▼T▼▼▼▼▼Tff T f T f T f f V V P Bowman's Big Bargain Sale ■ The Second Dag Brin '' Economies, anofa Reminder of Those ; - - - - —— Women's and Misses' Gowns and Petticmmts, '< : Ladies' World loilet Accessories child™-, Pettic.au, Romper* and Gown. r | Exceptional Offer Are Reduced For > ► lAr win gi . ve you a f °ur-months' subscription to the r-p, . c . and Boys' Night Shirts and Pajamas 4 ► Ladies' World, including' February, March, April J[ QJS iJcllC * A ► and May. Don't fail to place your order at once. The leg- A * C . 1* C 1 £ * ► tdar four-months' subscription price is 40c. SI.OO hand-drawn bristle hair ixlC 111 1 lllS I_rfXtr3.olfCiin3.ry 0316 Ol 4 ► J brushes 59* * : 1"Q AAA O 1.. r> L \ : ™ i:),UUU r lannelette Laarments :< £lar 50c jar Wood's smooth skin cream ___ << : AT HALF PRICE f >, ft——,/''Wt 15c can Babcock's Cho Clio San [ ► 30c box rose facc powder aIJ carried away hundreds of these fine quality, well made, and PERFECT' : You Will Be Surprised at the Oc box Rabess face powder, all flannelette garments which represent the greatest sale of its kind, both in j| " 0 r\ r* .. nv n 1 • shadcs 19t volume and value, on record in this city. At these prices it will pay to look' ► bavings On Cotton Dress fabrics Mah ' forward to next winter. |Bl M , _< ; in This Sale. , Select Any ' Twas An Overstocked fEfe? # ®, U >'£ ► Seldom will you find values to exceed these preceding a r\r Trane •> • l \f<\' *■ «--■ % - . ID 4 ► wash fabric season. owiJior l rans- Manufacturer < * 11 00 yards 25c yard-wide Col- j Ginghams, bars and stripes, at. lOl*m3.tlOn St A\ ' // \\ I* ► ored Cotton Voiles, in brown and yard 15c # and by the way, a local factory, who offered ,/ I\j G'r 'Lj r ► garnet, at. yard 5* 15c 32-inch School cloth, neat R #*rll infirm these 13,000 flannelette garments at a very ; / j// fit f(TI f\ T"7il : t" 4 ' . V9 00 .>' ards 32 : inch Striped Stripes at. yard . •• l°f U small price, which enables us to offer them / ,&U »•* J A ' M |3 * u Switinir in f?Tci\* and inn witli col- —lmcii tiiiisli Crcpc Suitiui', . .1 1 j j• BHBBBBBBpf"" c/.** Ihhb 4 yard all shades, at. yard .. Our stock of hair switches | at just half the price you would ordinarily liTy M//Al • • I ► ''OCX) vard-; 10c Uress Gin»- ,c re P e l J l' ss f- neat figures include the famous French and j pay, as follows: U y <SS> ; bam. alliho coloring, in checks "'wfXi "shire'cijth' -'T"" ! Children'.s'flanneletleGowns Children's Flannelette Petti- Infants' Flannelette Sacqucs ► bars, pla.ds, at. yard ....e ; and plaill colors , wht in a C 1 (JI 25c plain colored Crepes, at, Ihe assortment is complete Women's and Misses' Flan- from 19c. Children's Flannelette Rom- * ► 1 m ' m A 'a \> ya ',"- •» 121/ * r —beautitul blondes, drabs and nelette Gowns at 4Hc\ from Infants' Flannelette Gowns pers at 150, from 29c. ' cafes!^light figures f7 = fh° 8 " ' 7sc l ° 89c '. t C 1 * l °*' Women's Flannelette Petti- ; * and stripes, at, yard .>«■ 25c Satin Finish " Poplins, at foliations to match any Children s P lannelette bleep- | 49c. ! coats at from 50c; 190, y 25 c 32-inch Scotch Zephyr j yard switch. Quality is line and ing Garments at 190, from 39c. j Boys' Flannelette Night from 39c. K Main Floor— bowman's. wavy. Infants' Flannelette Ki- j Shirts and Pajamas at -90, Misses' Flannelette Petti- * * f —This reduction is special for J monos at 190, from 29c. i from 50c. coats at 150, from 29c. fTL r^L' F\ . . r\l l .. ' , The atsoriments are complete and include a full range of tize* k lhe L,hma Department Utters J ■ ; : Unequalled Savings Utica, Mohawk Prices Are Low On Women's Gloves J Fireproof Cooking Ware Set, Open Stock Decorated Dinner chamoisette <aovos ut 29c— regularly Kid Gloves at si.so—regularly $2.50; 4 * 39<^—formerly 45c: set consists Ware—at one-half regular pricew -L 1 ? I'-t-i- rt tn /J Ih r 50c; Kayser's 2-clasp gloves in black, all 16-button length: tan only; not all sizes. ► of one each, 6, 7 and 8-inch bowl. Plates at 38* dozen from 75c; kj/TCCTS CLZ SZjXZf tTTltly $ 2 t so?™ttutton^TenKth sl rear r chamoi« " ► D T ~ . ao , I 4{)f dozen from' 98c; 55* dozen Chamoisette Gloves at 50c— regularly skin. ' < Brass Jardinieres at 89e—for- • ](1 r F • 75c; Kaysers 16-button white Kid Gloves at 75c—regularly «1.00; 2- 4 y merly $1.39, heavy spun brass. _ „ , r~*fl f*P Q on J ' 1 clas P- in ta ". sray and white. ► brush finish . 10-inch opening: 8'/ 2 Open Stock Decorated Dinner W I ILL CO Main kioo,-boavman .s. < ► inches high with ball foot. Ware-at one-half reguar prices. , y Rra<!« Fem DUh 4-Qf. f..r Plates at dozen from 7dc; These best known sheets need no recommendation as everv m Brass fern Dish, 4*>e—toi- 4<> c . dozcn tron , 98c . f rom • - merly 69c; spun brass, 8-inch si.io. housewite knows of the fine qualities that has characterized ShmnrY rs l-s R * I ► 1/c " xxltl ' e °PP eretl li'dng. Pickle Dishes at 10c each these famous makes for years. Owing to a very large purchase l_J» J3« XD UpCCISIS Perforated Brass Fern Dish, from 19c. , ' . XT ► 09* —formerly 98c; 7-inch size. Sauce Dishes at 15e each we are enabled to sell them at greatly reduced prices. (Not more j *Y/ ' A 1 ► beautifully made and finished, from 29c. than six to each customer.) 11l W 0111011 S /\DDdrCI ► with copper lining. Meat Platters at 10* from 19c; * * ► „,o A rif%?^«omd S col" Ch_for ' I ' V trol "f!:.^ ro,n 49c - Utica Sheets I , ...U.J av/v. v-w,u.o. 68e, value SOc; SSxflO inches. -- ) C viltie file - <!''\9o inches I frl /in IHi Decorated German China at Asf '■ 70<- . value soe; 72x90 inches. value 7r.c : 7 : 'x»o inches ' wenty-five dozen in the lot, IpI.UU 4 ► 39f—formerly 49c; sugar and 82c! vSlue 7-v'' valu" '"c 1 - 81x99 f h"che« two good styles of striped M anv stap le silk waists ► cream sets, mayonnaise sets, «oc, value si.o»; »o*9o inches ~ r3K \ value i)se;' 90x90 inches. gingham; limit, -to each cus- among'them \nd fancy waists 4 ► fyr»P. P itch f. r and P latP - marma - tA Utica Cases and Bolsters .. , . - jd 1 , tonier ' -silk, chiffon, crepe de chine. , ► 'ade jars, olive and spoon trays, WgffiJ~l U"Ca LOSeS ana Bolsters Mohawk Cases and Bolsters cn * 9C nn W• * t All of them "ood models [ nut bowls, relish dishes, footed i«<-. value 20c; 42x3G inches. _ , $3.50 to $5. 00 Waists at • 6 ooa inoaeis. 4 ► . , , . 1,1 18c. value 22c; 45x30 inches. l.»r, value 20c; 42x36 inches. n/1 n . . Mn comports, cake plates and salad -■ sic, value 40c; 42x72 inches. io<-, value 22c; 43x36 inches. r\n SI.OO Petticoats at 49c dishes. • tt,? 8«e. value 45c; 45x72 inches. 32c, value 40c; 45x72 inches. fi.9o . 4 ► TJ TT u 11 T OH Oft ■-*** black satine, two good crass Umbrella Jars, sUl.rfJ j cl~ L*.l C "# J Really high class garments stvles. Cut wide for the new formerly $198: heavy spun brass 100-piece Dinner Sets selected Sheets and CaSeS, Slightly SOiled tha t you'll want as soon as you stvle skirts. < 21 inches high with lion head from open stock dmnerware pat- ® ' see them. Among them are c , cn y . i7C 4 t handles, weighted bottom. terns „ , , „ , p.., - thc finest sflk Dresden # $1.50 Kimonos at 75c Jardinieres at Half Price, made Slr.oo 100-piece Dinner Sets at patterns and chiffons and crcpe Made of extra heavy flannel- 4 ► of crockery, blended cojors; 85* j $9.50 Muslins ! I3c, 42x36 inches. c hi nes . Most of them just ette. big floral designs. Cut 4 ► from r^Oc, 38* from 7sc; - 4Sc, value 69c; 72x90 inches. He, value 18c; 42x36 inches. one of a kind. very full and long. ► « roir i 98c; 63* from $1.25. ! piece Dinner Sets, at ...$11.50 s«< - . value 80c; 81x90 inches. i Jie 4 5x3 6 inches i i?i nn r Bnwuivß * BOWMAN'S Basement. 58c. value 79c; 90x90 inches. ,U * 40X,,,> ,ncntS - Second Floor—BOW MAN S. A r j 75c, value 95c; 81x108 inches. I 15c, value 19c; <5x36 inches. ► Main FIoor.—BOWMAN'S. > ■ ' J; Fur Prices Have Reached the The B . B. B. Sale of Linens •: ; s Notch Boys' Overcoats and Balmacaans and ■ ► Mink Sets at $80.00; formerly. Natural Wolf bets at $13.98; •' ' Cv#ttv A yyOW ► c Pt - uutdnn f 1 formerly SIB.OO. . "j A p Brown Union Toweling at iy 2 # Homespun Table Damask at 35* < ► SIOO 00 ' ' * formeily l iger Coney Sets at $5.00; for- ClOinC? at S\ I 1 yard—regularly 10c; known for its yard—regularly 44c, 54 inches wide, 4 ► Gem,'ine Mole Sets at $30.00; ~ . VjUlllgdt q)| # QJ splendid wearing qualities. ni two pattcrns-thc dice and broken , ► formerly $60.00. All Children s Purs at half price. T Huck Towels> 3 dQz {qt Skunk Opossum Sets at $30.00; Large line of Scarfs in black wolf, T , ... , , , ~ , . . . - A/ , . Unbleached Table Damask at formerly $50.00. Persian Paw, natural wolf and coney Heavy l>alniacaans and sh»i\\ 1 collai overcoats of gray lcgua v ' ? ' yard—regularly 29c, 54 inches wide. h Black Fox Sets at $30.00; for- to in B. B. B. Sale at SI.OO cassimeres and tan and brown chinchillas; also homespuns; plain wl,ite - Mercerized Table Covers at 09* i metlj $50.00. Iwo Xear-Seal Coats, short mod- sizes 2V> to 8 vears Reduced from S3 SO nifl 7t Silver Bleached Damask at regularly $1.15, _ yauls squaie, ► Red Fox Sets at $12.98; for- els .sizes 36 and 38; to go in 13. B. B. /2 Y and yard-regularly 75c, all linen, 2 mill hurts; limit, one to a customer. ► merly $18.50. Sale at, each $5.00 Boys' $3.50 Norfolks Suits, Boys' Double Breasted Suits at yards wide Turkish Face Cloths at 5* —reg- " fcSMSr" " * ,#,ooi P r^, Cua Wtre '° r - dark mixtures; sizes 8 »a.™-rc K ,lnrl y S.VOO. $6.95 ami ' 'Silver Bleached Damask, a. 4U,- «'arlv Bc. mostly all initials. ; ► uin!!. I C • T- e merly $50.00 and $60.00. at $7 00, blue serge; sizes 11 and 12, ya rd—regularlv 69c all linen 70 Turkish Towels at 13* reg ►at »0S• firESv tST X t,S #IO.OO and 555.00 to only. kh ts S nlarly 20c (seconds), bleached, good < ► ' ' " , I Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'B. heavy quality, size 40x24 * jm A, A AAAAAAA A A A AAAAAAAAAA, 4i>AAAii AA AAAAAAAAAAAAdkAAAAAAJLAA TUESDAY EVENING, harrisburg telegraph FJiBKUAKV y, lyio. 3
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