METZ "25" The Quality Car pr s6oo Touring Model. Equipped Complete, Including: limy A Da via Electric Starter and Kleetrle l.lglit». This new Touring Model is just as Interesting to DEALERS aa It is to prospective purchasers. It means bigger sales, more cus tomers, and ALL of them satisfied. In addition to complete electric system, equipment includes rain vialon, built-in windshield, instant one-man top, heavy tufted up holstery, deep cushions, 32-inch wheels, 3%-inch Goodrich clincher tires, Bosch magneto, Hyatt roller bearings, built-in gasoline gauge, speedometer, signal horn, tools, etc. . Metz Roadster $495, Equipped Complete This new fore-door model of tlio powerful METZ Roadster appeals to your appreciation of Uunllty. It appeals to tlie man who wants the most for his money. It is extremely economical in operation, strikingly graceful and handsome in appearance, and in road perform ance and hill-climbing ability It has no superior at any price or in any elass. Metz Sales Co. SEVENTEENTH AND SWATARA STREETS GARAGBi Thompson Avenue, between Fourteenth nnd Klfteeu St*. METZ NEW TOURING CAR s - ______ ' : - Represented by Monn Brothers, 16157 Swatara street. The trimming designs of closed bodies at present aim to give as soft n cushion and back as possible. Fewer buttons are used and the small biscuit and the pipe-and-pfMnt are seldom l'ound on the new cars. The super seded designs no doubt kept the trim ming in good order much longer, but the present effort is to secure the same soft effect in a new job as was These Magnets of Value Draw Owners to the Herff-Brooks Six, $1375 Fifty Horse Power. Electric Starting and Lighting. Timkcn and New Departure Bearings 34 in. x 4 in. Goodyear Tires. Complete Equipment. 124-inch Wheelbase. One man Top. Best Bosch High Tension Magneto, D. \Y. System. Honeycomb Radiator. De tachable Demountable Rims. Headlight Dimmers. Six Cylinders. Seven Crankshaft Bear ings. Folding-down 18-inch Steering Wheel. Stewart Speedometer. Stromberg Carburetor. Point by point, compare the $1,375 Herff-Brooks Six with other cars. Comparisons may be odious but they generally bring the truth to light. Herff-Brooks cars are manufactured practically entire in one huge plant. This great factory is perhaps the largest parts plant in the world and is still occupied in making parts for many makers. So all Herff-Brooks' manufacturing costs are low. • The 4-40 $llOO The 4-25 $765 Forty horsepower; Jive crankshaft bearings; The new Herff-Brooks "25" is a wonder. Not drop-down steering wheel: one-man top; com- a promise, but tested under the roughest roads pJote equipment; 34x4-lnch tire?; Bosch high of the West. Four-cylinder motor cast en bloc; tension magneto. D. W. system; electric lighting 25 horsepower; Atwater-Kent uni-sparker igni and starting; Stewart Speedometer; four cylin- >i. n . ders; honeycomb radiator; demountable rims and ' , ' 1 radiatoi . Ilallej carburetor; extra rim: Tiniken and New Departure bear- New Departure Ball Bearings on main drive ings; Turkish upholstery; Stromberg car- shaft; 106-Inch wheelbase; crown type fenders buretor. Other cars selling at $l,lOO have only 30x3% Goodyear tires: electric starter: electric 35 horsepower and 114-inch wheelbase. while lights; one-man top; Stewart speedometer* de tile Herff-Brooks has 10 h. p. and 118-inch mountable rims, one extra rim. All prices f. o. wheelbase. b. Indianapolis. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, WE URGE YOU TO SEE THE HERFF-BROOKS AT ARENA AUTO SHOW, NORTH THIRD ST. James K. Kipp, Dealer Garage, 1713-1717 N. 4th St Residence, 2203 N. 4th St. SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1915 formerly found only In a body that had seen service. The annual meeting of the Ameri can Automobile Association will be held next May, in Boston, instead of in the winter, as has previously been the custom. Many of the members wish to tour to Boston and try out the famous highway system of Mas i sachusets. METZ INTRODUCES NEW TOURING TYPE Distinctive in Its Graceful Body Lines, New Gearless Model Appeals to Many It is one of the significant signs of the times that the new Metz touring' model, which made its first appear ance last January at the New York show, has been received with open I arms, so to speak, by the trade as well as the public. I Dealers all over the country are evincing a lively interest in this latest product of the Metz factories. They are in close touch with the trend of popular demand. And realizing the tendency of the public to seek both quality and completeness of equipment in low-priced cars, it is not surprising that they should discover in this new touring model, at its attractive price of S6OO, an opportunity to do an ex ceptionally large and profitable busi ness in their respective territories. .Style, comfort, and reliability in op eration are all features of prominence in this new Metz. Its wheel base of 108 inches gives pleasing proportions to its streamline body, and its instant one-man top tits down over and fas tens securely to the frame of the wind shield, which is of the rain-vision, built-in type, insuring comfortable driving in any kind of weather. The seats are wide and comfortable, and are finished with heavy tufted up holstery of excellent quality, and deep I cushions. Regular equipment includes Gray & Davis electric starter, and electric lights. 32-inch wheels, 3%-inch Good rich clincher tires, Bosch high tension magneto, Hyatt roller bearings, speed ometer, built-in gasoline gauge, signal horn, tools, etc. The engine is a 25 horsepower wat er-cooled motor of the regulation Metz type, and the car is operated by fiber grip gearless transmission, which does away entirely with all danger of gear or clutch trouble. From this brief description it will readily be seen that the new Metz touring model is a strictly up-to-date car in every department. Because ot its handsome appearance it uppeals to one at first sight; and critical inspec tion serves but to strengthen this fa vorable impression, as it plainly and unmistakably offers everything ob tainable in the way of luxurious mo toring, ana at a cost so trilling as not to intimidate the average bank ac count. Two ol' the Metz touring cars and three roadsters, have been sold by the local agency since February 1. The Metz models will be represented at the Capital Auto show in Kelker street hall by the Metz Sales company, under the management o fthe Monn brothers. The production of petroleum in the United States in 1914 surpassed that of any previous year in the history of the industry, according to the United States Geological Survey, it being estimated at 302,000,000 bar rels. The preliminary figures indi cate an increase of- more than 13 per cent, over the production of 1913, which reached the then high record of 248,446,230 barrels. About 70 per cent, of the 1914 output came from California and Oklahoma. BROCKWAY TRUCKS IKED HERE Chain and Worm Drive Models Made by Vehicle Concern in Business 62 Years *» 'm HjHpr E. J. CAVENDER The Commercial Car Company un der the management of E. J. Caven der at Thirteenth and Walnut street.-*, have assumed the agency for the Broekway worm and chaindrivo I trucks. Mr. Cavender will specialize on motor trucks, feeling that concen tration on one line of effort accom plishes better results and gives greater satisfaction to the customer than iC diverse interests conflict. Mr. Caven der has had practical machinist ex perience covering a period of fifteen years with leading makers of motor cars. This expert knowledge on truck construction will he applied in tho personal supervision of all adjustments and repair work. As the service fea ture of the truck department is among the most important considerations to an owner, this knowledge will be u great asset to Mr. Cavender in his business. Mr. Cavender is well-known locally, having been associated with one of the leading automobile dealers for some 'iiuc in the sales department and is thoroughly familiar with all branches of the automobile business. J. K. Armstrong, who has for three years had charge of the automobile supply department with one of the large dealers in this city will associate himself with the Commercial Car Com pany as road man on motor truck sup-' plies. The Broekway motor trucks are made by the Brockwav Motor Truck Company of Cortland, N. Y„ a concern that has been building vehicles for sixty-two years. When the motor truck began to make inroads on tho horsedrawn vehicle, the Broekway company adapted their splendid or ganization to the change of condi tions and have since then attained a reputation for making a truck that stands in the front rank among the best. I The Brockway trucks are powered with continental motors. The motor ia located under the hood, making it ac cessible for adjustment of motor, car buretor, magneto, at the same time Kiving- the driver a more natural driv ing position and greater ease aiid free dom in getting into and out ordriver's seat. Schebler carburetors are used, Bosch high tension magneto on all models. The transmission is of the selective type of Brown-Pipe construc tion. Sheldon axles and springs, Bald win roller chains and many other fea tures in construction equally as fa mous lor quality. The body-building lis of the Brockway quality, embody ing the lifetime experience in fine car riage building and painting of the same standard. Three chaindrive models of 1,500 to 4,000 pounds capacity nre made ranging in price from $1,350 to $1,950, and two Wormdriven models of a,500 to 4,000 pounds, selling at sl,- 900 and $2,200, respectively. The Brockway trucks will be dis played at the auto shOw in Kelker street hall, being the first opportunity to~ inspect and compare the respective merits. High Power Emblem With Large Bore and Stroke The Emblem high power motors I have a piston displacement of 76.6 Icubic inches—about 16 cubic inches ' more than that of any other motor cycle. Improvements made in the I mechanical valve actions have result led in an engine of tremendous power, I speed and endurance. The new model has been so improved that the stock I motorcycles are capable of from live jto eight miles more an hour than those lof last year. While the standard I models are listed as 5, 8 and 10 horse j power motorcycles they will produce '7, 11 and 14 horsepower, respective ly. Despite the importance and cost of these advantages, Emblem motor cycles are less expensive than before. The crank case of the Emblem high power motor is made of aluminum, ! very accurately machined to make oil ! tight joints. It is of unusually large I diameter to accommodate the large ; fly wheels. The crank case is (ItteJ jwith a circular oil slghtglass, enabling [the rider to see that his motor is be iing properly lubricated. The fasten ing lugs and magneto table are parts of the crank case casting so designed as to make the removal of a motor a simple and quick process, involving the taking out of only six bolts. This type of motor fastening is similar to that, used in the highest type of auto i mobiles. I The cylinder of our 1915 motor is of special one-piece casting, heat-treated and ground to a mirror finish. There can be no leuky points. The large air space between the cylinder and the exhaust port allows a frso circulation of air around the cylinder. Together with the large cooling flanges, this con duction results in a motor which will I keep exceptionally cool at the highest speed. Grip ratchet free engine control will continue to be used In the "1915 Em blem." The ratchet holds the grip in ,to whatever position it is turned by I the rider thereby, either partly or en tirely as desired, freeing the motor | from the transmission. With the mo jtor running free, the motorcycle can Ibe mounted with both wheels on th<3 [ground (on hillsides if necessary) and endless variation of speeds is placed at the convenience of the rider, complete control is always assured, and economy In gasoline is effected by the rider's j ability to take advantage of every op portunity to coast. The wheelbase of the average car, listing at over $3,000, has increased steadily for five years, jumping from an average of 124 Inches in 1910 to 133.2 for 1915. In this period there lias only been one perceptible increase, five Inches, between 1911 and 1912, and since then it has steadily climbed up one inch per year. The five-Inch jump was due to the six-cylinder movement, which In that year grew [from practical}' zero to 4 4 per cent. " ' .. -S _ '" ■■'- :; ■ g-J, :: : v;?# ••'v.;;-.:• -■ ;'■-- - , U: ' 7.T"— " : . -•" - f -----^ ¥|H| The Name Behind the Car lljp Since 1842 the name of CASE has stood for excellence MAvl in motive power machinery. In these years we have de- veloped, conscientiously and conservatively, a tremendous manufacturing and sales organization. This world-wide selling organization handles CASE cars in conjunction with our other products—a noteworthy fact for you to remember. ■ Your faith in the product of this company is well founded be- ■ ■ cause our reputation, earned through the seventy odd years of manufacturing experience, is back of the smallest part. M Judge CASE cars by value, not by purchase price. Value is determined by service. And remember that the CASE "25" at $1350, with 5% discount if cash, is completely equipped with extra casing and tube on rim, tire cover. Weed tire chains and work light, in addition to the usual equipment. ITV J 1 CASE T * M " COMPANY » INC " RACINE, WIS. jy | £gl| See this Car Ui Harrisburg ' fgi at Capital . Jifc SETS? Branch, Iff 1 gIL Kelker Street fcj MMHi 429 ' I Hall § Second St. M <3si) The Car With the Famous Engine jj WlillUlllllllllliyilllllllinillllllllllllllllllll!lllllllll!lllllUllllllllllin!lllllllllllllllllll!IIIIUIlllllllllllllll!lllllllll!llllllllllll!lllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll01!i:iUlllllllll>IIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliUUI 01 PLEASURE CAR BY STANLEY FIRM Local Distributor Tells of the Mechanical Features of New Auto Embodying many new features, the Stanley model 720, which is the only type of pleasure car that the Stanley- Motor Carriage Company will build this year, has been announced by Paul D. Messner, manager of the Harris burg distributing branch of the com pany. Included in the list of new mechan ical features are: Condenser, pump ing system, lighting system, burner, superheater, vaporizer, throttle, frame, springs, steering-gear and oil stem. General features improved are: Body lines, upholstering and tires. Of all Stanleys, this year's car is the most silent, besf riding, best looking, best performer and best winter car. It is nonfreezing because all water is hot. It will travel 200 miles or more on a small tank of water. Mr. Messner, in talking with the Telegraph automobile man about the 1915 Stanley, said: "For 1915 the Stan ley Motor Carriage Company will build only one type of pleasure car. It is a large, roomy, comfortable, flve-passen ger, 2 0-horsepower touring car, with 130-inch wheelbase, hand-made alumi num body, 10 or 12-inch upholstery, one-man top, clear vision, rain vision windshield, crowned mud-guards, clear running boards and electric lights, with dynamo and storage bat tery. ''The body is designed primarily for comfort. The front seat is 4 4 inches wide and without partition and has a door on cither side. The cusions in the front seat 4 are eight inches deep, and the back upholstery is 10 inches jdeep. The tonneau seat is 48 inches wide. "following the traditional Stanley practice, the rear seat does not over hang the rear axle. It is placed in front of it, thus giving additional com fort in riding. The springs are full elliptical in the rear and half elliptical in front. "The price of the new model is $1975, an increase in price from SIBOO, the cost of last year's model. The Stanley Motor Carriage company is among the few concerns that increas ed the price of their offerings for 1915. The money has been put into improving the car, making it the best steam pleasure vehicle on the mar ket." The Stanley mountain wagon and truck model will be at the auto show in Kelker street hall. Motor registrations in New York the past year netted that State moro than $1,600,000, an excess of $350,- 000 over the same period of last year. More than 170,000 automobiles were registered and 66,000 chauffeurs li censed. These ligures reveal about 20 per cent, increase in fees, 26 per cent, increase in registration and 19 per cent, increase in the number of chauffeurs licensed, there being 132,- 000 motor cars registerd and 56,228 chauffers licensed in 1913. German Submarine Sends Another British Cruiser to Bottom; 200 Lives Lost London, March 13.—The auxiliary cruiser Bayano, a comparatively new British ship, is the latest victim of the German submarine war, having been sent to the bottom yesterday morning by a torpedo. The Belfast correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says the Bayano was sunk off Corsewall Point, Wigtown shire, Scotland, and nearly 200 lives were lost, as the cruiser sank almost Immediately. The vessel had a crew of about 216 men on board. The British admiralty In Its state ment on the disaster says: "On the 11th of March wreckage of the Bayano and bodies were discov ered, and circumstances point to her having been sunk by an enemy tor pedo. "Eight officers and eighteen men were rescued, hut it Is feared that the remainder of the crew were lost. "The captain of the Belfast steamer Castlereagh reports passing Thursday morning a quantity of wreckage and dead bodies floating In life belts. He attempted to search for possible sur vivors, but was prevented by the, ap pearance of an enemy submarine, which gave chase for twentjr minutes." (Bill■ ■■■:■» K&-: ' Slliili gp; ■P^j/ Jflx ' ■ - » r % >& jx'yr b%gj99^BHfi9^HH|HßSlifiiHFl3i^^^^H S^^b B. R. JOHNSON Manager of the Automobile Show at Kelker Street Hall, under the auspices of the Capital City Motor Dealers' Association. | False list prices that f I encourage price-cut- i ( ting and exorbitant \ | allowances on used | " cars are unfair to the / 1 cash buyer who pays f ' the full catalog price f |3ackarb i CARS ARE THE REAL i 1 STANDARD OF PRICE, ' f OF QUAUTY AND OF I j SECOND HAND VALUE S | Cberptoijere | | i M PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY S F OF PHILADELPHIA f | 107 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. !|j
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