10 RANK STATKMKVI HEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPAMT, 0( Harrisburg, No 1230 North Third Street, of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, at the close of business April 5, 1515: RtiBUURCM Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, $50,449 BO Due from ap proved reserve agents, 125.781 S3 — $179,230 82 Nickels and cents, 866 "1 Checks and cash Items,... $97 02 Securities pledged for Speolal deposits, 6,000 Ot Assets held tree, via: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: upon one nama, .... $3,718 52 C o m m e r c lal psper pur chased: IJpon two or more names 239,202 37 . 242.920 89 I.oans upon call with col lateral 234,595 00 nme loans with collateral, 28.720 77 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 101.957 10 Loans without collateral,. 153.425 40 Bonds, stocks, etc., 209.336 02 Mortgages an d Judgments of record 115.962 82 Office building and 10t,.. 47,500 00 Furniture and fixtures, .. 17,500 00 Overdrafts 107 47 Total, $1,438,080 02 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $125,000 00 Furplus Fund 226,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex- Senses and taxes paid,.. 89.419 43 Ivldual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 807,208 38 Time Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings), .. 280.372 68 Deposits. saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust Fund*) 444,178 87 Deposits. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , 30,000 00 Deposits. U. S. Postal Sav ings 1.496 71 Deposits, municipal 5,000 00 Due to F.anks, Trust Cos. etc.. not reserve 17,452 63 Dividends unpaid 319 50 Treasurer's and Certified checks outstanding, ... 12,587 32 Total $1,438,030 02 Amount of Trust Funds Invested, 388.778 70 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested. 11,615 I] Overdrafts 83 30 Total Trust funds $400,477 n CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure Issues of corporate bonds. Including Equip ment Trusts $1,932,600 00 Btate of Pennsylvania, County ot Dau phin. ss: I. H. O. Miller, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) H. O. MILLER. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of April, 1915 (Signed) M. G. POTTS, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Correct—Attest: (Signed) W. M. DONALDSON. (Signed) P. 11. VAUGHN. (Signed) JOHN F. DAPP, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CITIZENS BANK, of Harrisburg No. 1301 Derry street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business April 5. 191",: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, snecie, and notes $17,270 00 Due from approved reserve agents,.. 39.224 51 ... . , $56,494 51 Nickels and cents 243 19 Checks and cash items 4,149 79 Hills discounted: Up on two or more names, .....$69,714 28 1 ime loans with collateral,. 34,979 no Loans on call with col , lateral 41,861 67 Loans on call upon, one , name 115 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 26,794 22 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 12.625 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 10,400 00 Mortgages and Judgments of record 37.600 00 Office building and lot 24,900 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,500 00 Overdrafts, 26 43 Total $321,393 09 LIARILITIEs Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 Surplus fund 20.000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 4,401 76 Individual deposits subject to check, ...., 8122,440 69 Time certificates of deposit, 96.990 92 Savings fund de posits 6,021 60 Deposits, Common wealth of Penn sylvania, 10,000 00 Deposits, munici pal 6.000 00 Certified checks, ... 84 50 Cashier's checks outstanding 2,252 76 Due to Banks and Trust Cos., etc., not reserve 4,198 96 Dividends unpaid 2 00 Total, $821,393 09 State of Pennsylvania, County 01 Dau phin, as: 1, C. G. Miller. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Signed) C. G. MILLER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of April. 1915. (Signed) IRWIN M CASBELL, [Notarial Seal], Notary Public. commission expires March 26, Correct—Attest: (Signed) CHAS. H. HOFFMAN, (Signed) EDWIN C. THOMPSON (Signed) JOHN F. FEESER, Dlreotors. Try Telegraph Want Ads • ■ , The Dauphin Deposit Trust Co 213 Market Street, Harrisbarg, Penn. A; called for by the Pennsylvania Commissioner of Banking, April 5, 1915 RESOTTRPES I UABTI-JTTEfi Cash and rash items.. $1 56,717.85 U 0 „, + _, • .*«««««. Due from banks . ... 394 144.3) a P ,tß ' $300,000.00 United States bond/?, 4 ' Surplus 300,000.00 per cent, at par.... 150,000.00 Undivided profits .... 21,387.88 Loans and Investments 2,649,807.9?. DeDosits •> Ttc m'•« Bank building Boiooo.oo K 2, .56,884.32 Overdrafts 70.38 banks 22.987.77 $3,400,739.97 1 $3,400,739.97 Trust funds $586,328.20 r»ONAX,I> M'CORMTCK. President"" i ' ROBERT M'CORMICK, Treasurer. J. A. GRIESHABEK, Assistant Treasurer. MONDAY EVENING, BANK STATKMKNT REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF r he HAFtnisni'KG TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg. Pa . No. IS South Market Square, of Dauphin County. Pennsyl vania, at the close of business April i, 1915: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes, $93,291 60 Due from ap proved reserve agenta, 464.38* SI . „ Nickels and cents 203 04 Check* and oash Item*, ... 3.946 SI Due from Banks and Trust uos. not rtmrve, 3.439 04 Securities pledged for apes lal deposits 10,006 Mi Assets held free, via: C o m m e r o lal » paper pur chased: Upon one name *9.*25 00 C o in mere lal paper pur chased: Upon two or moie names 814.010 St Loans upon call with ool lateral 738,398 20 Time loans with collat ! ter&l 148,922 28 |Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 18,119 83 Loans without collateral. . 4.740 21 Bonds, stocks, etc 235,910 00 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 18.33S 12 Other real eotate 147,800 00 Overdrafts, 310 «» Total 12.721,093 (1 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 1400.000 00 Surplus Fund 400,000 00 Undivided profits. less expenses and taxes paid 42,880 44 Individual deposits sub ject to check (Exclu sive. of Trust Funds i and Savings I (85,878 91 Time certlncates of de i posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings.) ... 543,529 61 | Deposits, Coinmouwealth ! of Pennsylvania 440,277 3* I Deposits. U. S. Postal Savings j..... 6,580 44 I Deposits, municipal 55,000 00 ! UUf to uuuks. trust Cos.. | etc., not reserve 115,028 70 Dividends unpaid 115 00 | Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding >8,302 89 ! Total $2,731,093 43 I Amount of Trust Funds | invested, $1,885,540 32 i Amount of Trust Funds « I uninvested, 267,464 64 I Total Trust funds $2,143,197 34 CORPORATE TRUSTS ' Total amount (I. e. face i value) of Trusts under 1 deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure Issues of corporate bonds, Including Equip ment Trusts $24,513,000 0« Total amount of . :curitles deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure Is sues of Collateral Trust Bonds 122,655 00 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau phin. ss: I Geo. G. Carl, Treasurer of the abo c named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be llet (Signed) GEO. G. CAIU» Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this Oth day of April, 1916. (Signed) CLINTON M. HERSHET, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Publltv Correct —Attest: (Signed) ED. S. HERMAN. (Signed) A. rORTBNBAt'GH, (Signed) EDWARD BAILEY. Directors. i REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the ! SIXTH STREET HANK, of Harrisburg, I No. 2100 North Sixth Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of ; business April 5, 1915: , RESOURCES ; Reserve Fund: i Cash, specie and I notes $36,011 75 Due from approv | ed reserve agents 47,612 34 j Nickels and cents ; S3B 09 Check* and cash items 1,611 16 I Securities pledged for spec ial deposits 7,000 00 ; Assets held free, vis: I Bills discounted: Upon one name, $5,150 00 'Bills discounted: ' Upon two or I more names, .. 17.595 23 ITime loans with collateral,. . 2,200 00 Loans on call with collateral. 20.399 64 Loans on call upon one name. 50 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 53,996 50 I Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 1 67,97 6 00 I Bonds, stocks, etc., 177,750 16 Mortgages und Judgments of record 40.201 50 Office building and lot 23,480 00 Furniture and fixtures 6,120 00 Overdrafts 39 82 Total $613,032 07 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 Surplus Fund 20,000 00 Undivided profits, le»s ex penses and taxes paid, ... 10.834 7i Individual deposits subject to cheek,5148,466 50 Time certificates of deposit. .... 43,877 65 Savings Fund de posits 297,098 14 Deposits. Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. . 15,000 00 Deposits, U. S. Postal Savings.. 339 78 Deposits, munici pal 19,499 99 Certified checks... 1,362 60 Cashier's checks outstanding, ... 6,477 41 ~ 631,116 07 Due to Ranks and Trust Cos., etc.. not reserve, 73 71 Dividends unpaid 7 60 Total $613,032 07 State of Pennsylvania. County of Dau- Fhln. ss: , F. L. Albert FroShllch, Cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is trui to the beet of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) F. L. ALBERT FROEHLICH, „ . - Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 9th day of April. 1915 (Signed) GEO. D. HERBERT. [Seal.] Alderman. Correct—Attest: I Signed > ROBERT A. ENDERS. (Signed) LEWIS BALSER. (Signed) W. SCOTT STROH, Directors. ||| Runaway j June j; By George Randolph ! j Chester and Lillian Chester. j jj Copyright 1915. bj* Serial Pebll- J cation Corporation. TWELFTH EPISODE. The Spirit of the Marsh. CHAPTER I. lal STEAM yawl, with black suioke f\ I pouring from her stovepipe, suddenly stopped Its churning I I halfway across New York bay as the principal passenger, a long nosed woman with high arched brows, recog nized through a wabbly jointed tele scope the leaders in a procession of live speedy motorboata -which swept rapidly toward her. "Turn around quick"' the woman or dered .-is the first motorboat bore down, and she dashed a cinder from her beady eye. "Here comes the runaway bride!" "I'm turning her now, ma'am," re ported a short thick individual whose round face was one consecutive smudge. "Don't yon hear our engines stopping?" "There she goes!" screeched Honortn Blye as the long, narrow steel gray l>oat flashed past, bearing, besides Us driver, a beautiful young girl in a yachting costume, protected as much hs possible from the flying spray In the arm of A tall man with a soft felt hat and a loosely knotted cravat. "Why, she Isn't with my husband!" cried Honoria Blye. "Tso'm," confessed BUI Wolf, putting a fresh smudge on his round face as the cinder laden smoke rolled down; "not now." His perplexity cleared. He spied the second boat "There he comes!" "Gilbert!" screnmcd the ■woman as the second boat shot by, driven by a heavy man with a round head and thick lidded eyes and carrying as its passenger a dark, handsome man with a black Vandyke, whose -whole atten tion was fixed on the l>eautifui girl in the forward boat. "Gilly!" The dark, Ned Warner Gritted Hie Teeth and Clinched His Fists. j handsome man paid no attention. "You I viper!" she shrieked; then she whirled to Bill Wolf. "Why don't you turn this around and chase them?" "We're turning, ma'am," reported Bill Wolf, lookiug anxiously in nt the engineer. "lJon't you hear the engine reversing?" The third boat sdot past, driven by a white mustached man in evening clothes "That's the creature who corrupted niy husband!" shrieked Honoria. "He was with Gilbert the night he took his trunk away! You beast!" she scream ed. and then she caught sight of the occupants in the fourth boat, a little chauffeur with blazing eyes and the REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE EAST END DAI. K, of Harrisburg, Thirteenth and Howard streets, of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business April 6, 1916: RESOUKCEiS Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes J34.91: 30 Due from approved reserve agents,.. 80,539 81 . $115,455 11 Nickels and cents 1,396 20 Checks and cash Items 8,308 14 Assets ht'ld free, vis: Bills discounted: Upon one name..525,188 50 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names 149.879 84 Time loans with collateral,. 15,543 00 Loans on call with collateral, 94,523 61 Loans 011 call upon one name. 66,776 88 Loans on call upon two or more names 33,963 60 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages, 90,644 50 Bonds, stocks, etc 28 802 60 MortKages and Judgments of ' record 63,850 00 Office building and lot 17 000 00 Other real estate, 14 140 00 Furniture and fixtures 3.'950 00 Overdrafts 478 54 Total, $719,797 32 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $60,000 00 Surplus Fund. 4 5>000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, .. 7 954 06 Individual deposits subject to check.5279,768 44 Time certificates of deposit, .... 255.644 60 Savings Fund de posits 65,161 22 Deposits, munici pal 10,000 00 Certified checks,.. 1,733 20 Cashier's checks outstanding, .. 4,605 90 Total $719,797^32 State of Pennsylvania, County of Oau fill n. as: , A 1 K. Thomas. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Signed) AL K. THOMAS,' Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to bbfore m> this 9th day of April. 1916. (Signed) A. W. riWKNGEL, [Notarial Seal.} Notary Public. My commission axplres January is 1919. ' Correct—Attest: [SEAL.] (Signed) JOHN K. MAT. (Signed) E. A. HEFF&LFINGER. (Signed) E. M. SIBLE. Dlrectora. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH . Demonstration of Tablemat The Upholstery Section's Weaves for Making Table Showing of Summer Th Mats at Home Draperies I nese good looking mats arc an effectual protection against , Mr damage to the tabic from hot dishes, and the labor that is re- Dainty curtain materials in many styles make this an un quired to make them is but a pastime. The cost of material . for a mat inches is He. and the frames over which the usually interesting display. mats ar c made with interchangeable sections. 1 lie frames Plain curtain voile In ecru. Ivory and white. 3fi inches wide: yd.. 2.v« cost t»0<" for a set of three. Marquisette in ecru and white, 3fi inches wide; yard ... ,29c to sue Needlework Department, Third Floor. Fancy Ktamlne, plain center With colored border: yard 150 Flat edge scrim and voile In ecru. Ivory and white, plain center IN with fancy striped border: yard 1»c. 25c to 39c nv/iTAnv 1 i nr»i7fr«iiT nt unnrirkmiri ailu,lln rurtalns ' p ,a,n or trimmed edge, bunch tucks and some Is I 1 1111/ I/l 3 1/ NyJ M\N |/A I IPn Iv S styles are trimmed with insertion: pair «9c. 73c to SI. 00 A 1V 1 Vf 1\ Irt Ll 1\ Li i IJj if IXI 1 ILIV 11 J FinP voile, hemstitched edge; plain center and neat colored border, . , , , - 36 Inches wide; yard 1 250 only, can you obtain tne very latest styles. "Sunfast" drapery materials, Including rep, poplin and corded ef tt fects. 36 to ISO inches wide; yard 50c. «5o to SI.OO Tbr . ... . English nets In many fancy weaves, plain or scalloped edge: vard Country Club Waist 23c 39c and 50r 6211—15 c Chintz and Cretonne in beautiful designs and colors, styles for cushions, draperlefl and hox coverings; yard 25c, 39c to 500 o , e oi * ■ Fancy silk'aurora, in green, brown and tan, 32 and 50 Inches wide: Suspender Skirt yftrrt 85c „ 00 nn „ „ M 0196 I JC Utility Boxes, matting <jovered with bamboo trimmings or wood edges 51.98. $3.50 to Sfl.oo Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Third Floor. i\ Spring's Most Important Wash Goods Showing II Is Now in Progress || 1 36-inch silk poplin, in a silk and cotton weave that is desir -1 V able for dresses and skirts. The color range is more complete at j this time than it will be at any other period of the season. If 1 \ 36-inch Dresden silk in a silk and cotton weave with If I \ grounds of blue, pink and helio, with choice floral printings Make them up. I j... , |"\ iat are was ' la^^e « Yard .">oe You will be months 1 \ | | J 38-inch fancy silk voiles, in white or pink grounds with self ahead in style. L color lace stripes and floral designs. Yard // /T «iij Y}|o *J}» \2Yic Zephyr dress ginghams, 32 inches wide, in stripes Jj " CAQUinM pnnr and checks. Special, yard I<)e \l rAonlUn DUUII yf 50c silk poplin in solid shades. Special, yard 39$ now on sale at the Pattern Counter. 12^c cretonne robes, 36 inches wide. Special, yard. lOr Ony 10 cents when purchased with one 15c pattern. Pomeroy * stewm - str « et Floor - MAY Fashions now ready., • Oil Mops | M Round and §F of t ! l ' s famous kitchenware is B lar shapes with adjust- £ lathcHfr^m^h SS f W & |^ rcscn " liea , Vy ( ' otton wa . r P cooking utensils over all others. 6 ISiL ma Kes the mop do its Basement." " tiniest of mustaches nml a stiff woman, who bent eagerly forward. "The maid of the runaway bride!" explained the justly famous detective, Bill Wolf. "Do you notice that we're turning now, ma'amV" "Ned Warner, the deserted groom!" announced Honoria Blye as the fifth boat darted past. Ned held binoculars to his eyes, and they were focused al ternately on beautiful .Tuue Warner in the arm of the artist and upon the closely pursuing Gilbert Bl.ve. With him were a plump and placid small man. who drove with unwelcome creases in his brow, and a generously plump young woman, who was half hysterical. "We're turned, ma'am," said Bill Wolf, clutching Honoria Bl.ve by the elbow. "Don't you see the Federal building?" On the dock there stood a watchman who consisted of an overocat and cap. and silently, motionlessly hour by hour be looked out. toward the bay. A swift motorboat. slender pointed, steel gray, REPORT or THE CONDITION OF TJIR Pennsylvania Surety Company Of Harrisburg No. 14 South Market Square, of Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania. at the close of business April sth, 1915. RESOURCES Due from Hanks and Trust Cos. not re serve $10,286 26 Loans upon call with col lateral 2:',, non on Ronds, stocks, etc 3S3.SBS 00 Mortgages and judg ments of record 43,500 00 Premiums being collect ed 11,272 24 Total $471,924 50 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In, ...$250,000 00 Surplus Fund 100,000 00 Undivided profits, leus ex penses and taxes paid, 97,fi59 05 Premiums reserve 15.422 07 Loss reserve, 5.813 Total, .• $471,924 50 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dauphin, ss: I, R. G. Cox. Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) R. G. COX. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bth day of April, 1915. (Signed) C. L. BRINSER, [Notarial Seal] Notary Pub«c. My commission expires March 1. 1919. Correct—Attest: (Signed) EDWARD BATLET, (Signed) A. PORTENBAIJGH. (Signed) E. J. STACKPOLIS. Directors. dashed up. and from it the artist quick ly lifted beautiful June Warner. The overcoat and cap moved not a muscle, but from far off Ned Warner, in the fifth boat of that strauge regatta, through his powerful binoculars saw I that landing, saw June cling to her newly found protector, saw, from the bond of his head, that the artist's eyes were filled with appreciation for the I beauty of the fair little runaway bride. Straight up the dock they ran to the street and hailed a passing taxi and whirled away. ! A keen little racer dashed up. spray i Ing tlie water in a glittering translu- I cent sheet as it curved into the slip. 1 From It sprang the black Vandyked | Gilbert Blye in time to see the taxicab whirl away with beautiful June. | Through his powerful binoculars Ned Warner saw Blye gesticulating with I nnger. saw the heavy, round headed ! Edwards climb clumsily upon the dock i and stamp his foot. I A third boat, a trim, lithe little cut- I ter. From It scrambled the white mus- I tacbed Orin Cunningham. Through his j powerful binoculars Ned Warner saw Cunningham, too, give way to a fit of j fury, and Ned finally gritted his teeth i and clinched his fists as he saw these | scoundrelly pursuers of his lovely bride j race tip the .lock. They hailed a pas» ; Ing taxi aud whirled away up the street j A fourth boat. A little French chauf ; feur with a tiny mustache and a stiff I woman with high cheek bones, who | bent and unbent painfully as she was I pulled to the dock. i "Hey:" The overcoat and cap at last j had moved, rapidly, violently. They I pounced between Henri and Marie. "You're pinched!" j "Pinched, monsieur? Impossible!" I protested Henri in astonishment. "For ! what is it that we are pinched? Behold | the boat! We have returned it." Marie | started to run away. See Runaway June in motion pic tures every Monday at the Victoria j Theater. The pictures each week por |tray the episode published in the Tele graph the week previous.—Advcrtise j mcnt. i Runaway June will be shown In mo tion pictures every Monday at the I Royal Theater, Third street above (Cumberland. Be sure to see them.— Advertisement. j (To be continued Wednesday.) You never can tell when God will I take a little word you may drop, | Uko an arrow shot at a venture, and rnuse It to strike some hearer be tween the Joints of the harness and , " bring him down.—Sthauffler. APRIL 12. 1015. jV'! jji | Easter Fashion Ml •i 1 \rtVf !• 111 Number mmi pict ° rial 1 iff lili"//' ! i F r s™ Now on Sale 1/ Coatum* CI SO G ißrt Sill 1B« It Mih o4 Ilia «Wn wnWri Dives Pomeroy CSi Stewart ■I ■■■!■! ma i iinaiMi n ■ wr. .n n i ■■ „ ■ ■ Muzzle Off When City's Newspapermen Banquet The muzzle was off the Muzzle Club. ' Harrlsburg's organization of nnewspa per men on Saturday night. The annual dinner was held at the Harris burs: Club and for three hours "Muz zlers" and guests to the number of sixty made merry. "Chins Fu Ki," announced as the "dean" of the department of journal ism of University of Jorunalism, was discovered by President Law Judge George Kunkel to he a Carlisle laun dryman. It was a big joke pulled off by the committee In charge-. In addition to the members, the guests present were: Judge George Kunkel, W. Ft. Jlc CASTORIA F#r Infants and Children. Bears the - TheJClrd You Haw Always Bought & gn o V ure *' " ' ■ ...h; l Caleb, Samuel B. Ram no, James H, I Maurer, Andrew 8. Patterson, Harry I Fenlcal, Harry Holler, Charles < Stroh. Walter H. Galther, Geore S. , Reinohl, Edward F. Doehne, Charles K. Heaslip, Penn L. Throne, Edward Donahue. Henry AV. Gough, Colonel Josejih B. Hutchison, Nayor Staples, Charles T. Jones, John S. Musser. Har ry Lowengard, Walter P. Magulre, R. I'. Bliss, Lee Ellmaker, Thomas Lynch Montgomery. H. ftndley llos ford. Fred Van Ililler, B. h. Theurer R. C. Mlddaugh and H. I. Gerberich. And as they were affrighted and bowed their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ve the living among the dead? Hp Is not here, but is risen: remember how Tie spake unto you when He was yet In Galilee.—Luke 24:5 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers