, when Miss Sarah wa» thrown out and Is suffering from concussion of the brain. She is still in a very critical condition. Miss Adaline was also thrown out of the carriage, but escaped serious in- Jury. while Miss Rebecca remained In the carriage, clinging to the reins until she suoceeded in stopping the horse, and she escaped injury. From left to right, they are: Rebecca. Sarah and Adaline. The trio recently celebrated their seventeenth birthday and will graduate from the local high sohool in 1916. the birth of a son this w«K. Mrs. | Martha Hoffman and daughter, Ivy, I •«pent several days at Oaupbin. Mr. J and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman announce the birth of a daugnter. on Tuesday. —j Mit-s Florence kom, of Loyalton, is the i Kiiest if Mi. and Mrs. Amos Sweigard. | Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, of Har risburg, were irursts of Mr. and Mrs. M H. Spain- Miss Winifred Biever returneu to her home, in Millersburg, 011 Sunnsj . I'l-i spending: the week with her g.: inlmother, Mrs. Mary Biev er. -- li irr> Miller spent Sunday: at Harrisburg. ilie guest of Mr. and I Mrs. XV. K. i->rb. riketonn. Mr. and Mrs. John ! Weaver, of Penbrook. visited Mr. and , Mrs. Simon Weaver, on Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Weber, of Harrisburg. was the guest of J. L. Ramsey. Mrs. H. l>. Chester, of Allentown, is the gupst of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kann. Miss May Fox visited in Harrisburg on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shutt, of Linglostown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cassel. Mr. and Mrs. John Lingie and children were guests of Ellas Mumma. near AnnviUe. on Sunday. Mrs. John Thompson, of Harrisburg. spent ft few days with her father. Thomas Ramsey. The Rev. Jonas Martin attended the Ministerial Association meeting of the Churches of God. in Harrisburg, 011 Monday. Miss Prisollla Ramsey spent Tuesday nt Harrisburg. Miss i,uella Runkle visited her sister. Mrs. George Wade, Jr., at I-inglestown. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hadle, of Fishing Creek Valley. I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 1 hbersole. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Shaf- [ fer, of Penbrook. were guests of Mr. and Airs. C. M. Hughes, on Sunday. Miss Blanche Mumma. of Sbellsville. visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eman uel Mumma. on Sunday. Mrs. Martha Hoover Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brook Hughes, near Elisabethtown. Union Deposit Man Home From United States Army • By Special Correspondence Union Deposit, Pa., April 24.—Mr. and Mrs. Adam Krelfifer. of Palmyra, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. C. Groff on Sunday.—Norman Lentz spent a day at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Basehore. of Horners town, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Hawk on Sunday.— John Fausnacht spent Wednesday at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Fox entertained their son Jacob and wife of Fontana, on Sunday.—Claud Long spent Saturday at Harrisburg.—Lieo Miller and daugh ter, Barbara, of Steelton, visited his 1 mother. Mrs. Amos Miller on Sunday. —Frank Long, who had been away from home for the past four years, of which he served three years in the 'United States army, has returned home. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stover, |of Stoverdale, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Landis on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartman, of Harrisburg. visited the former's mother. Mrs. Maggie Hartman. who is ill. Miss Emma Greiner and sister Sadie spent a day at Harrisburg.—On Sunday morning the Rev. Mr. Dandow. of Lebanon will preach in the United Brethren Church. —Air. and Mrs. R. Ebersole, of Hum melstown, visited their son Ralph.— Mrs. Harry Marson. of Philadelphia, after spending a short time with Mr. and Mrs. John Schlepfer returned home on Sunday. ERECTING WEIGHT SCALES Ellzabctlivtlle. Pa., April 24. Homer D. Romberger and family, of Carlisle, spent several days with Charles B. Gansel. Miss Hilda M. Eby, of Highspire, spent several days with her parents here. Harry W. Koppenheffer and family spent Sun day with J. M. Koppenheffer.—Dis trict Attorney M. E. Stroup and fam ily and N. W. Stroup. of Harrisburg. spent Sunday here. —Mrs. Kate Shaf fer and children left for Detroit, Mich., where they will have their fu ture home. —The baseball players are practicing every evening and Manager Hoke is arranging games for the season. —Miss Clara Byerly. of West j Milton, spent several days with Mrs. c. E. Forney.—Miss Gertrude Reig hard. of Rainsburg. was the guest of Miss Florence Wehr. Mrs. A. E. i Grove and daughter spent several days j jin Union county.—Miss Tressa War- I fel is seriously ill at her home In Mar | ket street. —Mr. and Mrs. John Bohner | spent the week near Pillow.—Roy T. ; Romberger, of Harrisburg, spent i seven days with his parents here.— ! Isaiah T. Buffington, of this place, will leave for San Francisco, Cal., early In May to visit the exposition and also visit a brother.—The Milling Company is erecting a scales at its plant in con nection with the coal.vard. Melvin and Harold Romberger spent several days in Snyder and Union counties. DIES IX BUFFALO HOSPITAL Newton Hamilton. Pa., April 24. | Miss Verna Shade was a recent visl j tor at Altoona. —Mrs. Kate Morrison ! and daughter Matilda, spent Wednes- I day at Huntingdon.—Mrs. Alice Drake j was a aJt. Union visitor recently.— Miss Marquitta Smelker, Miss Helen i Shave and Mrs. H. W. Bollinger visit ed Huntingdon.—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Charles and two son and Misss Xelle Graham, of Tyrone, spent Sunday at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Graham. Sr.—J. M. Gra ham, Jr.. was at Mt. Union on Mon day.—Miss Marcia Burbank was at Mt. Union on Saturday.—Miss Catherine Black, who has been a patient in the J. C. Blair hospital, at Huntingdon the past two weeks, returned to her home here Monday.—Word was received here Monday last that John Caldwell, I son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Caldwell, i had died In Pearson's Hospital at Buf falo. N. Y.. where his father had taken him for treatment.—F. S. Harvey. R. D. Satyner were Mt. Union visitors on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ewing, I of Huntingdon were in town on Sun day. 1 i HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH BANQUET OF EPHRATA 00D FELLOWS' LODGE Enjoy Celebration at Hotel Cocal ico and Will Attend Church Service FINE HOME TALENT CONCERT School Children of Ephrata Have $2,206.55 Deposited in Savings Bank Fund By special Correspondence Ephrata, Pa., April 24—For the past two weeks. Evangelist M Starke, of Brooklyn, N. Y., assisted by his singer, Professor Arthur A. Shaw, of Irwin, Pa., have been conducting a series of evangelistic meetings in the I'nited Brethren Church. Great inter est is being manifested. A number of persons have professed conversion dur ing the meetings. A chorus choir of seventy-five voices, under the leader ship of Professor Shaw, is rendering efficient service In song.—On Monday evening, the first degree was confer red on a class of eight candidates in Ephrata lodge. No. 406, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Tlje members of the lodge held their annual banquet at the Hotel Cocalico last evening. To-morrow evening they will attend ser\ ices in Bethany Reformed Church when the pastor, the Kev. A. S. Meek, will preach a special sermon.—The home talent concert in the Grand The ater on Tuesday evening under the auspices of Trinity Lutheran League was largely attended and the pro gram included choruses by the church choir and by women voices; piano solo by Miss Mary Spangler; cornet solo by Byron Ibach; soprano solo by Miss Marie Balthaser; baritone solo by George R. Stelnmetz; piano trio by the Messes Mary Shifter. Violet Mc- Vey and Dr. J. B. Balthaser; readings by Miss Violet McVey.—The enroll ment In the Ephrata borough schools iH 653; average attendance, 597. The school children have $2,206.55 deposit ed in savings bank fund.—The Rev. J. W. Smith, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, will attend the meeting of the Lancaster Conference on Monday and Tuesday next in St. Paul's Luth eran Church, at Miilersville. Joseph T. Evans has been chosen as the delegate of the congregation to attend the con ference. and M. B. Angstadt alternate. —The Rev. A. S. Meek, pastor of Beth any Reformed Church and the Rev. Martin W. Schweitzer, pastor of the First Reformed Church, will attend the annual meeting of the Mncaster classis of the Reformed church at Harrisburg on Monday. The lay dele- Kates for the Bethany charge are J. B. Eshleman and Martin Bushong; A. C. Beam and Eli Stuffy will represent the Muddy Creek charge with which the First church is connected. Congressman A. S. Kreider to Be Memorial Day Orator By Special Correspondence Jonestown. Pa.. April 24.—Joseph Long, of Kokomo, Ind.. who several weeks ago came east to attend the funeral of his mother. Is at present visiting his uncle, David Smith, at Pottsvllle. Titus H. Rank, former proprietor of the Buck Hotel, Is 111 at his home.—Miss Natalie P. Rank, a nurse, of Philadelphia, is home on a short vacation.— Frank W. Bachman. of the firm of Gerhart & .Bachman, hardware and Implement dealers, was married in on Tuesday even ing to Miss Myrtle Glick, daughter of the late Ira A. N. Glick. who had a large peach orchard near Mount Zion. —John Desh and family and Mrs. Henry B. Lesher attended the funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Boeshure at Fred ericksburg on Wednesday. Under taker Harry B. Strauss received word of the serious injury to his father, J. Franklin Strauss, of Fredericksburg, while working on a barn roof a short distance north of Fredericksburg.— Congressman Aaron S. Kreider, of Annville. has been selected as the orator on Memorial Day. Lemoyne High School Pupils on Long Hike to Country lemoyne, Pa.. April 24.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, of York, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Neb- Inger. on Sunday.—Ftohert Monath, of f'hambersburg. spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Monath. — Rest a Bushey was a week-end visitor at York. Miss Louisa Mengee, of Jersey Shore. N. J., is visiting her broeher, Harry Mengee.—Miss Mar garet Zigler, of Harrisburg. was the guest of her cousin. Miss Ruth Titzel, over the week-end. —Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wolfensburger, daughter Cath erine and son; Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Pef fer and son George motored to «'ham bersburg Sunday.—Miss Ethel Clever, a teacher in the local public schools, visited her parents at Shippensburg.— Grace Omer, of Harrisburg, was here on Sunday.—Misses Helen and Erna Roye, of Columbia, were the guests of their cousin. Miss Iva McLane.—Fully thirty pupils of the Lemoyne ftlgh school, chaperoned by Miss Edith Mumma, assistant principal, took a hike into the country Wednesday aft ernoon. —Mrs. Miller, of Shlremans town. spent Wednesday with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Musselman. tA lesson of the European War Once more, among countless times, has the great food value of chocolate and cocoa been demonstrated, both serving as a part of the rations of the troops in ACTIVE SERVICE. BAKER'S SWEET CHOCOLATE has always had this guarantee "The ingredients of this Chocolate are guaranteed to be pure on** cocoas of superior blend and sugar." The genuine has this trade-mark on the package, and is made only by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. TWIN SISTERS ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED By Special Correspondence Mochanlobnrgr. Pa., April 24.—Announcement has Just been made of the engagements of Miss Mae Romaine Sultzaberger, of Mechanicsburg. who will wed Garnet Duke Gillespie, of Carlisle, next month, and her twin sister. Miss Lillian Viola Sultaaberger, of Philadelphia, who will become the bride of Norman Hunter, of that city, in the early autumn. The double announce ment was made by the parents of the twins. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sultza berger. of West Simpson street, this week. Newport Ball Team Is After i Dauphin-Perry Pennant By Special Correspondence Newport, Pa.. April 24.—Mrs. James B. Leiby and her daughter, Mrs. Jesse S. But*, are spending the week at Philadelphia and Atlantic City.—Misses Mary Catherine and Lena May Blatzer have been spending some days with their grandmother. Mrs. Gottleib Vatr, at Lykens.—Mrs. George W. Maginnls and daughter Dorothy are visiting relatives at Philadelphia and Wash ington.—Mrs. Joseph B. Baker. Jr., is entertaining her brother. Randolph Breese. of East Downingtown.—-Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kuhn, of Lewlstown, spent Sunday with Mr. Kuhn's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Silas S. Kuhn.— William W. Sharon and Jesse E. Beitz were in Mtllersburg on Tuesday.— The Rev. Robert M. Ramsey, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, assisted at the service of installation of the Rev. J. C. Ely. Jr.. as pastor of the Mifflintown Presbyterian Church and gave the charge to the pastor. —Miss Alma Howansttne has entered as a student at Miilersville State Normal School.—Mrs. P. H. Brown, of Mount Savage. Md.. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Horace Agnew Moore. Miss Louise Beohtel Beard, who has been visiting relatives in New Decatur, Ala., for the past two months, has returned home.—C. Earle Noll and H. Ray Wertz spent Sunday at Philadelphia and New York city.—The Rev. James M. Runkle, Ph. D., who has been pas tor of the Reformed Church of the Incarnation for the past seven years, with his family left yeßterday for his new field of labor at Jeannette.— Miss Ellznheth Geary spent the week-end at Harrisburg. At the manse on Thursday the Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Ramsey entertained the Rev. J. C. Ely. D. D.. pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Oakland. Md.. and Mrs. Ely. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Baker. Jr., entertained at the Mansion on Wednes day their cousin. Norris of Camden, N. J.—Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Blatzer and daughter Charlotte autoed to Lykens on Sunday.—The baseball season was Inaugurated this afternoon with a game between the Duncannon High School team and that of the high school of town. Manager Sharon has signed up most of last year's team and a goodly number of youngsters and expects to have this town repre sented by a strong team with the hope of winning the pennant in the Dau phin-Perry league. Susquehanna Lutheran Synod to Meet at Selinsgrove By Special Correspondence Solinsgrovp, Pa., April 24.—Ar rangements are being made for the annual convention of the Susquehanna Synod, of the I.utheran Church, which will be held here May 12 to 16. The Rev. K. P. Manhart, of Susque hanna University, president of the Synod, will preside. About 150 clergy men from all parts of the North and West branch conferences will be in attendance. —Miss Margaret Smith, of Muncy, a former resident of this place, spent some time here on Mon day.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Biles, of Harrisburg, are visiting the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Witmer, on the Isle of Que. —A surprise party was Riven at the home of Mrs. Annie Holshue, by her daughter, Helen Holshue, in honor of her birthday. The evening was enjoyed by all and delicious refreshments were served. —Miss Marguerite Straub has re turned to her home, after a visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. George Litehare, at Muncy. TEMPERANCE LECTURE AT I,E MOYXE Special to The Telefraph Lemoyne, Pa., April 24. May 11 was the date selected by the Women's Christian Tempprnnce Cnion, at a meeting Thursday night, when M. J. Fanning, of Philadelphia, will speak at a great temperance meeting to be held in the United Evangelical Church. The speake* Is sent out by the State Wo men's Christian Temperance Union and Is well known. V APRIL 24. 1915. Franklin Menges Delivers "Corn" Lecture at Dillsburg By Special Correspondence PillslnirE. Pa.. April 24. William Ellcker. editor of the Dlllshurg Bulle tin. has been elected delegate by Dills burg: Conclave, No. 306, Improved Or der of Heptasophs, to represent that body at the supreme conclave in Jttne. —Miss Kflie Heist line, assistant post master of Dillsburg. Is off duty on ac count of illness.—The Indies' Aid So ciety of the Lutheran Church will hold a chicken and biscuit supper in the basement of the new church to-night. Mrs. J. H. Ditmer is confined to her home with rheumatism. Miss Grace Britcher spent several days as the cuest of the Kev. and Mrs. C. B. Segelken, In Steelton. —Arbutus flowers are plentiful on the mountainside west of Dillsburg. - Franklin Menges, of Menges" Mill, gave a lecture on "Corn" on Tuesday night in the Opero House under the auspices of the United Agri cultural Association of Dillsburg. Miss Minnie Baish was the guest of relatives at Harrisburg this week.— Theodore Anderson, who had been ill at the home of his mother. Mrs. Wil liam Anderson, for several weeks, was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital for treatment. SERMOX TO GRADUATES By Special Correspondence Millerstown. Pa., April 24. Jo seph Dillman, of Hunters' Valley, vis ited his sister. Mrs. Nancy Karstetter, recently.—D. TJ. Farner spent Sunday at Harrisburg with his sister, Mrs. Emma Franklin.—Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patton and John Brinton, of Harris burg, automobiled to town on Sunday and spent the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp. They were accompanied home In the evening by Mrs. Brinton. Mrs. Annie Eckels, Mrs. William Dyer and Misses Kath ryn and Alice Rlckabaugh were vis itors In Newport recently.—James Rounsley was at Harrisburg on Fri day.—Elmer Reisinger and daughter Carolyn accompanied the Rev. C. F. Hlmes to Ickesburg Sunday morning. —Hobert Patton spent the week-end in Harrisburg with his son, Robert Patton. Mrs. Oren Wagner was a Harrisburg visitor on Friday.—Miss Myra Farner returned to her school I work at Chambersburg Monday after spending several weeks with her par ents at this place.—Mrs. Carrie Trout man visited friends in Reading sev eral days the past week.—On Sunday evening the Rev. C. F. Hlmes preached the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates of the Thompsontown High School, in the Methodist Epis | copal Church at that place.—Jacob Barner, of Pfouts Valley, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. I. B. Secrist.—Miss Lillian Nankivel. who is teaching at Steelton, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nan kivel.— Mrs. Mary Pellon, who has been visiting her children In Harris burg. for several monlhs. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Khlne hart this week. Kirk Haines, of Connelsville, spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. J. B. Bucher. He was accompanied home by his mother.— Mrs. J. C. Hall left Thursday for Bal timore, where she will visit her son, Dr. Roscoe Hall. NEWSPAPER PIjAXT ENLARGED By Special Correspondence Shippeiisburg. Pa., April 24. James Kenyon, a former editor of the Shippensburg News, nuw living in Carlisle, was a vistor on Monday.—E. N. Kirkpatrick, former steward of the Normal School, now of Buffalo, is visiting in town. The Men s Bible Class of the Messiah United Brethren Sunday school, held its annual class meeting last night at the parsonage.— The Freshman Glee Club of Gettys burg College will give a concert in the Memorial Lutheran Church this , evening.—John Tyler will speak to men at the new operahouse to-mor | row afternon.—R. H. Houck, of near j Newvllle. spent Monday In town. > Miss Helen Diller spent several days I In Chambersburg.—The plant of the Shippensburg Newi Is being enlarged. LIES" NIGHT AT ELKS; CLUBHOUSE Thirty Waynesboro Cooplei Enjoy Pleasant Evening, With Danc ing and Bowling MISS FRICK GIVES PARTY Friends Entertained by Miss Esther Spahr at Her Home on Tuesday Evening By Special Corrrtfnnd»ie* Waynesboro. Pa., April 2 4.—Thurs day whs ladles' night at the Elks' Club and dancing and howling were fea tures of the evening. Thirty couples were present. Refreshments were served, as is the usual custom.—Miss Mary K. Frick entertained at her home a few friends in honor of Miss Margaret Grove, of Mercersburg, who Is her guest.—Miss Esther Hpahr en tertained n number of friends at her home Tuesday evening. Those present were Lyde Lehman, Elizabeth Gordon, Miriam Washabaugh, Elsie Mintzer, Kathrine Kiseoker, Esther Spahr, Em mert Price, Rrenneman Smith, Price Gordon, Harry Esbenshade, Wnlker Price.—Mr. and Mrs. John W. Powers, Mansfield, Ohio, have arrived here to spend the summer with the family of H. C. Crllly.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Miller and daughter Madeline returned to their home in Magerstown after a month's visit with Mrs. Miller's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ja.mes J. Johnson. —Mrs. H. J. Little Is spending some time at Wllliamsport. Md.— Mrs. G. Arvid Anderson and daughter Katrlna and Miss Victoria Heaver are visiting in Philadelphia. Henrv Bender, of Harrisburg, Is visiting his sister. Mrs. R. E. Benchoff.—Mrs. Ira Wheeler has returned from a visit of six weeks in Newville. Misses Elsie and Pattl Spangler. of Harrisburg. are visiting friends here. —The Rev. and Mrs. Ar thur A. Kelly • have returned after spending several days at Harrisburg.— Miss Ethel Ramer returned to her home in Myersvllle. Md., after a visit of several days with Miss Eaitli McKlnley. ENJOY LIFE! <Oll ED DIETS Be happy! A 10-cent box keeps liver and bowels fine for months Feel bully! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy and constipated It's Springtime! Clean your torpid liver and sluggish bowels with good, harmless Cascarets —They don't gripe or sicken. Give your insides a good "spring clearing" and rid yourself of headaches, bilious spells, dizziness, sallowness, bad breath, stomach sour ness, gases, etc. Cheer up! Get a 10-cent box from any drug store- — Best cathartic for children.—Adver tisement. GREAT FOR EMERGENCIES San Cura Ointment Should Be In Every 'Home There never was known a more re liable ointment than San-Cura. In most every case where it has been used it has created astonishment. It drew a needle out of the foot of the daughter of Mrs. James Hitchcock, of Centreville, Pa., after the doctor had used his lance and failed. it has great healing and antiseptic value. It possesses so much healing virtue that it Is guaranteed by George A. Gorgas to relieve any kind of piles, eczema, tetter, salt rheuma, bolls, car buncles. ulcers, all kinds of chronic sores, chilblains and chapped hands, or money back. It's a mighty handy remedy to have In the house in emergencies for bruises, burns, cuts or scalds, because It relieves the pain and is antiseptio and healing. It's a medicine chest in itself —a little family physician that is ever In demand. 25c and 50c a Jar at George A. Gorgas'.—Advertisement Place your order with na for Aws !■*». Estimates Gladly Given Also tpholaterlßK, Slip Covers and Carpet work done. JOS. COPLINKY Snreeaaor to H. A. Vollmer. 1210 North Third Street HARHISBL'RG, PA. We handle a full line of Mra*i, Womeii'i and C'blldrea'a Shoes from 49c to $2.98 5
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