4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS YJ. CI SECRETIN j HkS E.OOO-MILE TRIP William E. Herr Was Assigned to United States Battleship Dela ware For Long Cruise BLOOD POISON FROM SPLINTER John B. Boger. Deputy Clerk of Lebanon Orphans Court, Is Slowly Recovering By Special Correspondence Annville, Pa., April 24. —John B. Boger, deputy clerk of the Orphans Court of Lebanon county, who was confined to his home In Kallroad street, threatened with blood poison caused by a slight scratch on his right hand, is slowly recovering.—William E. Herr. son of Mr. and Mrs. U. y. Herr, of College avenue, who is a T. M. C. A. secretary assigned to the battleship Delaware, has returned from Mexico after a trip of over 6.000 miles by land and water. —D. A. Whis keyman, the florist, has returned to his home after being in the Lebanon sanatorium for three weeks. Mrs. John C*ssel. of Harrisburg, spent Sun day visiting: Mrs. John Bern - . The Rev. J. H. Willaurer has been elected treasurer of the Reading Ministerial Association.—C. B. Gollam spent Tuesday at Greenpoint.—Robert 1' or mey, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday as the guest of D. A. Whiskevman. ■ Mrs. Ella Hellman was the guest of her son, William, at Harrisburg the past week.—Mrs. S. C. Saylor enter tained the members of the Auf Wei der Sehn Club at her home. Among the Invited guests were: Mrs. Rash bridge. of Reading: the Misses Emma and Edna Loose, of Palmyra, and Mrs. Snavelv, of Lebanon.—'The Rev. J. H. Willauer was a visitor at Read ing. BUILDING NEW BUNGALOW By Special Correspondence IjiuslcMowii. Pa.. April 24. Miss, Ttachael Etter, of Highspire, spent Sunday the guest of her grandfather.! the Rev. Dr. Sigler.—A new bungalow will lie erected on the grounds pur- • chased from the Bower farm by Mr. j Thomas in the near future. After; spending several months with friends, here Mrs. William Potteieer and son j Jav left on Thursday for their home in ; Oklahoma. —Dr. H. R. Rhein. of llnr-1 risburg, spent several days with hisj mother. Mrs. Mary Rhein.—The Rev: and Mrs. Clyde Lynch, of Harrisburg. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas; Cawell.—Miss Carrie Smith, of River ride. spent Sunday here. —Miss Minnie | Baker spent several days at Harris- i burg.—Roy Look, of Harrisburg, on | Sunday was the guest of his parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Look. —Mrs. Re becca Baker and Miss Annie Sehaner spent Tuesday at Harrisburg.—Mrs. H. D. Koons and Mrs. Miles Bolton spent Thursday, at Harrisburg.—A. Brown, of Philadelphia, spent several davs as the guest of his son. Dr. B. Brown.—Mrs. Lillie Pittman spent Thursday at Harrisburg—Mr. and Mrs. Clvde Holland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hiovs.—Miss Dorothy and Miss Mabel Feeser. of Hershey, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Carrie j Feeser. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed- ! wetting. There is a constitutional cau«e for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box ! W, Jiotre Dame, Ind , will send free to | any mother her successful home treat ment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your chil dren trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child the chances are it can t help it. This treatment also cures adiiltg i and aged people troubled with urine linli culties by day ox uighU . HOARSENESS" Cold in the throat, filling up of the air passages, swelling of the throat—results of exposure or taking cold—leads to serious consequences unless effectively treated. SCHENCK'S SYRUP contains no narcotics. It hw» re- ' laxing properties that bring com fort to the throat and freedom from hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds and bronchial af fections. 80 years a family rem edy. 50c and SI.OO per bottle: If ; you cannot get it from your drug- j gist, we will send it to you direct ; on receipt of the price. DR. J. H. SCHEXCK * SOX, Philadelphia. DR. CHASE S Blood and Nerve Tablets Fill th® shriveled arteries with pore, rich fclood. increase the weight in solid flesh and tnascle that give you strength, the brain and r-rres with frnh vital fluid that force new life and vigor into every part of th£ body. WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING Price 50 cents; Special Strength 75 cents. Dr. Chase Ce.. 224 N. 10th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Hard Pea Coal Drops 25c a Ton Wilkes-Barre Pea is now 54.95 a ton, and the drop in hard pea affects the price of other sizes with which it is mixed. Wilkes-Barre No. 2 Nut is now $5.65. Fill your bins now with range coal for next winter. -These prices will advance July 1. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets I bATUKPAY EVENING. WOMAN HIM OLD DIES IT NIGERSIOWN Mother of Mrs. James Smith, of Greencastle, Was Oldest Person in Neighborhood BOY IS INJURED IN ACCIDENT Paul Musselman Thrown Out of Wagon When Horse Runs Away By Special Correspondence Greonoastle, Pa., April 24.—Paul Musselman. son of Christian Mussel-' man. met with a painful accident this week. He was on his way to the Mil nor Creamery in a spring wagon, when his horse became frightened; and ran away, throwing the lad out. ' His face was cut and his back serious-I Iv injured.—Mr. and Mrs. James Smith ' were called to Hagerstown on Tues- 1 day by the death of Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Mazie Waters. Mrs. Wa ters wasthe oldest person in this part j of the country. She was 101 years" old. The Travelers' club went tOj Waynesboro by trolley Monday even ing. where they were entertained at the home of Mrs. Watson Sntvely. —j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haller and son of Washington. D. C., are visiting Mrs. Haller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John \ Hill. Mrs. Mary S. Kreps was the; hostess of the Bridge club Thursday > afternoon.—Mrs. W. M. Beattie has! returned froma visit at York. Miss| Dorothy Shook is home from a so journ at Derby. Conn. —Mr. and Mrs. j John Davison spent the past week in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Albert j Walck, of West Baltimore street, an-: nounce the birth of twins April 10th. —Mrs. P. E. Baer has returned from Washington. D. C.. where she spent the winter. Mrs. James Graham and son have returned to Lancaster after a visit with Mrs. Graham's mother. Little Folks' Party on Mary Lehman's Birthday By Special Correspondence Ncwvillc. Pa., April 24.—Mrs. W. B. Reynolds visited friends in Harrisburg for several days.—Dr. John O. Bower, of Philadelphia, spent Monday night with his mother, who is ill.—Mrs. Ira Wheeler, who visited relatives here s for some time, returned to her home at Waynesboro.—Mrs. J. A. Davis and daughter, of Mechanicsburg. are vis iting the former's mother, Mrs. Lydia Williams.—Mrs. George Mehatlie and son, of Harrisburg, spent several days with Miss Myrtle Heller.—Mr. and 1 Mrs. Stacy Glausor. of Chester, spent the week-end with W. C. Woodburn. —Ed. Trotip, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday with his brother, George B. Troup.—Mrs. Robert H. Sharp, of Hammonton. X. J.. is visiting her aunts, the Misses Randall.—Mrs. John Wright, who spent several days with her father. A. M. Maxwell, who is ill, j returned to her home at Mt. Holly, N. J.—Clsir Rhoads, of lowa, arrived here on Friday to take his father. , Miller Rhoads. who has been ill. to his home in lowa. They expect to leave Newvllle on Thursday evening. Mr. Rhoads, Sr., has been visiting his sister, Mrs. W. B. Goodhart, for sev eral months.—Mr. and Mrs. Hvilbur W. Getter announce the birth of a | son on Monday, April 19. —Mrs. J. Ed. Heberlig, west of town, was severely bitten in the thumb by a cat and; blood poisoning has developed.—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Lehman will en tertain about thirty-five little folks at their home, on the North Side, this j evening from 6 to 8 o'clock, in honor of their daughter. Mary, it being her eighth birthday anniversary. MUSIC ALE AT WORMI.EYSBURG Mendelssohn Glee Club of llarrislmrg to Give Entertainment By Special Correspondence Wormlejsbiirg, Pa.. April 2 4.—The Rev. and Mrs. Kenshaw, Miss Vada Barker and rharles Chapman went to i Daretown, N. J., on Tuesday. The! trip was made by auto to attend the] funeral or .Mrs. Renshaw's aunt, who, was in her »sth year. Mrs. Mc-: Adams is entertaining her daughter i and two children. Mr. and Mrs. J. j D. Hippie, Miss Balthaser and the Rev. ■ and Mrs. Renshaw were at Carlisle and 1 Mechanicsburg on Saturday.—Mrs. J.: Ortt and Mrs. Charles Sperrow visited i in Lucknow on Wednesday. Mrs. Russel Hummel, who is ill at her par-, ents' home in York, is somewhat im- ! proved. Miss Anna Cornman of I Boiling Springs, visited at Vernon Kis- ] ter's on Saturday.—The Rev. Renshaw | Bible class met at tiie parsonage on Monday evening to further arrange- • ments for a musicale in the United Brethren Church by the Mendelssohn 1 Glee Club of Harrisburg on Hie even-, ing of May 13. "IZAAK WALTON'S" CATCH FISH By Special Correspondence Alk-n. Pa.. April 24.—Communion services and feetwashing at the Church of God on Sunday evening were well attended, the majority or communicants being young persons. —Mrs. Adam Nell, who recently bad the misfortune to break her right arm in two places, is improving gradually. —A pleasant family gathering was i enjoyed at the home of D. G. Bowman I on Sunday.—Miss Miriam Heisey Is | suffering from rheumatism at her I father's home near D. and M. Junc tion.—Orville Morrette, a student at i Wade Business College, Lancaster, I spent several days with his parents.— The condition of Mrs. Kreiger, who has been 111 for some time, shows no Improvement.—Some nice fish have been caught lately in the Yellow- Breeches creek by the most expert "Isaak W r altons" of the town. | CANT FIND f Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Dan derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a 25-cent bottle of lianderine at any drug store and save your hair. After a few ap plications you can't find a particle o! dandruff or any falling hair, and the scalp will never itch. Terriiying When Child Wakens With Croup yhen your child suddenly -wakes with a terrifying cough, a gasping. choking struggle to get Its breath, give Goff's Cough feyrup at once. The herbal ex tracts cut and raise the phlegm; clear the stopped up wind pipe and make breathing easy. Hundreds of mothers have stopped croup In IS minutes with this reliable remedy. Use OofTs to pre vent Croup and Whooping Cough: It may save your child severe Tilnesß. Con tains no opiates. Guaranteed by Grocers and Druggists, 25 and 50c. Get it today ODD FELLOWS PJIY FRATERNAL VISIT Wildey Encampment, of Mechan icsburg, Participates in Cere mony at Carlisle PARADE BY MILITARY BRANCH! Interesting Lecture on Liquor and Tobacco Delivered in Mechan icsburg Public Schools By Special Correspondence MwhaHi'-sburg, Pa.. April 24.—-On Thursday evening, Wildey Encamp ment, No. 29. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, paid the Carlisle En campment a fraternal visit, to partici pate In the ceremonies of the Patri archal degree, conferred by the Dau phin Encampment of Harrisburg. on Carlisle and Mechanicsburg candi dates. A small street parade was given by the military branch, previous to the meeting. The Rev. Charles E. (Raach was a visitor to Hagerstown, Md. An interesting lecture, with! charts showing the bad effects of li quor and tobacco, was given in the public schools on Tuejuiay by Miss Thomas, of Philadelphia. State lec turer for the Women's Christian Tem perance Union. W. E. Keefer is im proving after his recent Illness. Mrs. H. C. McCommon, of Altoona. was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. S. William son. on Tuesday. The Misses Mary and Margery Lilley have returned home, after spending the winter with their sister, at Easton. Mrs. John T. Lamb spent the week in Milton.— Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stromlnger were visitors in Philadelphia. Miss Flor ence Underwood, a teacher in Jersey City, X. J., returned to her school duties after spending a vacation at the home of her father. John Underwood. —The women's class of Willing Work ers and the Young Men's Bible Class, of Church of the Brethren Sunday school, accompanied by friends, paid a visit to their elder, the Rev. William Murphy, at Boiling Springs on Tues day evening. H. R. Gelwicks con veyed the party in his large auto truck. An enjoyable program was given, and refreshments were served.—Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hollar, of Harrisburg, were the guests on Sunday of the iatter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mohler. Miss Bessie Poorman. of Harrisburir, spent Sunday with Mrs. Catherine Titzel. Herbert Grey Fos ter, of Philadelphia, visited F. K. Ployre this week. Ross Lehman, who has been ill with rheumatism for many weeks, is able to be around. Dr. C. H. Gardinier Will v Address Berrysburg Grads. Berrysbuig, Pa.. April 24.—Waldren Lebo and rr:end of Gratx. were in town on Wednesday evening.—Calvin Mot her has returned from Philadelphia. —The primary school held its final en tertainment in the school gymnasium ; last evening. Misses Hazel Deibler and Anna Hcnninger spent Sunday at Gratz. P. H. Keboch and Ross Gar ber spent several days In Harrisburg. —-Roy Wallers of Wiconisco spent Sunday with his parents. The bac calaureate sermon to the class of 1915 will be preacned by the Rev. Wehr in tile Reformed Church to-morrow evening. Commencement exercises j will he held in the same place on Wednesday evening. The address to the class will be given by Dr. C. H. i Gardinier. of Millersville, Pa. His sybject will be "What Is a Man Worth?" Messrs. Francis and Earl Strawlisicker of Millereourg, spent Sun day with their father. Daniel Straw i hecker.—William Keboch and fam ily of Allentown, visited at the home of Henry Daniel several days.—-Sam uel Straub and family of Williams town spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. John Bobb of Philadelphia, Wil liam Bobb. of Herndon and Mrs. Eliz abeth Snyder, of Harrisburg, are visi tors at the home of M. S. Daniel. CONVENTION OF W. C. T. U. By Special Correspondence Mifflintown. Pa., April 24.—The Rev. C. E. Hills, of Trenton. N. J.. former pastor of the Presbyterian Church here. Is visiting at the home of Allen Kauffman.--••Mrs. William H. Banks is spending the week at Phila delphia.—Mrs. A. A. Oles, of RocK field, who is visiting her son, James, in Mexico, spent Tuesday in town with her brother, James A. Kreider.—The Rev. Mr. Buck, of York. Is spending several days with friends in the twin towns. —Harvey Mann, of Lewistown, spent Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Burchfield.—Mfg. Wagner accom panied her mother. Mrs. Neighbors, who has been spending the winter with her, to Muncy. Illinois.—Miss Florence Vincent spent Friday in Harrisburg.—The Rev. Stewart Keel ing, of Germantown, visited relatives in town. —Mrs. Lantz, of Washington, D. C., spent Wednesday with Miss Jessie Andrews.—Miss Janetta C. Kreider is visiting R. T. Kreider and family at Northumberland Mrs. Harry Dickershled is visiting relatives at Raltimore. —Bert Ickes, of Altoona. visited his cousin, Mrs. B. F. Junkin, on Wednesday.—M. P. Crawford spent several days at Pittsburgh.—Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gray, of Honey Grove, were in town on Saturday.—A con , ventlon of the W. C. T. U. was held 1 in the Methodist Episcopal Church on I Tuesday afternoon and evening. The speakers were Mrs. Jones, of Lewis j town, and Mrs. Parsells, of Philadel phia. Aunt Este's Stories For Children THE ADVENTURES OF FAIRY SILVERWINGS AUNT ESTE FOR APRIL !♦ Now In Fairyland there has never been night, THE ADVRXTI'HES OF FAIiIV SII. VEKWINtiS. So you can imagine poor Silverwing's fright. Mlverwtng* T«ke« n Hid* on Goldnlngs. She wept and she prayed—so at last through the air On tho wee pretty cushion so soft and so red. To the Palace In Fairy land wafted her prayer. Sat Silverwlngs wishing that she just were dead. At least, I suppose so, for down through the nitflit Oil yes. little ones, she ivas just like some more (Jame a wee busy creature who carried a light. Of us—soon as things go wrong then life is a bora (A great phosphorescent light on his hack— Silverwings learned just like me and like you, He seemed to have it all done up in a sack.) That sometimes on earth, skies are dark, sometimes blue. And right to the cushion where Silverwings sat But sho yet had to learn when the cloudy tintes come, lie flow, "Don't cry, dear, please don't do that," To whistle and wait for the gleam of the sun. Said he. "Come with me. wo will fly far away. So there on the cushion she sat sadly weeping, v You will find night has pleasures as well as the day, While her poor swollen wings kept a-f>eating and beatlnj; For my lantern will glow in tho darkest of places— For that nasty, that horrible fellow, the bee, I will show to you many new sights and new face*. Had given her plenty to think of you s|e; You will forget the sting of the Bee , And the night was advancing with curtains of &loom. When the wonderful land of the night you shall see. For over the hills crawled the pale.faced old moon, Hatch For the .\r \ » Adventure of Fairy Mlverwlnga. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH CROSS ROADS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES " 9p" a Br- 0% ' *» yMW ■ jjr V B . m Pi J W 1 j m , - i ■ 111 1 jL w H ,i I ■ BW m - l By Special Correspondence Marietta, Pa.. April 24.—Commencement exercises of the Cross Roads high school were the largest held In the district, and the decorations sur passed any previous events. The class numbered four—three young wo men and a young man, and they are: From left to right: Sitting. Margaret M. Manifold, valedictorian: Martha A. Miller, salutatorian; Professor Chas. F. Kauffman, teacher of the school; standing. John D. Hershner and Ruth E. Keesev. County Superintendent Stlne was present and delivered an ad dress and at the close of the exercises presented the graduates with their diplomas. The music at the commencement exercises was of a high order. Pleasant Party in Honor of Mrs. Heishley at Millersburg By Special Correspondcnre .Millersburg. Pa., April 24. —Messrs. S. S. Pick, C. P. Polk, L. M. Shepp ! and the Rev. W. C. Skeath are trout fishing along the mountain streams | north of Bloomsburg.—Edward Keel | while assisting in unloading heavy j steel girders for the Brubaker build ing, had one of his arms badly j pinched on Tuesday.*—Mrs. J. E. Bow- : man and Mrs. Sadie Etzweiler have returned from a visit to the home of the former's son, the Rev. J. Earl j Bowman, at Philipsburg.—Charles W. Noll Is housed up this week with a j bad case of ivy poison.—Mrs. Luther j Brink gave a party on Monday night at her home in honor of Mrs. Ada Heishley, of Harrisburg, who is visit- j ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. j Campbell in Moore street.—Jacob < Messner. who was taken to the Har- ! rlsburg hospital on Saturday, suffer ing with bowel trouble, is said to be j improving.—The Rev. J. E. Sheet*, of' New Kensington, was the guest of his I father, Levi Sheetz. in the valley this week.—Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Douden left to-day for California, where they will take in the Panama-Pacific Ex position and while there they will be the guests of their son, Alvin, who has been a resident of San Diego for a number of years. They expect to be gone several months. Frederick j Specht who has been seriously ill for : the past six weeks, is said to be slightly improved. * FIGHTING FIRES NEAR TOWER CITY By Special Correspondence Tower City. Pa.. April 24.-—Dr. Dan iel Berney, of Scranton, visited his parents on Sunday.—Mr. Stahl. of Harrisburg. is spending a vacation with his aunt. Mrs. Vianna Strohecker. —Miss Lizzie Cute is visiting her brother at Shaniokin. —Mrs. Mitchell, who had been visiting relatives In Philadelphia for several weeks, has returned home.—Miss Cora Meln hardt. of Lykens, is b'eing entertained by her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Klinger.— Loo Martin, employed in Philadel phia, is visiting his mother.— Miss Vera Cooper, of Lykens. is visiting Miss Esther /Searer.—Misses Alice Travitz and Lucy Wessner enjoyed a hike to Bear Valley and spent Sunday with relatives there.—Chas. Schreiner, of Lykens. spent Sunday here.— Misses Kathryn and Anna Dubbs, Sarah Murray and Louisa Mitchell and Mcssitb. John and William Murray attended a dance in Tremont recently. .—A large party from Tremont and a number from Vail'- View autoed to town to attend tl -vices held in the United Brethrc -oh by Bisho'i Weekley. The R( W*illiamstown. and nited h ren pastor at Lykens were nisi' i».es ent.—A fire is raging in the woods near here and many persons are en gaged in fighting It.— Mrs. Bordener is ill at her home with an attack of pneumonia.—TJrs. William Carl is i very ill.—Tower City will have a thor ough clean-up day on April 29. —Chas. Powell has gone to Egg Harbor, N. J., where he will be treated for heart trouble. — Miss Ella English, a trained nurse from Reading hospital, is home for a few days. i Banquet in Honor of Odd Fellows' 96th Anniversary By Special Correspondence Duncannon. Pa., April 24.—Duncan non High School Alumni Association will hold a meeting in the high school room Tuesday evening.—Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith and her mother. Mrs. Catharine Righter, were at Millers hurg on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Master have returned to their home here after spending the winter at Bal timore.—Commencement exercises of the Lower Duncannon High School will be held in the Methodist Episco pal church next Wednesday evening.— The Rev. Harry Rover, of Shermans dale, spent Monday with his father, John Boyer.—The baccalaureate ser mon for the graduating class of the borough high school will be delivered j by Dr. George H. Johnston In the! Presbyterian church Sunday evening. May 23.—Commencement exercises will be held in the Methodist Episco pal church Thursday evening. May 27. —This evening, Evergreen Lodge, No. 205, I. O. O. F., will celebrate the ninety-sixth anniversary of the order's institution in their lodge rooms, the principal features will be music and addresses which will be followed by a banquet.—The Rev. Wesley N. Wright, pastor of the Church of God. visited friends at Newport on Monday. Five Will Graduate at Montandon High School By Special Correspondence Montandon, Pa„ April 24.—Last evening the Ladies' Aid Society of th*? Baptist Church held a chicken and waffle supper at the home of Mrs. Joseph Pfleegor.—Commencement ex ercises of Montandon High School will be held in the Baptist church Satur day evening. May 1. Those in the class are: Misses Josephine Walter, i Louise Hurlbert, Beatrice Owens; Messrs. Melvin Harshberger and Mer rill Best. The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered Sunday evening by the Rev. John McAlarney.-—Mrs. Jo seph Frederick, Beulah Derr and Pearl Fries are housed up with the mumps.—The scholars of the High School have had a flagpole erected from which will float the handsome flag presented by William B. Hart man, who served twenty-seven years in the regular army.—Mrs. Frank Hockenberry and daughter, Viola, have returned home after a visit at Strasburg, Va.—Mrs. John Derr, of | Steelton, is visiting her brother, An gus Fairchild, this week. —Miss Mary Garber spent Wednesday in Milton.—• I Mrs. Albert Hoffman and daughter, Florence, of Dewart; Mrs. Lizzie Yar , rick, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Lincoln j Weary, Mrs. William Brown and chil dren, of Kelly Point, were guests of \ Mrs. Forrest llarner on Wednesday. 1 BRETHREN ENLARGING CHURCH I By Special Correspondence Rife. Pa.. April 24. Communion j services in the Reformed church were | well attended on Sunday.—Ditty and Longabach finished sawing on the Klinger tract last week and are now getting ready to saw shingles.—The Brethren congregation Is enlarging the church, putting in a basement in which :o hold lovefeasts. APRIL 24, 1915. USING DYMMITE TO PIMPLE TREES Perry County Orchardist Digs Holes by Means of Explosive MAN PLANTS CORN APRIL 20 State Highway Department Men at Work on Perry County Roads By Special Correspondence Htm Gwmantown. Pa., April 24. — James Johnston planted corn on Thursday, April 20. the first man in Toboyne township to do so. —George S. Briner, of Carlisle, who owns the Johnston farm, had men dynamiting holes and planting apple trees last week. William Swartz is the new night watchman at the Newport and Sherman s Valley Railroad engine house.—Mrs. Florence Weaver, of Akron, 0.. and her ulster, Miss Blanche Seager, of this place, visited friends In Yeagertown. Lewisto\«?i. Huntingdon and Altoona. —Mr. and Mrs. Sanson Baltozer. of Jackson township, spent several days with their daughter. Mrs. George W. An derson, at Seagertown.—Fire from an engine on the railroad set fire to the grass in one of the fields at George S. Briner's lower farm and burned all over the field to Sherman's creek. — Mrs. S. Jennie Smith Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Blaston, ' n Lancaster county.—The Rev. Mr. Fa sick, district superintendent, preach ed in the Methodist Episcopal Church here on Thursday evening.—Walter E. Morrison, of New Bloomfleld, con ductor on the Susquehanna River and Western Railroad; Dale McConnell and Miss Maude Smith, of this place, and Miss Mabel Kesler. of Mt. Pleas ant, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Morrison. —The State Highway Department has men employed be tween this place and Blain. MOUNTAIN HOMES FILLING UP Summer Colony at Dauphin Opening Bungalows and Cottages Pv Special Correspondence Daupliin. Pa.. April 24.— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blerbower and family have moved from their home in Har risburg to their bungalow on the mountainside. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hawthorne, of Sunbury. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne, on Sunday. Mrs. Lewis Gross and Miss Gertrude Gross, of Brooklyn, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Gross.— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stence, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Welker and Paul Welker motored to Elizabethtown Sunday. Miss Cora Cofrode was the guest of Mrs. Cnarles E. Hoover, at Rockville. on Wednesday. Miss Minerva But torf, of Harrisburg is spending the week-end with Miss Dorothy Singer at "The Oaks."— Mr. and Mrs. James Ried. Mr. and Mrs. Groover, Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford, Miss Mildred Rutherford, Miss Wilson, and Silas Rutherford, all of Harrisburg, were guests or Mr and Mrs. Charles Shaf fer, on Sunday.—Harvey C. Forney left Wednesday for Richmond. Mrs. J. D. M. Reed left on Wednesday for a visit with her aunt. Mrs. Jane Speece. at Philadelphia. Freeman C. Ger berich went to Columbia on Tuesday with the Zembo band and patrol. Mrs. Fayette Dw.ght Kendrick, of St. , Paul, Minn., is the guest of her cou sin, Mrs. Sabra M. Bell. Hiram Hummer, of Unglestown. spent sev eral davs with his brother. Miles C. I Hummer. Mr.and Mrs. Russel | Fenstemacher, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mrs. S. G. Kinter, on ■Sundav. Mrs. Paul Harm and Mrs. Grover C. Glass, of Harrisburg, spent Sundav with their parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Samuel Maurey. Mrs. Eliza-! beth Weitzel of Harrisburg, is visiting her sister. Miss Clara Poffenberger.— Mrs. Robert Fairlamb and Miss Kath ! erine Fairlamb, of Harrisburg. were guests of Mrs. Freeman C. Gerberick. —Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Smith spent Wednesday in Harrisburg.—Mrs. Har vey C. Forney was the guest of rela tives at Steelton on Wednesday. • Mrs. George Landis and daughter, Marian, spent several days with Mrs. Landis father, M. G. Potts, at Harris burg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallis and A. C. McKee, of Harrisburg, spent Thursday and Friday at their bunga low on the mountainside. —Mrs. Ed-' ward Miller, of Youngstown, Ohio, is! t the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William] Fisher. SEVERAL HUNDRED SEE "BIBI" i Ilersliey. Pa., April 24.—Several : hundred people witnessed "Bibi," the , three-act comedy of toys, given un : der the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. ' in the park anipitheater. The entire program given by over one hundred ■ people of the chocolate town was well - rendered. —Mrs. Harry Matthews visit , ed friends at New Holland. —The Rev. • O. G. Romig, of Tower City, spent i several days here with his family.—E. ■ Williams, of Dayton. Ohio, and Bishop ' W. M. Weekley, D. D., of Parkersburg, . W. Va.. spent several hours here. — Calvin H. Nlcodeinus and Mrs. Mary [.Suter, both of Hershey, were married at Hagerstown. Md.—Miss Ruth Beam, i a teacher at the industrial school, i j spent a few days at her home at Car si lisle.—E. J. Krause, Ralph Maulfalr I j and Miss Mary Motter were visitors at 3 Lebanon. —The third annual transfer ■'exercises of the Hershey grammar s I school will be held Wednesday even > ing. May 5. The address will be de i I livered by R. M. McNeal, former coun ty superintendent. CHICKEN SMASHES AUTOMOBILE LAMP Meets Death When It Flies Against Machine in Read Near Blain TRAVELS OVER 28,000 MILES Supt. Minich, of Elk Tanning Co., Has Been Moving During Past Year By Special Correspondence Blain. Pa.. April U.— Services will be held to-morrow afternoon In the Presbyterian church by the Rev. Hugh R. Magill, D. D.. of Center, who has been appointed by the Presby tery as a supply for the Plain church.—Miss Anna L. Fetro visited at Steelton.—Mr. and Mrs. S. Reen visited in Mar.vsville and Newport. Dean Repse, of Altoona, visited here —Mrs. Ellen Spohn. of Mt. Jov vis ited friends here.—J. M. U Wentzel of Harrisburg. is the guest of rela tives here.—The hand gave an open air concert Saturday evening-.—Cam- bridge Minich. of Ridgway, superin tendent of the bark department of the Elk Tanning Companv, and who has traveled 28.000 miles the past i year, visited his brother-in-law, l L,upfer, who was also visited bv his sister. Mrs. W. M. Bower, of Bell'- wood.—Miss Mary Wilt returned from Harrisburg.—A chicken living against Dr. Kistler's automobile lamp, while the car was moving, was killed and the lamp broken.— a' ne\e patent wire fence is being erected around the old Union Cemetery. - Mrs. Lixsie Moreland was brought home from the Harrisburg hospital. —Mrs. R. K. Hench is recovering from «. severe Rttack of tonsilitls. MORE TEACHERS ELECTED Sfecial to The Telegraph Mechantcsburg. Pa.. April 14. At a meeting of the school board, last even ing. the remainder of the teachers were elected as follows: A. U T.andis, assist ant principal of high school; A. A. Ar nold, principal grammar school of Arch street building, and Miss <sertrude Eppley teacher of the third grade A Better Digestion and Liver For You It's bad blood that makes your liver sluggish and the same had blood eauses your stomach muscles to losti their elasticity and become flabby anil weak and that means Indigestion. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, purely vegetable and free from alcohol or narcotics, is the great and powerful blood purifier of to-day. It is extracted from American forest roots with pure triple refined glyc erine. Take it as directed and it will search out impure and poisonous mat ter throughout the system and elimi nate it through the natural channels. it will penetrate into the joints and muscles, and dissolve the poisonous accumulations. It will replace all the bad blood it drives out, with rich, pure blood full of vital force. It will fur nish you with the kind of blood that increases energy and ambition, that puts the entire body in such perfect physical condition that brain or mus cles know no fatigue. It will clear the skin; eczema, pim ples, rash, blotches will dry up and disappear; boils, carbuncles and other evidences of tainted blood will pass away, never to appear again. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery from any medicine dealer to-day, in either liquid or tablet form, as you prefer. It's the one great blood maker and purifier that all weak or run down people ought to start to use at once. If you want good blood, good health and clear skin, get a sup ply to-day.—Advertisement. NO CHAIt(.K FOR THIN ROtllv If you will send three dimes, <>r stamps, to pay for wrapping and mail ing and enclose this notice. Doctor Pierce, of the In\alids" Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y.. will send you a revised copy of his Common Sense Medical Adviser, in cloth binding, 1008 pages, with color plates. Just what you need in case of sickness or accident. Treats of Physi ology, Anatomy. Sex problems. Mar riage relations, Hygiene. Exercise, Dis ease and its prevention. Advertise ment. Plant Scbell's "Quality" Celery Seed If you want celery for your own table or for the market with that rich, nutty flavor. Ret SclieH's "Quality" Celery Seed. My celery seed is of the high est quality and produces the best crops grown in this section of Pennsylvania. They Grow Better They Yield Better Some of the finest varieties which have proved favorites arc: Harvest's Allhrart Celery—A new variety of great value; a late celery, combining the four es sentials necessary for the best Olerv flavor, abundance of hearts. size and attractive ap pearance; big bunches of hearts in each stalk; blanches easily to a rich, Rolden yellow; one of the best keepers. Cilnnt Pascal or Winter Klna — Very large, thick, solid and crisp, with a rich, nutty flavor; good keeping, green celery. Kchell's Xrw Tellnnr Gold Positively the finest and purest rich, golden yellow celery grown; with that rich, nutty flavor that makes It a delicious relish on your own table, or a quick seller in the markets. White Plume Celerjr A truly beautiful type; no other kind naturally turns white upon reaching maturity; not only does the stem whiten, but the leaf itself: crlspness and quality un surpassed: very early; my stock Is of the purest strain. "Everything for the Garden" Walter S. Schell "Quality Seeds" 1307-09 MARKET ST.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers