[EITHER PHONE REACHES THE TELEGRAPHCLASSIHEID MPARTMENT| DIED rTIOKS Frank Atticks. on Sunday.; March 14. 1915. at 11:30 P. M . at the homo of his daughter. Mrs. David Smith, back of Boyd's Mills, aired ot > ears. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at o'clock, from his late residence. Scr ies in I". H. Church at Oberlin. at - M. Burial Oberlin Cemetery. The laii\es and friends are invited to at nd without further notice. I.OST LOST Sunday afternoon, gold bead cklace. on either Crescent. Swatara. immel. Berryhill. Seventeenth. Derry Mulberry streets Reward if return to 54" Crescent street. Bell phone ;M. * LOST New "Crusader" bicycle, aster brake; gray frame, trimmed th purple and red: spring saddle, nder return and receive reward. No estions asked. 224- Penn street. LOST Friday, probably or Mar t Square, gentleman's silver watch, •ward If returned to Pierre Mather, 3 State. ropxp FOUND The way to end your •anins and dyeing worries, by calling her phone for Steam uye ? and Frencn Cleaning Works, 1-45 trket street. Wo call and deliver. 1110.1' WANTED —Malo pHOCSANDS of chauffeurs will be Eilofl within three or four months In > citv of llarrlsburg for public tax»- vorvice. Prepare yourself at once. ike«appli< ation for training to Auto ansportation Machine Shop, • and • rth Cameron street. Harrisburg. t'a. 11 and unlimited course, $05.00. Both ones. i 30 0 Ken Wanted | join our Pressing Club—Your Suits ■amed and pressed and kept in shape • one dollar a month t4 suits a, •nth». This Special Price is for 6 •nths onfv. See us now and save i inev. Drop us a card and e witi II " The 2»th fentury Cleaning am. j eing Works. Market street, above ; lace Confectionery, fcam Adelatein.; IT. | k\" \NTED Special canvasser by I. reliable Tea and Coffee Company.) Might salary proposition, with excel-| it chance of promotion. Must be oer'emed and able to produce re- j t s Address X.. J2T3. care of Tele- ; »pii. .J iVANTED Experienced farm hand ' place near Harrisburg. Man must own housekeeping and he capable o. king after things in general, only , >se with recent farm experience. ■ jer. reliable, and willing to work, •m hours need apply. Please state I 1 particulars with reference. Address ; x S. l'2T6. care of Telegraph. iV ANTED Representative for Har- ' burg territory. Automobile supplies. { well Equipment Co.*. Pittsburgh. 1 a. _ iINTF.H* 4M) 1* Vl'Kllll AMiER* H\NTBD sell wall paper from sample books, j > are tv.e largest wholesale wall j i»er house in Central Pennsylvania ; I carry the largest line of cheap and ! dium-prived papers on the market. . > attribute our success to our low • es, prompt shipments, and fair deal-. :s. l.et us send you our 1?13 line of' uples on approval. Write to-day to : narch Wall Paper Co., 4-0 Market j eet. Harrisburg. Pa. i IRJIT OF UNITED STATES. MEN; VNTED. Ablebodied. unmarried men ween ages of IS and 33; citizens of 'ited States of good character and nperate habits, who can read 1 -write the English language. Fori ormation apply to Recruiting Officer., ■ener Building. 3d ft Market Sts . 4S N. Queen St.. Lancaster: Pire St.. Williamsport: 37 W. Mar : St.. York, or 113 Independence St..' iniokin. Pa. VANTED Paperhanger. at once. ; plv to C 3. M. Moore. SIS Capital j eet. ' IIIO"' CFTTERS on Children's Shoes, rling Shoe Co.. Williamsport, Pa. IKN WANTED to become practical lufTcurs and mechanics. As opportu- j y affords students will be given : m.j while learning to earn 30c an :r on overhauling w.ork. Make ap ■ations at once. Special course for i ie». Day and night schools. Auto . insportation School and Machine i >o. 3-T North Cameron street. V ANTED. AT ONCE Two appren- ' ?s to learn paperhanging. Bodmer, j North Third street. AGENTS WANTED .GENTS WANTED—Mcr, and women sell household a. ticle needed in I ry home. Large rroflts. Don't f this opportunity. I'harl-P.ho Co lor:'! Market Square. Room 23. ■S M.ESMEN WANTED VANTED Salesman for Dayton ; less Tires. Eight thousand miles, iranteed on Ford size tir--s. Give ex- •' ience P. O. Box 1697. Pittsburgh. , HELP U \\TKD—Female WANTED Girl to assist in grocery j re; stat age and experience. Ad ss H.. -167. care of Telegraph. i* ANT ED Udv solicitors well ac- 1 inted in city.. Apply at Collins Co., I North Second street. • A Beautiful Ali=Year Home="ln Bellevue Park Twenty-first Street and Hillside Road This beautiful home is now ready for inspection. In design. arrangement and workmanship it Is an architec tural gem, and will be completed, even to grading and seed ing the lawn: everything epic and span. Surrounded as it is by other beautiful homes, this is one of the very choicest locations in the cltv. yiILLERBROTHERS&CO. OSpM:. 0 S pM:. " MONDAY EVENING, . HELP WANTED—FemaIe W ANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Good, strong, reliable, girl, or middle-afcd woman, for gen eral housework slid to assisV with in valid woman. Apply at once, 107 South i Second street. WANTED White girl, or for general housework. Apply 3003 Riverside Drive. .| WANTED —'Experienced saleswomen for Gloves and Laces. Must have good experience. Apply to Mr. Greene, main floor. Astrich's. j WANTED Settled white woman ti j do cooking and general housework in I house located just outside of city along trolley line: no washing: reference re- | luired. Address Junior, Harrisburg j Telegraph. j WANTED—Railway Mail and Postal Clerks: examinations soon: over 1,000 appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 13. of payment after! appointment. Philadelphia Business i College; Civil Service Dept. Philadel ■ phia. Pa. WANTED A white woman for ' cooking and housework. In an apart- ! | ment. Call, or address. 120 Market! street, third floor. BILLY si' v nAT'S MESSAGE and In ternational Bibles. We want several \ Men and Women to help distribut. 1 time may be used. Get our terms. Wholesale Supply House, 25 i North Third street, top. ' ' ! ILELP WANTED—MaIe or Female i ; ' GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS will i be held for clerks, stenographers and ! t typewriters at Harrisburg on April 5. ] : Men an<i women eligible. Demand for male stenographers greater than sup- . | ply. Women making high grade stand | excellent chance for appointment. Sal : .tries. $?00 to $1,200. Write for sample • examination prepared by former Civil I Service Examiner. Congressional Civil Service Institute. 924 Seventeenth , street. N. W.. Washington. D. C. SIT CAT ION WANTED—:.iaIe WaNTED Colored man wants po sition as cook, private or public. Ad dress X.. 2277. care of Telegraph. WANTED By young colored man. j position as chauffeur, oi any kind of housework. Address 37 North Summit i street. | WANTED By young colored n an. ! position as chauffeur by April 1: refer ences. Address G. M-. 616 Forstet' ' street. j WANTED Position as collector; i can furnish good reference. Call, or ; address. I. L W. 1636 North Fifth | i street. a FIXATIONS WANTED —Female . j WANTED Bookkeeper and steno- j i grapher. experienced in general office work: state business and salary. 11. j i D. S.. P. O. Box 25, Hill Station. ! j WANTED —By white girl, general j (housework: can furnish reference. Ad j dress 319 Briggs street. City. | j WANTED Young woman would j ' like general housework, or work bv the ; day. Call, or address. No. 1005 North j j Third street. j i WANTED —White girl wants gen ' oral housework. Apply 319 Briggs. , WANTED Half-grown colored girl I j desires position as child's nurse, or j , dish washing. Call, or address. I*3l , North Seventh street. WANTED • Housekeeping for i widower, bv white woman, small fam ; ily. Apply' 4o West Allen street. Me j i hanicsburg. Pa. WANTED Dressmaker will sew by i the Oav or take sewing home. Address I C. 2270. care of Telegraph. j WANTED Position by reliable ' young woman, with eight years' ex- i : perience clerical, cashier and book- , I Keeping: reference furnished. Address Box 2272. i are of Telegraph. j ! WANTED —By colored woman, day's • work for Thursday and Friday or Mon- j <lav and Tuesday of each week. Ad- I | dress 637 Forster street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo- i I man. with child 9 years old. would like 1 • u position as housekeeper. Address ' ' '.•11 North Nineteenth street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR*SALE Desirable building lots ' In tlu Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth. Schuylkill end Atlas streets, j An opportunity for a builder or real j ' estate dealer to secure well located . ' property for development purposes. Ad dress L. No. 1557. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE No. 3520-"3:2 North | . Sixth street, two 2 J .4-story frame, houses, new: r.ll improvements: steam j heat; granolithic walks. Inquire : Shreiner's Store, on premises. Take R. i | V. car. i VACANT HOUSE at Washington [ I Heights for Sale corner property —• ! s rooms bath gas electric light \ '—furnace large porch lot. 58x140. j | Little cash needed. Bell Realty Co., . ' Building HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Dauphin «ouse and lot. Hoube. 24x60. three atorie». 10 rooms. 3 i large halls; modern improvements. Very low price to quick buyer. Inquire R. A. Simmons. Pottsvllte Fa. FOR SALE Several homes in Pax tang. Will exchange for Allison Hill real estate. 1412 Berrvtvill Is being of fered very cheap. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. , i I | FOR SALE A corner plot on i j Deny street, close to town, with 120 ft. of paving; drive alley in rear; slie, j ,20x120 Tee:. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. IS ACRES—level one mile north east of Harrisburg 2 1 ~-story brick, j dwelling —>B rooms "frame bank : barn sand soil A No. one truck I ; farm. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and I Walnut streets. FOR SALE City and suburban 1 homes and home sites—first-class busi i ness propositions. Kough. Brightbill I & Kline. Sixth and Reily. Both phones, j FOR SALE Several properties at ; jan attractive price with little cash needed. Now is the time to buy. Con- i sider it and get particulars. Bell Realty I i Co.. Bergner Building. , , 42 N. EIGHTEENTH ST. Corner! i, property 3-story brick 8 rooms, i bath and furnace porches lot. 16' x7O immediate possession. i ! 621 N. Fifteenth St. Corner 2 l s- j i story frame S rooms, bath and fur nace—lot, 24x93. BRINTON-PACKER CO. ! Second and Walnut Sts. ; FOR SALE BARGAIN. BARGAIN in Lots. South Thirteenth street, within "ighteen-minute walk to Market : . Square, for quick, cash prices; 126 feet front $273. Others higiier. Only eight ; lots. Act quickly. Walter H. Cum mings. SOS Kunkel Building. City. I TWO STEELTON HOUSES at a very | low price lot, 40x100 corner prop erty drive alley on rear. Inspect 1 i these houses. Nos. 323-327 South Front : 1 street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ! ing. ' REAI, ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT —— j FOR SALE OR RENT A few de sirable houses at White Hill, with all > improvements; lot. 35x119. Apply W. | H. Snook. 334 Kelker street. ————————— Real Estate For Sale or Erchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 1 FARM 214-story frame dwelling —• 6 rooms located on Jury street. High- | spire stable on rear lot. 68x116 i granolithic walks gas electric i light. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and ! I Walnut streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT First floor of building northwert corner CT Court and Crau- • berry. Apply on premises. FOR RENT Houses with all Improve | nients at moderate rentals. J. U. Glpple, 1261 Market street. FOR RENT ! CAMERON EXTENSION COTTAGES Several very desirable seven and I | eight-room tirick houses with furnace j , —bath front porch and lawn. $14.1 • sls and sl6. Miller Brothers & Co. i FOR RENT Furnished house. 1824 ! } State street, 3-story brick. 8 rooms and i bath, rent reasonable, on or before 1 1 April 1. Inquire at above address. i FOR RENT Three-story brick j house: southern exposure: all convent- | ences: hardwood tloor; steam heat: in-j | stantaneous water heater; two bath- ! ■ rooms; lavatory and pantry. Possession | iin thirty days. Apply at promises, 17.3 i j North Second street. FOR RENT—Two family house with 1 i improvements and one acre of land, at Lawnton. Rent, $25. J. K. Gipple, 1251 Market street. | FOR RENT 2217-19 Atlas avenue, i -It-story bricks; front porches; side i entrance; gas and electricity; range; i ! furnace. Snug little home. Kough. j ; Brightbill & Kline. Sixth and Reily ! streets. FOR RENT No. 205 West State i .street: three-story brick: city steam. I etc. Inquire 1904 North Second street. , Bell phone 2254 R. Al'.\RT.Mfc.' IS FPU KEN £ APARTMENT FOR RENT Second ! I floor, five rooms and bath, bav window. | | a" improvements, at 1408 State street ! ! McDANIEL'S APARTMENTS Fur-i I nished complete two delightfully 1 » large second floor front rooms, for I l light housekeeping bath gas ! ; range closet meter bells let j ter box. 1417 Market street. FOR RENT jm- Apartments. 4 rooms. I i kitchpnette and bath, second floor, elec- ; trie light, gas and city vapor heat. Ap j ply dwelling 222 Locust street. run RENT First flat in Potts ' j Apartment, corner Third and Herr j ; streets; six rooms and bath: all street! i rooms. Apply Potts' Drug Store. j IIOFSEKEEPING APARTMENT Vav ! window front on Locust street; 'tiled ! entrance: tiled bath; locker; hall i phones: fully equipped kitchen. Apply ' Penn'a Realty ft Improvement Co., 132 ! Locust street. FOR RENT Apartment, five lanrl bath. 92«» North Third street. In quire H. U Mehrin*. 1410 North Sixth street. I—l APARTMENTS WANTED IN ANTED Three or four rooms and bath for light housekeeping Ad dress L, 2268. care of Telegraph —————— ————_ ROOMS FOR REST I FOR RENT Nicely I second floor; bay window. H K ht heal I and use of bath: twelve minutes' w|fk from Market street. Inquire 455 rres lcent street. City. »-res- I JJENT Nicely furnished loom" second floor, next to bath centralis i«" of gggffi With r u„e of'phone an'i % Si taTstree" a " Pl * fe,retl - '"8 cI%T --! RENT Two or three unfur nisheo rooms, suitable for light house keeping: light and heat furnished- con ven ent to bath: use of front p o r?h• | prlvate family: rent reasonable 163': | North Fifth street. j I FOR RENT Furnished rooms i sn s e or en»«iJte: all conv enlences In- ! eluding phone; reference required An. | ply -015 North Front street. I FOR RENT Four-room flat; all i I conveniences. Apply 51« State stre't. 1 BOARDERS WA..ItD j ! WANTED One or two gentlemen ' (desiring hoard in private familv ]6lo' Zarker street. j WANTED j WANTED. TO BUY —An I Real Estate Business. All answers will ;be treated strictly confidential Ad | dress C., 2279, care of Telegraph. I BICYCLES WANTED for cash l: r ing I lus your bicycles, frames, coaster • I brakes, or any parts of bicycle for high- I lest '-ash prices. See us at once Kev [ stone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. WANTED A second-hand Ford automobile: must be In good condi tion; tourist considered. Address B | 2269, care of Telegraph. " HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WASTED MR. MOTORCYCLE OWN Kit We have 10 to -0 prospective buyers for motorcycle!! right now. why want sec ond-hand machines. If you have a mo torcycle for sale at a bargain price, see us at once. If we cannot buy your machine, wc will sell for you ai a very reasonable commission. See us for mo torcvcle bargains. Dayton Motorcycle Distributors for four counties. 1 KEYSTONE CYCLE CO.. 814 X. Third Street. United phone 19-W. J Toe TO $5 PAID for Old Hroken Sets of False Teeth in any condition. High est price paid for Old Gold or Silver such as Rings. Pins. Watches. Watch leases, etc.: also Dental Gold Crowns an.l Bridge Work. Drop postal—we'll call. This week only. Box M> 2205. I care of Telegraph. FOR SALE ' FOR SALE Six-acre Farm; good j buildings: possession at once three miles from New Kingston. Cumberland County: $600.00; bargain to quick I buyer; reason for selling, sickness, lleo. Martz. Twentieth and Paxton. llarrls- I burg. DOORS FOR SAIJS at Gables. 111-117 South j Second street. All sixes. Cypress. White Pine and Fir Doors. Porch work, J Sash. Shutters and Mouldings. EGGS FOR SALE from my White i Wyandottes at SI.OO for 15. $«.00 per lion I am not hatching any early, so | you get my best eggs. Fourteen years' ' experience. Also a -100-egg Prairie 1 State Incubator. M. O. Sides, Hlghsplre, Pa. L'nited phone 45K. FOR SALE TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. TRAVELING BAGS, and all kinds of Leather Goods. Special attention given to repair work. I It will pay you to buy your Leather | Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs | for sale. Young-Wyckoft strain, SI.OO | per setting—sC.f 0 per hundred. Also | stoc:. for sale Address Elkview Poultry i Farr.;. Speecevllle. Pa. I FOR SALE Private sale of house hold furniture and kitchen utensils, all jin good condition. Call at 1609 Carna tion street. | FOR SALE Toledo Scales. Com j puting SO pound capacity, drum shape i Blue) felling price 5 to 65 cents. Used i but a short time. Cost $140.00. Will ' sacrifice. Inquire J. M. Sliatzer, 52M ! South Sixteenth street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell 2293 J. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. j FOR SALE White Leghorn Hatch ing Eggs from well matured range. ! raised Brown heavy laying strain, ss.On per 100—$1.00 per setting. Also have I j baby chicks for sale, $12.00 per 100. M. | j .1. Hocker. Highspire, Pa. j FOR SALE Bedroom and miscel- I j laneous household furniture: also Hat- j | top desk. Must be sold before April 11. Address 234 Locust street. Steelton, I Pa j FOR SALE lce cream tables and I chairs, new style mahogany wall case. : orange ade machine. Apply L Silbert, I 1542 Nortel Sixth street. | FOR SALE —AT GABLE'S. 113. 115 I and 117 South Second street. 5.000 gal ; lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme I quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Job press. 10x15; type stone and furniture. Address 1412 Swatara. FOR SALE Four full-bred Collie j pups. Will also sell mother of these, which is 2»i years old. Call Bell phone | 3449 R. G. A. Mowrey, New Cumberland, ! Pa. I FOR SALE Sanitary indoor closet, | complete in every detail. Has never • been used. A recent Invention. Will ] sell cheap. Apply Barber Shop, Dau < phln. Pa. I • FOR SALE Jenning strain Indian j Run-er Duck Eggs for hatching. SI.OO i per setting. $7.00 per hundred. Stock | also for sale. Elkview Poultry Farm, i Speeceville. Pa. j GLASS window signs. Furnished ■ Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and i Board and Table Board at 25c each. One 1 ; of these signs will be given with each I six-time order for a classified ad. If I I paid in advance, inquire at Office of! I Telegraph. ————————_ FOR RENT i FOR RENT Second floor rcom, '■ j 3,700 square feet, for light manufactur- I j ing purposes. New building. Call at I j premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. I FOR RENT Room 3500 1 square feet floor space, suitable | for storage or light manufactur-j ; ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, i Cowden and Forster streets. — ———__ —_ BUSINESS Ol'POlt l UMIILJI j I MADE $50,000 In five years in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE Well equipped —• good loca tion tent reasonable. Also good gro- | cerv store for sale at inventory. Full ; information at our offices. Beil Realty ! Co.. Bergner Building. ! WANAED —An up-to-date business ! J man to invest $'.500.00. with services j Well-known manufacturer desires to es i tablish depot in Harrisburg. and offers; exceptional opportunity Preference ' given to part;, having retail shoe e\ ! l perience. Address C., 2251, care of Tele graph. BL' SIX ESS OP PORT UNITIES j I have excellent proposition tori large or small investors. If inter- j csted write for particulars or per sonal interview. Address, N2275, carc of Telegraph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock oort. N. Y. ——.__ ___ BUSINESS PKKONAI.S FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the ' Druggist 'nd Apothecary, 11» Market! street Harrisburg:. Pa. Telephone 'orders given prompt attention. Belt I 1960. ___ 1 HACLIJtO | H W. LATHE. Boarding stable and 1 National Transfer Co. Movers of i j pianos, safes, boilers and general haul* I | Ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and' l Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. ! 12503 R. CONTRACTORS \M) BUILDERS ! I Penn Construction Co.. of Harris- ' | burg. Pa., Contractors and Builders ! 'Reinforced coneerte specialists. Esti- I mates furnished free. J. C. Pastor. 122 I lloerner Street. President. j AWNINGS Place your order for Awnings with us now. We do up- I bolstering of all kinds and carpet work. Jos. Copllnky, successor to Voll j mer, 1208' i North Third street. Bell 2804 J. j ' FREIGHT DRAYAGE. Storage. Ship- i pers and Distributors of Merchandise ; l of all kinds. Prompt and efficient ser- I vice. Warehouses on P. R. n. and P. i R. tracks. Montgomery and Co. i i Peipher Line). Tenth below Market! street AUTOMOBILE ISSUES AGAIIII IN EVIDENCE Gains Ranged From Material Frac tions to Almost Three Points During Morning By Associated Press Xew York. March 15. Shares of the various automobile issues were again to the fore In to-day's early market op erations. Gains in those issues ranged from material fractions to almost three ' points, while the more seasoned stocks I were less prominent, some of the lead ers showing no change from last week's close. letter, however, the list as a | whole rose moderately on light trading, i The only notable exception was Texas Company, which fell back IV4. Ameri cans were irregular in London. \ FAY YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. 11. Suavely. 208 Arcade Building. New York, March IS. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 32% 33'-* 32'* 33 Amal Cop . 54% 54 's 54"* 54*4 Am Bt Sug 40'* 40 % 40 % 40*4 Am Can .. 27'* 27', 27'* 27% Am Can pd 95 9o 95 95 Am Ice Sec 29' t 29'-.. 28% 28% Am Stnelt . t!3 64%" 63 64% Am Sugar . 102% 102 s , 102% 102 % Am T& T. 120 120'* 120 " 120' A Atchison .. 95 % 95% 95% 95"* B&O, , . . 66% 66 % 66 % 66% 1 Beth Steel. 54% 56 54 '•• 56 Bltlyn RT. 87 87', 87 87 4 Cal Petro. . 17 17 16 % 16% Can Pacific 159% 160'* 159% 160% Cent Loath 33% 33 % 33% 33% C. M&St P 86"* 86 7* 86% 86% C Con Cop. 35 % 35% 35 35 Corn Prod. 11"* 11% 11% 11 % Dist Sec . . 8 % 8 % Erie 22% 23% 22% 22% Erie Ist pfd 37 3 7 36% 36% Gen Motors 98 101 98 100 is Goodrh BF 34% 35'* 34% 34 G BF pfd. 99% 99% 99'* 99% Gt Nor pfd 115% 116 115%. 116 Gt. X Ore s 32'* 3 2"* 32 32% In-Met ... 12% 12% 12% 12% In-Met pfd 59% 60 % 59% 60% K v. So . . 21 % 21 % 1 Lehigh Yul 135 " 135% 135 135% Mex Petro. 66% 66% 6t>% 66% Mo Pac .. 11"* 11% 10% 11' I Nev C C . . 12% 12% 12% 12% 1 NT.XHi 11 52 52'* 52' 52% ! Xor & W . 101% 101% Nor Pae .. 103% 103 102% 103 ! P R R... 105 105% 105 105 R C Cop. . 17 17% 17 t7% [Reading .. 143"* 144% 143% 144'* :So Pacific.. 83% 83% 83 % 83"., ISo Railway 14% 15% 14 % 15'* !So Rwy pfd 4 6 46 Tenn Cop.. 2 7'.* v 27% 27'* 27% Texas Co . 130'-.. 133 130% 133 Third Ave. 51% 51% 51% 51': , Union Pac. 120 120-% 120 120%' U S Steel. 44% 45% 44% 45% US S pfd. 105 105 ! Utah Cop.. 52'* 52 % 52% 52% West Md 21% 22 21 % 22 West U Tel 64% 64% 64% 64% West Mfg.. 68% 68% ] PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By .Associated Press Philadelphia. March 15. Wheat Higher: Xo. 2. red. spot, export. Sl.sS<ji 1.63: Xo. 1, Northern, Duluth. export. SI. 67 (91.72. Corn Higher: Xo. 2. spot, export, 7Si"«i79c: Xo. 2. yellow, local SUfti Sic. Oats Higher; Xo. 2, white. 65{f 65 %c. Bran Firm: winter. per ton. 526.50® 29.00; spring, per ton. 526.00& 20 50. Refined Sugars Market firm: pow dered. 6.00 c: fine granulated. 5.90 c: con fectioners' A. 5.80 c. Butter The market is steadv; western. creamery, extras, 29c; near by. -rlnts. fancy. 32c. Eggs The market is firm: Pennsylvania and other nearbv firsts. , free cases. 55.85 per case; do., , BL'SINEsn PSitSO.VALS PIAXO MOVING done by experts. ! Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth , I street. Also call Bell telephone 146. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING I ; with best material and by expert help. : Send us your worn furniture. Our best ; j efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. I Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate j | security In any amounts and upon any ' i terms to suit borrower. Address P. (j. | Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. / - LOAXS—SS TO S2OO for honest working people keeping 1 house. Rates less than legal. Pay i menls weekly or monthly. No | notification of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut Street • Authorized capital. SIOO.OOO. WE LEND MONEY IN ANY ; AMOUNTS Payments to suit l j borrower. Small loans a specialty, j j Positively lowest rates in the city. | | Up-to-date methods. Licensed, I bonded and incorporated. I PENN A. INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street i ANY person needing money in . i amounts from S5 to SSO holding a sal -1 aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 .North Third street. J STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE warehouL i, j i divided into private rooms for storage of household goods. Low Insurance. Inspection invited. General merchan- \ dlse warehouse and household goods. warehouse are located on tracks of I Penn R- R-- 437-445 South Second ' ! street Harrisburg Storage Company. | STORAGE IX J-nKirr brick building, rear 4US ! Market Ktrret. Household good* In clean, private ! rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to ' P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 40s Market St. • STORAGE 419 Broad street, for 1 household goods and merchandise. Prl- I j vate rooms. SI to S3. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co- 411 . I Broad street Both phones. CARD OF THANKS I THE husband and brother wish to j | thank the kind friends who assisted 1 tin their bereavement of the late Hannah ' i B. Happel. CHARLES W. HAPPEL ! HARRY McCOMBS. I.EGAI. NOTICES —, j CORPORATE NOTICE THE annual meeting of the Stock- i holders of the Investors' Company will I be held at the general office of the ('ompany. Seventh and Curtin Streets,' ! in the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylva- 1 1 nia. Tuesday, March 16. 1915, at 9:30! o'clock A. M.. for the election of Six ! I Directors and the transaction of such j 1 other business as may properly come 1 before it. B. E TAYLOR, Secretary. j MARCH IS. 1015. current receipts, freo cases, $5.70 per | iase; western, extras, firsts, freo cases, I $5.85 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.70 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls. 16© 18c; old roosters, UHWU'c; chickens. 14®'17c; turkeys. 13®'17c; ducks. 160 16r; geese, 128fl«c. 1 Dressed Poultry Firm* turkeys, , i fancy. 21c; do., fair to good, l&ic'juc; I fowls, fancy, 18H©19Uc do., nverage.il I« iff 1 Sc; do., unattractive. 14tfl5c; old , ( roosters. 14c; brollink ch(cKki.», >,»r hv, ISW23C; western. 14022 c; roast- I lng chickens. 170'20c; ducks. 12 9lSc;| geese. 10i»14c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn- j sylvania. per bushel. 50©55 c; Maine. per bushel. 45@50c; New York, per j bushel. 40(f4ic; Jersey, per bssnet. 80 ®3sc. Flour—The market is higher; winter, 1 Flour The barket is firm; winter. ! clear. s3.s'ft4.io: strslghls. "«nn-v|. : vania. $7.00®7.25; spring, straights. | western. $4.25fu'4.40: patents, s4.6uw 4.76; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.16 I 0 4.20; spring, firsts, clear. $4.00®4.20; itr.Vt,iits. $4.2004.30; patents, $4,350 4.60. Hay The market is weak; tim- : othy. No. 1. large bales. $18.00; No. 1. medium bales. sl7.ous 18.00: No. 2. dc., i $l").50«f 16.30; No. 3, do., $14.00015.00; samples. $13.00014.00; no grade, $ll.OO 012.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed. $17.00017.50; No. 1. do.. sl6 00016.60; No. 2, do., $14.50015.50. CHICAGO CATTLE By .■lssocitiuJ Prrjs Cliicago. 111., March 15. Hogs Re- 1 ceipts. *4.000: slow; 5c above Saturday's j average. Bulk of sales. $6.8006.95: | light. S6.7OSi 7.00; mixed. $6.7007.00:1 mixed. $6.70©7.00; heavy. $6.4006.95; | rough. $6.4006.55; pigs, SS.<OOC.BS. Cattle— Receipts. 15,000: strong. Na tive steers. $3.2008.85; western. $5,000 7.43- cows and .heifers, $3.4007.70; j calves. $6.50010.00. Sheep—Receipts. 17.000: firm. Sheep, j $7.0008.10; yearlings. $7.9009.10: lambs. 7.60010.00. CHICAGO 11(1 \ltll OK TRADE By Associated Prtss Chicago, 111., March 15. Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.58*> s : Julv. 1.24 1 ., Corn—May, 73'.'.; Julv, 77''». Oats—May, 60 >« ; July. 55',i. Pork—May. 17.90 Julv, 15.40. Lard—May. I0.S0; July, 11.07. 1 Ribs—May. 10.20; July, 10.52. BIG BATTLE EXPECTED SOON By Associated Press London. March 15, 12.02 P. M.— Mystery envelopes the progress if Field Marshal Von Hintlenburg's lat est advance into Poland, but it is the opinion of British observers that the vast forces along the line from the Nienien to the Vistula cannot much unless the direction of the German unless the direevtion of the German offense undergoes a radical change. CAIT. BY AN SUPPORTED By Associated Press Washington, March 15.—The War! Department is standing squarely be hind Captain T. F. Ryan, recruiting officer at Indianapolis, who was re cently cited for contempt of court for his criticism of a local judge who at tempted to sentence a prisoner to en-' listnient in the army. APPEAL MADE TO EMPLOYES TO LEAD BETTER LIVES By Associated Press Pittsburgh, March 15. —An appejij to Its thousands of employes to lend a moral life as a means of increasing I their own safety while at work arid' of improving their chances fc.- promo-] tion has been made by the Carnegie I Steel Company as a part of a "safety Srst" campaign. MONEY ' j ly. To Housekeepers, Work- j 1 In "men and Salaried Em- | ■ ylojes. I LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY g N. MARKET SQUARE Kcoin 21. 4 tli tloor Spooncr Building ' | PUBLIC SALE Wednesday, March 17th 1915 j i 40 HEAD OF HORSES weighing from 1,000 to 1.500 pounds and ranging in age from 3 to 9 years. This lot includes some fine drl\er and general purpose horses, mated teams. Blacks and grays, some good farm chunks, saddle and Cart Worsen. There will also be sold at this sale I a number of ( arts himl Dump Was- ' ohm and harness. At these stables will always be found 25 to 20 head of horses of a variety to suit every need at private sale. Sale will commence at 12.30 o'clock when terms will be made known by Simon Cooper 677 Briggs Street. City H. D. KOOXS, Auctioneer. Don't Forget the Date. UKUMSS- I)AV, MARCH IT, l»IS. *■ r Houses Dress Aprons JL Direct From Manufacturer to You A&y 0 Llkf lllnatratloa—nicely made la «4 standard per- *' -Fj cnlra of rxtra quality—light, cadet awl *i»r bl»« |.J' • "Tn with pocket—s6 Inchea lons. W/'* Satisfaction guaranteed. Otherwise return goods and |j''. • we will refund money. * jr . • • ■dp l .Mall your order nnn, together nltk remittance. If ' W atatlng quantity aad color desired, to jr. '• THE D. &S. COMPANY J* DAUPHIN, PA. "JST.T J PLAN EVERLASTING PEACE By Associated Press New York. March 15.—Inauguration if a movement to bring about a world vide restriction of armies and navies >y internntional agreement after the European war is ended Is announced o-day by the American League to -imit Armaments. THE BREAD LINE I'he country lanes are tilled with snow, the friendly stars are shining. The evergreens are straight and stiff against the evening skies; Ind many wander in the night, whose lonely hearts are pining. For country homes, and country scenes, and smiling tender eyes. Hie city streets are tilled with slush, the city crowds are thronging. And some there arc with mournful souls, and some are overjoyed, Vnd some there are without a friend, for warmth and clothing long ing; The mighty, ragged army of the city's unemployed. The Bread Line! In the dead of night with feet and fingers aching, Alone and friendless in a world of sorrow and of pain, t'hey stand and wait for food to cat; buth mother-hearts are break ing. And mother-prayers are asking that their boys come home again. —Margaret G. Sangster in the Christian Herald. IRRIYIKG AT CONCI.tSIOXS I From the National Monthly] A group of workmen were passing the dinner hour in political argument. An interesting deadlock had been reached, when one of the men turned to a mate who had remained silent during the whole of the debate. "'Ere, BUI." he said, "you're pretty good at a [ygvment. Wot's your opinion?" "I ain't goin' to say." said Bill. "I thrashed the matter out afore with Bob lones." "All," said the other, "and what did soil arrive at?" "Well." snicl Bill, "Bob, he arrived at the hospital, and I arrived at the police station." t > For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Company s FOR SALE Suburban Homes 3rd St., Riversid« $2,800 to $3,300 Do not miss this opportunity to own a home that will increase in value, yes, double itself in the next ten years. They are brick con struction with iron spot brick fronts, bay window, front and rear porches, modern and up-to-date in every way. To see them will con vince you' of this fact, also that you will have one of the grandest views unsurpassed in this section of the State. Open for inspection Sundays included. Further par ticulars apply to W. E. MOESLEIN 122 NORTH ST. Bell Phone 1083R FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insur ance Office No. 18 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FORSALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumberland. Det a c hed dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improvements. Owner moving to Phila delphia and will sell at a reasonable price. 1006 N. Second St., 3- story brick dwelling, 11 rooms and bath, imp., side entrance, 2-story stable on rear of lot. Price right to quick buyer. ' 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers