20 SV m\r k - f The Moth Ridding season is at hand and the Basement is ready to help you keep these little gar- w f _ _ OLQ OL/VfXjXjO» VP \IVvV V? j eater s out of your home. Moth-proof garment bags, cedar chips, camphor crystals and other The Subject of Spring Suits on Many Men's Minds . gjLfM} Naturally Great Interest Jjj rn^l Bkv^ To-morrow in Our Assemblage >lJ\> Win - of New Clothes fii |A jjj l\\ • , j ■ fft 1 •* For weeks past we have been planning our Spring stocks of Men's and Voung fii \\ / f/iw ,jl L \ Jm jj , clothes makers, and choosing our lines with care and with the single thought of [J] jl ' U -JJ |! ILr' f making it the most notable showing of Spring suits in the store's history. ' "^"7^ VA\®\vkl ' n How well we have succeeded we leave to your judgment—for we are confi- fj v\ All 11 dent that yon will find it up to your expectations from the different viewpoints J i of latest styles, richest tab-ics, smartest patterns and cleverest tailoring. . rr"*i a ✓-x \ ' Spring Suits show cleverly designed sacks with new lapels and new athletic vests wllltS Iflflt Ollt^ IVfi-ii-'T* • 1t T . • i —models are form-fitting with natural shoulders and patch pockets: r > nmmnnnlar>o q. I . Rich Scotch mixtures and tweeds. Black and white checks. lilt? v^UlIlIIlUIipiaC""" Dmce tllo Upening Pin and chalk stripes worsteds. Finest quality blue serges. * ~ TXrr. 7 7 A/T Ready for Saturday's Shoving sl2.so $15.00 SIB.OO SUQIMQ* J<kA WS 1 S P rin ß' Weight Chesterfield Top Coats OJ~ ana <^oiwt/ Oty/es Ihe Chesterfield a conservative dressy garment tor general, as well as dress wear. We Kverv woman wants to wear clothes that express Larger hats are being shown by the leading New York de- <,10%V llieI " m oxlor(! - ''S ht g re . v anJ black, beautifully tailored and silk lined .. $15.00 to #2.»,00 something of her own individuality that mark her signers, and the special lot of hats just opened arc of this tvpc. BOVS' SDrTTIP' Slllts With F"X"tra n —and that's the reason so Pokes and sailors are two of the most popular shapes. A re'pre- * & * 1 011 many women, season after season, come to us for their sentative display of these late modes will be found in our as- C 00 CO CO new amiarel semblage of popular-priced millinery to-morrow. *PIJ.OU 4J/.OU 1 F Al SS4.O."> large fine straw braid hats with transparent nrvj and u»n tartan checks Blue serge* One Ot the pt incipal tactois ill tile glOWtll of oui brims trimmed with large daisies—shown in sand, blue and outergarment section is our adherence to a standard black. shadow stripes nia,k and white check worsteds of fair dealing—it was on this standard that the store Other large shapes of the sailor type trimmed with wreaths. These are all the latest .Norfolk styles in sizes from 7 to 18 years, with extra pair trousers. was founded tllirtv-six vears ago. flowers and daisies in white and pink, also at $4.95. Boys' light weight Spring coats, in blue serge, black and white check cassimere and worsted. ~ " . . , __ grev mixtures in sizes 2h to 8 vears: also grev and tan Balmacaans. \° garment carries an elastic price; the price a v , .r 1 ■) , \ ' Prices, #:{..10 to $6.50. " ' quoted to you is the price to any other prospective J± chic interpretation of the latest poke bon- ' buyer. net is faced with cretonne over crown and brim "" We want you to join our large circle of satisfied and trimmed with roses in front. Price, $6.50. S??r outergarment patrons, and you will, we know, if you'll * take the time to compare our garments and prices with An extensive showing of attractive hats at $4.9,1, $5.95 those of other stores. f.r-'l s®*so. emphasize the style leadership of these famous 'A. Tuiliors' and Misses' Suits in checks and poplin, lines ot moderate!v priced nullinerv. i'fll • . . . . , . , . J 1 jaunty models with patch pockets and circular skirt New-30 Dozen of the Latest iiWil ... . «i«..>oandsiß.s« IIQiSgESm W Misses and \\ omen s Suits 111 the finest grades of Hemn 1m poplin, gabardine and serge, in good looking severely W tailored modes and in the braid trimmed Prince Chap Medium size shapes in poke effects, saucer brims, brims B styles. Prices are very interestingly moderate and with rolled edges and large sailors in black, blues, green, rose. range from $15.00 to $55.00 dove grey, putty and sulphur. A brand new lot of late hat *!mS v \ shapes in fine hemp received since the opening. ACharming Styles of DreSSeS for Girls Many Lovely Hats for Girls ® Mm fll Sizes Are 6 to u Years jf pf 11 W The style showing of white and colored dresses of the Hundreds of trimmed hats for girls of all ages and misses J 9H fj|P M | better kind is very comprehensive, embracing many styles of in their "teens.' 1 ine qualities of leghorn, hemps, rough / jl j 1W pique and rep frocks for confirmation and party occasions, straws, split milans and panamas, in mushrooms, military tur- / The colored gingham stvles, in sizes 6 to 14 years, are full bans, tam effects, octagon creased crowns, tricornes and many / ■■ 1 of good style at* $2.98 had C ' t% : "' la^e> ' ' le B Teatc<:t showing of the kind we have ever I * anc y plaid gingham dresses with embroidered collar and Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart Millinery Second Floor. euffs and v Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Mens Clothing. Second Floor, Rear. t ' Black Pumps L ead 'n Spring Fashions Mar-h "chinn Neckwear, Shirts, Sweaters and e Sa i lna Boys' Blouse Waists: To-morrow !° P " Qu i te t ' ie ( |jstincti\e st>les in piimps -wc have ever .- t . \i., r rli rhina '' ie showing is comprehensive and covers fully every kind .. .i a secn arc shown in this Easter assemblage. Prices are moderate, ,' " c oi the March Uiina , • ; anneal tr> mmi nf «mod tiste On the Me/- 0 U -I i too, for such smart and dressv effect* ' ; Sale was so pronounced that we re- ot nirnishmgs t m appeal to men oi good taste. Un the Me _ - gret inrushing Spring merchandise zan,ne , f,oor « n the ™ cn s Store 1S to be found the most complete ~ | , Vy i wilif^d^lotrto^^n P»»en. «Nt ana .lull calfskin w ju not permit its continuance assemblage of women s silk sweaters that we have ever shown. ~Hf 1 WJi i i sana cioin tops ana patent Colonial pumps with gun metal fir- . , r - | M !l th ».ith l^thft^" BiVh 8 iVht e w»RL a J n . \°* «"he<i buckles, long vamp laau With through next week. 1 hree late ar- "Broadend'' four-in-hand ties Wide end four-in-hands in ! <^ las * lignt weight welted soles welted soles and trench heels.Sl.OO rival*; in nnen •stork dinner an ... VJEfiJjCZ- fes. JfBS and two-inch French heels ...81.00 KDI'CATOR SHOIS W)R . ' . b . tor men are in plaid. Roman stripes, plaids and solid colors. / I'atcni c«it button shoes with chii.drkx on to-morrow. One hundred y 1 v ' l l^Br r i r ni , ' i fc iV ' l \ , Krey. fawn and black cloth tops. We show these shoes, famous for nieces in French border decoration stripes and figured designs as ■■■ 1 made on narrow plain toe lasts with their foot-form lasts, in four dif- . ,V ] ; i ,j i f- • i • Ft 5 * « - Goodyear welted oak leather soles ferent leathers: patent coltskin Ihe price Will be !f»l-I.(K) instead of well as solid colors. Lxcep- .New arrivals 111 blouse vir \)r Patent colt button shoes, with and higrh spool heels 81.00 gnn metal calf tan willow calf and <sl =! . • , . -, w watst-c in tn 1h vpart ' - . black doth tops made on a medium Paten, colt insu-p strap punips white Xubuck tionalat >oe waists, 111 Sizes tO_lb years veaTwelfed - n . , to #I.OO -JKt; J ban leather heels tjso French hSd« I 8 ?}*,- to . 1 1' to so.oo—and still another is reduced from , , Bovs' neckwear 111 straight imiE 8 ' Dan Katn.i neeis ss.oO trench heels si.so Sirea Imto 2. 82.50 to 83.00 st.so to 85.75. hand ties in plair colors and an d wide four-in-hand stvles. ! " '' v -'•- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floo, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart—Basement. fancy bias and CTOSi 'tripes, " ' - Boys' negligee shirts, sizes Easter Candies and Chocolate Eggs High Grade Enamel Ware at B^'wWwb Xr«.oS Make Their First Peep To-morrow q . , tu ' A 1-1 if is. 1 The Easter Candy showing is completely read in the Base oavings OI a 1 hird to a riali New Styles of Women's Undermuslins For Spring Uient and the delicious Lhocolati and ir<.ai : confections will To-morrow you may choose from a "goodly" assortment of first 1~ in W/ltVl PIAtt/orc mincer Up vour appetite. There are scores Ot chocolate novelties quality enamelware, embracing Berlin kettles, coffee pots and buckets— *—* aill V JJI lWtio 111 ICUC- m 1111 \-J 1 CoUcll 1 luwers . , . ... and Pa>' only 25c. „ ( . , suggestive ot the Easter season and their prices range all the wav instance: l our styles ot, crepe gowns. 111 white with pink or blue hemstitching; pink or blue stripe or from a penny to a dollar and a half. oc Benin keules! capacity! Each !!.'!!!!!!!'.!!'.!'.!!!! j vvhite S rourul wi . th P ink a,,d blue Dresden flowers sl.o<> Marshmailow eggs are, a dozen 100 49c coffee pots. 2-qt. capacity. Each /"j » Crepe combination drawers and Marcella skirt draw ers, with lace edge 5|51.00 Assorted chocolate covered animals .W to 50c IZOC Messaline jersey or taffeta petticoats in circular, tailored or plaited flounce styles, in the sea- Cocoanut cream egirs are 10c a dozen and m&nv others nr*> ° fnr r M . 55fC preser\ int; Kettles, 5-qt. capacity. Kaon _ . ~ • . . . • « t-> . « , - v" '__ and up to 75c a piece. . ot s are . for k. 55c prese rvinff kettles. io-qt. capacity. Kach I son s i«os% desirable shades, including Tipperary and Persian blue $2.95 to $7.50 Whipped cream bitter sweet chocolate coated eggs, dozen. 10c: also 2 40c COVPred buckets, 4-qt. capacity. Each J Cotton petticoats ill tailored plaited or circular flounce Stvles at SI.OO to s^..>o for sc. and up to 10c each. Duntley 1915 Special Combination Vacuum Cleaners with brush at- Orange, lemon and mint paste, lb •»«»<• I'.asement, to-morrow, at the unusually low price Si'i 95 ■ The Best Voile Waists of the Season for $1.95 Assorted chocolates, in pound boxes 2»c ot <l/ tj. .. .. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. \ oile waists with embroid- lace insertion on back and crochet buttons $1.0.1 ered front and back, and or- shoulders and organdie collar. Voile waists with embroid- A Combination Brass Bed Outfit . TT . c -<ic„ ffs ..*t.93 *i ered front of filet lace insertion. Regularly $30.50: Tomorrow, $22.50 ASeaSOn of Pure White Gloves j w4h!trof v e <Sle ro wkh d shadow mim'aTy o "style"°trim med''"with I DlvM ' Pom^0 > F] & or Stewa rt -s!cond A value that you will appreciate at first glance—and one that And Next in Popularity Will Be Black | rz ... m t-< i . ~» ~ »-iii be eagerly bought to-morrow. Orocety IN ews That Will Interest Many a Home $12.50 brass bed. satin finish ..' ] tora f£ te ,Vew g 'ioT" $12.50 box spring V Ami every pair ohiim from such renowned JSk Fancy June peas. 3 cans. I.arge Juicy Florida Roquefort cheese. the l»ure vanilla extract >0 \l•!ttrecc I <COO houses as Trcfounsc. , ... . <loze '' -®«* very finest imported, lb.,.Vie liottl» 'ilk! -tail e 1 A few illustrations of the ploves now in de- Packed tomatoes ; J Golden thin skinned Fancy white Norway Macaroni, 3 long packs , , .. .. J maud: 7. ® ca "? ••••••••• -** Florida grape fruit, se) 0 ma rkerel, smt.ll, firm und K 3-pICCe Library suite in a heavy moulded frame of genuine Trefousae 2-< Usp fflovea of beat quality r»-al T \ 3 cans CUe UO £l , ''' ll.iAv''' u'„«S tender. Special, 3 for t»e Record coirev, a mild mahogany, upholstered in genuine leather $.19.00 ki 'V in bla, k wldc white embroidery and \ , o New asparagus,' taii'ur.s. lemons, do*en ........ i»e i ii. an bricks 0 ..... itl« SWt!O nKl " ff blend - 3-pieCC Library suite in mahogany finish with leather, spring Sand Jftove* in light weUrhl, vVitli bfack J\n Oolden wax beans. 2 "! age'V'fbs^.^each^lb' S . lSe m^iVTor n sulads?'°arge 4 « h i!)i! cions*"after dinner "colvefe" -cat - (I Tv embroidery $1.75 #W J ca "f.- '.V •• • • W* Sugar cured bacon, 24c n, 30,; nHW.W litack. \% hltc ami <-olore<l kid gloves . $l5O TV* WMm I ft m\ alclorr pork and i*>. -No Kippered herring. large Puritv cot Toe. the finest Wing cl,,irs apd rockers in mahogany finished (ram., uphol- '"fliir'"Sn'oii r,.i iiiJS B "" e " h * m ' iiiiiife '°-5™ ™.' X" itered ,n tapestry *I«..W |I\U "S'.W'ia'S Xr'S ,?5 fi,'"*" '£ Keed Chairs and rockers in brown and ivorv finish • with snrinir natural and poaft*. : llftfl lf|| ' c^ ean, J' Maine Country cured dried mayonnaise. extra large Ilersitcy pure' cocoa 2 - ■ mium corn, the finest packed: beef, U lb lOr ans 15«- ibi SSei S lhs seat an ctmlortable cushions. A special value at #7.0."» WasliaMe «'hamol- doxen 91.70 Minced ham. lb -Oc Chlnon* salmon *t-L-k. Santa Clara * nieaty Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. «e«e doves at . "''O. \\ hean, ten,l« '.nrt ih ° y , - onKhorn cheese 'artfe flat c.yis . JN» priines, : lbs -5e •>V. «n \Bn 5 '«— i l neans, tenaei ana aweet. lb Uosednle Itakiiiß chcH*t»- New choice poaches 3 l * Cr' can, 18c» 6 cans 75e Pimento cheese, lb . ,27e late, 'i lb. cakf I3e ibr *;n c 4 . FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH "* MARCH 19, 1915.
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