THE JEFFRY BIQ SIX $ < ■ %v '■Uf |? kM£ « ; In the above picture is K. C. Fairer who lias associated himself with the »entx-Landia Auto i'ompuy as salesman. Beside him at the wheel of the ■MR JefTery Six is J. A. Bentz. manager. The JetTery Big Six is among the '•nest cars sold below the three thousand dollar figure. Equipped with the < hostertield pure streamline body the Big Jeflfery Six has elicited a great deal of favorable comment. PERFECT BALANCE IN CAR ESSENTIAL Roy D. Chapin, President of Hud son Motor Car Co., T#lls of Its Importance Experienced motorists are well aware of the many advantages secur ed by the purchase of a perfectly bal anced automobile. To the first buyer, or to the man who has not Riven the matter much thought the subject of proper balance often does not appeal. He is apt to select a car from super ficial motives. Too much stress often Is laid upon mere color, finish and relatively less important details. And the really vital points are apt to be overlooked. One buyer wonders why the car he selected is a "tire eater" or » "gasoline drinker" as such cars are iubbed by the inotorwise. Another ,'annot understand how his neighbor 1 rives safely and confidently over wet ind slippery roads with never a skid or dip. The answer to many of these luestions is found in balance. A prop-1 •rlv balanced car has its weight even y distributed on all four tires. There s no wobbling or swaying in its mo-i ion. Tires all wear evenly and grad lally. because of the absence of jerk >r jolt the motor Is enabled to do its I vork far more effectively. A car has ittle tendency to "skid" when all four vheels grip the road with equal pres sure. Howard E. Coffin, the designer >f the Hudson Sixrs has been called a 'crank" on balance. Yet 'those who <now realise that it is this very fact >f accurate ltalancing of his cars that las made Niem such excellent per ormers on all classes of road surface. This practically j>erfect balance, corn lined with light weight and well pro- j Kirtioned power has much to do with I he satisfaction that all Hudson users] ird in their cars. Not many motor; a»- salesmen are well informed on this übject of balance. Buyers must not xpect much information from the, verage salesman. Tet the thing is so; •erfectly clear and logical, once it is| ■rought to a buyer's attention that he" s very sure to think of it in consider in: the purchase of a car. especially I .•ben the car he is offered very plainly j « lacking in this important requisite.' iarley-Davidson Wins Four Out of Five Entries Winning with four out of the five lotorcycles entered, the Harley-David on carried away most of the honors t Oklahoma City. April 20. The grind ras 130 miles. "Red" Parkhurst win ing in 2 hours 20 minutes ."<0 sec nds. an average of nearly 64 miles er hour. Joe Wolter, with another larlev-Davidson. was second, his time eing 2.27.06. Milt Depew. with a Har 'v-Davldson. came fourth in 2.33.05. nd Marvin Murray. Harlev-Davidson. ' rossed the line in fifth place. This I Ictory is another among the recent j nes announced by Heagy Brothers. K-al representatives, who have placed great number of theie machines in his territory. RECEPTION FOR tiRADCATES Blain. Pa.. April 24.—0n Thursday i-enlne the reception by the Junior lass for the high school graduates >ok place in the high school room. 11 the members of the Junior class, ventv-one in number, as well as the raduates. and the principal were resent. TIRES I 3500-mile Guarantee. Must be sold before MAY 15 to make |! room for alterations. SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 14—30x3 Plain CL Casings #7.79 each I 14—30 x3 l /i Plain CL Casings $10.24 each j 1—28x3 Plain CL Casings $7.50 each ; 1—28x3 Anti-Skid CL Casings sß.<»9 each ! I—3lx3'/2 Anti-Skid CL Casings $12.00 ; 1— Plain QD Casings $11.53 ; 2—34x3*4 Plain QD Casings $12.55 ] 3 —34x3Va Anti-Skid QD Casings $14.44 j 1—33x4 Plain QD Casings $17.28 ; 1—33x4 Anti-Skid QD Casings $19.87 ! 1—33x4 Plain SS Casings $17.28 ! 2 —34x4 Plain SS Casings $17.88 | 3—34x4 Plain QD Casings $17.88 I 1—35x4 Plain QD Casings $18.40 ! 1—35x4 Anti-Skid QD Casings $21.20 j 1— Anti-Skid QD Casings $27.55 1 TMATHERCO. 204 WALNUT STREET mun —••• *** nnV mer *- ca,s reatest The prestige of this wonderful car has been demonstrated by the tremendous sales made this Spring. We have refused immediate delivery sales. Out of a consignment of cars received we have a few left for immediate delivery. Place your order now. ROBERTS & HOIN 334 CHESTNUT STREET SATURDAY EVENING BEO CARS AMPLE FOR LOCAL DEMAND Trainload Secured in March Pur posely to Prevent Shortage at Height of Season The wisdom and forethought of the Harrisburg Automobile Company in , securing a trainload of automobiles | the first part of March and storing | them in the big warehouse in Tenth | street, anticipating the Spring rush. I has proved a boon to the numerous j people who intended to buy lieos just as soon as the robins came. Just about I one-half of these tifty-one ears have been taken out and delivered to cus tomers in this territory. Nineteen have been taken out so far in April. It! is a mighty nice thing to be able to get your favorite car the day you want it. Two hundred and sixty-three Keo cars, fours and sixes, have been received and delivered to Reo customers up to date, and a telegram received from the Reo people this morning an nounces the shipment of five addi tional carloads direct to customers in surrounding towns. The Harrisburg Automobile Company have already made arrangements to get eight hun dred Reo cars for 1916 and to in crease their storing capacity during the winter to 150 cars instead of the 51 they stored in March of this year. The only reason that this great in crease and business is possible is on account of the wonderfully good qual ity of the Reo cars and its legion of friends. Calls Cadillac Eight Best Car From America "So far as my experience goes. I can pronounce the Cadillac Eight the best thing in the shape of a motor car that has yet come to u« from the land of the Stars and Stripes." Thus writes ail expert In a recent issue of The Motor News of Dublin, a leading Irish motor publication, after a l- in al 40 miles in a Cadillao Eight, through slush and congested trafTic in the streets of London and over snow cove'-ed roads in the open country. He goes on:— "It is to all intents and purposes a one gear, car, as you can use the top speed (high geart on anything from five to over sixty miles an hour. The acceleration is really wonderful. The rate at which the car can jump from a creeping pace up to a mile per minute was to mo a revelation. This was not my first introduction to the eight cyl inder engine, having madt> a run two years ago on a Pe Dion with the same number of cylinders. The one impres sion left on my mind in connection with that trip was the smooth running of the engine. 1 described it then as "being pulled along by a cable.' There was not only the feeling of sweet and •J »y running, but the sense of supreme and cot jtant power as well. My forty mile rt a on the new Cadillac, in and out of traffic, through slush and snow, up hill and on level, was a repetition of my previous experience. "To use an Americanism, the new Cadillac is -some' car. as it provides comfort bordering on luxury, speed far beyond one's requirement, and ease of control so simple that a child could drive it. You have seating accommo dation for seven people. Thanks to a highly organized factory and an enor mous output, the American companv is able to put this large family car' on the market at a price that almost de fies competition." That the interest of prospective pur chasers in Ix>ndon is high, the writer shows by relating the difficulty- he had in arranging for a test run. being com pelled to make it in the early morning lours. 2 2 i ■ t 9 FHB— III" IM——!—Ill—IIII I im I I 1 I I 1 IP! Pill 111 111 III! 111 111111 lii IMM a 0 fgra BBiLJr mmmß&m 2 | I pj g§ftgr ® m fi 1 H I J| IS | I gftk |pi ly a j * 2 1 hh mm 5 * s S The Orders For Reos For Immediate Shipment—Greatly in Excess of Possible * j* Output—Are Pouring in Now at the Factory at Lansing, Michigan © & Lansing, Michigan, today is the busiest city of its size in the world on account of the IMMENSE DEMAND FOR f> THESE WONDERFUL CARS. e ™ FROM YEAR TO YEAR as manufacturing conditions AND YOU'LL HEAR FACTS about low up-keep cost • J have improved—and especially this year when Reo that will astound you—and that will explain to you as • Q ready cash enabled them to buy when cash was at a nothing else could, the reason for the tremendous popu- • a- premium and to obtain theretofore impossible values larity, the tremendous in-season and out-season demand • —Reo buyers have received the benefit in the lower for Reo the Fifth—"The Incomparable Four." • P rices - KNOWING FROM PAST EXPERIENCE that the de- MORE THAN FORTY THOUSAND of them today in ™ and for R s os * s alwa Y s greater than the supply—for ® 2 hands of users-and some of those users are your inti- there never has been a time since the first Reo was made ® mate friends Ask them that Reo could su PP!y enough cars for all who wanted 9 Reos—knowing that this demand would be hopelessly J THEY WILL TELL YOU MORE and better than we • in excess of our facilities in the spring months, they can* planned, as they fondly believed, to meet it. • =_ | 1 Our Allotment For This Year Is 398 Cars | © g To Insure Prompt Delivery We Have Stored a Trainload e on North Tenth Street. They Won't Last Long. 2 2 ® ft s • Q Twenty-seven of this great trainload of Reo cars have been already sold and delivered—but 24 of them are yet on g '■*) hand. Can you imagine any stronger testimony to the splendid qualities of a car than that unusual demand. 4$ 2 SINCE THIS CHASSIS WAS DEVELOPED and WE SUPPOSE WE OUGHT to tell you something about 2 you'll remember we said then it would prove to be "the this car—it's the usual thing to d-o in an ad. But bless 0 9 ultimate car"—finality in all essentials of chassis design you, everybody in the world knows Reo the Fifth as % # —the only changes have been in improvements, refine- "The Incomparable Four." Q 0 ments of details and in equipment. THIS GREAT PRODUCT OF REO experience, Reo J REO THE FIFTH comes as nearly being a staple as has facilities and of Reo integrity, occupies a place that is J ever been designed in an automobile. unique among motor cars. , J The Reo ambition to make a car of superior quality at a moderate price that will lead in the Public Eye for Beauty, Mechanical Construction, Endurance, Economy of Cost and Operation is fulfilled. Order your Reo car now. Don't de- lay. Then you can hope to get it when you want it. ~ ! HARRISBURG AUTO COMPANY I THIRD AHD HAMILTON STREETS J ® - o m roeoeoeaeoccoooeocoeoeoeeec©® t>e©eeeo#eoe*©3ece€©»»eoeo®9e®«*o« CREW AT CONSTANTINOPLE Constantinople, via The Hague and London. April 24. 11 A. M. —Six offi cers and nineteen members of the ;rew of the British submarine E-13 >vere brought to Constantinople to-day. MB Ensminger Motor Co. Third & Cumberland Sts. nisTiuHt TUNS HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH y'p^SENGER "The Standard of Value and Quality." Whether you consider the motor, the body design. the electric system, the spring suspension, the | clutch, or any other of the vital parts of Paige cars, you will find un- I surpassed quality for the price you pay. 4-30 —five-passenger, 51,075 Prices f. o. b. Detroit RIVERSIDE AUTO CO. REM, PHONE 373111 \ REAR 1417 NORTH FRONT ST. GEORGE R. BENTLEV, Proprietor *■ J j Try Telegraph Want Ads APRIL 24, 1915. The Bentz-Landis Auto Company hereby inform ;! |! the motor-buying public that the Jeffery "4" which j; il heretofore sold for $1450, was on April 1 reduced to !| sllsO $1275 I! Rothchild Body Full French Streamline || Jeffery Chesterfield Light Six, $1650 j; Jeffery Six-48, #2400 j jj» Pullman, .$740 ij j|| Vim Delivery, $620 t.o $725 j The Bentz-Landis Auto Co. 1808-10 Logan Street, Harrisburg, Pa. . j 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers