EITHER PHONE tEACIES TIE TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT DIED LFBCURE On Friday morning, March 19. 1915, Alice Motter l>escure. wife of William J. Lescure. l-'uneral services Monday afternoon, March 22. 1915. at 2 o'clock, at her mc residence. SOS North Second street. W.rial private. WEAVER John S. Weaver died Wednesday, Manh 17, 1915, At his home. 203 Pine street. Funeral services will be held at 7Aon Lutheran Church. Saturday af ternoon, March 20, 1915, at -:30 «» clock. Burial will be made in the Harrisburg- Cemetery. LOST LOST Black and gold link chain. * bout IS inches long, between 12 Ever green street and the Capitol. Reward f returned to No. 12 Evergreen street. LOST OR STRAYED White and crindle bulldog, male; small round spot | n center of head. Reward if returned ; to ISSI Swatara street. i MJI'NP | FOUND One stickpin on Straw- \ jerry avenue. March 12. The owner nay secure the same by proving prop- ; •rty. and paving for this advertisement Vdiiress >ll letters to M.. 2296. care of Telegraph. FOUND The way to end your -'•eanlng and dveing worries, by caning . •ither phone for Eggert's Steam Dye ig and French Cleaning Works. 1245 , Market street. We call and deliver. 1 MKI.P WANTED —LDTLE THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be , leeded within three or four months in he city of Harrisburg for public taxi ab service. Prepare yourself at once, nake application for training to Auto transportation Machine Shop, o and , •>orth Cameron street. Ha r i'® •'ull and unlimited course, $3».00. Both thoues. 300 Men Wanted "o join our Pressing ® u £^X°|i r s haDe ' teamed and pressed and kept in shape , or one dollar a month t4 suits a uonth). This Special PrU e is for 6 | aonths only. us now and sa\e nonev. Drop us a card and we «111 all "The 20th Century cleaning ami Jveing Works, 225 Market street, alace Confectionery. Sam Adelsteic. I»r. . ! WANTED One Job Pressnmn. one Stone man and one Iluler. Llaik Prin - . ng & Mfg. Co.. Lock Haven, Pa. I MEN 20 to 30 vears old, wanted at nee for electric railway motormen and I onductors: 560 to SIOO monthly; no ex erience necessary; fine io strike. Write Immediately for ap , ilication blank. Address R.. l=>-3, care • if Telegraph. ! \if-\j WOMEN WANTED G °T" ! mment jobs. $65.00 to $150.00 ' Vrite for list positions now obtainsible. : ranklin Institute, Dept. 361-G. Roches- , er, N. Y. j ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN V*ANTED. Ablebodied. unmarried men etween ages of 18 and 35; c ' t ' z * n ® rnited States of good character and i ?mpcrate habits, who can speak, read • nd write the English language. For} iformation apply to Recruiting Officer, lergner Building. 3d & Maruet t larrisburg; 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster,, :.3 Pine St.. Williamsport; «• W. , et St., York, or 113 Independence s>t-. iiamokin. Pa. I WANTED Couple husky boys to | rfti k as helpers in automobile repair hop. Crispen Motor Car Co., 413-1. outh Cameron. , .OTICE —We have a proposition for j oung. married men between ages of . 7 and 40 years, that can furnish best ( f references and real estate bond, t ..u have had experience in selling at t'taii—direct to the consumer, you <can lake from S3O to $35 per week, with xcellent chance of promotion. Ex- , erienced grocery clerks, laundry or , akerv drivers preferred. Men who are . •>t afraid of work will be result get ?rs. Guaranteed salary and eommis- j ion to start with. Can also use ten . ..Oil live liousc-to-liouse solicitors. , teadv work for those making good. ' pplv. or write, stating experience, I . wel Tea Co.. 269 Broad street. | TIMERS AVD PAPERHAXGERS I WANTED o sell wall paper from sample books. • "e are the largest wholesale wall : aper house in Central Pennsylvania nd carrv the largest line of cheap and j • odium-priced papers on the market, i *e attribute our success to our low j rices, prompt shipments, and fair deal- I IBS. I.et us send you our 1915 line of ! imples on approval. Write to-day to j onarch Wall Paper Co., 420 Market l rect. Harrisburg. Pa. ! WANTED Young man to work in i rfice who is a. quainted with the loca- ! on of the city streets, and who has ad experience in handling men. Nature f work is routing teams for city de- | very. State age. salary expected and i lace where formerly employed. Give j •ference. Address Box X, 2293, care ' r Telegraph. j WANTED s2O to $35 per month j ara money to any employed person j ithout interfering with regular work, j 0 selling. No canvassing. Positively > investment. Unemployed need not i jply. Address The Silver Mirror Co.. ic.. 123 West Madison street. Chicago. 1. PHOfi CUTTERS on Children's Shoes, i terling Shoe Co., Williamsport. Pa. MEN WANTED to become practical lauffeurs and mechanics. As opportu ty affords students will be given lan-.e while learning to earn *oc an >ur on overhauling work. Make ap- Ications at once. Special course for dies. Day and night schools. Auto ' ransportation School and Machine 'or:, f-7 North Cameron street. HELP \\ ANTED—I omaio WANTED - Experienced steno- f apher. who understands general office ork. One who has used Dictaphone ! •eferred. State experience and salary . •sired. Address P. O. Box 542, liar- i sburg. Pa. ' \V Real Estate Specials 2-447 REEL STREET A i'i-story brick with eight rooms bath and furnace—ce mented cellar front porch. This property Is praetlrall.r new ■nd Is <>■ the market at a boaa fltle, sacrifice price. 3211 N. SECOND STREET < Riverside! 2'»-story brick house (single) | [.with eleven rooms—bath hot water heat bay windows porches gas and electricity shade and fruit trees. Lot 52x150 ft. 154» STATE STREET Three-storv (singlet brick J house with eleven rooms bath j hot water heat cemented i cellar with laundry. Brick gar- j age. Lot 45x10S ft. A modern house in a desirable location. 1311 WILLIAM STREET Two-story frame home with •tore room seven living rooms and bath. Reasonable price and eaay terms. RESTAURANT A centrally located restaurant i in a good suburban town. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. RE\l. ESTATE Fire Insurance Sarety Bond* , l.ocust and Conrt Streeta 1 FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG ?<SsSfe- TELEGRAPH MARCH 19, 1915. IfEI.P WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigarmaking. I Paid while learning. Apply Har j | risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. LADIES—For home work. Nothing to sell. 35c an hour. Enclose stamp. , | Rankin. Dept. 93, Hillsdale, j WANTED —An experienced child's I nurse. Apply to the Superintendent. Harrisburg Club. Front and Market streets. WANTED Ten thoroughly experi -1 enced operators on power machines. Apply Jennings Manufacturing Co.. 414- 416 State street. . SEAMSTRESS WANTED—Must un ! derstand alteration on ladies' suits and I dresses. Apply to Askln & Marine Co., ; 36 North Second street, corner Walnut. I WANTED Good girl for general i housework: small family. Apply 2220 ! North Third street. ' ————— HE I,l* WANTED—MaIe- or Fetnsle WANTED—Railway Mall and Postal Clerks: examinations soon; over 2,000 i appointments yearly; prepare at home; I write for Plan No. 15, of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business I College; Civil Service Dept. Phlladel . phla. Pa. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE and In ternational Bibles. We want several ; Men and Women to help dlstribut Spare time mav be tised. Get our terms. Wholesale Supply House, 25 North Third street, top. SITUATION WANTED—ilale WANTED Would like to have po- J aitlon elevatorman. or janitor; can fur- I nish best of reference. Call, or address, , 907 Sarah street. City. , ! WANTED Young man. age 22. who I | has three and one-half years' experi- 1 j ence as grocery clerk, wishes to make | a change; will furnish best of reference Ifrom oresent employer. Address R. J. D„ 122 Sayford avenue. I . WANTED A German fat" II v. good, j sober, reliable man, about 30. is look ing for a place on a farm to work. Call ; at 683 Mohn street. Steelton. WANTED Posttlon as shoe sales- J I man by younf. married man; several ] j years' of selling and factory experi- : ! ence: A 1 references furnished. Address V.. 2300, care of Telegraph. ' WANTED Position as second class j baker on bread; four years' experience:' best of references. Address Edward j ! Boyer. 302 South River street. i WANTED Young man, IS years l old. wants work of any kind: not afraid lof hard work. Call, or address, J. W. Is.. 201" Wallace street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe ! i WANTED Position as steno ' grapher and typewriter by a young (lady of one year's experience; can give j best of reference: graduate. Apply to , Box 2T3. Newport, Pa. WANTED A colored woman would 1 like cooking, or day's work. Call 28 ! Linden street. | WANTED—Experienced white girl desires general housework. Address S., 2298, care of Telegraph. I WANTED ! white woman desires position at gen ! eral housework: can furnish reference. | Address Miss S.. care of Telegraph. I WANTED Dressmaker desires work by the day. C. E. 0., 1321 North j Sixth. WANTED By steady young lady. , having year's experience, position as ; bookkeeper and stenographer; under ' stands insurance and general office j work. Address R.. 2292 care of Tele ! graph. I REAL ESTATE FOR S.U.E j FOR SALE No. SS2O-"3-'3 North 'Sixth street, two 2>i-story frame i •houses, new: all Improvements; steam' heat; granolithic walks. Inquire ! : Shreiner's Store, on premises. Take R. | I V. car. ' l $2,400 WILL BUY a corner property | | —frame house improvements lot. 95x105 - large garden considerable i fruit chicken house. Good property. | Price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., ; Bergner Building. FOR SALE Several properties at an attractive price with little cash 1 needed. Now is the time to buy. Con sider H and get particulars. Bell Realty j Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE Desirable building lots ' in tha Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, < Fifth, Schuylkill £Qd Atlas streets. : An opportunity for a builder or real ! estate dealer to secure well located ' property for development purposes. Ad : dress L. No. 158". care of Telegraph. FOR SALE City and suburban homes and home sites—first-class busi ' ness propositions. Kough, Brightbiil jfc Kline. Sixth and Reily. Both phones. $2.500 WILL BUY a frame house in i suburbs 8 rooms bath gas —J electric light porchvs furnace ; lot, 55X140 now vacant. Little cash j needed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. TWO STEELTON HOUSES at a very . low price lot. 50x110 corner irop- j erty drive alley on rear. Inspect these houses. Nos. 325-327 South Front street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- J ing. | 10 ACRES S minutes' walk from 1 trolley line at Shiremanstown—B-room I frame" dwelling bank barn large chicken house level, limestone soil. , Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE— Washington Heights Corner In dian and Park Ave. nearly new 7 rooms and bath: furnace grano lithic walks cemented cellar front . and rear porch lot. 50x300 located on the highest point in Washington i Heights, commanding a magnificent view of the mountain, river and city— possession at once. If purchased be fore April 1, the price will surprise you. 524 Camp St. !%-*tory brick lO I rooms, bath and furnace corner property front and rear porch— lot, 20x100. Price reduced to $250.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO . Second and Walnut Sts. I REAL ESTATE TOR RENT FOR RENT First floor of building northwe t corner of Court aud Cran , berry. Apply on premises. FOR HKVr I CAMERON EXTENSION COTTAGES j Several very desirable seven and ] , eight-room tirlck houses witli furnace i ■—bath front porch and lawn, sl4, sls and sl6. Miller Brothers & Co. ■ BUSINESS PROPERTY on North Sixth street for rent - near Harris ' fair slse storeroom all improvements in house desirable location. Pos session April 1. Address Box 2295, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT No. 1413 Market St $26.50 No. 1530 Catherine St 16.00 No. 2016 Kensington St 10.50 No. 1019 S. *1 Vt St 10.00 J. 10. GIPPLE. 1251 Market Street. FOR HENT - Modern residence, 1522 North Second street; 10 rooms and i hath; reception hall: large diningroom; 1 sanitary plumbing: front, side and back | porches: all conveniences. Rent. S4O. 1 Apply C. H. Backenstoe. 14 North Third street. Bell phone S74R, or United phone 753 W. REAL KSTATE FOR REST FOR RENT Three-story brick eight rooms with all Improvamanti front and rear porches with use of yard. Apply 531 Curtln street. KOR RENT Private rooms for I Household Goods in new fireproof j building. Clean and safe. Inspection I Invited. 437-445 South Second street, , Harrisburg Storage Co. | „ FOR RENT Raaldenca »31 North | Third itreet: twelve rooms and bath; ; immediate possession Apply 113 Fors | ster street, or 1718 Green street. I FOR RENT MECHANICSBI RG | Two handsome, roomy homes, midst of best residence section. Handy to trains ! and trolleys. Hardwood throughout, j All modern conveniences baths. ! ranges, heating plants; gas. electric j lights; many cupboards and closets. I Large lawns. porches. balcony, solarium. Just the homes for Harrls • burg business or professional men. Many trains for commuters; commuta tion cheap. Rent very reasonable. Take a Me.-hanlcsburg trolley or train and inspect these baautlful homes. After you do so. you will want no other. Also fine building lot. 80x140. in best residence section, for sale at reason able price. Walter L Houck, Me cnanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Bell phone 17Y. FOR RENT Three-story brick warehouse along P. * R. tracks, suit ! able for factory. Floor space. 30x45. I Inquire J. H. Sheesley. Hemlock, street, I Harrisburg, Pa. I FOR RENT 1555 North Fourth Street; three-story —Misard roof: nine | rooms; improvement*: wide paved i street; trolley passes the door: house in good condition; possession April 1. ! Apply to A. C. Young, 26 North Third j street. Open evenings. i LAND TO I>EASE for trucking; rich ' soil. near city: rare opportunity. I Farmer?, know-hows, get busy, pull the | stuff, attend market, make money. ! Klmer Zimmerman. 1435 Walnut, Har j rlsburg. | FOR RENT No. 205 West State street: three-story brick: city steam, ! etc. Inquire 1904 North Second street, j Bell phone 2284 R. RFCL.U. ESTATE WANTED WANTED To rent, or purchase, a small farm of about ten acres or less, located near station within twenty miles of Harrisburg. Address, giving : full description of buildings, distance 1 to station, price, etc., to P. O. Box 587, j Reading. Pa. Al'AK'i.Mi. ia toll UivAf ' FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North I Third street: all conveniences; steam j heat. Apply 2*4 Herr street. I— I j FOR RENT Five-room flat, heated I and lighted, three rooms on first and two. vim bath, on second floor, at 100 Hamilton street. Apply 1700 North Second street. FOR RENT 706 North Third street, second floor apartment $32.50 706 North Third street, third floor, two rooms and bath $22.50 228 Chestnut Street, corner Third,l7o.oO WALTER L. MONTGOMERY, j Third and Chestnut Streets. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT, con taining five rooms and bath; city steam heat and all conveniences. Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT FOR RENT Six rooms and bath; large closeta and pantry: all the modern con veniences. No. 608 North Third street, opposite Capitol Park. Apply to Dr. James. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT: bay window front on Locust street. Tiled entrance. tiled bath; locker; hall phones; fully equipped kitchen. Apply Penna. Realty and Improvement Co., | 132 Locust street. i FOR . RENT Apartments; also rooms for light housekeeping with all , improvements. Derry Block. Fourteenth and Derry streets. Apply 1513 Vernon ! ! street. ! APARTMENT FOR RENT Third floor, four rooms, bath and kitchenette; bay wndow front; city steam beat; $30.00 per month: No. 18 North Third street. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street. FOR RENT Apartment, five rooms and bath, 925 North Third street. In quire H. L Mehring, 1410 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms, also 3 j rooms, completely furnished for light ' housekeeping; separate bells; hot water I heat: gas range: all improvements; cor ! ner house: no children. 123S Kittatinny i street. FOR RENT Large front room, on i second floor, furnished or unfurnished - I also two rooms, second floor: all con- ! veniences; bath and heat; private fam- i lly. 1206 Penn street. FOR RENT Furnished room, with I private communicating bath; st.'ictly I modern throughout; well situated - > three minutes' from Capitol or ,uarv->t ! Square. Address H., 2258, care of Tele graph. j FOR RENT Three furnished ! rooms, second floor, with use of bath gas. electric, and steam heat: bav win dows in each room: private family; rent reasonable. 2124 Penn street. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, in apartment. Second street, between Walnut and Locust: private fatnilv: ref erence required': rent. sls monthly; nice house; gentleman only: board If desir ed. Applv 205 Locust street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping, with use of heat. gas. bath and telephone: ten minutes' to business district. Bell phone 1012 R. Apply 1432 Berryhill street. FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms: use of telephone: all conveni ences; middle-aged man and wife pre ferred. Apply 128 Balm street, or. the Hill. F<"IR RENT Large, well furnish ed room; ga\: electric light; steam heat; use of bath: good location: suit able for man and wife or gentleman onlv. 5 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Four-room flat: all I conveniences. Apply >» SIS State street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Lady desires furnished or partly furnished room, with board, within walking distance of Third and North streets. Address 0.. 2294, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR BA LE CARDS on sale at the ■ Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE TRUNKS, SUIT CASES. TRAVELING BAGS, and all kinds of Leather Goods. Special attention given to repair work. It will pay you to buy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. DOORS FOR SALE at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. All siles. Cypress, White Pine and Fir Doors; Porch work. Sash. Shutters and Mouldings. FOR SALE Two road horses, rub ber-tired Jenny Lind. rubber-tired sur rey. msrket wagon and six sets of har ness. Call 214 Lincoln street, Stetflton. Bell «X or 6Y. FOR SALE Two cows and one heifer and a dairy outflt. 2017 Yousllng ; avenue. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs ' for sale. Young-Wyckoff strain. SI.OO, per setting—s«.Co per hundred. Also stocr. for sale. Address Elkvlew Poultry I Farm, Speeceville, Pa. ' FOR SALE • LIS We have two Stut* Roadsters. 191*. In perlect condition. Owner* bought touring can. Each sold with our guarantee. Waldron Motor Car Co., 42u North Third street. FOR SALE One Chlckerlng up right piano, rosewood oase. almost new; cost. SSOO, now $249. Termi, SIO.OO down. SI.OO per week. Winter Piano Co., SS North Fourth street. FOR SA I.E One Wessell upright piano. Riahtigany case, good condition; cost S3OO, now $1.89.60. Terms, $6.00 down. SI.OO per week. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FOR SALE One Arion upright I piano, mahogany rase, (food condition: cost SBOO. now $139.50. Terms. 16.00 down. SI.OO per week Winter Piano FOR HALI, 1 will sell two coops S. C. White Leirhorns 10 hens jnd a cockerel for sl2. Guaranteed traki nested from D. W. Young strain. I'aui McDevltt Marietta, Fa. Co.. :> North Fourth street. FOR SALE One Bradbury upright piano, eborilxed case, just overhauled; cost $576, now sll9. Terr.is. $6.00 down. J0 per week. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FOR SAKE One Story A Clark piano, walnut case, good aa new, per fect condition; cost $450, now $l9B. . Terms, $7.00 down, SI.OO per week. Win ter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FOR SALE One Harley-Davidson single motorcycle, free engine, tandem, nearly new tires: just overhauled; worth SIOO.OO. What Is offered? Apply mornings, 3019 Locust street, Pen brook. PUBLIC SALE. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915. at Dauphin, Pa., property of R. A. Simmons. Entire household furnish ings. all kinds: lot of antique goods, lot of relics and curiosities. FOR SALE About 75 yards of hall carpet; In excellent condition. Cost originally, $.'.00 per yard. Will sell verv reasonable. Address P. O. Box 595. Harrlsburg. Pa. FOR SALiE 1914 Ford Touring Car. ; equipped with seat cover. Klaxon horn and Presto Light; new tires; car as good as new—s3so. Apply Metz Sales Co., Seventeenth ana Swatara streets. FOR SALE Toledo Scales. Com puting 30 pound capacity, drum shape (Blue) selling price 5 to 66 cents. Uaed but a short time Cost $140.00. Will sacrifice. Inquire J. M. Shatter, 629 South Sixteenth street, Harrlsburg. Pa. i Bell 2293 J. i FOR SALE Private family wishes Ito sell piano In good condition. Very reasonable. Good reason for selling. Address K. G.. care of Telegraph. ! ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be ; secured at the Telegraph Business \ Office. | FOR SALE lce cream tables and chairs, new style mahogany wall case, I orange ade machine. Apply L. Silbert, [ 1542 North Sixth street. ! FOR SALE —AT GABLE S, 112. 115 ; and 117 South Second stieet. 5,000 gal ! lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme i quality. All the full line of the Acme ; make. ! FOR SALE Jennlng strain Indian Runner Duck Eggs for hatching, SI.OO per setting. $7.00 per hundred. Stock also for sale. Elkvlew Poultry Farm. Speeceyllle, Pa. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each slx-tlme order for a classified ad. if paid in advance, inquire at Office of ! Telegraph. i I FOR RENT FOR RENT Second floor room 3.700 quare feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at 1 premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. OFFICES FOR RENT I FRANKLIN BUILDING, LOCUST I ANIJ COURT STS All outside rooms | —city steam heat elevator and jani tor service reasonable rentals. Mil ler Brothers & Co.. Opp. Post Office. FOR RENT Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable for storage or light manufactur | ing purposes. Inquire J. Rlioads, Cowden and Forster streets. atislNLbS iJPlUK'l'li .V ITlk.s OHIO MANUFACTURER wll be In Harrlsburg for a few davs only to close a general agency for one of the best fast-selling, staple repeat order articles on the market. Is new to this territory and is backed by first-class endorsements. Will stand righi in vestigation. Agency should net a good, wide-away man about s2su per month This is strictly a legitimate proposi tion and is not a household article To one who can make a small investment and is capable of appointing or hand ling others and can fulfill these require ments will give an exclusive contract for territory, but want a man not arraid to hustle if well remunerated, if vou are <ust looking for a job with a 'big drawing account attached to it. do not answer this ad„ for only one looking for a permanent business proposition I will be considered. Address, with phone number, if possible, Box F, No. 2259 care of Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newipaperi' experience unnecessary. Send for par" (iculars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lockl oort, N. Y. I HAVE a 5 per cent. Bond for large or small investors that is gilt-edge Free of tax. You know what you are getting. 5 per cent, guaranteed. Bonda in *IOO.OO denominations. Address X 2289. care of Telegraph. 1 , MA ? E $60,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with 15 i bend for free booklet. Telia bow. Has' 1 cock. 856 Lockport, N. Y. CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE Well equipped good loca tion rent reasonable. Also good gro cery store for sale at inventory Full Infoimation at our offices. Bell Realtv Co., Bergner Building. a " y BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Grose Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market ■treet Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone ordera given prompt attention Bell 1960. HAULING H. XV. LATHIS, Hoarding Stable aa« National Transfer Co. Movers of planoa, Mhi. boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2603 R. CONTRACTORS AND BIILDERs ! Penn Construction Co., of Harris- I burg. Pa . Contractors and Bulldera. i Reinforced concrete a specialty. Esti mates furnished free. J. C. Pastor. 122 Hoerner Street, President. AWNINGS Place your order for Awnings with us now. We do up holstering of all kinds aud carpet work. Jos. Conllnky. successor to Voll mer, 1208*4 North Third street Bell 8804 J. FREIGHT DRAYAGE, Storage, Ship pers and Distributors of Merchandise of all kinds. Prompt and efficient ser vice. Warehouses on P. n. R. and P. & R. tracks. Montgomery and Co. (Pelpher Line). Tenth below Market street. PIANO MOVING done by experts. Winter Piano Co.. 2$ North Fourth street. Also call Bell telephone 14*. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING | with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best! ! efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. | Cluck, ISO Woodbine street. 1 « Hit AO CATTLE By .4 ssosiaitd I'ress Chicago, 111,, March 19. Cattle—Re ceipts. 11,000; firm; shade above yester days average. Bulk of sales. *6.7»*r «.8o; light. $6.6006.85; mixed, s6.«ofr 6.95; heavy. $«.35®«.86; rough, $6.35# 6.o0; pigs. $5.50®6.70. tattle t'yj steers. $5.8008.65: western. ss.3siSi ..40: cows and heifers, $3.25® 7.75; calves. $7.00(5 10.50. Sheep Receipts. 5,000; firm. Sheep. $..10«J6.15; yearlings, $7.85ify.10; lambs. $7.6009.90. MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. LOANS—SS TO S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street Authorised capital. SIOO,OOO. MONEY TO IX)AN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa. ANY person needing money in amounts from $6 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. STORAGE STORAGE IN 3-story brick bulldlag, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. O. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. FIREPROOF STORAGE WARE HOUSE, divided into private rooms for storage of household goods new buildings low insurance inspec tion Invited. 437-445 South Second street, Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co.. 411 Broad street Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Bids will be received by the Town Council of the Borough of Newport for the laying of a 24-inch sewer on Oliver Street, from Fourth Street to Second Street. 441 feet of 24-inch terra cotta pipe. S4 feet of 24-inch cast iron pipe. 210 feet of 16-inch terra cotta pipe. 3 manholes. 3 Inlets. Council reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. Contract and specifi cations can be had from the under signed. P. G. HERTZ. Secretary Town Council. Bids will close on April 10. 1915, at 7 P. M. — j NOTICE LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Alfred S. Spitler, late of Har rlsburg, Pa., having been granted to tne undersigned, residing in Harrls burg. Pa., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and tnose having claims to present the same without delay. LAURA J. TRITLE. MINNIE SOTTIIARD. Executrices. Or their attorney, FRANK K. ZIEGLER, 18 North Third Street. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CHARTER NOTICE is hereby given that an ap- , plication will be made to the Governor > of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by P. G. Doll, J. F. Householder and F. E. Bailey, on the sth day of April, 1915, under the provisions of an Act of As sembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29. 1874. and the several supple ments thereto, for a charter for an in tended corporation, to be called THE 1 'INDENT HEATER COMPAnY, I the character and object of which is to j manufacture, sell and install Hot Water Heaters, and for these purposes ■ to have, possess, and enjoy all rights. | benefits and privileges by said Act of i Assembly and the supplements thereto conferred. OSCAR G. WICKERSHAM, Solicitor. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of ! Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy. No. I 2870 ln the Matter of Charles E. i Lyter, Bankrupt. The undersigned Trustee will expose ] at public sale, in front of the Court I House. Harrisburg, Pa., on TUESDAY. APRIL 6. 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M„ the following described real estate, to wit: | All that certain tract or lot of land. j situated, lying and being in t*-e Sixth I Ward, City of Harrlsburg. County of j Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to ' wit: Beginning at a point on the west- j ern side of Fulton Street, said point 1 being distant 81 feet 6 Inches, more or less, from the corner of Delaware Ave nue: thence in a westerly direction along the line of lot numbered 1916. 61 feet, more or less, to a 3 feet 6 inches wide private alley thence along said private alley in a southerly direc tion, 13 feet 6 Inches, more or less, to a line of lot numbered 1912; thence along the line of said last mentioned lot in a eastwardly direction 61 feet, more or less, to Fulton Street: thence along Fulton Street in a no-therly di rection 13 feet 6 inches. —>ore or less, to place of beginning. Having thereon erected a two and one-halt-story frame dwelling house, known as 1914 Fulton Street. The above describe] real estate will be sold free and clear of all incum brances. TERMS Ten per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirma tion by the Court. JOB J. CONKLIN Trustee. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF THE BONDS OF THE LINOLESTOWN A BLUE MOUNTAIN STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE Is hereby given to the hold ers of all the oustanding Bonds of the Llnglestown and Blue Mountain Street Railway Company secured by Mortgage dated April 1. 1905. to the Harrisburg Trust Company as Trustee, that in ac cordance with the provisions of the said Mortgage, the said Bonds have been called for payment on or before April 1, 1915, at par. a premium of 5 per cent, and Interest to said date. After the said date. Interest will cease upon all Bonda not presented for pay ment by that time. Holders of the said Bonds may present them at the office of the undersigned at any time after March 1, and receive payment therefor In accordance with the terms above stated. HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. Harrlsburg, Pa.. March 17, 1915. SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until 12 o'clock noon. March 27. v " the undersigned, at hU office. Calder Building, for the con struction of a Fire House on Derry Street, near Twenty-first Street, and for plumbing, heating and electrical equipment for ssld house. Plans and specifications may be seen at the above office. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check, or bond, approved by the City Solicitor, for S2OO. and a final bond of 25 per cent, of the contract price will be required of the success ful bidders to secure fslthful perform ance of the contract. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. M. HARVEY TAYLOR. Superintendent Department of Parks i and Public Property. LONDON'S DECISION STIMULATES MARKET U. S. Steel Heavily Traded in at I Moderate Gain; Specialties in Upward Tendency By .Istocialid Frtss New York. March 19. London's long delayed decision to meet the minimum urices fixed by the New York Stock Exchange seemed to exercise a stimu lat'ng effect at the outset of to-day's 'fval trading. Reading and Lehigh • alley advanced a point with substan lal gain In other actl\ e shares. United Hates Steel was heavily traded in at -i moderate gain, and the. copper group as a whole was at a higher level, while Bethlehem Steel made another high record. Specialties also shared tn the i upward tendency, whloh was attended |by a fair degree of activity. More j gold imports from Canada, were an [ nounced. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York, March 20. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 32 R S 33>* 32% 33% Amal Cop . 55% 5G% 55% 66% Am Bt Sus 41% 42% 41% 42% Am Can .. 27% 28% 27% 28% Am Can pd 93% 94% 93% 94% jAmC&F. 40% 40% 40% 40% lAm Cot Oil 44% 44% 44% 44% Am Ice Sec 28% 29 28% 28% lAm Smelt . 63% 65% 63% 64% Am Sugar . 102% 102% 102 102 ! Am T & T. 120% 120% 120% 120% | Anaconda . 26% 27% 26% 27% Atchison .. 95% 96 95% 96 B& O 67 67% 66% 67% | Beth Steel. 58% 68% 58% 63% Bklyn RT. 87 87 87 87 Cal Petro. . 16% 16% 16% 16% Can Pacific 158 159% 158 159 Cent Leath 33% 34% 33% 84% C&O 41% 41% 41% 41% C. M&StP 86 % 86% 86% 86% C Con Cop. 35% 36% 35% 36 Col F& I. 25% 24 23% 24 Con Gas .. 115% 115% 115% 115% Corn Prod. 11 11% 11 11 Erie 22% 22% 22% 22% I Erie -st pfd 36% 36% 36% 36% ! Gen E Co.. 139% 139% | Gen Motors 101% 102% 101% 102 I Goodrh BF 34% 34% 34% 34% |Gt Nor pfd 116 116 115% 115% jGt N Ore s 32% 32 32% 32% Gug Exp .. 50% 50% 50% 50% I Ins Cop .. 21% 22% 21% 22% j In-Met ... 12% 12% 'in-Met pfd 59% 59% K C So .. 21 21 'Lehigh Val 136 136 1 45% 135% 'ilex Petro. 70% 70% 69% 69% AI.K& Tpfd 27% 27% Mo Pac .. 10% 10% 10% 10% Nat Lead.. 53% 54% 53% 54% N Y Cen.. 83 83% 83 83% j XY.NH& H 52% 53% 52 53% Nor Pac .. 102% 103 102% 103 P R R ... 104% 104% 104% 104% Pgh Coal . 19% 20% 19% 20 Pgh C pfd. 92 92 Pres S Car 28% 28% Rwy Stl Sp 20 .. 20 R C Cop.. 17% 18% 17% 18 Reading .. 142% 143% 142% 143% R 1 & S .. 20 20% 20 20 So Pacific.. S3 % 84 83% 83% So Railway- 14% 15 • •14%'™ 13 iStudebaker 46% 46% Tcnn Cop.. 28% 29 28% 28% Texas Co .. 131% 132 131% 132 Third Ave. 50% 50%' 50% 50% iUnion Pac. 119% 120% 119% 120% [U S Rubber 55*8 58 55 57% U* S Steel. 44% 44% 44V 44% V S'S pfd. 104% 104% 104% 104% [Utah Cop.. 52% 54% 52% 54% xWestUT. 64 64% 64 64% West Mfg.. 68% 68% 68% 65% xEx dlv 1 per cent. * rnonrm Philadelphia. Marcli 19. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red. spot, export. $1.58% @>1.63%; No. 1, Northern, Ouluth, ex port. $1.66'/4 (01.71 %. Corn Higher: No. 2, spot, export, 77#78c; No. 2. yellow, local, > si t^c. Oats Higher; No. 2, whits, 65%® 66c. Bran Firm: winter, per ton, $26.50@29.50; spving, per ton, $26.00® ♦6.80. Refined Sugars Market firm: pow dered. 6.00 c; fine granulated, 6.90 c; con fectioners' A. 6.80 c. Butter The market is steady: western, creamery, extras, 28@29c; nearby, prints, fancy, 32c. 'Eggs The market is weaker; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case: do., curent receipts, free cases. $5.85 per esse: western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $5.85 per case. Live Poultry Weak; fowls. 16® 17% c; old roosters, 11%® 12c: chickens, 14® 17c; turkeys, 15® 17c; ducks, 15® 16c: geese. i2®l6c. Dressed Poultry Firm: turkeys, fancy, 21® 22c; do., fair to good, 18®20c; fowls, heavy, 19®20o; do., average. 16®18c; do., unattractive, 14®15c; old roosters, 14o; broiling chickens, naar bv, 18® 33c; western, 14031 c; roast ing chickens. 170>Oa; ducks. ISOKe: Public Sale of Horses, ■MB* Mules, Cattle, Hogs and 1MB) Farm Implements Monday, March 22d, 12 o*clock Noon, at End of Car Line, New Cumberland, Pa. 22 head of Horses and Mules; 10 head of Milch Cows; 29 head of Hogs, Pigs and Shoats. Wagons, plows, harrows and Dther farm implements. Terms made known at time of sale. JACOB S. HURAgmnt NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. Houses Dress Aprons Jl Direct From Manufacturer to You g Like lllMtrmtlo.—-leely la M ijf,- < W eales of extra «nsll«r —ea«at as* SST7 klu- f,J'; Tn with »«kft —M laches loag. frf j ; / - l Satisfaction guarantaad. Otherwise return goods and !*•. we will refund money. K'.' '■ \ Mall roar av+rr aaw, together with remittance. If-' W stating quantity aad color desired, ta lb. THE D. & S. COMPANY DAUPHIN, PA. "SS.T getae. 10914 C. Potatoes Market weaker; Penn sylvania. per bushel, RonJfßßc: Maine, D«r bushel. 45 0 50c; New Tork. par bushel, 38043 c; Jersey, per basket, SO • 36c. Flour —The market Is firm; winter, clear, 11.104.1*: straights. Pennsyl- T Ja° 0 • 7 9 ** : spring, straights. $7.8507.50; do.. patents. $7.6005.00; westOTTi |4.164V 4.40: patents, s4.»of» 4.75; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, 94.11 ®4.10; sprint, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20; 4*40 <4)004.30; patents, s4.siO H»r The market la weak; tim othy No. 1, large bales, 118.00; No. 1. medium bales, $17,600 18.00; No. 2. dc.. $16.80018.50; No. 3. do., $14.00© H. 00: sls-00O14.o0; no grade, $ll.OO 012.00. JIT.OO 0 17.50; No. 1, do., $l«.00Ol«M; NO. 2, do.. $14£0015.50. CHICAGO BOARD OP TR \DK Chicago. 111., March 19. Board ot Trade closing: Wheat —May, 1.56; July, l.JS'i. Corn —May. 74' i; July, 76 >4- Oats—May. 60%; July, 55. Pork —May, 17.60; July. 13.02. L«rd —May, 10.42; July. 10.70. Ribs—May. 10.05; July, 10.37. PIIII.ADEI.PIIII STOCKS Philadelphia. March 19. Stocks closed higher. Cambria Steel 41 General Asphalt Asked 26 Qenen'l Asphalt. Pfd 6.!\ Tjake Superior Corp Asked 7 Lehigh Navigation 7a»; Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania Railroad 52 7-16 Philadelphia Electric 2.1 \ Philadelphia Company, Pfd 30 Philadelphia Company ....Asked 30 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10V4 Reading 71% Storage Battery 4X*, Union Traction 3S United Gas Improvement S".'» IT. S. Steel 44% Warwick Iron and Steel a >4 For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Company ' MONEY' 1 To Housekeepers, Work- lngmea and Salaried Km> ■ ploje®. 1 LEGAL RATKS EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE Koom Si. 4Ui k'uior bpooner Building wmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmJJ FOR SALE Suburban Homes 3rd St., Riverside $2,800 to $3,300 Do not miss this opportunity to own a home that will increase In value, yes, double itself in the next ten years. They are brick con struction with iron spot brick fronts, bay window, front and rear porches, modern and up-to-date in every way. To see them will con vince you of this fact, also that you will have one of the grandest views unsurpassed in this section of the State. Open for inspection Sundays included. Further par ticulars apply to W. E. MOESLEIN 422 NORTH ST. Bell Phone 1085R River Front Land FOR SALE 25(H) feet of level land facing river, on Mrs. S. M. Bell's farm, just outside of Dauphin. Delight ful aite for permanent home, or summer cottage. Will be sold in lots of 100 feet or more. For terms, prices, etc., apply to DR. W. P. CLARK Room 200. Calder Buildicg 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers