■ Sell or Rent Yiur teal Estate Through Telegraph Classified Ms DIKD ___ NKWCOAIKR On March 26, 1015, Wil liam i>. Newcomer, aged 57 years. I'uneral on Monday afternoon, at - o'clock, from his late residence, lilS North Fifth street. The relatives and Iriends arc invited to attend without furtjier notice, Bur la i East Harrisburg; < Vmetery. ATJAMK On March 26. 1915. at her home. Fort Hunter. Mrs. Theresa Fitzgerald Adams wife of John Adams. . . .... Funeral and burial private. Mondaj afternoon, at 1 o'clock. BOWMAN On March 26, 1915. John Bowman, at his late residence, Green Mill, aged «" years. „ , Uriel' funeral services on Tuesday af tcrnoon, at 1:!»0 o'clock, from Ills rest rienee. Further services in tehoops Church. at 2:10. Burial ShOOPS Church Cemetery. The relatives and friends aro invited to attend without further notice. II\RRTS Mrs. Daisy F. Harris died March 25, mo, in her 41st year Services Monday afternoon, at 6 o'clock, from the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Rudy. 1212'.. North Seventh street. The relatU es anct friends are invited to attend without further notice. . HODGE Mrs. Lillian Undue, widow of the late Archibald lTouge, Jr.. 153''I* North Fourth street, died March 23. aged 5S years. . _ . Funeral serwees Monday, at - oclocK. from her late residence. 1-riends and relatives invited to attend without further notice. RHINE On Friday. March 26. I*l6, Mrs. Margaret Rhine, widow of Frank Rhine, at Philadelphia. Funeral on Tuesday morning, at s o'clock, from the residence of her son, ::24 South Fifteenth street. I.OST liOST—Nick el-plated gauge. « Inches long. I>4 inches wide, between P. R. R- Station and Korster street. Reward li returned to ISOS Green street. LOST —A pair of Shur-on glasses, in case with C. C. Conltlin on <-■;*»<?• On Ureen. between Harris and Reil>. or on Second, between Reily and State. If found return to 1318 Green street. IiOST Partv who picked up $3.00 bill from floor in front of neckwear counter. 25 Cent Store, on last Mondaj morning, at 11:00 o'clock, is known, and is warned to return money to store at once to avoid trouble. — White and brindle male bull dog; small, round spot in center of head- probably gone to cross river towns. Reward. 1851 Swatara street, j WCXII FOUND The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries, by calling either phone for Kggert s Steam Dye ing and Frencn Cleaning Works, 1.45 Market street We call and deliver. liELl* WAVl'tl) —Stale YOUNG MRS" to prepare for Govern ment Examinations. Thorough private coaching for all branches of Civil Ser vice. Have a few open dates. Address P. O. Box 481, Harrisburg. ia. ; MSN T.'OMEN WANTED Gov ernment Jobs. $63.00 to slso.oo:month. ■ Wrlto for Hst positions now obtainable. ■ Franklin institute. Dept. 361-G, Roches ter. N. Y. J WANTED Young man In grocery store: must be capable of waiting on chance of advancement. Appl? m 4>wn handwriting. addressing 8., care of Telegraph. , WANTED Manager for Mixed Feed ; business in Harrisburg and vicinity ; i no experience necessary: must invest J500.00. C-.ii.mission and salary. Ad dress W„ 2333, care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, \-3i-. tells bow. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins. Washington. P. C. ■ WI EL PAY Reliable Man or woman 5250.00 for distributing 2.000 FREE likKs. Perfumed Soap Powder, Soaps, etc. No money required. Ward .«i Co., :::0 North Franklin. Chicago. $S A DAT easllv made. We have a proposition that will interest you. Big profit* Positive necessity. \\ rite Mrs. Saretta Baker. Box IT. fiarksvllle. Pa. $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. No capital or experi ♦ net' necessarv. Write at once. Ihe Edward Snare/. Co., 7SB Madison street. Brooklyn. N. Y. ~A LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE j WANTED No investment. All-steel, sectional ga>ages antl larger buildings. Attractive proposition. Fullest sales, •o-operation. Permanent, profitable. Keprc.ser.tation in otlier cities wanted. , The Ruby Manufacturing Company, Jackson. Michigan. j I WILL PAY honest men up to S3O rnonthlv. Spare time. Home work. :ro i anvassing. No capital. Mail Order Kusiness. Voorhies. Desk 153. Omaha, Veb. S3O WEEKLY, evenings at home. Evervthing furnished; no experience: j io canvassing. Don't worry about .upital. Boyd 11. Brown, Omaha. Neb. ; l!>0 MONTHLY and expenses, to ] travel, distribute samples and take •rders. or appoint agents; permanent, lap-American Co., Chicago. WANTED Men wishing to earn tiree to live Collars per day. Write for erms Immediately. First National I ■Curserien. Rochester. N. Y. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS I Thorough instruction, S3. Iteturned if j lot appulnted. Particulars free. Ameri- j an Civil Service School. Washington, A C. THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be 1 leeded within three or four months In ! he city of Harrisburg for public taxi ab service. Prepare yourself at once, nake application for training to Auto I'ra asportation Machine Shop, 5 and 7 -th Cameron street. Harrisburg. Pa. I •'all and unlimited course. $35.00. Both ! ihoncs. 10© Men Wasted To join our Pressing Club—Your Suit* ifa:r.ed and pressed and kept in shape : or one dollar a month (4 Suits • ' lionth). Tl.is Special Price Is for 8 norths only. See us now and save nonev Drop us a card and we will ■all. The 20th Century Cleaning and >yinar Work 3. 223 Market street, above "{.lacs Confectionery. Sam Adelsteln. ■lgr. New Houses Ready For Inspection BELLEVUE PARE The Home-Community ©f Harrisburg \ ou owe it to yourself to inspect these new houses, almost entirely completed, whether you're in the market for a home, or not. Looking through them places you under no obligation whatever. t Miller Brothers & Co. Sales Agents Federal Square SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 27, 1915. HELP WANTED—MALE MEN WANTED to become practical chauffeurs nnj mechanics. As opportu nit.v affords students will bo given 5 chnn>.j while learning to earn 30c an I hour on overhauling work. Make ap t Mlcatlons at once. Special course for 5 ladles. Day and night schools. Auto Transportation School and' Machine • | -hoD. S-7 North Cameron street. r i MEN. 20 to 30 years old, wanted at I once for electric railway niotormen and conductors: S6O to sl«t> monthly; no ex ■ perlence necessary; tine opportunity; no strike. Write immediately for ap - plication blank. Address R„ 1523, care II of Telegraph. ■ _ IIELI* WANTED—FemaIe I WANTED—For Easter rush, at once, I jacket and skirt operators. Witmer, s Bair & Witmer. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to 1 SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 620, Omaha, ! Neb. I WANTuD Typist, with some office I I experience. Stenography unnecessary. . i Must be careful, painstaking clerk. Call Monday morning beforo 9 o'clock. El • llott-Flsher Company, South Cameron ■ | street. i LADIES can make $lO weekly copy ing. addressing and mailing samples; no canvassing: particulars for stamp, i American Co., 2353 Orthodox, Phlladel : piiia. WANTED Woman for general housework; good place to right party; reference required. Call, after 6 JP. M., 3003 Riverside Drive. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. J WANTED—HeIp in Alteration II Room. Wm. B. Schleisner Stores. WANTED Two la«y canvassers of i good address to advertise articles of outward wearing apparel. A clean and agreeable position for capable persons. I Give recommendation. Address Iv., No. 2325, care of Telegraph. LADIES Business opportunity, netting you permanent income. lair ; education necessary. Opportunity . cannot be found every day. Address, i for interview. Warren Wallace. General : Delivery, Uarrisburff. Pa. I DO EASY, pleasant coloring: work at home: good pay; no canvassing; no ex perience required. Illustrated particu lars free. Helping Hand Stores, Chi cago. LADlES—lmmediately. Home work evenings. Filling—labeling boxes. Can earn $6.00 to SI~.OO weekly. Xo ex perience. No canvassing. Steady. Rn close stamp. Erina Specialty Co., To ronto. Ont. WANTED—An intelligent white girl who desires to take a short course of institutional training in practical nurs j ing. Apply D. 2.",87. care of Telegraph. LADIES s2s weekly easy. Simple ; work; no canvassing: evenings at home: j fascinating; everything furnished; no | experience. Don't worry about capital. | Boyd C. Brown, Omaha, Neb. INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $8 to S2O weekly, spare time at home, i writing for newspapers. Send for par ; ticulars. National Press Syndicate, 1250, Washington, D. C. WANTED Women on a money making proposition: no money required Ito start. Only willing hustlerß call 011 j Mr. Birnbaurri. Hotel Dauphin. i WANTED White woman to help iron one or two days a week. None but experienced need apply. Call Bell photie i 3S3R. or address 333 South Sixteenth ! , street. ANYONE make sl2 weekly: copy let ters at home evenings. For quick an swer inclose a self-addressed envelope. Writer Co.. 115 Mulberry street. Bristol, ; Pa. j HEIiP WANTED—MaIe and Female j I WANTED—Railway Mall ar.fl Postal Clerks; examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yearly: prepare at home: write for Plan No. 15. of payment after, appointment. Philadelphia Business College: Civil Service Dept. Philadel- j phla, Pa. BILLY SUVDAT'S MESSAGE and In- ! ternatlona! Bibles. We want several ' : Men and Women to help dlstribut. i ; Spare time may be used. Get our j terms. Wholesale Supply House, 25 i North Third street top. AGENTS WANTED —— i i AGENTS Patent lunch box: fits i pocket. Write Hawes Mfg. Co., Carth- j ; age. N. Y. j OWN A BUSINESS 1.000 PER CENT. ! .PROFIT Manufacturing Inks at home' i r jr.re time. Capital and experience un- ' | nc, easary. Enormous commercial de- > j msnd. Our secret formulas and sure j selling plans insure lucrative, steadily J | increasing business. No canvassing, j Investigate immediately. Particulars free. E. B. Covert. Secretary. 6335-61*30 j i Kenwood avenue, Chicago, 111. ■ j BIG KANSAS CO.MP \NY WANTS j 5011 to co-operate with thorn evenings, I at home: make {3.000 und tr.oie yearly; no canvassing: no experience; fast- i ! growing business; we furnish every- j 'thins; write for unique selling plan., I FREE. W. Eyestone, Pres., S7 East' j Fifth, Pittsburg. Kan. j i GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR : i OWN Get out of Ilie wage-earnor'B ) '•■ lass. Your co-opcratlon with our fpc-| ! torv starts you with little capital dui - j ing spare time in your own home. We j ! manufacture exclusive articles. >7o! ' canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Wilta for'booklet and proposition. Ad-j i dress Pease Mfg. **o.. Dept. D-60, CS : i Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. ! AGENTS Get particulars of one I 'of the best paying propositions ever i put on the market. Something no one I ! else sells. Make st.ouo yearlv. Ad- j j dress E. if. Feltman. Sales Manager, j 1653 Third street. Cincinnati, Ohio. DON'T BE AN AGENT. Malc» S3O 1 weekly. Co-operate with mt evenings at home. Others are growing rich. I i will help you and furnish everything. ' Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. 10, Omaha, Neb. | AGENTS WANTED ! LIVE AGENTS to handle fast-selling | specialty; sure repeater; big profits. ! Write at once for particulars. M. Phelps 50 Morningside Drive, New York [ City. i AGENTS Make big money selling our goods. Send for our latest winner. I Fastest seller on market to-day. Dept. A. Stubb Co.. Drawer F, Rixford, Pa. . START paying Mail Order business in spare time. Big money-making op portunity. Experience unnecessary. Free information explains evervthing. Geo. Simpson Co., Wheeling, W." Va. _WRITE for sample Hollada.v's new Waterproof Shoe Polish; all colors. Re ; tails 10c and 28c. 100 per cent, profit, i Quick sales. Holladay, 258 West Thit - ! tieth, New York. | AGENTS lf I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to SSO weekly. Greatest seller In years. Over I 700,000 sold In last six months. Every j housewife WILL BUY ON SIGHT. Pos tal brings liberal -oposition and Free I Sample. Address Manufacturer, l Union j Square, New York. ' WANTED Agents, 100 per cent. I profit. New household speclaltv, llght | ning seller. Particulars free. Moridon Co. 415 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS Make S2O to SSO a week with permanent Income. We start you in business. No capital required. Kx | ceptlonal opportunity. Experiece not ! necessary. Write for proposition. The Oliver Specialty Co., Altoona, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN Something new. Big money. Sell Geer Record Repeater. In valuable to every Talking Machine owner. Territory. Act quickly. Write Excelsior, 456 Fourth avenue. New York. WANTED Salesmen in this terri tory for our guaranteed line of paints, varnishes, soaps, roof cement, etc. Ex perience unnecessary. Write for de tails. Sun Paint & Varnish Co., Cleve land, Ohio. SPLENDID PAYING, permanent con nection for responsible r 'liv«wire" coin mission salesman. Original electrical specialties. Exclusive contract given. The Sterling Corporation. 1271 West Third street, Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op- I portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address near est office. Dept. 244. National Soles men's Training School, Chicago. New York, Kansas City. San Francisco. WANTED Aggressive, live-wire salesman, full time or side line, to sell our Well Known line of Temperance Drinks In the small country towns, i Permanent position. 25 per cent, com i mission. 535.00 weekly drawing ac i count. Red Cross Company. 206 South I Main street. St. Louis. Mo., Dept. Z. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe WANTED Man. with several years' j experience in retail business, also ox i perlence on road, wishes position with ; reliable firm that would appreciate a trustworthy man. Address D., 2331, care of Telegraph. SITUATION M WANTED —Female WANTED Colored woman desires cooking in private family, hotel or boardjnghouse. In or out of city. Call, or address. 412 Cowden street. WANTED By white woman, work by the day. Call, or address, 811 James street, City. WANTJW Curtains and blankets to wash at home; also curtains to stretch. Call, or address, 523 Myrtle avenue. WANTED Nursing for confinement oases by middle-aged white woman. [ Call, or address, Ellen Resser, 2042 Swatara street. WANTED Woman wants Ironing to do at home. 903 Sarah avenue. City. ; ii ———.——. REALI ESTATE FOIT SALE —EDGEWOODS— t Poultry Business) running Water* line meadow, all kinds choice fruit (PQO) bushel apples (1014). Home, Barn, outbuildings, land mostly level (6i acres good (woodland). Only (half r.iilel to Trolley and Railroad Depot at large Market joining Husquehannu River. (2) young horses (1) fresh cow <2) hogs 155) chickens, ducks, guineas and geese. All hay, straw, corn and oats. Farming Machinery. (42) acres only ($1,900); with everything above ($2,400). —MORMXGSI \— City Market (and) State Hospital, Trolley and Railroad Depot and Beau tiful River within (4) squares to Dandy (50) acre farm, land level facing South, mostly New Buildings, water on porch. Choice Fruit (7) acres good woodland and great chance for Early Vegetables. Remember i match team) horses, (2) fresh vows (5) hogs (60) poultry (20» bushel oats (50) bushel corn (3) ton hay and straw. Farm alone ($2,000): every thing above ($2,700). Phone (7 to 8) Evenings. —OR f H A It DEE— Only (mile* to Court House and City Market. (2) fruit orchards (meadowi running spring water, loam soil mostly lev«! (13) acres gcod v. oo<ila"d. Handy to (S) Railroads and (2) Trolley L!:i«s. «•! • valuable horses (*> tresis cows (?) i hogs CI IS) poultry, all bay. HLT.W, oats' and corn. Fanning Machinery. (!ii> acre farm with (2) sets of b-JiiJlus's only (S::,800i; with Stock (machinery! I crops low price fj:,900). Handy to S'.ia mokln. Sunbury, Danville and Biooms burg markets. GEORGE H. OSTRANDER. Danville Telephones Sunbury; Mornings (7 to S) Evenings. FOR SALE Eight-room house; ali conveniences; sidi lot; chicken houses; j fruit trees; will sell ciieap to quick 1 buyer. Apply 2015 Swatara street. ! 6S-ACRE FARM. 3 mll»s from Golds- j boro. for sale, together with itock and : Implements; house, bain and other] buildings in good condition: variety of fruit; good water. Possession at once. ' Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 919 S. 20>4 St.; frame house: 9 rooms, batn, t> porches, fruit; lor, 40x15; stable; | chicken house. Particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE Corner lot at Sixteenth and Hunter streets, twenty feet on Six teenth street, 100 feet on Hunter street. Apply to George F. I'ayman, 436 South Sixteenth street. 88 ACRES: one mile north of trolley line at Paxtonia; 6 miles from Ilav ilsburg; frame buildings; running water; variety of fruit. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 1427 ar.d 1129 Berryhlll St.: 3-story bricks: 8 rooms and bath; cemented cellars: gas; furnace; front and real porches: drive alley on rear. A reason able offer will take these properties. 2008 Brlggs St.; 2%-story frame; 7 rooms: lot. 40x110. Price. $1,800.00. 132S N. Fourth St.: 2'^-story brick; 7 rooms: water; gas; side entrance. Price, $2,200.00. 638 and 640 Herr St.; 2 1 /»-»tory frame dwellings; 6 rooms each. Price, $1,200.00 each. 430 Hamilton St.; corner property; 3- story frame; 7 rooms and batli; good condition. Price attractive. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second nnd Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Fine new homes at Riverside; all conveniences; large porches: also No. 922 Green street: fine large home: side alley: steam best. E. Moeslein, 424 State street; L. M. Neiffer. 222 Market street. Dillsbtirg property for sale, plot 100s 218 frani" dwelling, summer house, bsrn, chicken house, excellent garden, variety of fruit. Rrood railroad service. Price only SISOO. Bell Realty Co.. j Beigncr Building. | OEAI. ESTATE FON SALE FOR SALE Frame house at 344 South Fourteenth street. 9 room*, bnth, eras, porch, plot 27x110, 4-foot alloy on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. VACANT HOUSES for sale at Wash ington Heights on easy payments S rooms bath gas electric light furnace porch lot 58x140. Par ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SIOO WILT, GIVE TOT: possession to any one of thrco houses balance on easv monthly payments prices SI4OO. SIBOO, $2400. Why pay rent? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 2518 Jefferson street; new brick house; all Improvements; a bargain on easy terms. Inquire T. A. Bell. S2O North Third street. FOR SALE Desirable builcMng lots In th J Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth. Schuylkill r.nrt Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress Im. NO. 1587, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE City and suburban homes and home sites—flrst-class busi ness propositions. Kough, Brlghtblll ft Kline. Sixth and Relly. Both pnones. TOR SALE Property No. 1918 Penn street. two-story brick house, with front and back porches, cemented cel lar. fully improved. Price right if sold quickly. Apply on premises. FOR SALE Two 2%-story frame dwellings, with nil modern Improve ments. located on Linden street, near Walnut atreet. Will net 9 per cent. J. E. Glpple. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Two business proper ties; larffe lots: sacrifice price till April 1. Hough, Brlghtblll & Kline, Sixth and Relly streets. Both phones. FOR SALE SI,BOO will buy a flame house. 8 rooms, hot water heat, lot 21 *lO5. good location. Also other proper ties on easy payment. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $2,200 WILL BUY a 55-acre farm along P. R. R„ S miles from Millers town. All details regarding this farm, picture of buildings, etc., are available at Bell Realty Co., Bargner Building. HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT First floor of building northwest corner of Court and Cran berry. Apply on premises. FOR RENT Private rooms for Household Goods in new fireproof building. Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 4)7-445 South Second street, l-iarriaburg Storage Co. A FINE nine-room, three-story home for rent at 1425 Swatara street; all im provements; front and back porches; large yard. Rent. SIB.OO. Inquire 1230 Perry street. United phone 633 W. FOB REM' No. 1110 Walnut St S2O 00 No. 1413 Market St 26 50 No. 201 6 Kensington St 10 ,"i0 No. 1019 S. 21!* St 10 00 J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT lll2 Caldar street; 6 rooms and bath; closet; range; hot and cold water; side yard; $1" per month. Apply, or phone, C. G. Gilmer, Filbert street. ——————— * ■ i ■ FOR RENT Three-story brick house, all improvements. No. 1938 Penn street. Rent, $20.00. W. E. Orr, 101 South Summit street. Bell phone 445 M. FOR RENT Three-story brick house. 1713 North Third street; all im provements; immediate possession. Ap ply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT April I, 927 North Sec ond street: ten-room house, with all Improvements. Inquire next door. 928 North Second street. William I'rich. FOR RENT At Washington Heights. 26 ft. front house; three bay windows; reception hall; all improve ments; gas and electric lights; porches; rent. $lB. Apply 534 Camp street, City. LAND TO LEASE for trucking; rich soil. near city; rare opportunitv Farmers, know-hows, get busy, pull the stuff attend market, make money. Elmer Zimmerman, 1433 Walnut, Jlar rlsburg. FOR RENT Seven-room frame house, with hot and cold water, also bath and gas. Rent, $13.00 per month. Apply 1118 Green street. City. FOR RENT Three-story mansard roof houses. Nos. 132 Linden street and 137 North Fifteenth street; eight rooms each ;water and gas. Apply C. F. Gobi. 1003 North Second street. ' Bell phone 899 M. HOUSE FOR RENT No. 1512 Re glna street: lßrge yard; side entrance; with or without automobile garage. Phone L. Minter. No. 1167 Market street. Both phones. FOR RENT 1718 State St $«5 00 2227 N. Fourth St 23 00 720 N. Nineteenth St 11 0» ISi« Brings St 17 00 or including Greenhouse* 35 00 A. S. -Mii.'..lii; & SON. 18th sun! State and :'S N. Court St., Real Estat!! it insurance. FOR RENT Two-story brick hou««, six rooms and bath: improvements; rent, $17.00. Applj to E. U. Clouaer, 1712 Carnation street. - FOR RENT House on Oyster Point avenue Camp Hill: ono minute to trol ley; ali improvements, including open fireplace and hardwood finish.. Posseu iion April 1. Bell phone 30E3M. FOR RENT Sioreroom, 221 North Second street, modern plateglass frcnt, city steam heat. 2'> ft. by 5» ft., S.'o.ou. I*ls North .sc.jonil otreei, 10 rooms, bath, electric light and gas. steam heat, modern hon.e, $4u.00. S. W. Fitzgerald, Sl7 Walnut street. FOR RENT ilighfield. Blue Ridge Summit, near Pen-Mar. completely furnished, small bungalow—two min utes' walk from R. R. station and tele phone— I,'lOn high, $75 season. Ad dress G., 2280, <.are of Telegraph. HOI SEB FOR REVI' 142.i Walnut St., 3-s. b.—B r $25 00 25 N. ISlli St., 3-a. b 2N 00 1103 N. 2r,d St.. f—6 r 28 00 Derry Street (Paxtang) . 20 uo 612 N. liitll St.. ::-s. b. f 30 00 2203 N. nth St.. 3-s. b.—7 r 22 00 2220 N. 3rd St.. 3-.*. b 82 r,o 122 Chestnut St., 3-s. b. —9 r.. . . 4.". 00 2230 N. Ind St.. 3-s. b.-t-lO r 45 00 21st * Chestnut (Bellevue Parkt. So 00 1838 N. 2nd St. & Garage 00 MILLEFt BROTHERS & CO. FOR RENT No. 205 West Statu" street: three-story brick: city steam, etc. Inquire 1904 North Second street. Bell p'lono SSS-tR. HEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED A large storeroom near Market street, west of railroad, for Im mediate possession, or possession May 1. Address, full particulars, M. R. C., care of Telegraph. WANTED SECOND-HAND Motorcycle wanted— twin cylinder in good condition. Ad dress Box 1329, care of Telegraph. WANTED —■ By Hemlet Gum Co., Ohio, boys and girls to sell gum to their friends. -Make 36c every 20 packs. Send «$c and receive box. Guaranteed under Pure Food Law. Ilemlet Agent, Enola. Pa. Box 211. SB.OO PER HUNDRED PAID names and addresses. Steady -work. Stamp for particulars. Address Box 200-48. Station N. Baltimore. Md. SECOND-HAND Bicycles wanted. Call, or write, Excelsior Cycle Co.. to South Market Square. Bell phone 689 W. i ] ROOMS WANTED i WANTED ■— Business woman wants I one or two unfurnished rooms. Will not do cooklrg. JIIII preferred. Ad- I drgss ''are of Telegraph. | I'Xl' WtXISIIKD BOOMS , V-VFCHMIIIKD BOOMS ! Built especially for light housekeeping, I single or with kitchenettes, arrange ! ntents strictly private, stoves furnish ed free. laundry, phone, and bathroom | privileges. Private lockers for surplus I lurmture. Inquire office, 42D Broad street, or Janitieas. some building-. Daily Inspection invited. UOAKDEKS YV.Vriifc'D AVANTED Young: widow desi.es four gentlemen boarders; railroaders preferred; good home. Apply 1117 James street. .U'AJtTML, \S t Oit UKXT NEAV, modern apartments, 2208 North Third street; reception hall, 5 rooms, bath, steam heat, liardwcod floors, laundry, front and rear porches. Ap ply C. C. Whiteman, 1317 Derry street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Four large rooms and bath, front porch, thlrc 1 floor, Sixth «nu Harris. Apply L, Silbert, 1542 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 2*4 Herr street. FOR RENT Second floor apart ment. 1118 North Sixth street; five rooms and bath; all modern conveni ences. Apply to above address. FOR RENT New, up-to-date apartments, 2210 North Third street; 0 rooms, bath, pantry and closets; hard wood floors; steam heat; continuous hot water; laundry and storage; front ttfid rear porches: large, ligiit, airy rooms. Apply H. \Y. Miller. State High way Department, or 2210 North Third street. ! FOR RENT —2O North Fourth street, third floor apartment; five rooms and bath: electric lights, gas and steam [ Vieat. Call at 43,0 Walnut street. ' FOR RENT —Five-room apartment at 100 Hamilton street, with outlook across river. Ligiit and heat furnish ed. Apply 1700 North Sixth street. FIRST FLOOR APARTMKNT FOR RENT . Six rooms and bath; large closets and pantry; all the modern con veniences. No. 608 North Third street, opposite Capitol Park. Apply to Dr. James. FOR RENT Apartment, five rooms and bath, 923 North Third street In quire H. L Mehring, 1410 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOB HKNT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite: all conveniences. In cluding phone; reference required. Ap plv 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms: also one furnished room; all conveniences: use of bath. Apply 1485 Market street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, with use of bath and ltvingrOom. on I Market street, near Twelfth; gentle l men preferred. Call Bell phono 813 W. FOR RENT Furnished suite of large front llvlngroom, bedroom and private bat.i: city steam: electric light ing; hardwood floors: references re quired. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnlsheo rooms, for light housekeeping: cornel house: electric ligiit: all conveniences. Inquire 525 North Fifteenth street. FOB RENT Largo front room: well furnished: all conveniences. 941 North Second street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished i rooms, on second floor, wiitable for I light housekeeping: all conveniences: I use of bath: located on the Hill near ! Market street. Address W., 2328, care | of Telegraph. FOR RENT Four-room flat; al! | conveniences Anpiy f.16 State street. FOK SM.i: | FOR SALE - One pen White Rocks— six hens and one cockerel. Winners at llarrisburg Show, 1014. Apply J. H. Zeiders, 1445 Reglna street. FOR SALE Bicycles. $5, $8„ $lO, sl2 each; Investigate. Try Keystone Repairs. Pave money. Quick service. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE —Sixt' en-foot motorboat (new). Al condition: 6 to ft-11.-P. double enKlne; reverse gear; searchlight. Will sell at a bargain. E. E. Snyder, 211 South Tenth street, Sunbury, Pa. FOR SAL':" Collie Puppies: all ex -I>'l it lon specimens; best registered stock in America; white markings- Prices ver<- reasonable. Hero is your • ■bailee to get a >oal Collie cheap. Ad dress i 2»;« Mirkct FOR S r.E—MOTORCYCLES ITarlej-L'iivi'ison's, Indians. Beading, Standards, Vales, etc.. $60.00 and up. Rebuilt and guaranteed to be as repre sented. Heagy Bros., 1204 North Third street. FOR SALE A few second-hand touring curs and roadsters, very cheap. Xlcttenstein and Zeeli Bulck and Chev rolet Agent:. City Auto Garage. HVTCTHXG EGGS White Wyan dotte and Rose Comb White Minorca, fertility guaranteed, both best laying ■trains, t'orr.<-; lee them. SI,OO p<n set ting. Seth E. Cordon, 2667 South Soc oricl street, Steeiton. Pa. Bell photie 16S-W. FOR SALE One Eclipse gas stove, f.ve-burner, «.'ouble oven: used very lit tle: no dealers. Inquire 2253 North Fifth street. FOR SALE Will sacrifice tive-pas sc-isger touring car newly painted and overhauled, forty-borse-power motor, for ii'lu.ou. Bargain for eoraeene. Bell phcue 100. . DOORS FOP. SALE at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. All sizes. Cypress, White Pine and Fir Door*. Porch work. Sash. Shutters and Mouldings. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs for sale. Young-Wyckort strain, IV.oJ per setting—sG.CP per hundred. Also sloe;, for sale. Address Elkvlew Poultry I Kh rr.l, Speecoville, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. ~FOn SALK AT GABLES. 11?. 116 and 11" South Second street. 5,000 gal il >ns New Eva ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme I make. ITOII SA 1.10 TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. TRAVELING | BAGS, and all kinds of Leather Gools. Special attention given to repair work. It will pay you to buy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Ilarrlsburg Harness & Supply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. i FOR SALE Jenning strain Indian Runrer Duck Eggs for hatching, lI.OJ per setting, $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for eaie. Elkview Poultry Farm. Speecevlllc. Pa. FOR SALE One 1914 Ford touring car. one in 13 Ford lourinpr car. one 1911 Ford touring car. and one Maxwell : roadster, one light delivery. Apply at Central Garage, 334 Chestnut. I GLASS window signs. Furnished | Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Tsble Board »t 25<s each. One or theso signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance, inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE The best line of busi ness wagons ever offered for snle in J HarrisburK. Wagons to suit everybody. Groce' s Wagon Shop, 1541 .Walnut I street. FOR SALE DON'T PAY $2 or $3 for Hats when you can buy H. C. Dodge Hats for 50c. Com'! and look t v -m over. Open even ings. S. Meltzer. 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE Single-cylinder Harley i Davidson motorcycle; overhauled and in flrst-class condition. Also full set of i automobile fenders. Apply W. IA DOW hower. 21 North Klfth street, or ISII barker street. Bell phono 2S2W or 1342 J. FOR SALE l5 peanut vending ma chines, cheap, In tine condition. Some of them placed and working. For in ! terview address Manager, P. O. Box 211, | Enola, Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Te'legrapli Business office. l'OK RENT FOR RENT Second floor room, 3,700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. HLhI.M.Si OHHJKTLXHIKN ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Pre»o Syndicate, ija Lock oort. N. Y. LTV E REPRESENTATIVES to organ ize the various stores in this territory on a co-operative advertising plan of unquestionable merit, now successfully In force in larger cities. Territorial rights absolutely free to men of ability. Small investment necessarv, which is fully secured. Address Carl Miller, 442 Land Title Building, Philadelphia. FOR SALK Grocery Store located on one of the best streets of Marys \tlie; stock and fixtures at inventory; w-11l inventory about $1,500.00. Rent of room, SB.OO per month. Brlnton i ac ker (. 0.. .second and Walnut "treets. ESTABLISHED COMPANY, with four salesmen in Pennsylvania offers man rionf tlr . ta^', nsr ohar Sf "f imlepen hiirV-nnn ce opportunity of mak jrit, $.i,000 a year. Business is lierma- AK liave nothing to sell vou 'n,o'. u ii® '' 00 rec l uir ®d to carry 90-' day maturing contracts in which we have co-operative interest. Onlv capable man considered. for i.eurge Macomber. General Delivery. ' FOR SALE Cash groeerv store well located. Owner leaving city J' E. Gippie. 1251 Market street I MADE $50,000 in five years In the mall order business, began vrlth $5 i Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. Bas Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS AWNINGS Place your order for Awnings with us now. We do un. holstering of all kinds aed carMt work. Jos. Copllnky. successor to Voli "io4J 12° SH TlllrCl str *«- Bell FREIGHT DRAYAGE. Storage Shln pers and Distributors of Merelvandi-e of all kinds. Prompt and efficient ser vice. Warehouses oil P. ft, ft. aB( i p &R. tracks. Montgomery 'and Co" ( Peipher Line). Tenth below Market street. REPAIRING T^D—UmOLSTERLNO with best material and by expert helo Send us your worn furnlturo. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S N Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. OLD GOLD and Silver, Watches Dia monds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler I No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone i " . FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the : Druggist and Apothecary, U9 Market street Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone I orders given prompt attention Bell - r HAULING B W. IATHE. Hoarding fctafcie aa « \IIIODII Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Firth and Woodbine streets. Ueii phone No. 2503R MONEY XO LOAN LOANS—?S TO S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorized capital. SIOO,OOO. i ANY person nc*dlng money in ; amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would he benefited by (,->lHnc on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. STORAGE | FIREPROOF STORAGE WARE | HOUSE, divided Into private rooms for ' storage of household goods new I illdin s low insurance lnspe ction invited. 437-445 South Second j street. Harrisburg Storage Company. I AUTO and motorcycle storage at rea ' *onable rates. In Keystone Garage. ;il(t i Myrtle avenue. Inquire Sl4 North Third ' slroet. ; STORAGE 419 Broad street, for . household goods and merchandise. Prl j vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents ! per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 1 Broad street Both phones. TEE llarrisburs Polyclinic Slapen* •ary will be open dally, except Sunday. j«l 1 P. M.. at its si»w location. 1701 i North hefiid street, for the t re* treat i m-nt of «)!•• worthy poor. j STOP, LOOK AND READ ♦ FTomeseekers and investors. You can purchase a three-story » brick dwelling—new. Front porch—all conveniences—-ce- J ment walks, etc.. for SIBSO. Geary street, near Jefferson. * Terms easy. Inquire. Augustus ; 2206 N. Third Street Artistic Homes For Sale 18th & Boas Streets in the beautiful residential section of the city. Four new 3-story bricks, large front and back porches, steam heat, combination electric and gas lighting, latest sanitary plumbing. Open for inspection. Price $3,500 each. EASY TERMS. H. A. SHIRK, Builder On Premises or at 1325 STATE ST. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Klizabctlitown.—John A. Kajior. .16 years old, a machinist, died yesterday from erysipelas, after a tew days' Ill ness. His widow, parents and a son survive. i.itit/.. —• Miss Susan Rodman was married yesterday to Elmer E. I-lol linger, of near Lancaster, by the Rev. James Heitler, of RothsviUe. In m peter.—-B. Frank Miller, 68 years old, died yesterday. I.EGAJtv NOTICES BIOS FOR CASTING SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to 12 o'clock noon, Monday. April 6. 1915. for furnishing CASTINGS to be used by this Bureau during the year ending April 30, 1916. Specification* may d« seen at this office. Certified cheek for $25.00 to accompany bid. The right to reject any or all bids. W. H. LYNCH, Superintendent KXECi roH's notice: NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Kathe line Craig, late of the City of Harris burg, Dauphin County. Pennrylvania, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ments. and those having claims or de mands will make known the same with out delay to CLARK E. DIEHL, Executor, 225 Briggs Street, Or Harrisburg, Fa. JAMBS G. HATZ, Attorney. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on Monday, April 5, 1915, under the pro visions of an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the incorpora tion and regulation of certain corpora tions." approved April 29, 1874, and Its supplements, for a charter for an in tended corporation to be called the HARRISBURG AUTOMOBILE COM PANY. the character and object of which is the purchase, sale, exchange, hire and dealing in automobiles and motor driven vehicles of every descrip tion. and their parts, supplies and ac cessories, and in connection therewith, the maintenance and operation of a garage, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, bene fits and privileges by said Act of As sembly aud the supplements thereto, conferred. CHARLES.C. STItOH, Solicitor. FOR S.VI/F. THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale in front of State Capitol Building, at entrance Fourth and State Streets, Uarrisburg, Pcnna., at 10 o'clock A. fli.. April 10. 1915, the follow ing bu'ldings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension to Capitol Park in Eighth Ward, City of Harrlsburg: Cowden Street, Jli, 117, 119, 121, 123, 406, 512. 514. Filbert Street. 108. 110. North Street, 425, 507, 509, 511. 717. Short Street, 123, 139. 143. South Street. 503. 510. 518, 601 (rear of No. 121 Cowden St.). 606, 703. State Street, 413, 413 —rear. 415. 417, 419, 421. 423. Walnut Street, 418, 510, 600. 602. The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the office of the Superintendent of I Public Grounds and Buildings, Harris burg. Pennsylvania, by certified check or United States currency, the amount tt wh'ch the said building or buildings and structures are awr.rded to them as follows: A cash payment of 25 per ! cent. shall be made on day of sale and ! the balance before entering upon the i property to remove the material pur* I ctfn&d.' '"••• . ft | In all cases where file premises ere i utioccupled, possession will be given the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possession will I be given immediately after the premises urn vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to 1 property after possession Is given. Pur ' chaser shall state a', time of their offer I the time required to remove the build -1 ings and material after being given possession by the Commonwealth, which in no ease shall he longer than 60 days. All building refuse shall be eartod away •from the premises by the purchaser. All foundation walls must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Eoard of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the - right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be perform ed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE The sidewalks und street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. Bv order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR.. Secretary. OFFKR OF STXDARD SUPPLY COM* I'AT.Y WE are advised that certain persons, i with a view to injuring our business, have intimated that our business is a lottery, and that we have no e»st«blish mont at r.19-521 I-ackawanna Avenue, in the City of Scranton. We will pay $50.00 to anyone who may be able to disprove that fact, or show ttvat then is any lottery or chance in our con tracts. Our warerooms emheace five floors at the place stated. STANDARD SUPPLY COMPANY. yil SEALS *. STENCH.S lIV ffl V MFC.BYHBG.STENCII.WmKS ■ |1 M 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers