| Pfceic Your Classified Ads to Bell 2040 —Cumberland 203 | DIED I.I'PKKR —On February 15, 1915, Henry J. Lupfer died suddenly at hli residence. 1319 Marlon street, aged 72 years. Funeral services on Wednesday even ing. at 7:30, at above address. The body will be taken to New Bloomnelu Thursday morning' by Undertaker <-■. H. Sourblor. where burial will be made. Train leaves P. 11. li. Station at 8 A. M. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. SIEETCH—Mrs. Mary Catherine Meeti-h. wife of William B. Meetch on Tues dav morning. February 16. 19K>. Funeral services at the home 1630 North Second street. Thursdaj, 1 ebru nry 18, 1915. at - o'clock. BACON On Tuesday morning. ary 16. 1915. Harry W. Bacon, in his, 51st year. , „„„ _, • Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at - o'clock, from his late 1 n?L l L en ' .atives North Fifteenth street. The relatives am) friends are invited to attend wltn out further notice. Burial private. Scranton papers. plcase_^o_P>j__ i^^^ LOST _____ I (IST lAdv's gold watch hunting case man's' fob attached- W. & \V. Reward If returned. <-all 751J1 Bell phone. I.OST Female Scotch Collie—brown and white spotted c ~i2ia «Peo Llb lock—disappeared four weeks ago. U»> eral reward it returned. NotlfJ J'™ Partman. care of Central Clfear Co.. South Cameron street. IWUSU "FOUND The way to end y°ur cleaning and dyeing worries, by calling either phone for Lggert s Steam D>e lig and French Cleaning Works. l-4» Market street. We call and_j3e£Uer^ UEI.P VVANllil) —Male WANTED bond or stock s " to sell 8 per cent, preferred Hosier* stock. K., 51, care of Telegraph. OCT OF WORK?—Let lis show you how to make 135 weekly in your own town. Write to-day. \N llkon &uppl> Co.. Dept. T. Pottsville. Pa. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, H-372, tells liow. Examinations In this Estate soou. Write to-day—NOW. Karl Hopkins,. Washington. D. C. BECOME Railway Mail Clerks; Har risburg Mail Carriers. JSj.OO to $L»0.00 ir.onth. Pull unnecessary. Schedule o. Winter and Spring examinations— Tree. [ rankiln Institute, Dept. S6l-B, Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED Railway mall and postal clerks; examinations soon; over 2.000 ippointments yearly; prepare at home, write for Plan No. 15 of payment after 1 • ppointment. Philadelphia Business , L'ollcge. Civil Service Dept.. Philadel- ! phla. Pa. I ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN j SVANTED. Ablebodied. unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and : temperate habits, who can speak, read 1 »nd write the English language, bor | information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts., 1 Harrisburg; 4S N. Queen St.. Lancaster; | i. r ,3 Tine St.. Willlamsport; 3 4 W. Mar- ; ket St.. York, or 113 Independence bt. ; ?hajnokln. Pa. j w COLLECTOR WANTED Young man to collect accounts for large city firm. Must have had previ ous experience and not afraid 01 hard work. State age, sa.ary ex pected and "lace where formerly emploved. Give reference as to . haracter, honesty, sobriety, etc. Let us know something about vourself. Address No. 15:8. care of the Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED WANTED —Reliable men and' vomen agents, who can hustle forj 111 up-to-date Ll\ E PROPO SITION'. Apply Room 27, Spoon :t Building, Harrisburg, Pa., 10 j i. m. to 5 p. m. AGENTS WANTED For high-! ;radj article. Sure repeater. Demon- ' It rat? and the sale Is made. If yot: are hustler liere is your chance to make I 10.00 daily. Address S.. 1554, care of j "eletrraph. Harrisburg. Pa. j H I I F \\ ANTED —Female WORKS DRESS 31A KING SCHOOL IAo registered 28 new pupils, and has , com for a few more, day or evening. ; U1 pattern cutting is taught by meas- j ire. You make your own dresses while i earning. Works Dressmaking School, j •J North Fourth street. < WANTED Plain cook and laun- I Ircss for place in country, white or : nlored. Call on H. A. Surface, Capitol J luilding. or write or phone Mrs. Sur ace. Mechanicsburg. Pa. WANTED An experienced white j ronian two whole days or four half , lays of ra< h week, to wash, iron and ; lean. Apply Wednesday, Thursday, j "riday evenings. 7:30 to 9 o'clock, to 21S ] >lne street. WANTED White girl for general j lousework: must have references 1600 forth Third street. WANTED Experienced steno- : [rarhcr. Salary. slo per week. Bring ftier. in own handwriting, in person, tating former experience and appiy ' ®tween 12 and 2 o'clock Friday. Wlnt -r •lano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. LADIES Sew at home. $1.20 dozen, mall a; I novelty: goods sent pit-paid:; tamped envelope for particulars. Natik loveity Co. 206 West One Hundred and ixth street, New York. WANTED White girl, or woman, i ar general fio-iseworlc and plain . ook ig; no washing, good nages. . "all be iveen 0 and 8 P. M . 21.1T> North Sixth ! treet. WANTED White girl for general ousework; good hom» for right per on. Address P. O. Box 51, Harrisburg, : 'a. WANTED Namo and address of an idustrious girl for office work: special i raining not required: must have irnmmar School education Give age. ■ ddress 8.. 1555, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Experienced help, nplv "Silk Mills," Cor. Second PKS Xorth Sts. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young colored man ants job of any kind Apply 209 :orth Second street. Steelton. Pa. - j s\ FOR SALE FARMS Soml for our complete list of farm* in Daupliin. Cumberland, York. Adams and Perry counties. 1 MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Roads Locust and Court Streets i ¥ • WEDNESDAY EVENING. , SITUATIONS WANTED—StaIe WANTED Manager (2S) desires } position with credit house; three years' ! experience In New York: can furnlsit best of references. Address "Credit I Man," 1539. care of Telegraph. ; WANTED White boy. 16 years of I age, would like to learn barber trade. I Apply 1114 North Cameron street, Har- J rlsburg. Pa. WANTED Young, married man de sires a position as stationary engineer; I also experienced in pumping station; lean operate Frick Co. and York Ice ma ; chine. Call, or address, 142 North street. i WANTED Young man. IS years of age. desires position of any kind; one vear's experience In grocery store; can I handle horses. Address A. W. F., 1521 j Vernon street. City. ■ WANTED —By young man. colored, work of any kind; understands automo- I biles. 209 North Second street. Steel ! ton. WANTED Colored man would like ■ home with familv In the country or suburban: honest and -rood worker. i Write to J. Warn. 903 Sarah avenue, or 1 call. WANTED Job compositor, aged experience. Address Box 114, Lemoyne, | Pa. Si f CATION s WA XT ED—Female WANTED Plain sewing, crochet work or knitting. Address, or call. 429 Broad street, Room 35. City. WANTED By young woman, posi tion as office girl", or cashier In restau rant: willing to start at moderate sal ary. Address C.. 1200. care of Tele graph. WANTED By white woman, iron ing or cleaning by the day; thoroughly exnerienced and reliable Address H., 1560, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work by colored girl, general housework or dishwashing. Call, or address. 1324 1 - James street. City. WANTED Young colored woman would like work of any kind, child's nurse preferred. Call 2S Linden street. WANTED White girl wants work of any kind: sleep at home: would like Saturday and Sunday afternoons off. Call, or address. Miss Reed, 1527 Wal lace street. WANTED Young, white girl de sires general housework, or to keep house for a widower. Call, or address, Sll James avenue. WANTED -."nlored woman wants housework, or day's work, or bundle washing. Call, or address. 524 Brown avenue. WANTED By middle-aged white woman, with daughter 10 years old. po sition as housekeeper in widower's family. Address Mrs. E. Brandt, West Fairview. Pa. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home. Call, or address. 1529 Logan avenue. WANTED White woman desires general housework, or day's work. Call, or address. Mrs. Myers. 429 Broad street, Room 26. WANTED ■— Position as housekeeper in respectable family. Call, or address, 2210 Atlas avenue. WANTED By white weman, d&y's work of any kind. Address, or call. 2005 North Seventh. WANTED Girl, 18 (whltel. would like light housekeeping In small fam ilv. Address M. H„ 31S Harris street, City. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home. restaurant and family washing. Call, or write. 2 North Ninth street, below State street bridge. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE ,-pring Is coming. See the beautiful suburban homes at River side before you buy elsewhere Large lots. Fine porches. Low prices and easv terms. Lewis M. Neiffer, 222 Market street. E. Moeslein. 424 State street. FOR SALE Homes at Riverside at prices $2,250. $2,500 and $2,800: electric ligii' steam heat and all Improve merts. Also Building Lota at Pen brook. Paxtang and Riverside for sale. For terms apply to S. Haldeman it Co., Carpenters and Builders. 3222 North Sixth street. Carpenter repair work proi itlv attended to by calling Bell phono 3622J3. Estimates cheerfully fur nished. <2S) ACRES ONE of Largest Carpet Mills in Penn sylvania, Iron i and I Steel Works. (3) trolley lines 141 railroads <9O) trains dailv. I'itv market only |3> mile to danilv (28)' acre farm with i2> story iS) room' home, large windows and cellar. Bank Barn and outbuildings. Can have running spring water —apples, plums, cherries, peaches, quinces, pears, grapes. >$100) fruit last year. Horse (cowi four hogs (401 chickens, wagon, buggv, harness, ton hay. ton straw i2o> bushel nats (25) bushel corn (price) evervthing only i $1,600). i TO* At RES l»l^MK)i Edge (of) I'ity Market. l,arge (Stove) Works. Machine Shops. Foundries (20) passenger trains daily. Home (Barn) outbuildings il3) acres good woodland, mostly level Southern exposure, spring water and creek. Apples, cher ries. peaches, quinces, pears, grapes and plum trees. Last year >1,000) bushel of fruit. Ton straw, ton hay i2a> bushel oats (50) bushel corn (2i horses <cow) two li-igs (30) '-hlekens (guineas) ducks ,g ee , :e i and machinery. (Remember) only • $2.500). I lOOi ACRES (*3.r.0t1l Here you are—Great Bargain. Only (mile) to large Market between (2) oltif-s of (30.00U) population paying (S:;3O.OUd) monthly. Buildings mostly new and painted last year. Stone spring house at Fine White Home with porch i 301 feet long. (16) acres < woodland > valued i51.200l and (600) choice fruit trees. <2l horses 131 cows 16) hogs 1701 chickens (9i ton hay (10) straw i 100) bushel oats (120) busliei corn i Everything) only ($1,200). Handy to Trolley. liEORGK H. OSTRAXDEH. Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. BTSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE that should interest you corner brick large—modern—steam heat No 1820 North Third street. Price right. Inspect it soon. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. TWO SMALL FARMS FOR SALE Size 26 and 39 acres one n,ar ller shev and tlie other 2% miles from New t'umberiand. Possession al once. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE — 2%-story frame double dwelling house, good barn In rear, on easy terms. Address Box 62. Lemoyne, Pa. - FOR SALE Three lots, located at Tenth, street. New Cumberland, Pa. Will sell cheap for cash. Apply to C. W. Rapp, 609 Schuylkill street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Apartment house, 404 North Second street; five apartments and store; steam heat and all modern Improvements. Apply, or address. M. Mull Heir street HKAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Residence 113 South Front street; city steam: electricity and gas. Also two rooms, 114 South River avenue, suitable for business purposes. J. W. Park. 32 North Second. FOR RENT Whole or part of house between locust and P'ne on Second street; central location all conveni ences; suitable for residence or board- Inghouse; rent reasonable. Address G„ 1545. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT HOtf Green street, grick house. 8 rooms and bath, all Im provements, $35.00 per month, from April 1. J. S. Sible. *56 Herr street. | HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT | FOR RENT Storeroom at 11 North I Fourth, now occupied by Pollock's Gro cery. en, feet front by 76 deep. Pos session April I. possible sooner. Apply M. Schondorf. 12 South Fourth street. FOR RENT 627 Wiconlsco street— 3-story brick !> rooms large porch and bay window front and rear all improvements. Apply C. H. Mauk, 17 45 North Sixth street. FOR RENT ->l3 North Second street; 3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; ail improvements; electric bell* all rocms to kitchen; excellent location. Possession April I. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT Homes with all Improve me.-.ts at moieratr rentals J. K. Glpplet I SSI Market atree.. FOR RENT House and barn, with six acres of ground, two miles from city. $15.00 per month: small garage. I $".00: small storeroom. $9.50. A. W. ; Swengel. 219 South Thirteenth street. I TWO HOUSES FOR RENT at sl7 and S2O, respectively. Also several houses for sale on easy payments. Think I this matter over and act. Bell Realty ; Co.. Bergner Building. I FOR RENT Two-story _ brick hcuse. all improvements, $12.50 _ per month. 1009 Manada street. W. E. ' Moeslein, 612 Boas street. Bell "lione 2593. ! street, two doors from Market street land P. R. R. depot entrance. Large show window. Suitable for any busi ness. Applv Claster's Jewelry Store, j 302 Market street. ! 2219 N. FOURTH ST.—An ideal, cozy ' home: all conveniences; front porch. ' stationary hall rack, buffet, mirror ' doors, clothes closets, etc. Rent, $22. ' Apply Claster's Jewelery Store. 302 APAItTMEN l"S FOR RENT FOP. RENT apartments at south east corner Four > and Peffer streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent. Outside porch. Aoply B. F. Lmberger, 10S North Seeon< street, or 427 Peffer stree*. | "HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT; bay window front or. Locust street. Tiled entrance: tiled bath; locker; hall phones; fully e«i'.. pped kitchen. Apply I Penn'a Realty it improvement Co.. 132 j Locust street. FOR RENT Apartment 4 rooms, including range, bath, toilet elegant 'location. Apply to C. H. Mauk, 1,40 j North Sixth street. ! APARTMENT FOR RENT Five i rooms and bath, with all modern con veniences. Apply 1118 North Sixth I street. ROOMS FOR RENT ; FOR RENT Furnished room, suit ' able for man and wife, or single per son. Inquire at No. 152S Thompson ave . nue. FOR RENT Comfortably furnished • room for gentleman. Inquire 703 North Second street. FOR lENT Furnished room on i second floor front, for man and wife, with privilege of kitchen. Call 499.» i, ' Bell phone. ! FOR RENT Furnished rooms, i single or ensuite; ail conveniences, in- I cludin . phone; reference required. Ap j ply It to North Front street. I FO v RENT Two nicely furnished rooms second floor, with use of bath and a few steps to the trolley; fine U" ation. 203 Kelker street. Phone No. 1' .3W. RENT Furnished rooms in a small, private family, all conveniences, close \o bathroom; only gentlemen need 1 apply; rent reasonable. Apply 30i j South Seventeenth street, City. I FOR RENT One large, nicely fur i nished front bedroom, with use of batli 'and phone: suitable for married couple l<r two gentlemen. Call Sl2 Green | street, ot phone 2395 J. I ROOMS FOR RENT Well furnish -1 vd apartment of two rooms and batli; private entrance from vestibule: city 1 steam heat and electric light: references I required. 513 North Second street. i FOR RENT Two rooms for light i housekeeping, with all conveniences; | also one furnished room for lodging. I Apply North Eighteenth street. FO' RENT Two or three unfur 'nishe.'. rooms for light housekeeping: [all conveniences; good location; cars i stop ••. front of door Call Bell phone ! f'2¥R. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, two on the second floor and one on third floor; light, heat, use of bath and telephone. 236 Harris street. FIN ULY furnished room for rent; ex cellen location, facing Capitol Park, seconi floor; all modern conveniences: use ot phone; city steam heat. Inquire 406 North street. FOR KENT Two nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences; rent rea sonable. and also boarding. Call 1217 Market street. FOR RENT -- Four-room flat: all conveniences. Apply at 516 State street. FOR REXT DESIRABLE ROOMS single and ensuite all outside rooms - running water elevator service city steam licat in the Frankling Building. 212 Locu«t street. Miller Brothers & Co., Lt-cu ' and Court streets. FOR SALE OWNER will sacrifice his five-passen ger touring car. in good shape, for $350 cash. Inquire Bell phone No. 100. FOR SALE High-class touring car —4O-H.-P. —1914 model—ran few thou sand miles, but is as good as new must sell —private owner. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. WHITE LEGHORN Hatching Eggs for sale. Young-Wyckoff strain, SI.OO per setting—s6.lo per hundred. Also ntoc'.. for sale. Address Elkview Poultry l'arm, Speeceville. Pa. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Goldfish and Globes of all sizes. Bird Seeds, natural fish food and supplies, at Gebiiardt's, the "Bird Man." 1004 North Third, between Boas and Herr. WILL sacrifice new violin. Just bought at $25, for $18; also new Player Piano, worth $630. at $193. Monthly payments if desired. Address A.. 1557. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Offie. BARGAINS In L. C. Smith and Bros, and Cnderwood Typewriters; also one Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. Prices reasonable. L C. Smith and Bros. 36 South Fourth. FOR SALE One chicken house, 12x 14 ft: 1 50-egg incubator, Buckeye; 1 Iron-Age cultivator, new; thirty White Leghorn hens, laying. Inquire S. A. Wilson, Camp Hill, Pa. Bell plione 3179 R. FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. C. White Orpington Eggs. SI.OO for 15, postpaid: also choice Pullets and Cock erels. C. E. Enders. Enders, Pa. FOR SALE —Germantown cut-under, rubber-tired carriage, silver-mounted double harness: all in first-class condi tion. Apply Claster's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. FOR SALE One roll-top desk—one desk chair—4 other chairs— table and clothes-tree. Apply Room 304 Trustee Building, 8 North Market Square. FOR SALE Light Lundh and Pool Parlor, with three t. "lies, doin* good business. In Elizabethtown; population 4.000: good reasons for selling: reason able price to quick buyer. Address C T. Levick, Elizabethtown. % HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH , FOR SALE CALKS _ FOrt SALE \t Gable s. 111-117 S. Second street. Red Tip. Ring Point, liliizard. Rowe Junior. Can't Slip, Miant Grip anil Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE Almost new counter soda fountain. Good condition. Will sell cheap. Edgar T. Doyle. Tower City, Pa. FOR SALE. CHEAP To quick buyer, one mahogany back-bar to soda ; fountain. Apply 230 Cranberry avenue. | CIGARS For a limited time we are tflvlng 60 "Madame X" and 25 "Miss l,ou" Cigars for sl. postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Pa. 54 N. Seventeenth St. brick lO | rooms—steam heat. I 18 N. Seventeenth St. brick —lO I rooms—steam heat. ! 524 Camp St. brick —lO rooms i furnace. i 909 and 911 Capital St. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Boston Terrier Puppy; also French Poodle. 9 months old. Will , sell reasonable. Call 812 Green street, I or 2395 J. I FOR SALE Jenning sfaln Indian i Hnnner Duck Eggs for hatching, SI.OO | per setting, $7.00 per hundred. Stock lalao for sale. Elkvlew Poultry Farm. | Speeceville, Pa. ! BEAUTIFUL SHETLAND POMES AT PI HI.IC BAI.K A LARGE number will be sold at the sale of The Carlisle Shetland Ponv Farm. Thursday. February 18, ISIS, oil the Sulphur Spring road, two miles north of Carlisle, Pa. Your children should have a pony. Come to the sale, buy one. Costs less to keep than a dog. DOORS FOR SALE at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. All sizes. Cypress, White Pine and Fir Doors. Porch work Sasli. Shutters and Mouldings. ROOMS CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each One o:t these slrns will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. - FOR RENT I*OR REX I' Room 3500 square feet floor space, suitable for storage or light manufactur ing purposes. Inquire J. Rhoads, Cowden and Forster streets. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $60,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with S3. Send for free booklet. Teils how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. 1 WILL SEND you twenty-four good moneymaking plans for 25c. If rot satisfied 1 will return money. Address Box ,114. Millersburg. Pa. WHAT have you to Exchange on equities in well-rented houses in town of K.iOO. seventeen miles from Harris burg: Address Y., 1556, care of Tele graph. SSOO IX"\ ESTED NOW purchases one fourth interest in absolutely cheapest power in world (patent allowed): en dorsed by Government and other of ficials. Lifetime opportunity-—investi gate. Call any day this week, Hvdro- Electric Power, 225 North Market street. Mechanicsburg. Pa. WANTED Party with a small amount of money, to help put on the market the greatest burglar alarm and lock bolt ever invented. Come and see it demonstrated. 329 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Pocket Billiards Par lor. in good town. Good reason for selling. Lock Drawer F, Duncannon. Pa. FOR SALE Grocery business, in cluding three-story brick. corner building, fine location. Large store room. Exceptional offer. Reason for selling retiring from business. Koueh Bright bill & Kline, Sixth and Reilv streets. Phone 1464 J. * Restaurant ior Sale. Cheap to quick buyer. On main street doing fair business. Apply Hap ple & Schwartz, Real Estate Agents, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ANY Intelligent persou can earn good for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate, 798, Lock pori. N. T. Blsutss i'tilso.NiVl,a PIANO MOVING by experts. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street Call 146. Bell Phone. H. H. FKESER, Carpenter and Builder. Tliirty-lirst and Curtin streets Penbrook, Pa. Carpenter repair work promptly attended to. Estimates fur nished free. United phone 226 L FOR tailing hair try Gross Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross th« Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Mark "' street. Harrisburg, Pa. orders giveu prompt attention. Ben 1960. OLD GOLD AND SILVER. Diamonds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Srenner j. weler. No 1 North Third street bSi! Vhone I_2i4L* Harrisburg Paste Works 126 N. Cameron Street PAPEKHANGERS', billposters' hook binders' and all kinds of paste. l>remDt Shipment. Ail paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. HAL'LING ~ li. W. LATHE. Hoard lu* stable a ß d National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. w. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Beli phone Is'c 2503 R. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FuTnT turo bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phon" 2718 J. Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 iiar ket street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help Send US your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction, s. N Cluck. 320 Woodbine street MONEY TO LOAN HONEST, Industrious people without Real Estate, Stocks or Bonds, can se cure small LOANS here consistent with sound business at Legal Rales. Small Payments. Prompt, courteous, confi dential service. Profit-Sharing Loan Society, Chartered —Licensed—Bonded Second Floor. » N. Market Square. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to eult borrower. Address P. O Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co 204 Chsstnut Street " ANY person _ needing money ri amounts from $0 to SSO holding a sal aried position, wouid be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. »ii North Third street. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street fer household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 71 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper ft Co.. 411 Broad street Both phones. WAR BULLETINS Paris, IVI>. 1«. i t.tis |>, M.—Tlie Austro-German I or<*c>. organized to oi>er«lc against Sorliia consist «»r nine army corps, three of which are Ger man, totaling IMl.OOOmcn. according to a dispatch to the Balkan agency ; from Alliens, based upon what is said ■ to ih* authoritative information. Constantinople, Feb. 17. via \msler dam and Loudon, P. M. For llie double purpose of raising funds and for releasing persons unwilling to «»r»e in the army, tlie Turkish cham ber of deputies to-dnv passed as mi urcent measure a hill granting mili tary exemption to all trained and un trained Moslem reservists and <<crtaln other classes of untrained Moslems on payment of a lax of Sl2O. | New- York. Feb. 17.—The entire male civil German and Austrian IHIIUI i lalion of British India, together with , many prisoners from East Africa, lias i W**n interned al Ahmednagar. a mili tary camp about one day's travel from the city of Hnmhay, according; to Henry Duiisier Baker, former Ameri can consul al Komliav, who is now in the t tilled States. DAMAGED MRSIIIPS SIGHTED By Associated Press London, Feb. 17. 8.82 p. ni.—A big airship, believed to be of the Parseval type, apparently damaged by gunllre. flew over Amsterdam this morning, says a dispatch from that city to the Reuter's Telegram company. The air ship was flying at a height or about 600 feet and lis crew was unable to keep the vessel in a horizontal posi tion. VIRGINI A COM MEMO R ATES TREATY Richmond. Va., Feb. 17.—8y proc lamation of the governor. Virginia to day is celebrating the hundredth an niversary of the treaty of Ghent. All public offices are closed. TO Hl'ILI) 95,500 HOUSE A permit for a three-story brick building at 1842 North Second street, lo cost $5,500 was Issued this after noon to L. IL and M. H. DeCarlton. PHII.ADEI.PHI \ PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Feb. 17. Wheat Ijower; No. 2. red. spot, export. sl.sS@> 1.64: No. 1, Northern, DuWith, export, >1.67 ® 1.72. Corn Lower: No. 2. spot, export, 79ia<SOc: No. 2. yellow, local. S3'i (frS4c. flats Lower; No. 2. white, 65® 65 "-c. Bran Steady; winter, per ton. SSO.oO<S 31.00; spring, per ton. $25.00 V 25.50. Refined Sugars—Market steady; pow dered. 5.85 c; tine granulated. r>.7l>« ; con fectioners' A. 5.65 c. Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras. 31c; nearbv, prints, fancy. 34c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other uearoy firsts, free cases. $7.80 per case; <jo., current receipts, free cases, $7.63 per case: western, extras, firsts, free cases. $7.80 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.65 per case. Live Poultry Firm: fowls, 13® 16c: old roosters, llfijilltjc: chickens. 13© 16c; turkeys, 14® 17c; ducks, 16® 17c; geese. 15W17C. Dressed Poultry Easier: turkeys, fancy, 22c; 00.. tair to good. ls®2»o; fowls, heavy, lS',»®l9 l ic; do., average. 16 'i ® 18',4c; do., small, 14®16c; old roosters, 14c; broiling chickens, near by, 18@23c: western. 14®22c; roast ing chickens, 174J20C; ducks. 12@18c; geese. 10® 14c. Potatoes Markei weak: Penn sylvania. per bushel. 60®63c: Maine. 45 ®soc; New York, 40®45c; Jersey, per basket. 30tfi3oc. Flour—Market nominal; winter, clear. $3.5<f?4.10; straights. Pennsyl vania. $7.25®7.50: spring straights. $7.00© 7.2"«: do., patents. $7.35®5.50; western. $4.25(ii 4.40: patents. s4.sofi •i.75: Kansas straight, jute sacks. $4.15 4( 4.30; spring, lirsis. clear, S4-OO04.SO; straights. $4.20(54.30; patents. s4.:;s'Ui 4.60. Hay The market is weak: tim othy. No. 1. large bales. No. 1, medium bales. No. 2. do., $17.00® 18.0'-: No. 3. do.. $14.50® 15.50: samples, Ji3.oo@ 14.00; no grade. sll.oo® 12.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed. $17.50® 18.00; No. I. do., sl6 50® 17.00; No. 2. do.. $15.00© 16.00. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE THE following ordinance was read In nlace in the City Council at "ts meet ing held Tuesday Afternoon. February 16. 1915. and is published as required by Article 3, Section 3. Clause 10. of the Act of Assembly approved June 27. 1913: AN ORDINANCE To authorize the opening of Carlisle Street, from Holly Street to Derry Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg. and It is hereby ordained by authority of tile same. That the City Solicitor bt: and lie is hereby directed to take tlie necessary proceedings to have Carlisle Street, from Holly Street to Derry Street, as marked on the official map of the/city, legally opened, and for that purpose, he is authorized, subject to the approval of Council, to agree with tlie property owners whose property will be taken, injured or destroyed by said Improvement upon proper compen sation for the damages to be done or caused by the said opening of Carlisle Street as herein authorized. Section 2. That in rase the Cltv So licitor. in behalf of the city, and the property owners along said Carlisle Street, between tile points designated, cannot agree upon the compensation proper to be paid, or Council subse quently falls or refuses to confirm any such agreement, or rejects the same, the City Solicitor may. if tlie property owners do not. apply to tlie Court for the appointment of viewers to assess the damages and benefits according to law. Section 3. Tliat the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements is hereby directed as soon as the damages mentioned in the first and second sec tions uereof shall be properly adjusted, or secured by bond, to cause all ob structions now on the line of said street, between the points named, to be removed, so that said highway may be hereafter graded. CHARLES A. MILLER. Clerk of tlie City Council. Office of the City Clerk, Harrisburg, Pa.. February 16, 1915. WILLIAM LONGENECKER AND WALTER BI'RRIS. tinners, doing busi ness under firm name of Longenecker & Burrls. have dissolved partnership by mutual consent. All persons owing said firm will please make payment to Wm. Longen ecker. All persons having claims against said firm will present claims to W. G IXINGENECKER. N. 1319 North Third. STOKAGE STORAGE IN S-etory brtek building, rear 408 Market afreet. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dleaer. Jeweler. 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided Into fire proof private rooms or various sizes for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of fire retardent construction for g:ener&l merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick snd safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Se -cid street near I Pax ton. on the tracks a' Penna, R. R. FEBRUARY 17. 1915. ' HEUVY TEIENCY IS DEVELOPED 111 STOCK Reading, Lehigh Valley and Can adian Pacific Weak During Morning Hours By Associated Press New York. Feb. 17. Stocks de veloped a heavy tendency at the out set of to-day's operations and declines of one to two points in issues of Im portance were soon recorded. Read ing. I,ehigh Valley and Canadian Pa cific were weak and the list generally Inactive, but their favorites yielded fractionally. New Haven. Southern Hallway, Pfd., and Loose-Wiles declined two points, falling to their new mini mum prices. Specialties like Texas ! Company, Montana Power and Mexican Petroleum were lower. Trading was light and again governed largely by foreign conditions. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York. Feb. 17. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 28"S, 28S 28»,i 2S\fc Amal Cop . 58% 53% 52% 52% Am Bt Sug 39'-. 39% 3S', a 3SVi Am Can .. 27% 27% 27% 27% Am Can pd 93% 93% 93% 93% Am C 4 K 4i; -' **% **l4 Am Cot Oil 45% 45% 41% 44% Am Ice Sec 25% 28% 23% 23% Am Loco . 21 % 21% 21% 21% Am Smelt . 64% 04 % 61% 61% Am Sugar . 102 102% lU2 102% Am T & T. 119' i 119 % 118% 119 Anaconda . 26% 26% 26% 26% Atchison .. 9494% 93% 93% B& O ... . BS 68 67 67% l Beth Steel. 56 56% 55% 53% Bklyn RT. 86 U 86% 85% 86 Cal Petro. . 18% 18% 17% 18 Can Pacific 157 157 156% 157 Hd & Leath 34 % 85% 34% 34% C& 0 41% 41 41 41% C. M&St P 85% 85% 85% 85% c Con Cop. 33 35 35 35 Col F<& I . 25% 23% 25% 25% Corn Prod. 9' s 9% 9 9 Erie 21% 21% 21% 21% Erie Ist pfd 35 35 34% 34% Gen Motors 91 91 Goodrh BF 31% 31% 31 31 Gt Nor pfd 114% 114% Gt X Ore s 31 31 30% 30% Gug Exp.. 50% 50% 48% 48% 111 Cent .. 105% 105% In-Met ... 12% 12 12%' 12% in-Met pfd 37 57 56% 56% Lehigh Val 132 182'j 132 132 Louis & N 115 115 Mex Petro. 69% 70 64% 65 Mo Pac .. 10 "a 10% 10% 10% Nat Lead. . 50 50 Nev CO.. 12% 12% X Y Cent.. 83 1 83% 83 83% NY.NH& II 47% 47% 47 47 % Nor & W. 100 100 997 i 99% Nor Pac .. 102% 102% 102 102% P R R ... 104% 104% 104% 104% Peo. G& C. 11 8 % 118 % Pgh Coal.. 20% 20% 20 20 Pgh C pfd 93 93 Press S Car 29 29 28% 29 Ry Stl Sp. 21% 21% 21 21 R C Copper 17 17 Reading .. 143% 143% 142% 142% Studebaker 43 45 43% 43% i So Pacific.. 83% 83% 83% 83% So Railway 15% 15% 14% 15 So Rw.v pfd 48 48 TennCop.. 29 U 29% 29% 29% Texas Co .. 129 129 128% 129 Third Ave. 15% 45% 45% 45% Union Pac. 119 119% 118% 118% US Rubber 53% 55%, 54% 54% U S Steel. 43 43 42 42 " U S S pfd 104% 104% 104% 104% Utah Cop.. 52% 52% 51% 51% West Aid.. ts% 18 % 18 18 West IT Tel 63% 63% 63% 63% AVest Mfg.. 69% 69 % 69% 69% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111.. Feu. 17. Hogs Re ceipts. 10,000: slow. Bulk of sales, $6.65 fti H.SO- light, $6.600 6.80; mixed, 86.55@i 6.50: heavy, $6.3® 6.75; rough, $6.33® 6.50• pigs, $6.26®6.75. Cattle Receipts. 9,000: firm. Na tive steers. $5.25'" 8.40: western. sl.63(ft 7.20; cows and heifers. $3.30®7.50; calves, $6.50®10.25. Sheep Receipts, 11,000: firm. Sheep, $6.10fi>7.25: yearlings, lambs. $7.251{i 8.80. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, lil., Feb. 17.Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May, 1.60; July. 1.32%. Corn—May. 77 1 4: July, 79%. Oats —May. 59Vi: July. 55%. Pork—May, 18.82; July, 19.25. Ijird—May, 10.77; July, 10.90- Ribs—May, 10.15; July, 10.40. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press ; Philadelphia, Feb. 17.—Stocks closed i st -ady. Cambria Steel 41 General Asphalt Asked 30 General Asphalt. Pfd Asked 65 ( Lake Superior Asked 9 ! Lehigh Navigation 76% Lehigh Valley 66 I Pennsylvania Railroad 52% j Philadelphia Electric 24% I Philadelphia Company ....Asked 32 I Philadelphia Co.. Pfd Asked 32 I Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 9 x i , Reading 72 5-16 'Reading. 2.1 Pfd 42% I Storage Battery 48 I Union Traction Asked 36 i United Gas Improvement 82% United States Steel 42 k Father* ( <1 The fact that most of our customers have sent us other patrons is indeed a "feather 5n our cap/' as it demon strates without doubt that our work is as food as it's pos sible to make it (f Our Artists and Engravers are men of experience and | ability in their respective 1 lines. Let us prove it ta you. Phone us and a representa tive will call. ebc^v'elegrapb * \I jßrUnOgltflt.lnS ' department...« 316 Remonstrate Against Licensing of Paxtonia Inn; Urge Safety to Travelers Conditions are better now without the sale of liquor. Sale of liquor creates danger \ to travel on the public highways, i These two reasons are specifically ; set forth in the remonstrance against j the granting of a license to Harry Hckinger for the Paxtonia lun. The | objection signed by 816 citizens—l7;t men and 143 women—was filed late yesterday afternoon. The Ecklnger ■ hearing will be one of three which will , occupy the attention of the Dauphin [county judges at the 1915 session of license court on Friday. The only other remonstrances tiled were those opposing the relicensing of the John Mackert bottling establish ment at Lenkervllle and the Ann street. I hotel privilege, Middletown, now held i by Harry White. To Hold Memorial Services For City's Ex-Councilmen i Simple but impressive tribute to the ex-city councilman who may die in the future will be paid by the Harrisburg Councllmanic Association, according to a change adopted in the by-laws at the meeting last evening. The ex councilmen ate fasnaclits and drank cofTee. ex-Selectman Frank H. Hoy. Jr., acting as host. Committees were [appointed as follows: Banquet—Augustus H. Kreidler, chairman; Thomas B. Marshall, A. Coleman Sheet/.. F. H. Hoy, Jr., and M. Harvey Taylor. Membership Augustus Wiidman, chairman: Fred L. Morgenthaler, T. K. Shisler. James P. McCullough and John G. Hauck. Social—lsaiah Reese. A. B. Gardner, T5. A. Falter, William Smith and J. E. Rodonhaver. Memorial—L. J. Houseal. William H. Killinger, George D. Toomey, Ben jamin F. Umberger and John Daugh erty. Declares Turkey Was Not Drawn Into War By Associattd Press | Constantinople, Feb. 17, via London. | IP. M. "Turkey declared war without being urged by German • or impelled by any other influences save those of the Empire." said Talaat Bey to-day in a statement to the Associated Press. !n reply to questions concerning the nolitical and military situation ill his country. "Turkey engaged in military opera tions." lie continued, "only when actions on the part of Russia and Great Brit ain made these measures necessary, and to-day Turkey lias taken all steps need ful to carry the war through. The holy war is not menacing Christians, but the holy war is a fact which the enemies of the Mohammedan world should tear in mind. Christians In the Ottoman Empire who are participating in the destinies of their country are not suffering from conditions brought about by the present state of affairs, and any statements to the contrary are a result of British, French and Russian intrigues, the purpose of which is to direct against Turkey the pressure of neutral countries of lower standing in the Ottoman world." MISS BARBARA MUMMA DIES AT WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Miss Barbara Mumma. aged 66, died last evening of paralysis at her home nt Washington Heights. Alia? Mumma was formerly of Mechanicsburg. where she was for many years an ac tive member of the Reformed Men nonite Church, She is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mary Mumma, at home; Anna Mumma and Mrs. J. F. Rife, of Washington Heights; David Mumma, of Mechan icsburg; also the following half brothers and sisters; John Miller of Camp Hill, and Mrs. I. S. Miller, of Waynesboro. Funeral services will be held at the Home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial in the Wind ing Hill Cemetery. DAYTON CASE RESUMED Wheeling. W. Va., Feb. 17. —Inci- dents leading up to the resignation of the late Judge John J. Jackson from the Federal bench were the topics of witnesses heard to-day before the Congressional subcommittee investi gating charges against Federal Judge. A. G. Dayton, of the Northern dis trict, West Virginia. Judge Jackson resigned in 1905 and was succeeded by Judge Dayton. HAND DOWN AWARD APRII, 20 Chicago, Feb. 17.—The award of the board of arbitration in the wage movement of the engineers, ilremen and hostlers of 98 western railroads will be handed down April 20 next, and will be effective for one year be ginning May 1, 1915. A stipulation to this effect was signed here to-day. Twelfth kHerr St. FACTORY FOR RENT Splendid Room, 60x75 feet. SO win do ITS; up-to-date lieam beat ing Included. Rent very reason able. Will be wired to suit tenant. Apply POST OFFICE BOX 34. ———— For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply , , Union Trust Company $ MONEY y. To Housekeepers, Work* Ol Ingmea and Salaried Em. plojes. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • X. MARKET SQUARE Room Si. 4th Floor Spooner Building * 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers