14 fr ; vyV^iV^aY'V, STARUL.BARGAIN SALE Women's Handkerchiefs Voile Waists Spring Curtains r floral Wreaths Men's Night Shirts Men's Underwear ' 18c tine linen handker- 3 style voile waists; regu- §I.OO and $1.25 lace cur- Wreaths of dainty .flowers SI.OO light weight cambric, 89c Egyptian cotton rib chiefs; J*-inch hem. gQj» larly SI.OO. CQ r tains; ecru and white >Vi Owing to the extraordi- for trimming hats; values longcloth and muslin night bed union suits; fleece Tuesday, 5 for Tuesdav WC yards long. Tucs- fi Q- nary character of the bar- to. $1.50. g9c fiQr """•Srft"™"' Dlv " RZrp.V""- <la il • V :" lA gains to be offered tomor- Tues<li '- 1 Tnesdav ®9c 1 __ ____51. 6.1 bamboo and beaded . Dives. Pomcroy & strwart. Dives, Pomcroy .« Stewart f Curtains, difiereilt colorings row we Will not sell any Ot Millinery. Second Dives, ronwrov & Stewart. Umbrellas Step Ladders !, or d f° rwa - v? - 69 c the advertised items by * J SI.OO American taffeta 08c six-foot step ladders 1 ucsday mail > te ephone or C. O. D. I Girls' Dresses 1 ' J J— v I Chi dren's Underwear 1 water proof umbrellas; for with pail shelf. fiQ Dly *'- F f™"h& r at ™* Tt - The items Dresented at Spring and Summer styles Laundry Soap Children's 75c white wool men and women ; good as- Tuesday WC 11— Ihe items presented at P R s] $1 EXTRA SPECIAL union suits. Tuesday, two sortment of handles. 09 c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, —! 77 N f represent many of the dresses, sizes 12 and 14; ex- 20 cakes Proctor and tiam- suits CQ. I uesday hction, 6 9c choicest savings the store ceptional bargains 69c ' ) ' CS • y<a P' lt ' la soa P- 69c for I Dives. Values to $1.40. has ever announced for in Tuesday I uesday 20 for .. . Dlves Pomerov & stcwart v Umbrella Stands ' ! 1C e y'' f * Tar< i en - a one-day sale. I Dives Pomerov ft Stewart, I I Dives, Pomerov 4- Stewart. I V Street Moor. j / v AO I • • , , The Ordeal. 3 ' Second Floor. Baseine.it. ' Embroideries on A lace, "«£<»■ G.nghams-Pongees ' —— . ' Women's Vests ■} SI.OO to SI-50. 4.i-inch Tuesday Pidgin Island 12'/, c dress ginghams in Wash Boilers Mens Shirts 39c white cotton ribbed Swiss embroidery flouncing; Dtv ... Pomerov * Stewart. The Titan checks, stripes and solid $1.19 extra heavy wash . SI.OO blue and dark grey vests; fleece lined; sleeveless open work, scalloped edges. % The Upas Tree. shades. Tuesday. fiQ. boilers with wood gQ c flannel shirts, collar at- and short sleeves. gQ . - 69C Tuesday. 3 for si 00 18 inch net ton -ill- Gas Lamps Sagebrush and manv other 39c pongee, 30 inches wide. . sl.lO laigc 1 •••••••• Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart. 3>i.uu i»-incn net to|) an- » 1 'P° . , ° _ • _ . .. - r ,,«cri-.,. s*r\ -,« li ,- a iK 35c blue chambrav shirts, street Floor over laces; white and ecru. $1.98 Solar inverted white ' ' " 69c , a rfl . fnr 69c T„„ e ,i ? v' 69c collar attached. ' Tuesday. CQ r enamel gas lamps, ftQ da - 4>a . ... ... . Tuesday, 3 for OUC ; ~ —; s vard complete. Tuesdav. Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men S HOSierX Street Floor. Street Floor. Basement. Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, .. , Dives, Pomeroy <<• Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. __•—^ ~' t Street Floor. black Sills lisle hall llose ; / ' seconds of 25 c quality; — v ; —7777 A Great Combination 1 Drug Sundries Spring Hat Shapes . b Women S Gowns OW a Pitcher One Red CroB.H Sufct, R««or .. I A °" e ,arKC t«l« UentaM Several hundred split Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Nainsook or crepe gowns; decorated wash bowls _ , ; . jvp cream Sll Swiss straw shapes and street Floor. - , in ,l nitrliffs r* A One Safety Razor Bia<le 4rti<-i»s I*" Colgate's Taknnu ArtH-les mi i -n J c \ ■ i v trimmings oi lace or em- anu pitcners. ( gQ c Kor SBBL <i»e cake coUcatos Co-Co soap. I For silk and silk and fancy braid broidery edge; tucked band 1 uesday One .stick siiaving r*r\ S<Zt * Co ' K,,tcs VJO,et />q turban and sailor shapes; ' W 'N ' 1 and ribbon finish. Regular- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. One Bo* Colgate's Taleum ly SI.OO. 69c v t.as.-ment. One Bot. Colgate's Toilet Water jar Cold Cream]!.'!!!! -* an >' i ucS(la - V 69c - $ , 1 .' OO tllrc:ul llk llOSC: Tuesday at fashioned feet; black, tan Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Salt Cn*Pt yards Ot _. , v -> Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. ' ,r '- ,lz< -• 69c , in , SI.OO u,/v V ' QB ° waterproof g Everstick Rub- 50c black silk lisle hose; / ! sl 'it cases; 24 inches bleached muv ■.* 1 ~ r . fashioned feet, 'l ues- CQ. Women s Chemise long. 69c lin: 36 inches i>ers, 69c Dress Loods dav > pair f or Kjuc Envelope chemise with 1 uesday ; -ide 69c for I I $1.25 black pebble crepe ;I | Dives, pomeroy stewart, embroidery edge and ribbon Dives, Pomeroy «• Stewart. lor ' 'street Floor. •' , 4 inches wide; all wood. v / trimming. Regular- » Basement. 'I uesday, ■» $1.60. Tuesday yard Damask and Towels Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Market Baskets I I Furniture, 69c r/ • c•# II ' ,re "cj l seige,42in-l I -q c c j a I L second Floor. _ DfISR«S _ Umon Suits ches wide; all wool. (J9 C mask . 04 jllches widc . fine nr , mm bastcets. 69c 2to a customer One of the 25c black satine; ,n- } „ q O-Cedar Mops 1 uesday ... white cotton ribbed union ches wide. Tuesday, gg c fof D " C 75c O-Cedar mops and 25c . folding iron- 09c u«es cai >aig 4 yards ]oc re( i border buck bottle O-Cedar polish- ing boards. Tuesday, over offered. suits; medium 09 Q 01v es. Pomeroy * stewkrt. towels; 18x36 inches; good the two Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I Special weight. Special .... 4 .-tip t 1 lour. n-picrht • «nhif»i*t tn mill im- C U«7C Basement. I f ' ... _ _ lor v v 1 \ perfections, lues- gQ Dives. Pomeroy &- Stewart, \ """""""""""N r a Linen Sheeting day, dozen > L__l_ Art Needle Work White Ratine English Nainsook Fountain Syringes 90c linen sheeting ; 2y 3 Dlves ' s?reet'°lnoor Stewart ' N $1.50 to $1.75 stamped SI.OO white ratine; for $1.25 English nainsook; 10 Red rubber Challenge yards wide; extra quality ' Big Corset Values dresses; 6-vear size; with skirts and dresses,'so inches yards to the piece; 36 inches two-quart fountain syringes. for dresses and skirts. PffloW Cases American Lady. C-B and floss to complete gg c wide. Tuesday, g9 c wide: boxed. g9 c Regular price 1.00. QQ C Tuesday, g9 c bleached pil- Warner's low. medium and Tuesday .......... yard Tuesdav yard cases; scalloped edge hisrll bust corsets: sizes I*s Stamped royal society Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. j ;„u;-iI P ,I • not -ill initial's » . . • , m waists in Oackao"es with Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. ailtl llllliaieu , 1101 ait linudis. to 36. Regnlarlv SI.OO to waists in packages, wun v v v v 1 Tuesday /?Q„ $2.00. None ex- CO f floss and patterns to com- / pair...! O:,C changed. Tuesday.. plete. T ,csday ' 69 cI I Men's Shirts I J Wash Fabrics I I Hair Switches I I Dress Silks I | pom. Roy stewart. i .Sim vJ"" " ' SI.OO fine French flannel 15c t'ialatea cloth on navy 24 to 26-inch wavy hair Our regular 89c quality * ' I cLn f D,ve '- collar . ]s Tuesday. fi Q switches, regularly sold at black messaline; 36 inches n j Q nrpa J. exchanged. OQ C _J QnW fiQ 12 yards for OI7C $1.25. CQ r wide. Tuesday CQ C tied dpreaas ues a - 1 ' \ Tuesday OafC g c Lancaster gingham, Tuesday yard « SI.OO bed spreads, crochet DlTe '- Se«nd o> Floo'r. teWart ' Men's Neckwear sl.oo'pleated shirts; white lengths Of 3to 9 yards. DU-W. Pomerov & Stewart. ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. style and hemmed; good size Two 50c wide flowing-end and stripes of black, blue and I uesday, 1- yards g 9c < ~ ' I \_J and quality from our regular , . N four-in-hand ties; new ar- helio. sizes 13j'i to 69c for I ~ \I s oc ' < 69c I Spring Fabrics rivals recently. 69 C 18 1 ucsda - v Dives. Pom . ro\ & Stewart. I Furniture Accessories | Fancy Linens Dives', Pomeroy & Stewart, $1.50 fancy, silk and wool I uesday, 2 for .... Dives, Pomeroy a Stewart. V ' Uee °° r ' 98c chair cushions. CQ r Luncheon linen napkins; poplin. 40 inches wide, blue. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ——J + * % Tuesday usually $2.25 a dozen, 14x14 + —i Indian and brown. go c , , < > 69c Shoes 49c "hair cushions. CQ r I inches square. Tuesday, I | Challies and Muslins s?so"'silk a creue 40 inches N Infants' Wear 50 pair women's $1.50 and Tuesday one-hall dozen gQ c 5c challie in Persian de wide" Tuesdav, Serving Trays Tnfants' short dresses of $2.00 shoes; all to gQ c 98c silkfloss pil- g9 c L,'^'drawn''work lap- sign; for comfort coverings, vard ... ...... C $1.25 serving trays in ma- nainsook or lawn; lace or 4. Tuesday ....... WC lows. uesday . ■ ™ Tuesday, 20 yards g9 c 35c half wool challis; pink hogany frames, with ere- embroidery trimmed. Slight- 36 pair misses' $1.2.-> and 4 ( »c tabourettes, 69c m ttch • 18x54 scarfs and 30x f °on " "it," "'l'*" *n self col and.law figured designs. tonne filling and glass ly soiled. None exchanged. $1.50 lace . shoes; not all uesday. 2 for W shains io" 20c silk niusl mm self col- Tuesdav. fi Q r tops. gQ c Regularly $1.50 to gQ sizes. 69 C 6 9 C ! 69c or figures. 1 uesday, g 9c 6 yards Di,C Tuesday °^ C $3.95. Tuesday .... 057 C Tuesday [uesday each Pome'rov'a Stewart Dive.«, Pomerov «- Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy «- Stewart, Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart, Divas, Street Floor. ——_— street Floor. Tiiiril l''loor. Second Floor. street floor, ■« J / V. * * i —* ' —— ————^^ Special Committees Start Work For Big Celebration in First Week in August Special to The Telegraph Wormleysburg. Pa., March 15.—Ai meeting of the executive committee of | the coming centennial celebration was: held on Saturday evening and the fol- i lowing committees appointed: Special committee, the Tlev. O. B. . Kenshaw and Ebner Vance. Finance committee: P. C. Coble, J. ] ]>. Hippie, William Evans, H. Q. I Knier and C. H. Favorite. Decoration committee: W. H. Ben nett. William Mutch, V. Kister, E. F. Arney and H. R. Boose. Kntertainment committee: W. S. Coble, K. P. Hummel, E. L. Wan laugh, Rolla Sparrow and J. W. Neid tiammer. The committee decided to hold the centennial during three days, begin ning Sunday. August 1, with special services in the churches on the first , <lay. It is the aim of the committee! to secure the oldest living former min- ; isters to preach in their different j i hurches. continuing the celebration j Monday and Tuesday. A meeting will | be called later to appoint other com mittees. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the firo company will hold a parcel post sale i Saturday, March 27. Try Telegraph Want Ads i MONDAY EVENING, MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to right, J. Fred Hummel, chairman; A. J. Wright, L. F. Baker, Einwood B. Wanbaugh and Ralph ' C. Shrack. i ! Bryan, at Atlantic City, Refuses to Pose Sunday Special to The Telegraph j Atlantic City, March 15.—Grim of J face as he stalked Chelseaward by way Inf the Boardwalk yesterday morning, I I before most of the 60,000 Lenten visl | tors had yet consulted the breakfast | menu. William Jennings Bryan drew | the line on newspaper photographers' on a Sunday. Half a dozen camera ! men besought the Secretary of Slate Ito remove his familiar slouch hat.. ; pulled well down over his eyes, hastily | | explaining it would make possible a | much better picture. Secretary Bryan refused, almost! BARRISBURG s££& TELEGRAPH tcurtly, adding that he had never posed I for a photograph on a Sunday and ' did not Intend to break his rule. AN EVENING THOI'GHT Kind word* produce their own image in men's souls, and a beau l tiful Image it is.—Pascal. STQUGH "TRIPPERS'" ! CMPLETIK PLANS | Chorus Will Be Seated in Taber- 1 nacle Loft; Good Seats For AH Charles F. Clippinger, director of ; the Harrisburg evangelistic chorus, this morning announced that he has completed arrangements with Pro fessor Spooner, musical director for Dr. Henry W. Stough, the evangelist, for the seating of the llarrlsburg sing ers when they attend the tabernacle services at lyancastor to-morrow night, j The Harrisburg evangelistic chorus | will occupy the same position on the j platform at Lancaster as in the Har- | rtsburs tabernacle. Persons not be- ( longing to the chorus who go on the j trip will be seated on the platform , back of the chorus. ! Final plans for the trip of the Har- . rlsburg chorus and others to j ter to-morrow night will be completed • at a meeting of the chorus to-night in | Ridge Avenue Methodist Church, Herr I and Sixth streets. The songs to be I sung at the Lancaster tabernacle will I MARCH 15, 1915. be thoroughly rehearsed. Mr. Clippinger announced this morning that no arrangements have I been made to sell identification checks j good on the "Stougli special" train at. the Pennsv station. These checks must be bought in the following sta tions: Fountain Grocery Store, Mul berry and Perry streets; Central Book Store, dotterel's book store, Sohell's seed store, Thirteenth and Market streets; grocery stores of G. E. Runkle, i Siate and Lynn streets; S. K. Harris, I 1027 Xorth Sixth street; S. T. Kin singer, Fourth and Woodbine streets, I Hnd the McCurdy drug store, Steelton. M'KEKSPORT MILL RESUMES I More Thnn 8(10 MPII Affected by Re opening of Sheet Metal Plant Special to The Telegraph Pittsburgh, Pa., March IB.—After an almost complete shutdown of sev eral weeks, the W. Dewees Wood Mill, of the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company, at McKeesport, resumed operations In full, with the exception : of one mill this morning. The resump | tlon of operations In full affects more i than 800 men. I CASTOR IA For Infmtsflnd ChiMrm. Bears the , /<rA "JT i Tho Kird You Have Always Bought lgn of ture ; Palmyra Woman Sues For $5,000 Damag I Harvey E. Knupp, attorney in I Russ building, will go to Lebanon t ' week to take part In a slander t against Frank Mo.ver, of Palmyra, fl In the Lebanon county courts by ft Carrie M. Eshcnower, also of I myra. According to the papers filed Ma told untruths, injuring Miss Esh ower's reputation. Moyer is alleged have reported In Palmyra that he i Miss Eshenower with a certain I myra barber In the Commonwei Hotel, this city. According to S Eshenower. these stories have lnju her reputation. She conduots a ' men's furnishing business in Palm; Mr. Knupp, associated with Eug D. Segrlst, is attorney for Miss Esh ower, who is the daughter of Ja Eshenower, a farmer of near Obei The case Is to be heard before Ju Henry. Five thousand dollars are e ed for In the suit.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers