4 KfWMiMilliMMiliVßay fc#"* mot alone because prices are lower, bat because qualities are bftttflHHilllHHiliiW Things Most Wanted in Every Household at This Time 1 O. |. I o ~ men- *| HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Stylish Spring Millinery clnl value, Bc, 10c, lS'/ac. 15c and Best Selections and Best Values in . is*- Bolster Caaea 23c Uotrimmed Hats and Trimmings O 6c, 7c, 8c nnit 10c 42 and 45-lncli Pllluu Case Muslin. To-morrow morning we shall place on sale a new ship- ......... nn ! l ,r,c , , ... ... . _ _ r SheetlncMuslln In blenched unci un ment of fashionable shapes, including the newest Sailors, Tur- blenched u— i nn.i 10-4 2.3 c bans, Pokes, Tricornes, etc, in all colors. Also New York's Mercerised Napkins o ?""!?* 7c ind'oc latest fad in black, white and white-and-black shapes. £i»e«%™"!»e2".!' B*.' 16c,''I'gYi'c'.'tK Larger assortment than ever in Children's Trimmed and Turki,h 0 Untrimmed Hats. 2Bc. Trimmings of all descriptions are to be had here in a " lh 58 10c Flowers, Wreaths, Fruits, Novelties, Ostrich Fancies, Wings, Art Needlework Dept. Quills, etc. Also Velvet Ribbons, in black and colors, and <w< - Drawn work Scarfs and squares. Satin Face Ribbons and Grosgrain Ribbons in colors. I I Linen Centerpieces with Cluny All at Our Lower-than-elsewhere Prices. cushion^ CIICII 2JV C , # 50c Children's Ready-made Stamped New Spring Draperies MEN'S WEAR Gown*, special. each 25c . r ° „ A full line of D. M. C.Embrolilcry Wow shown* complete line of new Rpl|nbl( . Good . „ t ropnlllr Pr icea. ■»* Crochet Cotton at Popular Curtain Goods, Hods, etc. l'rlces. Double width Scrim*, with all-over »*••• Shirt* In flamrea and All the new Instruction hooka for and border designs. striped percale, all sUes .... 23c < rochet and Kmbroldery Work, l«c. 1-MiC. 15c. 17c, 20c and 2Ro Men', nine Ch.mbrny Work Shirts A C "o°m P iete line oV*Rlrtardaon%Uk New White Curtain Swiss, stripes, and Royal Socletv Mercerized figures find dots, 10c, 12% and 15c Men'a Black Work Shlrta 25a Floss. I'lnln Scrim with hemstitched and Men'a new Underwear In Bnlhrlg- Rein paper marhe letters, design* lacc border, white and Arabian, Kan, array mixed, blnck and white, and acallopn. 12*4 c, 15c, 17c, 20c and 25c all sizes, apeclal value 25c Lace Xeta, aU Men s Athletic tinder,rear 25c Kitchen Needs in Household Fish Nets In white, Arabian and i ® < j" r | , ( , e( J* tl ' rt ' c 1 nlon Suits, Special Department New Novelty Curtain Gooda with Men's Silk Hose, black, navy, brown, f*'?.!7i„Jl"" * assortment colors 25c putty and wbite, special value, 25c Tabl. Ollel«<i. . . Minfaat '")rape'ries"" Cl ° th 25c M "»'" LUIc How ' n » < , ° , °" •• "He patterns, yanl 20c tlnd 25c New Novelty Curtain Goods, In Men's Silk Hose, In colon ... 12y. c n-M,,! ~?,.! y,r * 1 J* icreeo and hrown. Special Prices. Men'scolored Cotton Hose, all col- ■».',«« 4 * * I-ace Curtains, pair 25c or*. Ocj 3 for 25c Bust IlritshM i ..2° Beat Quality Oil Shades, all colors. Men'a Heavy Mixed Cotton Hose. Kornh L e * n, J T' ,c complete 25c Od 3 for 25c r>dar OMPoHsh in*" ""'J -U Figured Cretonnes. Bc, 10c, 12Vie and Men's mixed Hose. In black and " ,c M,,d Plain* and floured Sllkollnea. Men'aSuapendera 10c'and 25c r oinnde'*iirV.Hh.'.C KP tans, special, 50c 10c mid 12HC Men's Silk Neckwear, plain and I rene I'aner mil * C Burlap In plain colors 15e fancy, large assortment.. Special. T011..# l>n».»-' " , 3 0c Denim In green 12MsC and 25c 25c Galvanlse.i soV..i;" n Y " C " nd 10c Door Panels, white and Arab .. 25c Men's Caps 25c l " aUnBlBe " Scrub Buckets. Brass finished Curtain Bods, Men's Belta 25c Tabourette* .......1.1 ~ o<- nnrt 25c 3c. se, 10c. 12M.C and 25c Men's Garters 10c. 15c and 25c I.argc assortment L-.IIYI - >, c Double Width Concli Covering. 25c Cnnvaa Gloves 10c nnd 25c assortment Jardinieres. Joe, ioc and 25c Soutter s lc to 25c Department Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market Street Opp. Courthouse MAY SUGGEST STEPS FOR MARKET ST. GAP [Continued from First Page.] provement of the river front. Just liow much wo will have left depends on the result of the arbitration on the 'extras' charged by W. H. Opperman Company for constructing the inter- The Incomparable STEINWAY Another demonstration is afforded to local music lovers as proof that the Steinway is the choice of artists. Paderewski, when heard in recital never pfays any other piano. This house fur nished an instrument for the use of John Mc- Cormack, Donald Mcßeath and Edwin Schneider in their recent local appearance. The piano used here by David Bispham was a Stein way. And to-night in their appearance, Maud Powell and Evan Williams will have for their accompaniments one of these instruments of the artists' choice. The Steinway is not an "expensive" instrument, for the reason that it represents the highest point yet attained in piano building. No strain is greater than that caused by transporting an instrument from place to place, as must be done sometimes on concert tours. An excellent recommendation for the Stein way, since it is the choice of artists. If a piano is your consideration; these prices will ac quaint you with the Steinway. And if quality is your thought; the Steinway will be your selection. t Style V Upright Piano $500.00 Style M Small Grand $750.00 Style O Miniature Gran<T ... .SBOO.OO Style A Small Parlor Grand.slooo.oo This store is the Central Pennsylvania selling agency C .AV. Si&lar, Inc. Pianos Victrolas smite Tt/v aunoiN% CT. ADduL atMM*. J THURSDAY EVENING, cepting sewer." The decision of th< arbitrators has been expected for i weeks as the board has had the matter under., consideration now for months and months. James H. Fuertes, consulting expert ■ for the Board of Public Works who t inspected" the various Improvement ! works yesterday afternoon approved >• the plan recently adopted l»y lh>i i[board for closing the pap at Market • street. ,He considers this plan the iLvnrh ol . l f told Commissioner ! far better scheme of continuing the line of steps across the opening could not be provided for. Suit Pop Damages of the commissioners appeared to take very seriously the report that TniunPti V '°. Ver,Uen may threaten an V \ ' ,revent the closing of ,1 who take the mat «!«*♦£ 10 oourts the commissioners said they personally didn't know. ni»tLi a »? SU i Ch action was contein they said arned only bj ' hearsay, heard," said Mr. Lynch, "was that Mayor Royal said after council adjourned the other afternoon. That was something to the effect that some ifli ea J, ened an action for dam ages if the wall was put through there. wh^n r tl. erred J° the original plan when this problem was first talked of in connection with the building of the wall, and this 1 suppose is really what Mayor Royal had in mind when ho said ho feared someone might trv get out an injunction. I, myself, have heard of no such contemplated move ment. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time We have a New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your case Is of longstanding or recent de velopment, whether it is present as oc casional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method No matter in what climate you live no latter what your age or occupation if you are troubled with asthma our method should relieve you promptly We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense, that this new method la designed to end all dif ficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free ofTer Is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupon neiow. Dn It To-day. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 182 M, Niagara and Hudson Sta., Buf 'alo. N. I. Send fre» trial of your method to: • HOWTATFOIKS = MAY BECOME SLIM BE MODERATE IN YOUR DIET, BREATHE DEEPLY, AND TAKE A LITTLE Oil. OF KOREIN Fat persons, particularly those from 10 to 30 pounds above normal weight will be interested to learn that thuy may easily reduce their weight with out starvation diet or tiresome exer cise. Tills can best be done by being mod erate In your diet, so that you will not overtax your assimilative organs, by fretting plenty of fresh air, by breath ng deeply and by taking a few drops of oil of korein four times a day. Oil of korein may be obtained from any good druggist in capsule form (live drops to the capsule) take one capsule after each meal and one before retiring at night. Tliey cost little, are absolutely harmless, are pleasant to take and are designed to reduce fatty accumulations in the system wherever located. Even a few days' treatment should show a noticeable reduction In weight, the flesh should become firm, the skin smooth and the general healt' Improv ed. In fact your foosteps should oven become lighter, your work seem easier and a lighter and more buoyant feeling take possession of your whole being. Every person who Is ten or fifteen pounds over normal weight should surely give this treatment a trial. You will probably find that It Is Just what you need.—Advertisement. HARRISBUKG TELEGRAPH PA. MUST RETRENCH, SAYS THE GOVERNOR [Contluued from First ] C. A. CAKL New Prcsl4lent of Telephone Asso ciation. "and the State has been just as hard hit as have the industries. The case is one of common Interest ami all should endeavor to solve the problem. I as sure you I have spent muny hours In consultation with department heads trying to Ilnd ways and means of in creasing the State's revenue without resorting to further taxation. Retrenchment Necessary "The Commonwealth should be run like a well-regulated household. Every home emleavors to live within its re sources und the State must do like wise. The pockets of the treasury are not bulging and therefore our roads, schools and charitable organ izations will have to suffer, the stress of economical 4,'onditions necessitating retrenchments all along the line. We nil look for a better day when con ditions will resume their normal as pect." Governor Brumbaugh was intro duced in telephone vernacular by Henry M. Tracy, of Philadelphia, president of the Eastern Pennsylvania independent Telephone Association, as the "real live wiro who does not allow anybody to butt in while he is on the line." Girl Operators Guests of Men The girls who arts attending the operators' school being conducted in conjunction with the convention at the Young Women's Christian Association were guests of the telephone men at the morning session. Governor Brum baugh said he was in hearty sympathy with their child labor stand and advo cated legislation which would guard their welfare. Afterward E. B. Fisher, of Grand Rapids, Mich., president of the Inde pendent Telephone Association of America, traced the growth of the system in a speech on "Retrospect and Prospect." He told of the placing of the first telephone lines across the Alleghenies and said the present con ditions were an augury of a splendid future. He advised the delegates to fight strongly against a monopoly of telephone service. His address was followed by W. H. Hay, of Pittsburgh, service engineer, Western Pennsylvania Independent Telephone Association, with a talk on "Long Distance Transmission." Mr. Hay told of the growth of the inde pendent system in the western part of the State and points in West Virginia and Ohio. His paper was largely of a technical nature. "Elimination of Night Toll Rates in Pennsylvania" was the subject of an address by Richard Hawkey, of Pitts burgh. general manager of the P. and A. Telephone Company. The standing of bills before the Legislature was discussed by E. D. Schade, general manager of the Johns town Telephone Company, in a paper on "Amendment to Female Labor Act and 'Proposed Child Labor Act," late this afternoon. W. S. Vivian is conducting the op orators" school in the Y. W. C. A. More than seventy-five girls from many parts of the State are present. The convention adjourned late tills afternoon. The organization was formed here two years ago in the same room where to-day's meeting was held. It has had a marvelous growth. Officers Elected The following officers were elected: President, C. A. Carl, general super intendent United Telephone and Tele graph Company, Harrisburg; first vice president, George B. Rudy, general manager York Telephone and Tele graph Company, York; second vice president, S. 11. Mounce, manager of the Carbon Telegraph Company, Hans ford; secretary-treasurer, O. K. Kines, auditor of the Cumberland Valley Tele phone Company, Harrisburg. On the executive committee are E. M. Prist, Hazleton: Cameron L. Baer, Harris burg, and James F. Stock well, Phila delphia. HOUSE BILLS THIS SESSION TOTAL 1,247 [Continued from First Page.] House last night alter the adjourn ment for the day was sent in by Mr. McVicar, Allegheny, and provides for a tax of 1 mill on the dollar of actual value of capital invested in manufac turing and laundering. The revenue derived is to be devoted to highway improvement and the act is to become effective on January 1, 1916. Capital invested in manufacturing and laun dering is now exempt from State taxa tion and the bill makes it the duty of the Auditor General to assess and col lect the tax as other taxes are col lected. The other bill came from Mr. Sones, Schuylkill, and would amend the "stage coach'' act of 1876 to authorize operation of trackless trolley lines. The vehicles are to be subject to State regulations for motor vehicles and tile bill provides that the trackless cars shall not be operated on streets hj cities where there are street railways in operation or for a distance of more than one and one-half miles on bor ough or township highways occupied by a street railway. In the House to-day Mr. Rothen berger, Berks, rising to a question of personal privilege, called on the ap propriation committee to make report to the House' of its expenditures for inspection of charitable Institutions. A resolution requesting such a report was introduced by the Berks member and referred to the appropriations committee. Mr. Rothenberger said it was re ported that some members used mile age books for private trips last session and he declared ho wanted to be sure the State funds were being properly spent thin year. The House concurred in the Senate amendments to the bill regulating kill ing of squirrels by 150 to 3 and sent the bill creating additional places in the Department of Labor and Industry to committee for a hearing. The bill providing that all horso drnwn vehicles in first and second class cities shall bear name and address of owners was defeated. Five bills passed second reading, the full crew repealer and Jitney line regu lator not being called up. Speaker Ambler announced that ex-President Taft would address the General Assembly in tho hall of the House next Thursday afternoon. The House adjourned until 8 p. m. Monday, 3-Piece Suit Like Illustration, $48.60 A Parlor Sofa and Full Size Bed All in One Piece of Furniture A tliree-piece suit consisting of a large rooiny chair and rocker; luxuriously, comfortable, and finished in fumed oak or quartered oak, polish finish ; and a handsome davenport which serves every purpose of a bed and a sofa or davenport. Occupies only half the space and costs only half as much as both. The bed is full size when open, 72 inches by 47 inches. It is simple, mechanically perfect, easily changed from davenport to bed or from bed to davenport. Plenty of room for bedding within davenport when it is closed. Sanitary construction. You do not sleep on the upholstering but on a soft mattress, which is easily removed for airing. Buy this three-piece suit and you can move into a smaller apartment or pet along with one less room. We have a style and price to suit every one, no matter if you want the davenport only or a three-piece suit. Automatic Bed Davenports $17.50 up Unifold Bed Davenports $28.00 up Take advantage of our charge account privilege. Buy now, pay as your in come enables you. You Cannot Afford to Miss These Values in Our CARPET DEPARTMENT Bigclow Axjninster Rugs, 9x12 size; beautiful Japanese Matting Rugs, 6x9 size; $3.50 value Oriental patterns; $30.00 value at .. $24.50 at $2.00 Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, Persian and lapestiy Brussels Rugs, 6x9 size; $ll.OO small figured designs; $26 value at $22.50 %a ' uc at $8.25 Tapestrv Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 and seam- >re size, \alue at s<.so less; sl4 value at *10.4)0 ?"?» si«; $"0 value at *4.85 . ~ , Body Brussels Rugs, 2/xo4 size; $2.50 value Wool and Fibre Rugs in green, blue and brown, size 9x12; $9.50 value at .... $1.50 Wool Rugs, 36x36 size; SI.OO value at'.. 590 China Matting Rugs, 9x12 size; $5.00 value Rubber Mats, 16x28 size; 75c value at ... 300 at $3.50 Linoleum Mats, 12x12 size; 25c value at 190 OUR LIBERAL TERMS Japanese Mattings SI.OO monthly on SIO.OO At , , » $2.00 monthly on $20.00 AU new desirable patterns, sold by the $4.00 monthly on $50.00 r °U °"'y; yards in d»1 A Special terms on larger amounts. roll V 1 woww I7QTHERT BELGIAN* •TROOPS SUCCESSFUL l)y Associated Press London, April 8, 12.50 P. M.—The Belgian legation here has received a telegram from the Belgian minister of war dated yesterday which reads: "The western side of the Yser canal in the direction of Drei Grachten lias been completely freed of the enemy by Bel gian troops. The Germans fled in dis order, leaving behind the machine guns and ammunition." RUN-DOWN WOMAN Made Strong By Our Vinol Fort Edward, N. Y. —"I was in'a rundown, nervous and weak condition, so I could not do the housework for my little family of three. I had taken cod liver oil emulsions and other remedies without benefit. A friend told me about Vinol. I tried it and it soon built up my strength and made me a well woman so I now do all my housework." —Mrs. Elmer Glidden. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, I'or all run down, weak and debilitated George A. Gorgas, druggist; Ken nedy's Medicine Store. 321 Market street; C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad streets; Kitzmlller's Pharmacy, 1325 Derry street, Harrisburg, Pa., and at leading drug stores everywhere.—Ad vertisement. Coal Prices Are Lowest Now Thousands of tons of freshly mined coal have been re ceived at the Kelley yards in anticipation of a rush of or ders in consequence of the lowered prices—in many in stances the saving is 50c a ton. Let Kelley fill your bins now for next winter—get it done before housecleaning. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State-Streets AMUSEMENTS I—l SCHOOI, OF MODKRX DANCING I„ P. DICKEV 804 WORTH SECOND STREET I.eaiHOnM by appointment. Rrll phone 5743 J. 1 APRIL 8, 1915. AMUSEMENTS PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY' Fit ANCIS BUSHMAN nnd BEV ERLY HAY.NE, featured In 3 Act "The Great Silence "A Theft in the Dark" 3-act Kdlion featuring, MIRIAM NESBITT. Saturday. April 10<li, CHVItI.ES CHAPLIN, In "The Jitney Elopement" 2-reel S. A A. 10 A. M. to II P. M. TO-DAY OIS'I.Y "FALSE COLOURS" In Five Reel*. Prices to-day mill for nil rrgn- Inr attractions: Orchestra, 10c; bal cony, sc, TO-MOltllOWi "VOI R GIHI. AND MIIN'E." AH auffraglsts mill see thin 111 in. " ■ J f : AX EASTEH WEEK ROIi((l ET OP A Spectacular Musical Comedy VAUDEVILLE HOSES Sam Mann & Ce. Theßose of Panama TROVOTTO A Girl With Lots of rep. Diamond & Brennan 3 Other Vaudeville Hits m I II ■ n L. nnd Bc,t ric'nren. Charles Lawlor & Daughters NEW SHOW TO-DAY. 3 OTUEIt EXCELLENT A'TS. Mata.. 5c and 10c; Eve., 10c and 15c i DO YOU KNOW That we have recently installed a new $25,000 PIPE ORGAN ORCHESTRA One of the present day wonders and aptly called tlie pipe organ with the human voice. Ilear the wonderful Instrument played during the presentation of IIIKII class pictures to-day. To-day—"lN THE SHADOW"—S ram VICTORIA THEATER AMUSEMENTS I Majestic Theater Till* Werk—Mfltlncfn A The Public Ledger Kvcnhin Ledger. War Pictures 7000 Feet of New Film*. Adults, 25c; Children, 15c. I Two Days Commencing MONDAY, APRIL 12 MATINEE DAILY Direct From Mxon Thenlcr, Pittsburgh. RGUNDTHE WORLD TOUR I 13 WITH COMPANY OF 50 I U ifylfl WORLDS QREATESTS pfieuw® / ?*> 0/ 5' A/ f^n,RS ?saooo PRODUCTION 100 Tins OF PN/U /FE„, HIHDU RoPEffti CK w EC ff£fics L ' ons PißWffl Boscos DEC A PITA T/O/I 'FIWHL ) mjjj A LAUCHATEVEM BAT OTTFIPW: Just From the Orient PRICES Matinee, 25c, 50c ■ind 75c. Night, 25c to *I.OO. Scats on Sale To.morrOTr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers