12 = <i\ §)\imQD\YVMro>jj^ [Annual Sale of "Crow Black") Combl ?f ™ !r P^Sr ry Sale * J O - j 1 lb. Record Coftee . . 25c I 1/"* " 1 Large Can Tomatoes, 10c J _ Ivory soap is used in every home and the chance to buy four bars for l."» 6is offered to morrow in this combination soap and grocery special, p I CANNED G(M)I)S DELICATESSEN GOODS T/ -mm jiP rfilpil /§ ml»?Tui*e a cSnV'.'.*. lXnon Itolwn.'V v& Young Men Jr || B9k Fancy plump tenderloin mackerel, 10 lb. P*U* M 5 cheem\ —nru~ usbm kBI HI ua\e\^\i^ml "Van" ,'" an . 8 -"-" »anquVooffee,"ib.\'::::::::::::::::::::::: 3«^ Ine equal OI A.ny ■ I ngH nil Portuguese in coffee, IOCI fl.,- AA 0 - mm llllfj Kippered herring, oval cans, 3* for2sc Senate* blend^ten?'lb."'". ! .WW I «3o V 1 tZ llf I V|..f Kk :••- J L ;!j(fjfs tpal llorton * fat herring, oval cans 12c v 1 \J.UU Oull | t ,yfe' I-- 1 'flr Tuna tisli for salads, etc., largo cans 2l<' I.KMOXS \\l> OItANC.ES I ' 'I Cream macaroni, 3 pkgs 25c Juicy lemons, dozen 190 T /^V.. _]'. _ _ ___ _J I ' V*.| ITI VjUallly cUICI L Jffirfy 5 rose rice, 3 lbs 25c Extra fancy Florida oranges, the large size, dozen v it Jr-Tjr Pearl tapioca, 3 lbs 25c 2l»o k h" Fearl barley, n>.. 7c; 4 lbs 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Basement. AGoodWell Doesn't Soon Run Dry Through the co-operation ot the makers of these famous "Crow Neither Does a Good Furniture Sale Black" Cheviot Suits, we have secured a fine lot for our annual sale, Lose Interest in a Short Time when standard $15.00 Suits will be sold at SIO.OO. I | j|| |||J| Jj| The Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Furniture Sale, now in its third week, The suns are correctly styled, but not "extreme." They are cut from the same patterns used ly I U i"TM l,as offcrin K s as interesting as ever. Much furniture has gone out since the . 7 1■ 1 / • i j i - l i r l J I 7 opening day, and much has come in to replenish the stocks and keep the this maker in high-briced clothing—sth/es that are in voque for business, dress and semi-dress wear, ;|-ii y y y y ' 7 If"* event attractive for the later comers, lake these Brass Beds for instance In genera/ workmanship they equal the finest $15.00 Suits made. [I J [Jig —the prices are considerably below what you would have to pay if it were f 1 Every standard "Crow Black" suit is guaranteed by ' »ot tor the l-ebmary sale. Brass beds with 2-inch nosts ' vinnial design. 10 LIBRARY FURNITURE f) the maker to be pure wool, a lustrous, permanent black. 'ancy trimmings; spool hea ' nndfoot> m . ,)0 | reed rockers .'. ow ° .$2.50 To this guarantee we add our personal assurance of .314.95 "[falloo U.-- A.' £ ' ' „ MATCHLESS VALUES IN MATTRESSES Solid mahogany living room chairs and rockers, 47 6 one or two parts tapestry $15.75 and ... ... . /. OU rv- T> . c Oa i. 1\ f » /"<! 1.1 " C J 17*1 1 Imitation mahogany rockers, beautiful stl ner Dives, romeioi OI otewart i»len S L/lOtlling oeconcl rloor Roll edge felt mattresses; fl- natural finish, fine upholstering tplJ.lfO a leader at ,*P**« vO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor, 3 Elsrators. • * Clearance of Water Marked Thursday Sale of Colored Save on Sheets, Pillow Cases " White Sweaters and Black Dress Goods and Muslin Balcony---Men S Store Fine grades of bedding supplies entered in the Mill and Clearance at reduced prices of a small lot of white sweaters l\.emnantS Factor}* Sale at prices that arc below regular. It's economy to and white night shirts remaining from the stock in the Men's • save money on such staples as these goods. Store that was damaged by water when the rain ran through l liis week's clearance of short pieces of dress fabrics brings BLEACHED SHEETS the skylight roof over the Men s Store. . ' .. .. . , . ' ' . , B . „, . Women's white coat sweaters in shaker weaves and light tins budget of good styles-for the remnants are from the vard <oc bleached Bheets - '^ 9o lnches: MIU and bale Pr !-- weights, roll collar and V-neck styles-these sweaters were ieces that sell _ thc best patterns and most wanted fabrics. yard 69o ." heetß :. 8 ! x9# ™ *** . F^ OTV . .**]' . Pr |& tortnerly $3.98 and 4.98. QO r Clearance price «P 1 .I/O Colored Dress (inork BLEACHED PILLOW CASES Infants' white sweaters, formerly SI.OO. Clearance OQ- VTt>uti> 151 . bleached pillow cases. 45x36 inches, hemstitched; Mill and • " 1 yards brocade value s** 00* Thursdav onlv AU<I ractorj Sale "rice lie* once • oiocaue, \aiue J-.iv. inursaaj onl>, piece 6». 12He bleached pillow cases, 42x38 inches; Mill and Factory Sale M . i. . 114 yards serge, value $1.25; Thursday only, piece 690 Price 10c Mens INlgnt anirts , . „ . 12 , /ic bleached pillow cases, 45x36 inches; Mill and Factory Sale Men's muslin night shirts, slight water marks, form- OQ. ;* >a , rdß orepe - ,2 f l: on y - piece 8 -- 19 Price io«- . . A 55 . 51 Oi/C - yards granite cloth, value $2.00; Thursday only, piece.... $1.38 irl\ L leaiance price _ 2 yards striped poplin, value $3.00; Thursday only, piece #»<• BLEACHED MUSLIN" Men S night shirts, light weight, cambric and heavy twilled 314 yards serge, value $1.75; Thursday only, piece $1.37 8c bleached muslin, 36 inches; Mill and Factory Sale Price, yd., G',ic V-necks only, formerly SI.00. - valu<> $150: Thursday only, piece 51.17 100 bleached inuslin, 36 inches; Mill and Factory Sale Price, yd., 8c Clearance price j 3 yards wool taffeta, value $3.00; Thursday only, piece 51.95 UNBLEACHED MUSLIN Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Men s Store. Street Floor. | 6 yards Panama value $2.50; Thursday only, piece 51.25 6 , unbl ' eached musUni 36 inches; Mill and Factory Sale Price. | a yards silk poplin, value $6.2 a; Thursday only, piece 54.«9 yard 5c |3 !_ J T T T 1 A 5 yards Panama, value $2.95; Thursday only, piece 51.75 7}£c unbleached muslin, 36 inches; Mill and Factory Sale Price, 1 rICeQ LOW er 1 Ilß.n V/ Sll£ll i?A.re 4 yards shepherd check, value $3.00; Thursdav onlv. piece.. . SI. 89 >' ar< * ••• •• • • • ••• •• • •••'.'"' j'A' •:••••••.• •••• •• • , 61 4 c —. _ . , , . ,_ . . 9c unbleached muslin, 36 inches; Mill and Factory Sale Price, yd., 7c Tliprp I lnpn anrl TnW/ r plc J J rds shepherd check. %alue *B.<s, Thursday only, piece... si.3» loc unbleached muslin, 39 inches; Mill and Factory Sale Price. 1 IlCot? Lvllldi allLl 1 UWCIo 5 yards mixed suiting, value $5.00; Thursdav onlv, piece .... $2.-15 yard 8c po,i,ivdlSUrvi£ for " ,e Mi " and Fact ° ry Sa,e and Black Dress Goods " t ™« " 8c light outing cloth: Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard Pattern table cloths in round and square designs _ yards black Panama, value $2.53; Thursday only, piece. . .81.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. 66x85 inches 1!!.!'. 1 i!!!!!! *l - 95 3 yards black granite cloth, value $3.50; Thursday only, pieffe, Bleached linen table damask, ft(L» 82.05 . - _ - 70 inches wide, yard OJC. 4 yards black crepe, value $5.00; Thursday only, piece 83.»5 f 1 QfQfiP I nr> p n ♦"> /-I M VKSI'ILLKS BED SPREADS 4 e 8 yards black Panama, value $5.79; Thursday only, piece, 8-1.10 dllC'Vj U1 L/dLrU dllvJ. bed spreads" 16 . Ma y Sei . lleS . SaUn $1.98 6 yards black monstral crepe, value $3.75; Thursday only, piece. j—, - . - -j-^ Fancy Turkish to we I* T l .s" an d hec o Q 6% yards black Panama, value $3.25; Thursday only, piece... t/lTlDrOlClery lYeiTinantS patterns, subject to mill stains -ifC 3 yards black serge, value $2.55; Thursday onlv. piece. -82 05 i j j • n j n • • I Turkish guest towels in pink. 9 - 3 u yards black silk crepe, value $5.25; Thursdky only, piece, 8350 . J/ 3 " ed f S a " d 111 de b,UCUn"onailnenehuckf?owe,s; white , >-rds black worsted, value $4.69; Thursday only, piece, ssiss arable lengths, bpecial 1 hursday at half price. and red borders, 16x34 inches 1 - '2 }' al *ds Panama, value $3.15; Thursday only, piece 82.23 t-inbroiderj edges and insertions, ailovers and flOUllCingS, Hemstitched and hemmed huckaback towels 5 yards black silk poplin, value $6.25; Thursdav onlv, piece 81 «9 trood lengths. Special Thursday at half price. in white and colored borders AJt " ° ° r _ „ . ... Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, btreet Moor. — New Ladies' Custom Tailoring Establishment The opening of our custom tailoring establishment for ladies is • new venture but our experience covers twenty-three years in the designing and making of the highest grade garments for women who know and insist on the best and most authentic. Tou assume no risk in placing your order, as style, fit and workmanship is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. A trial order will convince you. Prices exceptionally reasonable. Best of local references. . Alterations of suits, coats and furs, also cleaning and pressing of women's garments given careful and expert attention. BCLIICp 1208 North Sixth Street • "jnir r , Between Cumberland and Broad i > TWEXTY-TOX ROCK FALLS Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., Feb. 17.—A rock, | weighing twenty tons, fell from the top of the mountain on the Maryland side of the Potomac river at Harper's Drink Sparkling, Delightful 'U PEPSIMINT notice your indigestion disappear If you are distressed with indigestion or any of the Ills arising from a bad stomach, don't go about nursing your trouble Drink Pepsimint! Pepsimint goes right to the seat of the trouble and "knocks it sky high." Headaches caused bv poor digestion, nervous exhaustion, " heavy head," etc., all are relieved by Pepsimint Guaranteed free of any injurious or heart depressing drug. You can get it at :• 11 drug stores, and. you should try it right now: 10c 25c 11.00 per bottle. THE PEPSIMINT CO., Inc. Philadelphia and Salisbury. Md. WEDNESDAY EVENING, I Ferry, during the recent thaw and . traveling with great momentum, clear ed the county road and fell into the j Chesapeake and Ohio canal. It will he necessary to blast the rock to I pieces before traffic can be resumed on 1 the canal in the Spring. j^AMUSE|^[MENTs|B| >IAJKSTIC All this week— Stock Co. Monday afternoon. February 22, at 2:30 —Twilight Sleep Lecture to women only. ■ Tuesday evening, February 23—Ray mond Hitchcock in "The Beauty Shop." ORPHEI'M Every afternoon and evening Hig h-1 Class Vaudeville. COLONIAI. i Every afternoon and evening Vaude | vtlle and Pictures. MOTION PICTURES ' Palace. 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. Photoplay, 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. Royal, 6 p. m. to 11 p. m. Victoria, 10 a. m. to 11 n. m. STRONG nn \M \ TONIGHT, "THE REFORMER" To-night the curtain will be held un til 8:20, and no one will be admitted to the theater after that time. The story of "The Reformer" is never told in papers or any place but on the stage of the theater where it is presented. ; Mr. Champlin is well known as "The! Man Who Keeps Faith With the Pub- ' lie" and you are asured by him that j you will see a great play and a metro politan production. The presentation I for Thursday afternoon will be the j great Shubert play, "Should women be ! loyal to disloyal men," is the motto j about which "The Master of the House" Is written. Thursday night Is a great feature night. The bill will be "The Heart of Maryland."—Advertisement. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK Raymond Hitchcock, America's fore most funmaker In the musical comedy field, will come to the Majestic next I Tuesday evening. He will appear In ! his latest Broadway triumph, "The Heauty Shop." the greatest success of his career. ! The piece will introduce the droll j comedian star In the role of "Doctor | Arbutus Budd. a beauty specialist ex traordinary, precisely the type of char acter that this Inimitable pastmaster HARRISBURG *£&££& TELEGIU JPH in droll artistry is best fitted to por tray.—Advertisement. I OHI'HEIM In glancing over the choice Keith J plurr : supporting the Four Marx | Brothers am' company in their musical j comedy at the Orpheum this week, one | i can't overlook Van anu Schenck. the, j monarch* of song, who have splendid voices and the happy faculty of Infus | ing an originality into their work, that : brands them as quite unique. One of ' them is a piano player and his partner ; a comedian. If the song is a comedy , number, Gus Van makes the most of it |and wins laughs without anv ridiculous j make-up. Despite the fact that the Orpheum's hill is unusually clever, eliciting much applause, it can be truth ; fully admitted that Van and Schenck j ■ alk away with the bill's big noise. The Four Marx Brothers and Company in "Home Again," with a company of ! sixteen r.nd four distinct stage settings, is the most pretentious act the Orpheum j has seen. Incidentally, it is the most I I clever.—Advertisement. COLOM.4I, The most popular trail in town is the | one traversed by the many who have | followed "The New leader" to the Colonial. This act is guaranteed to' counteract the worst grouch that any- i one could muster. The"' laugh muchly I at this screeching comedy, 'cause there's no option. To-night our laugh ter will be augmented by the presence of the Country Store feature. Some I dandv comedy surprises are in store, i A "nifty" posing act and a clever duo lof comedians and a clever violinist I complete the vaudeville roster. The | ICmp're Comedy Trio 1 and Frank Mad | den and company are two new Keith 'lilts that come to the Colonial to-mor j row.—Advertisement. TO I'K TI RK PATRONS There are rumors afloat relative to the exhibition of the wonderful feat ture. Annette Kellerman. In "Neptune's Daughter." We wish to emphasize the fact that tills beautiful and artistic t spectacle has been approved by the I ! State Board of Censors—and there is I positively nothing suggestive and im ! presslonable In the picture, which is I the objection that society women of ! Maiden. Mass., hail for protesting to Judire Bruce, of Maiden court, to in tervene In Its showing.—The Photoplay. Advertisement. VICTORIA THRATER TODAY The feature for the day at this house I will bo the war pictures recently run Ii t '.he Majestic Theater. They are ' claimed to be the real and authentic j pictures of the war made on and behind I the lines of the belligerents. The pic j tures were made by a staff photo- I grapher of the Chicago Tribune, and j it Is said present an impartial view of ) the great war now raging. For to morrow there are two stars of the theatrical stage in "The Hoosier School master." Max Figman, supported by Ix>lita Robertson, will appear In this five-part film. For Saturday there is the first episode of the "Kxplolts of Elaine." This film Is the first of the series to be shown here, and hereafter there will be one of the episodes shown every Saturday.—Advertisement. ANNETTE KEI,LEKMA\ IX "XEP. TUNE'S DAUGHTER," PHOTOPLAY TODAY There is scarcely a theatergoer to ! day who docs not know of Annette j Keilernian. swimmer and diver. Many have seen her In her diving acts, but | It remained for motion pictures to pre ] sent her not only in her chosen work, ! but in a story that at the same time is I wierd, fantastic, spectacular and en j tertaining. "Peptone's Daughter" gives j Miss Kellerman excellent opportuni ties to display her abilities not only as I a swimmer and diver, but in the ca pacities or actccss and dancer. Several notable scenes In the film give her ex cellent opportunities to show these ca pacities: once when she has been trans formed Into an earthlv maiden from her original state as a mermaid she finds a spot where away from mortal eyes she can dive to her heart's con tent. This at the same time fits into the plot of the play and accords the audience the chance to see Miss Kel lerman in the diving act that has made her famous. "Neptune's Daughter' is an extravaganza of the screen. The plot is well worked out and is at the same time interesting to every audl e ce.'—Advertisement. FOUR LICENSES ARE HELD UP Special to The Telegraph Middleburg. Pa.. Feb. 17.—A1l Sny der County liquor licenses have been granted excepting four, against which charges were made by the Anti-Saloon League. These are held for further consideration. The are William E. Stahlnocker, Beaver Springs; Charles F. Warfel, Beavertown: Charles L. Smith, Port Trevorton. and George H.I i Lcller, of Shaniokin Dam f FEBRUARY 17, 1915. MAYOR DOESN'T NEED ID BE MIND READER Commissioner Lynch Has Corre spondence Showing How Royal Probably Forgot His Data Not being mind readers and in the absence of any report, it is impossible for us to know what the several superintendents have in view for the coming spring and summer in the way of improve ments in their respective depart ments. Mayor John K. Royal thus intro duced his so-called "plan" for provid ing work for the hundreds of unem ployed at yesterday's session of Coun cil and followed it with'no resolution on any other specific action upon which Council could do anything else but formally "receive and file" it. The "plan" was merely a reiteration of the various improvement job*, the money that has been provided, con tracts let or yet to he let and the balances in the various funds. Com missioners Bowman. Lynch and Tay lor have known these things to have been true for some time. In view of the fact that they had mapped out all this work, and are only waiting the first break in the cold weather to proceed with the Jobs. Some correspondence Incident to the preparation of the so called "plan" of the Mayor's had evi dently beer, overlooked or forgotten In the report, however, according to some of the commissioners, for no reference to it appeared. Haj( I'lenty of Information In collecting the data for his "plan" the Mayor wrote to Superintendent Lynch and said, among other things. "Ordinance No 30, which provides for the building of thirty-one sewers, be came a law March 10, 1914, almost a year ago. Ten of the sewers authorized by It have not yet been built." He pointed out that of the $88,500 author ized for the purpose $21,175.90 had been expended and that there is j $07,424.10 left. "Mayor Royal's 'plan' as submitted | to Council yesterday was dated Feb -1 ruary 16," said the superintendent of streets. "In it he mentioned "the I sence of any report." lie wroto me on j February 12 and this is what I wroto back: The Dates Tliat Prove It "In response to your letter of inquiry of the 12th inst., herewith I send you sheet which is a copy of the one which accompanied my report to Council, made early I in the year. This blueprint shows in detail all sewer work that was done during year 1914, including work done under ordinance No. 30, by the department of high-' ways. You will see that over six miles of se>vers were built in that year at a cost of $67,506.70. The year 1994 was a banner year for sewer building, more miles of sewers having been constructed in that year than in any other year, and the cost of the sewers was only exceeded in one other year, namely, the year in which the Mlsh run conduit was built at a large expense. "Of the 30 sewers authorized by ordinance No. 30, session of 1914-15, 21 have been completed, four let and some of the remain ing six will shortly be ready for advertising. "And that letter was sent to tha Mayor," concluded Mr. Lynch, "under date of February 13." INFANT DIES Kenneth Siler, 8-month-old son ol Mr. and Airs. Edward P. Slier, 1801 Berryhill street, died yesterday ai his home. Funeral services will b« held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Rev. J. D. W. Deavor, pastor ot the Epworth .Methodist Church, offi ciating. Burial will be made in the Paxtang Cemetery. KBRVICBS FOR HENRY I.CPFRR Funeral services for Henry J. Lup fer. aged 72, will be held at the home I 1,119 Marian street, this evening I at 7:30. the Rev. Henry N. Bassler of Relating. Burial will be made Thurs day at New Bloomfleld. where the bodj will be taken by Undertaker G. H. Sour- I bier. His wife and one son survive. POSUIM HEALS WORST ECZEMA WEEPjNG OR DRI Poslam has freed thousands from th< awful handicap of torturing, disflgur ing Eczema. Many had tried all othe remedies without success, (and though that they were doomed to endure thel ; trouble until Poslam brought lasting , relief. Itching stops when it is applied j Angry skin is soothed. The disease i soon controlled and banished. All itch ing affections yield to Poslam as t< 1 nothing else. Your druggist sells Poslam. For fa* sample write to Emergency ries, .12 West 25th Street, New York. Poslam Soap Is the only toilet SOB I medicated with Poslam and able to ex ert Its beneficial effects upon the skin 25 cents and 15 cents.—Advertisement T/YANDSTBE/VGT/* DEPTONOI | MADE IN A HEALTH RESORT. AT DRUG STORES: SI ooPerBOTTLI THE PEPTONOL CO. ATLANTIC CITY ISJ . CHAS. H. MAUK THE UNDERTAKER Sixth and Italker Simla Larfeat eatablUhraent. Bed facilitiaa. Near t you aa your phone. Will f o anywhere at your cal Motor aervice. No tuueral too anall. Nona to eipaniWa. Chapeli, room a, vault, ate., wed will •ot char**.
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