| looking For Male or Female Help? Use a Telegraph Classified Id [ PIED ATTICK On April 10. 1915, Sarah J. Attiek, wife of John C. Attlok. at her home. No. 640 North Second street, in her "7th year. I'uneral Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from above address. Relatives ami friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Burial in Oberlin I'emetery. ANDERSON Died. April 11, 1916, William W. Anderson, in his 78th year, at the home of his daughter. •Mrs. Harry C. Baum. 28 North Sev enteenth street. Funeral services will be held nt the above address Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o clock. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Burial In the Har rlsburß Cemetery. WAGNER On Saturday, April 10, 1915, Mrs. Jennie M. Wagner, widow of the late Reuben U Warner, 714 ' apital street, aged 86 years. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the Ridse Avenue Metho dist Episcopal Church, the Rev. AVllliam A. Hartman, assisted by the Rev. J. H. PauKhertv, of Sunbujy, officiating. Burial Prospect llill Cfernetery. The relatives and friends are invited to at tend -without further notice Burial private. FOUND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Exgert's Steam Dyeing nnd French Cleaning Works, 1245 Mnrket street. Do you. Both phones. Call and deliver. HEI-P WAXTEP —Male WANTED Young man, about 18 years, to work In grocery store; give reference and experience, wages ex pected. Address 0., 2378, care of Tele graph. WANTED Single white man. not over 35, to work around poultry and lake care of lawns. I'ermanent employ ment, boarding, lodging and good wages to right party. Must have good references as to sobriety, honesty and diligence. Address Box 2379, care of Telegraph. ARMY OF TIIK 1". fED STATES— MKN WANTED - -At /ebodled, unmar ried men between agt/s of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergncr Building, 3d & Market Sts, Harrisburg, I'a. WANTED K\perleneed borderer*. New Iden Ho*U»rr Co., Fourteenth street and Mayflower avenue. WANTED Young man to attend telephone exchange and minor office work. Apply Office, Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe Bending Co. THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS. Open to Men and Women. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Write for list. Frank lin Institute. De 3RI-D, Rochester, N. Y. HELP WASTED —Female WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Demonstrator. Best only need apply." Call 8-9 A. M., and 6-8 P. M. A. Smidth. 822 Third street. WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced saleswomen for Daces. Corsets and Notions. Don't apply unless experi enced. Good wages. Apply to Mr. Oreen, First Floor. Astrich's. WANTED Woman to go to small, country town, ten miles from Harris burg, for general housework: good home; moderate wages. Inquire 210 Muench street. WANTED Experienced steno grapher. Apply 201 Arcade Building. WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced Dperatora on power machines to sew canvas gloves. Can also use a few learners. Good wages while learning. Uall Steelton Glove t'o.. 709 South Sec ond street. Steelton. WANTED A young colored girl wants work of any kind, in or out of town. Call or address, 549 Showers avenue. Rooms 5-6. WANTED Experienced alteration hsnds on Indies' -suits nnd dresses. Ap ply 929 North Third street. WANTED Competent girl, white or colored, for general housework. Call Bell phone 3020 W. WANTED ary and commission; steadv workers. Pall 8-9 A. M.. 6-S P. M. William P. Schneider, 822 North Third street. WANTED Reliable girl for gen eral housework. Apply this evening-, 1923 North Second street. WANTED A seamstress. Apply at Joseph Copllnky, 1210 North Third street. WANTED— A jjlrl for general house work in a small family; no washing or ironing: must know how to cook. Apply to 1619 North Second street. WANTED White woman for cook, with experience: reference required. Apply 115 South Front street. ' _ —\ Houses For Rent 720 Capital St, 6 r *lO 1011 N 19th 61., 3 s. f., 8 r $lO 9£2 Ash Ave.. 2tt «. f„ 6 r «io 61S Mahantongo St., S r $u 1929 Forster St., 2>4 s. h„ 6r. h„ *|2 140 Linden St., 3 s. f.. S 121 Dewberry St 1228 N. 6th St.. f. r *| 3 1130 S. Cameron St.. 2V4 s. f. ... *l2 2141 Atlas St., P. s. b. 7 r *l3 2140 N. Seventh St.. 3 s. b *l3 1203 Cop-den St., 2V4 *■ f.. 6 r ... *l3 1501 Allison St., 2ty s. b. 7 r. b.. *ls 1317 Williams St., 2 s. f. 7 r. b....*tr. 123 Dewberry St *i» 1510 .lunip"r St., 2 s. b.. 6 r b., *ls 1335 P. 13th St., 3 s. b„ s r. b. .. IHi 1.-.J* s. 13th St.. 3 s, b. 8 r *lO 1R»0 S. 12t.h St., 2'4 u. b. 3r. b., #1(1 1 r.22 Allison St., 2',j s. b., 8 r . ..*(« 660 Emerald St.. 3 s. b. 8 r. .'....*17 Riverside, SOIO A St. fjg 1426 Walnut St., 3 s. b., 8 r. h *25 33 N. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. & I,'. *25 ISI 4 Green St.. 3 s. b„ II r. .. *27 .-,0 1103 N. 2d St.. 3H s. f. 6 r. a. h„ *2B 23 N. 18th St.. 3 s. b . S r *» s 612 N. 16th St., 3 s 1... 8 r. & b" *3O 1524 State St., furnished .... *an •202 N. sth St., 3s. 1).. 9r.b. .' *32 221!" X. 3rd St.. 3s. b,. 10 r. . *32 50 1927 Market St.. lib., Jr. ... *.lO 1:I1« Market St.. 3 s. h. 10 r.' . ' *lO 113 Bt'iRKS St.. furnished. 22*0 N. Second St., 3 s. b. ... *.i>: 122 Chestnut St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r " *4'-; "l 1 0 Chestnut St , lielleviie Park *541 1S»8 N. 2nd St., 3 s. b.. 13 r. & b.i *i; u APAHTMRSTS ,H3 Muench St $25 N. Sixth St.. for housekeeping two, three or four rooms. 13 N. 4th St.. 3 r. & b *..- 225 N. 2(1 St., 6 r. 4 b. *42.50 SUBURBAN 110 l SKg i.'r.ola. Adams St., 2 s. f. 6 r *... r-enn Twp.. near Duucannon ... *■« Houston Mills. Mechanicsburg ms 301 OA N. 3d St.. (Riverside) . . *2O l.iicknow, 4th & Forge Lane ....*25 (•erdix, Atlanta Cottage. Newport, Marshall property .. **o ilainlyn (near Colonial Country Club) —3 s. '■ 20 r. & 4 b MILLER BROTHERS & co nn* I. E STATU Flr«! Inmirnnci* Surety Homls I n,.n»t an<l Court Streets ——-—__ MONDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female RAILWAY MAID AND POSTAt, CLERKS Examinations soon; over 2.000 appointments yearly. Prepare at home. Write for our Plan No. 15, of payment after appointment. Philadel phia Business College. Civil Service De partment. Philadelphia. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED White man wants work of any kind; prefers grocery store; honest and sober man. Apply Box D, 2381, care of Telegraph. WANTED By boy, 11 years old. work on farm for board and clothes. Call third door above church, Progress, Pa. WANTED Young, married man wishes position as chauffeur, seven years' experience, or Any other kind of work; also handy man around horses. Address L. R. D., 122 Hoyer avenue. DRI'GS Q. A. wishes position in Harrisburg or vicinity for the sum mer. Can start June 1. D. S. Webster, 326 South Sixteenth. Philadelphia. Pa. HAVE your work done by an experi enced man—whitewashing, houseclean ing most anything you wish to be done. Drop me a card and 1 will come and see you. Charles Summers. 608 York avenue WANTED By nolored man. posi tion as cook in hotel or private family, or any kind of work. Call, or address, 329 Cherry avenue. WANTED White, middle-aged, married man desires place as night watchman and running elevator; two years' experience <>n elevator. Call, or address 182{>, North Seventh street. WANTED Young colored man wants Job as chauffeur. Apply 209 North Second street- Steelton. Pa. SITUATIONS \Y.\ NTED—Fema le WANTED Work of any kind, by the day or week. Apply Francis Jefferies. 510 South street. WANTED White womap wants work as waitress or general house work. Call, or address. 1527 Fulton street. WANTED A German woman de sires position in small family as cook. 1001 North Seventh street, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED A mother and daughter. 14, would like positions as rook and child's nurse, or work together of any kind. Address M., 2380, care of Tele graphy WANTED - Refined, middle-aged woman, with four-year-old boy, would like position as housekeeper. Address J.. 2384, care of Telegraph. WANTED Sewing for infants' and children, also lingerie, at home or by day. 1823 North Second street. WANTED —• Woman, wilh two small children, desires housekeeping. Ad dress third door above church. Pro gress. Pa. WANTED By a young colored wo man. day's work cleaning and sweep ing. Inquire, or address, 1125 New Fourth street and Basin avenue. WANTED A colored woman wants position doing housework. Apply 409 North Fifth street. HEAD ESTATE FOB S\l,E FOR BADE Three properties on Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Aii properties in the business section. All rented with good tenants. A chance to make big money. Address H„ 2356, care of Telegraph. FOR SAL.E 2518 Jefferson street; new brick house: all Improvements; a bargain on easy terms. Inquire T. A. Bell. 820 North Third street. FOR SALE i«ck and frame houses and lots. Camp Hill and Shire ina: stown. Sold to suit purchaser. Pay ment same as -<t. Interest low. Ask for terms. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. FOR SALE • Desirable building lots in the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth. Schuylkill anil Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L., No. 1587. carje of Telegraph. I'dit SALI' OR RENT Fine, new 214 -story brick residence, in good lo cality. 1001 North Seventeenth street: corner lot. 60x120: eis'lit rooms: finished upper story: center hall: all improve ments: easy terms: immediate posses sion. Inquire of George A. Shreiner, Seventeenth and Forster streets. 4(t ACRES One mile southeast of Penbrook 7-room frame dwelling bank barn sand soil variety of fruit. Brinton-Packer Co., Kecond and Walnut streets. FOR SALE— -633 FORSTER ST. 2-stor.v brick 6 rooms, bath and furnace lot, 15x53 -2-story frame on rear whlqh rents for $7.50. Will sell separate. North Riverton 3 squares west of Lemoyne Trust Co.. 2'4-story frame dwelling 6 rooms, bath and furnace —lot. 17'ix125. Price. $1,600.00. Rental income, $15.00. RRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. SIOO WILL GIVE YOU possession to any one of three houses balance on easy monthlv pay ments—prices, $1,400. $ 1,800, $2,400. Why pay rent? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE New brick houses, 9 rooms, bath, gas. electric light, stenm heat, porches, good location, well built, finished in chestnut. Particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE Look at 1343 North street, offered for Ml* a; an attrac tlve price: eight rooms, bath. gas. fur nace. porches, both streets paved. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building FOR SALE One pair new frame hoises: suburban; f,-cent car fare; can be rented $12.00 each' water and elec tric/ lights; frontage on park: 9 per cent. investment. Inquire Bell phone 3274. FOR PALE An Eighteenth street property, close to market street; seven roomn and bath; all improvements; good condition: side entrance. Price, $2,300.00. Inquire 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street, City. FOR SALE Two Evergreen street j properties, near Market street: Jirick; .all imnrovements; prices are right. H. I G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE New 214-story house, 2407 Main street. Penbrook; six rooms, reception hall and bath; all modern improvements; lot. 40x106. McCleilan I J. Kpomes. 2107 Main street. Penbrook. REAL ESTATE FOR 15KXT FOR RENT A three-story dwell ing house, No. Iho7 Nortli Sixth street; all conveniences; cemented cellar: steam heat, etc. J. T. Knsminger, Second and Chestnut streets. FOR RENT Two-stury brick build ing. with all conveniences, suitable for warehouse or factory About one block from new Pennsylvania Freight Sta tion. Horace A. Segelbaum, Attorney, Hu.ss Bufldlng. ■\ FOR ItKiVT 1838 N. Second St. Tli rec-utory >»Hck (Mingle) It on Mr —l3 room* ••tram lirnt. (•nrrigr «»n rrnr of lot. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. IIKAIi ESTATE l-'lre Insiiraner Surety llnnals Locust nnil Court streets I *■ REAL ESTATE FOIt RENT FOR RENT Six-room houses at Edgemont, on Twenty-third street, one half mile north of Penbrook. Inquire of W. C. Brenneman, Penbrook, corner of Curtin and Elm. FOR RENT l7lB State St.. $35.00. Tills property very desirable. Set' back fifty feet from curb. Ijirge front | porch. StQam heat and all other im provements. inquire A. S. Miller & Son., General Real Estate and Insur ance. Eighteenth and State streets. FOR RENT 456 Crescent street: two-story brick house; seven rooms and bath; front porch and side en trance. Apply to I. P. Bowman, At torney, 36 North Third, Security Trust Building. FOR RENT Three-story house, 134 Linden street: eight rooms, water and gas; possesion at once. Apply C F Gohl, 1003 North gecohd street. Beli phone 899 M. FOR RENT—The Huston Home, situ ated along Conodogulnet Creek, four miles from Mechanlcsburg. Suitable for a summer home or a summer board inghou.se. All conveniences. Apply A. J. Huston. Mechanlcsburg, Pa. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, 1713 North Third street; all im provements; immediate possession. Ap ply 1100 North Front street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Small property for In vestment; must be between Broad and North and Third and Sixth streets; must give full particulars; will consult with owner only. Address H., 2375, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT I FOR RENT New modern apart ments. 6 rooms, batli, pantry, storage, continuous hot water, front and rear porches. Apply H. W. Miller, State Highway Dept.. or 2210 North Third. Bell phone 81R. NEW. modern apartments, 2208 North Third street; reception hall, 5 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood floors, laundry, front and rear porches. Ap- I ply C. C. Whlteman, 2208 North Third street. MacDANIEL'S FURNISHED APART MENTS Two delightful large, airy front rooms, with bath; complete for housekeeping; gas range; private meter, bells, letter box; laundry con veniences. 1417 Market street. FOR RENT Apartments. four rooms and bath, all conveniences, locat ed on corner Sixth and Harris streets. Apply to D. Filbert. 1642 North SixtW street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences: steam heat. Apply 264 Herr street. FOR RENT Third floor 239 North street; five rooms; pantry: tiled hath; all hardwood floors; large side and rear porches; all modern conveniences. Ap ply first floor, 239 North street. FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern improvements, Including city steam heat. No, 204 Walnut street. E. Mather Co. FOR RENT 2O North Fourth street, third floor apartment: five rooms and bath; electric lights, gas and steam heat. Call at 430 Walnut Btreet. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Third floor flat; two rooms; hall; use of bath; light; clean: comfortably possession at once. Apply 230 North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Two bright, airy rooms furnished for light housekeeping, all improvements: gas range: kitchen cabi net; refrigerator; gas on separate meter; immediate possession: references exchanged. Apply 342 South Sixteenth street. . FOR RENT Two pleasant, unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 1419 North street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. Apply 226 Hamilton street. FOR RENT One second-story back room and one third-story front, with tise of bath and phone. 203 Kelker street. FOR RENT Two large, furnished second floor rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, one front: all convent-I ences. 1421 Market street. | FOR RENT Gentleman can have well-furnished room, private family, board if desired; references. 235 Boas street. FOR RENT Two pleasant, com municating front rooms, light house keeping, second floor. conveniences, sin per month. 501 Muench street. FOR RENT Furnished, two large third floor rooms for light housekeep ing: also large second-story front room; improvements. Apply 255 Briggs street. FOR RENT —Unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping at 210 Chestnut street: also partly furnished cottage at Paxtonia. Apply to James Stiner, St. James Hotel, 405 Market street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensulte; all conveniences. In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Furnished room, in nice location for colored man and wife. Ad dress R., 2385, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED A mattness sewing ma chine. with motor preferred; state low est cash price. United States Mattress Co.. Twelfth and Herr streets. WANTED Second-handed motor cycle. or.e or two cylinders: must be cheap. Address C. S. Peck, East Water ford. Pa. WANTED Bicycles, or parts of bicycles, for highest cash prices, at once. Try Keystone quick repair ser \ ice anil save money. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. Both phones. BOARJUfiRB WANTED SEVERAL refined. Christian fami lies wanted as summer boarders at Lime Valley Farm. Will open about June 1. For particulars address Box 167. Rheems, Pa. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT An estatv llshed, modern bakery in Columbia, Pa., 011 easy terms. Address "Bakery," care of Telegraph. Davidson, 1914; twin-cylinder; 8-H.-P.; two-speed' fully equipped; very little used. Bargain. Better investigate. E. L. Campbell, Mechanicsburg. FOR SALE New 16-ft. motor boat: 6-H.-P.; double engine. Will sell or trade on Motorcycle. Will be at Aldtne Hotel, llarrisburg, April 15, from 4 tu 8 P. M. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad, if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Five pairs Rlack Cochin Bantams at $2.00 per pair. Ap ply 1830 State street. City. FOR SALE Steel range; gpoil as new; used only short time; bargain to quick buyer. Call 1827 North Third i street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SALE HARRISBURG INVESTMENTS Keystone State Industrial Fair and Merchants Ice Co. stock, shares selling rapldlv. For narticulars see F. J. Dar lington, 4 North Fifth street. Bell phone 3652. FOR SALE Five-passenger Tour ing Car, In excellent condition. Would make good Jitney bus or delivery wagon. Price. $175.00. To see the car address P. O. Box 392. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALB: —' Will sell at sacrifice a 7-passenger Stcddanl-Dayton automo bile, 50-horse-power. model 1912: extra powerful engine: best condition; all new tires. Apply by letter for more Information, to i\i., 2376, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Large butcher re frigerator; handsome display front; suitable for any storeroom. A bargain. Apply J. S. Zimmerman, Penbrook, Pa. United phone. TOR SAIJ3 Full blooded Boston bull dog. female, 15 months old. Ap ply 436 South Second street. DON'T PAY $2 or $3 for Hats when you can buy 11. C. DOdge Hats for 50c. Com; and look f--m over. Open even ings. S. Meltzer, Bid Walnut st'eet. i OR SALE l7 S. C. W. Leghorn Pullets. Daughters of my contest pen. Also two fine breeding Cockerels, baby chicks and hatching eggs of my contest pen. George E. Anderson. 152 W r est CJurtln stre t. Penbrook. Pa. FOR SALE Powerful F. I. A. T. double-chain drive racing car, rebuilt, $600.00. Description if interested. G. C. Hoagland, Wllliarnsport, Pa. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. THE Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Company's Trunks, Suitcases and Bags of genuine leather at prices lower than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 11?, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE A large peanut wagon, in good condition; large warming pan; candy cabinet; shelves: good stock on hand. Price reasonable. Apply at Sixth and Maelay streets. FOR SALE—I9IS model Kennebec Canoe, fully equipped. Bell phone 2604. FOR SALE Two cheap delivery wagons. Atiply T. H. Loser, Paxtang, Pa. Phone 751J1. FOR SAIf, OR EXCHANGE GET A VACUUM CLEANER by pay ing 25c a week. Will take your carpet sweeper in exchange. Drop postal. Free demonstration. Geo. H. Mar tz, 2139 Moore street, City. FOR RENT FOR RENT Second floor room. 3.700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. WANTED A Bond or Stork sales man to soil 8 per rent, preferred Hosiery Stock. Address Ft.. 2380. care of Tele graph. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for tree booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Eockport, N. Y. Bi'six i:ss pebsovatji REPAIRING AND UPIIOESTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us yor worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. Al.l< KINDS of razor blades resharp ened; made better titan new: safetv, 25c per dozen: Star. 15c: old style. 2.", c; leave orders Henry Gilbert 4c Sons' Hardware 219 Market. | NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furniture ■ bought and sold. Highest cash prices I paid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 Bell I Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Market street ! OED GOED and Silver, Watches. Dia monds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner. Jeweler No. 1 North Third street Bell phone 631 J. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 11n Market street. Harrlslutrg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. H.U'MXR II YV. LATHE, nonrdluK Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. 11. W. Eathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. MONEY TO EO.W WE LEND MONEY IN ANY [AMOUNTS Payments to suit | borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P O | Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa. I ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal i aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co 36 North Third street. STOKACJK STORAGE HAUEING Furniture household goods and merchandise of all kinds stored: also hauling of all kinds —at \er.v low prices. Call, or address S. Frank. 427 Hen- street. STORAGE 419 Broad" street, household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 C ent» per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 Broad street. Both phones. STOKAGK IN 3-story brick biilliCnic, rear 408 Market street. Household gnoila In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to I». t». Dlener, Jeweler. 4»N Market St. FIREPROOF STORAGE WARE HOUSE, divided into private rooms for storage of houoehold goods new I illdln-s low insurance lnspe ction invited. 437-44S South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. i EKGAE NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that nn ap plication will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania of the State of Penn sylvania on the 12th day of April, mis by Isaac Silverman, Mary G. Klldav H iid Isaiah Scheeline. under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the Incorporation and Regula i tion of certain corporations," approv ed April 29, 1874, and the supplements I thereto, for the charier of an Intended | corporation, to be called the Mercantile Investment Company, the character 'and object of which is the purchasing, holding, leasing and selling real estate inn.l for these purposes to have, possess land enjoy all the rights, benefits and | privileges of said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. ISAIAH BCHEEETNE i Solicitor. BTIHRV IREi BED II MARKET Trading Was Again Extensive, However, U. S. Steel, Reading and Several Others Leading New York. April 12. Resumption of stock dealings to-day was in mark ed contrast to last week's frenzied movement. Instead of further ad vances. the list evinced a reactionary trend, with numberless losses of a point or more. Trading was again extensive, however. I'nited States Steel. Heading, southern Pacific and Baltimore and Ohio being: offered in lots of 10.000 shares or over. I'nion Pacific, Cana dian Pacific and Reading were among the 'heaviest Issues. In keeping with J pr< " n t action, Bethlehem Steel pur sued a contrary course, losing a point at the outset, and soon advancing three. Secondary prices showed gen eral imnrovement. XKW YORK STOCKS New York, April 12. Open. High. Low, Close. A mat Cop . 69 ',2 68 68% Am Rt Sug 46 >4 46% 46 46 Am Can .. 36 36% 35 .1.1 Am Can pd 98% 98% 87% 97% Am C & h' 49% 49% 48% 48% Am Cot Oil 49% 52 49 % 52 Am Ice Sec 32% 32% 32 32 ' Am i.oco . 33 33 31 % 32% Am Smelt . 69% 70% 69% 69% Am Sugar 107% 107% 107% 107% Am T & T 120% 120% 120% 120% Anaconda . 34% 35 34 % 34% Atchison .. 102% 103 102% 102% B& O 75% 76 75% 75% Beth Steel. 107%. 125 107 124 Bklyn It T 90% 91 90 90 Cal Petro.. 16 16 15% 15% Can Pac .. 168 169 167% 167% Cen heath 37 % 38% 37 37 % dies & O. 46% 46 % 45% 45% CM& St P 92% 92% 91% 92 C Con Cop 40% 41 % 40% 40% Col F & I. 32% 32% 31 31% Corn Prod. 12 % 12 % 12 % 12% Dls Sec . . 10 i 10 % 9 % 10 Krle 27% 28% 27% 27% Eric Ist pfd 43% 43% Gen K Co. . 149% 149% Goodrh BF 50% 52% 50% 51% In-Met ... 16 16 15% 15% Gt Nor pfd 120 120 % 120 120% Gt N" Ore s 36% 39% 36% 38% In-Met pfd 67% 67% 67 %> 67% L.eliigh Val. 142% (142% Mex Petro.. 74% 74% 72% 73% Mo Pacific. 14 % 16 % 14 % 1 15% Nationally 64 6 4 62 % 62% N C Cop. . 14 % 14 % 14 14 X Y Central 88% 89 87 87 NY.N'II *: II 61% 6214 66 % 66% Nor Pacific 108% 108% 107% 107% Pacific Mall 22% 22 \ 2 Pa Railroad 109 109 108% 108% Pfrh Coal . 22% 23% 22% 23% Pgh C pfd 95% 95% 95% 95% Presli S Car 34% 34% Ry Stl Spg 26 26 R C Cop.. 21% 21% Reading .. 151% 151% 150% 150% R I & S . 26% 26% 26% 26% RI & S pfd 85 85 84% 84% So Pacilic.. 91 % 91% 91 ~ 91% So Railway 19% 19'.i 18% 19 So Ry pfd 61% 61% Tenn Cop.. 32% 32% 32% 32% Third Ave. 53% 5.1% 53 53 Union Pac.. 129% 130% 129% 129% U S Rubber 72% 73% 72% 72% U S Steel. 56 56% 55% 55% U S S pfd. 108% 108% Utah Cop.. 59 59% 59 56% Va C C .. 25% 26% 25%. 26% West Md . 26% 26% West U Tel 6 6 66 West Mfg.. 77 77 76 76% I*llll, \i>mi.pin \ ritoix cn Philadelphia. April 12. Wheat Firm; No. 2. red, car lots, exnort, $1.55® 1.57; N->. I, Northern, Duluth, export. $1,65# 1.68. Corn Market firm; No. 2, spot, 76% r " 77%"'; No. 2. yellow, local. 80% fir 81 '4c. I Clots Firmer; No. 2, white. 63 %fi 64 c. Bran Firm- winter, per ton, $29.00; spring, per ton, $26.50 ji 27.00. Refined Sugars Steady; pow dered, fl.OOc; fine <?ranulated, 6.90 c; con feetioners' A. K.SO:. . Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras. 35c; nearby, prints, fancy. 35c. Errs The market is firm; Pennsylvania nnd other nearhv firsts, free cases, $6.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $6.15 per western, extras, flrsts, fre., $6.30 per case; do., firsts, free cases, so.l ft per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowl*. IGV4® 17c: old roosters, 12® 12 tic: chickens. I|io 18c: turkeys, 15®17c; ducks. 16® 17c: geese, 12® 16c. Dressed Poultry—Weaker: fresh kill ed fowls, fancy, 18®1!tc; do., aver age, 16®17c: do., unattractive, I Ifa 15c; old roosters, 1316 c; frozen fowls, 16© 18c; roasting chickens, 17®20c; broil- Ing chickens, 22®27c: turkeys, 18® 2?c; ducks, 12® 18c; geese, 12® 16c. Potatoes Market weaker: Penn sylvania. per bushel, 58®t!Oc; Maine, per bushel. 55®58c: New York, per bushel, 18® 55c; Jersey, per basket, 30 ®3."ic: Southern, per barrel, $4.50®6.00.' Flour Market steady; winter, clear, $.1.50®4.10: straights. Pennsyl vania, $6.60®6.85; spring, straights, $6.75 ® 7.00; do., patents, $7.00®8.00; western, $4.1541!4.40; patents, $4.60 M 4.78; Kansas straight. Jute sac*s. st.lj ©4.JO; spring, firsts, clear. $4.00®4.20; ttr.i'fcnt*. $4.20 ®4.30; patents. $4 3»« l.« 0. Hay The market Is weak; tim othy. No. 1, large hales. $18.no; No. 1. medium bs'»s, *l7.ROi" 18.0«- No ■> |lS.5O® 16.00; No. .1. do., $14.00@15.00; t.aiup-< », -i 1 u.OO (U 14.U0, no gratis, 0H2.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mlxsil. $17.00® 17.60; No. 1. do.. sl6 00016 60: 11■ • sM %0-15.50. NOTICKS THE Mate Highway Department, Harrisburg, Pa., invites sealed pro posals for the purchase and delivery of material, machinery, implements, and tools for maintenance and repair of State Highways. In such quantities as may be ordered from time to time. Such proposals will be received at the ofllce of the State Highway Department Capitol Building Harrisburg, Pa., until I 0 o'clock A. M„ April 20, 1915, when they will be opened and scheduled, it shall be an essential term of said pro posals that the prices submitted there in shall remain in force from the date of such proposal to the close of the ilscal year ending May .",1, 1»lfi. I'pon application beitiK made to the State Highway Department at Harrisburg, Pa., bidding blanks will be furnished to prospective bidders, which must be re turned by the bidder In a sealed en velope, marked "PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING MAT 10 RIAL. MA CIUNKRY. IMPLEMENTS. AND TOOI.S TO THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPART MENT." Joseph W. Hunter, First Deputy State Highway Commissioner. luitiiiMii tti., r\.. i iiti: i>i:r\ni. 11 EST SEALED PROPOSALS will he receiv ed by the undersigned, at his office, in the. Calder Itnlldlng. Harrisburg, Pa until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, Aprii 17, 1915, for furnishing two thousand fpet. more or less, of fire hose, 2% inches Internal diameter, guaranteed against all defei ts for three years from date of acceptance and to stand a pres sure test of 400 pounds to the square Inch, coupled with heavy bronze metal couplings, Harrisburg standard, eight threads to the inch, each section of bose and all couplings to be stamped with date of delivery. Each proposal shall lie accompanied by a certified check equal to 1(1 por cent, of amount bid. and the successful bidder or bidders will be required to file n flnnl surety company bond equal to 2 per cent, of contract price. The right to reject any or all hlds is reserved. M. HARVEY TAYLOR, Supt. of Parks and Public Property. APRIL 12, 1915. News Items of Interest in Central Pennsylvania Heading - Visitors were present from Philadelphia, Lancaster, Potts ville, York and Harrisburg and four prominent Heading ministers who are members of the orders made addresses at the deicatlon of the new $60,000; Knights of Malta Teinple here yester day. Columbia —Clarke Keys, for many years an employe of the Pennsylvania railroad, was seized with a hemorrhase and bled to death before a physician could reach his side. He ruptured a blood vessel. Columbia—The Black Horse Inn, at Elizabetlitown, which was built before the revolutionary war, is being torn down to make room for a modern structure. Mnlianoy City—Geoi'Ke Wills, aged 40, fire boss at the Primrose mine, was seriously-burned in a gas explosion yesterday. Wclssport Mennonites of Union Hill are conducting an evangelistic campaign, which is being attended by large crowds every night. lifhighton—Hurt Norman, local chicken fanciers, missed a Plymouth Hock hen at Christmas, The hen came back several days ago. and nothing is known as to where It had been In the Interval. William Henry Run Down by Guy Vogt in Auto William C. Henry, a photographer, of liu.S South Thirteenth street, was struck by an automobile driven by Guy 5 Vogt, in South Cameron street yes terday afternoon. He received a badly sprained ankle and internal injuries. It is said charges of negligence, speed ing and violation of the traffic ordi nance will be preferred against Vogt. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Chestnut l>evel — Ankrlm. aged 45, died yesterday. He was engaged in the cattle business, and sold horses for racing and other purposes. His widow and a brother survive. Wriglitsville—Andrew Durger, aged SO, died yesterday. He was a veteran of the Civil War, and was one of the first firemen of the city of Baltimore. TWO ROTHS TRASH* .">1 MILKS. Sons of Court Reporter Walk from llarrlsliurg lo Rending in Sat urday's Driving llftin. Saturday's driving rain couldn't dampen the ardor of Prof. Frank G. Roth and Edward B. Koth, instructors respectively in the Central high school faculty and the physical culture de partment of the Y. M. C. A., when titty set out to tramp to Lebanon. The brothers left here at 4 o'clock In the mornning, got to Lebanon at 11, rested until 1. and then suddenly decided to walk on to Reading. They reached Reading shortly after 7 o'clock that evening and returned by train. All told the pair traveled fifty four miles. The brothers are sons of Attorney Franklin J. Roth, official reporter of the Dauphin County courts. WATER AM) GAS COMPANY ROW IADS IX ARRESTS Special to The Telegraph Williamsport, Pa.. April 12.—A, Grant Richwine, Charles S. 8011, J. 11. Deeter and Dale Schaeffer, all of Harrisburg, were made defendants Sat urday afternoon in an action in which they are- accused of defrauding the Jersey Shore Gas Company, its stock holders and creditors of $30,000. In formation was sworn to, warrants were issued, taken to Harrisburg by a local constable and served on the four men. They gave bail and will have a hearing here next week. The charges grew out of an inter-company row and the defendants assert they will be able to explain their actions to the satisfaction of the court. liKAl* MAY MEAX IIKATH Special to The Telegraph Allentown. Pa.. April 12. —Death will probably be the result of a fool hardy feat performed yesterday by Ralph Devlin, aged 25. structural iron worker. He remarked to companions, as they were crossing the Tllghman street bridge that the water in the river looked fine and he dared them to jump in. They didn't accept and turned the dare back at him. There upon he vaulted over the railing and dived into the stream forty feet be low. The water was shallow and he is at the hospital in a hopeless condi tion with a broken back. PHII.ADKf.PHI \ STOCKS Philadelphia, April 12. Stocks : closed lower. ! American Railways | Cambria Steel 47' i | < leneral Asphalt ■ 27 i General Asphalt, Pfd 6 #l4 I l.ake Superior Corporation 5% I,aUo Superior Corporation, Pfd.. 30 ! I.ehigh Navigation 7ti | Lehigh Valley 70'* I Pennsylvania Railroad 54' v Philadelphia Electric 2 I'< Philadelphia Company 38Vi Philadelphia Company, Pfd 34% Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 10% Reading 75 3-16 Reading General Mortgages .... 93% Storage Battery 50 % I'nion Traction 36 I'niled Has Improvement S4'4 Vnited States Steel 55 a 4 Warwick Iron and Steel 9% CHICAGO CATTLE Hy Associated Press Chicago. 111., April 12. Hogs Re ceipts. :!S.O00: strong. Bulk of sales, SI ,20l!< 7.30; light. $7.05©7.35; mixed, *7.00(17 7.37 %: heavy, $6.80<&)7.30: rough, s6.XO(ii 6.90: nigs. »5.80(f< 6.90. Cattle— Receipts, 18,000: weak. Na tive beef steers, SG.OO<frS.SO: western steers, J5.60W7.50: cows and heifers, 92.!>0<5>8.00: calves. $6.25(0>8.75. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; steady. Sheep, $7.40®8.40: lambs, s7.Boigi 10.50. CHICAGO BOAItl) OK TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, lil., April 12. Board of Trade closing: Wheat May, 1.57%: July, 1.24, Corn—May, 73%- July, 76. Oats—May, 57%: July, 54. Pork—May, 17.45; July. 17.97. Lard—May. 10.22: July, 10.50. Ribs—May, 10.15; July. 10.15. II Real Homes For Sale jj Those remaining 1 four brick houses, situate Nos. i> j! 28, 30, 32 and 34 Prospect street. Steam heated, elec- !; j| trie light, modern in all respects. These homes are in || 11 that delightful Reservoir Park district and only otic ; i 11 square front Market street. To quick buyers they are offered at special prices, i: J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street ' Missing 15-year-old Girl Believed to Have Eloped Starting from her liotne at 1642 North Third street, with her aunt, to attend church last night, Miss Renetta Bennett, aged 16, mot Harry Stormfeltz, aged 21. of North Sixth street, and disappeared. The girl's mother Is almost pros trated with grief. Her father is J. T. Bennett, an en gineer on the Philadelphia division of the Pennsy, who is on the road now. Mrs. Bennett said that she had no reason to believe that they have eloped, as her daughter never spoke of marriage or never said that she cared very much for Storpifeltz. The girl wore a tango dress of crepe meteor, a red coat and black hat. with velvet streamers, and two small bunches of red poppies. She is tall, light complexioned and has black hair and eyes. .. 1 L. - __ 1 "v LAWYER'S REMOVAL NOTICE C. H. Backenstoe, Esq., has removed his law offices from 14 North Third street to the Bergner Building (Rooms Nob. 203 and 204, sec ond floor), northwest corner of Third and Market Sts., Harris burg, Pa. V t MONEY" To Housekeepers, W'ork |Ai liigmen and Salaried Em m ployes. I LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY » X. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4Hi Floor U Spooner Building Hunting For l Rooms ? To tin* imtnoii nlio In hunting; for nn i» It motive nn<l convenient l«- 4'fitlon \xv offer roomn In the Morrell npnrt mentM, SitM l<oeu*t Ntreet, ncil to Orplieiim Tlicnti % r. nn«l nlMo In the I'rnnklln llhlb. \ll eon venleneeM—Rome with run niiiu «n(er—tliiKle or en unite— prleen moderate. Apply nt 204 LOCUST ST. i ■ 8 MONEY If you work, keep house, pay your bills and need money for a good purpose, we can supply il in amounts of sf, to at legal rates, payable week ly or monthly. Organized In 1!)0!> by local people with local cap-* ital to save borrowers from extortion, (lie Co-oper ative; regardless or what others advertise, still leads for business rates, terms and service. CO - OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 2(14 CHESTNUT ST. Open daily from S a. nt. to fi p. in., and Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 9 p. in. TRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insur ance Office No. 18 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumberland. Det a c hed i dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improvements, i Owner moving to Phila delphia and will sell at a | reasonable price. 1006 N, Second St., 3- ! story brick dwelling, 11 i rooms and bath, imp., side i entrance, 2-story stable on ' rear of lot. Price right to quick buyer. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers