Navy Officials Fear All on Board U. S. Submarine Fh Have £erishec HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXTV— Nn, 70 OWNERS FIX VALUES FOR "HIDSCHBIE" Ask From SIOO to $230 Per Foot Front For Properties to Be Condemned by the City NEAR REALTY DEAL ONu Witness Says Land Is Worth SIW| Per Foot; "Take You »t Says Fred Dinger Properly in worth fmw tirni to 142 ft or I2M a foot' front, •cv orrilntr i«> t?ic inww of land; in thnt Action. who were evamlomt ' ,x the viewers recently appointed, to con - denin the inn.l f.n the city* u*e* The liomM . ohsiAltnK of Attorney Paul il. smith, .1 U Satlsiwan and K»ri sipw*nl ho»nl halt a do»en prop-j «>rty ownei*. tht!» morning aii.l fWlim | •'<l their s<** at 2 oVWk IHIi atl-j ei noon. When adjournment via* taken, nhortlv utter 4 oVliicK, the viewer* decided that the it est aeaslull | >\ 111 t\->l he for at leas' n week a* Mr. j Steward will he ottl ol the city The onb nttornev*, who represent Aill propcrtv owner* x\et-e W I. I.oeaei | ait.l B. Frank New.l The owner* who spoke for their own properties failed in tnativ ln*t«nc«» to v| v« 1 1 f y a* to their j Know ledge of \vhat thev considered <i tAlr market value" of their holding*. | ntld t Mtv Molloltor IV tf Writ* who e\ .initio.l them on liehalt of the elt> had . onshlemhie dimcnlt.v in tminttiig out I just What the hoai.l wt*hed 10 know j \»k lAir Market \ nlni- Willi the viewers desire infortilA-; tioii upon,' evplalneil the aolleltor Itnie nml again, i* what vour inoperlv t* worth at n fwir market value * fair 11 re were it offerotl for mile In open j unit Ret." The witnesses n* a rdle wAllied lo g» into the tpieniion nt whul tliev thought the ground ought in bring In view V)f n**e«*tnenlA, iniptoveioeni*, «'ti\ Mr. »elt* pointed ont that no permanent Improvements iii*ili> alnce < >»*K the oi «l*nt*i»x*» xx. *v « o(««ld*lf>d bx~ the h>X.»»xi lO xIaX AWxl i hi* of nnitw, Affeclexl onlx ilo> prxx»* i riiN on the \\( *i «i\io >*» n><«( *i*v*t i.etxx *»«-»> llerr ami Ortlxl«M\ (he *e. tlou thai thx «it> «nin'« lo >itntlvnui Ami « luuluate, forn\A|lx xxpewin# the ht*h , ««\ i« low xxator mark l'h x'l« w»>« atol thr (I****"** or mom nuns**** »»n.i spwetaixxr* in tvwweil . immlicr almost xx ItheMixnt a »val >x«l e«ttilx> xleol Ah«H Major Ml\ 1\ Km* winter «mon* a« ah xxa« i>n lh» stand to qtlol«> ht* opinion *» »•» \x hat h* to#ll*x#U the >♦*>"»! xxa» w otih KttMM»mvr v * olh* Major i.namiWtNirS* *x»n operat** ih* old f»rl>> l|i«» ftllir* XVeen lnx|ep»n »|e«e# Ulan*! oppoali* Verlwk* air-eel tlVmiinned mo V»4«> Ml Opponents of Full Crew Repeal Will Be Given Hearing Next Tuesday < ippotieni »f the Mil lo lepeal Ihs full crexx rt< I xxtll h< rH\-fW :*n 1 liilxltx l« Mete their shte tt( the x rt*v Al 41 hearlm* helxxi* the IrtlltHxAxl xxom uiltlees of the llo»»> ami HenMe t\x \t Yueadwx iii|i ih«iii\ t\\ S.Sii 10 lh» S< o ite I hninhei UepVesentAttXe* ot the IMHWI IMIfMM :.dxo,minw Ihe N« I'• :< I • < W.-l,- |\OrttM t|\|» \\!M-k The Heotherhood of UnllrxXAxl IY«in v wen. which i\a* a*ked iw the heavUMK XX 111 he represented h\ XH.un.x .lame% N Mlet, of IXnnvllh ami e\ Vtlxx»nex <;«ner*l ,loht\ <\ Hell, of l s hta.lxx|phii\ There will ho oihei speaker* i»'*xx The hit) Is before the lUx«*e xxxm mlHee on rnilmad*. of whteh Uemv sentatlvx lli«i'< 1. Wilson, x\f >lenvc son. i* ohrtirman. The finale . .xwmli Ice on rallt-nrtds Will *ll Wtlh llxS«->x > ommltlee. Wants to Know When "Poker M Player Is "Within the Uw" The \M«VW»Y K *V(N*V»«\^WI ion. «i\i>.i \h*> roiiowmw «w^ov I|UM * W on).I l>>- <\l. lo \>\w ,M\M\i'l' tho frtllwWlWv \ -b\H Ovil A (Ortrt IN* Of K«o>b\lolS If li> n |noKi*v truwo n i>i* )Mo\ow o\rti n V.»- >sW ' ** W i tn« il« I)II wf IS^ww. K) h IMI |< *n>« il>*t < tW\ ot w t\<M)\ov [lomo i!« rt VaVv oft xsv ll\o \\ el IW «m Vovo*w IW <« foV»« loMor lo fhv U>i% ■« hoi n »«\\|<.l ok M\o ;*w ,H . inMimoVH of «h«> VNw»W*W\\in\UH .o< ,1 >\Hh \N>O^VIv»V )ts\-<v AM t^MWIOW THE WEATHER" »"»* Mm-t»«hMv* *N»v«- <* <•(«««»; «wwvfc .*W\ «•»»»» null l«mi whom .<.-«>•>.-«! t«»»\ »>*» I mirv« IVnw>tl\*«(i«. *»,t >««.»> i*lvi w»Mvi tv> uM||, f»M nmtlmti ««•»« t« Mlxm Vk» main rl<»v «MI rtw («> «l«kl *«* 1 »*,> »HI ivt «»•*« ♦« r*l( <>«»•» »ltv»»« »««»«»•> ov I*ll . \ »MMkv ♦« !**« K t\M »«IM «*» >«»*♦» io««tiv »<»«•♦, 1%» <-«•<*, »»»• »* «)»« v-s\« tw «*«\» >o«ilimio««t4 v»«fc («. w««i<»„ Hivtut ««»* >»*»« \«o»»» • Wl< ♦*» » vMlt U« >»%»•* »»*» *»» I »*»» \ •»»•% X .«•»«►»**»<»»»• » « w« «<A *»•. WHtMfc, * » <M •, »»»« «>i » «w » *»« •»««*> *t*»v4 M % lf >« * w n«tv» »«••» ♦♦ t»*4 Uxv «M>» «»«»* >»%♦*» »% M»«llH IMt«t«l «»<«»"'»> « ♦»«*«>»*«»»»> vk r \ «»•» »»•««**»» •«»>»>»K « TURKS BEAT« ! INSULT AMERICANS Missionaries Forced to Suffer Ad ditional Hardships as Result of Outbreak ACTS OF VIOLENCE CONTINUE Turkish Consul at Uriuntah Re ported to Have Taken Part in Maswwre Tifli« RitaaU ihut*dav March 35,1 > P M , vie Maroh S)tt. in v m ruthwh trunna navs roinwtntin further ml* of vtohm.e at the A inert .nn mtaahm tit Critmlah. ivtaia, ac cording lo a lU.»»Agv received hi the local vlecrnv front itorduti t'mldiuli, the Vmerictin i misul «t T*hrl» I Mr Paddoek lt*u*uill» <t message front Mtaaloliaiv Robert M i.*haree, Hi t riinitah, to the effect that the ■Purktsh v onuttl At t totoiah forced hi* Wiiv int.. the mission with a ntliuher iof Turkish I .'**lUU tl'A.npK Atttl I'wntovetl fotne V**\ rl«n tMill*!tAlt tefusee*, who | wete (hen nt«*«Aotlptl I The Turk* also he*t hh.l ItiMiilttnt Ihe Atnerh All tnlMtottot le« Exposition Sories of Uncle Sum'# Pontage Stumps Are on Sale \ hnt'te.l *ttpply ol ihe one »ntl ti\o .rnt denomination* of pontnte l**neil In eelehiAtlon or Ihe PtittAtiiA-. Pa.'lH. IniermilltotAl I0\|.o«tllon Im* ht*l heen re.elved a I ihe loi'al ntwi Olll.'e, Klve Attd ten ienl dniomlnAitoiu [will he tveelvetl tHW Vpt'il lo I'ho one veWt Atiitnp (he ItkeneKM of llAlhort, lite >h>«.o\elvr of Ihe I'Avltto it\erttt> nllil the Iwo-n nl h«i* nil etl «r«\ln» of n weite ni (he Pmtttniu . <ih<o The new Alnttip* <ue *oht lo eti»lonieiv ottl. when ticked for. TWO CARLISLE MEN !' KILLED 111 ACCIDENT ™ I A. L, Ihompjon Mnd C. D. Bnler Cnuhed When Auto i , Tur»» Over RAY EARLY'S SKUU BROKEN Only One ot Four Occupants Kw«pes S* x riou!i Injury in Wits k j IV, MM tl< v. !«. I v\»»i o»wi\»niv »mi riwvip< l^vl* 1 KUUMI. «»ul \ *U\ I l-ovlv, ,*«\l t\»v \-*iMaln v>f iVw-! vi f'lsMU vvmmo*,!. \. vi, IV, luul' Hi* ?»K«II (t«vmvvJ »w\| \h In tho luv»-1 'IMUI ill « ww4lliun a* lUw re-; \*>»n It UliljlftMH m*lUvo\ Inst K*<o*w Vv|»«\H \\«* MV\ lmil**\S Imi| »fuw> injury, I'lw fvxnr n\vn «|| of wrIWUs w i-rv ve 'nrn*w« 'ta\vo a ->»»lo Mount llollv rti'ssM* *,Sv> v v'lv»vK, tAlol Hl'OUt >sno AWSI \ Half null"* iron* hoiuv' \\ l*o v<»> vlrixins >u>i«*r-1 ■ Uw»« ssOIUVI %( Uv«? stWnn* »i»-J x<n'« i»n*l n\»o lvinv* r»n v«n to ih>> At »|iw »tslo oi tit* mi Thv I ,»<ixr «!*«>»•* >*fttf'V, » t*«vl <!*«> tttrnwl v'\>n\\»K*tx'ly o\<»r. v*n* Mi W(Kf unUvr it Vl\< Vfc * > \'lu*t. «tttvl !»*' vltvvl wUtlo twtim ViAxnslvt tw to>\«. IttriW WM iI*.N tlvo \N*V <«nxl l\>* nvvk xv««j xlx\n« noktrtntlv. Vlo \x** a twvx- v*»»*tXK«r Huioh,! *xxxt tl\>- tour nt*w xxwv riUiun on It ' IvllotW«sx*'1 v llotW«sx*' \xrt* «t tlxv xxlu'vl, xxith Hi*-j |W W*tv*xN l*un K<*vlx xxm* sitting xvnl jiltxx vxlx- ,xt tv*- n>Ax lvin*' »nvl xxasi !<lxwxxn alxxx ixvimMx foH. ttviKins i>n( "X** lIXNXxI *\Xxl IVAx'tnrxUK hu sKvtil i ' Vxlaixs* xx,x"x >unx'tn« xvn llxx- running! ' IxxvaV%|., tsstxl th>\xw U « VXXO-j v| vU»Vv «\ XX-X* Uxxt ->X'l U>U»!x lx t xx m» vi \ x-vnx' x t>rvM»wxl >1 h*> v* <> x- v tlx«x Mxvtxl»txt x*x-owrtv<>. a tvMx'V xlVtxxHX lyx «x ll<xrrml>urK >x\>xn x\xtx x Atvxl t>v* own wvr» Isnttxxsl ttxHx *xxxxn mm XXJA* x>p?r«t xxxl xxxs .x 1 is»x lxx«x' I*, xlnvms; tu«> *\w»v -*o* ■ Iv ■> xxxwxlittxxtt t* *xixl tx» l># vw> »tH » nxxxftxlnv a* l»» !'*• ux»t r«' «Atnxsl x xxts*xf-xn-wvii* % \ V, VWtmxtxxn xx a* *S v«*i« ohl x»xx| x Vtxxx\x« X'xx»l vl<Ml«r. »t*xl • x v ix>xvV* IV |!s\lxmi\ "xavxi ««» ttn Itss. xxx A\xxl XX<*3l « sltrvx'tor of tlv», X V *\H*'!,X Vltlv. V!KKxx'Wtivx». \xx\mtlx»\\ «>.*u;\s \x MtlxlVtXxK. x u xt ISAtXx * xxxw H\\»Uxxx iltx> XlxM'iUAtx »iu- j lx*».Mtx|xx»x Kx |xrtn« »>KxUt An AS» vx>nu-ni tx»>tVtV<MX tu» HalUm AVAxI Sox- ' ■M'ONWXXA t«MAtslltXK tlvv X'«..x«txxtk xxf l«r- , VAtxxtx lv*x» ,\»«nvtxxU tAitvxl Axx'orxlin*; : >xx \«xv N vxhivh sixys W |» tlxAt whxxn th» luMt J xsxvxvxx'* tysmv \ vwnnA lxtx>wst»t to tltx>; aoklxx**Axlxxt \u«tvi A > rtUAI iovtn-i thex xx ** v xv >x» *xix-h * uAtvtrv tltAi Hx' xlixl nx't J vxxn*tx|x>v tl xxxxrilt xxUiW lo suluntt th^nt: txx Ifc* fxxrvttjW xxrtlxv horx-. It is r«- tlvAl l*rvwx v \xxn ItnxMow hi*» J i-«n»»*xxx«xl llxv tXIIA xxt' OV*-x»l<XtOV x*\«\Wt\ l\ HltltMl Mv ix "A *>H*l k \d.U t » .. Xt* X , ... X M Th*! f*|\ xxf Vi 'x>R»x tl h*» A iv'liiutloll i v VtUxxtx*r*»t Ai.xl >\ tniwxl in S.X>|XSXIA x t>'*i Hmu*ui« «nt*i th« 1 XX XX. XX). ttkv ->XX*X.- x'f tU«s »II.»A, «VO>'xltl.l( Vxx X aWk-Atx 1 . (ix.itk v .x> xo. «•«l>x>UxWt»t ~l TV» IVtH kHvi*Wu Mttvt KIIHtIIT Hi t. >*'. ..t.'«a ."«<vu Kx.luA. \Ut'V% II Mf> VI \ . IN*, i . \W». I. ••. x (o \ vi A t .<•><*! Jx >ox> 'i*-. t.»*u i'l'oinul* *t»xl •*- lI.U kU v t.f »XIKU IK (O ~.tvul» ti.oi xi*. xnii.h»t»\ of Alntui- HH u > x)k»u UV. k.*t.»fitnx>. v#U'»H» AUxl «U h.Hit >"U (x.v l«uu>ni(. HARRISBURG. PA., FRTDAY EVENING, MARCH 26, 1915 TURK FOOTS FIRE ON MINE SWEEPERS Allies Reported to Be Making Efforts to Clear Strait» of Floating Mines RUSSIANS CLAIM VICTORY Attempts to Settle Differences Between Austria and Italy Have Failed Attempt* to arrange a nettiement of the difference* between Italy and Anuria Apparently have met with no •uoocv*. A Homo newspaper *t»te* that Prime Von Window, Herman am hn*Hndor at Home, has ahandoned hi* effort* to l-rlng aiioiit an agreement. Austria* llnal tiffer of territorial con ituatons la Mi, iti to have heen ao far from meeting Italy's demands thai the Herman «ml>a**ador did not *ubtnlt It to the Italian government. lit Ihe HalUau* there are increasing *lgn* of unrest on the pari of nations which thus far have kept peace. A llu. barest dispaltii sa>s the fall of I'raxm.vil ha* Increased the popular demand in Humanla for Intervention on the *IUe of tlie allies. The relation* between Turkey and Bulgaria al*<> have become uncertain. Kield .Marshal Vol. I»er Gotta has lefi Oonstailtinoplu for Hotia Hnlgaria and General \'on Sunder* ha* gone to Adrianoplc, near which delen*e.s are being erected to guard agulnal a possible attack by Bulgaria. All hough severe weather continue* at the Dardanelles, making operation* of III® allied tleet diiticult, efforts to clear the straits of mines are being made. Turkish fort* tired on mine sweeper* oil Wednesday but ceased the attack after two British battleship* opened on them. No coniiruiation has come from Austrian sources of the Russian claim to a great victory In the Carpathians. [Continued on Page 6] "BIRD HOTELS" WILL BE ERECTED | FOR CITY'S FEATHERED TOURISTS Prettily Decorated Edifices Will Be Built Amid Ideal Surroundings For the Most Welcome of Hamburg's Guests —The Songsters Klrftt-rlftm' hot*l »ceommod«tions | « ill lie txfiVre.l the birds who are con- 1 «Ul«t'inti lUrrial.urr t.arks In their an nual Spring #nd summer tours tills ytxar. x'itx t'lxmmlhsioner M. Vlnrxey "»>■• lor, sui.erinU'mlent of pttrks and pub li. projuxfty, liiuh promised this. , Just how many "bird hotols will t>« opened to lh<x feathered public >l«r i«K the xomlnn vacation seasons Mr. Taxlor hasn't decided: he wants to confer with Clt.x Korcster Harry .1. Mueller on the subject llrst. However, there will be at least two to ben In with one probably at Reservoir and the other somewhere along the river front. If the scheme works out —that is. if the experiment demonstrates that NIK PEOPLE IRE { . SEEK CHEAPER RENTS: | " Trying to Reduce Living Expenses as Result of the Hard Times 1 Ktrst of April flitting* are in the 'air, ami every \lveryman within ten ! intlw of the fitv has more than enough j engagements for all his teams to haul • household goods in the annual migra tions that many people indulge in at the opening of Spring. People who (contemplate moving have heen busy making inquiries of the real estate I agents and are beginning to pack up ! (CtutilnwHl *>n l'Hi!(' tS] Priest Murdered by His Brother After Earthquake Press Rome. \Urvh 25. 5.35 P. M.. via , I'aris. March 2<>. S.t>4 A. M. — Recovery I I by the police of a famous art treasure stolen from the parish church of Massa d'Vlha after it was destroyed by | I the earthquake in January has di.s- I closed aUo that the parish priest wm | murdered by his brother, according, to j 1 advice* from Avezzano. I When the ruins of the church were | ' explored after the disaster it was | foond that a noted Rysantlne triptych. | • executed on ivory, used as an altar i ' idcce. as well as other religious ob- j I .Wcta. were mitHUng. Their value was at a large sunt. The police now claim to have j learned that when part of the church 1 was wrecked the priest was buried ' with the art treasures in a section of t the building which remained standing ' because its massive walls were part of > an old fort built on solid rock. The priest was slain, the authorities ' assert, by his brother, who suspected ; the priest of being friendly with his | wife- This man, it is asserted, found ; ' the clergyman lying helpless under the j I ruins and killed him. with the assist- | ance of friends, who then removed the j art objects. An intercepted letter led | to the discovery of the crime and all i those suspected of being involved have I been arrested. KtTKS* W:monst« \T*:l> as VIfWS OK swim; I.IFK I I San Francisco. t'al., March 26, — j Kites were demonstrated as means of, >a\ Ing Hfe yesterday when Dr. F. IV. j - Reihl. of Alemada. C»l., leaped from ! i>e deck ot the battleship Oregon Into' Han Francisco bay and was towed .afely to Alcatra* Island, four miles : t'rnm the anchorage of the war ves-1 ■ sel by a device of his invention. The test was made against a strong incoming tide, but the wiivl was favor able for the kites. Or. Reihl is 73 years old I BRITAIN'S WAR LORD DOES SMILE | J p,!'- K li • I IJ LORD KITCHENER The.v sn.v ii. Cirent Hrltain that Lord Kitchener, the basest P'.nKlishman connected with the war. nevor ntnile.s. it is a tradition anions the people that he la ever Htern. Vet here la proof that he can and does ainile. His friends who *.' C hlin when ho Ih off duty have insisted that he does smile occasion ally, and they havo offered their word to prove it. The photographer who took this picture haf proved It for everyone, lie may not smile often, but he doe» Kinih-. Incidentally, this is one of the hest pictures'and ono of the most recent ever taken of the war lord. lie has fought shy of photographers more than any Important character In the war. The kaiser of Germany will post, for them, ami lias ito.?ed hundreds of times, hnt Kitchener seldom stops long enough for a photographer to catch him. there will bo a big dotiuuul for accom- j modatiOns, provisions for further J building operation* in tills lino, will be 1 urged for next year's budget. The "bird ltottr is really a big. modern, highly decorated blrdhousc that ean be placed on u tree branch, j The plan lias been tried out in other I cities with splendid success in that il I brings birds n-iilcnly to the city parks ' and encourages nesting;, and Commis sioner Taylor believes it will work out nicely In this « it>. So. if one of these days you should soy a lot of sparrows, for instance, busily and excitedly chat tering about something obviously iiu- ! portant, don't be surprised: they might be discussing the advantages of the ; piazza sun hath as compared to the I private dust bowl in one's own suite. WIFE OF CHOCOLATE KING DlES'lll PHIUI. Whole Village Will Stop Work To- ( morrow in Memory of Mrs. M. S. Hershey I S pre nil to The Telegraph llershey, March -(>. In memory «»r Mrs. Milton S. Hershoy, wife «>r the chocolate kins, who died nt Philadel phia yesterday, after ;in illness of sev-; l«ral years, all local industries will sus- j jpetul activities to-tnorro\v. I The funeral will l>o lield from IS2O Chestnut stieet, Philadelphia, to-mor- j [ row afternoon at 2 o'clock. Further j I arrangements have not been an- j i nounced. Xlrs. llershe.v died at the Hellevue- j | Stratford hotel, where she had been j [■topping for the l ist three week*. She I spent the winter at Atlantic City and | [Continued <>n IS] Dr. Reed Retires From Ministry; Will Make His Home With Son, Here j The Rev. GeorßO Kdwnru Heed, j father of George \V. Heed, a promi-j ncnt lawyer of this city. residing at ,2139 North Second street, has retired' Ifnn the active ministry. lie will roniti to this city from Wilmington, ] Del., next Monday or Tuesday and reside with his son. Kor.the past few years, he has been pastor of the Grace Methodist Church of Wilmington. lie entered the min istry in 1870, serving charges in Massa chusetts. Connecticut and New York States. In 1889 ho was elected presi dent of Dickinson college. He was ; State librarian from 189S to 1902 and' also was editor of the Pennsylvania I Archives. | I The Rev. Dr. Reed was president of l 'the Pennsylvania Antisaloon l.eague In I <l9os and 1907; and Is president of the! Todd Hospital in Carlisle, lie has : been a member of the State Kxecutlve ! icommlttee of the Young Men's Chris- i tian Association for twelve year*, and 'is a director of many educational and' I charitable Institutions, STKAMKH TIMiAND KF.I.I.ASI H j By Asseaateti frets Rome. March 25. 11.5# P. it., via ,• Paris. March 2fi. 5.55 A. M.—A dls- . patch from (ienoa aa>s the steamer j I'inland. which was accompanied therv . | from Naples by customs official* who ; ■ suspected the cargo aboard contained j I contraband of war. has been released | after a five day*' search, as no con- i< i traband was found. ' |i FUST EXPRESS KILLS FREIGHT CONDUCTOR Body of William Newcomer, of This City, Badly Mangled at Stcelton ■ " WAS DRAGGED 200 FEET Stopped From Cab to Tracks Directly in Front of Ap proaching Train I Just as he was stepping off the rear jof the caboose on a freight train j below Francis bridge. Steel ton, at 5 ! o'clock this morning. Willi im I* New j comer, a freight conductor on the ' Pennsy. stepped on the eastbound pas | senger track in the path of a fast train | coming to this city from Philadelphia, lie was instantly killed. The train dragged him 200 feet after it struck him. Newcomer wa.s 5 7 years old. He resided at 171* N'orth Fifth street, this I city. He Is survived by his wife, one i son. 'William 10.: three sisters, Mrs. j Stephen Uilhnlly. Newark: Mrs. John ; Love, Woodbrtdgc, and Mrs. Susan j 1 llghtshue, Columbia. and two broth ' ers. John Newcomer, of Brooklyn, and I George hTewcomor, of Cofttavltlfe [Continued on Page 11.] Improve Rivcrton Water Company's Filter Plant Beginning Monday, extensive im | provements to the tilter plant of the ; Rlvcrtou Water Company will bo j started which, when completed, will j increase tlie daily capacity to about ' 2,000,000 gallons, according .to Patricio j Russ, an otTlclal of the company. A j Pittsburgh tlrm will begin the in , stallation of the new filter beds Mon | <la\ and the Job will last for about ten i days. While the improvements are under way llarrisburg will furnish the I'cross-river tow ns with filtered water, I In announcing the city's decision to provide the Rlverton company with fluid City <'omtnissioner 11. K. Bow man, superintendent of puhlle safety, inadvertently stated that the city tup. • ply was to be furnished while repairs | instead of improvements were being j made. Mr. Bowman explained this | to-day. RATTi.Ksinp iixasum I By .4s.wfial*il Prist Philadelphia. March 36. The bat tleship Moreno, built on the Pela iware river for the Argentine Repub lic, left here to-day for Hampton Bonds where a reception will be held to-morrow. After the festivities there the Moreno will return to Delaware bay for additional fuel and will inter proceed to Buenos Aires. Before leav ing here the battleship took on twen ' ty-elght carloads of stnokelesa pow- dor. SAYS AMERICA IIAS M-'.NRKTTFI* I Pasedena. Oil., March 26. "The war has given America a chance to 'set her financial house In order. That ; country Is strongest which baa the fewest debts outside." Thus did Jacob •H. Schift. financier of New York, who ' arrived here yesterday. Indicate one lof the benefits bestowed upon this •country by the Kuropean conflict. ' SK.VKN IN HOl Si: . Pv .Ittc.iniftl Frnn j Washington. March 26.—Progre*.1 , sive strencth In the next House ,>f IRepreaentatlves will eonslst of seven, memhera. >-onipared with nineteen In the last Congress, according to the [calculations of Representative Steph [en*. of California. 18 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. CREW OF U. S. SUBMARINE F-4 IS LOST Vessel Was Submerged Yesterday Morning Near Hono lulu and Has Not Yet Reappeared; Oil Covers Sur face of Water, Indicating Damage to Little Warrior; Under-sea Craft Is Down So Far That Authorities Believe 26 Men on Board Lost; Diver Who Tried to Locate Submarine Is Drawn Up Unconscious Trapped nl the Ixittom of Honolulu harbor iindcr at least 35 fathom* of water—proliably more—tlu- lulled State* MI limit rim- F- | lies helpless with her eommamler ami at least IX men. In what is I'eared to lie one of the worst snliinarine IKIIII disasters In the world's naval history. More than 24 hours of every effort known to naval practice to raise tho sunken lioat or get a signal from her crew have failed. Iler marker buoy which should come to the top to mark her resting place in su< h an emer gency hits railed to appear; the .surface of the water at thirty fathoms is covered with a lilm of oil from the submerged boat's tanks. Navy Ilepartment officials fear one of two calamities—that the F-l struck a rock and that licr crew were drowned in the inrushlng waters or that there was an internal explosion. While hope for the men has not been given up the gravest fears are en tertained that they may have been lost in the first submarine boat disaster of the I'nlted States navy. F-4 MAY HAY K SMPPKI) IXTO I'OI'KFT OF Hot Iv On the race of meager olllcial reports from the Honolulu naval sta tion which said tho F-4 disapiieared at ».15 o'clock yesterday morning after making a dive during maneuvers and that constant grappling and dlvinK j has failed to locate her definitely, naval officers rear the boat may liavo i slipped over a ledge on the volcanic rockhottom of the harbor Into somu I deep pocket out of rencli or help. The diving record or a man Is 210 reet: the world's divine record or a i submarine, made by an American boat, the F-l. a sister ship of the F-4. is i 283 feet. If the F-4, l»y accident or otherwise has gone deeper, it is 1 feared the tremendous pressor*; of the waters lutd crushed her shell. MtJlough titled with the latest device in safety air locks, through which a man can lie shot to safety at as great a depth as 35 fathoms, the men on the F-l apparently have been unable to use tlieni and that fact coupled | with the fact that they have not released their marker btion makes officials ! fear something terrible has happened in the dark. Honolulu. March 2(i.—Witvlfs* mcs- I early to-day from \os-t-is scarch i linr for tiio missing submarine r-1 j which wa- submerged at B.lft .yester day ami which hns not yet reappeared, state that the work Is progressing. hut that there is nothing definite to report. I The fate of the twenty-sl* men almard II he submarine is still u matter of con jecture aiul *rave apprehension. . The shore off which the F-l Is he lleved to lie lying 011 the ocean lied, Is !sleep and shelves to a precipitous i drop. If the submarine lies In 35 J DNARY TELLS OF C TRACES I 1 * c « r 1 M \"ku it • .•' ?;•..> C \ in k • I J \ I f 1 J 'a ' . > sion i I l J • j J of Harrisbui % I • Israel synago; C i c J % ■ # ' M [ \ arr w | YOUTHFUL MURDERER ARRESTED | I Philadelphia, March 26.—Jacob C. Miller, the youthful m •I ' night shot and killed a detective, and prob- m 1 1 I : another whila they were taking hitn w 1 I was arrested to-day a The I ii arr* »de before he could offer any C !ler was last night on a charge of ■ robbery. I GRANTS FIFTY-FIVE LICENSES 1 Hollulaysburg, Pa., March 26.—Judge Thomas J. Bald- ' I ridge, in the Blair county license court to-daj granted fifty- I five 1 three brewery licenses, a reduction of five ' hotel* in he unty. Eight hotels wer.- enses. 1 SL MARINE MAY BE FO ID Hono ulu, March Z6.- —The search for tl Un ■ i States ' •ttbtnatin* F .» ; ich was submerged in th barb >i of! here ' yesterday morning and failed to reappear continued with- 1 out definite result. It was reported that early this morning % a grappling cable caught on some unknown object, which ' i r r.a; the -nii;ir hail nu ut.mi. ■* 1 r MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 i *liMwr and A««n ( olllu, rilr. ' I Vraultl V Klvlantna an,l Kdlth ( m>i»rr. llrrskr.T. ' Itaatrl I otmia ••4 t'athrrla* llartmaa, Urirli. I i fathoms or water, it is Ijevond t!<o reach of divers .and It is feared will only work deeper to the dropping off point. IHxers yesterday descended to .t depth of I HI! feet, which is a local rec ord. and were drawn iiii unconscious. Uelatives of members of tbo crew"! are frantic f|ir news. .lames M. ett, electrician of Macedonia, Mo., who was on shore leave, is the only member of (he crew known to hnvu [Continued oil Page <ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers